Why is human grief so attractive to some. Composition on the topic: Is evil so attractive in the novel The Hero of Our Time, Lermontov

Composition on the topic “Is evil really so attractive?”

M. Yu. Lermontov was the first to publicly speak about the image of evil in Russian literature. Before him, it was possible to meet dark forces only in creativity. foreign writers. However, even comparing the texts of M. Lermontov with foreign ones, one gets the feeling that he does not scold evil at all, but rather justifies and even exalts.
Turning to the images of Lermontov's creativity, which display negative traits, we still discover the author's sympathy and sympathy for negative characters. Such is Pechorin from the novel "A Hero of Our Time", who, at times, commits low deeds. But even more expressive in this regard is the image of the Demon from poem of the same name. Why does the author take such a position?
Reply lies in author's intention writer. The embodiment of evil for him was not at all as attractive as it might seem at first glance. On the contrary, Lermontov mourns fallen angel, he is saddened by fate " extra person". He sincerely sympathizes with his heroes, despite the fact that society will inevitably condemn both the Demon and Pechorin.
The demon is the incarnation dark force. However, his behavior differs from that described in the Christian canons. The hero of Lermontov is able to love. It is love, according to the author, that is able to save humanity, to tear out a soul in love from hell itself. The author sympathizes with the Demon, because he is inevitably lonely and will never be able to comprehend the joys of mutual love. He strives for beauty and goodness and cannot cope with the evil nature that already lives in him. Having created the image of the Spirit of Evil, causing sympathy, Lermontov thereby proved the power of beauty and the magnificence of a lofty ideal.
The image of Pechorin is very controversial. The author continually creates double situations around him. Intuitively wanting to find the traits of a “hero” in his image, the reader is increasingly confronted with his low deeds: betrayal and meanness. But it is precisely these features that make Pechorin a hero of his time. Lermontov sympathizes with his loneliness, his inability to truly love, to rejoice in the gifts that fate presents him. All this makes him superfluous in relation to his contemporary society.
Thus, giving their bad guys positive qualities, Lermontov is trying to convey to the reader that all evil is defeated, and one should strive to do good deeds. His heroes, quite in the spirit of romanticism, prove the beauty of good from the opposite. And in this - great power mastery of M. Yu. Lermontov.

Is evil so attractive? In order to answer this question of Pechorin, one must first understand what evil means, and whether this concept can generally carry something positive in itself.

S. I. Ozhegov in his explanatory dictionary gives the following definitions of the word "evil":

1. Something bad, harmful, opposite to good.

2. Trouble, misfortune, trouble.

3. Annoyance, anger.

It is difficult to find anything attractive in these definitions. But does this mean that the answer to the question has been found? In fact, it is very difficult to challenge these definitions. But good and evil are very controversial concepts. And many philosophers, both ancient and modern, have tried to solve the riddle of good and evil.

Anton Szandor LaVey wrote in one of his works: “It is high time for people to realize that without opposition vitality fades away. However, the opposite for a long time was synonymous with bad. Despite the abundance of sayings like "Variety makes life taste", "Everything is needed ...", "The grass is always greener on the other side" .., many people automatically consider opposites as "evil"". (Not quite correct translation from in English may obscure the meaning of the quote a bit, but the gist should be clear.)

He wanted to say that evil in human understanding is not necessarily something harmful and bad, people often take for evil what they do not understand, something unusual. The theory of relativity can be extended to the concepts of evil and good. For each human community, and perhaps for each human individual, these concepts can vary greatly. For example: in the Middle Ages, during the Inquisition, numerous bloody events were committed by Christians. Crusades to the lands of the Gentiles. In order to convert the "infidels" to Christianity or destroy them. And these atrocities, in a sense, were justified because paganism was evil for Christians. And Christians, in turn, were the most terrible evil for the pagans themselves.

And so, evil is something unusual and incomprehensible. Can it be attractive? Of course yes! Mysteries have always attracted people. If we were not attracted by the unknown, we would still live in caves like animals.

But can this interpretation of evil be applied to the work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"?

Pechorin, of course, can be called an unusual person. He has an unorthodox outlook. Pechorin in his diary several times calls himself a villain. He was very prudent in his relationships with friends and lovers. Cold-bloodedly and selfishly sorting out all their own and other people's thoughts and feelings. He did not leave a chance for the release of true emotions. "Getting acquainted with a woman, I always accurately guessed whether she would love me or not ...".

Arriving to serve for the Terek, Pechorin meets Maxim Maksimovich. This is an old staff captain, an honest and kind man who has accumulated considerable life experience. Maxim Maksimovich (one might say) brings him together with Bela. Bela attracts Pechorin with the integrity and naturalness of nature. In "love of a wild woman" he tries to find oblivion from his longing, but his insatiable heart could not long live with one feeling. Therefore, having stolen Bela, he exposes her to eternal suffering due to the death of her father. She soon bored him, like everything at that time. He, unwillingly, makes her die. Pechorin brings suffering to all the people around him. And for this, he, too, quite rightly can call himself a villain.

He did not allow himself to fall in love, because he was afraid that they could cheat on him and cause unbearable pain. And thus he deceived all women.

In the story with Mary Pechorin, starting an intrigue, does not pursue any goal. Mary is young, ambitious, trusting. But the fear of losing freedom makes the hero suppress the emerging feeling.

Vera had a deep and long-standing feeling for Pechorin. "She's the only woman in the world I can't fool." Faith, better than anyone else, "penetrated into all the secrets" of his soul. About Vera Pechorin said: “Why does she love me so much, really, I don’t know! ... Is evil so attractive? .. ”It is because of her that he asks himself this question. I think that Vera loved him just for his "evil", that is, for his unusualness. There is such a type of women as Vera, they are certainly attracted to men with whom they will never be happy. Relations with these men are a clear evil for them. Having known the bitterness of disappointment, these women next time choose the same man. The brightness of feelings, and, although short-lived love with an unusual person, is more attractive to them than a measured, established relationship with a reliable man.

Evil is actually very attractive. But it may be the other way around, sometimes people are afraid of what they do not know and do not understand, and fear, in turn, causes hostility or even hatred. This happened in Pechorin's relationship with Grushnitsky. Pechorin spoke of Grushnitsky as follows: “His goal is to become the hero of a novel. He tried so often to assure others that he was a creature not created for the world, doomed to some secret suffering, that he almost convinced himself of this. ... I understood him, and for this he does not love me, although we are outwardly in the most friendly relations. ... I don't like him either: I feel that someday we will collide with him on a narrow road, and one of us will be unhappy. They do not like each other, just because they cannot understand each other. Each sees the other as a rival. They have different life principles, and if one of them would understand and agree with the worldview of the other, perhaps they would become real friends.

Is evil so attractive? In order to answer this question of Pechorin, one must first understand what evil means, and whether this concept can generally carry something positive in itself.
S.I. Ozhegov in his explanatory dictionary gives the following definitions of the word "evil":

1. Something bad, harmful, opposite to good.
2. Trouble, misfortune, trouble.
3. Annoyance, anger.

It is difficult to find anything attractive in these definitions. But does this mean that the answer to the question has been found? In fact, it is very difficult to challenge these definitions. But good and evil are very controversial concepts. And many philosophers, both ancient and modern, have tried to solve the riddle of good and evil.
Anton Szandor LaVey wrote in one of his works: “It is high time for people to realize that without opposition vitality fades away. However, the opposite has long been synonymous with bad. Despite the abundance of sayings like "Variety makes life taste", "Everything is needed ...", "The grass is always greener on the other side" .., many people automatically consider opposites as "evil"". (Not quite correct translation from English may cloud the meaning of the quote a little, but the essence should be clear.)
He wanted to say that evil in human understanding is not necessarily something harmful and bad, people often take for evil what they do not understand, something unusual. The theory of relativity can be extended to the concepts of evil and good. For each human community, and perhaps for each human individual, these concepts can vary greatly. For example: in the Middle Ages, during the time of the Inquisition, numerous bloody Crusades were carried out by Christians on the lands of the pagans. In order to convert the "infidels" to Christianity or destroy them. And these atrocities, in a sense, were justified because paganism was evil for Christians. And Christians, in turn, were the most terrible evil for the pagans themselves.
And so, evil is something unusual and incomprehensible. Can it be attractive? Of course yes! Mysteries have always attracted people. If we were not attracted by the unknown, we would still live in caves like animals.
But can this interpretation of evil be applied to the work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"?
Pechorin, of course, can be called an unusual person. He has an unorthodox outlook. Pechorin in his diary several times calls himself a villain. He was very prudent in his relationships with friends and lovers. Cold-bloodedly and selfishly sorting out all their own and other people's thoughts and feelings. He did not leave a chance for the release of true emotions. "Getting acquainted with a woman, I always accurately guessed whether she would love me or not ...".
Arriving to serve for the Terek, Pechorin meets Maxim Maksimovich. This is an old staff captain, an honest and kind man who has accumulated considerable life experience over his years. Maxim Maksimovich (one might say) brings him together with Bela. Bela attracts Pechorin with the integrity and naturalness of nature. In "love of a wild woman" he tries to find oblivion from his longing, but his insatiable heart could not long live with one feeling. Therefore, having stolen Bela, he exposes her to eternal suffering due to the death of her father. She soon bored him, like everything at that time. He, unwillingly, makes her die. Pechorin brings suffering to all the people around him. And for this, he, too, quite rightly can call himself a villain.
He did not allow himself to fall in love, because he was afraid that they could cheat on him and cause unbearable pain. And thus he deceived all women.
In the story with Mary Pechorin, starting an intrigue, does not pursue any goal. Mary is young, ambitious, trusting. But the fear of losing freedom makes the hero suppress the emerging feeling.
Vera had a deep and long-standing feeling for Pechorin. "She's the only woman in the world I can't fool." Faith, better than anyone else, "penetrated into all the secrets" of his soul. About Vera Pechorin said: “Why does she love me so much, really, I don’t know! ... Is evil so attractive? .. ”It is because of her that he asks himself this question. I think that Vera loved him just for his "evil", that is, for his unusualness. There is such a type of women as Vera, they are certainly attracted to men with whom they will never be happy. Relations with these men are a clear evil for them. Having known the bitterness of disappointment, these women next time choose the same man. The brightness of feelings, and, although short-lived love with an unusual person, is more attractive to them than a measured, established relationship with a reliable man.
Evil is actually very attractive. But it may be the other way around, sometimes people are afraid of what they do not know and do not understand, and fear, in turn, causes hostility or even hatred. This happened in Pechorin's relationship with Grushnitsky. Pechorin spoke of Grushnitsky as follows: “His goal is to become the hero of a novel. He tried so often to assure others that he was a creature not created for the world, doomed to some secret suffering, that he almost convinced himself of this. ... I understood him, and for this he does not love me, although we outwardly are on the most friendly terms. ... I don't like him either: I feel that someday we will collide with him on a narrow road, and one of us will be unhappy. They do not like each other, just because they cannot understand each other. Each sees the other as a rival. They have different life principles, and if one of them would understand and agree with the worldview of the other, perhaps they would become true friends.

Composition Is evil so attractive? Based on Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time. Philip KexG. Tallinn01 Is it really so attractive? To answer this question of Pechorin, one must first understand what evil means, and whether this concept can generally carry something positive in itself. I. Ozhegov in his explanatory dictionary gives such definitions of the word evil 1. Something bad, harmful, opposite to good.2. Trouble, misfortune, trouble. 3. It is difficult to find anything attractive in these definitions. But does this mean that the answer to the question has been found? In fact, it is very difficult to challenge these definitions.

But good and evil are very controversial concepts. And many philosophers, both ancient and modern, tried to solve the riddle of good and evil. Anton Szandor LaVey wrote in one of his works. It is high time for people to realize that vitality fades without opposition. However, the opposite has long been synonymous with bad. Despite the abundance of sayings like Diversity gives the taste of life, everything is needed, the grass is always greener on the other side many people automatically see opposites as evil. Not quite correct translation from English may cloud the meaning of the quote a little, but the essence should be clear.

He wanted to say that evil in human understanding is not necessarily something harmful and bad, people often take for evil what they do not understand, something unusual. The theory of relativity can be extended to the concepts of evil and good.

For each human community, and perhaps for each human individual, these concepts can vary greatly. For example, in the Middle Ages, during the time of the Inquisition, Christians carried out numerous bloody Crusades on the lands of the pagans. In order to convert the infidels to Christianity or destroy them. And these atrocities, in a sense, were justified because paganism was evil for Christians. And Christians, in turn, were the most terrible evil for the pagans themselves. And so, evil is something unusual and incomprehensible.

And can it be attractive? Of course yes! Mysteries have always attracted people. If we were not attracted by the unknown, then we would still live in caves, like animals. But can this interpretation be applied to the work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov Hero of Our Time? Pechorin, of course, can be called an unusual person. He has an unorthodox outlook. Pechorin in his diary calls himself a villain several times. He was very prudent in his relations with friends and lovers.

Cold-bloodedly and selfishly sorting out all their own and other people's thoughts and feelings. He did not leave a chance for the release of true emotions. Getting acquainted with a woman, I always accurately guessed whether she would love me or not. Arriving to serve for the Terek, Pechorin meets Maxim Maksimovich. This is an old staff captain, an honest and kind man who has accumulated considerable life experience over his years. Maxim Maksimovich can be said to bring him together with Bela. Bela attracts Pechorin with the integrity and naturalness of nature.

In the love of a savage, he tries to find oblivion from his longing, but his insatiable heart could not long live with one feeling. Therefore, having stolen Bela, he exposes her to eternal suffering due to the death of her father. She soon bored him, like everyone else at that time. He, not wanting to, makes her die. Pechorin brings suffering to the people around him. And for this reason, he, too, quite rightly can call himself a villain. He did not allow himself to fall in love, because he was afraid that they could cheat on him and cause unbearable pain. And thus he deceived all women.

In the story with Mary Pechorin, starting an intrigue, does not pursue any goal. Mary is young, ambitious, trusting. But the fear of losing freedom makes the hero suppress the nascent feeling. Vera had a deep and long-standing feeling for Pechorin. She is the only woman in the world whom I cannot deceive. Faith, better than anyone else, penetrated the secrets of his soul. About Vera Pechorin said Why she loves me so much, really, I don’t know! Is evil so attractive? It is because of her that he asks himself this question. I think that Vera loved him just for his evil, that is, for his unusualness.

There is such a type of women as Vera, they are certainly attracted to men with whom they will never be happy. Relations with these men are a clear evil for them. Having known the bitterness of disappointment, these women next time choose the same man. The brightness of feelings, and, although short-lived love with an unusual person, is more attractive to them than a measured, well-established relationship with a noble man.

Evil is actually very attractive. But it may be the other way around, sometimes people are afraid of what they do not know and do not understand, and fear, in turn, causes hostility or even hatred. This happened in Pechorin's relationship with Grushnitsky. Pechorin spoke of Grushnitsky in this way. His goal is to become the hero of a novel. He so often tried to assure others that he was a creature not created for the world, doomed to some secret suffering, that he himself was almost convinced of this.

I understood him, and for this he does not love me, although we outwardly are on the most friendly terms. I don't like him either. I feel that someday we will run into him on a narrow road, and one of us will not do well. They do not like each other, just because they cannot understand each other. Everyone sees the other as a rival. They have different life principles, and if one of them would understand and agree with the worldview of the other, perhaps they would become real friends.

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Is evil so attractive? In order to answer this question of Pechorin, one must first understand what evil means, and whether this concept can generally carry something positive in itself.

S.I. Ozhegov in his explanatory dictionary gives the following definitions of the word "evil":

1. Something bad, harmful, opposite to good.

2. Trouble, misfortune, trouble.

3. Annoyance, anger.

It is difficult to find anything attractive in these definitions. But does this mean that the answer to the question has been found? In fact, it is very difficult to challenge these definitions. But good and evil are very controversial concepts. And many philosophers, both ancient and modern, have tried to solve the riddle of good and evil.

Anton Szandor LaVey wrote in one of his works: “It is high time for people to realize that without opposition vitality fades away. However opposite has long been synonymous bad. Despite the abundance of sayings like "Variety makes life taste", "Everything is needed ...", "The grass is always greener on the other side .., many people automatically consider opposites as "evil"". (Not quite correct translation from English may cloud the meaning of the quote a little, but the essence should be clear.)

He wanted to say that evil in human understanding is not necessarily something harmful and bad, people often take for evil what they do not understand, something unusual. The theory of relativity can be extended to the concepts of evil and good. For each human community, and perhaps for each human individual, these concepts can vary greatly. For example: in the Middle Ages, during the time of the Inquisition, numerous bloody Crusades were carried out by Christians on the lands of the pagans. In order to convert the "infidels" to Christianity or destroy them. And these atrocities, in a sense, were justified because paganism was evil for Christians. And Christians, in turn, were the most terrible evil for the pagans themselves.

And so, evil is something unusual and incomprehensible. Can it be attractive? Of course yes! Mysteries have always attracted people. If we were not attracted by the unknown, we would still live in caves like animals.

But can this interpretation of evil be applied to the work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"?

Pechorin, of course, can be called an unusual person. He has an unorthodox outlook. Pechorin in his diary several times calls himself a villain. He was very prudent in his relationships with friends and lovers. Cold-bloodedly and selfishly sorting out all their own and other people's thoughts and feelings. He did not leave a chance for the release of true emotions. “Getting acquainted with a woman, I always accurately guessed whether she would love me or not ...”.

Arriving to serve for the Terek, Pechorin meets Maxim Maksimovich. This is an old staff captain, an honest and kind man who has accumulated considerable life experience over his years. Maxim Maksimovich (one might say) brings him together with Bela. Bela attracts Pechorin with the integrity and naturalness of nature. In "love of a wild woman" he tries to find oblivion from his longing, but his insatiable heart could not long live with one feeling. Therefore, having stolen Bela, he exposes her to eternal suffering due to the death of her father. She soon bored him, like everything at that time. He, unwillingly, makes her die. Pechorin brings suffering to all the people around him. And for this, he, too, quite rightly can call himself a villain.

He did not allow himself to fall in love, because he was afraid that they could cheat on him and cause unbearable pain. And thus he deceived all women.

In the story with Mary Pechorin, starting an intrigue, does not pursue any goal. Mary is young, ambitious, trusting. But the fear of losing freedom makes the hero suppress the emerging feeling.

Vera had a deep and long-standing feeling for Pechorin. "She's the only woman in the world I can't fool." Faith, better than anyone else, "penetrated into all the secrets" of his soul. About Vera Pechorin said: “Why does she love me so much, really, I don’t know! ... Is evil so attractive? .. ”It is because of her that he asks himself this question. I think that Vera loved him just for his "evil", that is, for his unusualness. There is such a type of women as Vera, they are certainly attracted to men with whom they will never be happy. Relations with these men are a clear evil for them. Having known the bitterness of disappointment, these women next time choose the same man. The brightness of feelings, and, although short-lived love with an unusual person, is more attractive to them than a measured, established relationship with a reliable man.

Evil is actually very attractive. But it may be the other way around, sometimes people are afraid of what they do not know and do not understand, and fear, in turn, causes hostility or even hatred. This happened in Pechorin's relationship with Grushnitsky. Pechorin spoke of Grushnitsky as follows: “His goal is to become the hero of a novel. He tried so often to assure others that he was a creature not created for the world, doomed to some secret suffering, that he almost convinced himself of this. ... I understood him, and he does not love me for this, although we outwardly are on the most friendly terms. ... I don’t like him either: I feel that someday we will collide with him on a narrow road, and one of us will be unhappy. They do not like each other, just because they cannot understand each other. Each sees the other as a rival. They have different life principles, and if one of them would understand and agree with the worldview of the other, perhaps they would become true friends.
