How to draw a girl who has. We draw a girl in full growth with a pencil: a master class with photo and video materials

Dear friends! In this lesson, we will tell you how to draw a girl step by step using a pencil V full height. Drawing a girl is fun because you can choose any hairstyle for her, long, short or medium hair. Not only can you give her different hairstyles, you can also portray a girl in any outfit. This lesson will give you knowledge on how to draw a girl with a pencil. This is within the power of even novice artists, whether a child or an adult.


The first step is to draw a circle for the head, and then sketch out the outlines of the torso, arms and legs until you get what is shown in the picture.


Simply draw out the shape of the girl's face as done in the image and be sure to include the ear line. Then draw the front lining of her hairstyle.


This is the easiest part of drawing a girl with a pencil, you only need to make a few simple lines that will start the drawing process for the eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth.


Just draw in the eyes as shown here and move on to step five.


At this stage, we draw a hairstyle for our girl. It is at this step that you can make a hairstyle with long, short hair or even cute pigtails. Then we draw a neck, and then her shoulders and sleeves.


Sketch out the shirt for our girl by making the collar and then the rest of her torso shape.


Now it's time to draw the hands, as you see here. When everything is done, you can move on to the next step.


The next step is to start the skirt. Don't forget to add some suspenders to the skirt in the right corner.


Now draw the girl's legs and notice how there is a small arch on one leg, this is for her shoes.

STEP #10

All that's left to do is put our girl in shoes like you see here. When this is done, you can start erasing the lines and shapes that you drew in the first step.

STEP #11

Now that you have completed this lesson, you can color it in. You can use pencils, markers, pens, or anything else. We hope you enjoyed our phased occupation and you now know how to draw a girl with a pencil.

Drawing the human figure is one of the main industries visual arts. Already creating the first drawings, any kid tries to portray a person, for example, his mother, his father, brother or grandmother. Of course, children do not succeed in portraying people right away. As a rule, the first drawings of a person made by kids are distinguished by their primitiveness, sketchiness and monotony. Experts explain this by the fact that young children have not yet accumulated enough life observations of the movements and proportions of the human figure.
In general, a person is the most difficult object to draw. Therefore, you should not expect from a child that he will immediately draw a masterpiece. Parents should help the kid, and then he will surely get carried away with drawing and learn to more or less realistically portray the human figure.
So, to draw a person you will need:
1). Colour pencils;
2). Gel pen ( better fit black);
3). Pencil;
5). Eraser;
6). Paper that has a fairly smooth surface.

If everything is ready, you can get to work:
1. Draw a small oval first;
2. Draw a straight line to the oval;
3. Just below the head, draw a bell depicting a dress;
4. Sketch both legs under the bell;
5. Draw hands with thin lines;
6. Draw the hands;
7. Draw a handkerchief on the girl's head;
8. Draw a bang. Then draw the eyes, nose and mouth;
9. Draw the girl's outfit in more detail, and also depict the flowers that she collects;
10. Circle all the contours with a pen;
11. Erase the sketch with an eraser. Start coloring the drawing;
12. Finish coloring the picture, choosing bright and juicy shades.
The drawing of the girl is completely ready. Children will surely enjoy drawing a human figure. They will enthusiastically portray the heroes of any fairy tales, members of their family and friends.

Good afternoon, today we are back to the topic of drawing human figure and we will learn how to draw beautiful girl. Our heroine is reclining on the ground, she leans on the ground with one hand.

In this lesson, we will not just draw a portrait of our girl, but we will talk a little about how to draw female figure with different hairstyles, figures, dressed in different clothes. Thanks to this lesson, you can learn on your own. It doesn’t have to be sitting or lying down, everything will depend only on your imagination. Practice and you will succeed. Let's get started:

Step 1
The physique of a beautiful girl can be both thin and dense. But when drawing a figure, you need to know which clothes suit which physique. The picture shows a few examples of clothes that fit a thin girl, but do not fit a tight girl.

Step 2
The first girl in the picture is self-confident, stands in a proud posture. The second, shy, squeezed. The third girl is a mixture of the first and second. She is dazzling and flirtatious, but at the same time very mysterious.

Step 3
Look at the types of faces, this is also very important. You are a figure stylist and you need to know that the face and hair are hers. own style. For example, if she has a high forehead, then she needs bangs.

Step 4
Most scientists claim that perfect person symmetrical face. This means, beautiful person. As you can see in the picture, an asymmetrical face doesn't look good. It is important to understand that in a person's face everything is in the center of something. (Eyes, in the center of the top of the head. Eyebrows, between the eyes and the top of the head. Nose, between the eyes and chin. Mouth, between the chin and nose.)

Step 5
A beautiful girl has long eyelashes. The picture shows a few examples of long lashes, as well as a few examples of the look.

Step 6
Makeup, too important detail. Never forget that cosmetics should not be too much.

Step 7
The next important step in how to draw a beautiful girl is the hairstyle. A hairstyle can make a girl very feminine, or maybe a boy, hair can be long or short, the only thing you need to do is to choose the right hairstyle for your character so that it matches both the face and the figure.

Step 8
One more detail before we start drawing the girl. Of course, these are not all options, but you can see several names of the girls' images. Of course, you can change or mix characters, but in moderation.

Step 9
To begin with, how to draw a beautiful girl, let's draw auxiliary lines as shown in the figure.

Step 10
Then draw the contours of the body.

Step 11
We start drawing from the upper body, the head. 1. We draw an oval of the face and a line of hair framing the face. 2. Next eyelids, eyebrows, nose, mouth and ears. 3. Let's draw in more detail the eyes and nose. 4. Draw long eyelashes. 5. Now let's draw the main outline of the hair. 6. Draw the hair in more detail.

Step 12
Let's start drawing the body. Let's draw the neck and shoulders. In our drawing, clothes with a hood, we draw it too.

Step 13
We draw the details of the hood and the line of the collarbone.

Step 14
Now let's draw the hand on which the girl leans. This is an important detail in the pose.

Step 15
We draw a bust.

Shah 16
Let's draw the lines of the T-shirt and the belt of the trousers. The girl is sitting and folds are visible on her stomach.

Step 17
Let's draw the lines of bent legs.

Step 19
Our drawing is ready. You can color the girl to your taste.

Our lesson is over now you know . I hope that you have learned a lot from this lesson that is useful for yourself and your creativity. If you liked this lesson, then you can subscribe to new lessons that we publish every week. Good luck!

How to draw easily step by step and by cells?

Using a simple step-by-step drawing technique, even novice artists can draw beautiful animal figures. Here's how to draw a funny puppy.

And so with the help geometric shapes you can draw a cow.

The chicken that sits on the eggs begins to draw from the circle. Gradually draw the beak, eyes, wings and tail.

And after the chicken has hatched the eggs, you can draw chickens.

Drawing a bat at first glance seems difficult, but if you use the step-by-step drawing technique, then this cute bat will appear in your album in 5 minutes. Also two circles, but a larger one at the bottom, and a smaller one at the top will help draw a cat.

Birds are hard to draw, and parrots are even harder to draw. But three circles of the same size will help to cope with this task.

And so you can draw a mouse.

The very cute Cat Lady is drawn with a pencil, the auxiliary lines are carefully removed and the cat is painted watercolor paints.

The drawing of an elephant and a horse can be drawn by everyone who knows how to draw circles, ovals and rectangles.

The difficult task of drawing a camel only seems difficult. But in the technique of phased drawing, nothing is possible.

Domestic animals sheep and pig are drawn a little differently. In a pig, the muzzle is first drawn, and then the torso. In a sheep, on the contrary, first the torso and at the end the muzzle.

A non-flying bird of the cold seas, a penguin and a forest bird, an owl, are drawn in stages and painted with watercolors.

Drawing a snail is easy to do if you draw a circle, then draw the body of the snail and finish the curl on the shell, eyes and antennae.

To draw a duckling, it is enough to draw an oval to the circle and finish the tail, beak and eyes and wings.

And so you can draw kids.

It happens that girls draw in albums, but do not know how to draw a face beautifully. A simple scheme will come to the rescue, where the correct proportions of the face are observed.

You can not puzzle for a long time what hairstyle to draw for a girl in a diary, but simply choose the one you like and draw the same one.

Flowers in albums can also be drawn in stages. For a flower to have correct form it is enough to make a circle or an oval and draw the center and petals.

Beautiful and easy drawings by cells for sketching in a notebook and a personal diary for girls 5 - 12 years old

The easiest way to draw on the cells. Of course, if you have a lined drawing. These cute kittens can appear in the diary if you draw them in the cells.

For pages in a diary about love, a drawing with a boy and a girl who exchange hearts is suitable.

Another drawing on the theme of love is not difficult to redraw, but very interesting.

A bear holding a heart will decorate the pages of the girls' diary, and the cells will help to draw it.

A smiling dog in flowers is suitable for those who like to communicate with dogs and draw them.

Drawings of girls in anime style will decorate the pages of the diary. They are easy to redraw in the cells and paint with watercolors or felt-tip pens.

The drawing is more complicated with a girl, a butterfly and a strawberry. However, if you carefully count the cells and draw on them, success is guaranteed.

An anime-style portrait of a girl in profile is also suitable for girls' diaries. The drawing is transferred to the cells, the color of the hairstyle and eyes of the drawn girl depends on the wishes of the owner of the diary.

Bear-boy and bear-girl will remind you that friendship happens both between animals and between guys.

Beautiful and easy drawings by cells for sketching in a notebook and a personal diary for boys 5 - 12 years old

Both boys and girls love to draw cats. Such a funny cat will appear in an album or notebook if you draw it in the cells.

Boys love to draw motorcycles. Even though they don't have a motorcycle yet. real life, but it can always be drawn in cells.

space theme is also relevant for drawings of boys and the astronaut cat may be to their liking.

Cell drawings are beautiful and easy for girls and boys: ideas, photos

A lion with a red mane, drawn in the cells with its fiery mane, will decorate any diary.

The whole picture can be drawn by cells. A lion, a zebra, a giraffe, an elephant and a hippo sit on it in dense thickets.

These animals can be drawn separately. Blue elephant for sketching by cells

And so you can draw and color a butterfly. She can decorate girls' albums.

If you finish the pond and reeds, you get a picture with funny frogs in the center.

A checkered fox cub can be drawn on fabulous pictures, or you can add flowers and grass and decorate a diary with such a picture. Tree for sketching by cells

A cheerful dragonfly will surprise you with bright wings.

VIDEO: How to draw a bee in stages?

The main thing in drawing a girl is her face, so it’s better to start learning to draw from it. After that, you can go to step by step drawing girls in full growth and the image of her in different styles. Each time you can complicate your drawing a little: add new details, shadows, until you get real portrait or a full-length drawing with a photographic effect.

How to draw a girl's face

To draw the face of a little girl, draw a large oval with a pencil - the basis for the face and two lines for the neck. Make the main outline of the hair, start drawing it from the top of the head and finish without reaching the neck. Start working on the part of the hair that will fall on the face - depict it with oval lines overlapping part of the left side of the oval. On the right, the bangs will flutter a little, so you will need long lines that are not adjacent to the face. And just below, part of the stripes will go beyond the neck, so draw them with oval lines that are in contact with the neck. On the left, draw a pigtail in the form English letters"S" intertwined.

Let's move on to the eyes. You can use pre-drawn guides, or do without them if not necessary. Make the basic shape of the eyes, eyelids, iris and pupils, line up the eyebrows. Draw a nose - nostrils in the form of thin strips and small ovals along the edges of them. Below, sketch out the mouth. The lower lip is slightly thicker than the upper, the mouth is slightly open, teeth are visible under the upper lip. Add structure to the hair by drawing many light lines. Do not overdo it so that you don’t get “porridge” on your head. Color the portrait. To draw a cute girl, it is better to do it in watercolor or pastel to create a more gentle image.

Drawing of a girl for children

To draw a girl in full growth, you need to gradually depict all parts of her body. Draw a circle for the face and guide lines in it. Make a frame for the girl's figure - a curved line for the body, arms with shoulders in the shape of the letter "P" and legs in the form of the same letter with a concave "cap". With one line draw the outline of the face, ear and hair. To do this, mark the bangs below the upper part of the circle, from it an oval shape, tapering downwards - the ear, narrow the chin, shifting the image to the left so that the head turns. Make light outlines of eyebrows, eyes, nose and mouth, then finish the eyes. Finish the hairstyle by drawing voluminous hair over the main oval and adding an elongated bob shape from below. If you want, you can choose any haircut - voluminous curls, long straight curls or a pigtail.

Let's move on to clothes. Draw a T-shirt with a round neckline. Her sleeves are short, which means her elbows should be visible on her arm. The hands are not thin, the fingers are indicated without details. The sleeves of the T-shirt are slightly bulging up, this will enhance the effect of naturalness. The girl's skirt will be short, from her draw legs and shoes or boots turned toe to the viewer. Color the drawing as desired. For clothes, it is better to use a bright felt-tip pen, marker, acrylic or gouache, and paint over the face with watercolor or pastel. Instead of a skirt with a T-shirt, you can draw a girl in a dress. To do this, erase the line between the skirt and the T-shirt. Or initially, instead of a skirt, draw long lines to the floor, going from the very waist, then a long dress will come out.

Anime style girl

It is very easy to draw a girl with long hair in anime style. Create a frame for the body and head. A feature of people in anime is their disproportion. They must be too thin and long-legged. Therefore, when depicting the frame of the legs, lengthen the line by about a third of the usual length. More often anime heroines are depicted in motion. Depict the body slightly turned to the side so that one arm is visible only up to the elbow, and the leg is set back. The face should be exaggerated big eyes. Hair should flutter in the wind, their ends are sharp, in the form of triangles, torn bangs above the eyebrows. The heroine is dressed in a short school T-shirt with a lapel at the neckline and wide sleeves. Another feature of anime heroines in large breasts.

Add details and folds on the blouse, hair structure in contact with the clothes and move on to the skirt. The skirt of Japanese girls is short, pleated, with a belt. The belt is usually triangular in shape. Draw thin legs with thin knees from under the skirt. Gently erase all guide lines with an eraser so as not to hurt the main pattern. Blow off the crumb from the gum without touching it with your finger so as not to smear the picture.

You can add stockings, but in any case, the toes should be visible. Add shadows where necessary. To make the drawn girl even more beautiful, circle the resulting picture with colored gel pens. You can paint over the picture with small hatching, or with pencils.
