Brief biography of Alexander Nikolaevich Benois. Biography and paintings of Alexandre Benois Biography of the artist Alexandre Benois

Alexander Nikolaevich Benois (April 21 (May 3), 1870, St. Petersburg - February 9, 1960, Paris) - Russian artist, art historian, art critic, founder and main ideologist of the association "World of Art".

Biography of Alexandre Benois

Alexander Benois was born on April 21 (May 3), 1870 in St. Petersburg, in the family Russian architect Nikolai Leontyevich Benois and Camilla Albertovna Benois (née Kavos).

He graduated from the prestigious 2nd St. Petersburg Gymnasium. For some time he studied at the Academy of Arts, also studied fine arts independently and under the guidance of his older brother Albert.

In 1894, he began his career as a theorist and art historian, writing a chapter on Russian artists for the German collection History of Painting of the 19th Century.

In 1896-1898 and 1905-1907 he worked in France.

Creativity Benoit

He became one of the organizers and ideologists of the artistic association "World of Art", founded the magazine of the same name.

In 1916-1918, the artist created illustrations for A. S. Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman". In 1918

Benois headed the Art Gallery of the Hermitage, published its new catalog. He continued to work as a book and theater artist, in particular, he worked on the design of BDT performances.

In 1925 he took part in International exhibition contemporary decorative and industrial arts in Paris.

In 1926, Benois left the USSR without returning from a business trip abroad. He lived in Paris, worked mainly on sketches of theatrical scenery and costumes.

Alexandre Benois played a significant role in the productions of S. Diaghilev's ballet enterprise "Ballets Russes", as an artist and author - director of performances.

Benoit started his creative activity as a landscape painter and throughout his life he painted landscapes, mainly watercolors. They make up almost half of his heritage. The very appeal to the landscape in Benoit was dictated by an interest in history. Two topics invariably attracted his attention: "Petersburg XVIII - early XIX V." and "The France of Louis XIV".

The earliest of Benoit's retrospective works are related to his work at Versailles. The series belongs to 1897-1898 small paintings made in watercolor and gouache and combined common theme- "The last walks of Louis XIV." This is an example of the historical reconstruction of the past by the artist, characteristic of Benois's work, inspired by the living impressions of the parks of Versailles with their sculpture and architecture; but at the same time, the results of a scrupulous study of the old french art, especially engravings of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The famous "Notes" of Duke Louis de Saint Simon gave the artist the plot outline of "The Last Walks of Louis XIV" and, together with Other memoirs and literary sources, introduced Benois into the atmosphere of the era.

One of his highest achievements was the scenery for the ballet I. F. Stravinsky "Petrushka" (1911); this ballet was created according to the idea of ​​Benois himself and according to the libretto written by him. Soon after, the artist's cooperation with the Moscow Art Theater was born, where he successfully designed two performances based on the plays of J.-B. Moliere (1913) and for some time even participated in the management of the theater along with K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Artist's work

  • Cemetery
  • Carnival on the Fontanka
  • Summer garden under Peter the Great
  • Rei embankment in Basel in the rain
  • Oranienbaum. Japanese garden
  • Versailles. Trianon Garden
  • Versailles. alley
  • From the fantasy world
  • Parade under Pavel 1

  • Italian comedy. "Love Note"
  • Berta (costume sketch by V. Komissarzhevskaya)
  • Evening
  • Petrushka (costume design for Stravinsky's Petrushka)
  • Herman in front of the windows of the Countess (screen saver for Pushkin's The Queen of Spades)
  • Illustration for Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman"
  • From the series "The last walks of Louis 14"
  • Masquerade under Louis 14
  • Marquise's Bath
  • wedding walk
  • Peterhof. Flower beds under the Grand Palace
  • Peterhof. The lower fountain at the Cascade
  • Peterhof. Grand Cascade
  • Peterhof. main fountain
  • Pavilion

History of graphics

Benois Alexander Nikolaevich (1870-1960)

A. V. Benois was born into the family of a famous architect and grew up in an atmosphere of reverence for art, but did not receive an art education. He studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University (1890-94), but at the same time independently studied the history of art and was engaged in drawing and painting (mainly watercolor). He did this so thoroughly that he managed to write a chapter on Russian art for the third volume of "The History of Painting in the 19th Century" by R. Muther, published in 1894. They immediately started talking about him as a talented art critic who turned the established ideas about development domestic art. In 1897, based on impressions from trips to France, he created the first serious work - a series of watercolors "The Last Walks of Louis XIV", showing himself in it as an original artist.

Immediately declaring himself both a practitioner and a theorist of art at the same time, Benois maintained this dual unity in subsequent years, his talent and energy were enough for everything. He actively participated in artistic life- primarily in the activities of the association "World of Art", the ideologist and theorist of which he was, as well as in the publication of the journal "World of Art", which became the basis of this association; often appeared in print and every week published his "Art Letters" (1908-16) in the newspaper "Rech".

He worked no less fruitfully as an art historian: he published in two editions (1901, 1902) the widely known book Russian Painting in the 19th Century, substantially reworking his earlier essay for it; began to publish serial publications "Russian School of Painting" and "History of Painting of All Times and Peoples" (1910-17; the publication was interrupted with the beginning of the revolution) and the magazine "Art Treasures of Russia"; created a wonderful "Guide to the Hermitage Art Gallery" (1911).

After the revolution of 1917, Benois took an active part in the work of various organizations, mainly related to the protection of monuments of art and antiquity, and from 1918 he also took up museum work- became in charge art gallery Hermitage. He developed and successfully implemented a completely new plan for the general, museum expositions, which contributed to the most expressive demonstration of each work.

The same themes, in essence, were devoted to his numerous natural landscapes, which he usually performed either in St. Petersburg and its suburbs, or in Versailles (Benoit regularly traveled to France and lived there for a long time). The same themes dominated his book and theatrical works, to which he, like most of the "World of Art", paid no less, if not more, attention than easel art. In the history of Russian book graphics the artist entered with his book "ABC in the paintings of Alexander Benois" (1905) and illustrations for "The Queen of Spades" by A. S. Pushkin, performed in two versions (1899, 1910), as well as wonderful illustrations for "The Bronze Horseman", three versions of which devoted almost twenty years of labor (1903-22).

One of his highest achievements was the scenery for I. F. Stravinsky's ballet "Petrushka" (1911); this ballet was created on the idea of ​​Bonu himself;) and on the basis of the libretto written by him. Soon after, the artist’s collaboration with the Moscow Art Theater began, where he successfully designed two performances based on the plays by J. B. Molière (1913) and for some time even participated in the management of the theater along with K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

In 1926, Benois, having made a forced choice between the difficulties of an emigre existence and the increasingly frightening prospect of living in a Soviet country, left for France. There he worked mainly in theaters: first at the Grand Opera in Paris, and after World War II at La Scala in Milan. He worked at the same professional level, but he was no longer able to create anything fundamentally new and interesting, often content with varying the old one (at least eight versions of the legendary ballet "Petrushka" were performed). The main work of the last (since 1934) years was his memoirs, on the pages of which he resurrects in detail and fascinatingly the years of his childhood and youth.

Books about Alexandre Benois and literary works by A. Benois. See >>

A. Benois. "ABC in pictures"

Facsimile reproduction of the 1904 edition.
One of famous books for children - "The ABC in Pictures" by the Russian artist, art historian Alexander Nikolaevich Benois. The refined graphics of Benois are still an unsurpassed example of book illustration. Each page of the "ABC" is an amazing bewitching fairy-tale world.

Books about Alexandre Benois, art criticism and literary works A. Benois:

Russian school of painting. Alexander Benois

Book famous author is a reprint of his work, published in editions in 1904-06. This is the first serious attempt to study Russian painting from the 18th century to the days of the publication of the last issue. The artist and critic acts as an art historian, which is of undoubted interest to the modern reader.
The proposed edition reproduces illustrations selected by the author and uses elements of the original design.

Bronze Horseman. A.S. Pushkin. Series "Russian poets". Illustrations by Alexandre Benois

A reprint reproduction of an outstanding monument of book art - "The Bronze Horseman" by A.S. Pushkin with illustrations by A.N. Benois, published by the "Committee for the Popularization of Artistic Publications" (St. Petersburg, 1923), in this edition is supplemented by a reproduction of the so-called "censored autograph" - "second white manuscript" of the poem, with notes by Emperor Nicholas I, as well as its canonical text. Attached are selected poems by Russian poets about Petersburg and the Bronze Horseman.

Alphabet in pictures. Alexander Benois

The elegant "ABC in Pictures" is not a simple children's book.
This is a book with history, well-deserved and famous, with its secrets and special artistic merit. An old alphabet with pictures, it still looks fresh and young. Having undergone many years (a whole century!) of reprints, "The ABC in Pictures" is now honorably called the ABC in illustrations No. 1 for children.
This is a wonderful monument of Russian book culture, a source of pride for collectors who own it, a book worthy of close attention from adults.

Alexander Benois. My memories (set of 2 books)

The book "My memories" by A.N. Benois has become almost a desktop for the intelligentsia and at the same time a bibliographic rarity.
Of great interest is the family structure and environment of Benois, artistic and theatrical life Petersburg of that era. "Memoirs" by A.N. Benois teaches love for one's country, one's city, one's family and its traditions. You return to the book for references, and for knowledge, and just for the sake of peace of mind.

Diary 1916-1918. Alexander Benois. Series "Biographies and memoirs"

The diaries of Alexander Nikolaevich Benois (1870-1960) - a painter, art historian, theater decorator and art critic - tell not only about the life of the artist, his family and friends, but also about the events that largely determined the course of history. This book was the first to publish "Dangerous Diaries of 1917-1918" (about three hundred pages), which were kept in the family archive of his friend Stepan Petrovich Yaremich. These diaries supplement the omissions in the edition of "The Russian Way".

The history of painting of all times and peoples. In four volumes. Alexander Benois

The personality of Alexander Nikolaevich Benois is striking in its scale. For the first time in the history of Russian aesthetic thought, he substantiated national identity and international connections Russian art of modern times.
"The history of painting of all times and peoples" - perhaps the most significant work A.N. Benois on the history of world art.

Alexander Benois. Artistic letters. 1930 - 1936 Latest News newspaper, Paris

Articles famous artist and figures of Russian culture convey his impressions of the artistic life of France in the 1930s, as well as of events in Russia, information about which reached Paris irregularly. The introductory article talks about the great value literary heritage A.N. Benois.

Imperial Hermitage. Electronic publication dedicated to the Hermitage and its collections

Two CDs created from text famous work artist and art critic Alexander Benois "Guide to the Picture Gallery of the Imperial Hermitage". Brilliant Russian language, accurate, public characteristics of various European schools of painting and paintings by great artists make the guide indispensable for all categories of users.

Alexandre Benois as an art critic. Mark Etkind

The book is dedicated to the artistic and critical activity of A.N. Benois, when he, a young and full of strength artist, became not only a reflector and conductor aesthetic ideas, but also a genuine "think tank" of one of the significant trends in Russian culture. During this period, the critic has gone from understanding the task of the artist as creativity "for the sake of the opening day" to a broad idea of artistic culture in general, where all areas of a single and precisely this unity of strong art are connected by indissoluble bonds.

Self-portrait 1896 (paper, ink, pen)

Biography of Alexandre Benois

Benois Alexander Nikolaevich(1870-1960) graphic artist, painter, theater designer, publisher, writer, one of the authors modern look books. Representative of Russian modernity.

A. N. Benois was born into the family of a famous architect and grew up in an atmosphere of reverence for art, but did not receive an art education. He studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University (1890-94), but at the same time independently studied the history of art and was engaged in drawing and painting (mainly watercolor). He did this so thoroughly that he managed to write a chapter on Russian art for the third volume of "The History of Painting in the 19th Century" by R. Muther, published in 1894.

They immediately started talking about him as a talented art critic who turned over the established ideas about the development of domestic art. In 1897, based on impressions from trips to France, he created the first serious work - a series of watercolors "The Last Walks of Louis XIV", - showing himself in it as an original artist.

Benois Alexander Nikolaevich (1870-1960) graphic artist, painter, theater artist, publisher, writer, one of the authors of the modern image of the book. Representative of Russian modernity.

A. N. Benois was born into the family of a famous architect and grew up in an atmosphere of reverence for art, but did not receive an art education. He studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University (1890-94), but at the same time independently studied the history of art and was engaged in drawing and painting (mainly watercolor). He did this so thoroughly that he managed to write a chapter on Russian art for the third volume of "The History of Painting in the 19th Century" by R. Muther, published in 1894.

They immediately started talking about him as a talented art critic who turned over the established ideas about the development of domestic art. In 1897, based on impressions from trips to France, he created the first serious work - a series of watercolors "The Last Walks of Louis XIV", showing himself in it as an original artist.

The last walks of Louis XIV

Masquerade under Louis 14. 1898

Walk of the King. 1906

from the series "The last walks of Louis 14". 1898

Repeated trips to Italy and France and copying artistic treasures there, studying the writings of Saint-Simon, Western literature of the 17th-19th centuries, and interest in ancient engravings were the foundation of his artistic education. In 1893, Benois acted as a landscape painter, creating watercolors of the environs of St. Petersburg. In 1897-1898 he paints in watercolor and gouache a series of landscape paintings of the Versailles parks, recreating in them the spirit and atmosphere of antiquity.

Versailles. 1906

Versailles. Trianon Garden. 1906

Versailles. Alley. 1906

Name of the painting: Cemetery. 1896-97

Name of the painting: Carnival on the Fontanka

He worked no less fruitfully as an art historian: he published in two editions (1901, 1902) the widely known book Russian Painting in the 19th Century, substantially reworking his earlier essay for it; began to publish serial publications "Russian School of Painting" and "History of Painting of All Times and Peoples" (1910-17; the publication was interrupted with the beginning of the revolution) and the magazine "Art Treasures of Russia"; created a wonderful "Guide to the Hermitage Art Gallery" (1911).

Peterhof. Big cascade. 1901-17

Quay Rei in Basel in the rain. 1902

Summer garden under Peter the Great. 1902

Oranienbaum. Japanese garden. 1902

From the fantasy world. 1904

Pavilion. 1906

Marquise bath. 1906

Wedding walk. 1906

In the work of Benois the artist, history decisively prevailed. Two topics invariably attracted his attention: "Petersburg in the 18th - early 19th centuries." and "The France of Louis XIV". He addressed them primarily in his historical compositions - in two "Versailles series" (1897, 1905-06), in widely famous paintings"Parade under Paul I" (1907)

Parade under Pavel 1. 1907

One of his highest achievements was the scenery for I. F. Stravinsky's ballet "Petrushka" (1911). Soon, Benois began working with the Moscow Art Theater, where he successfully designed two performances based on the plays of J.-B. Moliere (1913) and for some time even participated in the management of the theater along with K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Italian comedy. "Love Note". 1907

Berta (costume sketch by V. Komissarzhevskaya). 1907

Evening. 1905-06

After the revolution of 1917, Benois took an active part in the work of various organizations, mainly related to the protection of monuments of art and antiquity, and from 1918 he also took up museum work - he became the head of the Hermitage Art Gallery. He developed and successfully implemented a completely new plan for the general exposition of the museum, which contributed to the most expressive demonstration of each work.

At the beginning of the XX century. Benois illustrates the works of Pushkin A.S. Acts as a critic and art historian. In the 1910s, people came to the center of the artist's interests.

Herman in front of the windows of the Countess (screen saver for Pushkin's The Queen of Spades). 1911

The artist entered the history of Russian book graphics with his book "The Alphabet in the Pictures of Alexander Benois" (1905) and illustrations for "The Queen of Spades" by A. S. Pushkin, performed in two versions (1899, 1910), as well as wonderful illustrations for " Bronze Horseman", to the three variants of which he devoted almost twenty years of work (1903-22).

illustration for Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman". 1904

Frontispiece sketch for A. S. Pushkin's poem "The Bronze Horseman"

By the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, Benois again returns to the landscapes of Peterhof, Oranienbaum, Pavlovsk. It glorifies the beauty and grandeur of 18th century architecture. Nature interests the artist mainly in its connection with history. Possessing a gift for teaching and erudition, he late XIX V. organized the "World of Art" association, becoming its theorist and inspirer. He worked a lot in book graphics. He often appeared in the press and every week published his "Artistic Letters" (1908-16) in the newspaper "Rech".

Peterhof. Flower beds under the Grand Palace. 1918

Peterhof. The lower fountain at the Cascade. 1942

Peterhof. main fountain. 1942

From 1926 he lived in Paris, where he died. The main works of the artist: "The Walk of the King" (1906), "Fantasy on the Versailles theme" (1906), "Italian comedy" (1906), illustrations for the Bronze Horseman by Pushkin A.S. (1903) and others.

Benois Alexander Nikolaevich

Self-portrait. 1896 (paper, ink, pen)

Benois Alexander Nikolaevich

Marquise bath. 1906


Italian comedy. "Love note". 1907.

Summer garden under Peter the Great. 1902

Pavilion. 1906

Oranienbaum. Japanese Hall 1901

Quay Rey in Basel in the rain. 1902

Masquerade under Louis 14. 1898

Parade under Pavel 1. 1907

Wedding walk. 1906

Paris. Carruzel. 1927

Peterhof. Flower beds under the Grand Palace. 1918

Peterhof. The lower fountain at the Cascade. 1942

Peterhof. main fountain. 1942

Peterhof. Big cascade. 1901-17

Biography of Alexandre Benois.

Benois Alexander Nikolaevich(1870-1960) graphic artist, painter, theater artist, publisher, writer, one of the authors of the modern image of the book. Representative of Russian modernity.

A. N. Benois was born into the family of a famous architect and grew up in an atmosphere of reverence for art, but did not receive an art education. He studied at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University (1890-94), but at the same time independently studied the history of art and was engaged in drawing and painting (mainly watercolor). He did this so thoroughly that he managed to write a chapter on Russian art for the third volume of "The History of Painting in the 19th Century" by R. Muther, published in 1894.

They immediately started talking about him as a talented art critic who turned over the established ideas about the development of domestic art. In 1897, based on impressions from trips to France, he created the first serious work - a series of watercolors "The Last Walks of Louis XIV", - showing himself in it as an original artist.

Repeated trips to Italy and France and copying artistic treasures there, studying the writings of Saint-Simon, Western literature of the 17th-19th centuries, and interest in ancient engravings formed the foundation of his artistic education. In 1893, Benois acted as a landscape painter, creating watercolors of the environs of St. Petersburg. In 1897-1898 he paints in watercolor and gouache a series of landscape paintings of the Versailles parks, recreating in them the spirit and atmosphere of antiquity.

By the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, Benois again returns to the landscapes of Peterhof, Oranienbaum, Pavlovsk. It glorifies the beauty and grandeur of 18th century architecture. Nature interests the artist mainly in its connection with history. Possessing a pedagogical gift and erudition, he at the end of the 19th century. organized the "World of Art" association, becoming its theorist and inspirer. He worked a lot in book graphics. He often appeared in the press and every week published his "Artistic Letters" (1908-16) in the newspaper "Rech".

He worked no less fruitfully as an art historian: he published in two editions (1901, 1902) the widely known book Russian Painting in the 19th Century, substantially reworking his earlier essay for it; began to publish serial publications "Russian School of Painting" and "History of Painting of All Times and Peoples" (1910-17; the publication was interrupted with the beginning of the revolution) and the magazine "Art Treasures of Russia"; created a wonderful "Guide to the Hermitage Art Gallery" (1911).

After the revolution of 1917, Benois took an active part in the work of various organizations, mainly related to the protection of monuments of art and antiquity, and from 1918 he also took up museum work - he became in charge of the Hermitage Art Gallery. He developed and successfully implemented a completely new plan for the general exposition of the museum, which contributed to the most expressive demonstration of each work.

At the beginning of the XX century. Benois illustrates the works of Pushkin A.S. Acts as a critic and art historian. In the 1910s, people came to the center of the artist's interests. This is his picture "Peter I on a walk in summer garden", where in a multi-figure scene the appearance of past life seen through the eyes of a contemporary.

In the work of Benois the artist, history decisively prevailed. Two topics invariably attracted his attention: "Petersburg in the 18th - early 19th centuries." and "The France of Louis XIV". He addressed them primarily in his historical compositions - in two "Versailles series" (1897, 1905-06), in the well-known paintings "Parade under Paul I" (1907), "Exit of Catherine II in Tsarskoye Selo Palace" (1907 ) and others, reproducing a long-gone life with deep knowledge and a subtle sense of style. The same themes, in essence, were devoted to his numerous natural landscapes, which he usually performed either in St. Petersburg and its suburbs, or in Versailles (Benoit regularly traveled to France and lived there for a long time). The artist entered the history of Russian book graphics with his book "The Alphabet in the Pictures of Alexander Benois" (1905) and illustrations for "The Queen of Spades" by A. S. Pushkin, performed in two versions (1899, 1910), as well as wonderful illustrations for "The Bronze Horseman" ", to the three variants of which he devoted almost twenty years of work (1903-22).

In the same years, he took part in the design of the "Russian Seasons", organized by Diaghilev S.P. in Paris, which included in their program not only opera and ballet performances, but also symphony concerts.

Benois designed the opera "Death of the Gods" by R. Wagner on stage Mariinsky Theater and after that he performed sketches of scenery for N. N. Tcherepnin's ballet "The Pavilion of Armida" (1903), the libretto of which he composed himself. The passion for ballet turned out to be so strong that, on the initiative of Benois and with his direct participation, a private ballet troupe, which began in 1909 triumphal performances in Paris - "Russian Seasons". Benois, who took the post of artistic director in the troupe, performed the design for several performances.

One of his highest achievements was the scenery for I. F. Stravinsky's ballet "Petrushka" (1911). Soon, Benois began working with the Moscow Art Theater, where he successfully designed two performances based on the plays of J.-B. Moliere (1913) and for some time even participated in the management of the theater along with K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

From 1926 he lived in Paris, where he died. The main works of the artist: "The Walk of the King" (1906), "Fantasy on the Versailles theme" (1906), "Italian comedy" (1906), illustrations for the Bronze Horseman by Pushkin A.S. (1903) and others


(Click on the picture to see the description of the book)
