Icon of the Last Supper meaning. Pure Thursday in folk traditions

Icon "The Last Supper" is perhaps one of the most known to people worldwide. And if someone is not familiar with the icon, then it is difficult to find someone who has never heard of it. biblical story. After all, it is fundamental for holding such an important church sacrament as the Eucharist, or Holy Communion.

Where can you see the icon?

Anyone who constantly takes part in the conduct of services, for sure, more than once could see the icon of the Last Supper in the church above the Royal Doors. People who offer prayers to God before a meal at home hang it in the room where they eat.

Many of the people who are not affiliated with the Christian faith are most likely familiar with the fresco by the consummate master Leonardo da Vinci. He worked during the Renaissance and wrote it for a monastery in Milan called Santa Maria delle Grazia. She decorates one of the walls of the refectory to this day, the picture, in fact, is an icon.

What is the meaning of the image, what does it symbolize, what does it serve? About what is the meaning of the icon "The Last Supper", what helps, we will tell below.

Church sacrament

Throughout the year, the sacrament of Communion, or the Eucharist, is celebrated in the Catholic and Orthodox churches. It was established by Jesus Christ himself about 2 thousand years ago. In those ancient times, at the Last Supper, which took place on the eve of Easter, one of the most significant events in Christianity. (Passover was then a holiday celebrated in honor of the deliverance of the Jews from slavery in Egypt.)

After the Savior washed his disciples' feet, he shared the evening meal with them. The Son of God, breaking bread, gave it to the apostles, saying that this is his body. And then, passing the cup of wine, he uttered the thought that it was his blood.

Since then, the church, remembering that ancient event, reproduces it, reflecting it in the rite of the Eucharist. In the process of this sacrament, a person who has tasted bread and wine prepared in a special way, which miraculously became the body of Christ and his blood, unites with God and receives eternal life in heaven.

Thus, the meaning of the Last Supper icon is that it reminds us of such gospel events as the first communion of the apostles, the further betrayal of Jesus Christ by Judas and the offering of a voluntary sacrifice by crucifixion on the cross in the name of the forgiveness of the sins of all mankind.

Where should the icon be placed?

There are no strict rules about whether it is necessary to have the Last Supper icon at home. But there is a tradition according to which in the house of a Christian who adheres to the Orthodox confession, there should be icons depicting Jesus Christ, Mother of God, Saints. But you can decide for yourself which icons these will be.

Thus, having an icon depicting the Last Supper in the house is quite appropriate. Indeed, in Christianity it is customary to offer a prayer to God before eating food, so why not pray to this icon? Where is the best place to place it? To make it more convenient to pray, you can hang it over the table at which family meals take place.

And you can also find a place for her in the home iconostasis. At the same time, it should be noted that the Last Supper icon, the photo of which is given in the article, is valued so highly that it is allowed to hang it over the face of both the Savior and the Mother of God.

What do they pray for at the Last Supper?

Many are interested in the question of what kind of prayers should be offered to this image, in what way does the Last Supper icon help believers? Here are the answers to this question:

As already mentioned, Communion, closely associated with the icon of the Last Supper, takes place during the Liturgy almost every day. Therefore, the sufferings of Christ, accepted by him on the cross, are constantly commemorated by the church. However, there is also a special day on which tribute is paid to the memory of the secret meal that was once held in Jerusalem.

It is marked in the Calendar of Great Lent and falls on Maundy Thursday, which in 2018 fell on April 5th. On this day, believers again with a sense of reverence revive in their memory the great sacrament revealed by Jesus to his beloved disciples - the holy apostles. They sympathize with his suffering, which he accepted for all the people on the cross, mourn his death and rejoice in his resurrection. At the same time, they try to join him in body and soul, partaking of the Holy Gifts, praying, confessing and taking communion.

Pure Thursday in folk traditions

Maundy Thursday is also called Clean. As a rule, when it occurs, Christians strive to go to the bathhouse, and in the absence of such an opportunity, take a dip at home. If a person is on the road, but does not want to deviate from tradition, it is enough for him to rinse his face and hands well.

In ancient times, on Maundy Thursday, peasants preferred to draw water from a stream or spring, since it was believed that such water, called “Thursday”, washes away the sins that have accumulated over the year and gives health. There was a sign according to which, if a person threw an old thing into the river, then troubles and all sorts of troubles flowed along with it.

The plot and meaning of the icon of the Last Supper. Symbolism.

One event, two traditions: the Eucharist and Easter.

The Last Supper is the meal of Jesus Christ with the apostles, the last event in His earthly life, which was described by weather forecasters (from the Greek “synopsis” - a review, general review) in their Gospels (the first three books of the New Testament from Matthew, Mark and Luke).

Jesus sent Peter and John to Jerusalem in the afternoon to prepare the Passover. The Old Testament Easter (dreeneev. "deliverance") was celebrated 1500 years before Christ in connection with the liberation of the ancient Jews from the slavery of Egypt.

In the evening, in accordance with ancient custom, he girded himself with a towel and washed the feet of the disciples, including Judas, although he knew that he was a traitor (he predicted that one of the disciples would betray Him). To Peter's astonished exclamation, the answer was that, following His example, they should also wash each other's feet, since a slave is not higher than the master, and the messenger is "no more" than the one who sent it. Thus He showed true Christian humility.

During a meal with the twelve apostles, the Savior distributed bread to the disciples and said that this was His Body, and in the bowls - His blood, which He would shed for many in atonement for sins. He installed New Testament- Eucharist (thanksgiving), the Sacrament of Communion. Christ said whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood becomes one with Him. He blessed the disciples to perform this sacrament until the end of the age, since this sacrament is a guarantee of life in Him and with Him, of being in God now and in the next century. Judas also took communion, and then he was the first to leave the Supper to bring the soldiers and show them the Master with his kiss.

After supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane, taking with him only the Zebedee brothers and Peter. He prayed, mourned and yearned; asked the Father, if possible, that “this cup” should pass, but do “as you wish, and not as I do.” This episode contains the meaning that Christ is God, but He is true man who is no stranger to human suffering.

Establishment of the sacrament of the Eucharist Orthodox Church remembered on Maundy Thursday. And also daily at the liturgy in the prayer of John Chrysostom, the events of the Last Supper are recalled.

The sacrament of communion in the church (thanksgiving to the Savior for the shed blood to save mankind from original sin) is performed daily, except for the weekdays of Great Lent. The chalice with the Body and Blood of Christ is taken out to the people for communion through the Royal Doors. Above the Royal Doors in the iconostasis is the Communion of the Apostles.

The apostles filled the feast of the New Testament Easter with a new meaning - victory over death. In the 5th century, the Church developed the terms and rules for celebrating Easter, streamlining the old canons and rites. It was accepted that Easter is the feast of the Resurrection of Christ, and not a remembrance of death, as before. The day of celebration is movable, as it occurs on the first Sunday after the full moon, which follows the vernal equinox.

Many icons and paintings are painted on the plot of the Last Supper. One of the most famous works- fresco on the wall of the refectory of the monastery of Santa Maria della Grazie in Milan, painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

Icons are distinguished by a wide variety of subjects. On some icons, emphasizing the betrayal of Judas, he is the only one depicted without a halo, sometimes he is depicted with a wallet. On others, focusing on the Communion of the Apostles, only Jesus has a halo.

On this icon, Jesus Christ is in the center with a cross-shaped halo. The remaining twelve apostles are without halos, Judas is no different from the others (his duplicity is emphasized). John the Evangelist, the youngest apostle, fell to the chest of Jesus. It can be seen that the apostles are discussing what Christ said.

It is difficult to overestimate the significance of the Last Supper icon, as it tells and constantly reminds of what followed after this event: the suffering of Christ, Death, Resurrection. In addition, this event contributed to the actualization of the Church, the beginning practical activities. The Church is alive by the Body and Blood of Christ. Therefore, the icon is located above the Royal Doors, and after the Liturgy the Eucharist is served, given by the Lord at the Last Supper.

On the eve of the suffering and death on the Cross, the Lord Jesus Christ served His last meal with His disciples - the Last Supper. In Jerusalem, in the Upper Room of Zion, the Savior and the Apostles celebrated the Old Testament Jewish Passover, established in memory of the miraculous deliverance of the Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. After eating the Old Testament Jewish Passover, the Savior took bread and, having thanked God the Father for all His mercy to the human race, broke it and gave it to the disciples, saying: “This is my body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me." Then He took a cup of grape wine, also blessed it and gave it to them, saying: “Drink from it all; For this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” Having communed the apostles, the Lord gave them the commandment to always perform this Sacrament: “Do this in remembrance of Me.” Since then, the Christian Church behind each Divine Liturgy performs the Sacrament of the Eucharist - the greatest sacrament of the union of believers with Christ.

Word on the Gospel Reading on Maundy Thursday ( 15.04.93 )

The Supper of Christ is a secret. Firstly, because the disciples gather around the Teacher, hated by the world, hated by the Prince of this world, who is in the ring of malice and mortal danger, which shows the generosity of Christ and requires fidelity from the disciples. It's a requirement violated terrible betrayal on the part of Judas and imperfectly fulfilled by other disciples, who fall into a slumber from despondency, from sad forebodings when they should be awake with Christ while praying for the Chalice. Peter, dumbfounded by fear, with oaths, renounces his Teacher. All students run away.

Eucharist. Sofia Kyiv

But the line between fidelity, however imperfect, and completeness remains. This is a terrible line: an irreconcilable clash between His generosity and holiness, between the Kingdom of God, which He proclaims and brings to people, and the kingdom of the Prince of this world. This is so irreconcilable that, as we approach the mystery of Christ, we are confronted last choice. After all, we come closer to Christ in a way that believers of other religions cannot even imagine. They cannot imagine that it is possible to get as close to God as we do when we eat Christ's flesh and drink His blood. It's hard to think, but what to pronounce! What was it like for the apostles to hear for the first time the words by which the Lord established the truth! And woe to us if we do not experience at least a small part of that trembling which then should have seized the apostles.

The Last Supper is a mystery both because it must be hidden from the hostile world, and because in its essence there is an impenetrable mystery of the last condescension of the God-Man to people: the King of kings and the Lord of lords washes the feet of the disciples with His hands and thus shows His humility to all of us . What can surpass this? Only one: to give Himself to death. And the Lord does it.

We are weak people. And when our hearts are dying, we want well-being. But as long as we have a living heart, sinful, but alive, what does the living heart yearn for? About the fact that there was an object of love, infinitely worthy of love, so that it would be possible to find such an object of love and serve it without sparing yourself.

All the dreams of people are unreasonable, because they are dreams. But they are alive, as long as the living heart strives not for well-being, but for sacrificial love, for us to be gladdened by indescribable generosity towards us and for us to respond with some share of generosity to this and faithfully serve the King of kings and the Lord of lords, who is so magnanimous. to your servants.

Our Lord in the person of the apostles called us his friends. It is more terrible to think about it than to think that we are God's servants. A slave can hide his eyes in a bow; a friend cannot avoid meeting his friend's gaze - reproachful, forgiving, seeing the heart. The mystery of Christianity, in contrast to the imaginary mysteries with which false teachings seduce people, is like a depth impenetrable to the eye. the clearest water, which, however, is so great that we do not see the bottom; yes and no it - the bottom.

What can be said tonight? Only one thing: that the Holy Gifts that will be brought out and given to us are the same body and blood of Christ that the apostles ate in an unimaginable shock of the heart. And this meeting of ours is that last Last Supper. Let us pray that we do not betray God's mystery - the mystery that unites us with Christ, that we experience this warmth of the mystery, that we do not betray it, that we respond to it with even the most imperfect fidelity.

The Last Supper in icons and paintings

Simon Ushakov The Last Supper icon 1685 The icon was placed above the Royal Doors in the iconostasis of the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

Dirk Bouts
sacrament of communion
Altar of Saint Peter's Church in Louvain

Washing the feet (John 13:1-20). Miniature from the Gospel and the Apostle, XI century. Parchment.
Monastery of Dionisias, Athos (Greece).

Washing the feet; Byzantium; X century; location: Egypt. Sinai, monastery of St. Catherine; 25.9 x 25.6 cm; material: wood, gold (leaf), natural pigments; technique: gilding, egg tempera

Foot washing. Byzantium, 11th century Location: Greece, Phokis, Osios Loukas Monastery

Julius Schnorr von Karolsfeld The Last Supper Engraving 1851-1860 From the illustrations for the Picture Bible

Foot washing. Statue in front of Dallas Baptist University.

In Christianity, there are many miraculous and very revered icons. But there is one that can be found in every home. This is an icon of the Last Supper, which depicts a scene that took place two thousand years ago on the eve of


The image is based on the biblical story of last days Jesus on earth. On the eve of Judas' betrayal, arrest and crucifixion, Christ gathered all his disciples in the house for a meal. During it, he broke a piece of bread and gave it to the apostles, saying: "Eat, this is my body, which is broken for you for the remission of sins." Then he drank from the cup and also gave it to his followers, saying that it contains his blood to atone for sins. These words later entered the church rite known as the Eucharist. The Last Supper icon also reminds the believer that on that distant day Jesus predicted that one of his disciples would betray him very soon. The apostles became agitated, asking about whom in question but the Lord gave bread to Judas. On Maundy Thursday, the Christian Church remembers this event with a special service.

The meaning of the icon

"The Last Supper" is an icon, the meaning of which is very clear and at the same time not fully understood. The main, central elements are wine and bread, which are on the table. They talk about the body and blood of Jesus who sacrificed himself. At the same time, it can be argued that Christ himself acts as a lamb, which the Jews traditionally cooked for Easter.

It is difficult to answer today, when the Last Supper took place. The icon only conveys the essence of this event, but it is also important for this. After all, communion with the body and blood of the Lord allows each believer to become part of the meal where the foundations of christian church, its main sacrament. She talks about the most important thing in the life of a Christian - to accept the sacrifice of Jesus, to pass it through your body and soul, to unite with him into one whole.

Hidden symbolism

The Last Supper icon is a symbol of true faith and unity human race. Scholars who have studied biblical texts have compared them with other sources, older and more independent. They came to the conclusion that Jesus at his meal conducted a ritual that had been established before him for a thousand years. Breaking bread, drinking wine from a cup - these are the things that were done by the Jews before him. Thus, Christ did not reject the old customs, but only supplemented them, improved, introduced into them new meaning. He showed that in order to serve God, one does not need to leave people, break off all relations with them, but on the contrary, one should go to people and serve them.

The most famous icon and its analysis

The Last Supper is an icon that can often be seen in the refectory and in the kitchen. Today there is big variety images of this subject. And each icon painter brought into it his own vision, his own understanding of faith. But the most popular icon of the Last Supper is by Leonardo da Vinci.

Written at the end of the fifteenth century, the famous fresco is located in the Milanese monastery. The legendary painter used a special painting technique, but the fresco very quickly began to collapse. The image depicts Jesus Christ, sitting in the center, and the apostles, divided into groups. The identification of disciples could only be made after the discovery in the nineteenth century notebooks Leonardo.

It is believed that the icon "The Last Supper", a photo of which can be found in our article, depicts the moment where the students learn about the betrayal. The painter wanted to show the reaction of each of them, including Judas, because the faces of all people are turned towards the viewer. The traitor sits, clutching a bag of silver in his hand and placing his elbow on the table (which no one did, holding a knife in his hand. Christ points with his hands to the treat, that is, to bread and wine.

Leonardo uses the symbolism of the number three: there are three windows behind Christ, the disciples are seated in groups of three, and even the contours of Jesus resemble a triangle. Many people are trying to find a hidden message in the image, some kind of mystery and a clue to it. So, Dan Brown believes that the artist showed the meal in its non-traditional sense, arguing that Mary Magdalene is sitting next to Jesus. In his interpretation, this is the wife of Christ, the mother of his children, whom the church rejects. But be that as it may, Leonardo da Vinci created an amazing icon that is familiar not only to Christians, but also to believers of other religions. It attracts people like a magnet, forcing them to think about the frailty of life.

In Christianity, there are many miraculous and very revered icons. But there is one that can be found in every home. This is an icon of the Last Supper, which depicts a scene that took place two thousand years ago on the eve of the crucifixion of Christ.

The image is based on the biblical story of the last days of Jesus on earth. On the eve of Judas' betrayal, arrest and crucifixion, Christ gathered all his disciples in the house for a meal. During it, he broke a piece of bread and gave it to the apostles, saying: "Eat, this is my body, which is broken for you for the remission of sins." Then he drank from the cup and also gave it to his followers, saying that it contains his blood to atone for sins. These words later entered the church rite known as the Eucharist. The Last Supper icon also reminds the believer that on that distant day Jesus predicted that one of his disciples would betray him very soon. The apostles got excited, asking who they were talking about, but the Lord gave bread to Judas. On Maundy Thursday, the Christian Church remembers this event with a special service.

The meaning of the icon

"The Last Supper" is an icon, the meaning of which is very clear and at the same time not fully understood. The main, central elements are wine and bread, which are on the table. They talk about the body and blood of Jesus who sacrificed himself. At the same time, it can be argued that Christ himself acts as a lamb, which the Jews traditionally cooked for Easter.

It is difficult to answer today, when the Last Supper took place. The icon only conveys the essence of this event, but it is also important for this. After all, communion with the body and blood of the Lord allows each believer to become a part of the meal where the foundations of the Christian Church, its main sacrament, were born. She talks about the most important thing in the life of a Christian - to accept the sacrifice of Jesus, to pass it through your body and soul, to unite with him into one whole.

Hidden symbolism

The Last Supper icon is a symbol of true faith and the unity of the human race. Scholars who have studied biblical texts have compared them with other sources, older and more independent. They came to the conclusion that Jesus at his meal conducted a ritual that had been established before him for a thousand years. Breaking bread, drinking wine from a cup - these are the things that were done by the Jews before him. Thus, Christ did not reject the old customs, but only supplemented them, improved them, introduced a new meaning into them. He showed that in order to serve God, one does not need to leave people, break off all relations with them, but on the contrary, one should go to people and serve them.

The most famous icon and its analysis

The Last Supper is an icon that can often be seen in the refectory and in the kitchen. Today there is a wide variety of images of this subject. And each icon painter brought into it his own vision, his own understanding of faith. But the most popular icon of the Last Supper is by Leonardo da Vinci.

Written at the end of the fifteenth century, the famous fresco is located in the Milanese monastery. The legendary painter used a special painting technique, but the fresco very quickly began to collapse. The image depicts Jesus Christ, sitting in the center, and the apostles, divided into groups. The identification of the disciples could only be made after the discovery of Leonardo's notebooks in the nineteenth century.

It is believed that the icon "The Last Supper", a photo of which can be found in our article, depicts the moment where the students learn about the betrayal. The painter wanted to show the reaction of each of them, including Judas, because the faces of all people are turned towards the viewer. The traitor sits, clutching a bag of silver in his hand and resting his elbow on the table (which not a single apostle did). Peter froze, holding a knife in his hand. Christ points with his hands to the treat, that is, to bread and wine.

Leonardo uses the symbolism of the number three: there are three windows behind Christ, the disciples are seated in groups of three, and even the contours of Jesus resemble a triangle. Many people are trying to find a hidden message in the image, some kind of mystery and a clue to it. So, Dan Brown believes that the artist showed the meal in its non-traditional sense, arguing that Mary Magdalene is sitting next to Jesus. In his interpretation, this is the wife of Christ, the mother of his children, whom the church rejects. But be that as it may, Leonardo da Vinci created an amazing icon that is familiar not only to Christians, but also to believers of other religions. It attracts people like a magnet, forcing them to think about the frailty of life.
