Examination test on the subject of musical literature. Test tasks in musical literature

2-4 years of study

1. When was the modern five-line notation created?

A) In the 5th-6th century?
B) In the 10-11th century?
C) In the 14th-15th century?

2. What remedy musical expressiveness considered the main one?

a) melody?
B) Register?
B) pace?

3. What does the word recitative mean?

A) singing?
b) Dance?
c) Reading aloud, recitation?

4. How many basic dynamic shades are there?

A) 4?
B) 5?
AT 2?

5. Which of the pieces is not part of Mussorgsky's piano suite?

A) Hut on chicken legs?
b) Gnome?
C) Doll illness?

6. Which of these instruments is not a stringed instrument?

a) Violin?
b) Cello?
B) Bayan?

7.Which one string instruments lowest sounding?

A) cello?
B) Alt?
B) contrabass?

8. Which of these instruments is not a woodwind?

a) flute?
B) tuba?
B) Bassoon?

9. How many strings does the balalaika have?

A) 2?
B) 3?
AT 4?

0. When did the symphony orchestra appear?

A) In the 7th-8th century?
B) In the 9th-10th century?
c) In the 16th and 17th centuries?

11. How is the word "suite" translated?

A) drawing?
B) Sequence?
B) dance?

12. How is the word "fugue" translated?

A) running?
b) Walking?
B) jump?

13. Which piece is not part of Grieg's suite "Peer Gynt"?

A) "The Death of Oze"?
B) "To Elise"?
B) Morning?

A) A. Petrov?
B) I. Dunayevsky?
C) E. Doga?

15. What is the date of birth of the opera?

A) 1500 g?
B) 1600 g?
C) 1700 g?

16. Opera opens:

A) dance?
b) Overture?
c) Aria?

17. In which country was opera born?

a) Germany?
B) Russia?
B) Italy?

18. Fast incendiary dance of the peoples of the Caucasus:

A) Polish?
B) Lezginka?
B) Hopak?

19. What is the name of the art of expressive movements of the human body?

a) opera?
b) Dance?
B) ballet

20. What is the name full text opera?

a) Libretto?
b) story?
B) story?

21. What is the name of the great composer who wrote many works for organ?

A) I. Haydn?
B) I. Bach?
B) W. Mozart?

22. What is the name of the 3rd section of the sonata form?

A) Reprise?
B) Development?
B) exposure?

23. What is the alternation of long and short durations?

a) rhythm?
B) OK?
c) Harmony?

24. Artwork for symphony orchestra, written in the form of a sonata-symphonic cycle:

A) march?
b) Opera?
c) a symphony?

25. How many groups of instruments are in a symphony orchestra?

A) 2?
B) 3?
AT 4?

26. Which woodwind instrument is related to the oboe?

A) Bassoon?
b) cor anglais?
B) clarinet?

27. In what year was the button accordion created?

A) In 1815?
B) In 1907?
C) In 1915?

28. Name which of them created the piano:

A) Stradivarius?
B) Sterligov?
B) Cristophori?

A) Rachmaninoff
b) Tchaikovsky?
B) Glinka

A) Glinka?
B) Lyadov?
B) Tchaikovsky


1. V. Vladimirov, A. Lagutin "Musical Literature". Moscow "Music" 1988.
2. M. Shornikova "Musical Literature". Rostov-on-Don 2013

Goal and tasks: summarizing the information received on the topic “Life and work of Ludwig van Beethoven” in an entertaining, playful way (tests and crossword puzzles).


Option I

1. Art direction to which Beethoven's work belongs:

a) baroque b) classicism c) romanticism d) impressionism

2. Musical genre, which Beethoven did not address in his work:

a) symphony b) concert c) ballet d) Song without words

3. How many symphonies does Beethoven have?

a) 104 b) 41 at 9 d) 2

4. How much piano sonatas at Beethoven?

a) 40 b) 32 c) 25 d) 10

5. Beethoven was younger than Haydn by...

a) 38 years old b) 24 years old c) 15 years old d) 9 years old

6. Was Beethoven personally acquainted with Haydn?

A) Yes b) No

7. To which composer did Beethoven dedicate his three piano sonatas (Nos. 1–3)?

a) Mozart b) Salieri c) Haydn d) Schubert

8. Who owns the words about the young Beethoven-improviser: “Pay attention to him! He will make everyone talk about him!”?

a) Haydn b) Goethe c) Mozart d) glitch

9. Was Beethoven personally acquainted with Mozart?

a) Yes b) No

10. Which opera belongs to Beethoven?

a) “Orpheus and Eurydice” b) “ magical flute” c) “Magic Shooter”

d) Fidelio

11. Witness what historical event was Beethoven?

a) great French revolution 1789 b) The uprising in Poland in 1830-1831.

V) October Revolution 1917

12. Did Beethoven grow up in a family of hereditary musicians?

a) No b) Yes

13. Who was Beethoven's teacher?

a) Mozart b) Gluck c) Nefe d) J. S. Bach

14. What instrument did Beethoven not play?

a) clavier b) organ c) viola d) saxophone

15. Which symphony belongs to Beethoven?

a) “Funeral” b) “Jupiter” c) “Fantastic” d) “Heroic”

16. Which overture was written by Beethoven for the opera Fidelio?

a) “Leonore No. 3” b) “Egmont” c) “Coriolanus”

17. Did Beethoven play the hammer-action piano invented at the beginning of the 18th century?

a) No b) Yes

18. Which piano sonata does not belong to Beethoven?

a) Aurora b) Appassionata c) Sonata in A major with finale

Rondo alla turca d) "Moon"

19. The finale of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is written to the text...

a) Goethe b) Schiller c) Byron d) Shakespeare

20. What work did Beethoven dedicate to the violinist and composer R. Kreutzer?

A) String Quartet b) Concerto for violin and orchestra

c) Fifth Symphony d) "Kreutzer Sonata" for violin and piano

Option II

1. Years of life of L. van Beethoven: 1770 – ...

a) 1809 b) 1827 c) 1828 d) 1791

2. Beethoven's vocal cycle:

a) “Winter Way” b) “Love and Life of a Woman”

c) “To a distant beloved” d) “A poet's love”

3. One of Beethoven's first piano works:

a) Nine variations in c-moll on the theme of the march by E. K. Dressler

b) Thirty-three variations in C-dur on a waltz theme by A. Diabelli

c) Thirty-two variations in c-moll

4. Title of Beethoven's Sixth Symphony:

a) "Farewell" b) "Faust" c) "Manfred" d) "Pastoral"

5. Title of Beethoven's piano sonata op.13, c-moll:

a) "Moon" b) “Pathetic” c) “Farewell” d) “Aurora”

6. Which ballet belongs to Beethoven?

a) “Creations of Prometheus” b) “Corsair” c) “Coppelia” d) “The Seasons”

7. What instrument did Beethoven play?

a) harp b) flute c) viola d) clarinet

8. Beethoven's birthplace:

a) Eisenach b) Salzburg c) Bonn d) Leipzig

a) Schiller b) Relshtab c) Muller d) Goethe

10. Which overture does not belong to Beethoven?

a) “Hamlet” b) “Egmont” c) “Coriolanus” d) “Leonore No. 3”

11. Beethoven's teacher (several correct answers):

a) Nefe b) Salieri c) Haydn d) Mozart

12. Which Beethoven overture does not belong to the opera “Fidelio”

(several correct answers)?

a) “Egmont” b) “Coriolanus” c) "Leonora No. 3"

13. Beethoven's overture to the drama by K. Collin?

a) Egmont b) “Coriolanus” c) "Leonora No. 3"

14. In which city did the eight-year-old Beethoven give his first concert?

a) Bonn b) Vienna c) Leipzig d) Cologne

15. In what city did Beethoven live from 1792 until the end of his life?

a) Bonn b) Vienna c) Leipzig d) Cologne

16. Recent compositions Beethoven:

a) Ninth Symphony b) Solemn Mass c) string quartets

d) 5 piano sonatas (No. 28 - 32)

17. Was Beethoven personally acquainted with Schubert?

a) Yes b) No

18. Beethoven was younger than Mozart by...

a) 14 years old b) 24 years old c) 38 years old d) 39 years old

19. Title of Beethoven's Symphony No. 3:

a) Fantastic b) “Heroic” c) “Pastoral” d) “Farewell”

20. “Appassionata” means:

a) "in high spirits" b) "passionate"

c) “sonata, as it were, a fantasy” d) “morning dawn”

Crossword I


  1. Beethoven's sonata, whose title translates as "morning dawn".
  2. Emperor, to whom Beethoven wanted to dedicate Symphony No. 3, later called "Heroic".
  3. Title of Symphony No. 6.
  4. So many years was Beethoven when he became an organist and pianist-accompanist of the Bonn Chapel.
  5. The country in which Beethoven lived from 1792.
  6. Epigraph to Symphony No. 5: "So ... knocking on the door."
  7. An event that took place in France in 1789 and was enthusiastically supported by Beethoven.
  8. German city, birthplace of Beethoven.
  9. The form of the second part of the symphony No. 5 is “... variations”.
  10. Beethoven's letter, written in 1802 to his younger brothers, known as the Heiligenstadt...
  11. Genre of Beethoven's Egmont.
  12. The name of the father of L. V. Beethoven.


  1. The name of Beethoven's sonata No. 23, translated as "Passionate".


Horizontally: 1. "Aurora". 2. Napoleon. 3. "Pastoral". 4. Thirteen. 5. Austria. 6. Fate. 7. Revolution. 8. Bonn. 9. Double. 10. Testament. 11. Overture. 12. Johann.

Vertically: 1. Appassionata.

Crossword II


  1. The section from which the overture “Egmont” and the first part of the sonata of L. V. Beethoven No. 8 begin.
  2. The country in which Beethoven was born.
  3. Beethoven's means of communication with friends in last years life - "colloquial...".
  4. So many years was Beethoven when his first public performance took place.
  5. An illness, the signs of which manifested themselves in Beethoven at the age of 26-27.
  6. Beethoven's only opera.
  7. Symphony No. 3, which Beethoven originally wanted to dedicate to Napoleon.
  8. Composer, organist, clavier, conductor, music writer who taught the young Beethoven composition, organ and piano.
  9. An educational institution where in 1789 Beethoven was a student of the Faculty of Philosophy.
  10. The genre of the III parts of Beethoven's symphonies, whose name in Italian means "joke".
  11. The famous Austrian classical composer, from whom Beethoven took lessons for a year.
  12. Beethoven's symphony, in the last movement of which the choir performs "Ode to Joy".


  1. Title of Sonata No. 8.


Horizontally: 1. Introduction. 2. Germany. 3. Notebook. 4. Seven. 5. Deafness. 6. "Fidelio". 7. "Heroic". 8. Nave. 9. University. 10. Scherzo. 11. Haydn. 12. Ninth.

Vertically: 13. "Pathetic".

Gerasimova Irina Alekseevna
Job title: teacher of theoretical disciplines
Educational institution: MBUDO DSHI
Locality: Nizhny Novgorod region Sarov
Material name: methodical development
Subject:"Music Listening Tests and musical literature"
Publication date: 03.02.2018
Chapter: additional education






Gerasimova Irina Alekseevna

Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 3 p.

Music listening test for grade 3 students…………...

Control test in musical literature for students in grade 4 ... ... 6 p.

Control tests in musical literature for 5th grade students

4.1.I.S. Bach………………………………………………………………………...

4.2. Viennese classics (J. Haydn, W. Mozart, L. Beethoven)…………………

4.3. F. Schubert, F. Chopin…………………………………………………………..

Music Literature Control Tests for Grade 6 Students

5.1. A. Borodin……………………………………………………………………… 14p.

5.2. M.Glinka, A.Dargomyzhsky………………………………………………… 16 p.

Control tests in musical literature for 7th grade students

6.1. P. Tchaikovsky………………………………………………………………..

6.2. S. Rachmaninoff…………………………………………………………………..

6.3. S. Prokofiev…………………………………………………………………… 22 pp.

6.3. D. Shostakovich…………………………………………………………………..



1. Introduction.

“Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education impossible

full mental development. Sukhomlinsky V.

The subjects "Musical Literature" and "Listening to Music" have always been and


the most important



taught in children's music schools and children's art schools.

Their role is in the education of a versatile - erudite personality, which

can accumulate and

put into practice

knowledge and musical experience.



expressions "music should bring aesthetic pleasure" fell out

the word "aesthetic"








music, lack of melody and excessive rhythm activity affects



depression and moods.

That is why it is especially important to acquaint children with the best examples from

classical repertoire, introduce them to various types creative

work, to improve their artistic taste. This is the main

the task of the subjects "Musical Literature" and "Listening to Music". They

help students to master performing and listening skills, and

also prepare for further vocational training.

An important element of the learning process is the control of knowledge and skills





the attention of professionals and teachers.








control tasks are varied. And every teacher can use

in his work, those forms that seem to him the most effective and





is testing. Here, students are offered several, usually 2-3,

answers to the question, from which you need to choose the correct one. This form







amount of material in the same time.









For example,

picked up





most students very easily choose the required answer, based not on









It should be noted that test tasks provide an opportunity to test a limited

area of ​​knowledge of students, so they can not be the only

way of testing knowledge, but should be supplemented by other forms, such as

as a quiz, oral survey, essays about the work, reports and others

creative work.

The most acceptable test option can be called the Combined test,

designed in such a way as to combine tasks with the choice of one of

options with tasks that require a detailed written answer

student, as well as with the inclusion of quiz elements.








students or to check voluminous written work. Possibility for

10-20 min to check and evaluate the knowledge of the entire

group improves feedback

communication, makes it regular.





assimilation subject but also fosters a conscious attitude towards










control, equal testing conditions are provided for all trainees,

thus, the objectivity of knowledge testing is increased. Finally this

method brings variety to academic work increases interest in the subject.



psychologically unstable students.

In that didactic manual only some developments of tests on

key topics of Music Literature and Listening to Music. Every

the teacher can supplement or simplify these tests, focusing on

the level of their student groups.

1. What does the word "ballet" mean? ______________________________________________

2. Which country became the motherland classical ballet?

a) Russia; b) France; c) Italy

3. In what year and where was the Royal Academy of Music founded? ____________

4. Which of the composers of the 17th-18th centuries wrote operas and ballets?

5.When was the first ballet school opened in Russia? What is it called now?

6. What is the name of the dance of two in ballet? three? four?


7. Name all the ballets of P. I. Tchaikovsky.


a) The Brothers Grimm b) E. Hoffman; c) Charles Perrault

9. How many acts in the ballet "The Nutcracker"? _____________________________________

10. What is the name of the instrumental introduction to the ballet?

a) intermission; b) overture; c) introduction

11.Pair dances fairy tale characters from the second act of the ballet "The Nutcracker"

the countries they represent?

Chocolate Danish dance

coffee chinese dance

Tea Russian dance

Trepak (candy cane) spanish dance

Dance of the shepherds (marzipan) arabic dance

12. What instrument did Tchaikovsky use in the Dance of the Dragee Fairy? _____________

13. What Russian composers turned to the genre of ballet? ____________________

1. Which of these ballets does not belong to P.I. Tchaikovsky:

a) The Nutcracker

b) "Cinderella";

c) "Sleeping Beauty";

G) " Swan Lake»

2. What is the name of the artist, under the impression of whose exhibition was written

piano cycle "Pictures at an Exhibition"?_________________________________

3. What is the genre of the cycle "Carnival of Animals"? _______________________________

4. Composer who wrote "Carnival of the Animals":

a) P. Tchaikovsky;

b) C. Saint-Saens;

c) M. Mussorgsky;

d) E. Grieg.

5. How is the word "opera" translated? ___________________________________________

6. The country, the birthplace of the opera is:

a) Russia;

b) Greece;

c) Italy;

d) France.

7. The vocal monologue of the hero in the opera is:

a) vocalization;

c) chorus

8. What is the name of the full musical notation of a ballet or opera:

a) clavier;

b) score;

c) libretto

9. What is the name of the dance of three in ballet? _______________________________________

10. What dance does the Elephant dance in the Carnival of the Animals?

a) polka;

b) polonaise;

c) trepak;

11. How is "scherzo" translated?

a) introduction;

12. What is the name of the dance suite, not related to the main action in the ballet

or at the opera?

a) corps de ballet

b) adagio;

c) divertissement

13. What is the name of the text of the opera based on a literary plot?




without singing

Music Literature Test

for 5th grade.

Life of J.S. Bach.

2. How is "Bach" translated from German?


3. The city where Johann Bach was born.

a) Eisenach;

b) Hamburg;

4. Find and sign the composer's favorite instrument.

5. List the cities in which Bach lived and worked:


6. How many preludes and fugues are in the Well-Tempered Clavier?_______________

7. What suites were written by Johann Bach?

a) Italian

b) French;

c) German

8. List the dances that make up the ancient suite:


9. How the word "Polyphony" is translated:

c) series, sequence.

10. Musical construction in invention, where the theme does not sound in any of the voices


11. Determine by ear musical composition(mini quiz):






Control test in musical literature for grade 5.

_________________ _________________


1. Write under the portraits the years of life and composers:

2. What was the name of little W. Mozart? _______________________________

3. At what age did Mozart write his first opera?

a) at the age of 5;

b) at the age of 7;

4. How many operas did W. Mozart write? _________________________________

Opera by W. Mozart "The Marriage of Figaro"

6. The last work of W. Mozart. _________________________________

7. Teacher, composer and organist who studied with little L. Beethoven

A. Salieri

8. Main genre in the works of L. Beethoven

a) a symphony

9. What is the name of the only opera by L. Beethoven? __________________________

10. The name of L. Beethoven's overture to the tragedy of the same name by V. I. Goethe?

a) Leonora

b) "Egmont";

c) Coriolanus

11. How many symphonies did L. Beethoven write?

13. Which prince did J. Haydn serve? _____________________________________________

14. List the symphonies of J. Haydn with names: ______________________


12. What composer wrote his works actually deaf?


16. Why are these composers called Viennese classics?


Determine by ear a piece of music (mini quiz):






Control test in musical literature for grade 5. Schubert, Chopin.

1. Dates of life of F. Chopin:

c) 1803 - 1869

2. Which composer was born in the same year as F. Chopin?

a) F. Schubert

b) R. Wagner

c) R. Schumann

3. Place of birth of F. Chopin:

a) Salzburg

b) Zhelyazova-Volya

c) Zwickau

4. Genre that F. Chopin did not address in his work:

a) sonata

b) symphony

5. The teacher of F. Chopin was:

a) V. Zhivny

b) A. Mitskevich

c) A. Salieri

6. What works of F. Chopin are called "piggy banks of national images"?

a) nocturnes

b) mazurkas

c) scherzo

7. What direction in music was F. Schubert a representative of?

a) Classicism;

b) Romanticism;

c) impressionism

8. How many years did F. Schubert live?

9. In what city was F. Schubert the chorister of the Court Chapel?

b) in Bonn

c) in Salzburg

10. With whom during three years F. Schubert was engaged in composition?

a) with J. Haydn

b) with W. A. ​​Mozart

c) with A. Salieri

11. What is the leading genre in the work of F. Schubert?

c) quartet

12. What symphony belongs to F. Schubert?

a) "Unfinished"

b) "Farewell"

c) "Pastoral"

13. F. Schubert's vocal cycles were written to the verses of which poet

"The Beautiful Miller's Girl" and "The Winter Road"?

a) I. Goethe

b) W. Muller

c) L. Relstaba

Find and mark the years on the Wheel of Time

life of A.P. Borodin.

2. The second profession of A.P. Borodin

a) an officer

c) mathematician

3.City where the composer was born:

a) Moscow;

b) Tikhvin;

in Saint-Petersburg

4. What musical circle did you belong to? _____________________________________

5. Name the opera by A.P. Borodin? __________________________________________

6. How many actions are there in the opera? _______________________________________________

7. What work served as a source for the libretto of the opera?


8. How many years was the opera written for?

9. Who finished writing the opera by A.P. Borodin after his death?


Prince Igor Svyatoslavich _____________________



Khan Konchak




Vladimir Igorevich


11. What is the name of the composer's second symphony? ____________________________

12. What romance was written by Borodin to the text of Pushkin?


13. For which romances the composer A. Borodin himself wrote the text.

a) "Sea"

b) "arrogance"

c) "Wonderful garden"

d) "Sleeping Princess"

Control test in musical literature for grade 6.



Sign the years of life of composers under the portraits.

Where was M.I. Glinka born and spent his childhood?

a) Moscow;

b) Novospasskoye;

c) Semenovo

3. What was the name of the sister and chief assistant of M.I. Glinka? _______________________

4. Glinka's teacher of music theory in Germany _____________________________

5. Works written by M.I. Glinka under the impression of a trip to Spain


6. How many operas did the composer write._______________________________________

7. A work dedicated to Ekaterina Kern:

a) romance "I remember a wonderful moment"

b) symphonic fantasy "Kamarinskaya"

c) romance "Night Zephyr"

8. Connect the character of the opera and his voice with a line:



without singing

9. Another name for M. Glinka's opera "Life for the Tsar"? __________________________

10. What kind of vocal melody was first used in music


11. What work was written by A.S. Dargomyzhsky to the words of A.S. Pushkin:

a) "Titular Advisor";

b) "I'm sad";

c) I love you

12. How many actions in the opera "Mermaid"?

13. What was your name main character opera "Mermaid"

b) Ludmila

c) Natasha

14. Where were both composers buried?


Find and mark on the "Wheel of Time" the years of the life of P.I. Tchaikovsky:

Where was P.I. Tchaikovsky born and spent his childhood?

a) St. Petersburg

b) Votkinsk

3.What educational institution P.I. Tchaikovsky graduated with the Big Silver


4. To whom was the cycle "Children's Album" dedicated? ____________________________

5. What cycle was written by P.I. Tchaikovsky?

a) the seasons

b) Animal Carnival

c) "Pictures at an Exhibition"

6. Sign the names of the ballets by P.I. Tchaikovsky under the pictures:


7. How many symphonies has the composer written?________________________________

8. What is the name of the first symphony?

a) "farewell"

b) "Pathetic"

c) "Winter Dreams"

9. In what year was the opera "Eugene Onegin" written? _______________________

10. Where did the premiere of the opera "Eugene Onegin" take place? _________________________


11. What literary plot the opera was written and who is the author of the work?


mezzo soprano

13. How many scenes are in the opera "Eugene Onegin"?________________________________

14. In what picture is the duel between Onegin and Lensky taking place?______________

15. In which picture is the scene of Tatyana's letter? __________________________

16. Where was the great composer buried?__________________________________

17. In what city is the house-museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky located? ______________________

1. Find and mark years of life on the Wheel of Time

S.V. Rachmaninov:

2. At what age was the composer sent to study at the St.


3. Teacher S.V. Rakhmaninov at the Moscow Conservatory, about whom later

the composer will say: “The best that is in me, I owe to him”

a) A. Siloti

b) N. Zverev

c) A. Arensky

4. S. V. Rachmaninov graduated from the Moscow Conservatory

a) piano

b) compositions

c) conducting

5. famous work, written by S.V. Rakhmaninov at the age of 19

age and became his hallmark

a) Opera "Aleko"

b) Prelude in C sharp minor

c) First Symphony

6. On what plot was the opera "Aleko" written?


7. To whom S.V. Rachmaninoff dedicated the trio "To the Memory of the Great Artist" for

violin, cello and piano?

a) P. Tchaikovsky

b) A. Pushkin

c) M. Glinka

8. Patron, founder of the theater called "Moscow Private Russian

opera”, who invited S.V. Rachmaninov to work in his theater

a) M. Belyaev

b) S. Mamontov

c) S. Zimin

9. famous singer(bass), with which S. Rachmaninov had a very strong

a) F. Chaliapin

b) L. Sobinov

c) O. Petrov

10. Genre of the work of S.V. Rakhmaninov "Spring Waters":

b) Cantata

c) romance

11. S. Rachmaninov wrote the romance "Don't sing, beauty" into words

a) F. Tyutcheva

b) A. Pushkin

c) M. Lermontov

12 . Opera that does not belong to the pen of S. Rachmaninoff

a) "Francesca da Rimini"

b) "Iolanthe"

c) "The Miserly Knight"

13. A musical genre that is not present in creativity

S. Rachmaninov

a) Sonata

c) Cantata

Control test in musical literature for grade 7

Find and mark the years on the Wheel of Time

the life of S.S. Prokofiev:

2. Teacher S. Prokofiev at the St. Petersburg Conservatory

a) A. Lyadov

b) P. Tchaikovsky

c) S. Rachmaninov

3. S. Prokofiev graduated from the St. Petersburg Conservatory as

a) conductor

b) pianist

c) Composer

4. Genre of Prokofiev's work "Peter and the Wolf":

b) Vocal-symphonic suite

c) Symphonic tale

5. The instrumental composition for which the work “Peter and

A) Chamber Orchestra and ensemble of wind instruments

b) Symphony Orchestra

c) String quartet

6. Name of Symphony No. 1 by S. Prokofiev

a) "Classic"

b) "Unfinished"

c) "Pathetic"

7. How many symphonies did S. Prokofiev write:

8. Who inspired S. Prokofiev to create music for the film

"Alexander Nevskiy"

a) S. Diaghilev

b) S. Eisenstein

c) V. Mayakovsky

9. How many paintings are in the Alexander Nevsky cantata?

10. Which of the works of S. Prokofiev is not an opera:

a) "Player"

b) "War and Peace"

c) "The Tale of the Stone Flower"

11. Which of the ballets belong to S. Prokofiev:

a) Romeo and Juliet

b) "Sleeping Beauty"

c) Cinderella

d) "The sacred spring"

12. First performer leading role in S. Prokofiev's ballet "Romeo and


a) M. Plisetskaya

b) G. Ulanova

a) K. Gozzi

b) Ch. Perrot

c) W. Shakespeare

Control test in musical literature for grade 7

Find the true statements in the test. Match them up

corresponding letters and decipher the name of one

from the symphonies of D. Shostakovich.

Write this name in the boxes at the end of the test.

Years of life of the composer D. Shostakovich 1906-1975.

D. Shostakovich was born in Moscow.

Teacher of D. Shostakovich in composition at the St. Petersburg Conservatory

was M. Steinberg.

In 1928 D. Shostakovich works as a pianist and director

musical part at the V.E. Meyerhold Theater in Moscow.

The leading genre in the work of D. Shostakovich was opera.

The famous conductor E. Mravinsky is the first performer of the majority

composer's symphonies.

Shostakovich was accused of "formalism" and incompetence, deprived

the title of professor at the Moscow and Leningrad conservatories.

The name of D. Shostakovich's symphony No. 7 is "1917".

The main part in Symphony No. 7 sounds in the key of C major.

The percussion instrument that plays throughout the "Invasion Episode" -

Subject main party ends "Invasion Episode".

In 1949, D. Shostakovich wrote the cantata "Song of the Forests", for which

the composer received the Stalin Prize.

The composer wrote 5 ballets.

Based on the “Well-Tempered Clavier” by I.S. Bach

D. Shostakovich wrote a composition for piano "24 Preludes".

The second name of D. Shostakovich's opera "Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district» -

"Ekaterina Izmailova".

"The Nose" is D. Shostakovich's first opera based on the story of the same name

D. Shostakovich wrote music for all the following films: "Hamlet", "Gadfly",

"Alexander Nevskiy".

Shostakovich's last composition was the Sonata for Viola and Piano.

Novodevichy cemetery.


Music Listening Test for Grade 3

1. Ballet is a type of musical stage art based on dance

and pantomime.

3. In 1661 in Paris.

4. J.-B. Lully, G. Purcell, J.-F. Ramo, K.V. Gluck

5. In 1738. Now - the Academy of Russian Ballet. A.Ya. Vaganova.

6. Dance of two - pas de deux;

dance of three - pas de trois;

dance of four - pas - de - quatre.

7. Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Swan Lake

11. Chocolate spanish dance

Arabic dance coffee

tea chinese dance

Trepak (caramel cane) Russian dance

Dance of the shepherds (marzipan) Danish dance

12. Celesta

13.A.Glazunov, I.Stravinsky, S.Prokofiev, R.Glier

Control test in musical literature for grade 4

Mini quiz.

1.K.Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals" Swan.

2. M. Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition" Ballet of unhatched chicks.

3. M. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila" March of Chernomor.

4.C. Saint-Saens "Carnival of the Animals" Aquarium.

5. N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Three Miracles" Squirrel.


Victor Hartman

"Zoological fantasy"

Labor, composition (Italian)

pas de trois


14. Ruslan



without singing

Control test in musical literature for grade 5. J.S. Bach.

2. "Stream".

5. Lüneburg, Weimar, Köthen, Leipzig.

8. Allemande, Courante, Sarabande, Gigue.

10. Sideshow

Mini quiz.

1. "Toccata and Fugue in D Minor"

2. "Coffee Cantata"

3. "Prelude in C major from the 1st volume of the CTC"

4. "Giga" from the "French Suite"

5. "Joke"

Control test in musical literature for grade 5. Viennese


1. J. Haydn 1732-1809 W. A. ​​Mozart 1756-1791

W. Beethoven 1770-1827

2. Little wizard, miracle child.

5. P. Beaumarchais

6. Requiem.

7. Christian Nefe.

9. "Fidelio"

12. Beethoven.

13. Esterhazy.

14. "Military", "Chicken", "Hours", "Farewell", "Morning", "Noon", "Bear".

15. J. Haydn

16. The life and work of these composers spent a long time in Vienna.

Mini quiz:

1.W.Mozart. Symphony No. 40.1 movement.

2.L.Beethoven. Egmont Overture. Introduction.

3. L. Beethoven. Symphony No. 5.1 movement.

4. J. Haydn. Sonata No. 7. D major. Part 1

5. W. Mozart. Opera "Marriage of Figaro" Aria Cherubino.

Music Literature Quiz for 5

class. Schubert, Chopin.

1.a; 2.in; 3.b; 4.b; 5.a; 6.b; 7.b; 8.a; 9.a; 10.c; 11.a; 12.a; 13.b.

Control test in musical literature for grade 6.

A. Borodin.

4. "Mighty bunch"

5. "Prince Igor"

6. 4 actions

Monument ancient Russian literature"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

9.A.Glazunov and N.Rimsky-Korsakov

10. Prince Igor Svyatoslavich baritone


Khan Konchak



Vladimir Igorevich

11. "Bogatyrskaya"

12. "For the shores of the distant homeland"

Control test in musical literature for grade 6. M. Glinka,

A. Dargomyzhsky.

1.M.I.Glinka 1804-1857 A.S.Dargomyzhsky 1813-1869

3. Lyudmila Ivanovna Shestakova

4. Siegfried Den

5. Aragonese Jota, Night in Madrid



without singing

9. "Ivan Susanin"

10. Recitative

14. Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

Control test in musical literature for grade 7. P. Tchaikovsky.

3. Petersburg Conservatory.

4. Nephew Volodya Davydov

6. "Swan Lake", "The Nutcracker", "Sleeping Beauty"

9. In 1878

10. At the Maly Theater in Moscow.

11.A.S. Pushkin. Novel in verse "Eugene Onegin"

12. Onegin

mezzo soprano

13.7 paintings

14.5 picture

15.2 painting

16. Alexander Nevsky Lavra, St. Petersburg.

Control test in musical literature for grade 7.


1.1873-1943; 2.a; 3.b; 4.a, b; 5 B; 6. A.S. Pushkin. Poem "Gypsies"; 7.a; 8.b; 9.a;

10.c; 11.b; 12.b; 13.b

Control test in musical literature for grade 7.

S. Prokofiev

1.1891-1953; 2.a; 3.b, c; 4.in; 5 B; 6.a; 7.in; 8.b; 9.b; 10.c; 11.a, c; 12.b; 13.c.

Control test in musical literature for grade 7.

D. Shostakovich


1. L. Mikheeva. Music dictionary in stories - Moscow, "Soviet

composer, 1988

2. M. Shornikova "Musical Literature". Music, its forms and genres.1

year of study - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2008

3. M. Shornikova "Musical Literature". Russian musical classics.3

year of study - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2006

4. M. Shornikova "Musical Literature". Russian music of the XX century.4 year

training - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2011

5. A. Lagutin, V. Vladimirov "Musical Literature". Tutorial for 4

class of children's music school and children's art school - Moscow, "Presto", 2006

6. Z. E. Osovitskaya, A. S. Kazarinova "Musical Literature", 1 year of study -

Moscow, "Music", 2004

7. V.N. Bryantseva “Musical literature foreign countries”, 2nd year of study

Moscow, "Music", 2007

8.I.Prokhorova "Musical literature of foreign countries". For grade 5

Music School - Moscow "Music", 2005

9. E. Smirnova "Russian musical literature". For grades 6-7, children's music school - g.

Moscow, Music, 2005

10.D.K.Kirnarskaya "Classicism" - Moscow, "ROSMEN", 2002

11.N.I.Enukidze "Russian music late XIX beginning of the XX century" - Moscow,

"ROSMEN", 2002

12. S.S. Belousova "Romanticism" - Moscow, "ROSMEN", 2002

"Veche", 2002

14. "100 ballet librettos" - Moscow, "Music", 1970

15. B.A. Pokrovsky "Conversations about the Opera" - Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1981

16. Musical encyclopedic Dictionary. Ch. editor G.V. Keldysh - Mr.

Moscow, " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1990


1. The birthplace of this dance is Poland:

1.krakowiak 2.mazurka 3.polnaise 4.polka

2. Do you know the structure of the opera? Match these terms with the appropriate explanations.

1. Overture 1. Symphonic introduction to one of the acts of the opera

2. Symphonic intermission 2. Small aria

3. Libretto 3. Section preceding the aria

4. Cavatina 4. Symphonic introduction to the opera

5. Recitative 5. Verbal text of the opera

3. One of the most important means of musical expression is the combination of sounds into consonances and their interaction with each other in a consistent movement. What is it called?

1. Arrangement 2. Counterpoint 3. Melody 4. Harmony

4. What is the name choral singing without instrumental accompaniment?

1 . Solo 2. Accompaniment 3. A cappella 4. Tutti

5. What is the name of the musical notation of polyphonic musical composition, in which the individual parts of all voices and instruments are brought together?

1. Score 2. Opus 3. Orchestration 4. Notation

6. To the family of strings bowed instruments include violin, viola, cello, double bass. What family was the forerunner of stringed bowed instruments?

1. Mandolins 2. Violas 3. Lutes 4. Guitars

7. What is the name of a polyphonic polyphonic work based on imitation, i.e. on a sequential presentation of the topic in different voices?

1. Passion 2. Cantata 3. Fugue 4. Choral prelude

8. In which work of Beethoven does the leitmotif of fate occur:

1. Symphony No. 5 2. Sonata Pathetique 3. Egmont Overture

9. What genres did Fryderyk Chopin not address in his work:

1.sonata 2.concert 3.quartet 4.symphony 5.piano miniature

10. Haydn, along with Gluck, Mozart and Beethoven, is a representative of Vienna:

1. romanticism 2. classicism 3. baroque

11. Haydn- 1) 12 London. symphonies 2) 6 French. Suite 3)6

12. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier includes:

1) 24 preludes 2) 12 fantasies and fugues 3) 48 preludes and fugues

13. Composition by Mozart, written in a traditional Latin text and intended for a funeral service:

1. Mass 2. Oratorio 3. Requiem

14. Which of the following opera characters is not a character in the opera Le nozze di Figaro:

1. Leporello 2. Cherubino 3. Susanna 4. Papageno

15. The famous etude in C minor by F. Chopin is called:

1. "Revolutionary" 2. "Fiery" 3. "Heroic"

16. Number of piano sonatas in creative heritage Beethoven:

1)50 2)32 3)23

17. A.P. Borodin possessed not an outstanding musical and literary talent, but also a great talent as a scientist...

1. physics 2. chemist 3. biologist

18. Which of the listed opera characters is also the hero of Pushkin's works:

1. Ruslan

2. The Swan Princess

3. Tsar Boris Godunov

4. Snow Maiden

5. Prince Igor

6. Vladimir Lensky

1. Suite "Scheherazade" 1. Tchaikovsky

2. Romeo and Juliet Overture 2. Rimsky-Korsakov

3. Bogatyr Symphony 3. Mussorgsky

4. "Pictures at an Exhibition" 4. Borodin

20 . Who is this?

1.Representative critical realism in Russian music.

2. Composers of the creative community "Mighty Handful".

3. Founder of the creative community "Mighty Handful".

4.Creator of the first classical opera in Russia.

5.Creator of the first classical ballet in Russia.

6. Composer who experimented in the field of color and light music.

7. Composer, who was called the "Levitan of Russian music", since images of Russian nature occupied a large place in his work.


2. Borodin

3. Glinka


5. Cui

6. Mussorgsky

7. Rimsky-Korsakov

8. Scriabin

9. Tchaikovsky

21. This character is not from the works of S.S. Prokofiev.

1. Natasha Rostova 2. Tatyana Larina 3. Juliet 4. Cinderella

1. "Cinderella".

2. "Anyuta".

3. "Humpbacked Horse".

4. "Carmen Suite".

5. Romeo and Juliet.

6. "Spartacus".

7. "Golden Age".

8. "The Tale of the Stone Flower."

9. "Anna Karenina".

10. "Gayane".

1. Prokofiev

2.A. Khachaturian

3.D. Shostakovich

The proposed test for the course of musical literature is one of the options for the final control task for students graduation class Children's music school and children's art school, which can be done both at home and in the classroom. Questions selectively cover the material of each year of study and can be freely replaced or varied by the lead teacher.

1. The group of woodwind instruments of a symphony orchestra includes:

A) oboe, b) horn, c) flute, d) trumpet, e) clarinet, f) bassoon

2. The preludes and fugues in the Well-Tempered Clavier by J.S. Bach are located

a) by tone
b) by chromatism
c) according to the keys of the circle of fifths

3. Ancestor of classical symphony

A) G. F. Handel
b) J. S. Bach
c) J. Haydn

4. Rondo "in the Turkish style" by W. Mozart is the final

A) symphonies in G minor
b) sonatas in A major No. 11
c) symphony "Jupiter"

5. Composition by W. Mozart, written in a traditional Latin text and intended for a funeral service

A) Mass
b) Passions
c) Requiem

6. First in the area symphonic music L. Beethoven used the choir and soloists in the finale of the symphony

A) No. 3
b) No. 9
c) No. 7

7. Franz Schubert - representative of the musical direction

A) classicism
b) romanticism
c) impressionism

8. Which of the following dances are Polish?

A) waltz
b) polonaise
c) mazurka
d) landler
e) Krakowiak

9. M. Glinka's symphonic fantasy "Kamarinskaya" was written

A) in sonata form
b) in a complex 3-part form
c) in the form of double variations

A) A. Gurilev
b) A. Dargomyzhsky
c) S. Rachmaninov

11. The events of the late 17th century (streltsy riots against the reforms of Peter I, the protest of schismatics) are reflected in the opera by M. Mussorgsky

A) " Sorochinskaya Fair»
b) "Khovanshchina"
c) "Boris Godunov"

12. Genre of A. Borodin's opera "Prince Igor"

A) lyric-epic
b) heroic-dramatic
c) psychological drama

13. The theme of Scheherazade in the symphonic suite of the same name by N. Rimsky-Korsakov is performed by

A) flute
b) violin
c) bassoon

14. Based on A. Pushkin's poem "Poltava", an opera by P. Tchaikovsky was written

A) " Queen of Spades»
b) "Maid of Orleans"
c) Mazepa

15. Founder of the first Russian conservatory

A) A. G. Rubinshtein
b) M. A. Balakirev
c) N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov

16. Patron, founder of the private opera house in Moscow, where the young S. Rachmaninov conducted and F. Chaliapin sang

A) P. Tretyakov
b) S. Mamontov
c) M. Belyaev

17. Holy fool, Varlaam, Pimen, Shuisky - the characters of M. Mussorgsky's opera

A) "Khovanshchina"
b) "Boris Godunov"
c) marriage

18. The episode of the invasion in D. Shostakovich's Seventh Stmfoniya was written

a) in the form of a rondo, b) in the form of variations, c) in a complex three-part form, d) in sonata form

A) Romeo and Juliet
b) "Sleeping Beauty"
c) "Swan Lake"
d) "Cinderella"
e) "The Tale of the Stone Flower"

20. “What does the coming day prepare for me?” - text

A) Arias of Prince Igor from the opera of the same name by A. Borodin
b) Lensky's arias from P. Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin"
c) Lel's songs from the opera "The Snow Maiden" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov

21. Male characters classical operas, whose vocal parts are performed by a low female voice(mezzo-soprano, contralto). Fill in the table, the number must match the letter.

1) Cherubino - - - - - - - - a) W. Mozart. "The Marriage of Figaro"

2) Vanya - - - - - - - - - - b) M. Glinka. "Ruslan and Ludmila"

3) Lel - - - - - - - - - - c) M. Glinka. "Ivan Susanin"

4) Ratmir - - - - - - - - - -d) N. Rimsky-Korsakov. "Snow Maiden"

The monogram used in a number of works by the composer belongs to

a) J. S. Bach, b) R. Schumann, c) D. Shostakovich

a) ballet "Petrushka" - ____________________________________

b) symphonic poem"Prometheus" - ______________________

c) "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini" - __________________________

d) opera "War and Peace" - __________________________________

e) ballet "Carmen Suite" - ________________________________

f) "Yesenin's memory poem" - ______________________________

g) ballet "Spartacus" - _____________________________________
