What happened to the bassist of the Lube band. Lube group - composition, photos, clips, listen to songs

The bass player of the Lyube group, Pavel Usanov, died at the Moscow City Research Institute for Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky.

The 40-year-old bass player of the Lyube group Pavel Usanov, who received severe skull injuries as a result of the attack, died at the Moscow City Research Institute for Emergency Medicine named after N.V. Sklifosovsky.

This was reported in the press service of the production center of Igor Matvienko.

"Today, Pasha Usanov, the bass player of Lube, passed away, talented musician, a good guy and our good comrade," the message on the official profile of the Lube group on Facebook reads.

Recall. On April 2, the musician who subsequently attacked him. It was later reported that a suspect in the attack, a 39-year-old resident of the Solnechnogorsk district, had been detained. Now he is under arrest.

The musician was taken to the intensive care unit of the Sklifosovsky Institute with a severe head injury and a fracture of the base of the skull.

Doctors tried to save the musician for about two weeks, but to no avail.

Pavel Anatolyevich Usanov was born on August 11, 1975 in Novocheboksarsk. Studied at high school №5.

He graduated from the Kirov School of Arts, served in the army, studied at the Faculty of Military Conductors at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. Then - Russian academy music to them. Gnesins with honors and postgraduate studies. He took private composition lessons from Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Yu.V. Vorontsov.

In the years when he was a cadet of the Faculty of Military Conductors, he played jazz in the Manhattan group in Moscow, then in the Phonograph Jazz Band group of Sergei Zhilin.

In 1996, an announcement appeared in the newspapers that, in connection with tragic death bass player Alexander Nikolaev, the Lyube group announces a competition for a new bassist. After he was noticed as part of a jazz quartet, Pavel passed the competition and became the bass player of Lube.

Pavel Usanov and Nikolai Rastorguev

Studying at the academy Gnesins, Usanov took up composition and began to write music for theatrical performances, audio performances and films.

Created music by 15 documentaries on Channel One, collaborating with Pavel Sheremet, for the film "Russian Victim" about Pskov paratroopers, etc.

Continuing to work in "Lube" as a musician, Usanov in 2006 created the "Meeting Boy" group, becoming its artistic director and composer.

After a long search for a soloist, an album was released in 2009 "Everything will be as it should!", in which officers of the Alpha special forces unit and Alexei Petrenko participated.

Continuing to work at Lube, he performed with the Oncoming Battle group, but in 2012 he changed the composition and then became a soloist in his group.

He created an acoustic version of his program called "Acoustic View", where the singer Yuliana Green took part. Actively gave concerts around the country with his own repertoire.

Pavel Usanov - Everything will be as it should.

Since 2012, he has been the founder and leader of the Cultural and Educational Movement “Promoting Creative Education” (KPD STO) foundation.

In 2015, he created his own cultural and educational movement "Native Spaces", and the first project was a children's musical competition, which took place in Donetsk - during the hostilities.

“Pasha died today,” the press service of Igor Matvienko said. Pavel Usanov died on April 19 in a Moscow hospital, where he was taken in an unconscious state.

In early April, information appeared about the detention of a bass player suspected of beating, who on the night of April 2-3 was hospitalized with serious head injuries at the Research Institute. Sklifosovsky. A law enforcement source said that 40-year-old Usanov was hospitalized in serious condition with a head injury after an attack by unknown people in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region. The musician was taken to intensive care. He was hospitalized in a Moscow hospital in an unconscious state. Doctors assessed the condition of the musician as serious. He was diagnosed with multiple fractures and a concussion. Subsequently, it was reported that the bass player underwent a craniotomy.

The day before, his condition improved, and Usanov's relatives even announced the collection of donations for the rehabilitation of the musician.

On April 3, a suspect in the attack on Usanov was detained in the Moscow region. A 39-year-old resident of the Solnechnogorsk district was prosecuted under Part 1 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm”). According to TASS, in connection with the death of a musician, the case may be reclassified to a more serious article.

Usanov joined Lube in 1996 after the death of the group's previous bassist, Alexander Nikolaev, in a car accident. Prior to that, he played in Sergei Zhilin's Phonograph Jazz Band. In 2006, he created the Encounter Battle group, where he performed in parallel with Lube.

Writer Zakhar Prilepin spoke about the reasons for the beating of the bass player of the Lyube group Pavel Usanov, as a result of which the musician fell into a coma and subsequently died. He wrote about this in his blog on the REN TV website.

The incident occurred in a cafe in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region. “Pasha was sitting in a bar, discussing exactly the very topics that we discussed with him - Donbass. It hurt us with him - and there is nothing to hide, we talked about it often, ”Prilepin wrote.

According to him, one of those present at the institution did not like the conversation. “They approached Pasha and hit him on the head. Behind. Face to face with him, the killer had much less chance. Pasha could take care of himself. The result: a fracture of the base of the skull and an intracerebral hematoma, ”the writer noted.

The information provided by Prilepin was commented by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova. “Give them human rights, European values, respect. You will have neither values ​​nor respect until you stop shooting people on the Maidans, burning them in the houses of trade unions and killing people in bars on a national-ideological basis. First intensive rehabilitation from nationalism, then everything else. Otherwise, clinical death from self-poisoning,” she wrote on her Facebook page.

Pavel Usanov. Photo: Commons.wikimedia.org/ Andrey Butko

On Tuesday, April 19, the bass player died at the N.V. Sklifosovsky Moscow City Research Institute of Emergency Medicine Russian group"Lube" Pavel Usanov.

Usanov was hospitalized on April 2 with a head injury in serious condition. He was beaten by unknown people in the Dmitrovsky district of the Moscow region. A criminal case was opened on the fact of beating. A 39-year-old resident of the Solnechnogorsk region was detained on suspicion of committing a crime.

About what Pavel Usanov remembered, tells AiF.ru.

Pavel Anatolyevich Usanov was born on August 11, 1975 in Novocheboksarsk. Studied at secondary school number 5.

He graduated from the Kirov School of Arts, served in the army, studied at the faculty of military conductors at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky, graduated with honors from the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins and graduate school, took private lessons in composition from Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Yu. V. Vorontsov.

During the years when he was a cadet of the faculty of military conductors, he played jazz in the Manhattan group in Moscow, then in the Phonograph Jazz Band group of Sergei Zhilin. In 1996, an announcement appeared in the newspapers that, in connection with the tragic death of bass guitarist Alexander Nikolaev, the Lyube group was announcing a competition for a new bassist.
After he was noticed as part of a jazz quartet, Pavel passed the competition and became the bass player of Lube.

Studying at the Academy Gnesins, Usanov took up composition and began to write music for theatrical productions, audio performances and films.

He created music for 15 documentaries on Channel One, collaborating with Pavel Sheremet, for the film "Russian Victim" about Pskov paratroopers, etc.

Continuing to work in Lube as a musician, Usanov formed the Oncoming Battle group in 2006, becoming its artistic director and composer.
After a long search for a soloist, in 2009 the album “Everything will be right!” Was released, in which Nikolai Rastorguev, officers of the Alpha special forces unit and Alexei Petrenko participate. Continuing to work in Lube, he also gives concerts with the Oncoming Battle group, but in 2012 he changes the composition and then becomes a soloist in his

He created an acoustic version of his program called "Acoustic View", where the singer Yuliana Green took part. He actively gives concerts around the country with his own repertoire.

Social activity

Since 2012, he has been the founder and leader of the Cultural and Educational Movement “Promoting Creative Education” (KPD STO) Foundation. In 2015, Pavel created his own cultural and educational movement "Native Spaces", and the first project was a children's music competition, which was held in Donetsk during the hostilities.

Watch in advance "Logicology - about the fate of man".

Consider the FULL NAME code tables. \If there is a shift in numbers and letters on your screen, adjust the image scale\.

20 38 39 53 68 71 87 88 91 97 109 110 124 125 144 159 171 200 206 209 219 243
243 223 205 204 190 175 172 156 155 152 146 134 133 119 118 99 84 72 43 37 34 24

16 17 20 26 38 39 53 54 73 88 100 129 135 138 148 172 192 210 211 225 240 243
243 227 226 223 217 205 204 190 189 170 155 143 114 108 105 95 71 51 33 32 18 3

USANOV PAVEL ANATOLYEVICH \u003d 243 \u003d 190-CRANIO-MOG + 53-TRAUMA \ a \.

243 \u003d 171-Wounded by blows + 72-HEAD.

243 = 54-INJURY + 189-\ 70-SKULLS + 119-LOVED LIFE\.

243 = 124 - SKULL INJURY + 119 - DONE LIFE.

243 \u003d 192- \ 124-SKULL INJURY + 68-LOVED \ + 51-LIFE.

243 \u003d 175- \ 124-SKULL INJURY + 51-LIFE \ + 68-LOVED.

243 = 97-END + 146-HIT LIFE.

243 = 148-END OF LIFE + 95-FROM HIT.

243 = 95-HIT + 97-END + 51-LIFE.


54 = DIE \ t \

73 = DIES


148 - 105 \u003d 43 \u003d IMPACT \ s \.

138 = DYING


118 = DYING

144 - 118 \u003d 26 \u003d KO \ ma \.

DATE OF DEATH code: 04/19/2016. This = 19 + 04 + 20 + 16 = 59 = BRAIN \ th wound \ = BREAKED \ head \, DEAD.

243 = 59-BRAIN \ th wound \ + 184- \ 40-KOMA + 144-BRAIN DEATH \.

184 - 59 = 125 = BRAIN WOUND.

It should be noted that the sentence BRAIN WOUND is well read in the upper table:

88 = ... BREAKING WOUND; 97 = ... HEAVY WOUND; 109 = BRAIN R...; 110 = BRAIN RA...; 124 = BRAIN WOUND...; 125 = BRAIN WOUND.

233 = 144-BRAIN DEATH + 89-DEATH.

Code of the full DATE OF DEATH = 233-NINETEENTH OF APRIL + 36- \ 20 + 16 \- (code of the YEAR OF DEATH) \u003d 269.

269 ​​= 150-BRAIN CRUSHED + 119-LIFE DONE.

269 ​​- 243-(FULL NAME code) = 26 = KO \ end \.

Code for the number of full YEARS OF LIFE \u003d FORTY \u003d 76 \u003d DEATH OF M \ ozga \.

243 \u003d 76-FORTY + 167-DEATH FROM IMPACT, LIFE IS ENDED \ s \.

167-DEATH FROM A STRIKE - 76-FORTY \u003d 91 \u003d DYING.

243 = 76-FORTY + 91-DYING + 76-FORTY.

Since there are no digits of the word FORTY in the tables, we use the second method of determining the number of YEARS.

The FORTY-ONE year is coming.

76-FORTY + 80-FIRST = 156 = BRAIN INJURY FROM UD \ ra \.

Look at the columns in the top table:

118 = FORTY FIRST \ th \

144 - 118 = KO \ net \.


146 - 109 \u003d 37 \u003d CME \ mercury \.

88 = DEATH \ a \

156 - 88 \u003d 68 \u003d DONE \ life \.

243 = 146-FORTY-ONE + 97-DEAD, MURDER = 156-FORTY-ONE + 87-DEAD.

Pavel Usanov. The group is preparing a concert in his memory. And the capital's investigators are investigating the circumstances of the conflict in which the musician received serious injury and died three weeks later in intensive care. The suspect has already been arrested, but he does not admit his guilt. And the friends of the deceased put forward their own versions of what happened.

Pavel Usanov died in intensive care, never recovering from a three-week coma. A fracture of the base of the skull and a hematoma in the brain area are the result of a blow inflicted on the musician by 38-year-old Maxim Dobry. Witnesses identified him. It all happened on April 2 in the village of Ozeretsky, where bass player Lyube lived with his family.

It is known that the initial conflict took place late at night in a restaurant. Perhaps it was just a verbal skirmish. In any case, the employees of the institution deny that there was a fight. Pavel had to walk only a few meters to the house in the Mechta residential complex. It is possible that the musician was already guarded here.

"Between Usanov and a 38-year-old resident of the Solnechnogorsk district Maxim Dobry, during which the accused struck the musician with a fist in the head area. Currently, the accused is in custody, and all necessary investigative actions will be carried out with him in the near future," the official said. Olga Vradiy, representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region.

In the beginning of April . He still denies his guilt. He does not deny only that he was at the restaurant that evening.

As the waiters of the establishment told us, they saw Usanov leaving home from his shift. The hall was empty, Pavel was sitting alone at the bar. Obviously, the skirmish happened before. And those who started a quarrel managed to leave the institution.

"A public person. A person visited an institution. He is very good man. He and his wife often came just to eat," says the director of the restaurant.

Why the talented musician was killed is not known for sure. This is the version expressed by Usanov's friend, the writer Zakhar Prilepin.

“Pasha was sitting in a bar, discussing exactly the same topics as. There was someone in the cafe who, apparently, didn’t like the conversation. They approached Pasha and hit him on the head. From behind. Face to face with him, the killer had much less likely. Pasha could stand up for himself. People who, for courage, have bred, "Zakhar Prilepin believes.

Gnesinka graduate Pavel Usanov came to Lube 20 years ago. He replaced bassist Alexander Nikolaev, who tragically died in a car accident.

“For us, this is a very big loss, irreplaceable. He worked with us for 20 years, literally took the place of the bass player, who also died in a car accident in 1996. He was a wonderful guy. other projects: and organized children's competitions both in Sevastopol and in the Donbass. It's hard to go through all this, and somehow everything is very wrong, "says Nikolai Rastorguev, lead singer of the Lyube group.

“No matter what they say about the death of our friend Pavel, for me it feels like he died in battle. Because his whole previous life was so connected with this: to help people. This also applied to concerts in the Donbass in front of residents, and helping kids , whom he did his best, taking advantage of his opportunities, invited to Moscow, to concerts, somehow took care of them, ”explains songwriter Alexander Shaganov.

Pavel Usanov is survived by his wife and two children. , on his small homeland. Farewell will take place on April 21 in Petrovsky Park in Moscow.
