Mikhail Grushevsky biography personal life. Leonid Agutin is the best lover in my life! And now what

The childhood of Mikhail Grushevsky

Mikhail was born in Moscow. All his relatives on his mother's side lived in Ukraine. He had a sense of humor since childhood. As a five-year-old boy, during a walk, he always greeted the monument to Griboyedov, and then told everyone what he said to him in response, which made those around him very amused.

His family was far from the stage, there were no artists among the relatives. But for little Misha, the abilities of a parodist manifested themselves in school age. He first appeared on stage in the third grade, where he parodied the commentator Nikolai Ozerov. He saw such a parody on TV performed by the artist Gennady Khazanov. Although the boy was worried, he managed to perform, and the audience supported him. Later, he performed more than once in a pioneer camp.

Already in high school, not a single school evening could do without Grushevsky. Once, at a rehearsal, he parodied a teacher, so precisely that the headmaster of the school passing by took him by voice for that very teacher, deciding that he was performing on stage.

Important for further career the meeting took place with Mikhail in his student years, when he studied at the Institute of Steel and Alloys. He met with Vladimir Vinokur. Time passed before Vinokur realized that Mikhail had a real desire to get on the stage, and no difficulties on this path frightened him. Only after that, he began to invite Grushevsky to performances so that he could communicate with new people, visit artists, and immerse himself in pop backstage cuisine.

At that time, everything that Grushevsky was doing was called amateur art, for which he received diplomas and thanks, but he really liked it all.

Grushevsky's parody of Gorbachev and Yeltsin - 1990

It was thanks to the perestroika time that he was able to gradually move from amateur to professional activity. To enter the professional stage, an artist's diploma was needed. But in order to get such a diploma, Mikhail would first have to serve in the army, so he decides to stay at the institute. After graduation, Grushevsky got a job as an engineer. It was 1987.

The beginning of the career of humorist Mikhail Grushevsky

A year has passed, Mikhail could already say for sure that in life he was only interested in the stage. He was invited to a humorous pop group, and he agreed with pleasure, especially since they were not at all interested in his lack of an artist's diploma. This team was created by artists who had previously worked with Vinokur. So, in 1988, Grushevsky became a professional artist, who already received money for his work.

M. Grushevsky - Little Red Riding Hood

Fortunately, the team turned out to be in demand, the artists enjoyed success, toured a lot. In their speeches there was a response to many topical issues. Mikhail was the first to parody Mikhail Gorbachev. The number turned out to be "bomb", although many then believed that he was taking risks. Most of all, the interest of the public was fueled by the fact that almost all the numbers where Mikhail performed with this parody were cut out of television. Later he parodied Zhirinovsky and Khazbulatov.

Mikhail Grushevsky on television

Since the nineties, when Boris Yeltsin came to power, the road to television opened up for Grushevsky. So in 1996, Regina Dubovitskaya invited him to the Full House. For some time he worked in this TV show, while simultaneously taking part in other programs where it was necessary to voice certain politicians. He always spoke of Dubovitskaya as a workaholic, believed that without her, "Full House" would simply not exist.

The artist is devoted to the stage and treats life with humor. He considers himself a loner and thinks that he could not participate in shows such as KVN. In 2005, Mikhail played composer Nikita Bogoslovsky in the film Star of the Epoch. He was the host of the program broadcast on the REN TV channel. Its name is "Baby Riot". In addition, the voice of Mikhail Grushevsky sounded in the program "Dolls".

Mikhail is on tour abroad. He is always well received both in America and in Israel. According to Mikhail, the foreign audience knows how to leave the burden of their problems outside concert hall they come to relax and laugh. He believes that our people, unfortunately, do not know how, and this is always felt.

Personal life of Mikhail Grushevsky

For the first time, the artist married in 2001. His chosen one was the clip maker Irina Mironova, who works in a similar field.

According to Mikhail’s stories, they met, and then they didn’t see each other for a year, then they met again, and again there was a separation for a year, when did they future wife saw each other again, absolutely unexpectedly got married. He considers himself an impromptu man. In marriage, a daughter, Daria, was born.

Michael says that he was completely ignorant in matters of marriage. Before marriage, he had a two-month experience of a civil marriage and that's it. Therefore, in 2012, the marriage broke up, and with a considerable scandal. It is known that for a long time before the divorce, the couple no longer lived under the same roof.

According to his wife, she wrote the book "Family Life by Shooting Rules" about the midlife crisis and its impact on family life. In addition, after the divorce, Irina switched to a younger fan of Sergei Savin, the winner of the Factor A TV project in 2011. True, this relationship was short-lived.

Soon, joint photographs of the parodist and the young model Tatyana Yakusheva appeared on the network. After that, juicy details about these meetings again appeared in the media. But whether this was true is difficult to say.

At the end of 2014, Mikhail married for the second time. His chosen one was 35-year-old Evgenia Guslyarova, who works as a marketer. They got married on December 30 after the artist's birthday in a narrow circle of relatives, and the wedding celebrations were postponed to the end of January. Lev Leshchenko, Vladimir Vinokur, Alsu, Iosif Kobzon, Dmitry Dibrov, Dmitry Malikov were invited to the wedding.

Mikhail and Evgenia met on vacation in Germany in April 2014, upon arrival in Moscow they began to communicate closely. And a few months later Grushevsky made an offer to his chosen one. For Evgenia, this is the first marriage, she is 15 years younger than her husband.

The couple together organized the agency "Dream Filed", which organizes events.

On May 21, 2015, the couple had a son, Mikhail, who received the name in honor of his star father. Three weeks later, the newly-minted parents celebrated their son's birthday with colleagues and friends in an Italian restaurant.

Mikhail Grushevsky today

In 2012, Mikhail became one of the participants in the show " Last Hero”, where he and other artists fought for survival on the island.

A year later, he was a member of the Repeat! on Channel One.

Grushevsky loves football and is a fan of CSKA. He is often invited to commentate on sporting events.

Mikhail Yakovlevich Grushevsky is a famous parodist who fell in love with the audience with his sparkling satirical humor. Mikhail is also a TV presenter, sports expert and seducer of ladies' hearts. Any event, wherever Grushevsky appears, will be comic in nature due to the light and cheerful disposition of this person.

Childhood and youth

The humorist's biography began on November 29, 1964 in Moscow. Mikhail was born in an ordinary family: his mother is of Ukrainian nationality, and Grushevsky prefers not to talk about his father, since his parents divorced when the boy was 5 years old. The actor has unpleasant memories of his stepfather: he was very strict and beat little Misha with a stick.

Mikhail did not have pop artists and comedians in his family - he is the first of his relatives who began to engage in professional stage humor. And all thanks to the character and talent of the parodist, which he manifested with early childhood. Mikhail recalls that when he was 5 years old, he came up with a fictional dialogue with the monument to the writer Griboyedov, which the boy often passed on the street. Telling this fantasy story, little Misha constantly made the people around him laugh.

Grushevsky's talent for parody was noticed back in school years, and it all started with the fact that Misha saw on TV a performance that portrayed a famous sports commentator. Impressed, Grushevsky decided to repeat the comedian's success by performing on the school stage. Despite the excitement of the boy, the laughing audience approved the debut performance of the future artist. Later, Mikhail Grushevsky repeatedly showed parodies of the stars while in a pioneer camp.

Misha became the soul of the company, not a single event took place without him. For example, Grushevsky recalls that at one of the evenings he portrayed his teacher so professionally that the director of the school passing by, hearing his voice, was very surprised that the teacher was speaking on stage. An activist and participant in amateur performances, Grushevsky more than once bothered with school praise and letters.

Parody career

Mikhail successfully passed the exams and, despite the desire to be a pop artist, entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys. At the institute, Misha was also engaged in amateur performances and showed humorous skits. By the way, it was then, in the mid-seventies, that Grushevsky met and: as Mikhail admits, Vladimir is his chief mentor on the way to creativity.

Thanks to perestroika in the USSR, Misha had a chance to become a stage figure, however, in order to receive an artist's diploma, Grushevsky would have to serve in the army. Therefore, as a student, he decided to graduate from MISiS, after which he was hired at a research institute. But in 1988, the young man decided to do what he could do most talentedly, and transferred to theater studio"Grotesque", where he was prophesied the future of the artist.

In the same 88th Grushevsky was invited to a humorous group, in which Vladimir Vinokur participated. The young man immediately agreed, because they did not require a special diploma from him. Even then, Mikhail began to earn his first money for creativity. From that moment began his professional humorous career.

For the first time on television, Misha appeared in 1989 on the program "Look", in which he became the first to portray a political figure Auditorium was bursting with laughter, although Grushevsky risked a lot with his performance.

Thanks to the gift of parodying other people, Mikhail Grushevsky from the 94th to the 95th takes part in the dubbing of the Dolls program. And a year later, in the 96th, the parodist was seen by the host comedy program Full House, with which he collaborated until 2004.

In 2007, Mikhail tried himself in a new field: he became the host of the Babi Riot talk show on Ren-TV. Despite the social nature of the program, Mikhail, even as a TV presenter, managed to make the audience laugh.

In addition to humorous performances, Mikhail Grushevsky also participates in various television programs, for example, in 2008 he became a member of the Last Hero project, which was shown on Channel One, and since 2013 the parodist has performed in the Repeat!

Misha also tried himself as an actor in the TV series Star of the Era, which was released in 2005. There he acted as the composer Nikita Bogoslovsky.

Personal life

The personal life of Mikhail Yakovlevich is not a secret, he willingly shares it with journalists. In 2001, the artist married a video clip specialist, Irina Mironova. Despite the fact that a man with a height of 173 cm is popular with women, the comedian admits that this is his first relationship experience. Before meeting Ira, Mikhail stayed in a civil marriage for only 2 months.

Despite the fact that the couple lasted until 2012, the couple divorced with a noisy scandal that was brought to society. At the moment of the relationship, Misha began to understand that he and Irina were cooling off towards each other: the only support that kept the couple together was daughter Daria. Therefore, Mikhail does not keep a secret that he sometimes flirted with women on the side.

As Grushevsky admits, he did not think that because of his desire to divorce, his ex-wife would declare war. The comedian himself regrets that he was too frank with the press about their family feuds.

Mikhail Grushevsky and Evgenia Grushevskaya

In 2014, rumors appeared on the network about a new romance between Mikhail Grushevsky and Evgenia Guslyarova, who is 15 years younger than the chosen one. The lovers had a wedding, and in 2015 Mikhail and Evgenia Grushevsky had a son, Misha, who was named after the artist.

It is also known that Mikhail Grushevsky has a hobby: he is an avid football fan sports club CSKA. It is known that the parodist leads his own Instagram, where he uploads photos of hobbies.

Mikhail Grushevsky now

Mikhail Grushevsky played an episodic role in the series "Civil Marriage", which started in 2017.

The actor also became a member of the scandalous TV show "Secret for a Million", which is hosted on the NTV channel. The issue with Mikhail was released on April 8, 2017: the artist shares the main secrets of marital relationships.

In the personal life of the famous clip maker Irina Mironova, who shot many videos for Alla Pugacheva, Kristina Orbakaite, Philip Kirkorov, it seems that there have been big changes. More recently, Irina was going through a difficult divorce from ex-husband- parodist Mikhail Grushevsky and looked completely exhausted by the endless showdowns with the division of property.

But now from the past family drama there was no trace left. In the pictures that Heat.ru managed to take, 38-year-old Irina is a happy, smiling woman, and next to her is a handsome young man, gently kissing and hugging her. The action takes place on the territory of Mironova's country house, where now new lover Irina is the most frequent guest.

In the guy who breathed new life into the talented clip maker, you can easily recognize the singer Sergei Savin. The 28-year-old artist is the winner of the very first part of Alla Pugacheva's TV project "Factor A". Two years ago, Sergei won the show and Pugacheva herself personally took up his career. Alla Borisovna financed Savin's videos, looked for songs for him and was engaged in promotion solely out of sympathy for the young singer.

Secular gossips even gossiped about Sergei's resemblance to Maxim Galkin, looking for the secret reason for the patronage of the prima donna to the young man. However, as time passed, it became clear that Sergey's heart now belongs to another. In a company with Alla Borisovna, he met her close friend, clip maker Mironova.

It was enough for Irina and Sergey to talk several times for a spark to flare up between them. According to the stories of Mironova's neighbors in her country house in Novaya Riga, the guy visits Irina almost every week, staying overnight, and sometimes living there for 2-3 days.

Despite the ten-year age difference, apparently, Savin and Mironova are very comfortable with each other. Irina finally forgot about the squabbles associated with divorce - she was completely taken over by a stormy romance with a young man. Savin himself looks in love and elated. A year ago, the guy survived a serious car accident, ended up in the hospital and was in a coma. After that, according to his confession, he rethought his whole life.

How the stormy romance of Savin and Mironova will end is not yet clear; the couple is in no hurry to open their relationship to the general public.

You know, my divorce has not yet ended, ”Mironova herself answered Heat.ru when asked to comment on her relationship with singer Sergei Savin. - I'm not ready now to talk about some of my relationship with anyone!

Sergey Savin also preferred to remain silent, citing the fact that he did not want to publicize either his own or someone else's personal life.

Russian actor, parodist and comedian.

Mikhail Yakovlevich Grushevsky was born in the winter of 1964 in Moscow. His maternal relatives are from Ukraine. In the early 1980s, the artist, a graduate of the Institute of Steel and Alloys, was sent to work in one of the many research institutes. In 1988, by chance, he ended up in the theater-studio "Grotesque", and as a young Mikhail Grushevsky the master of the stage Vladimir Vinokur became interested.

Later, the comedian even dedicated a number called “Vovchik and Levchik” to the popular couple Lev Leshchenko and Vladimir Vinokur.

The creative path of Mikhail Grushevsky / Mihail Grushevskii

images Mikhail Grushevsky always turned out to be similar to the originals of famous political figures and artists, as he tries in every possible way to get into the role and imagine how the object of parody thinks, how he lives.

In 1996 Mikhail Grushevsky I noticed myself Regina Dubovitskaya, and offered to perform one of the numbers as part of next issue her legendary television program "Full house". By this time, the artist had already toured the country, and gladly accepted the offer.

I had not only presidents in my “arsenal”, but also Khasbulatov, Zhirinovsky, and the now deceased Lebed, and many others. Some even said that they should pay me extra for promotion. I never refused, but for some reason I never received any money from anyone.

Mikhail Grushevsky was the voice of the program "Dolls", the host of the talk show "Babiy Riot" on the REN TV channel, played the role of the composer Nikita Bogoslovsky in the serial film "Star of the era" in 2005 and took part in other humorous domestic projects.

In 2012, he fought for "survival" in the company of colleagues on the set of the reality show "The Last Hero" .

Mikhail Grushevsky is a fan of the Moscow football club CSKA. He was married to a clip maker Irina Mironova, the spouses have a daughter, Daria.

Marriage Mikhail Grushevsky and Irina Mironova with a scandal ended in divorce in the summer of 2012. The ex-wife was determined to write a book about the midlife crisis as the main cause of the rift in family life. In addition, she publicly stated that they did not have sex with Mikhail Grushevsky for eight years that she supported her husband for many years and now intends to compensate for the lack of male attention.

I propose not to trifle in this matter: we will assume that Ira and I never had sex at all, and the child was born as a result of joint viewing of her video clips!

The parodist himself did not waste time, and had an affair with a young model, which his ex-wife told reporters about, without missing out on "spicy" details.

Mikhail Grushevsky skeptical about the outrageous behavior of Irina Mironova:

Buying yachts is a juicy detail. I, according to Irina, stole family money, and, apparently, I buy yachts with them. I fight back, so to speak. And what else can you expect if you don’t interrogate sex from me!

In 2013 Mikhail Grushevsky once again at the epicenter loud scandal. In the spring he got a call from a girl named Elena, a producer Ukrainian channel, and offered to take part in the filming of the pilot episode of the show "An Evening with a Comedian". At the same time, the interview program was supposed to take place in the cabin of a white limousine that travels around Moscow.

However, soon on the screen of one of Russian TV channels a project dedicated to show business. It used excerpts from scenes involving Mikhail Grushevsky and his young companion-journalist. All this was accompanied by comments about the love of the famous parodist.

After the premiere of the program, Mikhail Grushevsky appealed to the Presnensky Court, which undertakes to consider a claim to protect the dignity, honor and business reputation of the actor.

In case of a positive decision, Mikhail Grushevsky will receive compensation for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of one million rubles.

". This time the player's seat was taken by the popular Russian humorist Mikhail Grushevsky. In a conversation with the host of the program Lera Kudryavtseva, he spoke about the divorce of his parents, the scandalous separation from his first wife and new family with a young wife.

“Comedian Mikhail Grushevsky is known not only for his parodies, but also for his scandalous divorce. After ten years of marriage, his ex-wife Irina Mironova complained all over the country that he had not visited her in the bedroom for eight years. Today Mikhail Grushevsky is happily married to his second wife, ”with these words Lera Kudryavtseva met a famous parodist.

Mikhail Grushevsky spoke about the divorce of his parents and why his own father took the offense of breaking up with his mother on his son. “Everyone asked me why your dad doesn’t even talk to you. He resumed communication when I was in the fourth grade. Then I was already against it, ”explained Mikhail Grushevsky. Having matured, the artist explained to himself this behavior of his father by the tragedy that happened to his first wife and daughter: “First, his wife threw herself under the train, and then the daughter from her first marriage.” The parodist noted that he would not find his father's grave now, because he had lost his documents.

A big role in the life of Mikhail Grushevsky was played by his stepfather. “He was seriously involved in my upbringing. Often punished. Once, he beat me with a stick. Mom, of course, loved him, but, in the end, they broke up because of his son from another woman, ”said the artist. According to him, it was the separation from his stepfather that became a real blow for Mikhail. “Do you understand that your mother always chose you, and not women's happiness,” asked Lera Kudryavtseva. In response, Mikhail Grushevsky burst into tears.

A significant part of the program was devoted to the personal life of Mikhail Grushevsky and his women. The artist said that he met his second wife Eugenia at an Ayurvedic center in a small German town. “I met her at dinner. I liked her right away. We walked a lot, talked, but didn’t even kiss, ”said the humorist. After that, according to the artist, he invited Eugene to a friend's anniversary, where they all began to be perceived as a strong couple. At that time, Mikhail Grushevsky had already been divorced from his first wife for two years.

Evgenia, who came to support her husband in the studio of the Secret to a Million program, spoke about Mikhail's courtship and how he repeatedly stated that she would marry him. "We went to Grand Theatre for the production of "The Taming of the Shrew". During the intermission, he took my hand and seriously announced that I would marry him. It was a real offer. I answered, yes, of course, ”the artist’s wife admitted. The wedding, worth 2.5 million rubles, was played by a loving couple in one of the most expensive banquet halls in Moscow.

The parodist did not escape questions about life together and divorce from ex-wife Irina Mironova. “I dare to suggest that on the part of Irina, marriage with me was part of a strategic plan,” said Mikhail. The artist stressed that for two years now he has not communicated with his ex-wife, but for scandalous divorce she still reproaches herself with her. “I hurried with the publication of this decision, probably afraid to change my mind because of common child”, Mikhail explained.

The final question of the show "Secret for a Million" Lera Kudryavtseva traditionally handed over to the hero in a sealed envelope. “The secret that is hidden in this envelope comes from your childhood. The price of this secret is a million rubles. Mikhail Grushevsky opened the envelope and briefly answered "no", after which he burned the secret.

Mikhail Grushevsky spoke about friendship with Victoria Lopyreva during the crisis with his first wife
