Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting divorced. The scandalous divorce of Pavel Volya - the reason will surprise you! And who is the head of the family

True or just rumors? One of the most beautiful couples break up in show business. Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva divorced in 2017. How did it happen that the relationship, which the whole country watched with bated breath, is coming to an end. All fans of Laysan and Pasha looked with delight at the beautiful couple. Suffice it to recall their joint video, in which the eyes are filled with love and tenderness for each other. What could have happened in this exemplary family. Is it true that Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting a divorce?

Pavel Volya - the real name of the showman Denis Dobronravov, was born in 1979 in the city of Penza. As a child, he was fond of humanities very fond of literature. After leaving school, Pavel entered the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature.

At the institute, he began performing in KVN. After graduating from the institute, almost the entire team of kvnschikov moved to Moscow. Pasha was no exception. From that moment on, Pavel's career took off. He worked as a DJ at Khti FM, wrote scripts for Igor Ugolnikov's program.

Celebrity and success came to young man from the moment he became a resident of the Comedy Club show. All his performances were based on insulting the guests of the show, which were presented in the form of jokes. It became a token of Will.

For a long time, Pavel collaborated with Vladimir Turchinsky. Together they hosted the Comedy Battle program. In memory of his colleague, Pavel continues to lead this program.

Pavel Volya participant of the Comedy Club show

Paul can be seen not only in comedy programs. He successfully acted in films. The very first film where Pavel got the role was the series "Club" in 2006. Later, he took part in the filming of the film "The Most best movie". In 2008, in the film "Plato" Pasha played a major role.

Pavel Volya since 2004 has been building a serious musical career. Every year he released a new album.

The outrageous young man has always been in the center of attention of girls. His personal life worried many. Pasha was single for a long time. But in 2013, the media exploded with the news of his wedding and the birth of a child. What was the surprise of the fans that the gymnast Laysan Utyasheva became the chosen one of Pasha. A calm, sweet girl is the exact opposite of an explosive young man.

Laysan Utyasheva - how it all began

Laysan was born in 1985 in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the village of Raevskoye. When the girl was 4 years old, the family moved to Volgograd. Since childhood, Laysan dreamed of becoming a ballerina. She was a fragile and flexible girl. Parents were very far from art, but they decided to support their daughter's desire. Mom enrolled her in a ballet school.

But by chance, instead of ballet, Laysan got into sports class. The girl was immediately noted and invited to practice rhythmic gymnastics. Already in the first year of training, Laysan began to achieve good success.

When the girl was 12 years old, her parents brought her to Moscow. Here, the most famous coaches continued to work with her. At the age of 14, Laysan successfully passes the standards for a master of sports. In 2001, Laysan performs at the World Cup and becomes the winner in six categories.

Coach Irina Viner was preparing the gymnast for the Olympics, but in 2002 there was a fatal fall. Laysan hurts his leg. The first examination does not reveal serious damage, and the girl continues intensive training. The old trauma constantly made itself felt. The girl could not train for a long time, her leg began to hurt badly. Irina Viner insisted on a thorough examination, which showed that there were cracks in the injured leg. In addition, regular loads led to damage to the second leg.

The gymnast had to take a break, a complex operation was performed on her leg. After a long rehabilitation, the girl returned to the sport. Her dream was to participate in the Olympics. But this was not destined to come true. The pain in my leg has returned.

Doctors argued that continuing to play sports would lead to the fact that the girl would be in a wheelchair. In 2006, Laysan decides to leave the sport.

The girl suffered a career disruption. But after a small psychological crisis, she found herself as the host of television programs about health and sports. Now she has organized her own dance show.

Laysan's first romance was with businessman Valery Lomadze. But two years later, the relationship ended in a legal scandal over joint property.

In 2012, a tragedy happened in Laysan's life. Her mother died at the age of 47. The girl shut herself up. Her condition almost caused a career breakdown. But at this time, Pavel Volya appears next to Laysan, who became her salvation. The relationship of young people reached the wedding, which fans learned about in 2012. And now there are rumors in the press that Utyasheva Laysan is filing a divorce from Volya. Is it true?

Relationship history

So different, but so happy! Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva always attracted admiring glances. in love, happy couple captivated fans. They harmoniously complement each other. Pavel's impulsiveness was smoothed out by the calmness of his wife.

They hid their relationship for a very long time. Fans learned about the novel only after the couple had a son. The young people met social event. They were the hosts of this event, and then continued to communicate. There were moments when they could see each other at work, but their romance did not happen immediately.

Push to start Serious relationships there was grief in the Laysan family. Her mother died. The girl begins a terrible depression, from which Pasha helps her get out. He proved himself to be a reliable man, behind whom the girl was, like behind a stone wall. It was at this moment that a stormy romance began between young people. The wedding was played in the same year.

The wedding was very quiet and modest. Pavel and Laysan signed at the registry office without ceremony. The press could not even think that the two were so different person will be together.

Rumors began to spread at a time when the girl's pregnancy was no longer possible to hide. There was a real buzz around the couple. To protect the young wife from journalists, Pavel took her to Spain, and then to the USA. Their first son, Robert, was born there.

With the advent of his son, a completely different Pavel Volya appeared before the fans. It was no longer possible to call him a “glamorous bastard”. It turned out to be a very caring, gentle and attentive father and husband. And in May 2015, a daughter appeared in the family.

relationship problems

Showman Pasha Volya and charming gymnast Laysan Utyasheva have always been considered the strongest couple in show business. But every family has its own problems. So, here, Laysan often admitted that Pavel is very quick-tempered, and often arranges scenes of jealousy in front of everyone.

For the first time, she spoke about Laysan's divorce in Yulia Menshova's program “Alone with Everyone” in December 2016. Already at this time, there were many rumors that the couple was on the verge of parting. But the gymnast denied this fact in an interview with Julia. The conversation was very frank. Laysan told how she herself lived without a father. The girl's parents divorced due to constant drinking.

Mom was very worried, regularly tried to return him, send him for treatment, but no attempts were successful. As it turned out, the father already had another family, secretly from his daughters and Laysan's mother. In this program, Laysan reassured the fans, saying that everything was fine in her family. She is very happy with Pasha.

But as it turned out, not everything is so rosy in the couple's family. First of all, the main problem is that Laysan devotes all his time to raising children. This has a very negative effect on the relationship between the spouses, since she does not have time for Paul at all.

The well-known psychic Natalya Vorotnikova prophesied that the couple would not be together. Natalya predicted that immediately after the birth of the child, the family would fall apart through the fault of Paul. He is very freedom-loving, and family relationships will weigh him down. The woman prophesied two marriages to both spouses. How true the prophecy, time will tell. But so far it hasn't come true. Pavel and Laysan already have two children, and Natalya predicted a divorce after the first child appeared.

Despite the disagreement in the couple, there is no official information that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting divorced in 2017. Most likely, this is just gossip of the yellow press.

I've always had the strong feeling that this is how things are going. We met at my house, away from prying eyes. The conversation turned out to be confessional.”

You eat chocolate now, but when you played sports, could you afford it?

Dark chocolate could be. We were always given cocoa, even before the starts, and, to be honest, I got so used to this particular taste that milk seems too sweet to me.

Oh how I understand you. Even though I'm not an athlete.

Yes, it's just too much for me. I also teach my children to dark chocolate.

Is it too early for children to restrict food?

Eating habits are formed in childhood, so it's time. For them, chocolate is a treat. For example, Robert did a great homework in English and says “mom, a chocolate bar”, that is, getting a bar or two chocolate bars is a motivation for him. But instead of any sweets, I better ladies something useful.

You and I are now having the most correct lunch - tea and dark chocolate.

Yes, tea herbal preparations, I love mint, also the Altai collection. I try to keep myself in shape, in my life this is already a double three - the weight flies up to the “thirty”, and my face becomes like a pancake.

Are you predisposed to fullness?!

Terribly predisposed! And I live with a man who never gets better. Not for horse food. He's like you, Vadim. You are always thin, lean, and it is generally not clear when your breed will leak. (Laughs.)

Thank you. No need.

And Pasha says so. He boasted that he gained two kilos over the summer. He put in incredible effort. At first, he and I drove out these toxins, which, in principle, do not allow a person prone to thinness to recover - it was a long process. Then he and his children along the sea ran a lot, so that it would not be such that we only have an athletic mother.

Pashka is actually a sports guy himself, although you can’t seem to tell from him.

Yes, he is so skinny.

But there are muscles there, he easily raises children, well, he carries me in his arms. True, I had to lose 30 kg so that he would not tear his back. (Laughs.) You know this effect when you walk along the beach, and they look at you like this: “Oh, that's who eats it in the family!” I don’t want this association, so I started to get myself in shape again.

Laysan Utyasheva

In general, you must always keep yourself within the limits. As far as I know you, you have always set yourself the most ambitious goals, your vision, so to speak, is not narrowly focused.

And I think this is what gave the effect that you manifest yourself all your life in absolutely different areas and you always succeed one hundred percent.

It's very nice to hear that. You, Vadim, are exactly the journalist who has been watching me for a long time. It seems to me that for the first time we saw each other on some big event, organized by Irina Aleksandrovna Viner. Then Alina Kabaeva and I went out, as they say. I was sixteen years old, I was an aspiring star, Alina - already a big star. You and I were introduced to each other, and it seems that since then we began to communicate. You remember all my professional manifestations, you know about the injury, about how I fought the stereotypes that an athlete cannot work on television, and even on a federal channel. I am grateful to Kulistikov Vladimir Mikhailovich ( CEO NTV Television Companies from July 2004 to October 2015. - Approx. OK!) for the fact that he saw in me not only an athlete.

That's what I'm interested in in your fate. Are you from a small town...

Even the village.

... the village. Parents are not athletes, an ordinary classic family ...

You know, I didn’t have time to live a classical, as you say, life - after all, gymnastics began from the age of 4. In general, you probably know, I wanted to be a ballerina. I was four years old when I saw Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya on TV in "The Dying Swan", I fell in love with her and said: "That's it, mom, I'll be a ballerina, take me to the ballet." And mom says: “Are you crazy, what ballet?” - "Mom, I'm a ballerina, can't you see?" And I, as I remember now, wrapped myself in toilet paper - such a childish representation of a pack, and there was nothing else at hand. And mom eventually agreed: “Well, if you want it that way, then tomorrow we’ll go.” But they didn’t take me to the ballet, then they recruited me only from the age of 7. I was going crazy and at the age of 4 I didn’t understand what it was like to wait another three years, this is my whole life. And then everything is like in a movie: in line for a little girl in a fur coat, upset that she was not taken to ballet, a coach approached - and my gymnastics began.

I adore my mother - I always talk about her in the present tense, I have a feeling that she is with us - she was a person of action. "That's it, we're going tomorrow. Want? Go ahead". No inhibitions, no “ifs,” no “oh, you have to think about it.”

Always respect your wishes. Great.

Yes, the wishes of a small child. And that's my top priority right now. Here Robert or Sophia say something, and I try not only to immediately fulfill their desires, but to put myself in their place. A child, for example, wanted to prove himself in tennis - well, let's go try it, listen to what the coach has to say. Or Sophia wanted to dance: "That's it, come on." I'm the host of the "Dancing" project, she came, saw the dancers and went on stage, "participated" in the casting. It is clear that this will not be included in the broadcast version, but she experienced this feeling of the stage and said: “No, mom, tennis is better.”

Now I'll show you one photo.

My God! It's you with Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya!

Yes, I made a big movie about her when I first started working on television.

Lucky you. In general, this is a woman who made my destiny, honestly. Greatest woman. And for all her rather classically strict appearance, she was kind, sentimental.

Did you know each other?

Yes. She once told me: “Baby, dance! disagree with outside world who will dictate something else to you."

Laysan Utyasheva

Yes, in New Opera". Plisetskaya madly respected Irina Viner and said: "I will come and just look at the girl." Of course, I was shaking when I found out that she would be in the hall. Me, a hardened athlete, going to the World Championship, to a number of serious competitions with broken legs! ..

... what you also became famous for.

Exactly. (Smiling). But now is not about that. I mean, dancing in front of Maya Mikhailovna was the most emotionally difficult thing for me.

You know, Maya Mikhailovna for me is the standard of rebellion, courage: to dance "Bolero" on the table, in front of 32 men, it was always 18+. And now the audience sees me dancing "Bolero" in a completely different interpretation - "about times, about morals", we are broadcasting all this there. I wanted to encourage young people to come to us. As my husband said: “You don't have the right way. You have about what this world comes to if they act as you show - to total loneliness. Main character lonely.

What do you know about loneliness? You had dramas in your life, there were losses, but you, it seems to me, have never been alone.

I know about loneliness through the prism of my mother, who, after her father, did not let anyone near her either physically or morally. They had a very difficult divorce. We could not live with a tyrant, it was absolutely terrible, but my mother always continued to love him, he was her first man. I remember she said: “I’m probably a swan, I lost my second half, which means I will live differently.” She was not offended by him, she always said only good things about him. What can not be said about him - he always spoke badly about his mother.

How old were you when your parents separated?

Such a formative period.

Yes, and then I asked my father a question in the forehead: “Why? Why does mom only say good things? And you? There must be so much resentment in you!” But I didn't get an answer. I saw my mother's loneliness, her sad eyes. Besides, you know little, Vadim, about my personal life before Pasha. There was so much gossip, and I was very secretive and probably lonely too, for a long time didn't let anyone in. I had a lot of male friends, I was lucky, it is now helping me to compose a women's course "How to behave with a man."

I knew how to be just a friend, a kid. I went all the time in some kind of sneakers, no mini, all the time tracksuits.

Laysan Utyasheva

An amazing, of course, metamorphosis happened to you: now you are the embodiment of femininity and beauty ... Tell me, what was your secrecy connected with?

I wanted, perhaps, this purity. Mom was brought up in a very religious family, in Muslim traditions, she could not even be friends with men. So I was very picky in terms of friendship. In addition, I have a very late female development, I only started to round up at the age of 19, this is a sport, I had to be a wick on the carpet, 40 kilograms, and that’s it. I am now reviewing those photos of mine, I really want to go back to that form. I was afraid of relationships in general. That is, no one offended me, there are no scary stories from childhood, I was just late. And so I howled at home to the moon until almost 25 years old. (Smiling.)

And then Pasha picked you up...

Lucky, huh? The boy. (Laughs) And again, we were friends for a very long time.

Yes. These were the times when Comedy performed at the Atrium.

I remember, I remember, in the lobby on the first floor.

They haven't been mega-popular yet. I came in the company of my cool friends-athletes. I was wearing my mother's long black sweater, with my hair messed up like that. Pasha later said that when he saw the collarbone peeking out from under the sweater, there was a “bang!” like in the movies.

We looked at each other, I was wildly shy. He was clearly not free at that moment, obviously a large number of women claimed his body, and this look was enough for me.

I understood everything, I understood that he would call, I understood that we would be friends, and then I didn’t think, because at that moment I still dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion, I dreamed about it, in this regard I was like a zombie.

So it's normal for an athlete of this level.

Probably, but this obsession interferes with life.

Pasha psychologically relaxed you somehow?

It’s not even about Pasha, I just realized that it doesn’t work, you can’t think about something so fanatically. I saw this man, I just thought he was cool, I sent him a ray of kindness. There were no illusions from the series "oh my god, he definitely fell in love with me." I came home and forgot, and in the morning the call: “Hello, long-legged!” - "Hello!" - "How are you?" - “Fine” - “Shall we have a snack at lunch?” - "Let's". Everyone came and talked. I remember that it was with a soul, somehow immediately penetrating, without any flirting at all.

I arrived with my hair slicked like this, completely without makeup, with freckles, and he says: “My God, how old are you? You are frozen." By the way, many people say this phrase to me: “You are frozen.” Somehow it was very easy, then my phone was stolen, and we got lost for a while. Then I came back to Comedy, said that my phone had been stolen, and Pasha: “Don’t make it up, you just don’t want to communicate with me.” Of course, I wanted to communicate, our meetings always lasted eight or nine hours, we could not separate, we talked all the time ... Vadim, by the way, you are the first with whom I was so open.

Laysan Utyasheva

Thank you for your trust, Laysan. Tell me, what did you see in Pasha?

I saw a kind, reliable friend, support. She punctured the wheel of the car - a classic - she typed to him, and he: "Oh, I just have a break between filming." Came and changed tires. It's always easy with him. Then there was a series of terrible events in Moscow, an explosion in Domodedovo, I was driving and I heard this news on the radio. I know that my mother is at home, Wiener flies with his own plane, the first one I want to recruit is Pasha. I ask: "Are you all right?" And I never found out who he was, with whom he was. We didn't ask each other these questions. Just talking, that's all.

And how many years did this relationship last?

Seven or eight years.

What are you!

Well, look, we met when I was 19-20, and at 26 we got married. Seven years, it turns out.

So he didn't rush things?

I have a feeling that he, like a lion, tracked down his prey for a very long time - that's my association. I am wildly grateful to him for this, he did not force events, there was no pressure, but everything was as it should be. Perhaps this is fate.

You know what delights me: you talk about Pasha as if it all happened yesterday. And this, of course, is happiness.

Yes, probably. How else? Why do people live together, I don’t understand, if you don’t love, you don’t make friends.

Perhaps your relationship has been tested?

The biggest test is the death of my mother. This, of course, was crazy. Pasha saw how I literally died and was born again, it was all before his eyes. There were different situations, emotional, I mean. I could not recognize people, because the doctors prescribed some cruel drugs - they saved my heart, the diagnoses were not very good, I was suffocating, there were seizures.

I lost weight, I don’t know how much, I couldn’t go to the toilet myself, I was lying under droppers. Here is the most terrible period, I remember almost nothing, a hole in my head. Friends said that I threw things into the mirror when, forty days after my mother's death, they could be opened. I couldn’t look at myself, I said that this was a betrayal, I shouldn’t look like this, my mother should be in this mirror ... Pasha went through all this with me. Loneliness in "Bolero" is probably part of the emptiness that formed after the departure of my mother. I was obsessed, my mother and I best friends, She is mine best friend. She knew perfectly well about my tender friendship with Pashka, she always said: invite him home already, don’t be shy. I invited, and he said: "I'm shy." He was careful and, probably, was right ... No man can withstand four months of a woman in depression.

In four months, I turned into I don’t even know who. Remember, everyone was waiting for the end of the world in 2012? Mom passed away on March 11, 2012, for me it was the end of the world. And on March 13, after that, Pasha's grandmother, who raised him, died. He, like a man, endured it steadfastly, but I didn’t, I broke down.

What do you mean when you say that "Bolero" is partly about the death of my mother?

I'm talking about detachment. The staging is 18+ not because there are some scenes that people in the films have not seen. What can surprise us now in this regard? But an adult in all this nakedness will see my message. A woman in a turtleneck jacket sits and just looks aimlessly into the hall, and men and women climb on it and hiss all the time, like snakes ... An adult will see this as not an orgy or something like that. This is suffering. I said to myself: I won’t cry, I’d rather show and suffer on stage. Therefore, I would like you to see it with your own eyes, and not only form an opinion from the stories.

Laysan Utyasheva

Thank you. I'll gladly have a look.

Irina Alexandrovna Viner said: “I am too old, I have not seen any productions. Lisa (that's what she calls me), I'll come for 15 minutes. She asked to be seated neatly, so that it would not cause general indignation, why Wiener left after 15 minutes. As a result: “Where is my son-in-law (this is jokingly about Pasha)? - for the whole hall. - Son-in-law, are you here? Well done". Irina Alexandrovna loves to appear spectacularly in spotlights, we were actually waiting only for her, she called and said that she was a little late. She sat for an hour and twenty minutes, and then says: “What I saw is so painful, it is so diverse. Who is the choreographer? Are these some foreign guys? Again, I gave myself to the youth: Katya Reshetnikova, Garik Rudnik - these are the guys who stage dances on our project. So in this project, all the pain that I'm telling you about, which Pasha saw: a crazy woman, different woman, not understanding, in a fog, not knowing what he wants - that's all there.

I don't know Pavel personally, but I imagined him a little differently. I like his humor, such healthy cynicism. You open for me a completely different Pavel Volya - very warm, cordial.

I repeat, Pasha behaved with me all that difficult period as a real man. Maybe I’m talking like a woman madly in love with him, who doesn’t see some things… His shooting ended at two in the morning, he flew to me, he took me to Barcelona so that I somehow switched, he threw away the pills: it’s better cry, don't shower yourself with them. Mom was still alive when we became a couple, we just didn't advertise it. I was the face of a sports brand, and after the shooting I was offered to take one pair of sneakers as a gift.

Mom took sneakers for Pasha: “Don’t you want to give him? I will donate. Good boy, why not give him sneakers. This was my mother, this is not a bribe.

Mom, it turns out, did not find the absolute flowering of her daughter's femininity and her personal happiness.

No, she didn’t, but something tells me that she sees everything. I believe in that world because I have such clear dreams. Mom screamed at me in a dream: “Stop reveling in your grief, this is selfishness, stop crying, you won’t bring me back with tears, but with tears you will ruin your life, yourself and all the people who are nearby. Stop it, the mourning has gone on too long." I saw everything so clearly, as if we were sitting in the kitchen talking with her. I already woke up and thought: it’s true, yes, I have grief, but I have no right to make unhappy the man who is now next to me, who tries so hard, protects me like some fragile vessel.

Great words, Laysan. I like the fact that you can turn your experience, even the saddest one, into creativity. And also, it seems to me, you are constantly breaking your own path, going somewhere into the unknown, looking for new ways.

You are right. I like to reincarnate and get out of my comfort zone.

TV presenter, actress, producer, constantly on the lookout.

It’s not that I’m in search, it’s probably just all of me. I lost weight again, got into leggings, Full time job over himself makes happy not only me. Pasha says: “I live with such a cascade of women, they are all so different. Either magnificent forms, then the fifth breast size, then a nursing woman, rounded hips, straight Monica Bellucci in best years, then Angelina Jolie is some kind of dramatic ... "It seems to me that every woman has it, you just need to draw attention to yourself, and this does not need money at all.

Have you always realized that you are beautiful?

Of course not, Vadim. You saw this terrible photo - the Bashkir cheeks are huge, the eyes are almost invisible, only cheeks. A typical ordinary girl, of which there are many. And if the beauty of this girl is in the cheekbones, then they still need to be seen behind the cheeks ...

Laysan Utyasheva

You see, Pavel likes all of you.

Yes. He's crazy. He says: now you have black hair, long, then you have short, then slicked, then I run around the house in his big shirts. I have my own dress code at home, we don’t throw away Pasha’s cool shirts, even if they have stains that cannot be removed, I wear them at home.

Are you going to rehearsal now?

Yes, we are constantly refining Bolero, and you know, it inspires me. The main thing is that our family life does not suffer from my constant employment. From the moment Sophia started going to the garden, everything somehow settled down, there is no panic. She is in the garden from nine to five, then she has English, she likes it all. At this moment, I can also do my own thing. Robert is generally busy until seven. But on the weekend, die all living things, I'm at home, Pasha is at home, we don't answer the phone, unless we're on tour. You probably know, we had too long a vacation - first a vacation for two in Iceland, then we went with the children to Europe. My work phones are turned off for three months, I'm gone, I don't exist. All work calls are answered by my director.

Three months is not much?

A lot, but we rest like this. During this vacation, I lost two kilos. This is all Robert, he is used to playing sports, I ran with him. True, sometimes I thought: “God, I would lie down now.” (Smiles.) And then she ran faster, even faster. This is probably my code. Running from myself to myself, I can't do it any other way. I start to turn sour, fade at home, it's ruining me.

Do you like doing household chores? Are you not a hostess?

Mistress, but I have time to do everything very quickly. I love to cook. And it is very important for me that Sophia sees what her mother is cooking. Borscht, mashed potatoes - it's elementary. We all eat our favorite buckwheat, boil an egg in the morning - only mom. Of course, we have a housekeeper, but no nanny - it is important to emphasize this. When I tour, the children stay with their grandparents, Pasha's parents, these are just holy people. Grandfather himself drives a car, delivers children to sections. When I'm at home, I clean (I'm a fan of cleaning), the children clean their own rooms.

Makeup: Vova Efremenko/White Garden

Hairstyles: Roma Kuznetsov / "White Garden"

1-04-2019, 00:00 \\

The network is discussing the breakup of the marriage of the famous comedian and the champion due to the planning of a third child.

The family of Pavel and Laysan already has two children, the first-born was born in 2013, he was named Robert, and in early May 2015, a little girl Sofia was born.

Fans noticed that their relationship was not always so perfect. The conflict that arose during the new season of the Dancing project on TNT, when one of the participants wanted to kiss Laysan, and Pavel openly showed his displeasure. Repeatedly there were rumors about the divorce of the couple, which in the end were refuted by Utyasheva and Pasha herself.

A possible conflict that could lead to a divorce, users associated with the words of Volya from one stand-up that he was preparing. In it, he said that he did not like his wife's pregnancy because of various whims and tantrums.

Subscribers under the last published photo on the instagram of the champion are talking about a possible new pregnancy. Subscribers also drew attention to the fact that she, in Lately, wears more baggy style clothes without showing her belly.

Netizens believe that the couple's conflict and divorce may be hidden due to their children and the family's finances. At the same time, fans condemn Pasha calling him "Penza bastard".

We add that there are no official reports of Pasha Volya's pregnancy and divorce from Laysan Utyasheva.

In 2018, rumors appeared that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva were getting a divorce, but in fact this information was not confirmed. Wherever a couple appears, they always shine with joy and love for each other. Family relationships are not ideal, therefore quarrels very often break out between Pavel and Laysan. According to the gymnast, her husband is very jealous.

Divorce in the family is another rumor launched by the media. Everyone who watched Utyasheva's last interview in the program "The Fate of a Man" learned about her thoughts, past, present and future. It was here that she spoke about "true love" in her life, along with Pavel Volya.

Are Utyasheva and Volya getting divorced

Family relations of Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are a prime example for many newlyweds. This a strong family, which with all its actions shows how important it is to support each other in difficult situations. But it turned out that everything was not so good, as in any family they have scandals. Most often this is due to the special jealousy of Paul.

Conflicts often flare up between spouses that arise not only behind closed doors, but also in public. They are not shy about expressing their opinions about each other.

Pavel Volya very often demonstrates his jealousy on various shootings of joint projects, which does not look very pleasant. In 2018, articles appeared that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva were getting a divorce, but the information provided remained at the level of rumors.

In one of recent interviews, a famous gymnast admitted that she has to spend a lot of time raising children. There is practically no time left for a career, participation in various projects and personal life. Thus, this causes some displeasure on her part. On the basis of this, regular scandals also arise. Despite the circumstances, they understand that their relationship is very strong.

Family life, of course, not only strains, but also brings some of its joyful moments. Currently, Laysan and Pasha have two children who need to be constantly watched. Of course, this exhausts Utyasheva very much in a day. Thus, very often out of nowhere there are statements addressed to each other. Laysan really wants to work and do his own thing. television career, but this does not always work.

Despite all the family difficulties that the couple encounters, they continue to please each other every day, and the fact that Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva are getting divorced is out of the question, despite last news 2018, based on rumors. In fact, they are very happy parents and show by their example how important it is to appreciate a person close to you. Family life puts a lot of pressure on both Pavel and Laysan. They try to be always cheerful and cheerful, but behind them there can be constant scandals and experiences, because what happens behind the camera is known only to them.

Unfortunate incident on set

On the set of the TV project "Dancing", one of the fans approached Laysan and asked her to kiss him. To which she denied for a long time and agreed only to a friendly hug. At that time on film set there was also Pavel Volya, who was dissatisfied with this incident. He also commented aloud on everything, but translated everything at once, in his usual manner, as a joke. The field of this information was leaked to the media and began to be actively discussed. In fact, it was a common occurrence that probably happens in all families.

It was this situation that led to rumors that in 2018 Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya were getting a divorce. But fortunately, the information was never confirmed, but caused a storm of emotions and indignation among fans and fans of their work. The relationship in the star couple is now stable and it is unlikely that something can destroy them.

Personal life and relationship between Utyasheva and Volya

Laysan and Pavel met a very long time ago. There were friendly relations between them, they supported each other very much in difficult situations. But then it all turned into love. According to the gymnast, Pavel did a lot for her, and most importantly, helped her survive the death of her mother. It was an incredible grief and the strongest blow for her.

Soon there were rumors that the couple was already officially dating and a wedding would be organized. That's how it appeared new family! On this moment the star couple is very happy and always support each other in all difficult situations.

In May 2013, a joyful event happened in their family - Robert was born. Exactly two years later, a daughter was born, who was named Sofia. There was a lot of news and rumors about Laysan's third pregnancy, but all this turned out to be just rumors. The yellow press very often writes articles about relationships in a star family, and most often everything turns out to be untrue.

Jealousy of Pavel Volya throughout family life worried about Laysan. In her interviews, she told how Pavel relates to any signs of attention from other men. But later everything is forgotten, because between them real love. Children in the family of Pavel and Laysan have special meaning. Of course, mom spends most of the time with them, as she loves to work out. But joint photo Volya, Utyasheva and their children are also very much on the network.

Joint project "Power of Will"

The divorce of Laysan Utyasheva from Volya could not be true, since they are engaged in a huge number of joint projects, very often they share shared photos V in social networks. Their lives are almost always in full view of the fans.

It is worth mentioning them separately. a joint project"Power of Will", dedicated to popularization healthy lifestyle life. At the moment, the wellness show already accommodates more than 100 the most interesting issues followed by millions of viewers.

According to Laysan Utyasheva, a whole fan club of the “Power of Will” movement has already been formed. At the moment, there are followers of their healing technology in almost 30 countries around the world. This is an incredible contribution, which became the reason for the release of new series of their project.

Rumors that Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya are getting divorced appear very often. Many media outlets try to cash in on this, but nothing works. Laysan and Pavel love each other and are happily married.

You should not believe everything that is written on the network or in magazines, since most often the information presented turns out to be a lie. The relationship between Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva has been an example to follow for the past five years.

Showman Pavel Volya and TV presenter Laysan Utyasheva have never allowed themselves to publish footage showing their son and daughter.

Photo: Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva always tried to keep their personal lives under lock and key: even the fact that they had a son, and then a daughter was born, the fans learned not from themselves, but in a roundabout way. They later confirmed this news, but they continued to hide the faces of their kids, publishing their photos only from the back - and they managed to do this for several years in a row.

But the day has come when Pavel and Laysan no longer mind declassifying! Materials appeared on social networks that clearly show how their grown children look.

These publications were made on the birthday of Laysan Utyasheva a couple of days ago (the TV presenter celebrated her 33rd birthday). 5-year-old Robert and 3-year-old Sophia made a pleasant surprise for their mother: they sang a song and danced.

On the eve of the TV presenter's birthday, her husband congratulated her, in which, among other things, he confessed his love to her. Recall that in November this year, Laysan and Pavel will celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary.

Earlier in the OK! Laysan admitted that she would very much like her son to look like his dad.

I would like him to grow up to be a real man, like Pashka, and let him choose his profession - a dancer, singer, swimmer, lawyer ... or just a hipster. (Laughs.) The main thing is to be smart, honest and very similar to my husband - his father
