Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky contact. Rita Dakota gave birth: latest news, photos

Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota got married June 8, 2015 A magnificent wedding took place in one of the restaurants in Moscow on the Leningrad highway. The celebration was attended by relatives and friends of the newlyweds, as well as star guests.

Among the stars for the graduates of the "Star Factory" Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Gerasimovich (Dakota), Alexander Revva, Yegor Creed, Svetlana Loboda, Yulia Kovalchuk, singer Elka, Vadim Galygin, Sergey Lazarev, Olga Markes, Bianca, Alexander Panayotov, Anita Tsoi, Chelsea group. The hall was decorated in a gangster style, in the spirit of the movie Once Upon a Time in America. The room was decorated with red roses and papier-mâché poppies. Behind the newlyweds were large playing cards with portraits of Vlad and Rita. The celebration itself was arranged on the 25th wedding anniversary of Vlad Sokolovsky's parents. Moreover, it is noted that at the time of the marriage, his parents were the same age as Vlad himself is now. The wedding was organized by the well-known wedding agency "Svadberry", directly by Anna Gorodzhey.

Vsevolod Andreevich Sokolovsky (Vlad Sokolovsky)- singer, dancer, TV presenter, participant in Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes", former soloist bis group. Born on September 24, 1991 in Moscow.

Margarita Sergeevna Gerasimovich (Rita Dakota)- singer. She was born on March 9, 1990 in Minsk.

Rita and Vlad met on the TV project "Star Factory 7". A friendship began between them, which after a few years turned into a romance. In 2015, the star couple admitted that they were going to legalize their relationship. The wedding took place on June 3, 2015. Luxurious wedding Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota held on June 8.

Vlad Sokolovsky and Dakota wedding video

Wedding of Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota photo

Spouses Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky exclusively told the site how their life has changed with the birth of Mia.

Photo: Yaroslav Kloos Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota

The musicians became parents The baby, whom happy parents named Mia, completely changed their lives. And, as the artists themselves admit, in better side. Rita and Vlad, exclusively for the site, told how their life goes in a new status, and presented their baby to the public. Meet Mia! She is only two weeks old in this photo.

The artists did not dissemble: they, like all parents, experience difficulties, but all the chores for them are pleasant moments that they will remember with a smile.

Rita: We try to somehow treat lack of sleep and some difficulties with humor. And we understand that this fate - colic, teeth and everything else - awaits everyone.

Star parents say that they themselves throw themselves new difficulties. For example, they flew away for a few months to Bali with a newborn baby. And now they have become real professionals in the field of "family holidays". In their YouTube vlogs, the couple proves by their own example that even becoming parents, you can remain mobile and productive.

Vlad: I can say right away that traveling with a baby is not very convenient. When you fly with a two or three-month-old baby, you take food, diapers, a stroller, all kinds of sun loungers, toys ... A huge number of things! We took the minimum for ourselves and the maximum for her.

We flew away with a child who is two and a half months old, and we will return when she is four and a half. It's three different sizes clothes! Mia has a lot more things than us.

With Vlad and Rita, not only the way of life has changed, but also the inner perception of the world. They have become more reverent, sensitive and responsible.

Vlad: You worry all the time... Sometimes stupid thoughts come into your head. Here you are holding the child in your arms, everything is fine, you are standing with your feet on the ground and everything is cool, but some thought appears in your head: “What if you slip now.” And then you start to wind yourself up, although everything is in order.

Rita: Enhanced vigilance mode is activated. Even on such rare evenings when Vlad and I can go somewhere in the evening to hang out, like on the island of Bali (you can see it in one of our vlogs). Once we were at a Leningrad concert and drank wine. Everyone was drunk, but we weren't. We drank several glasses, but we didn’t have one in our eyes, because the vigilance mode turned on.

Despite the boundless love for their child, Rita and Vlad continue to do their projects, household chores and creativity. In part, Mia helped her parents learn how to properly plan their day.

Rita: We have become more organized in terms of time management. Previously, we could spread all our affairs for the whole day, come home between business to eat or do something else. Now we are trying to make a schedule for the day, so that in the first half of the day we can do the maximum number of things, and spend the second half with the child completely. But save, of course, grandmothers. God bless them.

Now the artists have already gained experience and can share it with other young parents. Vlad, for example, now knows everything about strollers. However, this was not always the case. Some moments really surprised the couple as they prepared for their new status.

Rita: There are some little things that you never think about. For me, for example, it was a great discovery that a newborn baby does not need a pillow. It seemed to me that I needed something softer, more comfortable, but it turned out that a pillow for a newborn is dangerous.

Or, for example, the most difficult moment for us in household things to care for a child is cutting our nails. In the rock-paper-scissors family, we decide who will do it, because everyone is afraid to take some wrong step.

Rita and Vlad can no doubt be called the parents of the year. A warm atmosphere reigns in their family, and they share this warmth with fans in their vlogs on the Sokolovsky & Dakota YouTube channel and on Instagram every day. They honestly tell what is really going on in their lives. Like all people, sometimes they break down. A tearful Rita picks up a camera and talks about failures... But this, as the artists themselves say, is real life, without embellishment.

Rita: We are learning to re-adjust to our freedom, because it looks a little different now. But it's really cool! It's growth, that's for sure. We have become better, we have become stronger. This is a very cool stage, and we are grateful to the Universe for it.

Rita Dakota (real name - Margarita Gerasimovich) was born on March 9, 1990 in Minsk. The family lived in a poor area of ​​the city, but the girl's parents tried to ensure that their daughter did not feel lack of anything. As a child, the girl walked for a long time with the guys from the yard, preferring to play the Cossack robbers and other “boyish” games.

Young Dakota dreamed of creating music since childhood. She also sang songs for neighbor grandmothers, secretly dreamed of becoming famous composer. The girl wrote her first poem at the age of five. It was dedicated to toys and was called The Steadfast Little Soldier.

Rita Dakota on stage

The mother of the future singer noticed her daughter's talent, and when she was seven years old, she gave her to music school. At the entrance exams, Rita sang the song " Moscow Nights". After some thought, the girl was enrolled in piano lessons, and she studied vocals as a free student, joining the school choir. Musical education was given easily, together with other children, Rita performed at international festivals and competitions.

At the age of eleven, Dakota became the author of her first song. She wrote the first serious composition, being influenced by the French film "Leon" and the composition "Shape of my heart" British musician Sting. She sang this song with a school friend on graduation party in fourth grade.

Already at the age of fourteen, Dakota was actively writing songs for her punk band and selling musical sketches to radio stations. In order for the girl and her business proposal to be taken seriously, she had to take one of the adults with her.

After school, Rita planned to enter School of Music name, and learned about the outstanding vocal teacher Gulnara Robertovna. The teacher helped to record demos of Dakota's songs in order to maintain copyright on them. At the same time, Rita became interested in graffiti and learned to draw. Then graffiti artists from Portugal visited Minsk, they saw the singer's drawings and described them as "dakotat". The girl liked this word so much that she made it her pseudonym.

The first steps in her creative biography was participation in the Belarusian talent competition "Star stagecoach" in 2005. However, the project did not bring the girl victory, since the jury of the competition accused the singer of lack of patriotism due to the performance of the song in English.

Such an event almost became an obstacle for Rita on the way to achieving her goal, but the girl continued to fight. She firmly decided to realize herself on stage.

The fateful moment for her will be participation in the large-scale Russian reality show "Star Factory". It is the television musical project "Star Factory" that opens up new opportunities for Rita.

"Star Factory"

In 2007, her active professional growth began. 17-year-old girl came from Minsk to the Moscow casting next season"Star Factory" simply because they wanted to give CDs with their music to well-known Russian producers. Belarusian girl did not dream of becoming one of the "manufacturers" at all, but in the end she was taken to the project - she even became its finalist.

When the casting for the Star Factory-7 project was announced, the singer's friends offered her to sell or even donate several of her songs to the contestants for the sake of advertising. If not for the support of friends, Dakota would have abandoned such an idea. The judges favorably reacted to the singer, she went through all the tours and got into the television version of the project.

On the show, Dakota performed exclusively her songs, and also wrote compositions for other participants. Her hit "Matches" was downloaded from the Internet more than a million times. Bright image, strong vocal abilities and interesting songs made Dakota one of the most memorable in the show.

After the "Factory" Dakota lacked money and the support of friends, she was disappointed in the Russian show business. Then the girl decided to end her career as a pop musician and engage exclusively in songwriting.


Gradually, Dakota disappears from the screens and creates an independent rock band Monroe. She does not hide her reason for leaving show business, declaring some kind of injustice:

“When I realized that this is a cruel, dishonest, “ostentatious” world, in which there is no place for music, but there are only gossip and deceit, I decided to leave the stage as an artist.”

In the future, the Monroe rock band became a regular participant in the Kubana and Invasion festivals. Together with the group, the girl toured the country, gathering full houses in different regions of the country.

The singer chose her image to match the music - rather bold and aggressive. Dreadlocks, bright makeup, tattoos - Dakota was even called Russian.

“The main thing is not our shell and musical tastes, but what we have inside. Inside, we are absolutely identical, ”Rita admits in an interview.

In 2015, Rita Dakota became a member musical project « main stage"on the TV channel "Russia-1". Her mentor on the project was a well-known producer who was in charge of the pop and pop-rock directions on the show. The singer performed exclusively her songs, which helped her reach the semi-finals of the competition.

However, the most popular for the performer is not participation in various competitions, but the track “Half a Person”, which was released in 2016. Immediately after the release of this composition, her fans were delighted with the new creation. It was this song that prompted Rita to work on new albums, audio recordings and videos.

In February 2017, information appeared in the media that Rita was seriously considering the possibility of leaving Russia. It can change from cold and overcast weather to a warmer oceanic climate in Bali. Holidays at a popular resort famous singer really liked it. Online Instagram the girl has repeatedly published photos in a swimsuit on the beach of a beautiful island.

Rita Dakota realized that Bali has become her almost native place: there she not only enjoys her vacation, but lives fully.

Personal life

On the TV project "Star Factory-7" Rita Dakota met young musician who will become her husband in the future. The love story of Rita and Sokolovsky deserves special attention. The couple met in 2007 at the Star Factory. Initially they were good friends and even called each other "brother" and "sis."

At the seventh "Factory" Vlad Sokolovsky, together with creates a duet "BiS", which is becoming quite popular. The new team won first places in the charts of radio stations and famous music channels. Blue-eyed and blond Vlad became recognizable in Russian show business and gained a huge army of lovers in love. At that time, Rita and Vlad had absolutely nothing in common, since they did not accept joint participation in projects, and also only occasionally crossed paths at large secular parties.

A few years later, at the birthday party of a mutual friend, the young people met. Years passed, Rita and Vlad changed noticeably, matured and looked at each other differently. The romance between them developed rapidly, and soon they completely amazed their fans with the news of the upcoming wedding.

In 2015, a man proposed to his beloved while on vacation in Bali. Rita, after not very long deliberation, agreed to become his wife, and her first photo appeared on Instagram in wedding dress. On June 3, 2015, the couple got married in one of the capital's churches, and five days later, the lovers played a luxurious wedding.

In April 2017, the couple's friends revealed that Rita was pregnant. October 23, 2017 Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky became parents. in a Moscow maternity hospital, a girl named Mia. Young parents talked about their emotions on the Youtube channel.

Rita Dakota now

Rita and Vlad in 2018 continued to maintain their blog, in which they shared the details of their personal lives and creativity. The young family showed footage of rehearsals, friendly gatherings, travels, shared joyful events (whether it was paying off a mortgage or Mia's first successes). The Sokolovskys gave the impression of a successful and ideal family.

In August 2018, fans were shocked. Rita Dakota on her Instagram announced that she was divorcing Vlad because of his many betrayals over the period from wedding to last days.

The girl expressed resentment due to the fact that a lot of mutual friends and relatives knew about her husband's betrayals. At the same time, many of them, including Sokolovsky's father, covered up Vlad's betrayals.

IN this moment the couple are already divorced. The divorce process was difficult to call simple, ahead of them was the division of property, since Vlad refused to voluntarily leave everything to his wife and daughter. Represented the interests of Dakota in court. According to Ekaterina, up to this point she had been performing the task of tacitly solving the problem. But the plans to “negotiate behind the scenes and peacefully” did not materialize. Gordon blamed Sokolovsky for this, noting that it was difficult to trust "the one who lied so much." As a result, the newly acquired apartment of the ex-spouses was rewritten to Mia, and Rita is no longer related to the once family business (the network of grill bars "Brazier").

The loudest divorces Russian show business

), her husband cheated on her, and allegedly did this from the first day of the relationship.

But let's get back to where it all began, and we suggest remembering how the love story of Sokolovsky and Dakota developed.

Colleagues in the shop

Vlad and Rita met back in 2007. 17-year-old Gerasimovich (that's what the singer is really called) then came from Minsk to the Moscow casting of the next season of Star Factory, simply because she wanted to hand over CDs with her music famous producers. The Belarusian girl did not even dream of becoming one of the "manufacturers". However, in the end, she was not only taken to the project - she even became its finalist.

16-year-old Vlad also ended up among the finalists. At the seventh "Factory", he, together with Dmitry Bikbaev, created the duet "BiS", which led young people to success.

Young people met at the "Star Factory". In the photo, Vlad is on the far right, Rita is a girl in plaid trousers, which is in the center

At the Star Factory, Vlad and Rita were good friends and even called each other "brother" and "sister". But after the project, the paths diverged.

Sokolovsky's "BiS" group won first places in the charts of music channels and radio stations, only the lazy did not hear their song "Katya, take the phone". Blue-eyed and blond Vlad found an army of lovers in love and became a recognizable hero of the domestic show business.

Dakota, on the contrary, disappeared from the screens and created an independent rock band Monroe. The singer does not hide the reasons for leaving show business: “When I realized that this is a cruel, dishonest, “ostentatious” world in which there is no place for music, but there are only gossip and deceit, I decided to leave the stage as an artist.”

On the project, young people became friends, but after graduating from the "Factory" they rarely talked

Image Dakota chose to match the music - quite aggressive. Dreadlocks, tattoos, bright makeup - the girl was even called Russian. And Vlad at that time performed romantic ballads and wore Wavy hair up to the shoulders. “The main thing is not our shell and musical tastes, but what we have inside. Inside, we are absolutely identical, ”Rita later admits.

At that moment, however, it seemed that Vlad and Rita had less and less in common: they did not participate in joint projects and only occasionally crossed paths at secular parties, only managing to say hello and inquire about each other's affairs.

A couple of old friends

It seemed that the musicians would forever remain only old acquaintances and colleagues. Indeed: what could a cute little boy and a bold rock singer have in common? In addition, Dakota is older than Vlad - even if the age difference is small, but most girls choose men older than themselves (and, as a result, more experienced) as partners.

The private life of Sokolovsky has always been in sight. Fans of the performer and journalists followed the changes on his personal front with passion. Who just did not rank among the chosen ones of Vlad! MGIMO student Dasha, DJ Karina, designer and even singer Nyusha. True, Vlad himself practically did not tell the press anything about his personal life. The singer used to share such things only with his parents and close friends.

As a result, Vlad managed to hide his relationship with Dakota for almost six months: he was afraid that they would jinx him! By the time the novel nevertheless became public, Vlad's chosen one was already familiar with his family. The singer spoke frankly about his feelings:

I am extremely happy - and this is the most important thing. My heart... I don't like the word busy. It is happy!

How did it happen? Sokolovsky met an old friend Rita at a party. As Dakota recalls, she was very surprised when she saw a friend after a long separation: “At first I didn’t recognize Vlad - for the first time in my life I saw him in a suit and with short haircut". By that time, Vlad had really matured noticeably: he got rid of wavy curls, grew stubble and began to wear classic and jackets.

Dakota has also changed for the better. According to the singer, Sokolovsky met her at that party with the words: “Come on, Dakota, where are your sneakers and dreadlocks?” After that meeting, the couple no longer parted.

soul to soul

From the very beginning, the relationship between Vlad and Dakota was natural. And the truth is: what to hide from each other for people who have known each other for eight years and lived within the same walls during the Star Factory project? In an interview, Rita admitted:

There was no opportunity to "show off". Because you remember very well how you woke up at 4 in the morning in the same tour bus: both swollen, hungry, sleepy, with unwashed hair.

The couple's romance developed extremely quickly: Rita moved in with Vlad, the couple began to be regularly caught kissing at various events, and soon they completely amazed the fans with the news of the upcoming wedding.

Vlad made a marriage proposal to his beloved during a vacation in Bali

23-year-old Sokolovsky during a holiday in Bali. In the midst of a joint vacation, the couple happened straight Talk: Vlad told Dakota for a long time how much he loves her and how important she is to him. As a result, Sokolovsky blurted out: “Be my wife!”

gangster party

The bride and groom decided not only to legalize relations in the registry office, but also to get married in the church. The young people set the date for the celebration - June 3, 2015. However, shortly before the wedding, the couple announced that they were moving the celebration to the 8th. Evil tongues immediately started talking about changing the wedding day - Bad sign. The newlyweds themselves said that this had to be done because of the MUZ-TV award, where most of the invited guests went.

The celebration turned out to be friendly and magnificent - to the envy of ill-wishers. Dakota and Vlad invited close friends and colleagues: Alexander Revva, Yulia Kovalchuk, Alexander Panayotov, Elka and many others (about 150 people were present). Instead of the traditional celebration with rose petals and limousines, there is a gangster party in the spirit of Once Upon a Time in America, Vlad and Rita's favorite film.

The theme of the wedding was a gangster party in the spirit of Once Upon a Time in America, Vlad and Rita's favorite film.

The guests arrived in vintage cars. Playing cards, revolvers and fragrant cigars became the accessories of the holiday. Vlad was wearing a three-piece suit and White shirt. Dakota chose a white lace dress created by a Belarusian designer. The venue for the celebration was the Royal Bar on the banks of the Khimki reservoir. Young people and guests walked until the morning, not forgetting to post photos of the party on Instagram.

There were about 150 guests at the celebration who came to congratulate Sokolovsky and Dakota on the birth of their family

By the way, the couple prepared very carefully for the wedding. “We even chose caviar for a very long time,” Sokolovsky said. According to Dakota, the pre-wedding chores only strengthened the relationship: the lovers with great pleasure resolved the issues of organizing the celebration.

Rita and Vlad were able to cooperate very well in their work. Dakota, a singer and composer, wrote songs that Sokolovsky performed. Vlad also helped Rita with the production of her tracks.


In October 2017, the couple had their first child - a daughter, whom the artists named Mia. The performers hid for a long time that they were expecting a baby, but when she was in her fifth month of pregnancy.

The couple seemed perfect, even Dakota

Star parents decided to show their three-month-old daughter Mia for the first time during a holiday in Bali.

Russian and Belarusian singer 27-year-old Rita Dakota and 26-year-old singer and producer Vlad Sokolovsky showed their three-month-old heiress Mia for the first time.

"Guys! And here is the very long-awaited video in which we show the face of our daughter. Hooray, believe me, we have wanted to do this for a long time ... In this video, we show Mia and the photos that we took when she was only two weeks old, ”said Vlad.

Daughter of Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky Mia

Rita Dakota, Vlad Sokolovsky and daughter Mia in Bali

The opinions of the fans of Sokolovsky and Dakota were divided. Some argue that Mia looks like a dad, others noted that the baby is somewhat reminiscent of Vlad's mother.

“It seemed to me that Mia looked like Vlad’s mother! You are cool, cool, positive guys! Good luck with everything!”, “This is the cutest child”, “Mia is a copy of dad. Father's daughter"," Miya - space is simple. I hug you and thank you for making me so happy, you have already become relatives during this time”, “Now it remains to show yourself and Rita in childhood, so that everyone understands who the daughter looks like,” commented the couple’s fans on the Web.

The portal site recalls that Vlad Sokolovsky and Rita Dakota became parents in October last year. The stars carefully concealed the face of their newborn daughter from fans. The artists only talked about how their life has changed with the advent of a child.

Throughout the pregnancy, Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky actively shared the latest news of their personal lives with fans on Instagram. The star couple told fans how their joint appointments with the doctor go, what gender will be future child. A few weeks before the birth of the baby, the artists announced her name. Vlad and Rita named the girl Mia.

The family and close friends of the star couple were present at Dakota's discharge from the hospital. To celebrate an important event, the guests tried on the costumes of the characters from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" and hung them in the hospital Balloons Pink colour.

It is worth noting that Rita quickly recovered after giving birth and immediately began to share her feelings of motherhood on social networks.

“The baby is constantly in her arms, and she always wants to eat,” Dakota said on the Web.
