Dream interpretation white shirt. Dream Interpretation: what the Shirt is dreaming of

according to Miller's dream book

If you put on a shirt in a dream, it means that your infidelity will cause your beloved to cool towards you. The loss of a shirt means dishonor both in official affairs and in love. A torn shirt portends misfortune and an insignificant environment. If the shirt is dirty with something, you are threatened with infectious diseases.

Why is the shirt dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

pure luck; dirty - poverty, squabbles; night - disrespect, unsuccessful marriage, to a hasty marriage; put on - Lucky case; wash - loss of money; break - failure in new business; sew - happiness in love; dirty - gossip.

Why is the dress dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

put on - success among friends, ambition; new - new love; sew or hem - give an answer, a personal decision; to buy - envy; dirt on the dress - slander of friends (girlfriends); many dresses - insult, resentment; multi-colored - to roads, sidings; new - make a decision; receive as a gift - new novel; dress carefully and elegantly - you yourself or you are neglected, white - for the wedding, see Colors.

Dreamed of a dress

according to Miller's dream book

If a young woman sees in a dream an elegant, well-tailored blouse or dress, this means that she will arouse universal admiration for her art and pleasant manners. If she sees that her dress is torn, this portends a condemnation for unlawful deeds. If a woman tries on a blouse dress, she will unexpectedly meet a rival in love, but if she dreams that she is following her figure in order to buy the dress she likes, she will successfully overcome her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.

Dreamed of clothes

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream prediction. The success of your affairs depends on what the clothes were like in a dream: whole and clean, or soiled and torn. Seeing great but unfashionable clothes portends that you will be lucky, but neglect valuable ideas. If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new business, start new love affairs. All this will completely change you. Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad. Walking with a man in white means illness and grief for him, unless it is a young woman and a child. In the latter case, pleasant events can be expected. Seeing yourself and others - portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted companions on a trip. commercial activity will not meet your wishes. Seeing yellow clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, in unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream. Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you. Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time. Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future. Seeing clothes that do not fit well on you in a dream means the end of some of your attachments. It is possible that you make a mistake in some enterprise. see an old man young man in well-tailored suits - means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business. If a woman sees in a dream that she does not like her clothes, the dream portends that she will meet unpleasant rivalry in achieving social success. If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend. Seeing in a dream the loss of some detail of the toilet means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love. For a young woman to see herself in a dream in a black suit - a dream portends sadness and disappointment. If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, this means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women. When interpreting a dream about clothes, you should pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure in the implementation of important plans will harm you. Dirty and torn clothes always portend deceit and warn of caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream may also portend an act with which you can tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes are for well-being. If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough even the most necessary things. For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes. Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon turn out not in your favor. Cotton fabric in a dream is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economic person, for married women it is a promise of comfort in the house and harmony. Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name. To dream of an important person naked - portends grief and pain for people dear to you. Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you.

See clothes in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

“They are greeted by clothes ...” Clothes are a reflection inner world and individuality of a person. Do your clothes cause admiration or ridicule? It is a mirror of your self-esteem. The loss of clothes speaks of your vulnerability. Don't believe? Try to undress, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel while doing this. Of course, it can also be sexual or exhibitionistic fantasies. Giving clothes is an ambiguous business. Who has not had to receive clothes as a gift, which then became a byword as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothes that fit you perfectly and make you feel confident portends positive changes in your own self-esteem. Sometimes you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are attributed to magical properties. In this case, you are simply looking for understanding or protection.

Why dream of clothes

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

the more dressed - the more trouble; half-dressed - to well-being; put on in a dream - a sign of good luck or failure, a slippery position; brushing a dress is profit; dressed like a crown - illness, longing; elegant clothes - popularity with the opposite sex, respect; see Dress; according to the season and situation - it will be presented good case; inappropriate clothes - failure, trouble; a man in women's clothing - trouble; a woman in men's attire - a claim to success; clothes - position (for men), (for women) - husband, lover; you give - illness, grief; you give to vilify - they cheat on you; lit - slander, insults; loss of a friend or litigation; change into new clothes- change position in life; (for a woman) to change her husband or lover.

A white shirt in a dream symbolizes a holiday, good news, hope and enrichment. However, it can warn of diseases and other troubles. The dream book will help you decide what exactly the thing in question is dreaming of.

Be careful!

Dreamed of a night white shirt? Get ready for a minor malaise, insomnia, or a date. Did a dirty night appear in a dream? Dream Interpretation believes that you are at risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease.

Seeing another character in a nightgown can be bad news. If a dreamer in love found his beloved in a lace peignoir, then he will have a more successful rival.

Holiday or Discord?

Why dream of a new white shirt? Soon you will get to a family celebration or other holiday.

In the night they gave an expensive little thing? Expect the respect of loved ones and the envy of others. In a dream, they presented an old and soiled thing, then gossip is spread about you.

Had a dream that brand new clothes had holes? The dream book prophesies a breakdown in relations and difficult attempts to mend them.

Think again!

Why is your husband's white shirt dreaming? The next period will be prosperous in all respects. But to see dirty spots on it means that you will achieve happiness through trouble.

Did you dream of your husband's shirt hanging on a hanger? Before stopping at any decision, the dream book advises to weigh everything carefully again. If in a dream the husband’s clothes suddenly disappeared, then a major family quarrel is approaching.

dream features

Dreamed of an ordinary men's shirt? The dream interpretation is sure: the most truthful interpretation of sleep will give dream features. For example, if the product was without a button, then in reality you will quarrel with a good friend.

  • Unbuttoned - looseness, freedom.
  • Fueled - organization.
  • With short sleeves - accuracy, increased activity.
  • With long ones - restraint, modesty.
  • With worn out - dexterity, efficiency.


What do the white men's shirt and black suit symbolize in dreams? This is a bad symbol, warning of a serious illness and large financial losses.

Seeing a black suit with a white shirt on another character, according to the dream book, means that you are destined for deep disappointment.

Be careful!

Why dream of a white shirt on a man? The image promises joy or at the same time reflects dissatisfaction.

If a man in a dream wears a shirt inside out, then some event will literally confuse you. Sometimes clothes turned inside out on a man warn of a fight.

It is bad for a woman to see a snow-white shirt on her lover. This is an omen of a very unsuccessful marriage.

What do you want?

What does a man's white shirt on a woman mean in a dream? The dream book believes that in reality the lady planned to get her master.

Seeing a pretty blouse on a woman is a blessing in the future. But if she dreamed that she took off her shirt, then dreams would not come true.

What is the dream of the indicated clothes on the deceased? A more profitable and reliable source of income will suddenly appear.

Without any doubt, the white color is associated with purity, harmony and equanimity, and the shirt with both isolation and security. But in a dream it can be interpreted in different ways. As it turned out, the details that occur in a dream greatly affect the interpretation of images and visions.

If in a dream you see wearing a white shirt, then the dream warns that there is a secret admirer. It is possible that this is a sign to look around. Also, a white shirt in a dream marks an imminent improvement in material condition and a sudden improvement in earnings.

If you put on a white shirt in a dream, then soon there will be hope for a better development of some situation and things will go much better. Also, a dream marks the appearance of good news or news from distant relatives. If in a dream you remove a white shirt from your body, such a dream says that deep disappointment in others will be experienced.

It is believed that dreams are not signals from the future, but echoes of the past. That is, the moments experienced during the day, any experiences can be reflected in a dream. You just need to correctly decipher them and compare them with reality. Maybe there is no threat.

If in a dream you can observe a large number of people who are dressed in white shirts, it is advisable to think about work: evaluate the honesty of partners or competitors, check the strength of business ties and contacts, be more careful in this area.

All in all, white clothes on a person good sign indicating a favorable course of affairs in his life. Marriage and family may be one of the things that white clothes symbolize in dreams. If such a dream was unpleasant, and in it were tested negative emotions then the dream portends sadness and trouble soon in real life.

Why dream of a white shirt is easy to understand. This dream may be talking about a secret admirer. For girls and boys to see a white shirt on the body means to soon experience great joy on the love front or even get married.

However, if a young man or girl sees how he takes off his white shirt, then this is a sign that he or she is prone to cheating on the other half.

If you take off your white shirt in a dream, then in real life there may be a loss of part of your income or the inevitability of big troubles associated with money.

In addition, a large mass of people dressed in white shirts means that there is an excessive control over life.

If there is such trust in dream books and dreams, it is better to adhere to elementary norms correct behavior. That is, do not provoke a conflict and do not play with fate, do not check whether the prediction of a dream will come true. This is an extra emotional burden.

Of course, no dreams can radically change anyone's fate. These are just small clues and signals by which people have learned to live. And in which many believe. Maybe it's easier to interpret without that difficult life with its unpredictability.


Dream Interpretation White shirt

Why dream of a white shirt in a dream

If in a dream you see yourself wearing a white shirt, the dream indicates that you are loved. Seeing a white shirt in a dream material well-being and in some cases wealth.

If you wear a white shirt in a dream, the dream gives hope and is a good omen, promising good luck in business. Also, a dream promises good news. If in a dream you take off your white shirt, such a dream speaks of deceived expectations in real life.

If there are a lot of people in white shirts in your dream, then the dream advises you to pay attention to work issues.

White clothes in a dream are a sign indicating good events and a favorable situation. Also, a dream can talk about love and marriage. If such a dream was unpleasant for you, and you were upset in it, then the dream portends sadness.


Dream Interpretation Men's Shirt

What is the dream of a men's shirt in a dream from a dream book?

A men's shirt in the interpretation of a dream is a reflection of the dreamer's inner world, his life position. Too bright shirt - success, prosperity in life and business.

Bright shades of clothes give the dream a positive character, your plans will find a worthy embodiment, problems will be solved quickly and efficiently.

What did the men's shirt look like in your dream?

Dreamed of a new men's shirt

A new men's shirt is dreaming on the eve of significant changes in life. You have to try your hand at unfamiliar activities that have so far remained beyond reach. Do not be afraid of change, boldly get down to business, everything will work out for you.

Why dream of a men's plaid shirt

The dream interpretation interprets a men's checkered shirt as versatility, diversity in life. Soon there will be many events, from pleasant and joyful to tragic. Tune in to the fact that your influence on their course is minimal, adapt to the situation.


Man in a white shirt

Dream Interpretation Man in a white shirt dreamed of why in a dream a man in a white shirt? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Man in a white shirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Dream Interpretation - Shirt


Women's white shirt

Dream interpretation Women's white shirt had a dream about why a woman's white shirt is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of a Women's white shirt by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White shirt and black trousers

Fear of losing one's own faith.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - there will be a long-awaited message from someone. Wash shirts - get sick. Wearing a white shirt in a dream is good news. A dirty shirt is an unfaithful woman. If a betrothed girl sews a shirt for her future husband and there are a lot of knots on it, then the young man's life will be long. If the shirt is sewn easily, smoothly, then the husband's life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Exists famous expression: “Your own shirt is closer to the body”, that is, what concerns you personally is always more important, and the problems of others are touched to a much lesser extent.

A dreamed shirt can be connected by your subconscious with the words: "He is ready to give his last shirt off." Such a phrase is usually said to a person who is ready to sacrifice everything that he has for the sake of someone who needs his help.

They say about a smart, reliable and pleasant person in communication: “The shirt-guy”, that is, “his” person.

Trying on a shirt - tests await you, and how you behave in difficult situation, a lot will depend on your future destiny.

In a dream, choosing one shirt from a variety of shirts means that in reality you will have to make a difficult choice in which you will have to sacrifice something dear to you.

If you dreamed that you tore your shirt, then this indicates that you undeservedly offended a friend or acquaintance, but did not attach any importance to this, and in fact you can lose the friendship of a faithful person.

Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only give you worldly wisdom, but also show which of your acquaintances is a true friend.

If in a dream you put on a shirt inside out, then in real life you will find a catch that will unsettle you, but accepting the right decision, You will quickly deal with problems.

A dream in which a button comes off a shirt portends the loss of a friend or a break. friendly relations for which you will blame yourself, but you will soon realize that objective circumstances were the reason for this.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Buying a shirt in a dream means that you will soon go to visit friends for their family celebration. Giving a shirt portends the love of others and the envy of others. Putting on a shirt - look for the reason for cooling your husband in yourself, take off - you will be happy in intimate life.

A white shirt promises good news from afar, a colored one - you will be taken aback by your child's unexpected statement. A nightgown portends a mild illness. Dirty shirt - to the danger of contracting a venereal disease, torn - you will not be able to come to a consensus with your opponents.

Washing a shirt in a dream - in reality you will find a reliable friend, ironing - you will make enemies with your temper. A lost shirt that you are stubbornly looking for in a dream and cannot find in any way - to quarrels and insults.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

This is a reflection of the character of a person and his behavior in society.

If you are wearing a colorful shirt or meet someone in such a shirt: a dream warns that some events may confuse you.

A light shirt in a dream means a good, perhaps even a festive mood.

Dark: a sign of possible grief or gloomy thoughts.

Short sleeves: means increased activity and neatness, rolled up shirt with long sleeves: calls for restraint.

Seeing an unbuttoned shirt on yourself or on someone is a sign of looseness in communication.

Untucked shirt: Indicates poor organization, which can negatively affect your business.

Seeing yourself in a dirty or torn shirt is a warning that inability to stay in society or disregard for the rules of decency can negatively affect your reputation and seriously damage you.

Seeing another in a dirty or torn shirt means that someone's intemperance or bad manners may interfere with your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

A woman's shirt is dreaming - to treason.

Walking in a shirt down the street - to the bad news.

A dirty shirt is a symbol of a wife's infidelity.

The bride sews a shirt for her future husband and there are many knots on it - his life will be long.

The shirt is sewn easily, smoothly - his life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Another person in a nightgown - hear bad news.

Wearing pajamas in a dream is a lack of activity at work, which will be more than compensated for by love and gambling.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Take off your shirt - lose a friend.

Losing a button from a shirt is a petty quarrel.

Wearing a bright, clean shirt is a future happiness.

If the shirt is clean, then you are lucky in life.

If you take off your dirty shirt, one of your friends will leave.

If you have lost a button from a shirt - to minor scrapes.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - as they say: "your own shirt is closer to the body", that is, what concerns you personally is always more important. Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only add worldly wisdom to you, but also show who you are. a true friend. If in a dream, a woman puts on a man's shirt, then she wants to get not only her, but also the wearer of this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

If you put on a shirt in a dream, it means that your infidelity will cause your beloved to cool down towards you.

The loss of a shirt means dishonor, both in official affairs and in love.

A torn shirt portends misfortune and an insignificant environment.

If the shirt is dirty with something, you are threatened with infectious diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Wearing a shirt for a man in a dream portends his betrayal of his beloved and the subsequent separation from her. If you lost your shirt, you will suffer a crushing defeat both in your business and in your personal life. A torn shirt portends trouble and an environment unworthy of you. If the shirt is stained with something, there is a possibility of an infectious disease.


Lots of men's shirts

Dream Interpretation Men's shirts a lot had a dream why there are a lot of men's shirts in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of Men's Shirts in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - there will be a long-awaited message from someone. Wash shirts - get sick. Wearing a white shirt in a dream is good news. A dirty shirt is an unfaithful woman. If a betrothed girl sews a shirt for her future husband and there are a lot of knots on it, then the young man's life will be long. If the shirt is sewn easily, smoothly, then the husband's life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

There is a well-known expression: “Your own shirt is closer to the body”, that is, what concerns you personally is always more important, and the problems of others are touched to a much lesser extent.

A dreamed shirt can be connected by your subconscious with the words: "He is ready to give his last shirt off." Such a phrase is usually said to a person who is ready to sacrifice everything that he has for the sake of someone who needs his help.

They say about a smart, reliable and pleasant person in communication: “The shirt-guy”, that is, “his” person.

Trying on a shirt - tests await you, and a lot in your future destiny will depend on how you behave in a difficult situation.

In a dream, choosing one shirt from a variety of shirts means that in reality you will have to make a difficult choice in which you will have to sacrifice something dear to you.

If you dreamed that you tore your shirt, then this indicates that you undeservedly offended a friend or acquaintance, but did not attach any importance to this, and in fact you can lose the friendship of a faithful person.

Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only give you worldly wisdom, but also show which of your acquaintances is a true friend.

If in a dream you put on a shirt inside out, then in real life you will find a catch that will unsettle you, but having made the right decision, you will quickly cope with problems.

A dream in which a button comes off a shirt portends the loss of a friend or a break in friendships, for which you will blame yourself, but you will soon realize that objective circumstances were the reason for this.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Buying a shirt in a dream means that you will soon go to visit friends for their family celebration. Giving a shirt portends the love of others and the envy of others. Putting on a shirt - look for the reason for cooling your husband in yourself, take it off - you will be happy in your intimate life.

A white shirt promises good news from afar, a colored one - you will be taken aback by your child's unexpected statement. A nightgown portends a mild illness. Dirty shirt - to the danger of contracting a venereal disease, torn - you will not be able to come to a consensus with your opponents.

Washing a shirt in a dream - in reality you will find a reliable friend, ironing - you will make enemies with your temper. A lost shirt that you are stubbornly looking for in a dream and cannot find in any way - to quarrels and insults.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

This is a reflection of the character of a person and his behavior in society.

If you are wearing a colorful shirt or meet someone in such a shirt: a dream warns that some events may confuse you.

A light shirt in a dream means a good, perhaps even a festive mood.

Dark: a sign of possible grief or gloomy thoughts.

Short sleeves: means increased activity and neatness, rolled up shirt with long sleeves: calls for restraint.

Seeing an unbuttoned shirt on yourself or on someone is a sign of looseness in communication.

Untucked shirt: Indicates poor organization, which can negatively affect your business.

Seeing yourself in a dirty or torn shirt is a warning that inability to stay in society or disregard for the rules of decency can negatively affect your reputation and seriously damage you.

Seeing another in a dirty or torn shirt means that someone's intemperance or bad manners may interfere with your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

A woman's shirt is dreaming - to treason.

Walking in a shirt down the street - to the bad news.

A dirty shirt is a symbol of a wife's infidelity.

The bride sews a shirt for her future husband and there are many knots on it - his life will be long.

The shirt is sewn easily, smoothly - his life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Another person in a nightgown - hear bad news.

Wearing pajamas in a dream is a lack of activity at work, which will be more than compensated for by love and gambling.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Take off your shirt - lose a friend.

Losing a button from a shirt is a petty quarrel.

Wearing a bright, clean shirt is a future happiness.

If the shirt is clean, then you are lucky in life.

If you take off your dirty shirt, one of your friends will leave.

If you have lost a button from a shirt - to minor scrapes.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - as they say: "your own shirt is closer to the body", that is, what concerns you personally is always more important. Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only add worldly wisdom to you, but also show who your true friend is. If in a dream, a woman puts on a man's shirt, then she wants to get not only her, but also the wearer of this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

If you put on a shirt in a dream, it means that your infidelity will cause your beloved to cool down towards you.

The loss of a shirt means dishonor, both in official affairs and in love.

A torn shirt portends misfortune and an insignificant environment.

If the shirt is dirty with something, you are threatened with infectious diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Wearing a shirt for a man in a dream portends his betrayal of his beloved and the subsequent separation from her. If you lost your shirt, you will suffer a crushing defeat both in your business and in your personal life. A torn shirt portends trouble and an environment unworthy of you. If the shirt is stained with something, there is a possibility of an infectious disease.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

I dreamed that you were putting on a shirt - your beloved will not forgive you for your infidelity.

The loss of a shirt means dishonor - both in official affairs and in love.

A torn shirt portends misfortune and an insignificant environment.

If the shirt is stained with something, then some infectious disease threatens you.


father in white shirt

Dream Interpretation Father in a white shirt dreamed of why the Father in a white shirt dreams in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Father in a white shirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White shirt and black trousers

Fear of losing one's own faith.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - there will be a long-awaited message from someone. Wash shirts - get sick. Wearing a white shirt in a dream is good news. A dirty shirt is an unfaithful woman. If a betrothed girl sews a shirt for her future husband and there are a lot of knots on it, then the young man's life will be long. If the shirt is sewn easily, smoothly, then the husband's life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

There is a well-known expression: “Your own shirt is closer to the body”, that is, what concerns you personally is always more important, and the problems of others are touched to a much lesser extent.

A dreamed shirt can be connected by your subconscious with the words: "He is ready to give his last shirt off." Such a phrase is usually said to a person who is ready to sacrifice everything that he has for the sake of someone who needs his help.

They say about a smart, reliable and pleasant person in communication: “The shirt-guy”, that is, “his” person.

Trying on a shirt - tests await you, and a lot in your future destiny will depend on how you behave in a difficult situation.

In a dream, choosing one shirt from a variety of shirts means that in reality you will have to make a difficult choice in which you will have to sacrifice something dear to you.

If you dreamed that you tore your shirt, then this indicates that you undeservedly offended a friend or acquaintance, but did not attach any importance to this, and in fact you can lose the friendship of a faithful person.

Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only give you worldly wisdom, but also show which of your acquaintances is a true friend.

If in a dream you put on a shirt inside out, then in real life you will find a catch that will unsettle you, but having made the right decision, you will quickly cope with problems.

A dream in which a button comes off a shirt portends the loss of a friend or a break in friendships, for which you will blame yourself, but you will soon realize that objective circumstances were the reason for this.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Buying a shirt in a dream means that you will soon go to visit friends for their family celebration. Giving a shirt portends the love of others and the envy of others. Putting on a shirt - look for the reason for cooling your husband in yourself, take it off - you will be happy in your intimate life.

A white shirt promises good news from afar, a colored one - you will be taken aback by your child's unexpected statement. A nightgown portends a mild illness. Dirty shirt - to the danger of contracting a venereal disease, torn - you will not be able to come to a consensus with your opponents.

Washing a shirt in a dream - in reality you will find a reliable friend, ironing - you will make enemies with your temper. A lost shirt that you are stubbornly looking for in a dream and cannot find in any way - to quarrels and insults.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

This is a reflection of the character of a person and his behavior in society.

If you are wearing a colorful shirt or meet someone in such a shirt: a dream warns that some events may confuse you.

A light shirt in a dream means a good, perhaps even a festive mood.

Dark: a sign of possible grief or gloomy thoughts.

Short sleeves: means increased activity and neatness, rolled up shirt with long sleeves: calls for restraint.

Seeing an unbuttoned shirt on yourself or on someone is a sign of looseness in communication.

Untucked shirt: Indicates poor organization, which can negatively affect your business.

Seeing yourself in a dirty or torn shirt is a warning that inability to stay in society or disregard for the rules of decency can negatively affect your reputation and seriously damage you.

Seeing another in a dirty or torn shirt means that someone's intemperance or bad manners may interfere with your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

A woman's shirt is dreaming - to treason.

Walking in a shirt down the street - to the bad news.

A dirty shirt is a symbol of a wife's infidelity.

The bride sews a shirt for her future husband and there are many knots on it - his life will be long.

The shirt is sewn easily, smoothly - his life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Another person in a nightgown - hear bad news.

Wearing pajamas in a dream is a lack of activity at work, which will be more than compensated for by love and gambling.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Take off your shirt - lose a friend.

Losing a button from a shirt is a petty quarrel.

Wearing a bright, clean shirt is a future happiness.

If the shirt is clean, then you are lucky in life.

If you take off your dirty shirt, one of your friends will leave.

If you have lost a button from a shirt - to minor scrapes.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - as they say: "your own shirt is closer to the body", that is, what concerns you personally is always more important. Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only add worldly wisdom to you, but also show who your true friend is. If in a dream, a woman puts on a man's shirt, then she wants to get not only her, but also the wearer of this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

If you put on a shirt in a dream, it means that your infidelity will cause your beloved to cool down towards you.

The loss of a shirt means dishonor, both in official affairs and in love.

A torn shirt portends misfortune and an insignificant environment.

If the shirt is dirty with something, you are threatened with infectious diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Wearing a shirt for a man in a dream portends his betrayal of his beloved and the subsequent separation from her. If you lost your shirt, you will suffer a crushing defeat both in your business and in your personal life. A torn shirt portends trouble and an environment unworthy of you. If the shirt is stained with something, there is a possibility of an infectious disease.


White shirt

Dream Interpretation White shirt had a dream about why a white shirt is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a White shirt in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White shirt and black trousers

Fear of losing one's own faith.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - there will be a long-awaited message from someone. Wash shirts - get sick. Wearing a white shirt in a dream is good news. A dirty shirt is an unfaithful woman. If a betrothed girl sews a shirt for her future husband and there are a lot of knots on it, then the young man's life will be long. If the shirt is sewn easily, smoothly, then the husband's life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

There is a well-known expression: “Your own shirt is closer to the body”, that is, what concerns you personally is always more important, and the problems of others are touched to a much lesser extent.

A dreamed shirt can be connected by your subconscious with the words: "He is ready to give his last shirt off." Such a phrase is usually said to a person who is ready to sacrifice everything that he has for the sake of someone who needs his help.

They say about a smart, reliable and pleasant person in communication: “The shirt-guy”, that is, “his” person.

Trying on a shirt - tests await you, and a lot in your future destiny will depend on how you behave in a difficult situation.

In a dream, choosing one shirt from a variety of shirts means that in reality you will have to make a difficult choice in which you will have to sacrifice something dear to you.

If you dreamed that you tore your shirt, then this indicates that you undeservedly offended a friend or acquaintance, but did not attach any importance to this, and in fact you can lose the friendship of a faithful person.

Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only give you worldly wisdom, but also show which of your acquaintances is a true friend.

If in a dream you put on a shirt inside out, then in real life you will find a catch that will unsettle you, but having made the right decision, you will quickly cope with problems.

A dream in which a button comes off a shirt portends the loss of a friend or a break in friendships, for which you will blame yourself, but you will soon realize that objective circumstances were the reason for this.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Buying a shirt in a dream means that you will soon go to visit friends for their family celebration. Giving a shirt portends the love of others and the envy of others. Putting on a shirt - look for the reason for cooling your husband in yourself, take it off - you will be happy in your intimate life.

A white shirt promises good news from afar, a colored one - you will be taken aback by your child's unexpected statement. A nightgown portends a mild illness. Dirty shirt - to the danger of contracting a venereal disease, torn - you will not be able to come to a consensus with your opponents.

Washing a shirt in a dream - in reality you will find a reliable friend, ironing - you will make enemies with your temper. A lost shirt that you are stubbornly looking for in a dream and cannot find in any way - to quarrels and insults.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

This is a reflection of the character of a person and his behavior in society.

If you are wearing a colorful shirt or meet someone in such a shirt: a dream warns that some events may confuse you.

A light shirt in a dream means a good, perhaps even a festive mood.

Dark: a sign of possible grief or gloomy thoughts.

Short sleeves: means increased activity and neatness, rolled up shirt with long sleeves: calls for restraint.

Seeing an unbuttoned shirt on yourself or on someone is a sign of looseness in communication.

Untucked shirt: Indicates poor organization, which can negatively affect your business.

Seeing yourself in a dirty or torn shirt is a warning that inability to stay in society or disregard for the rules of decency can negatively affect your reputation and seriously damage you.

Seeing another in a dirty or torn shirt means that someone's intemperance or bad manners may interfere with your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

A woman's shirt is dreaming - to treason.

Walking in a shirt down the street - to the bad news.

A dirty shirt is a symbol of a wife's infidelity.

The bride sews a shirt for her future husband and there are many knots on it - his life will be long.

The shirt is sewn easily, smoothly - his life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Another person in a nightgown - hear bad news.

Wearing pajamas in a dream is a lack of activity at work, which will be more than compensated for by love and gambling.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Take off your shirt - lose a friend.

Losing a button from a shirt is a petty quarrel.

Wearing a bright, clean shirt is a future happiness.

If the shirt is clean, then you are lucky in life.

If you take off your dirty shirt, one of your friends will leave.

If you have lost a button from a shirt - to minor scrapes.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - as they say: "your own shirt is closer to the body", that is, what concerns you personally is always more important. Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only add worldly wisdom to you, but also show who your true friend is. If in a dream, a woman puts on a man's shirt, then she wants to get not only her, but also the wearer of this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

If you put on a shirt in a dream, it means that your infidelity will cause your beloved to cool down towards you.

The loss of a shirt means dishonor, both in official affairs and in love.

A torn shirt portends misfortune and an insignificant environment.

If the shirt is dirty with something, you are threatened with infectious diseases.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Wearing a shirt for a man in a dream portends his betrayal of his beloved and the subsequent separation from her. If you lost your shirt, you will suffer a crushing defeat both in your business and in your personal life. A torn shirt portends trouble and an environment unworthy of you. If the shirt is stained with something, there is a possibility of an infectious disease.


Wash white shirt

Dream Interpretation Wash a white shirt dreamed of why in a dream to wash a white shirt? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Washing a white shirt by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - White shirt and black trousers

Fear of losing one's own faith.

Dream Interpretation - Wash clothes

sickness and trouble

Dream Interpretation - Wash clothes


Dream Interpretation - Wash dirty clothes

Dream Interpretation - Linen (wash)

Seeing in a dream how you wash clothes is gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Shirt - there will be a long-awaited message from someone. Wash shirts - get sick. Wearing a white shirt in a dream is good news. A dirty shirt is an unfaithful woman. If a betrothed girl sews a shirt for her future husband and there are a lot of knots on it, then the young man's life will be long. If the shirt is sewn easily, smoothly, then the husband's life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

There is a well-known expression: “Your own shirt is closer to the body”, that is, what concerns you personally is always more important, and the problems of others are touched to a much lesser extent.

A dreamed shirt can be connected by your subconscious with the words: "He is ready to give his last shirt off." Such a phrase is usually said to a person who is ready to sacrifice everything that he has for the sake of someone who needs his help.

They say about a smart, reliable and pleasant person in communication: “The shirt-guy”, that is, “his” person.

Trying on a shirt - tests await you, and a lot in your future destiny will depend on how you behave in a difficult situation.

In a dream, choosing one shirt from a variety of shirts means that in reality you will have to make a difficult choice in which you will have to sacrifice something dear to you.

If you dreamed that you tore your shirt, then this indicates that you undeservedly offended a friend or acquaintance, but did not attach any importance to this, and in fact you can lose the friendship of a faithful person.

Seeing a dirty shirt on yourself is a sign of trouble that will not only give you worldly wisdom, but also show which of your acquaintances is a true friend.

If in a dream you put on a shirt inside out, then in real life you will find a catch that will unsettle you, but having made the right decision, you will quickly cope with problems.

A dream in which a button comes off a shirt portends the loss of a friend or a break in friendships, for which you will blame yourself, but you will soon realize that objective circumstances were the reason for this.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

Buying a shirt in a dream means that you will soon go to visit friends for their family celebration. Giving a shirt portends the love of others and the envy of others. Putting on a shirt - look for the reason for cooling your husband in yourself, take it off - you will be happy in your intimate life.

A white shirt promises good news from afar, a colored one - you will be taken aback by your child's unexpected statement. A nightgown portends a mild illness. Dirty shirt - to the danger of contracting a venereal disease, torn - you will not be able to come to a consensus with your opponents.

Washing a shirt in a dream - in reality you will find a reliable friend, ironing - you will make enemies with your temper. A lost shirt that you are stubbornly looking for in a dream and cannot find in any way - to quarrels and insults.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

This is a reflection of the character of a person and his behavior in society.

If you are wearing a colorful shirt or meet someone in such a shirt: a dream warns that some events may confuse you.

A light shirt in a dream means a good, perhaps even a festive mood.

Dark: a sign of possible grief or gloomy thoughts.

Short sleeves: means increased activity and neatness, rolled up shirt with long sleeves: calls for restraint.

Seeing an unbuttoned shirt on yourself or on someone is a sign of looseness in communication.

Untucked shirt: Indicates poor organization, which can negatively affect your business.

Seeing yourself in a dirty or torn shirt is a warning that inability to stay in society or disregard for the rules of decency can negatively affect your reputation and seriously damage you.

Seeing another in a dirty or torn shirt means that someone's intemperance or bad manners may interfere with your affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Shirt

A woman's shirt is dreaming - to treason.

Walking in a shirt down the street - to the bad news.

A dirty shirt is a symbol of a wife's infidelity.

The bride sews a shirt for her future husband and there are many knots on it - his life will be long.

The shirt is sewn easily, smoothly - his life will be short: maybe he will not have time to wear this shirt.

Another person in a nightgown - hear bad news.

Wearing pajamas in a dream is a lack of activity at work, which will be more than compensated for by love and gambling.

People have different dreams. Moreover, it is no longer a secret to anyone that our adventures in dreams are later reflected in ordinary life. Therefore, in order to somehow correct their behavior in reality, a person turns to interpreters. A decoding can be found for any phenomena, and the more the sleeper remembers the details, the more accurate the interpretation will be. The color of the clothes seen in a dream also has an influence on the interpretation. Let's try to figure out what the white shirt is dreaming of.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

The famous American psychologist Gustav Miller has his own interesting interpretations of such night visions.

  • If in a dream you put on a white shirt - in reality, because of your betrayals, your beloved woman will leave you.
  • I dreamed that you lost your shirt somewhere - you will be dishonored in love affairs.
  • If the shirt was stolen by you in night dreams, you will lose your reputation at work, as well as the trust of your soulmate.
  • Miller also explains why a torn white shirt is dreaming of - such a vision symbolizes impending misfortune and an unpleasant environment.
  • If you have soiled your wardrobe item - watch your health, perhaps an infectious disease lies in wait for you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

In this dream book, the interpretation of dreams in which a white shirt appeared is more optimistic.

  • Buying a white shirt in a dream is a harbinger of a family celebration.
  • If you gave it to someone in your nightly dreams, this indicates that loved ones love and appreciate you, but warns of envious people in your environment.
  • Here we will find an interpretation of why a representative of the weaker sex dreams of dressing in a white shirt: through the fault of the woman herself, the husband can cool off towards her. If she took off her blouse, the relationship with her husband will be happy.
  • If the nightgown was of this color, the dreamer will experience a slight malaise.
  • We saw a dirty white shirt - be more picky in love pleasures, since such a dream warns of a possible sexually transmitted disease.
  • If you washed a shirt in a dream, you will have a reliable friend.
  • The dreamer stroked her - a quick-tempered and unrestrained character will lead him to make enemies for himself.

Interpretation according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that the shirt is a reflection of the character and behavior of the dreamer. If it is white, then in general such a vision promises joyful events. But depending on the details, the sleeper can learn how to correct his behavior.

  • This dream book has an explanation of what a white shirt with short sleeves is dreaming of - such a vision suggests that you are too careful in business, you need to be more active.
  • If the sleeves of the shirt are rolled up in a dream, you are competently and competently doing your business.
  • I dreamed of a long-sleeved shirt - in real life, you are too restrained in your actions.
  • But what a man in a white shirt unbuttoned dreams about - this dream suggests that the dreamer is used to behaving loosely.
  • If the shirt was not tucked in, the dreamer cannot properly organize his time.
  • I had a chance to see myself in a dream in a dirty or torn shirt - you need to be more restrained and correct, not to violate the rules of decency in society.

Interpretation according to Melnikov's dream book

In this interpreter, we can familiarize ourselves with the following interpretations of such a vision:

  • If the white shirt you dreamed about was just bought, expect an invitation to visit old friends in honor of their family holiday.
  • They gave it to someone in night dreams - this is a warning that someone from your environment is jealous of you.
  • I had a chance to take off my white shirt in a dream - such a vision is a symbol of a rich intimate life.
  • And if the shirt turned out to be dirty, be more picky, otherwise you risk contracting a dangerous venereal disease.
  • If in a dream you only had a shirt out of clothes, you can succumb to temptation and change the person you love. This dream warns you that such a temptation may appear. And it depends on you to resist him, otherwise your romantic relationship run out.

Interpretation according to the dream book of the XXI century

From this interpreter, we also learn a lot of interesting things about night visions that we have not yet encountered.

  • There is an explanation here of what a woman’s white shirt is dreaming of - this is a warning that a loved one can cheat on you.
  • If you are walking on the street in a light shirt, you will receive unpleasant news.
  • A man dreamed of a dirty white shirt - this means that his wife is unfaithful to him.
  • To see that a stranger is wearing a white nightgown is bad news.
  • The girl sewed a white shirt for her fiance's wedding and made a lot of knots - her lover will live a long time.
  • If in his night vision the sleeper was in white pajamas, he is passive in the service and does not show any activity. But a person spends all his energy on stormy love relationship or gambling.

Interpretation according to the dream book of the World

Here we will meet new interpretations of already familiar dreams.

  • If a girl dreams of her beloved in a white shirt, the lovers will finally make peace.
  • I had a chance to see myself in a dream fastening buttons on a shirt - this once again confirms that you are a collected and responsible person.
  • If in a night vision you washed a white men's shirt, a white streak awaits you in life. In all endeavors you will be accompanied by success and luck.
  • I dreamed that you were ironing a man's shirt - try to be more restrained in relation to others, otherwise you will make enemies for yourself.
  • But what a man in a white shirt is dreaming of is a favorable sign. Good news awaits you.

Interpretation according to different dream books

In almost every dream book, we can find an explanation for what a white shirt is dreaming of.

  • According to Miss Hasse's dream book, if you put on a white shirt, in real life you will be able to cope with all the troubles.
  • The small Veles dream book says that wearing a light shirt is dreaming of good news, and if you took it off - such a dream to deceived hopes.
  • Dream Interpretation Karatov explains a white shirt in a dream with future wealth.
  • According to Adaskin's dream book, if you put it on, this symbolizes hopes for better life, and may also mean that you will be cleared of undeserved charges.


Various dream books such a dream is interpreted rather ambiguously.

  • Miller believes that if the dreamer put on a shirt of the wrong size, this is a warning that excessive stinginess will alienate his chosen one from him. He also has an explanation of why a girl in a white shirt is dreaming of a man. If the young lady is wearing his shirt, this means that she has an increased interest in him.
  • According to Eastern dream book if the sleeper bought a men's shirt, then in real life he will have to face a difficult choice. But how difficult this choice will be depends on a number of nuances. If you bought a shirt without hesitation, then you will make the right decision quickly and correctly. But if you had a chance to choose it for a long time, then you will make the necessary decision just as carefully, doubting its correctness.
  • An interesting interpretation is given by Medea's dream book to the vision that the girl saw before the wedding. If she happened to iron a white shirt for her future husband, it is important to remember how she looked as a result. There were no folds on the clothes - and in family life everything will be even and smooth. And if the shirt remains rumpled in places - in life together most likely there will be problems.

Why dream of giving a men's shirt

If you gave someone a white men's shirt in a dream, it could be important detail to interpret your night vision. It is only important to remember who the person to whom a gift was made

  • beloved man - a passionate and passionate relationship awaits you;
  • father or grandfather - you need to learn to treat any task not only with responsibility, but also have a creative approach;
  • boss - you are waiting for a promotion;
  • an ill-wisher or even an enemy - you will be able to find with this person mutual language;
  • stranger - the dreamer is waiting for new interesting acquaintances.

What does such a dream mean for a businessman

If a man is doing business or working with partners, he should be attentive to dreams in which he himself or someone else was wearing a white shirt.

  • If a white shirt was dreamed of by a person who has his own business, all his projects will be successful.
  • A man dreamed that he put on a shirt in a dream - he will receive good news about a promotion. If there were any obstacles for this, they will be removed.
  • If in a dream there were people in white clothes around him, you need to take a closer look at your work colleagues or acquaintances. Perhaps one of them wants to harm the dreamer. The main thing is to find out about it in time, otherwise the ill-wishers will be able to realize their plans.

Why dream of a white shirt for a girl or woman

  • If the dreamer is wearing a white blouse, she is sure that the representatives of the stronger sex like it. Soon she will have fans who admire her beauty.
  • But what a guy in a white shirt dreams about for a girl on the eve of the wedding is a symbol that the young will be happy in marriage.
  • If a girl in her nightly dreams stained a white blouse, her behavior is too frivolous.
  • The husband gave the woman a light shirt in a dream - reconciliation will come in the family, quarrels will be forgotten, and in order to resolve the contradictions that arise, the spouses will find a compromise.
  • If a woman tried on a man's white shirt in a dream, her behavior is too frivolous. To have her formed with a man a good relationship, you need to be softer and more feminine, to let a man feel that you need his protection.
  • If in a dream she wore such a shirt married woman- temptation awaits her in life. The lady will receive signs of attention from an interesting admirer and is unlikely to be able to refuse him reciprocity. But if she makes such a mistake, it could end in divorce.
  • Why does a woman dream of a husband in a white shirt - she must be sure of him, suspicions of his betrayal are absolutely in vain.

Interpretation of a dream depending on the size of clothes

The interpretation of sleep may depend on how small or large the shirt turned out to be for the person on whom it was worn.

  • An interesting situation is considered in English dream book. If you put on a white shirt for your child for the holiday big size- such a dream warns that you need to control him less, otherwise you will only harm him.
  • If the white shirt was too large - such a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's closeness, unwillingness to devote others to his feelings. Perhaps he will distance himself from outside world because of some event.
  • If the shirt, on the contrary, is tight - the dreamer is in no hurry to pamper his chosen one with gifts, she may not like such manifestations of greed.

Interpretation of dreams depending on the details

When a person dreams of a white shirt, this dream concerns, first of all, himself, how he behaves in society, what are his relations with others. All these subtleties can be learned if you remember the nuances of your night vision.

  • If the dreamer tried on a white shirt - in reality he will face trials, and how he behaves will largely depend on him further fate.
  • If you have a lot of shirts in front of you in a dream, and you only need to choose one, in reality you will find yourself in front of difficult choice, for which you may have to give up something very important to you.
  • But why dream of wearing a white shirt inside out - in reality, expect a dirty trick, because of which you will have to get out of your usual rut. But, being warned, you will more carefully consider each of your actions, and as a result, the problems that have arisen will be left behind.
  • In their nightly dreams, they tore off a button from a shirt - you can quarrel with your friend. Just don't be so quick to blame yourself. If discord occurs, it will be due to a combination of circumstances. It will just be necessary to figure everything out and settle the misunderstanding.
  • If the white shirt in a dream turned out to be dirty, you will run into trouble. But they will not only make you wiser, but also show who is in difficult situation really turned out to be a true friend.
  • I had a chance to tear my shirt in a dream - this is a warning that you have caused an undeserved offense to one of your friends or acquaintances. You need to admit to yourself that you are to blame and apologize, otherwise you will lose your friendship with a good man.
  • I dreamed that you washed your shirt - you will have a reliable friend.

Until recently, the shirt was just underwear, the one closest to the body. A shirt in a dream has exactly this meaning. Washing, in the absence of automatic washing machines and powder was not carried out too often, and therefore the shirts were not as featureless as modern T-shirts, which are worn half a day or one visit to the gym.

You could tell a lot about a person by the look and condition of the shirt. The shirt absorbed sweat, perfume, smells. Middle class changed his shirt once a month, aristocrats once a week. Let's figure out why a shirt is dreamed of in dream books.

  • Wear a shirt - defend yourself. Make up excuses for the outside world, dress up your actions in a decent form. It is possible to come up with excuses for self-deception. Hide motives, hiding behind decent forms.
  • Choose - you have good skills, you can be taken to intelligence or to the diplomatic corps. For everything, you have not one explanation, but several ready-made and thoughtful options, perfectly tuned to target audience. For family, for bosses, for employees, for subordinates, friends and for yourself - you have your own convincing version. Or you are on your way to creating such a complex circuit. You are probably a vulnerable person, convinced that no one will love you just like that, though no one needs you, you need to provide the most convenient version for everyone. It works, but you run the risk of losing yourself in multiple versions, becoming an interpreter that doesn't trust itself too much either.
  • Wash a shirt in a dream - destroy evidence, traces of your presence, get rid of bad memories.
  • A dirty shirt has the same meaning as dirty laundry gossip, rumors about you or other people. Shake - happy to repeat the rumors. Rinse in water - improvise on existing rumors, come up with new variations. To hide, to put in a dark corner or in a basket - to hide the unsightly truth.
  • A new shirt is fortunately and a sign of excellent health. It is not necessary to unpack the store packaging and tear off the label. If a shirt in a dream looks fresh, clean, it is new.
  • She dreams of putting a thing inside out - you will burn out because of an empty oversight. Be careful, do not fall for traps and provocations. Learn to keep quiet and not show your incompetence.

What does the shape of a shirt in a dream mean?

  • A comfortable home shirt that you are wearing - you are quite satisfied with life and are not going to change anything. If your shirt is on another person, there is reason to be alarmed. Someone is up to no good.
  • For a girl, she dreams that she is in a guy's shirt - a struggle for power in the family, you win by a huge margin.
  • Nightie - this place could have an amazing erotic dream that would give you great pleasure. But you are shy about your desires and are not ready to consider the details at the moment.
  • An office shirt indicates that white-collar work has tired you a lot. You are frustrated and may be looking for an inexpensive hobby woodworking machine.
  • You try to put on your old or baby shirt and realize that it is small for you - your views have changed. Those things that made you happy as a child no longer bring the same pleasure. Indeed, you can buy yourself at least 10 chocolates or portions of ice cream, but this will not bring much joy. Some are trying to replace sweets with beer and alcohol, buying it in packages, but this is not quite the same.
  • Your childhood favorite shirt is just right for you - yes, it would be nice to return to childhood. Nothing needs to be done, a minimum of requirements, but everyone praises, rejoices in your existence and a sweet smile. To cause a wave of tenderness, it was enough to show the heel from under the blanket. Now, in order for everyone to be touched - how smart and nice you are - you have to get Nobel Prize and deliver a touching speech.
  • A torn, washed shirt means that your lies are bursting at the seams. Maybe not a lie, but just life position loses relevance and can no longer serve as your protection and comfortable refuge.

Interpretations of authorities

  • Miller's dream book interprets putting on a shirt as a sign of family discord, betrayal and excuses.
  • A girl who dreams that she is putting on a guy's shirt can acquire a rather strange, inexplicable and almost unlimited power over him.
  • If a man tries on different shirts in a dream, he will be attracted to several women at the same time.
  • Aesop's dream book interprets the choice and purchase of a shirt as difficult choice from several evils. In real life, you will have to sacrifice something significant.
  • The female dream book considers people in clean expensive shirts, which you see as envy. They seem to you more competent, smarter and luckier than you. Trying on a shirt - to the choice of a line of behavior. Sewing a shirt in a dream - to how your future life. Surprisingly, threads sticking out in all directions, a crooked seam mean a long, happy, eventful life. This means that you think about every step and take right choice. An even perfect seam - to smooth lies and failures on the personal front.


A shirt in a dream is a sign of a person's protection from an external hostile environment. Her appearance shows what kind of mask you prefer to wear to the outside world. If you see several shirts - you have or very busy life, requiring several images, or you are confused in a lie.

Sleep warns of the possible dangers of making the wrong choice, warns against mistakes. It is quite possible that options that seem to you to be the perfect solution that suits everyone, in fact, will lead to complete confusion, and your dirty laundry will be rinsed on every corner. Not always a quick and comfortable solution is the right one.
