Flyer children's center. Children's club advertising: attracting new visitors, maintaining the interest of existing customers, notification of discounts and special promotions

Each individual children's center has its own ways to attract customers. First of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of tasks this institution will perform, what children will be taught, what requirements parents of your region impose on child development. For example, if there are specialized schools in the city that teach foreign languages, attention is paid to an in-depth study of mathematics, computer science, then lessons should be introduced in these subjects and in child Center. You should also carefully study the activities of competing organizations in order to avoid repetition and intersection of directions.

What are the ways to promote a children's center

You can advertise the services provided by the children's center by distributing flyers, leaflets, brochures that can be organized in children's clinics, kindergartens, clubs, shops, in a word, in places where children and their parents often visit.

It is worth carefully monitoring which segment of consumers your offers are designed for. For example, if your center is designed for the elite, then you should not distribute advertising in bedroom areas where average workers live. In this case, it is possible to organize targeted mailing directly to elite cottages, to microdistricts where rich people live, striving to give a decent education to their children.

However, do not forget that the service of the children's club itself can already be considered elite, parents trust your company with the most precious thing they have. It is very important that you develop a trusting relationship with the client for many years to come, not only at the time of contact with the advertising message.

Feel free to introduce yourself, make a film about the children's center or describe the main benefits in the form of a beautiful brochure.

Organization of events for children and parents

One of the great promotional moves will be the organization of free trial lessons for children. But if you want to keep customers, then you should take care of creating excellent comfortable conditions for both children and parents waiting for them during classes. This can be the organization of cozy waiting rooms with connected TV, upholstered furniture, the ability to access the Internet, with a set of interesting and constantly updated magazines. You can organize a small cafe, a buffet, create a small library, etc. If the parents are not burdened by the waiting time, they will gladly agree to visit this center regularly.

Recruitment for a kids club

It is also important to create conditions for children in which they will feel better than on a regular playground. It is better if talented, child-loving specialists who are able to find an approach to a variety of children will be involved in the work. We must try to gather in the center of various specialists who will be able to make interesting and useful work many circles and directions at once. In this case, many will want to engage in several areas at once, for example, learn languages, master drawing, music, dance, computer skills, develop logic, creative thinking, etc.

Kids club outdoor advertising

In order to send a child to your club, any parent will ask himself a simple question, without receiving an answer to which, he will never choose you. "What do I know about this club?"
Specialists from your club should be experts with publications in professional forms, your programs should contain terms familiar to parents: Montessori groups, development of emotional intelligence, etc. It is very good if you encourage your regular customers to bring their friends and acquaintances, there are loyalty programs that are beneficial to all participants in the process. But the very first argument, if there are no reviews yet, will be “I saw this club somewhere”, it could be a billboard on Shchelkovo highway, there could be a small pillar near the metro, the important thing is that the client remembers your brand, the first barrier has been removed distrust, and when choosing among all the other options, a person will intuitively gravitate towards what he knows at least "capped". Try to use this credit of trust wisely, tell us more about yourself in telephone conversation, invite the child and the parent to a "test day" at the club, ask them to leave contacts and remind themselves of themselves before the start of the school year.

Sofya Timofeeva and Anastasia Shevchenko, co-founders of the Umnichka children's eco-club, founders of the Your Club project, share their experience in attracting children to the club. How to interest children and win the favor of their parents for the benefit of all parties.

Sofya Timofeeva and Anastasia Shevchenko, co-founders of the Umnichka children's eco-club, founders of the Your Club project, will tell you how to attract new children to your club and how to win over their parents.

It's no secret that the success of any business directly depends on a developed client network. And the kids club is no exception.

However, the peculiarity of this business is that the clients here are funny and curious kids, each of which is unique in nature and needs a special approach.

Let's test

Currently, the Internet, print media, and the streets of the city are literally full of ads offering services for early development children. And parents among all this diversity are quite easy to get confused.

They are constantly faced with a choice: which club to give preference to? What courses should you take your child to? Therefore, invite your potential clients to attend your trial classes. While the kids will be engaged with teachers, the club administrator can fruitfully communicate with parents, introduce them to the full range of services, talk about traditions and achievements, about bonuses and promotions.

And parents, in turn, can get acquainted with the methods, examine the situation, and in general feel the spirit of the holiday and creativity of your club. It is this factor that can play a decisive role when parents choose a children's club for their baby.

Trial lessons can be both paid and free. But if you conduct trial classes for free, then be sure to include their payment in the price of the subscription when it is sold. In other words, if the client liked the course and decided to visit your club, then payment for the course should begin with a trial lesson.

Otherwise, if the trial classes are simply “gifted” to clients, you risk incurring decent losses, because. no one canceled the rent and salaries of teachers.

Give gifts

What do kids love the most? Of course, gifts! But the most interesting thing is that adults love gifts no less. They just like gifts differently. If a child who crosses the threshold of your club for the first time can be given small souvenirs, small cars, pencils, notepads, thereby endearing him to himself and leaving a pleasant memory of your club.

Then adults will like bonuses, promotions and discounts on your services, with which you can significantly save the family budget. Although the matter, of course, is not so much in saving, but in psychological aspect. It's always nice to receive gifts!

And it will be another important factor which will set you apart from your competitors. So regularly hold promotions, provide discounts, give bonuses. Some of the most effective promotions that influence the flow of customers to the club are promotions such as “Bring a friend” or “To the club with friends”.

The meaning of this promotion is that those clients who have brought their friends to the club are given a discount on the payment for classes. It is worth noting here that the best advertisement the children's club is word of mouth, and it is in your power to make it broadcast exclusively on your wavelength, notifying target audience O high quality your services.

Do not forget that in addition to the club, your clients visit a number of other children's places - these are playgrounds, kindergartens, and clinics. And during the time that the children frolic with each other, their mothers have time to discuss more than one topic.

And one of the most discussed is the early child development. Therefore, the “Bring a friend” campaign can be a strong enough motivation for parents to tell your potential clients about all the advantages and merits of your club and invite them to visit you.

Sector "Prize"

What else do children like besides gifts? Participate in games and competitions, win and receive prizes. The most interesting thing is that growing up, many of us continue to participate in competitions, striving to win and receive a well-deserved reward for this.

We still have the spirit of competition! Apparently, this is why contests and quizzes held on social networks are so popular among community members.

Take advantage of this opportunity too. Run a contest on your page social network and play a subscription to classes in your club. As incentive prizes can be - trial lessons in your club for everyone involved.

We meet guests

"Whoever visits in the morning, he acts wisely." The point of view of Winnie the Pooh is shared by most of today's children. They just love to visit, especially where they are warmly welcomed. New environment, new friends, new toys. What could be more interesting!

So arrange a free creative workshop in your kids club. Put up ads on nearby houses, hand out flyers, ask your clients to tell their friends and neighbors about a free workshop that will take place at your club.

This is very effective method increase your customer base. After all, in addition to the wonderful fake that the kid will have as a memory of your club, he may well have a desire to continue acquaintance with the children, and with the teachers, and with the kind of creativity that he touched.

To each according to his ability

Imagine the situation: a kid came to your club for a trial lesson, worked out with a teacher, made friends with other children, he liked everything and his mother too. But that's not the problem! They can't afford to attend your classes right now. There are different situations in families: the birth of a second child, temporary unemployment, problems with business.

Yes, you never know. It would seem that there is already a potential client, but he may never turn into a real client. Therefore, in order for the club to really make a profit, it is necessary to determine a diverse pricing policy. Those. provide different activities in the club, in different time and at different prices. For example, you can install more low prices for classes during grace hours, when the attendance of the club decreases for objective reasons.

Thus, another problem will be solved - forced downtime, when groups are not recruited, or poorly staffed at lunchtime or in the morning. It is also possible to provide different types courses, some will cost more, while others will cost less. However, all courses without exception must be of high quality!

And in conclusion of the article, I would like to cite an outstanding businessman who said: "Do not allow yourself to doze off in inaction." In order for your club to bring you profit, constantly improve, come up with something new, unusual, non-standard, which will cause a great desire among kids and their parents to look into your club and become its regular customers for many years to come.

The technologies presented in the article have been tested on real clients, in a real children's center and continue to bring an uninterrupted stream of parents who buy the services of a children's center.

Who will benefit from this article:

  • for leaders of the children's center
  • for child center manager
  • for the administrator of the children's center
  • to all sales professionals, self-selling entrepreneurs
  • to everyone who does not know how to sell
  • for anyone who wants to learn
  • Anyone who wants to improve their sales skills

Many people believe that the key to sales is product knowledge and a thorough understanding of the market. Of course, without it, nowhere. But let's dig deeper. To reach this stage, you need to interest the interlocutor, preferably a manifestation of interest in you. As in that “cheat sheet” for AIDA marketers, we first need attention (attention), and then interest (interest). That's how it works. And in sales too.

How often have you encountered situations when, starting to introduce himself to a client, he simply hung up. No explanation. You have already tuned in to the presentation of services, full of inspiration, and in response you hear beeps, and as a result, disconnection ... Or - introduce yourself: “Hello, my name is Ekaterina, I am the administrator of the Totosha talent club. Then the standard text begins from the series “Olga, I have an excellent offer for you, we will soon have New Year's parties…” and then the soul flew to heaven with a typical “managerial” text. The client hears the text for 2 minutes and in response says: “oh, don’t”, “thank you, I don’t need anything”, “I don’t have time”, “call back” ...

Not a very pleasant feeling. Is it true? And how can one not give up after this?

Once upon a time, I had to deal with this. But fortunately, it is no longer necessary to invent a bicycle, there are many technologies and practical techniques to avoid such situations. You will be able to include your interlocutor in the conversation to the maximum, interest, and most importantly, convey the purpose of your call.

Let's start with the fundamentals. The first reason is the lack of purpose of the call.

As strange as it may sound, you should always have a purpose for the call. Maximum focus.

The state is here and now. You must clearly understand what you are doing now and where it will lead you. Why call customers and what you need from them. Once you figure it out for yourself, the confidence and purpose of the call is guaranteed.

The second reason is the desire to "sell" and sell

Thoughts on only one thing - just to buy.

Good deals are not made with this approach. Remember, verbal and nonverbal communication conveys the information in your head directly to the client. He feels absolutely everything and at any moment can stop communicating with you.

How to get rid of it?

Think about the value of the service you are selling. Every time you dial a number or invite your parents to a trial class, keep this benefit in mind. First of all, you solve the client's problem. Almost like doctors, you give a prescription, a magic pill.

Shift the concept of "sell, sell" - to "help, solve the problem."

The third reason, and part-time my favorite - you are boring

Some may think that I have a radical approach, and the amount of criticism in this article of the average sales manager is over the top. Let's face it. Are you interested in listening to a boring, no different from the rest of the managers, a man who calls with an offer to buy from him a year's subscription to the magazine "Natalie"?

Either you need to change something in yourself, or change your job. Sales are not for you.

A sales professional is a confident, charismatic, resourceful and enthusiastic person. Frank Bettger's book "Yesterday's Loser is Today's Successful Businessman" by Frank Bettger will help you with this.

The fourth point of our knowledge will be - paralinguistics

She is a must have in dealing with clients. With it, you can set the pace, timbre of speech, intonation, pauses, sonority, volume, articulation of sounds.

Nothing without her. By working on paralinguistics, you improve your communication skills. Because 60% is how you say it, not what you say.

The fifth mistake is your own fear of the client and the fear of rejection.

Most people are afraid to talk to strangers, much less get the word "no". There is an easy way to get rid of this fear.

You can take any yellow pages or base "which is not a pity" and make about 30 calls with approximately the following text: " Good afternoon Mikhail, my name is Ekaterina, I recently work as an administrator and I am very afraid to talk to clients, could you help me overcome this fear and send me to hell right now?”

You have no idea what an amazing effect this exercise gives. Solve all problems at once.

The sixth reason is misrepresentation and complex incomprehensible text of the conversation.

Misunderstanding refers to cliche greetings with a client. come up with original words, something that will make the client feel interested, included. He will hear something unusual. Perhaps it will be an association with something.

No need to complicate. Speak as clearly and simply as possible. If you need to explain why you are calling, do it in an interesting and simple way. The client must turn on and understand who is calling him and why.

The seventh reason is the lack of active listening technique on your part in the conversation.

To make your listening active, here are a few tips to follow:

  1. Encourage the interlocutor. Express interest, use neutral words that do not express appreciation. Avoid criticism.

Use: Aha, Uh-huh, yes, I understand, etc. It will also help to verbatim repeat one or two words of the interlocutor.

  1. clarification. Helps to clarify what has been said, clarify, get more information. Ask questions. Restate what you heard is not quite accurate so that the speaker continues the explanation.

When, how did it happen? Did I understand correctly that....? As far as I understand, this is…. I heard…

  1. Asking again. Here you need to show that you are listening and understand the essence of what is being said. You are also testing your own understanding. Ask again, formulating the main sentences and facts in your own way.

I mean, you would like to... Wouldn't you?

  1. Empathy. Show that you understand the other person's feelings. Give the person the opportunity to hear about his feelings from the outside.

You seem upset by this fact...?

  1. Expression of empathy. Recognize the importance and express respect for the feelings and experiences of the other person. Recognize the importance of the interlocutor's problems.

I appreciate your willingness to resolve this issue... I share your concerns about this issue...

  1. Summarizing. Indicate progress in the conversation. Bring together the main ideas and facts. Create a basis for further discussion. Here it is necessary to re-formulate the main ideas and feelings.

Did I understand correctly that...? In the end, we can say that ... Let's summarize ...

However, the peculiarity of this business is that the clients here are funny and curious kids, each of which is unique in nature and needs a special approach.

Sofya Timofeeva and Anastasia Shevchenko, co-founders of the Umnichka children's eco-club, founders of the Your Club project, will tell you how to attract new children to your club and how to win over their parents.

Let's test

Currently, the Internet, print media, and the streets of the city are literally full of ads offering services for the early development of children. And parents among all this diversity are quite easy to get confused.

They are constantly faced with a choice: which club to give preference to? What courses should you take your child to? Therefore, invite your potential clients to attend your trial classes. While the kids will be engaged with teachers, the club administrator can fruitfully communicate with parents, introduce them to the full range of services, talk about traditions and achievements, about bonuses and promotions.

And parents, in turn, can get acquainted with the methods, examine the situation, and in general feel the spirit of the holiday and creativity of your club. It is this factor that can play a decisive role when parents choose a children's club for their baby.

Trial lessons can be both paid and free. But if you conduct trial classes for free, then be sure to include their payment in the price of the subscription when it is sold. In other words, if the client liked the course and decided to visit your club, then payment for the course should begin with a trial lesson.

Otherwise, if the trial classes are simply “gifted” to clients, you risk incurring decent losses, because. no one canceled the rent and salaries of teachers.

Give gifts

What do kids love the most? Of course, gifts! But the most interesting thing is that adults love gifts no less. They just like gifts differently. If a child who crosses the threshold of your club for the first time can be given small souvenirs, small cars, pencils, notepads, thereby endearing him to himself and leaving a pleasant memory of your club.

Then adults will like bonuses, promotions and discounts on your services, with which you can significantly save the family budget. Although the matter, of course, is not so much in economy as in the psychological aspect. It's always nice to receive gifts!

And this will be another important factor that will make you stand out from your competitors. So regularly hold promotions, provide discounts, give bonuses. Some of the most effective promotions that influence the flow of customers to the club are promotions such as “Bring a friend” or “To the club with friends”.

The meaning of this promotion is that those clients who have brought their friends to the club are given a discount on the payment for classes. It is worth noting here that the best advertising for a kids club is word of mouth, and it is in your power to make sure that it broadcasts exclusively on your wavelength, notifying the target audience of the high quality of your services.

Do not forget that in addition to the club, your clients visit a number of other children's places - these are playgrounds, kindergartens, and clinics. And during the time that the children frolic with each other, their mothers have time to discuss more than one topic.

And one of the most talked about is early childhood development. Therefore, the “Bring a friend” campaign can be a strong enough motivation for parents to tell your potential clients about all the advantages and merits of your club and invite them to visit you.

Sector "Prize"

What else do children like besides gifts? Participate in games and competitions, win and receive prizes. The most interesting thing is that growing up, many of us continue to participate in competitions, striving to win and receive a well-deserved reward for this.

We still have the spirit of competition! Apparently, this is why contests and quizzes held on social networks are so popular among community members.

Take advantage of this opportunity too. Arrange a contest on your page on a social network and play a subscription to classes in your club. Trial lessons in your club for all participants can become incentive prizes.

We meet guests

"Whoever visits in the morning, he acts wisely." The point of view of Winnie the Pooh is shared by most of today's children. They just love to visit, especially where they are warmly welcomed. New environment, new friends, new toys. What could be more interesting!

So arrange a free creative workshop in your kids club. Put up ads on nearby houses, hand out flyers, ask your clients to tell their friends and neighbors about a free workshop that will take place at your club.

This is a very effective way to increase your customer base. After all, in addition to the wonderful fake that the kid will have as a memory of your club, he may well have a desire to continue acquaintance with the children, and with the teachers, and with the kind of creativity that he touched.

To each according to his ability

Imagine the situation: a kid came to your club for a trial lesson, worked out with a teacher, made friends with other children, he liked everything and his mother too. But that's not the problem! They can't afford to attend your classes right now. There are different situations in families: the birth of a second child, temporary unemployment, problems with business.

Yes, you never know. It would seem that there is already a potential client, but he may never turn into a real client. Therefore, in order for the club to really make a profit, it is necessary to determine a diverse pricing policy. Those. provide different classes at the club, at different times and at different prices. For example, you can set lower prices for classes during grace hours, when club attendance decreases for objective reasons.

Thus, another problem will be solved - forced downtime, when groups are not recruited, or poorly staffed at lunchtime or in the morning. You can also provide different types of courses, some will cost more, while others will be cheaper. However, all courses without exception must be of high quality!

And in conclusion of the article, I would like to quote the prominent businessman Bill Gates, who said: "Do not allow yourself to doze off in inaction." In order for your club to bring you profit, constantly improve, come up with something new, unusual, non-standard, which will cause a great desire among kids and their parents to look into your club and become its regular customers for many years to come.

© Sofia Timofeeva and Anastasia Shevchenko

From the book Private kindergarten: where to start, how to succeed the author Zitser Natalia

From the book Kids Club: Where to Start, How to Succeed author Timofeeva Sofya Anatolievna

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