Supervision of the assortment of goods in the store. Who and how controls the assortment in your store

About the service Audit of outlets and Retail Monitoring

Comment of experts "Consulting Growth":

The purpose of this service is to conduct a study of the appropriate availability of goods in retail chains and stores, compare prices and pricing policies with competitors, check the quality of product display, merchandising, and the quality of work with your product by sales staff. So-called "Retail Audit".

Contact is carried out in the mode of a personal visit (retail auditor, retail auditor)

One of the types of audit rites is the so-called. Retail Monitoring (retail monitoring, trading network monitoring, distribution channel monitoring).

Service Retail Monitoring (retail monitoring, retail network monitoring, distribution channel monitoring) includes conducting a census of products (trade category or group of categories for all SKUs presented on the shelves) based on a pre-prepared questionnaire. Recorded information: product name, manufacturer name, packaging, price, special price and discounts, availability of additional promotional materials at the point of sale, product location on the shelf (merchandising), etc.

According to intelligence (monitoring prices of competitors)

One of the most effective business tools is price management. Often, it is the pricing policy that allows the company to survive in the face of a fierce struggle for the buyer. The results of marketing research show that among those consumers who are ready to change the supplier of industrial equipment and tools, one third calls low prices as a decisive factor in the selection of a new supplier. Practice shows that the fate of a multi-thousandth contract can be decided in the simplest way - by lowering the price.

To insure against the unexpected, many businesses use competitor price monitoring. Monitoring allows you to track the price situation on the market, identify those participants who seek to increase sales by reducing equipment prices, as well as those suppliers who raise prices, which means that they have effective non-price methods of sales promotion in their arsenal.

The list of standard price monitoring information includes the following information:

1. Price options depending on the volume of the order.
2. Size of warehouse stocks.
3. Delivery time.
4. Conditions for obtaining additional discounts.

Practice collection of price information shows that the main difficulty is usually the comparison of prices for equipment with different technical parameters and characteristics. Sometimes the sellers themselves cannot bring all the available information into a single system. Therefore, the main task of price monitoring is not so much the collection of price information as a clear and correct classification of the information received. A simple solution to the problem of equipment classification was the construction of an assortment map. The presentation of data is based on grouping equipment according to one or two key technical parameters (power, productivity, strength, etc.), on the one hand, and trademarks of manufacturers, on the other. Prices, which are written opposite the corresponding columns and rows in different fonts depending on the discount option, are a kind of "third dimension" of the assortment card. The analytical function of the assortment map can be strengthened by introducing additional information, for example, stock availability or equipment delivery times1. Information on all suppliers, summarized in one table, is easy to visually analyze. The breadth, depth or specialization of the company's product range becomes obvious. Consideration of changes in the map over time allows you to draw objective conclusions about the successes and problems of promoting certain brands of products.

A large amount of information, changes in market conditions, possible unreliability or lack of price lists at all create problems for employees of enterprises in maintaining the relevance and reliability of data. The relevance of the data is determined by the frequency of monitoring. And the reliability depends on the technique of collecting information.

Extensive monitoring experience has made it possible to identify both possible tactics of "information retrieval" and appropriate protective measures.

Below are the three most common monitoring scenarios by enterprise specialists, the so-called “researchers” (“clients”), and possible countermeasures by the so-called “respondents” (“specialists”, “sellers”):

1) "Boss" tactics;

2) tactics "Little fool";

3) the tactics of the "Specialist ("Nahala")".


In order to achieve an atmosphere of trust and interest on the part of the Respondent, the Researcher offers a specific, but fictitious situation regarding the need to complete a large, expensive order, sometimes speaking on behalf of a company with a well-known name, for example: “I need to make signs and design our stores located in various parts of the city. Can you fulfill such an order?

The scenario then plays out as follows. The Researcher invites the Specialist to a conversation, allegedly to discuss and clarify some points of the order, while not having deep professional knowledge, he can use specific terminology and operate with technical parameters and characteristics in order to “talk” to the Specialist. A specialist is usually passionate about his profession and can easily get carried away by the content of the conversation ...

When the Respondent tries to get clarifications, details or the desired technical characteristics of the “ordered” equipment, the Researcher is forced to retreat, since the skills of a professional “contactee” are not always accompanied by deep knowledge of the subject of the conversation: “I want to hear all these points from you, because you are the specialist! Be kind, offer me your options, make the necessary calculations, and I will be happy to get acquainted with this.

The respondent, of course, tries to present as much information as possible, demonstrate his competence and retain a potential buyer.

In this regard, quite often the Researcher is faced with the following problems, involuntarily created by the Respondent, but which should be taken into service by anyone who wants to keep a trade secret and recognize the “real” Client:

* the interactions of the “Client” with possible competitors are established: have you worked with someone before, have you already addressed this proposal to someone;
* a meeting is proposed for a more specific discussion of the task, acquaintance with the catalogs of works or equipment of the company, proposals for special working conditions (discounts, etc.);
* requested contact numbers and persons, the exact name of the company;
* information about the addresses of branches, offices, retail outlets of the company is specified;
* they are interested in the name of the head of the company or the names of one of the employees with whom contact was previously established (this situation is often encountered).

In the most common cases, when the Respondent is interested in contact numbers, the Researcher resorts to the following tricks:

* refers to the very large volume of work, the lack of telephone numbers for employees, the “busy” telephone lines and the inability to get through: “Oh, what are you! I'm sorry for your time! Our phone is constantly busy, it is almost impossible to get through. I'll call you myself";
* an atmosphere of some mystery is created, and the Respondent is made to understand that there are many people like him, they “cling” constantly and bother: “I would not like to leave my coordinates yet. Our conversation is preliminary. You will tell me, please, the information that interests me, and then I will resolve this issue”;
* the phone number is left, but it turns out that it is constantly working in autofax mode.

The listed situations may (but not necessarily!) indicate the artificiality of the request, and, accordingly, the fact of monitoring. A sign of a really interested appeal can be the readiness of the Client for two-way communication and a real discussion of the proposals made.


The researcher takes the position of a person ignorant in this area, apologizes for his incompetence and asks for help to solve or deal with a difficult task for him.

Often the beginning of the conversation is based on the type of preliminary consultation and a tour of the technical capabilities of the proposed equipment. In this case, approximately the following turns are used: “My husband asked me to find out: do you have the 9th Zhiguli model? How much does it cost? What color is this? And they come with some different systems, what is it? Is there anything cheaper? ..."; “I would like to install air conditioning in the apartment. True, I do not understand them, but they told me that the ZZZ model is good .... ”; “In our garden association, we would like to install telephones. Can you do it? I don't know exactly what you need, but..."

After that, the Researcher, depending on the complexity and specifics of the task, asks either to send a price list for equipment, services, or to calculate the cost of a specific configuration.

Despite the fact that the Researcher has created a "concrete" situation, it is clearly a surrogate one. The Researcher cannot foresee all the nuances in advance, especially since he is not an expert in the area under discussion.

Therefore, the factors complicating the work of such a Researcher may be the following:

* the manager's proposal to get acquainted with the situation on the territory of the customer (inspect the workshop, apartment, area of ​​the garden partnership, etc.);
* questions about specifications;
* purpose of using the equipment;
* a proposal to send a commercial application (request) for the required equipment with a statement of tasks;
* reference to the lack of a price list and a proposal to discuss specific needs;
* as well as all the methods indicated above in the "Boss" Tactics.

The researcher counteracts as follows: “I am not competent to solve these issues, my supervisor instructed me to find out the initial information and nothing more”; “I am not aware of the prospects for using this equipment. This is what our partners in the regions need. They asked for more information”; “I should discuss this with my husband,” etc.

It happens that the Respondent provided the information necessary for the Researcher, even received a contact phone number, but when he tries to find out the situation about the intentions of the “Client”, as a rule, he hears the answer: “I gave everything to the manager. The decision is made only by him, nothing depends on me. If we are interested in something, we will call you back.” Such behavior indicates a lack of serious intentions.

In fairness, it must be said that the use of the tactics described by the Researcher can lead to unfavorable results, since he himself limits himself to the limits of incompetence, and therefore, he can no longer independently influence and change the situation. The lack of initiative and mobility just needs to be used by the Seller, that is, not to provide the Client with a full amount of information in such circumstances. The client, who is essentially interested, will definitely take the initiative and try to discuss a number of additional issues and possible options for a future purchase.


On currently this is perhaps the most productive and easily applied monitoring tactic, which, at first glance, is difficult to counter.

The researcher is quite clearly aware that the task of any seller is to sell the goods, and it doesn't matter to whom. This circumstance enables the Researcher to act with maximum confidence and from the very first words "storm" the solution of a particular issue.

The reference model for monitoring, for example, looks like this: “Do you sell compressors? I'm interested in completely different models. Send, please, the price list"; “Tell me, please, do you have water heaters? I need both flowing and storage, different. Send a price list with this information"; “I am interested in welding machines. Do you have anything? Send me a price list, please”, etc.

When analyzing the semantic content of the phrases proposed as examples, one goal can be clearly traced - to get only a price list. The “client” is not interested in the opinion of a specialist and his recommendations, he does not seek contact, otherwise the question would be asked: “With whom could I discuss ...”; "Who can tell..."

Also in this situation, the Seller should definitely pay attention to complete absence or the vagueness of the task, the vagueness of the desires and needs of the "Client".

In such a case, the best way would obviously be to invite him to a more detailed conversation. You can talk to the Client by clarifying the technical characteristics or the need to choose among several brands similar in parameters. You can provoke a conversation with the Client simple question: “What do you want, cheaper or more expensive?”. Having talked to the Client, you can check his consistency using all the methods listed above.


In conditions where the budget or time of a marketing specialist is limited, monitoring is practically the only method of collecting and analyzing marketing information. Specialists spend a lot of time and resources gathering information from their colleagues, partners, contractors or competitors. Thus, marketers at enterprises base their activities on the analysis of secondary information. Such an approach is justified if the company needs to catch up or follow the leader and there is something to learn from competitors.

Market leaders always have information that competitors do not have. The source of information for the leader is the consumer. The very principle of dividing marketing information into “primary” and “secondary” already gives reason to think about what is the basis of the advantage - first-hand information or processed information.

The assortment of any store can be characterized by a system of indicators. This will allow to carry out the process of managing the trade assortment on a scientific basis, that is, to plan, organize its formation, control and regulate the assortment, improve the motivation of sellers and sales promotion. Let's take a look at these metrics.

Breadth of assortment - the number of groups and subgroups of goods included in the assortment of the store. According to their share in turnover and stocks, the assortment structure of specialized and department stores is distinguished.

Assortment depth - the number of types and varieties (names) of goods within groups and subgroups in the store's assortment.

The structure of the assortment is the ratio of groups, subgroups, types and varieties of goods in the assortment of the store. It is characterized by latitude and depth. The structure of the assortment is of decisive importance in the organization of its formation in the store.

Distinguish between the concepts of macro- and microstructure of the assortment of goods in the store.

The macrostructure is understood as the ratio between groups of goods in the general assortment, and under the microstructure - the ratio of species and varieties in each product group.

In maintaining the assortment of goods in accordance with the demand of the population, the completeness and stability of the assortment of goods in the store play an important role.

The completeness of the assortment is the correspondence of the actual availability of goods in the store to the approved assortment list.

The completeness of the assortment of goods is characterized by the coefficient of completeness (Kp) and is calculated by the formula:

Kp = Rf / Rn, (1.1)

Where Kp is the coefficient of completeness of the assortment of the store on a specific date;

Rf -- the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of verification;

Рн - the number of varieties of goods provided for by the mandatory assortment list.

The value of the coefficient can vary from 0 to 1. But in individual cases it can be greater than 1 when the assortment in the store is more complete than that provided by the assortment list.

For a more objective assessment of the product range, it is advisable to determine its completeness for certain periods according to several checks of the store's assortment. To do this, calculate the stability coefficient of the assortment according to the following formula:

Bush \u003d (P1 + P2 + P3 + ... + Pn) / (Pn * n), (1.2)

Where Kust is the coefficient of stability of the assortment of goods in the store for the period (month, quarter, year);

P1, P2, P3, Pn -- the actual number of varieties of goods at the time of individual checks;

Рн - the number of varieties of goods provided by the assortment list;

n is the number of checks.

Thus, the stability (stability) of the assortment is the uninterrupted availability of goods for sale according to their types and varieties, declared in the assortment list.

The trade assortment should not only meet the requirements of the most complete satisfaction of demand, but also actively influence it in order to form reasonable needs and aesthetic tastes of the population. Therefore, it is important to introduce new products into the assortment of the store, presented by commodity producers that meet not only the needs of customers, but also form their demand. This is especially important in relation to environmentally friendly and healthy domestic products. In this case, we are talking about the renewal of the assortment.

Renewability of the assortment - replenishment of the assortment with new varieties of goods in accordance with the assortment policy of the enterprise. Up to 10% of the store's assortment per year is acceptable.

A special place among the indicators of the state of the assortment is occupied by the indicator of its profitability. The profitability of the trading assortment is understood as such an assortment set, which in its totality ensures that business entities receive the planned amount of net profit, i.e. a certain excess of income over the costs of selling goods and tax and non-tax payments. It should be noted that a positive assessment of the state of the assortment of the store for all the indicators noted ensures, in many respects, the economically viable commercial activity of an economic entity in the retail market.

Control over the completeness and stability of the assortment can be carried out both at the level of the enterprise itself and by higher regulatory bodies and organizations that have the right to do so.

A number of product mix inconsistencies relate to gross violations legislation on trade and when they are established, a business entity may be deprived of a license. Such violations include the following: sale of goods without a quality certificate and a certificate of conformity (for goods subject to certification), which led to the threat of death of the buyer or damage to health; failure to take measures to establish previous violations during the suspension of the license; sale of goods without documents confirming their receipt; repeated sale of expired goods; violation of the procedure for applying and forming prices; lack of a technical passport for the sold complex technical goods; the absence of details on the goods packaged in the store: names, varieties, weights, prices per unit cost of a plumb line; repeated absence in the sale of goods provided for by the assortment list.

Officials who have the right to do so conduct inspections of objects of trade upon presentation of an official ID and an order to conduct an inspection. In the practice of control over the activities of subjects entrepreneurial activity scheduled and unscheduled inspections are carried out.

In the process of monitoring the state of the assortment, it must be borne in mind that control is not an end in itself. strategic objective control is the timely regulation of the assortment in full accordance with the demand of buyers in order to increase the volume and speed of sales, establish a sustainable image for the organization of trade. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and establish in the practice of trade an effective management system, including constant internal control and regulation of the assortment. For this, an appropriate system of motivation for sales personnel and managers is being developed with a scale of increasing and decreasing coefficients. Effective in this direction is the work of operational managers trading floor.

Concluding the first chapter, we note the following.

From an economic point of view, the assortment is a reflection of inter-sectoral and sectoral proportions in the composition of the product offer. The product range is a set of products that are combined or combined according to a certain feature or set of features (type, color, size, etc.). The production assortment of goods is a list of goods (nomenclature) produced by individual enterprises, associations, industries or Agriculture. Trading assortment - a list of goods selected for sale in a retail network.

Assortment formation is the process of determining a set of product groups, types and varieties that is most preferable for successful work on the market and ensure the economic efficiency of the organization. The formation of the assortment is carried out constantly in all links of commodity circulation - from production to consumption.

retail assortment

Karina Oleinik Chapter from the book “All About Sales Management What's Next? Innovation Theory as a Tool for Predicting Industry Changes”
Publishing house "Alpina Publishers"

Starting from the second year of work in the territory, the manager can already quite accurately plan his activities for the development of this territory. Conclusions about which way to move and how to prioritize helps to make constant monitoring of the dynamics of changes taking place in the general and local market. The principle of monitoring (constant monitoring of the situation) is today the basis for planning the business processes of companies by territory.

Tasks of regular analysis (monitoring) of the territory

1. Control of changes in the potential of the local market after the initial assessment.

2. Evaluation of the dynamics and pace of market development, taking into account changes in external factors of influence.

3 Evaluation of new business opportunities in the local market.

4. Assessment of potential threats and risks for business in the local market.

5. Assessment of the position in the market and the resources of the company itself in each period of time.

Conclusions in the form:

  • specific tactical goals and objectives for the territory;
  • detailed sales plan by seasons by territory;
  • a detailed plan of marketing activity for the territory;
  • a sound plan for the necessary resources, including a budget.

To effectively manage the situation in the accountable territory, the manager must be quite proficient in the types of analysis described below.

Territory potential assessment

Territory capacity

“Why does a manager need to know the capacity of his local market?” - I hear this question from regional representatives very often. What is it caused by? And here is the answer: “Firstly, the plan will be lowered from above anyway. And secondly, if the potential turns out to be too great, then the plan will be overestimated so that I will never fulfill it. Moreover, they will say that I myself made the assessment, which means I took responsibility for the data received. And how many errors in this assessment! Alas, it is. When planning "from above", the figures turn out to be significantly higher than when planning "from below". This is one of the non-economic laws of the existence of the organization, and its nature is understandable and unchanged. So there will always be high performance in the plans, and managers will always have a reason to complain. But, oddly enough, most of these plans are usually carried out! What does this mean? Right. That the targets in the next plans will be even higher. In addition, the company evaluates the potential of the territory even before the manager starts working on it - in fact, the very fact of his presence in the territory already means that there is a good potential in this market. Therefore, the numbers in this case are, in general, only statistics. Nevertheless, it is necessary to evaluate the market capacity! This is necessary for the Manager and his company to understand how long they can work in this market using the usual methods, and when these methods should be changed. This is especially true during the period of changing stages of the life cycle of both the company itself and the industry as a whole.


One of the clearest examples of how companies have to radically change the way they work in the market is the example of companies selling mobile phones.

Even 13-15 years ago, when cell phones first appeared on the market, costing a lot of money and weighing almost as much as they cost, the main task of companies was to convince consumers that they needed this product. Sales were single, individual, it sometimes took hours to serve one client. Employees of the service offices knew all the customers almost by name.

But already 5-6 years ago, sales of cell phones became massive. The task of the companies was the speed of servicing the flow of customers, often at the expense of quality. Sellers were forced to accept new standards after-sales service and the prompt and correct completion of the required documentation was of particular importance.

2006 was marked by 100% saturation of two regional markets — Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since that moment, the two largest markets have turned into repurchase markets. The situation forced the companies to change the technology of work again. Companies have completely moved away from selling just a phone to selling features and image. Sellers have become vitally important techniques for adjusting to the client, the ability to accurately identify the needs and desires of the buyer. Today, if you go into a "mobile" salon and close your eyes, it seems that you are in an electronics store - they sell video cameras, headphones, MP3 players ... Anything built into phones, but not the phones themselves as a means of communication.

Now there is another change of methods of work. Mobile operators have practically nowhere to get new subscribers, their main strategy is to retain existing ones and poach competitors' subscribers. And a new model of a mobile phone can act as a “free” attribute of a two-year contract with a specific telecom operator and a guarantor of a regular flow of money from the owner of the “handset” to this operator.

Allocate the maximum market capacity, potential market capacity and current market capacity.

Maximum market capacity of a product category- this is the maximum sales volume of a particular product category in a given market, provided that the buyers are 100% potentially target audience.

Potential market capacity- this is the maximum sales volume of a particular product category in a given market, provided that the buyers are 100% of the target audience that has the opportunity and may need to purchase this product.

Current market capacity of the product category- these are all sales of this product category to date (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Estimation of the market capacity of the product category

The market capacity can be expressed both in units of production (in kind) and in monetary terms.

The latter option allows for a comparative analysis of markets thanks to a single system. The products of the FMCG category most often approach the maximum market capacity. For other categories, potential capacity is of greater interest. The difference between current and potential/maximum market capacity gives a company an idea of ​​market saturation and business growth opportunities.

For example, if an author wants to sell his book in the city of Samara, then the potential buyers of this book are all residents of the city of Samara who can read. Accordingly, the maximum capacity of the book market will be expressed in its value multiplied by the number of Samara residents who read it. The potential market size will be equal to the value of the book multiplied by the number of Samara residents who can afford to buy the book and who may have reasons to buy it. In this case, the current market capacity of this book will be equal to the cost of all books sold.

Estimating the maximum market size is relatively simple, knowing the initial data on the product and estimating the size of the potential target audience. However, as we have already noted, for many companies the data obtained is very abstract and does not allow a realistic assessment of market opportunities. Much more practical value have potential market capacity and current market capacity, but it is difficult to obtain these data in the conditions of the closed nature of Russian companies.

We list the main data necessary to assess the potential and current market capacity:

2) the level of monthly income at which a potential consumer will be able to purchase the company's product (estimated by surveying consumers in the mass market, using CRM systems, or simply maintaining a customer base in the corporate market);

3) the volume of the target audience with the corresponding income level per month (estimated according to official statistics or regional monitoring data);

4) the recommended frequency of consumption of the product per month / year and the actual average frequency of consumption of the product per month / year (the actual average frequency of consumption is estimated by questioning in the mass market, using CRM systems or simply maintaining a customer base in the corporate market and specialized markets);

5) the average selling price of companies offering this product (if you need to evaluate the capacity in money of the seller, and not retail).

Current market capacity (in retail prices) = The volume of the target audience with the corresponding income level per month× Average frequency of product consumption per month/year × average cost product for the end user.

Current market capacity (in selling prices of the seller) = The volume of the target audience with the corresponding level of income per month × Average frequency of product consumption per month / year × Average selling price of companies for the product.

Potential capacity of the territory (in retail prices) = Volume of the target audience with the corresponding income level per month × Recommended frequency of product consumption per month/year × Recommended cost of the product for the end consumer.

Potential capacity of the territory (in selling prices of the seller) = Volume of the target audience with the corresponding level of income per month × Recommended frequency of product consumption per month/year × Average selling price of companies for the product.

Another way that is used to estimate the current market capacity is to estimate the production of a product category.

This approach can give much more accurate results if the business of manufacturing companies is transparent (on Russian market this is typical mainly for large importing corporations or companies manufacturing large-sized products). Thus, this method is applicable only in single industries, for example, in some pharmaceutical markets, the automotive market, etc. Otherwise, the figures according to expert estimates may differ by an order of magnitude.

In the absence of data for many industries, extrapolation has to be used—i.e. project data from a relatively reliably valued market (usually Western) onto a similar or comparable Western Russian market.

Sources of information for assessing market capacity:

  • CRM systems and internal databases;
  • own services and employees of the company - sales representatives and service support services (prices, relative income level);
  • retail outlets;
  • marketing research to monitor the industry (if any);
  • own marketing research (questionnaires);
  • official statistics, etc.

Dynamics of change (growth) of the local market

The dynamics of change (growth) of the market allows us to understand the trends of its development and conditionally assume at what stage of the life cycle it is. The dynamics is monitored annually for at least 3-5 years. Only then can we talk about trends. In parallel, it is necessary to evaluate the dynamics of change (growth) in the company's sales in order to compare external and internal trends and evaluate the change in the company's market share. Obviously, if a company grows more than rapidly than the market, it increases its share in this market; if the company's growth rates lag behind the market ones, the company loses its market share (Fig. 2, 3).

Sources of information about market dynamics: expert assessments, market research (monitoring), internal sales data, official statistics.

Rice. 2. Growth dynamics of the beauty salons market (number of salons)
Source: Step by Step Marketing Agency.

Rice. 3. Volumes and dynamics of production of flour confectionery products in Russia (1990–2006)
Source: according to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

Level of external investment

To plan activities in the territory, the manager needs to understand the structure of investments in the industry and the region. This determines the areas of work, budget items, advertising activity, and the number of regional employees. The presence of significant external budgets in the market causes increased tender activity, which requires the manager to have the appropriate skills. The manager is mainly interested in the following indicators:

  • the level of investments of budgetary funds directly into the industry and the region (federal budget, including the availability of industry-specific federal programs;
  • regional budget;
  • the level of investment in the development of the region;
  • bank investments;
  • Insurance companies;
  • off-budget funds;
  • foreign investment.

An example in fig. Figure 4 clearly shows the dynamics (including the expected one) of the distribution of funding sources for the pharmaceutical industry and the relationship of these sources with the methods of work of pharmaceutical companies. Here, citizens' funds always remain the main source of funding. This means that a large staff of sales representatives is needed, working directly with end-users and physicians / other healthcare professionals, as they influence the choice of patients. At the same time, in 1997, 25% of subsidies to the industry came from regional budgets, which required the presence of highly professional managers who could build and maintain close relationships with the VIP and KOL categories, primarily with the administration of the oblast/region/territory. The growth of compulsory health insurance funds makes it possible to cooperate with insurance companies. And the growing redistribution of budgets by 2005 in the direction of federal programs forced pharmaceutical companies to introduce the position of manager for working with state structures in the staff.

Sources of information on external financing: official government and industry websites, industry and government press, investment organizations, industry VIPs and KOLs.

Rice. 4. Dynamics of the distribution of sources of financing for the pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation
Source: Goskomstat, BCG analysis.

Market structure

Under the structure of the market, they mean the main subjects of the market that form its current capacity, with an assessment of the share of participation (market share) of each. Market shares can be expressed both in units of production and in monetary terms, since with a significant spread in prices for competitors' products, the difference in market shares can vary greatly depending on the chosen units of measurement. For the same reason, the established strategic goals of the company to gain market share should have a clear reference to the units of measurement (Table 1).

Sources: Moskalenko L. Get excited // Expert, 2003, No. 31; Verb F. Zhemchuzhina "Islands of Beauty" // Company, 2004, No. 9; Werb F. Prestigious revolution of "Arbat" // Company, 2004, No. 2; Verb F. Luxury Restoration // Company, 2004, No. 2; Shumilina M. A bouquet of aromas // Company, 2004, No. 32, //; Ivanov A. "United Europe Holding" entangles Russia with Ile de Beaute stores //, 04/09/2005; //; company data.

The concept of the market structure also includes the assortment distribution in the territory of the products of the analyzed category and the structure of distribution channels (Tables 2, 3).

Sources of information about the market structure: marketing research on market monitoring (if any), expert assessments, official websites of the company, information from distributors and partners, official statistics.

Table 2. Sales volume of the leading brands of perfumery and cosmetics in value and physical terms


Number of units

Turnover, $

Share of total turnover


Number of units

Turnover, $

Share of total turnover

Source: Arbat Prestige data, 2005.

Table 3. Where consumers buy cosmetics and perfumes

Place of sale

Share of the total number of respondents, %




perfume shop

hardware store

open market


mixed store

perfume shop

open market

Source: KOMKON data, 2005.

Analysis of the competitive environment

The analysis of the competitive environment should be divided into two components:

  • analysis carried out for business planning purposes (market share, product portfolio, SWOT analysis, etc.);
  • analysis of competitive activity, which must be carried out constantly, regardless of reporting periods or business planning.

Competitive Analysis Tasks

  • Identify the main competitors.
  • Determine their strategy.
  • Conduct a comparative competitive analysis (benchmarking):
    • identify the advantages and disadvantages of competitors relative to our company;
    • identify their advantages and disadvantages relative to competitors.
  • Choose priority areas of work according to two principles:
    • use and development of own advantages;
    • correction of their own significant shortcomings.

Goals of Competitive Analysis

It is necessary to determine the criteria that will form the basis of the CSF (key success factors) of a product or company, evaluate and adjust its competitive strategy, and outline tactical steps for its implementation. Obviously, with a small number of competitors in the market and the absence of a direct clash between them, competitive analysis is primarily a tool for controlling the situation, rather than making fundamental decisions.

Main indicators of competitive analysis

Identification of main competitors

In a situation where there are hundreds of competing structures on the market, it is not advisable to identify and analyze all competitors. It is enough to evaluate the main players - the leaders who dictate the "rules of the game" in the market, and direct competitors (those companies with which we compete in territory, sales points, customers), if they (and our company) are not leaders. Most often, the company has few main competitors. We should not forget that, in addition to direct ones, the company has indirect competitors - competitors for the "wallet" of the consumer. As a rule, these are companies from other industries, but it is important that when planning future purchases, the consumer is guided by the principle “what is more important today”. And often, when analyzing growth opportunities, it is found that it is through indirect competition that one could significantly increase sales.


Sports are not cheap. In Moscow, the prices for a subscription to a good sports club reach an average of 50,000–60,000 rubles a year, which is about 5,000 rubles a month. However, these prices are quite affordable for Muscovites, who leave in cafes, clubs and discos an amount that, on average, is three times higher than the monthly cost of a sports subscription. The question is how to convince the city dweller to redistribute part of the monthly budget in favor of sports. From this point of view, cafes and restaurants are competitors sports clubs in the fight for the consumer's wallet. Promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle in such a situation is a tool to attract visitors to sports clubs. And here direct competitors are already working in tandem with each other, since all clubs are interested in expanding the target audience.

The volume of the marketing budget of competitors, preferably in dynamics

Such data can only be obtained indirectly, by evaluating as fully as possible the marketing activity of a competitor in all regions - advertising campaigns, participation and independent conduct of marketing events - conferences, exhibitions, congresses, symposiums, etc., distribution of free product samples, marketing research, sponsorship, etc. The results of this data are interesting in comparison with similar data of their company while comparing the growth trends of companies and their strategies. If it is not possible to conduct a financial assessment at all, then you should at least find out how many times the activity of a competitor exceeds the activity of your company. To do this, each area of ​​activity is assigned an appropriate coefficient. Now, based on your budget, you can "calculate" the competitor's marketing budget (Table 4).

Table 4. Comparison of the marketing budgets of a company and a competitor

Budget item

Competitor Activity Ratio

$ by competitor

POS materials



Product examples


It is clear that such a technique gives only an approximate idea of ​​the real budget, but it demonstrates ordinal differences and serves as one of the data sources for benchmarking.

Sources of information: mass media, websites of competitive companies, information from sales representatives, distributors, VIPs, POS materials, own data on budget items, expert (own) estimates, etc.

Comparison of the staff structure of competing companies

Depending on the industry and business strategy, differences in company structure can be significant. So, if the main sales strategy is based on the activity of sales representatives and the thoroughness of their development of their territory, then having a larger sales force can lead to better business results with an equal level of professionalism of people. Competent management of territories is also important - from the distribution of territorial areas of responsibility between employees to the establishment of corporate standards for the quality of work, including visit rates, a reporting system, a client management scheme, etc. All this, with the exception of the internal reporting system, is quite easy to provide with the help of sales representatives and distributors, if the company is not very large (up to 40-50 people) (Fig. 5).

Information sources: sales representatives, distributors, partners, results of observations at joint events, PR articles in the press (for example, annual reports or interviews).

Rice. 5. Comparative competitive analysis according to three criteria: sales volume, marketing budget, staff structure of sellers

Comparison of the product range

Analysis of the competitor's product range allows you to compare the quality and modernity of the product portfolios of the company and its competitors, evaluate and compare their prospects and offer strategic decisions for product promotion (Table 5).

table 5

Name of indicator

Characteristic according to GOST 2077-84

Characteristics of JSC Khlebodar

Characteristics of the state of emergency "Belov"


With gloss without major cracks and undermining; with the presence of coriander, cumin or anise; the presence of a seam from the divider-stacker is allowed

With gloss without major cracks and undermining. Has coriander

With gloss. There are major explosions. Has coriander

Dark brown

Dark brown

Dark brown


Developed, without voids and seals

There are seals over the entire surface of the crumb

Sweetish, characteristic of this type of product

Sweetish, characteristic of this type of product

anise or cumin

Typical for this type of product, with a slight aroma of coriander

Typical for this type of product, with a slight aroma of coriander

Products are also compared in terms of technical characteristics, wholesale and retail prices, their prevalence in all relevant points of sale, as well as their constant availability in them.

Sources of information: official websites of companies, publications in the press, instructions for competitive products, observations of sales representatives, price lists retail outlets and wholesalers, salespeople, market research (end-user surveys, interviews), peer reviews, etc.

Service Comparison

Before starting a comparative analysis of the services of competing companies, it is necessary to answer two basic questions:

  • are services provided?
  • what do we mean by services?

Otherwise, the approach is similar to a comparative analysis of the product range: assessment of the range and quality of services provided. Moreover, depending on the product, the quality of the service means different parameters - from speed to the way the service is performed. This should also include the qualifications and individual characteristics of the personnel providing the service. It is necessary to clearly define the key criteria for the quality of service for customers and consumers. It is not uncommon for a company, fighting for the loyalty of a distributor, to provide him with additional discounts, but the distributor still works with a more expensive competitive product, because it is constantly in stock and delivered on demand.

Such a comparison allows the company to identify its shortcomings and correct them in a timely manner, as well as to take advantage of the shortcomings of competitors. This is especially important in a situation where competitors' products are in no way inferior to ours and the competitive war is going on at the level of service. Although it should be noted that you can’t fight for a long time exclusively on service support. Services can be reproduced quite easily and quickly.

Information sources: official websites of companies, publications in the press, instructions for the products of the company and competitors, the results of observations of sales representatives, sellers, marketing research (end-user surveys, interviews), expert assessments, etc.

Comparison of competitive strategies and tactical actions

Comparison of competitive strategies and tactics is one of the most important types of analysis in a highly competitive market, where the battle for a place in the sun is at the level of detail. It is quite easy to evaluate a competitive strategy after the fact, including its effectiveness. Often, efficiency can be judged by the change in our sales. It is easier to predict the future strategy (for Russia - a maximum of a year in advance) in relation to a stable competitor, as well as for a foreign company that operates under the leadership of the head office. It is also possible to make a forecast if economic, political and legislative changes in the market dictate an obvious strategy of behavior to its participants.

With forecasting tactics, everything is much worse. It is very, very difficult to predict a creative or impulsive opponent. To do this, you need to monitor it with extreme vigilance, capturing the slightest indicators - from increased production activity and changes in the intensity of recruitment to changes in the frequency of attendance of VIPs and partners. In addition, you need to pay special attention to the rumors in the market. Often this can be an important source of information, because hiding anything while working with the same clients is almost impossible. And with competitors, if possible, you also need to communicate. This allows you to evaluate the intelligence of the enemy, his behavior patterns, creativity, which will indirectly help to evaluate the tactics of behavior. You can also get interesting information about common opponents and partners from a competitor.

Evaluate a competitor objectively, do not consider him short-sighted a priori - he analyzes you just as you analyze him. Strong competitors always have something to learn.

Information sources : official Russian and Western websites, mass media, results of observations of sales representatives, sellers, marketing research (questionnaires of end users, interviews), expert assessments, other competitors, etc.

Benchmarking technology

1. Defining and setting the goal of comparative analysis.

2. Conducting a comparative SWOT analysis of your own and competitive company and identification of areas of fundamental differences.

3. Evaluation of the results in terms of "weights" of consumer preferences.

4. Identification of points of application of efforts (relative advantages), self-improvement (overcoming relative disadvantages) and prioritization (where to start in the first place).

Defining and setting the goal of benchmarking

It is important to remember that any analysis does not make sense without a pre-set goal, especially a SWOT analysis, because depending on the goal, the same factor can turn out to be both strong and weak side companies.

Territory management is entrusted to a smart young energetic manager with little experience in the industry. Is little experience a manager's strength or weakness? It all depends on what criteria to approach this issue. For the purposes of developing the territory, the need to generate fresh non-standard ideas, the willingness to take risks is undoubtedly strong. For the purposes of business stability, caution and invariability of the course, it is definitely weak.

Relatively high price of the product. From the point of view of the end consumer who wants to pay less, this is a weak point. From the point of view of the end consumer, who appreciates the quality of the product and is ready to pay for it, this is a strong point. From the point of view of the attractiveness of the product for the distributor, who will earn more per unit of product, this is also a strong point. However, if the same distributor has goods in stock and does not leave because of the high price, this is a weak point.

Comparative SWOT analysis of your own and a competitive company and identification of areas of fundamental differences

The main thing at this stage is the technology of the SWOT analysis itself. For all its fame and, it would seem, simplicity, only a few are able to use it with benefit.

The expression "SWOT analysis" is an abbreviation of English words ( S direction, W eaknesses, O portunities, T hreats), which in relation to the company translate as "strengths", "weaknesses", "opportunities" and "threats".

Strengths- these are internal factors / resources that the company has at the time of the analysis and which can contribute to the achievement of the goal.

Weak sides— these are internal factors/resources or lack thereof at the time of the analysis, which may hinder the achievement of the goal.

Possibilities are factors that are present in external environment or expected in the analyzed period, which can be used to achieve the goal.

Threats- these are factors present in the external environment or expected in the analyzed period, which may interfere with the achievement of the goal.

Gather information for SWOT analysis as carefully as possible. The more information collected, the easier it is to develop a tactical action plan (Table 6).

Table 6. An example of a partial SWOT analysis of an insurance company branch for the purposes of active business development (plan + 50% to the previous year)



Strong brand.

Availability of sales offices.

CASCO how a good product in terms of price-quality ratio.

Stable financial position.

administrative resource.

Relations with VIP clients.

Bank accreditation.

The presence of a federal network.

Developed IT technologies (information systems).

Special programs and promotions.

Qualified personnel.

Social package for employees.

Close relationship between the director of the branch and the head office of the company.

Representative expenses.

Settlement limits

Lack of a unified systematic strategic approach at the head office and at the branch.

Inconsistency of the powers of the branch with the assigned tasks.

Insufficient delegation of authority within the branch.

Lengthy approval process.

Unsatisfactory deposit policy.

Mortgage Risk Restrictions.

Ineffective system of motivation of managers.

There is no comprehensive program (tools, technologies, resources) for preparing and educating agents.

Low level of leadership training.

Low agency fees.

Ineffective system of motivation of sellers.

There are no regulated service standards.

Insufficient qualification of branch salespeople.

There is no system of prolongation of sales.

There is no 24 hour call center.

There is no cross-selling system.

Loss of money and clients due to shortcomings in the activities of appraisers and emergency commissioners.

Loss of customers on termination of the contract (in case of late payment in installments).

No own web page



Increasing consumer welfare.

New products on the market / federal programs.

Growth in lending.

Increase in tariffs for OSAGO.

Development of small and medium business.

Development of the Internet (for the sale of OSAGO, CASCO, etc.)

Unfair competition.

High level of competition in car dealerships.

Entry of new competitors / aggressive dumping policy.

Tariff increase.

Imperfection of the legislation.

Bad work of the traffic police

Evaluation of results in terms of consumer preference weights

The information collected in step 2 is just a preparation for the analysis itself. The analysis involves an assessment of the significance of factors (Table 7) to achieve this goal and the subsequent development of a plan of tactical measures. If we are talking about a comparative competitive analysis, then the significance of the factor coincides with consumer preferences. The assessment is carried out on the basis of expert assessments. It is useful when several categories of stakeholders take part in the peer review. For example, area manager(s), leader(s), partner(s) (if relevant), customers (if relevant), etc. If there are several expert assessments, the final assessment becomes the average.

Table 7. An example of assessing the significance of a factor



Availability of sales offices

CASCO as a good product in terms of price-quality ratio

Strong financial position

Administrative resource

Personal connections with VIP clients

Accreditation in banks

The presence of a federal network

IT technologies (information systems, information)

Special programs and promotions




Weighted average factor contribution to sales, %

Prosperity Growth:

  • Opening of new car dealerships Increasing the car market
  • Mortgage
  • Tourism
  • New products / special programs

    Growth in lending volumes (forecast increase ~20%)

    Transition to 24-hour work of sales offices

    Increase in OSAGO tariffs

    Development of small and medium business

    Development of the Internet (for the sale of OSAGO and CASCO, etc.)

    Weak sides


    Sales losses, %

    Lack of a systematic unified strategic approach at the head office and branch

    Inconsistency of powers with the assigned tasks:

  • Efficiency of conclusion of contracts.
  • Financial - by disposal of funds for household needs, fixed assets, marketing budget etc.
  • Administrative - in making decisions on the admission of employees / moving to work and transferring employees to other positions.
  • Signing contracts with contractors (agency
  • Insufficient delegation of authority within the branch

    Approval process Duration / Efficiency

    Unsatisfactory deposit policy

    Mortgage Risk Restrictions

    Low level of training of managers

    There is no comprehensive program (tools, technologies, resources) for preparing and educating agents

    An ineffective system of motivation for managers

    Ineffective seller motivation system

    Insufficient qualification of branch sellers

    No regulated service standards

    Low agency fees

    No sales extension system

    No 24/7 call center

    No cross-selling system

    Loss of money and clients due to shortcomings in the activities of appraisers and emergency commissioners

    Loss of customers on termination of the contract (in case of late payment in installments)

    Branches do not have their own web page


    * The criticality factor is estimated on a three-point scale, where:

    1 - a factor that does not prevent the achievement of the goal, but affects the method of achievement;

    2 - a factor that may hinder the achievement of the goal;

    3 - a factor, the onset of which will make the achievement of the goal impossible, and the goal will have to be changed. On the basis of factors with an assessment of 1 and 2, preventive measures are developed.

    On the basis of factors with a score of 3, anti-crisis scenarios are developed.

    Information about competitors should be collected no less carefully, since on the basis of a comparative analysis, the manager will draw conclusions. In such a situation, it is better to overestimate a competitor than to underestimate him.

    A convenient tool for visualizing benchmarking across a set of indicators is the so-called web method (see Figure 6).

    Axes in fig. 6 are the analyzed (comparable) indicators. Each indicator has a rating scale (for example, 100%). In accordance with this scale, the severity of the indicator in the compared companies is assessed, and the resulting relative value is plotted on the axis.

    Rice. 6. Web method for comparative analysis of indicators

    The points of all axes are interconnected to show the advantages and disadvantages of the company relative to its competitor. It must be remembered that there are indicators that progress upwards (for example, the higher the coverage of retail outlets, the better), and indicators that progress downwards (the lower the cost of the product, the better). In the presence of both those and others, the latter is assigned an inverse coefficient.

    Determination of points of application of efforts (our relative advantages) and self-improvement (our relative shortcomings); prioritization (where to start first)

    After we have identified the differences between the company and competitors, given these differences the status of advantages or disadvantages, it is necessary to propose tactical steps / activities to use our advantages and eliminate disadvantages.

    The action plan will be based on the information obtained by "combining" the blocks of the SWOT analysis.

    • Block based "Strengths" And "Possibilities" prescribe measures for the use strengths to implement as many external features as possible.
    • Block based "Strengths", "Weak sides" And "Possibilities" prescribe measures to use strengths and external opportunities to correct major weaknesses.
    • Block based "Strengths", "Opportunities" And "Threats" prescribe measures to use strengths and external opportunities to minimize or prevent external risks, as well as to develop anti-crisis scenarios in situations where it is impossible to avoid risks.

    So, if we have assessed the constant availability of goods in the warehouse and the convenient delivery system of a competitor as priorities for the distribution network, we need to adjust these elements as quickly as possible.

    Or, for example, we find that a competitor has set up a free phone line for potential customers and is using it effectively as another active sales channel. So we should think about creating a similar communication resource.

    Not always the budget allows to implement all the ideas arising from the results of the analysis, so it is necessary to prioritize and evaluate the available resources. Lack of sufficient budget changes tactics, but does not change the direction of efforts. For example, if a highly effective competitor spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on an advertising campaign to raise public awareness of their product, and we do not have such resources, this does not mean that we should wait until the competitor forces us out of the market. You can, for example, focus on sales assistants at strategic points of sale and redirect the flow of customers generated by a competitor's advertising to buy your products. At the same time, it is necessary to find the missing resources in parallel.


    The main areas of work to achieve the goal

    1. Active development and promotion of CASCO products.

    2. Opening and development of sales offices.

    3. Development, development of existing car dealerships and entry into new ones.

    4. Maintaining the image of the company and the reputation of the branch.

    5. Formation of leadership qualities of the branch director.

    6. Building relationships between the director of the branch and the management of the head office.

    7. Advanced training of top management of the branch.

    8. Development of the agent network:

    a) activation of the training system for sellers and agents;

    b) conducting special promotions and programs in car dealerships.

    Suggested activities to leverage strengths to realize opportunities, compensate for weaknesses, and minimize threats

    1. Marketing activities to promote the idea (for example, “Brand to the rich”).

    2. Creation of points of sale in new car dealerships (equipment of offices with IT programs).

    3. Development of sales offices:

    a) increase the mode of operation;

    b) development of new products.

    4. Creation of joint programs with banks.

    5. Program for employees of medium business.

    6. Compensation for the lack of qualifications by increasing the volume of market lending.

    7. Coordination of special programs to expand the powers of branch directors.

    8. Creation of the board of directors of branches to exchange views and develop systemic changes to expand the powers of directors. To do this, it is necessary to develop criteria for the competencies of directors with a transparent system “achieving competency - acquiring powers”.

    9. Conducting special trainings (facilitation) with the heads of the head office, the purpose of which is to provide effective feedback.

    10. Development of an adequate personnel policy. Elimination of unnecessary small levels of coordination of decisions and projects.

    11. Monitoring and analysis of the implementation of systems (for example, motivation systems) with subsequent error correction.

    12. Development of a system of regular feedback from the head office management with the branch directors.

    13. Empowerment of regional centers (at least administrative - for rent, economic contracts, etc.).

    14. Updating the outdated training system for salespeople within the branch:

    a) providing on-site sales training opportunities;

    b) preparation of a mechanism (materials) for the rapid adaptation of a new sales employee;

    c) development of product training programs;

    e) training of experienced sellers as coaches for new sellers, development of a system of their motivation.

    15. The system of training the management of branches in management (for example, external trainings with trainers-practitioners).

    16. Adaptation of the deposit policy for the interests of branches.

    17. Development of a system of call-centers, taking into account the interests of the regions. It is necessary to ensure the possibility of telephone contacts with the staff in the field.

    18. Introduction of HR positions in branches.

    Analysis of the product range

    The assortment presented by companies on the market does not change as often as marketing programs, so a planned analysis of a product category is carried out no more than 1-2 times a year. However, some types of research, such as a comparative analysis of retail prices, need to be carried out on an ongoing basis, as this data can make adjustments to the daily activities of the manager.

    The tasks of analyzing the product range in the market and the product portfolio of the company

    • Identify main and potential competitive products.
    • Identify and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the company's products and its competitors.
    • Evaluate the strategies for promoting the company's products and its competitors.
    • Assess the position of the company's products in the market.

    Goals of the analysis

    • Determine a strategy for promoting a new product.
    • Adjust the promotion strategy for existing products.
    • Develop sales guidelines for sales staff.
    • Make suggestions for production to improve the range.

    The main indicators of the analysis of the product range in the market and the company's product portfolio

    The structure of the product range in the market

    At this stage, all products of a certain product category present on the market are analyzed with an assessment of its market share. The principles of analysis are similar to the analysis of market structure. The data should be presented in two dimensions - the number of products and the monetary equivalent in order to be able to conduct an adequate comparative analysis (Table 8, Fig. 7). Table 8 gives an example of an analysis of the primary housing market in Moscow at the beginning of 2007.

    Table 8. Volume of supply in the primary market of Moscow by administrative districts


    Supply volume


    To make effective decisions in the field of sales, it is necessary to obtain and systematize all the necessary information. This contributes sales monitoring. A special role here is played by the database of the company's clients who have or have ever had with the company business relationship. Practice shows that it is advisable to divide the company's buyers into six types:

    Existence of existing business relations - working buyers; potential buyers; idle clients; other contractors;

    The volume of average monthly purchases of products - large customers; average clients; minor clients;

    Frequency of purchases of products - regularly purchasing - 2-3 times a month; constantly purchasing - 1 time per month; relatively constantly purchasing - less than once a month; periodically purchasing - 1 time in 2-3 months;

    Region of the company's location - according to the region of the company's location, according to the all-Russian classifier of regions, classification is possible taking into account the index of the region's prospects for this particular product or product group;

    Type of the main purchased goods - group of goods A; product group B; product group B; product group D, etc.;

    The specifics of the client's distribution - wholesale companies; companies that carry out distribution to shops and other points retail; companies with mixed distribution; retail chains.

    To assess the situation, the management of the sales department must, first of all, know what product and where it is sold: to which region, to which company. For these purposes, relevant reports are generated, for example, by region (Table 10.6).

    Table 10.6. Sales volume of a sales manager by region

    The report data allows you to see which sales of goods prevailed in a particular region, which regions were leaders in terms of sales in general and for individual groups of goods. If you have data on the market capacity of a particular region for a group of goods, you can easily calculate the company's market share in the region. As a rule, at the end of the report, two more indicators are indicated, the plan for the month and the percentage of its implementation. This data makes it possible, if the plan is not fulfilled, based on the analysis of sales in the regions, to understand where the supply failed, which region is problematic, and then find out why.

    Each sales manager should have information about sales opportunities in the region - its potential. The potential of the region should be compared with the level of average monthly sales, which will determine the percentage of use of the region's potential and draw the necessary conclusions (Table 10.7).

    In order to increase the level of using the potential of the region, sales managers must visit the regions assigned to the manager, in which: there are no sales at all; there was a decline in sales by more than 20%; there are potential large customers; there is a high sales potential.

    The ability to timely receive up-to-date information about the state of affairs in the region depends on the activity of the manager, the frequency and frequency of contacts with clients. The number of manager's contacts is determined by the importance of the client for the company: for large - at least four contacts per month; for medium - at least three; for small ones - at least two; for minor ones - at least one contact per month.

    Table 10.7. Using the sales potential in the regions

    With successful and planned work with a client, the frequency of contacts can be regulated by the manager who oversees work with this company. Many companies emphasize the application of the “4: 2: 1” principle - in large companies, the manager should call four times more often than in small ones, in medium ones - twice as often.

    The right frequency of communication with the client allows you to "keep abreast" of regional problems, keep abreast of events and quickly respond to changing market conditions. This is especially important in today's competitive markets, where there are many dynamic companies that are capable of active and effective actions.

    Determining the criteria for the effectiveness of sales of certain commodity items is usually carried out on the basis of a separate study on specific company data. In this case, the share of this product group in the total sales volume, the sales rate of the inventory, and the value of the profitability of sales are usually taken into account. The criterion for the success of work in a particular region can be considered the achievement of a certain market share in certain commodity groups. At the same time, for a more accurate assessment of the state of affairs, several indicators should be used, including the dynamics of turnover in a given region and the company's share in total sales of these products in this region, the presence of products in the most famous and visited retail outlets, etc.

    Privacy agreement

    and processing of personal data

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. This agreement on confidentiality and processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is accepted freely and by its own will, applies to all information that Insales Rus LLC and / or its affiliates, including all persons belonging to the same group with LLC "Insales Rus" (including "EKAM Service" LLC) can obtain about the User during the use of any of the sites, services, services, computer programs, products or services of "Insales Rus" LLC (hereinafter referred to as the "Services") and in during the execution of Insales Rus LLC of any agreements and contracts with the User. The User's consent to the Agreement, expressed by him in the framework of relations with one of the listed persons, applies to all other listed persons.

    1.2. The use of the Services means the User's consent to this Agreement and the conditions specified therein; in case of disagreement with these conditions, the User must refrain from using the Services.

    "Insales"- Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus", PSRN 1117746506514, TIN 7714843760, KPP 771401001, registered at the address: 125319, Moscow, Akademika Ilyushin St., 4, building 1, office 11 (hereinafter referred to as "Insales" ), on the one hand, and

    "User" -

    or an individual who has legal capacity and is recognized as a participant in civil legal relations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    or entity, registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

    or individual entrepreneur, registered in accordance with the laws of the state of which such person is a resident;

    which has accepted the terms of this Agreement.

    1.4. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties have determined that confidential information is information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity, as well as information about the methods of implementation professional activity(including, but not limited to: information about products, works and services; information about technologies and research works; data on technical systems and equipment, including software elements; business forecasts and information about proposed purchases; requirements and specifications of specific partners and potential partners; information related to intellectual property, as well as plans and technologies related to all of the above) communicated by one party to the other party in written and / or electronic form, expressly designated by the Party as its confidential information.

    1.5. The purpose of this Agreement is to protect confidential information that the Parties will exchange during negotiations, conclusion of contracts and fulfillment of obligations, as well as any other interaction (including, but not limited to, consulting, requesting and providing information, and performing other assignments).

    2.Obligations of the Parties

    2.1. The Parties agree to keep secret all confidential information received by one Party from the other Party during the interaction of the Parties, not to disclose, disclose, make public or otherwise provide such information to any third party without the prior written permission of the other Party, with the exception of cases specified in the current legislation, when the provision of such information is the responsibility of the Parties.

    2.2. Each Party will take all necessary measures to protect confidential information at least with the same measures that the Party applies to protect its own confidential information. Access to confidential information is provided only to those employees of each of the Parties who reasonably need it to perform their official duties for the implementation of this Agreement.

    2.3. The obligation to keep secret confidential information is valid within the term of this Agreement, the license agreement for computer programs dated 12/01/2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs, agency and other agreements and within five years after termination their actions, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

    (a) if the information provided has become publicly available without violating the obligations of one of the Parties;

    (b) if the information provided became known to the Party as a result of its own research, systematic observations or other activities carried out without the use of confidential information received from the other Party;

    (c) if the information provided is lawfully obtained from a third party without an obligation to keep it secret until it is provided by one of the Parties;

    (d) if the information is provided at the written request of a public authority, other state authority, or local government in order to perform their functions, and its disclosure to these authorities is mandatory for the Party. In this case, the Party must immediately notify the other Party of the request received;

    (e) if the information is provided to a third party with the consent of the Party about which the information is being transferred.

    2.5. Insales does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User, and is not able to assess its legal capacity.

    2.6. The information that the User provides to Insales when registering in the Services is not personal data, as defined in federal law RF No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006. "About personal data".

    2.7. Insales has the right to make changes to this Agreement. When making changes in the current version, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment of its placement, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Agreement.

    2.8. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that Insales may send personalized messages and information to the User (including, but not limited to) to improve the quality of the Services, to develop new products, to create and send personal offers to the User, to inform the User about changes in the Tariff plans and updates, to send marketing materials to the User on the subject of the Services, to protect the Services and Users and for other purposes.

    The user has the right to refuse to receive the above information by notifying in writing to the e-mail address Insales - .

    2.9. By accepting this Agreement, the User acknowledges and agrees that the Insales Services may use cookies, counters, other technologies to ensure the operation of the Services in general or their individual functions in particular, and the User has no claims against Insales in connection with this.

    2.10. The user is aware that the equipment and software used by him to visit sites on the Internet may have the function of prohibiting operations with cookies (for any sites or for certain sites), as well as deleting previously received cookies.

    Insales has the right to determine that the provision of a certain Service is possible only if the acceptance and receipt of cookies is allowed by the User.

    2.11. The user is solely responsible for the security of the means chosen by him to access the account, and also independently ensures their confidentiality. The User is solely responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the Services under the User's account, including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data to access the User's account to third parties under any conditions (including under contracts or agreements) . At the same time, all actions within or using the Services under the User's account are considered to be performed by the User, except for cases when the User notified Insales of unauthorized access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicions of violation) of the confidentiality of their account access.

    2.12. The User is obliged to immediately notify Insales of any case of unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Services using the User's account and / or any violation (suspicion of violation) of the confidentiality of their means of access to the account. For security purposes, the User is obliged to independently carry out a safe shutdown of work under his account at the end of each session of work with the Services. Insales is not responsible for the possible loss or corruption of data, as well as other consequences of any nature that may occur due to the violation by the User of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

    3. Responsibility of the Parties

    3.1. The Party that violated the obligations stipulated by the Agreement regarding the protection of confidential information transmitted under the Agreement is obliged to compensate, at the request of the affected Party, the real damage caused by such a violation of the terms of the Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3.2. Compensation for damages does not terminate the obligations of the violating Party for the proper performance of obligations under the Agreement.

    4.Other provisions

    4.1. All notifications, requests, demands and other correspondence under this Agreement, including those including confidential information, must be made in writing and be delivered in person or by courier, or sent by e-mail to the addresses specified in the license agreement for computer programs dated December 01, 2016, the agreement of accession to the license agreement for computer programs and in this Agreement or other addresses that may be specified in writing by the Party in the future.

    4.2. If one or more provisions (conditions) of this Agreement are or become invalid, then this cannot serve as a reason for the termination of other provisions (conditions).

    4.3. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement and the relationship between the User and Insales arising in connection with the application of the Agreement.

    4.3. The User has the right to send all suggestions or questions regarding this Agreement to the Insales User Support Service or to the postal address: 107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, pp. 11-12 BC "Stendhal" LLC "Insales Rus".

    Publication date: 01.12.2016

    Full name in Russian:

    Limited Liability Company "Insales Rus"

    Abbreviated name in Russian:

    Insales Rus LLC

    Name in English:

    InSales Rus Limited Liability Company (InSales Rus LLC)

    Legal address:

    125319, Moscow, st. Academician Ilyushin, 4, building 1, office 11

    Mailing address:

    107078, Moscow, st. Novoryazanskaya, 18, building 11-12, BC "Stendhal"

    TIN: 7714843760 KPP: 771401001

    Bank details:
