General information. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug: capital, districts and cities

Natural and economic resources

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has become and will continue to be Russia's main base for gas production for a long time to come. The rates and volumes of hydrocarbon resource base development in the Okrug are the highest in Russia and the CIS countries. There are already more than 190 deposits, of which 19 are unique.

The main volume of gas production is carried out by the four largest enterprises of OAO Gazprom: 000 Urengoygazprom, 000 Yamburggazdobycha, 000 Nadymgazprom and 000 Noyabrskgazdobycha. These enterprises are commercially developing giant gas fields - Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye, Medvezhye, Komsomolskoye.

The potential oil resources in the district are estimated at 8.2 billion tons. The main volume of oil production falls on two large joint-stock companies - OAO Noyabrskneftegaz, which is part of OAO Sibneft, and OAO Rosneft-Purneftegaz.

The prospects for expanding the raw material base of the district are not limited to the land area:

water area (shelf) Kara Sea is considered as a direct continuation of the West Siberian oil and gas complex with the richest potential of resources. The base cities of gas and oil workers are Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk, Gubkinsky, Muravlenko, which meet modern requirements for urban planning and life support for the population.

Historical reference

In the second half of the 1st millennium BC, the indigenous population led a sedentary lifestyle, engaged in hunting, fishing, and sea hunting.

The ethnogenesis of the Nenets is associated with the interaction of the natives and the Samoyeds who came from the south. In the second millennium of our era, the Nenets began to develop reindeer husbandry in the tundra zone. IN XI century, Russian industrialists and merchants (Novgorodians) began to penetrate this territory.

At the end of the 16th century, the territory was annexed to Russia.

The city of Salekhard, the center of the Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, founded in 1595 as a fort Obdorsk on the right bank of the Ob, at the confluence of the Poluy River. The former name of the settlement - Obdorsk - came from the name of the Ob River and the word of the Komi language "dor" - a place near, near something. However, the Nenets have long called the city Salekhard, which means "a settlement on a cape."

In the 18th-18th centuries, the Selkups (hunters and fishermen) began to move to the Taz River from the Narym Territory, whose culture combined features of Khanty and Samoyed origin. In the 19th century, because of the Urals, a mass resettlement of the Komizyrians began in the Ob River basin.

In the 18th - early 20th centuries, the territory was part of the Berezovsky district of the Tobolsk province.

Soviet power was established in Obdorsk in April 1918. Until the end of 1921 on The region was in the midst of a civil war.

In 1933, Salekhard received its current name.

In 1930, the Yamalo-Nenets national (since 1977 - autonomous) district was formed.

Since 1930 - the territory was part of the Obdorsky district of the Tobolsk district of the Ural region. Since 1944, the district was part of the Tyumen region, in 1993 - an independent entity Russian Federation, which is part of the Tyumen region.

Half a million people now live in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, of which about 30 thousand are representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North: Khanty, Nenets, Mansi, Selkups. The descendants of those who were brought in the 1930s to build the famous northern "Stalin's piece of iron" also live here. Near the administrative center of the district - Salekhard - there are still barracks that previously belonged to the 501st known construction site. But mostly among today's "Yamal" - those who came in the 70s at the call of the country and the heart to implement grandiose industrial development projects natural resources district and Russia.

Yamal is a protected corner of the earth, the keeper of a surprisingly original and unique culture. Translated from the Nenets language, Yamal means "end of the earth." History of it cultural heritage goes back thousands of years. This is the land of original residence of indigenous peoples: Nenets, Khanty, Selkups, Mansi. They have preserved without change the way of life of their ancestors, who lived here hundreds of years ago, and are still engaged in reindeer herding, fishing, and fur farming.

    Beyond the Ural Mountains, here on the edge of the Earth,
    Beyond the cold seas where my friends live
    The peninsula is Yamal
    Volynuk V.
Here you visit "Verkhnetazovsky" reserve , get to know the settlement of Mangazeya a unique monument of archeology, a monument of Russian development Far North and learn a lot more interesting things.

Features of nature

The Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is located in the Arctic zone in the north of the world's largest West Siberian Plain and occupies a vast square 750.3 thousand km 2. This is one and a half of France. More than half of its territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The length of the district from north to south is 1230 km, from west to east 1125 km. The northern border of the district, washed by the waters of the Kara Sea, has a length of 5100 km and is part of the State Border of the Russian Federation (about 900 km). In the west by Ural ridge, Yamal-Nenets District it borders on the Arkhangelsk Region and the Komi Republic, in the south on the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, in the east on the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenetsky) and Evenk Autonomous Okrugs of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The territory of the district is located mainly in three climatic zones: arctic, subarctic and the zone of the northern (taiga) zone of the West Siberian lowland. Diverse natural conditions YaNAO from taiga to arctic tundra, from swampy plains to the Polar-Ural highlands.

Relief The district is represented by two parts: mountainous and flat. Almost 90% of the flat part lies within heights up to 100 meters above sea level; from here there are many rivers, lakes and swamps. The mountainous part of the district occupies a narrow strip along the Polar Urals from Konstantinov Kamen in the north to the upper reaches of the Hugla River in the south and is a large mountain range total length over 200 km. The average height of the southern massifs is 600800 m, and the width is 2030 m. high peaks are the mountains Belfry 1305 m, Pai-Er 1499 m and others. To the north, the height of the mountains reaches 10001300 m. The main watershed ridge of the Polar Urals is winding, its absolute heights reach 12001300 m and higher. Tectonic faults processed by glaciers form convenient passes through the Polar Urals, connecting Western Siberia with the Eastern European part of the country.

largest water artery Ob. Navigable rivers Pur, Taz, Nadym. There are about 300,000 lakes and 48,000 rivers in the Okrug. In countless reservoirs, the world's largest herd of valuable whitefish breeds feeds. Nature has sheltered 70% of the world's whitefish reserves here. The famous northern whitefish nelma, muksun, broad whitefish, peled, pyzhyan, vendace.

Live nature

Rich and varied vegetable world districts. According to available statistics, there are 866 species of aquatic and terrestrial flora in the Okrug, including: flowering 203, bryophytes 70, horsetails 5, swimmers 2, lichens 60, cap mushrooms 130, algae 302. Research results confirm the opinion that the idea of ​​the poverty of the tundra flora is a consequence of its insufficient knowledge. The biodiversity of Yamal against the world background is small, but it is represented by a number of rare, ecologically vulnerable species that make up a single regional complex. Seven species of higher vascular plants are included in the Red Book, many species are not included there only because of poor study.
The attentive eye of a lover of restrained northern nature will find here a lot of unusual and original things. For example, exotic reindeer moss, which even a resident of middle latitudes has only heard of. Or clydonia alpine, covering the old burnt areas with a solid thick carpet. And how much joy the thickets of delicious berries lingonberries, blueberries and cloudberries, with which a fluffy Russian pie is so good.
    None of us then knew that checking to the end,
    Our gray-haired father Yamal heals souls and hearts.
    Who has been there will not forget the harsh Arctic Circle
    And it’s not cold, if a real friend is next to you!
    Rozov S.

The history of this region

The first information about the Yamal land dates back to the 11th century. However, Novgorod merchants penetrated the "Edge of the Earth" before. In the initial ideas of the Novgorodians about the riches of the northern land and its people, there was a lot of fantastic. Travelers said that "squirrels and deer fall to the ground there like rain from clouds." Since 1187, the lower Ob was included in the volosts, subjects of Veliky Novgorod, and after its fall, it passed to the Moscow princes, to whose titles Obdorsky and Yugorsky were added from 1502. In 1592, Tsar Fedor organized a campaign for the final conquest of the lands of the Great Ob. In 1595, one of the Cossack detachments built a fortification called Obdorsk (today it is the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Salekhard). Obdorsk long remained the last Russian settlement in the Ob North.

Now there are 8 cities in the district - Salekhard, Labytnangi, Muravlenko, Nadym, Novy Urengoy, Noyabrsk, Tarko-Sale and Gubkinsky, and 7 urban-type districts: Korotchaevo, Limbyakha, Pangody, Stary Nadym, Tazovsky, Urengoy, Kharp and 103 small rural settlements.

    Yamal is heartily glad to friends,
    Knows how to accept them.
    And all the way for "TU" and Nart
    They bring them to Salekhard.
    Andreev L.

City of Salekhard

Salekhard is the capital of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, located 2,436 km northeast of Moscow and 1,982 km north of the city of Tyumen. Salekhard is located on the Poluy Upland, on the right bank of the Ob River, at its confluence with the Poluy River, near the Arctic Circle, in the permafrost zone. It is the only city in the world located on the Arctic Circle. The original name of the city of Obdorsk came from the name of the Ob River and the word "dor", which is translated from the Komi language "a place near", "near something". However, the Nenets have long called the village of Sale-Kharn, that is, "a settlement on a cape." In the middle of the 18th century, merchants came here for fairs, and at the end of the 18th century, the fortress was abolished. Since the 20s of the 19th century, Russians began to settle in Obdorsk for permanent residence.

Salekhard is home to one of the most famous archaeological sites in the world Ust-Poluysky . And it is located on one of the many hills that steeply run down to the bank of Poluy. The history of the Ust-Polui site is unique. Back in 19351936, a young St. Petersburg scientist Vasily Stepanovich Adrianov. The finds excavated from the earth by Adrianov's expedition were very valuable for science, and the scientist's research bypassed literally the entire world archaeological press. Then monuments were discovered on Seyakh, Tiutey-Sale.

Salekhard fish cannery is the largest in the Tyumen region and is one of the first-born industrial development of the north Western Siberia. The city of Salekhard is a major river port. 72 years ago (in 1933) the North Ural Trust of the Glavsevmorput was established in Salekhard. He is engaged in shipbuilding, fur harvesting, fur slaughter, and timber export. A mink fur farm has been operating in the city of Salekhard since 1951, where fur-bearing animals such as arctic foxes, nutrias and minks are bred.

There is also a modern airport , Grand opening which took place on May 31, 2000. "Iron Birds" fly to many cities in Russia and even abroad (for example, to the city of Budapest). It is also planned to carry out flights to Cyprus, to Turkey. Works in Salekhard local history museum , which contains products of local art crafts bone carving, beaded jewelry, embroidery and appliqué (a pattern made using scraps of various materials) on fur, leather and cloth.

Salekhard is a sports city, where almost every resident goes in for sports. This is facilitated by a large number of cultural and sports institutions of the city. enjoys great popularity Ice Palace , which recently opened its doors to lovers of active recreation. What kind of sections are not there, what kind of competitions were not held here! The city operates tennis club With beautiful name "Polar". A children's and youth sports school operates here, in which many sports personnel have been trained. For lovers of skiing in the city created ski base , where there is a beautiful illuminated ski track, equipped buildings for recreation.

In 1990, the city of Salekhard was included in the list of historical cities.. A protected historical zone has been created in the city, because there are many buildings of historical and architectural value. Behind last years the ancient city of Salekhard, which no one has dealt with for more than 400 years, can be said to have been reborn. At present, it has become a major cultural and industrial center, with modern, well-appointed houses. The appearance of the district capital is constantly changing: a lot of construction is being carried out there and colossal work is being done to improve the urban area. Today's inhabitant of the city amazes with its architectural thoughtfulness and originality.

City of Labytnangi

Labytnangi is located on the eastern slopes of the Polar Urals, beyond the Arctic Circle, 20 km from the city of Salekhard. This is a wharf city on the left bank of the Ob River with the satellite villages of Kharp and Polyarny, the base of the construction industry of the entire district.
Labytnangi Khanty phrase. It denotes "seven larches". Previously, it was a settlement of Khanty reindeer herders living in temporary dwellings - chums. new life the settlement was given by the railway that came here - the brainchild of Stalin's Gulag. Thanks to this road, the city has become a springboard for the development of Urengoy, Yamburg and other major gas fields. In 1986, the construction of the new Labytnangi-Bovanenkovo ​​railway began and is now almost completed. It is the northernmost railway in the world. It was built for the development of the Bovanenkovo ​​gas field.

The city of Labytnangi is not just a basic city, but a supporting city of the polar oil and gas complex. This is the base of geologists, seismic prospectors, major center construction industry. Without him, there would be no Urengoy, no Medvezhy, no Yamburg, no other famous giants. This is a profitable transport hub, which in the future will be an outpost for the development of the Polar Urals. And the city connects all its prospects with the further development of this complex.

In 2003, the city of Labytnangi added one more to its status as the "gate of Yamal" ski resort . Complex "October", located seven kilometers from the city is a unique place for active winter holiday. Both masters of skiing and beginners come here. At the service of visitors: a track with a length of 630 m, with a height difference of 110 m and an average slope of 160 °. A tow lift will take everyone to the slope, a baby lift with a length of 200 m is available for young visitors. The slope is prepared with the help of snow cannons and the Ratrak snow compactor. The system of artificial snow made it possible to extend the ski season from September to May. For younger visitors, Oktyabrsky offers sledding, and for fans of extreme sports, tubing. Tubing is a rubber chamber covered with a special durable coating. Ski equipment, tubing, sledges can be rented.
It is also planned to use the complex in the summer for recreation catamarans, boating, fishing, picking mushrooms. Rest in "Oktyabrsky" is good for the whole family. Picturesque corners of nature, as well as an affordable price level for a short time made the ski complex a favorite vacation spot for Labytnang and Salekhard families and guests of the city.

Ski complex in the village of Polyarny (Polar Urals) . At the present time in the village of Polyarny there is a ski slope a rope tow. Length 600 m, height difference 140 m, average slope 30°. There is a base with a hall for meals and a kitchen, on the second floor there are several rooms for overnight stay and rest. The complex is located in a picturesque place among the mountains of the Polar Urals.

City of Gubkinsky

Gubkinsky is located two hundred kilometers from the Arctic Circle, on the left bank of the Pyaku-Pur River, 16 km from the Purpe station on the Tyumen Surgut Novy Urengoy railway. It is connected with the "Great Land" by a motorway, the nearest airport is located 250 km in the city of Noyabrsk. The city arose as a base center in connection with the industrial development of a group of the northernmost oil and gas fields in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, promising in terms of reserves and differing unique properties. At the beginning of 1986, troops landed almost out of nowhere to build the Gubkinsky gas processing plant and the city, which had no exact name.

Gubkinsky is located in the northeastern part of the West Siberian Lowland in the forest-tundra zone, which is represented here by larch and coniferous woodlands (birch, willow, pine, cedar, larch), peat bogs, and swamps with moss-lichen cover. Abundance in the forest and swamps berries: cloudberries, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, princess is found, as well as many white and other mushrooms. Very varied and interesting animal world. The local forests are inhabited by: flying squirrel, white hare, chipmunk, brown bear, elk, wolf, fox, wolverine, marten, sable, lynx, Siberian weasel, ermine, badger, otter, muskrat... deer. Bird families are widely represented: capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, stone pine, many waterfowl. All animals are of hunting and commercial importance. The abundance of food and spawning grounds favors the reproduction of fish rivers and surrounding lakes are rich in valuable species.

City of Muravlenko

The birth of the city is directly related to another Yamal city, Noyabrsk, from which it is located 95 km. Muravlenko is a city of oil and gas workers. The main city-forming industrial enterprises Oil and gas production department "Sutorminskneft", "Muravlenkovskneft", "Sugmutneft". They are engaged in the development of deposits. The largest of them is Muravlenkovskoye, opened in 1978.

City of Nadym

Nadym is the center of the Nadymsky district. The place where the city is located has long been known for rich moss pastures, where the Nenets grazed their deer. In total, 80 thousand people live in the region. There are nine villages on the territory of the district, including three villages of indigenous people. Local authorities pay great attention to the preservation and development of their traditional life and economy. This is the first city that appeared on the territory of the district, thanks to the largest natural gas fields discovered in Yamal. The city of Nadym is located 1225 km from Tyumen and 563 km southeast of Salekhard. It is located in the north of Western Siberia, on the Nadym River. nearest railroad station(Labytnangi) is located 583 km from Nadym.

The basis of the city's economy is the gas industry. The main enterprise is Nadymgazprom, which is engaged in commercial development of the Medvezhye gas field and its satellite fields Yubileiny and Yamsoveisky. A system of gas pipelines originates in Nadym, such as the North of the Tyumen region Ural Volga region Center, as well as the Medvezhye field Nadym and Nadym Punga. Since 1974, Nadymsky gas has been supplied to the capital of our Motherland, Moscow. The length of this gas pipeline is 3,000 km (in Soviet times, the length of gas pipelines was no more than 600 km).

Nadymsky airport one of the oldest airports in Russia. Its history begins back in 1969. Now it accepts all types of aircraft, including heavy airliners ("Tu154"). The city of Nadym is often called the northern capital of gas workers, and this is quite right, because Nadym is a large modern city near the Arctic Circle, it is the pride of the entire Tyumen region. Nadym has 7 well-maintained micro-districts with a total area of ​​over 200 thousand km 2, it is a fairly large cultural and leisure city.

An example of caring for nature relic cedar grove in the city center, which is the pride of the townspeople (history testifies that the cedar grove was left by the first builders as a monument of the northern unique nature). In winter, the most popular in the city illuminated ski Track and in summer a place for walking. The uniqueness of the city, which is called a fabulous city among the silent tundra and permafrost, lies in the fact that its birth, formation and thirty-year history created a special cohort of Nadym people, people who dedicated their lives to Nadym, devoted to him and proudly asserting: “We live in the most beautiful and best city.

Nadymsky hunting reserve . It protects typical landscapes, rare and valuable plant species and plant communities. It also serves to preserve the livestock of wild reindeer, elk, brown bear, sable, and otter. The main objects of protection include: brown bear, Tobolsk sable, pine marten, weasel, Tobolsk ermine, muskrat, white hare, elk; whooper swan, gray goose, white-fronted goose, lesser white-fronted goose, goose, wigeon, whistle-teal, cracker-teal, pintail, shoveler, crested duck; nelma, white broad whitefish, pyzhyan, peled, as well as ecosystems of the northern taiga subzone of the taiga and the southern subzone of the forest tundra.
Square reserve 564,000 ha. About half of the area of ​​the reserve is occupied by forests. The predominant species are larch, spruce. Shrubs are widespread: crowberry, wild rosemary, blueberry, dwarf birch. The most common are peat bogs: flat-hilly with shrub-lichen-moss cover on the hillocks and grass-moss in the hollows.

City of Novy Urengoy

Novy Urengoy is located 450 km east of Salekhard, it is the second largest city (after Noyabrsk) in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is located in Western Siberia on the Evo-Yakha River (a tributary of the Pur River), 60 km south of the Arctic Circle. "Urengoy" is a Nenets word, it means "bald hill" or "hill on which larches grow" in translation. The history of this northern city of oil and gas workers dates back to September 1973. It arose in connection with the development of the Urengoy gas condensate field of the Urengoygazprom Production Association (extraction and processing of oil and gas), the largest hydrocarbon raw material in the Far North in terms of volume. The uniqueness of the emergence of the city and the development of the field lies in the fact that the gas workers followed the prospectors of the bowels, that is, almost on virgin soil.

Novy Urengoy is the largest transport hub of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug with a railway to Tyumen and Yamburg, with OAO Sevtyumentransput, with a highway to Tyumen, with an airport. The highway connects Novy Urengoy with the city of Nadym, Yamburg, a gas settlement on the Taz Peninsula, but from there the path is only to the coast of the Arctic Ocean. Ten main pipelines supply natural gas from here National economy countries, export gas pipeline Urengoy Pomary Uzhgorod to the countries of Western Europe.

City of Noyabrsk

Noyabrsk is the southernmost city of the YaNAO. It is located southeast of Salekhard, 1065 km northeast of the city of Tyumen. The city is located in the central part of the picturesque Siberian Ridges, on the watershed of the Ob and Pur rivers, near Lake Tetu-Mamontotyai. On April 28, 1982, the settlement of Noyabrsk received the status of a city. It is the largest city in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District in terms of population. The city of Noyabrsk was founded in 1975. Then, on the ice of the Ikhu-Yakha River, located in the central part of the West Siberian Lowland, the first helicopter assault landed to begin the development of the Kholmogorskoye field, the first stage in the development of a new oil region, Noyabrsky. Initially, there were two variants of the name Khanto (after the name of the lake in the vicinity of the city) and Noyabrsky. We decided: let it be Noyabrsky, since the first landing force landed in November. It turns out that the name of the city was chosen according to the weather, according to the calendar.
The city of Noyabrsk in its geographical position is the "southern gate" of the district. Noyabrsk is traversed by the Tyumen-Novy Urengoy railway line and the highway connecting Noyabrsk with Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug and further with the "big land". The city has excellent air links, there is a modern airport capable of receiving heavy aircraft. The airport opened on July 1, 1987. It is called the gate to the Far North.

Today Noyabrsk is the largest oil metropolis in the YNAO. This is the pearl of Yamal, the largest business and industrial center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, where one fifth of the population of the district lives and almost a quarter of industrial output is produced. This is a beautiful, European-style modern city, which, undoubtedly, has become the cultural and spiritual center of the south of Yamal. Under these conditions, the city of Noyabrsk has a prospect for the next 2530 years to become a base city for the development of the subsoil reserves of the south of Yamal.

City of Tarko-Sale

Tarko-Sale is the center of the Purovsky district, located in the most beautiful places, at the confluence of the Ayvasedapur and Pyakupur rivers and the formation of the Pur river. The distance by air transport to Tyumen is 1117 km, to Salekhard 550 km. The nearest railway station is Purovsk, located 11 km from Tarko-Sale. The city is connected with the "big Earth" by an airport, a pier on the Pyakupur River, a paved road to the city of Gubkinsky. The city has an air squadron of helicopter pilots engaged in the transportation of goods and passengers to hard-to-reach places in Yamal. In summer, Tarko-Sale is connected by water to many settlements in the Purovsky district and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug; in winter, such communication is carried out along the winter road. In the Nenets dialect, the name Tarko-Sale means "cape at the fork." Once upon a time, a shaman came to the place where the city stands and opened a camp at the confluence of two rivers. The beginning of the city is associated with the development of hydrocarbon reserves.

What's new?

Yamal periodically presents scientific world sensations . May 25, 2007 on the Yuribey River was found mammoth perfect preservation. The body of the fifty-kilogram "baby" was delivered to the Yamalo-Nenets District museum and exhibition complex. I. S. Shemanovsky from the village of Novy Port, where it was stored for some time in an underground freezer. The baby mammoth was found by a reindeer breeder who reported the find. Specialists organized an expedition to survey the place of discovery and transport the baby mammoth from the river bank. According to scientists, this "foundling" is absolutely unique and the most complete find in the whole world. In terms of its preservation, it is much better than its predecessors: the mammoth has a well-preserved trunk, eyes, and remains of wool on the neck. So far, only two such finds have been known in the world. No less famous is the mammoth cub, found in 1998, 25 kilometers from the mouth of the Yuribetyakha River, again on the Yamal Peninsula. According to the testimony of the reindeer breeder, who discovered the last find, upstream, three hundred meters from the found mammoth, he discovered a large tusk sticking out of the ground. So new sensational finds are quite likely.
    The rich nature of the unique North has always attracted the attention of romantics. Untouched purity, a variety of colors, unpredictability enchants admiring glances. The indescribable silence in the winter expanses and the warm hearts of the northerners beckon again and again.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a subject of the Russian Federation (as part of the Tyumen Region), and is part of the Ural Federal District. Formed December 10, 1930. The Okrug is located in the Arctic zone of the West Siberian Plain, in the center of the Far North of Russia, and occupies a vast area of ​​769,250 km².

It borders on the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Komi Republic, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Population 523.4 thousand people, National composition: Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Nenets, Khanty, Komi; urban residents - 82.8%. Includes 7 administrative districts, 6 cities, 9 urban-type settlements. Large cities - Salekhard, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym.


The city of Salekhard (until 1935 - Obdorsk) is the capital of the world's largest gas producing region - the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The only city on the planet located at the latitude of the Arctic Circle.

The history of Obdorsk-Salekhard goes back to the history of the development of the north of Western Siberia, the creation of statehood among the aboriginal population, and the industrial development of the Arctic. Obdorsk has been for centuries an outpost of the Russian state on its northern route to the Pacific Ocean.

After the annexation of Siberia to Russia, on the site of the Ostyak town, near the confluence of the Poluy and Ob rivers, the Russian Cossacks of the Berezovsky voivode Nikita Trakhaniotov in 1595 founded the Obdorsky prison. Obdorsk has gone through many transformations, always remaining the center of the region and an independent administrative unit. It contained the headquarters of the Ostyak and Samoyed foremen, representatives of the tsarist administration.

Ostrog in 1635 was renamed Obdorskaya outpost. In 1799 the fortress was abolished. The outpost was transformed into the center of the Obdorsk volost of the Berezovsky district of the Tobolsk province - the village of Obdorsk.

In 1897, there were 30 houses, 150 trading shops in Obdorsk, there were 500 permanent residents, who were mainly engaged in hunting, fishing and trade. Every year from December 15 to January 25, the Obdorskaya Fair was held, the turnover of which exceeded 100 thousand rubles. It attracted thousands of sellers and buyers. Merchants brought here flour and bread, metal products and jewelry, cloth, wine and tobacco, and took away furs, walrus tusks, fish and bird feathers.

After the formation of the Yamalo-Nenets National Okrug, Obdorsk became its capital and in 1933 received a new name - Salekhard (from the Nenets "Sale-Kharn" - a village on a cape). In 1938, the district center acquired the status of a city.

Now it is a modern administrative, cultural and business center of the region. The city is provided with modern means of communication and telecommunications. Recently, Salekhard has turned into a large construction site. Housing shortage was one of the acute social problems of the city. Therefore, the priority direction was the construction of residential buildings and social facilities.




The formation of the climate of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is strongly influenced by its location, a small amount of solar radiation, a large distance from warm air and water flows, a gentle flat relief, bays deeply cut into the land, permafrost, cold waters of the Kara Sea, a large number of rivers, many swamps.

Water resources

The water resources of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are rich and diverse and are distinguished by large reserves of underground and surface water. In total, there are about 300,000 lakes and 48,000 rivers in the district. Surface water resources are represented by the rivers Ob, Pur, Taz, Nadym, Gulf of Ob, the coast of the Kara Sea, bays, numerous swamps and lakes.

forest resources

The Okrug is located in the tundra, forest-tundra and northern taiga zones. Forests (larch, pine, spruce, cedar) are located mainly in the southern part. Forest cover - 21.1%, total standing timber - 1190.5 million cubic meters. The share of burned areas in the total area of ​​forests is 2.381%, the share of clearings is 0.31%. The southern half of the district is located in the subzone of the northern taiga, which is characterized by a wide distribution of permafrost and the predominance of treeless large-hilly sphagnum bogs over forests, forming vast arrays. Forests here occupy about a third of the territory and are characterized by great sparseness and short stature (8-10 m). Significant massifs of larch-cedar-spruce forests, in places with an admixture of birch. In the drained valleys far to the north, sparse forests enter - larch, birch and spruce.


The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is known for its minerals, primarily hydrocarbons. Huge reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials make it possible to call the district the world's largest oil and gas resource base.

The Okrug contains approximately 78% of Russian gas reserves and 18% of oil reserves, concentrated in 232 known hydrocarbon deposits. Work is underway at the Urengoyskoye gas field, the Nakhodkinskoye gas field, the Yuzhno-Russkoye oil and gas field, the Ety-Purovskoye oil field, the Yamburgskoye oil and gas condensate field, and the Bovanenkovo ​​oil and gas condensate field.

Annually, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug produces about 80% of all gas produced in Russia and approximately 8% of oil produced in Russia. A total of 37 deposits are being developed. Of the 136 fields in the district, one is unique - Russkoye, with oil reserves - 16.15% of the district and 30 large ones, on which 67.25% of the reserves and 69.1% of the district's oil production are concentrated. The cumulative oil production in the district is more than 375.2 million tons.

The reserves of chromium, iron, tin, lead of precious and non-ferrous metals, and other minerals are mainly concentrated in the western part of the district, in the territory of the Polar Ural Mountains.

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

1. Territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, administrative structure

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a subject of the Russian Federation. According to the Charter of the Tyumen region, it is also part of the Tyumen region, being an equal subject of the Russian Federation. It is part of the Ural Federal District.

Territory of the Autonomous Okrug. In terms of area, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug ranks 6th among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The administrative center of the district is the city of Salekhard. As part of Autonomous Okrug 13 municipalities.

Urban districts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug:

-city ​​district of Salekhard;

-urban district of Gubkinsky;

-city ​​district of Labytnangi;

-urban district Muravlenko;

-city ​​district Novy Urengoy;

-urban district of Noyabrsk.

Districts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug:

-Krasnoselkupsky district;

-Nadymsky district;

-Priuralsky district;

-Purovsky district;

-Tazovsky district;

-Shuryshkarsky district;

-Yamal region.

2. Economic and geographical position of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is located in the center of the Far North of Russia. More than half of the territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle.

The northern border of the Autonomous Okrug is washed by the waters of the Kara Sea (provides fishing). In the west, along the Ural Range, the Yamalo-Nenets Okrug borders on the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Komi Republic, in the south - on the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, in the east - on the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Assessing the position of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, one can single out positive and negative sides:

-There is access to the sea;

-provision with electric power resources;

-YNAO is the leader of the Russian gas industry.

-Remoteness of territories;

-the density of transport routes is extremely low, the use of sea transport is limited due to difficult natural and climatic conditions;

-Agriculture poorly developed;

-low population density;

-tourism is practically not developed.

3. Natural conditions and resources

The climate of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is harsh, sharply continental. The territory of the district is located mainly in three climatic zones: arctic, subarctic and the zone of the northern (taiga) zone of the West Siberian lowland. The relief of the district is represented by two parts: mountainous and flat.

Huge reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials make it possible to call the district the world's largest oil and gas resource base. The district contains approximately 78% of Russian gas reserves (in terms of proven reserves and production of which the district ranks first in the Russian Federation) and 18% of oil reserves (in terms of proven reserves of liquid hydrocarbons, the YaNAO ranks second after the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug).

The water resources of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug are rich and varied. Water resources are represented by the rivers Ob, Pur, Taz, Nadym. The largest river is the Ob. The main water management and transport functions are performed by the Ob River. On the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug there are huge reserves of artesian and thermal waters.

The reserves of chromium, iron, tin, lead of noble and non-ferrous metals, and other minerals are mainly concentrated in the western part of the district, in the mountains of the Polar Urals.

In the forest-tundra and northern taiga, the soils are gley-podzolic, gley weakly podzolic, and illuvial-humus podzolic. The vegetation cover of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has a pronounced latitudinal zonality. In total, five landscape zones are distinguished: arctic, moss-lichen tundra, shrub tundra, forest tundra, and northern taiga.

The fauna of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is rich and varied.

38 species of mammals, 255 species of birds, 2 species of reptiles, 4 species of amphibians and 40 species of fish live in the tundra, forest-tundra, taiga and mountain-Ural natural-geographic zones.

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug belongs to the areas of extreme habitation, since natural conditions are unfavorable for economic activity and people's lives.

4. Population, labor resources

The population of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug amounted to 539.6 thousand people, which is 0.4% lower than the level of the corresponding date of the previous year. It ranks 71st in terms of population among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The decline in population was due to migration loss. Population density - 0.70 people / km 2(2014), more than 10 times lower than the average for Russia. The proportion of the urban population, as in many other northern regions, high - 84.7%.

Ethnic composition The population is heterogeneous: Russians make up 61.7%, Ukrainians 9.7%, Tatars 5.6%, Nenets 5.9% according to the 2010 census.

The demographic situation was characterized by a decrease in the number of births by 0.9% compared to 2012, per 1000 population - 16.4 births. The natural increase per 1,000 population in 2013 was 11.3 people. The birth rate in Yamal, according to long-term data, is higher than the national average, and the death rate is lower. Natural growth is observed in all cities and districts of the district.

The Okrug has a high share of the population of working age - 71.8%, the share of the population younger than the working age is also higher than the Russian average - 22.7%, and the share of the population older than the working age is noticeably lower than the national average - 5.5%. The unemployment rate was 3.2% in 2013 - the lowest in the Urals federal district. Quite intensive migration processes are observed in the Autonomous Okrug. Migration decline in population in 2013 is 7 times higher than in 2012.

It should be noted that the migration of the population in the Autonomous Okrug occurs mainly within the Russian Federation (in 2013, 74.9% of total number arrivals, 83.6% of the total number of those who left). The main reasons for the arrival of migrants to the territory of the Autonomous Okrug are personal, family circumstances and job search. Labor activity in the Autonomous Okrug is attractive, first of all, for labor migrants from neighboring countries.

5. Characteristics of the economy

Level of development, structure of the economy

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is an industrial resource-producing region. In its structure, industry accounts for 53.5%, agriculture - 0.1%, construction - 15.1%, transport - 5.8%, trade and commercial activities for the sale of goods and services - 4%. Main industries: oil and gas, fish. The economy of the district is highly specialized.

YNAO ranks 8th among all subjects of the Russian Federation in terms of gross regional product, 5th in terms of industrial production and 4th in terms of investments. The gross regional product of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is growing by an average of 14.5% per year. In terms of per capita GRP, it ranks second after the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The main source of investment in the country as a whole is attracted funds, in the district this figure is on average 15-20% higher than the national average. To increase the investment attractiveness, the industrial and social infrastructure is being actively developed.

Development and placement of industries of market specialization

Market branches of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of specialization are:

-Oil and gas industry;

-agro-industrial complex.

The Yamalo-Nenets Okrug is the backbone of Russia's fuel economy. Yamal produces 91% of the country's natural gas (a fifth of its world production) and more than 14% of Russian oil and gas condensate. In total, the district produces more than 54% of Russia's primary energy resources. On the territory of the district, work is underway at the Urengoy gas field, the Nakhodka gas field, the Yuzhno-Russkoye oil and gas field, the Ety-Purovsky oil field, and the Yamburg oil and gas condensate field.

Due to natural and climatic conditions, the agro-industrial complex of the Autonomous Okrug is focused on traditional industries: reindeer herding, fishing, hunting, processing of fur raw materials. Gross agricultural production is 57.9% (deer meat, fish). The sectoral structure is dominated by livestock products - 90.9%. Reindeer pastures account for 64% of the land. The Autonomous Okrug has the largest herd of reindeer in Russia and in the world. Reindeer breeding is one of the highly promising agricultural sectors in the region. The traditional types of agricultural activity include fishing (fishing objects - whitefish, whitefish, nelma, sturgeon). In fact, Yamal produces half of the Russian whitefish catch. Further development reindeer breeding is associated with the improvement of the cycle of non-waste production, and the fishing industry - with an increase in the volume of catch and processing.

Characteristics of industries complementing the economic complex

The industry complementing the economic complex is the electric power industry. Over 80% of the YNAO's needs in the electric power industry are covered by its own production. Nadymsky and Purovsky districts, the cities of Noyabrsk, Muravlenko, Gubkinsky and Novy Urengoy are connected to the system of centralized power supply from energy sources and electrical networks. In total, 672 power plants with a total capacity of 1.4 million kW operate on the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Level of development and location of industrial and social infrastructure

The region is characterized by the presence of hard-to-reach and sparsely populated areas, a complex transport scheme, underdevelopment of land transport along with spatial extent. The density of transport routes is extremely low: the density of railways. public roads - 7 km per 10 thousand km 2, paved roads - 1.3 km per 1 thousand km 2. Operating length of railway tracks - 496 km, the length of paved roads - 960 km.

Air transport forms the basis of inter-municipal and inter-settlement transport communications in the district, and during the thaw period it is the only way to deliver people and goods to most remote and hard-to-reach settlements. Airports are located in a number of cities (Salekhard, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy, Nadym, Tarko-Sale). IN summer period A significant role in the transportation of passengers and the delivery of goods is played by water transport. Developed network of pipelines. Gas pipelines link YNAO with European Russia and foreign countries. The largest of them is "Shine of the North".

Medical care for the population of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is provided in 34 healthcare institutions. There are 237 healthcare institutions in YNAO. Provision of hospital beds - 115.8 per 10 thousand people. There are 48.8 doctors per 10 thousand inhabitants, 135.6 people. middle medical personnel.

184 institutions operate in the Autonomous Okrug preschool education, 141 comprehensive school. Vocational education is underdeveloped. The system of vocational education of the Autonomous Okrug is represented by 5 institutions of primary vocational education, 6 institutions of secondary vocational education. The Okrug has one university - the West Siberian Humanitarian Institute in Nadym, 25 branches of institutions of higher professional education.

Provision of housing below the national average - 17.3 m 2per person, while the proportion of dilapidated and dilapidated housing is three times higher. The electricity tariff is 1204 rubles. / Gcal. The tariff for cold water is on average 45 rubles per cubic meter, for hot water 55 rubles per cubic meter. The price on the primary housing market in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is 42,000 rubles per square meter. meter.

The budget of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug has a pronounced social orientation: more than 80% of the expenditure part is directed to solve the social problems of the population. Housing construction is developing powerfully in the district, modern schools, hospitals, sports facilities.

6. Territorial structure of the economy

In Novy Urengoy, the creation of a gas chemical cluster and the construction of the Khimpark Yamal-Polymer enterprise began. At the initiative of specialists from the Yamal Okrug Technopark, next to the gas chemical complex, it is planned to build the Yamal-Polymer Chempark enterprise, which will produce various goods from polyethylene. Planned commissioning of the Novy Urengoy gas chemical complex - early 2015.

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, oil and gas and agro-industrial complexes have been developed.

The oil industry is concentrated in the north of the district; southern territories - gas chemical complex.

7. Internal differences and cities, attractions

In the Autonomous Okrug, there is a fairly high (3rd place), in comparison with other regions, the average level wages. The average salary in YaNAO in 2013 was 52,400 rubles. The highest level of wages is noted in the areas of oil and gas production, the lowest - in the rural areas of the Autonomous Okrug. The poverty rate is the lowest among the regions. In terms of per capita GRP, it ranks second after the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Major cities: Novy Urengoy - most Big city YNAO, population - 116.5 thousand people.

Noyabrsk - 108 thousand people

Nadym - 46.8 thousand people

Salekhard - 46.6 thousand people

There are no agglomerations.

Tourism in YNAO is practically not developed. The most promising direction of tourism is considered natural and ethnographic. The created tourist complexes make it possible to get acquainted with the life of the indigenous population of the tundra, with their way of life and traditions, however, the demand for such services from the non-Yamal population is small.

Sightseeing: Stele "66th Parallel" (Arctic Circle), Gydan Reserve, Ust-Poluysky archaeological site.

8. Economic ties

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug maintained relations in 2013 with trading partners from 36 countries: Great Britain, the Netherlands, the Republic of Korea, Germany, Denmark, Poland.

In 2013, the foreign trade turnover decreased by 10.3% compared to 2012. The total volume of trade with non-CIS countries (98.8% of the total foreign trade turnover), with the CIS countries - 1.2%.

The volume of exports - 1972.1 million US dollars, in 2013 decreased by 9.8% compared to 2012.

The volume of imports - 251.8 million US dollars, in 2013 decreased by 0.4% compared to 2012.

.United Kingdom (33.1%)

Netherlands (29.1%)

.Republic of Korea (12.1%)

.Mineral fuel

.Oil and products of their distillation

USA (15.9%)

China (14.7%)

Ukraine (13.0%)

.Machinery, equipment and vehicles

.Metals and products from them.

9. Problems, development prospects

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug today is a stable, dynamically developing region, where a solid foundation has been laid for further socio-economic development, which makes it possible to build large-scale plans for the future.

The development strategy developed by the Government of the Autonomous Okrug until 2020 links the development of the fuel and energy complex with the formation of new branches of the regional economy, necessary for modern life. One of the global long-term projects is the development of gas reserves of the Kara Sea peninsula and shelf. 11 gas-bearing and 15 oil and gas condensate fields have been discovered here. Another major undertaking is the creation in the territory of the Polar Urals of a new center of the mining industry, which provides the metallurgy of neighboring regions with raw materials.

Together with the Siberian Scientific Analytical Center and RAO Russian Railways, the Okrug Administration is currently working on the development of a network of railways and highways and telecommunications systems. They should connect the Arctic Yamal with the large industrial centers of the Urals.

social problems are a highly specialized, resource-based economy, the high cost of living in adverse conditions, and the low life expectancy of the indigenous peoples of the North.

The priority goals of the socio-economic development of the Autonomous Okrug in the medium term are:

increase in the resource base of minerals;

creation of gas and oil refineries and enterprises;

development of the mining industry;

environmental safety and efficient nature management;

development of small and medium business;

development of the affordable housing market and an increase in the pace of housing construction, a decrease in the volume of dilapidated and dilapidated housing;

maintaining and improving social support for the population; - increasing employment and reducing unemployment;

More than thirty social programs are being implemented in the region.

population resource county industry

List of sources

1.Bank of cities. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">2. Website of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Geography [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">. Subjects of the Russian Federation. YaNAO [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">. Website of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Geography [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">. Wikipedia. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Access mode: #"justify">. World of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">. Website of the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Economics [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">. Portal Compatriots [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: #"justify">. Portal InterEnergo [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (Date of access: 17.04.14)
