Step by step drawings for children 7 years old. Drawing lessons with a pencil in stages

Good day, Dear Parents. Today we will talk about how to teach a child to draw in stages. You must understand that this method is the most accessible for young children. We will consider age-specific features, as well as the basic rules and methods for reproducing some paintings using special algorithms.

What are the benefits of drawing

  1. The child develops fine motor skills.
  2. The drawings reveal the worldview, convey emotions and feelings.
  3. The child develops his own mind.
  4. When a child draws, there is an active development of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Thus, he, in fact, plays and shows his creative inclinations.
  5. Promotes the development of visual skills, speech, memory, touch and thinking.
  6. The process allows you to develop discipline, self-organization and perseverance.
  7. The kid gets used to finishing what he started.
  8. Drawing can be seen as a way of relaxing pastime, which is replacing active games.

A step-by-step way to create drawings

Step-by-step drawing is a method of depicting drawings, which makes it possible to do this sequentially, following simple instructions and diagrams. First you need to teach the child to draw simple drawings and then move on to more complex ones.

Often, even adults find it difficult to understand how to draw a particular creature or object. Knowing how to do this using simple geometric shapes will make the drawing process much easier and simpler. That is why this method good for teaching children.

When I was little, my mother bought me a special book step by step drawing. I didn't buy this for my son. Somehow it turned out that my child immediately began to draw entire compositions without thinking about anything for a second. I received and still receives great pleasure from this process.

Learning at home

First you need to take care of the acquisition necessary tools to create the first masterpieces of the child. For this you will need:

  • high quality album
  • soft simple pencil;
  • good eraser;
  • a set of colored pencils;
  • schemes for step by step drawing.

Don't be surprised that this moment so few fixtures are needed. Better first it’s a matter of introducing the baby to drawing with pencils, and only then move on to crayons or paints.

You also need to take care of the presence of a comfortable table, chair, good lighting. When class begins, eliminate all distractions and irritants.

It is necessary to remember the observance of certain rules in the learning process:

  • haste is a bad adviser;
  • you need to make every effort;
  • it is necessary to try to depict the drawing in the same sequence as indicated in the diagram;
  • you need to reproduce the picture, thinking and remembering your actions, so that later you have the opportunity to do it yourself, without using diagrams;
  • the first work should be fairly easy and simple to perform, then you need to consistently move on to more complex tasks;
  • remember that you can not complement the drawing of the baby. Your actions will only upset him.

Teaching kids from 3 to 4 years old

  1. For a child of 3 years, it is necessary to select only soft pencils. This is due to lack of pressure.
  2. We show the baby how to hold it correctly. If necessary, we help with our own hands.
  3. Remember that children at 3 and 4 years old are not yet able to confidently hold a pencil, and, therefore, draw straight lines. Therefore, at first you will have to practice doing just that.
  4. For children of this age, it is recommended to purchase special printed notebooks in which you can trace the finished pictures.
  5. The next stage is familiarity with simple geometric shapes. We draw a triangle, a circle, an oval, a rectangle, a square.
  6. As soon as the child has mastered the geometric shapes, and they began to work out for him, we proceed to their transformation into new objects. For example, from small circles and a rectangle, you can create a bus.

We meet children from five to seven years old

  1. If the baby, who is already 5 years old, was previously familiar with simple techniques drawing, then you can move from a simple pencil to a set of colored ones, also to felt-tip pens or paints. Explain to the baby that his image can be decorated by giving different colors to certain objects.
  2. At the age of 6, a child will be able to learn how to create compositions and whole plots in his paintings.
  3. At this age, children can be asked to draw on a piece of paper everything that they notice in everyday life.
  4. If a daughter or son has questions in creating paintings, you must always pay attention and try to find answers to them.
  5. A child at the age of 7 will already consciously convey his emotions with the help of drawings.


I bring to your attention a plan of four phased drawings. Start with the simplest - a tree or a rose, and in the end, try out the method of step-by-step drawing of a person. You will see that creating such pictures is not so difficult, any child will cope with the task.

Draw a tree

Tell the child that it should consist of a trunk, leaves and branches.

  1. Draw the trunk, note that it is much wider at the base than at the top.
  2. Think about what kind of tree you are depicting. Remember that, for example, a birch trunk is quite thin, has bends, and an oak is massive.
  3. Now we need to add branches. Note that they are wider at the base. You also need to understand that they are larger from the bottom of the trunk. It must be remembered that the branches of a tree begin to grow from about a quarter of its entire height. Branches are depicted directed towards the sun, that is, raised up.
  4. Try to draw small ones on thick branches, add realism to your drawing.
  5. For the first time, you can not draw each leaf, but depict the crown with one mass.
  6. Now you can color the resulting tree.

Create a rose

  1. We draw a smooth line that will be the stem of the plant.
  2. Draw leaves on the stem.
  3. We draw an oval. This will be our future bud.
  4. Inside the oval we depict the main petals, there are two of them. We draw so that the middle of the petals resembles a folded roll.
  5. We finish the small side petals.
  6. All that's left is to add color.

We draw a cat in stages

  1. Let's draw the head in the form of an oval.
  2. Now you need to draw a triangle in the center of the circle. This will be the nose, above it there are two circles on top - eyes.
  3. We draw a muzzle, add two arches that originate from the spout.
  4. Now you need to do the body. For this purpose, draw an oval.
  5. Draw the paws, add the tail.
  6. Now let's add two triangles, placing them on the head. These will be the ears.
  7. Inside each resulting triangle, add one more.
  8. Adding mustache.
  9. The cat is ready, it remains only to decorate it.

Draw the first man

Such an object is quite complex, and it is better to leave it in the end when getting acquainted with a phased drawing.

However, it is worth knowing that after obtaining certain skills in phased drawing, even such a drawing will not seem heavy and will be easily recreated by a child.

  1. For the image of the head, draw a regular oval.
  2. Now, directly under the drawn oval, you need to add a rectangle. This will be part of the torso, from the waist to the head.
  3. Next, you need to connect the drawn parts. This is how you get the neck.
  4. Under the rectangle, draw another one, the same width, but more oblong in length.
  5. The resulting rectangle must be divided into two halves, these will be the legs.
  6. Next, you need to depict the arms by drawing thin long rectangles along the upper torso.
  7. Now you can dress the resulting little man. Let's add a neck for a sweater, depict trousers, shoes and hands.
  8. Adding facial features, ears.
  9. Here is the man. It remains to give it brightness, decorating it.

Now you know how to teach a child to draw. The main thing is to be patient and do not put pressure on the baby. It will be ready when the time comes. Try to explain his mistakes as much as possible, remember that you can’t interfere in the work of children and make any adjustments to it.

Toddlers love to draw, but in middle preschool age, their artwork bears little resemblance to anything realistic. How to organize drawing classes for children 4-5 years old in such a way as to instill in the crumbs a love for fine arts and learn to draw simple drawings? We will tell you how to start classes, what are the benefits of such lessons and what art supplies can be used.

The benefits of drawing

Creative activities are an important element in the development of a child. For children preschool age visual-figurative thinking is characteristic, so drawing lessons have great importance at this age stage.

Drawing helps in the development of:

  • imagination;
  • abstract logical thinking;
  • fine motor skills;
  • logic;
  • creative thinking;
  • mindfulness.

And also drawing is an occasion to spend more time with the baby, which has a significant impact on his psycho-emotional development.


What supplies you need for classes depends on what you are going to draw with. And you can do it in different ways:

  • fingers;
  • palms;
  • tassels;
  • pencils;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • cotton swabs;
  • cotton wool.

You can use coloring pages or just landscape sheets.

To make drawing for children as effective as possible, use various items and lesson forms. For example, you can show a few creative techniques to a child using colored pencils, and the next day reinforce these techniques by drawing with crayons on the pavement, etc. Kids 4-5 years old may not like the monotonous drawing with felt-tip pens or pencils, so it is important to periodically change the methods learning.

5 ideas for learning

To teach a child to draw, you need to know a few interesting tricks that will instantly put the baby in the classroom. Consider them and start with the most suitable one.

  • Blots.

This is an easy way, but kids love it very much. You will need a landscape sheet, paints and brushes. Fold the sheet in half, draw a butterfly wing on one side, then firmly press the halves together so that the wing is imprinted on the empty part. In this way, you can draw not only a butterfly, but also a leaf, a flower, two friends, etc.

  • Geometric figures.

Use geometric shapes familiar to your child. For example, to draw a girl step by step, use a circle, a line, and a triangle. First, draw the head (show the baby how to draw a circle), from the circle draw a dress in the form of a triangle, legs and arms are drawn, respectively, with lines.

  • Stencils.

Prepare in advance various stencils that the child will first trace and then color. Gradually, he will remember the image and shape, and he will no longer need a stencil to draw a certain object. If the crumbs have a stencil of a square, a triangle and a rectangle, then he will be able to draw a house. Then he will begin to invent what else he could draw from these figures.

  • Imprints.

At 5 years old, children like to paint over something and then make prints. You can start with the palms, then take prints from convex surfaces. Curly seals are now being sold, from which the baby can create images. From the prints of the flower, a flower field is obtained, and above it you can draw the sun from geometric figure- circle.

  • Applications.

Combine drawing with others creative techniques. You can draw a background (blue sky, mountains, rocks, etc.), and other objects (stars, clouds, trees) can be cut out of paper, painted and glued to the background. You can also use colored sand or beads.


Drawing with children is part of your communication with them. In the classroom, you constantly talk with the baby, ask leading questions, thinking over which, he comes to certain conclusions. Thus, his ideas about the world are formed. Drawing the sea, the child may never have seen it, but he already knows what color it is and that there are waves on the sea. Depicting a tree, the kid remembers what it consists of, and that the season can be determined from the foliage. Be sure to include drawing lessons in your child's activities, because it contributes to the full formation of his personality.

Drawing lesson with a pencil for children 5-6 years old. Senior group

Master class on drawing "Unusual island"

Ivanova Yulia Vasilievna, educator, MBDOU "DSOV No. 83", Cherepovets, Vologda region.

Purpose: I bring to your attention a master class in drawing with a simple pencil for educators and parents. You can use the material as a drawing lesson with children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old) or as a sample of different lines for independent creative activity children.
Target: The development of aesthetic feelings and artistic skills in children of senior preschool age.
Tasks: Teach children how to draw using different lines. Help to remember their name (straight line, broken line, wavy, "curls", "loops", tubercles"). In a playful way, train children in drawing with a simple pencil. Develop imagination, eye, sense of rhythm and composition, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. Cultivate independence, accuracy and careful attitude to your drawings.
Materials: A sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser (eraser).

unusual island

Simple Pencil was very fond of drawing. He practiced a lot and learned how to draw different lines. But Pencil didn't know what to do with it. He was very sad. He sat and watched how all his friends, who also lived at the artist's table, were drawing. Wax crayons draw flowers, Paints draw the sea and ships, Colored Pencils have almost finished drawing the zoo, and Felt-tip pens have drawn whole city. The pencil was very upset and sad. After all, he was usually called to draw the outline of objects or animals, and the real picture was obtained only when all this was painted by his friends. But then the artist came, took a pencil in his hands and ... He drew the sea (wavy lines at the bottom of the sheet).

Then he drew an island (a large semi-circle).

This island is unusual, it is divided into several parts (direct vertical lines, which divide the island into approximately equal parts).

Each part of the island is decorated with different lines (straight horizontal, wavy, broken, "loops", "tubercles").

As soon as the whole island was decorated, trees grew on it. First came the birch.

Then spruce grew.

A light sea breeze blew and the branches of the trees swayed.

And suddenly magical flowers appeared on the island (the middle of the flowers is drawn with a "curl", and the petals are drawn with different lines).

Pencil really liked the unusual island. But flowers and trees will not grow without the sun, and the artist has already left. What to do? Pencil decided to invent and draw the sun himself.

The sun is shining and everyone is happy! The pencil carefully looked at the picture, thought and drew a cloud. Let the cheerful summer rain water the magical flowers.

It's a real picture! The pencil was pleased with his work. Now he knew that the picture did not have to be multi-colored.
Children's drawings (senior group 5-6 years old)

Drawing lessons in pencil in stages are activities that will help you master the technique of drawing, regardless of your ability or age. Drawing is really easy!


Do not believe that you can draw beautifully? Of course, only a real artist will really write a magnificent oil portrait, but even Small child will soon be able to repeat the hero of his favorite cartoon on paper, if will pass the lessons drawing for children on our website.

Just think how happy your baby will be when you tell her what today we learn to draw with a pencil! Why pencil? You have to start simple. And the easiest way to start is with light pencil drawings. Gradually, you will comprehend more and more complex skills. And, in the end, you can move on to working with paints. Drawing for children will become a favorite pastime, gradually introduce the kids to wonderful world bright images and favorite characters.

Fundamentals of pencil drawing taught in art school, you and your child will comprehend much faster if you go through the pencil drawing lessons in stages on our website. We have managed to create activities that even toddlers can handle! With us, learning is simple and fun, step by step you will understand that drawing is very interesting.

Learning to draw with a pencil

The first drawing lessons for children are designed to help adults. Help the kid to take the pencil correctly, support his pen, drawing the very first lines. Little artist should better feel the force with which you need to press in order to get a line of the correct thickness. Then let him draw simple line segments in different directions. After that, you can move on to simple shapes such as a circle, a rectangle, etc.

Gradually, the child’s drawing skills will be fixed, he will be able to come up with more complex plots himself, fantasize and embody his fantasies on paper. But you need to start with the baby with the simplest objects or characters well known to him. When buying everything you need, please note that for the first lessons young artist you will need a thick soft lead that leaves a bright mark with little or no pressure.

Drawing lessons with a pencil in stages for children

Talent is given to every person by nature, only to develop any abilities you need to start with early childhood. By helping children learn to form images into images, you are doing them a great service. Drawing with a pencil in stages is not only interesting, but also very useful for young children. The influence of the development of fine motor skills of the hands on mental abilities and psycho-emotional sphere in the very early age. Working with a felt-tip pen or pencil, the baby becomes more calm, balanced, he develops a wonderful aesthetic taste, develops a sense of harmony in relation to the whole world around him. This is true for adults too: when we learn to draw with a pencil, our nervous system resting. Isn't this the best cure for endless stress?

Why is it so important that parents also master drawing lessons for children? Help your child! Your baby, most likely, will not cope with the first tasks on his own, because he is very small and, most likely, has not yet mastered many skills. It is difficult for him to hold a pencil in his pen, he has not yet learned how to calculate the force of pressure on the paper, to navigate correctly within the boundaries of the paper sheet. The started drawing may not fit on paper, and the baby will start to get nervous. It is important not to miss this moment, but to help the child skillfully organize classes, then drawing will become a favorite pastime.

Lessons of drawing with a pencil are gradually selected in such a way that the child sees only objects familiar to him. They systematize the already existing experience of the little man and gradually expand his worldview, introducing new phenomena of nature and life. Perhaps now the baby will take a fresh look at the world and you will help him.

Drawing is very interesting view applied arts, drawings with paints for children allow you to develop personal qualities in children, instill in them a sense of taste. Studying with a child, you can teach him to think, think, feel. It is especially useful to draw with paints with young children. After all, drawing a year, they develop fine motor skills of the hand, which is very useful for mental development.

At two years old, children not only willingly play with blocks, but also show interest in drawing. Here, mom has the opportunity to show all her creative imagination. You can draw almost anything. It can be chairs, toys, dishes, a beloved cat.

Drawings with paints for children will help to fully prepare the baby for further education at school. First, it improves hand coordination and fine motor skills for 4 years, secondly, you can develop intelligence.

Well, performing precise movements with a brush or pencil - great way prepare your hand for writing.

You can teach in a playful way to distinguish colors and paints, determine sizes and teach elementary counting. Drawing helps to cope with psychological complexes up to 7 years.

Since simple paint drawings can be started early enough, it is not necessary to wait until the child asks for drawing tools. To begin with, you can draw yourself, saying “look what I will draw,” and the baby can easily act as a spectator. A baby at 4 months of age will not yet be able to hold a pencil or brush.

At the same time, not only pencils and paints can act as materials. You can master finger painting with the help of fingers and palms.

What colors are suitable for children's creativity

To date, in stores you can buy paints that are ideal for children's creativity. Among them:

  • Special finger painting kits for children 2 years old.

  • Gouache paints - from the age of four.

  • Watercolor from 6 years old.

Since we plan to start drawing lessons from 2-3 years old, it is worth choosing finger ones. For children 3-4 years old, you can switch to gouache and watercolor.

Drawing with paints for children should not be monotonous. It is not necessary to color a regular sheet of paper. You need to gradually add new elements.

On the video: how to simply and beautifully draw an octopus with paints.

What drawings should I start with?

If we are learning to draw, then we need to start with the simplest. As you gain experience and skills, the task will become more difficult. Working with a child, you do not need to ensure that he does everything right. Children must go through the stage of marania. This stage continues until about two years of age. At first, the baby will simply scribble pencils on paper.

However, a little more can be taught at this time. Note:

  1. With children 2-3 years old, you can master the skills of working with a pencil, felt-tip pen and brush.
  2. From five, carefully put dots, make lines, circles, an oval, paint over drawings with strokes.
  3. With seven, it’s really possible to master the skills of composition.

Easy Drawing Lessons for Toddlers

These simple lessons I usually spend drawing with kids. Very interesting are children's drawings in the technique of finger painting. Here's how to do it:

  1. Invite your child to dip their finger into the paint. Now put your finger on a sheet of paper, you get a speck.
  2. Help draw a petal or some kind of caterpillar.
  3. Drawing lines, draw rays, like the sun.

Now let the child try to draw something himself. As his hands become more confident at 5 years old, you can teach him how to use a brush. You need to show the kid the three basic skills of drawing with a brush, show how to rinse it before picking up new paint.

There are several ways to paint with a brush:

  • Soaking. We draw, lightly touching the paper, and immediately remove the brush, causing spots of paint. Have a 3-year-old child observe how the image is made.
  • Brushstroke technique. Carefully draw lines from the age of 3 in a variety of directions. Let them differ in length.
  • Draw a sketch with a pencil with 8. First, make the main lines and sketch with a pencil, and then paint.

As skills develop, the tasks will become more difficult. There are some very interesting techniques. They can be mastered by conducting regular classes with the child. To consolidate a particular skill, several lessons are required.

How to draw a rainbow and a butterfly (2 videos)

Ideas for children's drawings (19 photos)
