Oblomov read Stolz's farewell to his father. The composition “The attitude of Oblomov and Stolz to the family and parents

Oblomov and Stolz

Stolz - Oblomov's antipode (Principle of antithesis)

All figurative system novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" is aimed at revealing the nature, essence of the protagonist. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a bored gentleman lying on a sofa, dreaming of transformations and happy life in the family circle, but doing nothing to make dreams come true. The antipode of Oblomov in the novel is the image of Stolz. Andrei Ivanovich Stolz is one of the main characters, a friend of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the son of Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz, a Russified German who manages an estate in the village of Verkhlev, five miles from Oblomovka. In the first two chapters of the second part goes detailed story about the life of Stolz, about the conditions in which his active character was formed.

1. Common features:

a) age (“Stolz is the same age as Oblomov and he is already over thirty”);

b) religion;

c) studying at the boarding house of Ivan Stolz in Verkhlev;

d) service and quick retirement;

e) love for Olga Ilyinskaya;

e) good relations to each other.

2. Various features:

A ) portrait;

Oblomov . “He was a man of about thirty-two or three years of age, of medium height, of pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with absence: any definite idea, any concentration in facial features.

«… flabby beyond years: from lack of movement or air. In general, his body, judging by the matte, too white color of the neck, small plump hands, soft shoulders seemed too effeminate for a man. His movements, when he was even alarmed, were also restrained softness and laziness not devoid of a kind of grace.

Stolz- the same age as Oblomov, he is already over thirty. The portrait of Sh. contrasts with the portrait of Oblomov: “He is all made up of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse. He is thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but no sign of fat roundness ... "

Getting to know portrait characteristic of this hero, we understand that Stolz is a strong, energetic, purposeful person who is alien to daydreaming. But this almost ideal personality resembles a mechanism, not a living person, and this repels the reader.

b) parents, family;

Oblomov's parents are Russian, he grew up in a patriarchal family.

Stolz - a native of the bourgeois class (his father left Germany, wandered around Switzerland and settled in Russia, becoming the manager of the estate). “Stolz was only half German, according to his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith, his native speech was Russian ... ". The mother was afraid that Stolz, under the influence of his father, would become a rude burgher, but the Russian environment of Stolz interfered.

c) education;

Oblomov passed "from embraces to embraces of relatives and friends", his upbringing was of a patriarchal nature.

Ivan Bogdanovich raised his son strictly: “From the age of eight, he sat with his father at a geographical map, sorted out the warehouses of Herder, Wieland, biblical verses and summed up the illiterate accounts of peasants, burghers and factory workers, and read sacred history with his mother, taught Krylov’s fables and disassembled the warehouses of Telemachus.”

When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, forced him to work. Then Stoltz began to send his son to the city with instructions, "and it never happened that he forgot something, changed it, overlooked it, made a mistake."

Upbringing, like education, was ambivalent: dreaming that a “good bursh” would grow out of his son, the father encouraged boyish fights in every possible way, without which his son could not do a day. If Andrei appeared without a lesson prepared “by heart”, Ivan Bogdanovich sent his son back to where he came from, and every time young Stlz returned with lessons learned.

From his father he received "labour, practical education”, And his mother introduced him to the beautiful, tried to put into the soul of little Andrei a love of art, beauty. His mother "in her son ... dreamed of the ideal of a gentleman," and his father taught him to work hard, not at all lordly work.

d) attitude towards studying in a boarding house;

Oblomov studied "out of necessity", "serious reading tired him", "but the poets touched ... to the quick"

Stolz always studied well, was interested in everything. And he was a tutor at his father's boarding school

e) further education;

Oblomov lived in Oblomovka until the age of twenty, then graduated from the university.

Stolz Brilliantly graduated from the university. Parting with his father, sending him from Verkhlev to St. Petersburg, Stolz. says that he will certainly fulfill his father's advice and go to an old friend of Ivan Bogdanovich Reingold - but only when he, Stolz, has a four-story house, like Reinhold. Such autonomy and independence, as well as self-confidence. - the basis of the character and worldview of the younger Stolz, which his father so ardently supports and which Oblomov lacks so much.

f) lifestyle;

“Lying at Ilya Ilyich’s was his normal state”

Stolz has a thirst for activity

g) housekeeping;

Oblomov did not do business in the village, received an insignificant income and lived in debt.

Stolz serves with success, retires to pursue his own business; makes a house and money. He is a member of a trading company that sends goods abroad; as an agent of the company, Sh. travels to Belgium, England, throughout Russia.

h) life aspirations;

Oblomov in his youth "prepared for the field", thought about the role in society, about family happiness, then he excluded from his dreams social activities, his ideal was a carefree life in unity with nature, family, friends.

Stoltz, chose an active principle in his youth ... Stoltz's ideal of life is unceasing and meaningful work, it is "the image, content, element and purpose of life."

i) views on society;

Oblomov believes that all members of the world and society are “dead, sleeping people”, they are characterized by insincerity, envy, a desire to “get a high-profile rank” by any means, he is not a supporter of progressive forms of housekeeping.

According to Stolz, with the help of the construction of “schools”, “marinas”, “fairs”, “highways”, the old, patriarchal “fragments” should turn into well-maintained estates that generate income.

j) attitude towards Olga;

Oblomov wanted to see loving woman capable of creating a serene family life.

Stolz marries Olga Ilyinskaya, and Goncharov tries in their active alliance, full of work and beauty, to present ideal family, a true ideal that fails in Oblomov's life: “worked together, had lunch, went to the fields, played music< …>as Oblomov also dreamed ... Only there was no drowsiness, despondency with them, they spent their days without boredom and without apathy; there was no languid look, no word; the conversation did not end with them, it was often hot.

k) relationship and mutual influence;

Oblomov considered Stolz his only friend, able to understand and help, he listened to his advice, but Stoltz failed to break Oblomovism.

Stolz highly valued the kindness and sincerity of the soul of his friend Oblomov. Stolz is doing everything to awaken Oblomov to activity. In friendship with Oblomov Stolz. also turned out to be on top: he replaced the rogue manager, destroyed the intrigues of Tarantiev and Mukhoyarov, who tricked Oblomov into signing a fake loan letter.

Oblomov is used to living at the behest of Stolz in the smallest matters, he needs the advice of a friend. Without Stolz, Ilya Ilyich cannot decide on anything, however, and Oblomov is in no hurry to follow the advice of Stolz: their concept of life, work, and application of forces is too different.

After the death of Ilya Ilyich, a friend takes on the upbringing of Oblomov's son, Andryusha, named after him.

m) self-esteem ;

Oblomov constantly doubted himself. Stolz never doubts himself.

m) character traits ;

Oblomov is inactive, dreamy, sloppy, indecisive, soft, lazy, apathetic, not devoid of subtle emotional experiences.

Stolz is active, sharp, practical, accurate, loves comfort, open in spiritual manifestations, reason prevails over feeling. Stolz could control his feelings and was "afraid of every dream". Happiness for him was constancy. According to Goncharov, he "knew the value of rare and expensive properties and spent them so sparingly that he was called an egoist, insensitive ...".

The meaning of the images of Oblomov and Stolz.

Goncharov reflected in Oblomov the typical features of the patriarchal nobility. Oblomov absorbed the contradictory features of the Russian national character.

Stolz in Goncharov's novel was assigned the role of a person who could break Oblomovism and revive the hero. According to critics, the vagueness of Goncharov's idea of ​​the role of "new people" in society led to the unconvincing image of Stolz. As conceived by Goncharov, Stolz - new type Russian progressive figure. However, he does not portray the hero in a specific activity. The author only informs the reader about what Stoltz was, what he achieved. showing Parisian life Stolz with Olga, Goncharov wants to reveal the breadth of his views, but in fact reduces the hero

So, the image of Stolz in the novel not only clarifies the image of Oblomov, but is also interesting to readers for its originality and the complete opposite of the main character. Dobrolyubov says about him: “He is not the person who will be able to tell us this almighty word “forward!” in a language understandable to the Russian soul. Dobrolyubov, like all revolutionary democrats, saw the ideal of a "man of action" in serving the people, in the revolutionary struggle. Stoltz is far from this ideal. However, next to Oblomov and Oblomovism, Stolz was still a progressive phenomenon.

The image of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" by Goncharov is the second central male character novel, which by its nature is the antipode of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. Andrei Ivanovich stands out from the background of other characters with his activity, purposefulness, rationality, internal and external force- as if he was "composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blooded English horse." Even the portrait of a man is the complete opposite of the portrait of Oblomov. The hero Stolz is deprived of the external roundness and softness inherent in Ilya Ilyich - he is distinguished by an even complexion, slight darkness and the absence of any blush. Andrei Ivanovich attracts with his extraversion, optimism and intelligence. Stolz is constantly looking to the future, which seems to elevate him above other characters in the novel.

According to the plot of the work, Stolz is the best friend of Ilya Oblomov, with whom main character get acquainted in school years. Apparently, at that moment they already felt in each other a congenial person, although their characters and destinies were radically different from their youthful years.

Stolz's upbringing

The reader gets acquainted with the characterization of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" in the second part of the work. The hero was brought up in the family of a German entrepreneur and a Russian impoverished noblewoman. From his father, Stoltz adopted all that rationalism, strictness of character, determination, understanding of work as the basis of life, as well as the entrepreneurial spirit inherent in the German people. Mother also brought up in Andrei Ivanovich a love for art and books, dreamed of seeing him as a brilliant secular man. In addition, little Andrey himself was a very curious and active child - he wanted to learn as much as possible about the world around him, so he not only quickly absorbed everything that his father and mother instilled in him, but he himself did not stop learning new things, which was facilitated by a fairly democratic situation in the house.

The young man was not in an atmosphere of excessive guardianship, like Oblomov, and any of his antics (such as moments when he could leave home for a few days) were perceived by his parents calmly, which contributed to his development as an independent person. This was largely facilitated by Stolz's father, who believed that in life you need to achieve everything with your own work, therefore he encouraged this quality in his son in every possible way. Even when Andrei Ivanovich returned to his native Verkhlevo after university, his father sent him to St. Petersburg so that he could make his own way in life. And Andrei Ivanovich succeeded perfectly - at the time of the events described in the novel, Stoltz was already a significant figure in St. Petersburg, a well-known socialite and an indispensable person in the service. His life is portrayed as a constant striving forward, a continuous race for new and new achievements, the opportunity to become better, higher and more influential than others. That is, on the one hand, Stolz fully justifies the dreams of his mother, becoming a wealthy, well-known person in secular circles, and on the other, he becomes the ideal of his father - a person who is rapidly building his career and reaching ever greater heights in his business.

Friendship of Stolz

Friendship for Stolz was one of the important aspects of his life. The activity, optimism and sharp mind of the hero attracted other people to him. However, Andrei Ivanovich was drawn only to sincere, decent, open personalities. Such people for Stolz were sincere, kind, peaceful Ilya Ilyich and harmonious, artistic, smart Olga.
Unlike Oblomov and his friends, who were looking for external support, real help and a sound, rational opinion from Andrei Ivanovich, close people helped Stolz to restore inner balance and calm, often lost by the hero in a continuous race forward. Even that "Oblomovism" that Andrei Ivanovich condemned in every possible way in Ilya Ilyich and tried to remove from his life, since he considered it a destructive life phenomenon, actually attracted the hero with his monotony, sleepy regularity and serenity, refusal from fuss outside world and immersion in the monotony of a family, but in its own way happy life. as if Russian beginning Stolz, pushed back by the activity of German blood, reminded of himself, tying Andrei Ivanovich to people with a truly Russian mentality - dreamy, kind and sincere.

Love Stolz

Despite the exceptionally positive characterization of Stolz in Oblomov, his awareness of practical issues in all matters, his sharp mind and insight, there was a sphere inaccessible to Andrei Ivanovich - the sphere of high feelings, passions and dreams. Moreover, Stoltz was afraid and afraid of everything incomprehensible to the mind, since he could not always find a rational explanation for it. This was also reflected in Andrey Ivanovich's feelings for Olga - it would seem that they found the true family happiness by finding a soul mate who fully shares the views and aspirations of the other. However, the rational Stolz could not become Olga's "handsome prince", who dreams of seeing really perfect man- smart, active, held in society and career, and at the same time sensitive, dreamy and tenderly loving.

Andrei Ivanovich subconsciously understands that he cannot give what Olga loved in Oblomov, and therefore their marriage remains more of a strong friendship than a union of two flaming hearts. For Stolz, his wife was a pale reflection of his ideal woman. He understood that next to Olga he could not relax, show his impotence in anything, since he could thereby violate his wife’s faith in him as a man, husband, and their crystal happiness would break into small pieces.


According to many researchers, the image of Andrei Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" is depicted as if in sketches, and the hero himself is more like a mechanism, like a living person. At the same time, compared with Oblomov, Stolz could become the ideal of the author, a model for many future generations, because Andrei Ivanovich had everything for harmonious development and a successful, happy future - excellent all-round education, dedication and enterprise.

What is the problem with Stolz? Why does he evoke sympathy rather than admiration? In the novel, Andrei Ivanovich, like Oblomov, is " an extra person”- a person who lives in the future and does not know how to enjoy the joys of the present. Moreover, Stolz has no place either in the past or in the future, since he does not understand the true goals of his movement, which he simply does not have time to realize. In fact, all his aspirations and searches are directed towards the "Oblomovism" denied and condemned by him - the focus of calm and tranquility, a place where he will be accepted for who he is, as Oblomov did.

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Goncharov's novel Oblomov is primarily remembered for its hero Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who leads an apathetic, inactive way of life. In contrast to the lazy Oblomov, his friend is depicted - Andrei Ivanovich Stolz - a man of humble origin, who, thanks to his industriousness, is honored with a personal title of nobility.

Family and origin of Andrey Stolz

Unlike most of the main characters of the novel, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz was not a hereditary nobleman, like his father, Ivan Bogdanovich Stolz. Andrei Ivanovich received the title of a nobleman much later, thanks to his diligence and diligence in the service, having risen to the position of court adviser.

Andrei Ivanovich's father had German roots, about twenty years ago he left his homeland and went in search of better fate, which threw him from his native Saxony to the village of Verkhlevo. Here, not far from Oblomovka, Stolz was a manager, and also engaged in teaching activities. Thanks to his diligence, he managed to significantly accumulate capital and successfully marry. His wife was a young girl from an impoverished noble family. Ivan Bogdanovich was pretty happy man V family life.

Dear readers! On our website you can see the image of Olga Ilyinskaya in I. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

Soon they had a son, who was named Andrei. The boy turned out to be capable of science, he easily mastered the basic knowledge and actively took part in the work at the factory and in the field, where he actively adopted his father's knowledge in the field of agronomy.

The Stolts always lived modestly - the father saved money for his son and did not spend it on unnecessary things. According to the Oblomovites, the Stolts lived extremely poorly - their food did not differ in fat content, their diet included simple meals.

Soon the father sent Andrei to study at the university, the mother was very upset by the separation from her son. She could not meet him after graduating from the university - the woman died. According to tradition, the father sends his son to free swimming. For him, as a German, this was an ordinary thing, which cannot be said about the local population, but since his mother was no longer alive at that time, there was no one to argue with Ivan Bogdanovich.

Education and upbringing of Andrey Stolz

The upbringing of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz from the first days differed from the system of education traditionally accepted in society. In the circle of nobles, it was customary to pamper their children and take care of them in every possible way, however, the German roots of the father do not give him the right to adhere to such a model of education. Ivan Bogdanovich from childhood tried to raise his son in such a way as to alleviate his later life. He often went with his father to the factory and to the arable land, took an active part in all the preparatory work, which upset his mother a lot, who wanted to educate him in the classical traditions of the nobility.

We bring to your attention to get acquainted with the biography of Ivan Goncharov - a lifelong trilogy.

The father "took" his little son to work as a craftsman and paid him 10 rubles a month for his work. This was not a formality - Andrei Ivanovich really worked out this money and even signed a special book about receiving it, like all Stolz's employees.

Such labor education soon brought its positive results - at the age of 14, Andrei Stolz was absolutely independent boy and could travel alone to the city on behalf of his father. Andrei Ivanovich always carried out his father's orders exactly and never forgot anything.

Like all children, Andrei Stolz was an active and inquisitive child, he constantly took part in various pranks. However, such restlessness did not prevent Stoltz from getting a good education. He learned the basics at home, and then studied at a boarding school organized by his father for local children. After graduating from the boarding school, Stolz continues his studies at the university.

Andrei Ivanovich, like the nobles, knew French and was taught musical literacy, after which he actively played the piano with four hands with his mother. In addition, Andrei Ivanovich knew German.

The appearance of Andrei Stolz

Goncharov does not provide readers with a description of the appearance of Andrei Ivanovich during his childhood and youth. We get to know Stolz at the time of his maturity. Andrei Ivanovich is the same age as Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, but outwardly Stolz looks much younger than his age. The reason for this was his active way life. Andrei Ivanovich at the age of thirty was a well-built man with an athletic build. There was nothing superfluous in his physique; in his complexion he resembled an English horse, since, like her, he consisted of their muscles and bones.

His eyes were green, something childish was read in them, they were distinguished by expressiveness.

His skin was swarthy. This is where the meager description of Andrei Ivanovich Stolz ends.

Personality characteristic

In the image of Stolz, his diligence and passion for learning are primarily striking. While still a child, he actively learns the world, tries to adopt all the knowledge of his father.

Andrei Ivanovich spends a lot of time traveling - in this way he does not just have fun and relax, Stolz sees in his trips an opportunity to exchange knowledge and learn from foreign acquaintances in doing business. Stolz is constantly studying something, reading various books.

Andrei Ivanovich does not neglect secular society, he can often be seen in the light.

Andrei Ivanovich is an honest and sincere person, but he is completely devoid of romanticism. Stolz does not even know how to dream, he is a down to earth, practical person. He retained a childish vivacity and activity -

Andrei Ivanovich is constantly busy with something. Stolz knows how to value his time and spend it usefully. Andrei Ivanovich knows how to rationally allocate his time, thanks to this he manages to do a lot of things and be in time everywhere. Despite such external rigidity and pragmatism, Andrei Ivanovich is not without the ability to empathize and compassion, but he is not used to demonstrating his feelings in public. Andrei Ivanovich is a very restrained person, he knows how to manage his feelings and is never their hostage.

Stolz's life is not as carefree as it might seem at first glance, but he is not used to complaining to anyone or blaming someone else for his failures - he connects all failures primarily with personal shortcomings. Andrei Ivanovich - strong personality, he is not used to backing down in the face of difficulties and makes every effort to overcome them.

He never got lost in difficult situations- Stolz in life is guided by common sense - it is difficult to unsettle him.

Stoltz loves order in everything - he has his own place for all his writing materials, papers and books. Andrei Ivanovich always puts his things "in place" and nothing else.

Andrey Ivanovich, undoubtedly, has a sense of purpose and perseverance, he is able to work hard to achieve his goal.

Stolz knows how to appreciate his own merits. He doesn't care much about what people say about him. Andrei Ivanovich is an open person. He willingly meets new people, ready to support with his acquaintances friendly relations.

Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolz

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Stoltz have been friends since childhood. They grew up in neighboring villages, so they knew each other from childhood. After Andrei Ivanovich's father opened a boarding school, communication between Andrei Ivanovich and Ilya Ilyich moved to a new level - during their joint studies they became close friends, despite the difference in characters and origins. Andrei Ivanovich often completed Oblomov's tasks out of pity for his friend - lazy Ilya often neglected to complete tasks, could not force himself to learn anything - most of the tasks were performed by Stoltz. He did this not because of selfish goals - he was guided exclusively by friendly feelings and a desire to help his comrade.

From time to time, Andrey Ivanovich comes to his friend's rented apartment and tries to stir him up. On one of these visits, Stolz decides to radically change the life of his friend - he forcibly involves him in the cycle secular life. Complaints about Oblomov's fatigue touch Stolz, but he still purposefully goes to the goal. Andrei Ivanovich does the unthinkable - he successfully agitates Oblomov to go abroad with him and even helps him organize the training camp, but the planned trip does not take place - Oblomov, in love, decides to stay with the object of his adoration, and not join a friend. Offended by Oblomov's apathy, Stolz does not communicate with him for some time, but goes about his business. At the next meeting, Stolz, without a shadow of resentment, comes to visit his friend and finds that he was again covered by a wave of Oblomovism, but this time he is not so actively trying to pull Oblomov out of his swamp of laziness.

Despite such significant differences in character, temperament and way of life, Stolz and Oblomov maintain their friendship. There are two explanations for this paradox. The first is that their friendship originated in their childhood, and the second is that they both see a person first of all positive traits character. Based on this, Stolz notices not Oblomov's laziness and his apathy, but the good nature of Ilya Ilyich.

From time to time, Andrei Ivanovich takes care of his friend's affairs - since he cannot overcome his laziness and set things right on his estate on his own, but only hires people to play the role of manager, who do not neglect to take advantage of Oblomov's gullibility and ignorance in matters of housekeeping in their favor.

Despite all the efforts of Stolz, he never managed to get his friend out of the swamp of Oblomovism. Ilya Ilyich began to cohabit with the owner of the rented housing, and soon they had a son, who was named after Stolz - Andrei. After the death of Ilya Ilyich, Stolz takes on the upbringing of his son and deals with the affairs of Oblomovka until the age of little Andrei.

Andrey Stoltz and Olga Ilyinskaya

Olga Ilyinskaya and Andrei Stoltz were old acquaintances. A significant age difference did not initially allow them to build any relationship other than friendship. Andrei Ivanovich perceived Olga, despite the fact that the girl was 20 years old, as a child (at that time Stoltz was 30). The girl herself has sympathy for Stolz, but does not dare to take the first step.

Andrei Ivanovich inadvertently becomes the cause of the most great tragedy in the life of a girl - one evening he introduces Olga to his friend - Ilya Oblomov. Ignoring Olga as a woman on the part of Stolz became the cause of the romance between Oblomov and Ilyinskaya. Despite the sincerity of the feelings of the lovers and the seriousness of their intentions, things did not go beyond a secret engagement - Oblomov and Ilyinskaya parted.

Olga Sergeevna goes abroad, where she meets Stolz, who is unaware of her unsuccessful romance. Andrei Ivanovich often visits the Ilyinskys - he brings flowers and books to Olga, and then hurriedly leaves to work. Unbeknownst to himself, Stolz falls in love and for the first time in his life becomes a hostage of feelings. Stolz decides that his life will already be unthinkable without this sweet girl and proposes to Olga. Ilyinskaya finds herself in a difficult situation - her relationship with Oblomov completely discouraged her desire to tie the knot with anyone, the girl does not dare to give any answer to Stolz and therefore decides to tell him everything about their relationship with Oblomov. After this conversation, much in Stolz's mind falls into place, he now understands the reasons for Oblomov's unwillingness to go abroad, Andrei Ivanovich also clearly understands why the engagement of Ilyinskaya and Oblomov did not end in a wedding - the lazy Oblomovism finally dragged his friend into his swamp.

Despite such pessimism of Olga, Andrei Ivanovich does not give up his intention, and soon he becomes the husband of Olga Ilyinskaya. It is not known how their wedding took place, but it is known for sure that in marriage both Olga and Andrey were able to realize themselves and achieve harmony. It cannot be said that marriage with Stolz erased unpleasant memories of relations with Oblomov, but, over time, Olga became much more relaxed about this period in her life.

Olga turned out to be a good mother - they have children in marriage. Harmony in the relationship between Olga and Andrei was achieved primarily by the similarity of their character and attitude to life - both Olga and Andrei are used to being active figures, they are ready for change and overcoming life's difficulties, so such a marriage does not burden them. Olga becomes a mother not only to her children, but also to the son of Ilya Oblomov - her and her husband's selflessness, friendly attitude and positive attitude made it possible to create not only a harmonious platform for the development of their own children, but also for little Andryusha, whom they treated like their child .

Thus, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz managed not to succumb to the characteristic laziness of most nobles and achieve significant results in several activities - he established himself as a good owner of the estate, and as a good friend, and as a wonderful husband and father. His active life position allowed him to become a harmonious personality and bring happiness to the lives of other people.

It does not lose its relevance even today, being a brilliant socio-psychological work in Russian literature of the 19th century. In the book, the author touches on a number of eternal topics and questions, while not giving unambiguous answers, suggesting the reader to independently find solutions to the described collisions. One of the leading eternal themes in the novel is the theme of the family, revealed on the example of the biography of the main characters of the work - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. According to the plot of the novel, Oblomov's attitude to the family and parents, on the one hand, seems to be, and on the other hand, radically different from Stolz's attitude to the family. Andrei Ivanovich and Ilya Ilyich, although they come from the same social system, adopted different family values and received a completely different upbringing, which later left an imprint on their fate and development in life.

Oblomov family

The reader encounters the description of the Oblomov family in the novel "Oblomov" in the final chapter of the first part of the work - "Oblomov's Dream".
Ilya Ilyich dreams of the beautiful landscapes of his native Oblomovka, his calm childhood, his parents and servants. The Oblomov family lived according to its own rules and regulations, and their main values ​​were the cult of food and relaxation. Every day they decided with the whole family what dishes to cook, and after dinner the whole village plunged into sleepy, lazy idleness. In Oblomovka, it was not customary to talk about something lofty, to argue, to discuss serious issues - conversations between family members were meaningless throwing words that did not require additional energy and emotions.

It was in such a calming and, in its own way, depressing atmosphere that Ilya Ilyich grew up. The hero was a very curious, interested and active child, but the excessive care of his parents, the attitude towards him as a greenhouse plant led to the fact that he was gradually swallowed up by the swamp of "Oblomovism". Moreover, education, science, literacy and comprehensive development in the Oblomov family they were considered rather a whim, an excess, a fashionable trend, without which one can perfectly do without. That is why, even sending their son to study, the parents of Ilya Ilyich themselves found many reasons so that he could skip classes, staying at home and indulging in idle pastime.

Despite the excessive guardianship from Oblomov's entourage, Oblomov's attitude towards his family and parents was the most favorable, he actually loved them with the calm love that was customary to love in Oblomovka. And even dreaming about how he would improve his family happiness, Ilya Ilyich imagined his future relationship with his wife exactly as they were between his father and mother - full of care and tranquility, representing the acceptance of the second half as she is. Perhaps that is why the love of Oblomov and Olga was doomed to parting - Ilyinskaya only at first glance looked like the ideal of his dreams, in fact, she was not ready to devote her life to ordinary everyday joys, which for Ilya Ilyich represented the basis of family happiness.

Stoltz family

Andrei Stoltz in the novel is best friend Oblomov, whom they met in their school years. Andrei Ivanovich grew up in the family of a Russian noblewoman and a German burgher, which could not leave an imprint on an active and purposeful boy who was already receptive to the world around him. His mother taught Andrei the arts, brought him up with a great taste for music, painting and literature, dreamed of how her son would become a prominent socialite. The parents of Oblomov and Stolz knew each other, so Andrei was often sent to visit the Oblomovs, where that landowner calmness and warmth always reigned, which were acceptable and understandable to his mother. The father raised from Stolz the same practical and businesslike personality that he himself was. He, undoubtedly, was the most important authority for Andrei, as evidenced by the moments when the young man could leave home for several days, but at the same time complete all the tasks assigned by his father.

It would seem that sensual maternal and rational paternal education should have contributed to the formation of Stolz as a comprehensively developed, harmonious and happy personality. However, this did not happen due to the early death of his mother. Andrei, despite his strong-willed character, loved his mother very much, so her death became a real tragedy for the hero, the addition of which was the episode of forgiveness with his father, when he, sending him to St. independent life, could not even find words of encouragement for his own son. Perhaps that is why the attitude towards their own family Oblomov and Stolz differed - Andrei Ivanovich rarely remembered his parents, unconsciously seeing the ideal of family life in "Oblomov", spiritual relationships.

How did their upbringing affect their future lives?

Despite the different upbringing, the attitude towards the parents of Oblomov and Stolz is more similar than different: both heroes respect and love their parents, strive to be like them and appreciate what they gave them. However, if for Andrey Ivanovich education became a springboard for achieving career heights, becoming in society and helped to develop the will and practicality, the ability to achieve any goals, then Oblomov, who was already dreamy by nature, made "greenhouse" education even more introverted and apathetic. The very first failure of Ilya Ilyich in the service leads to his complete disappointment in a career, and he quickly changes the need to work for continuous lying on the couch and pseudo-experience real life in dreams and unrealizable illusions about the possible future of Oblomovka. It is noteworthy that both heroes see the ideal future wife in a woman who looks like a mother: for Ilya Ilyich, she becomes an economic, meek, quiet, in everything agreement with her husband Agafya, while Stolz, having first seen in Olga an image similar to his mother, after years of his life he realizes that this is not entirely true , because he needs to constantly develop in order to remain an authority for his demanding, selfish wife.

The theme of the family in Oblomov is one of the most important, so it is through understanding the features of the upbringing and formation of heroes that the reader begins to understand their life goals and motives. Perhaps if Ilya Ilyich grew up in a family of progressive bourgeois or Stolz's mother had not died so early, their fates would have turned out differently, but the author, accurately depicting the social realities of that time, leads the reader to eternal questions and topics.

Having depicted in the novel two different types personalities, two opposite paths, Goncharov provided readers with an extensive field for reflection on family and upbringing issues that are relevant in our time.

The attitude of Stolz and Oblomov to the family and parents - an essay based on the novel by Goncharov |

In the novel by Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov" there are many storylines. The variety of characters helps to better understand the meaning that the author puts into the work.

The image and characterization of Stolz with quotes prove that success is achieved by one who confidently goes to his own goal, not being afraid of difficulties.

Childhood and literacy

Stolz Andrei Ivanovich was born in the family of a German and a Russian noblewoman. My father was a manager in the village of Verkhlevo, led a local boarding school, where Andryusha met the young Oblomov Ilya Ilyich. They soon became inseparable friends.

"Russian was natural speech" Stolz, he learned it from his mother, from books, adopted many words from peasants, village boys. Parents early began to introduce their son to all kinds of sciences.

“From the age of eight, the boy sat on geographical maps, taught biblical verses, Krylov's fables.

When he "looked away from the pointers", he ran to the neighbor's kids.

He lingered on the street until late at night, ruined bird nests, often got into fights. The mother complained to her husband that:

“Not a day goes by that the boy comes back without a blue spot, and the other day he broke his nose.”

Despite his violent temper, he did not lose his talent for learning. When he played the piano four hands with his mother, she instantly forgot about the bad behavior of her beloved son.

From the age of fourteen, the father began to send his son to the city, with certain assignments.

“It didn’t happen that the boy forgot, overlooked, changed, made a mistake.” Mother did not like this "work discipline".

The woman dreamed of seeing her son as a master, and not a farmer with working hands.


Andrei Ivanovich was the same age as his friend Ilya Oblomov. The author compares it with a thoroughbred English horse. It seemed to be composed only of nerves and muscles. Stolz was thin. He was missing "a sign of fat roundness".

On swarthy face green eyes looked very expressive. The look was keen. Absolutely no detail escaped him. Ilya Oblomov enviously tells a friend that he exudes masculinity and health, because he "is not fat, and he does not have barley."

Attitude to work. Financial situation

Andrew was persistent.

“He stubbornly walked along the chosen path. They never saw anyone think painfully about anything. He did not get lost in difficult circumstances.

From childhood he was accustomed to any work. After he resigned, he decided to take up own affairs. Thanks to this, they managed to make a house and money. "He's involved in a company that ships goods overseas." Colleagues respect him, treat him confidentially.

Andrey's life is a continuous movement. If you need to travel abroad for work, then you must send it.

“When a need arises in society to visit Belgium or England, they send Stolz, it is necessary to write a project or adapt new idea to the point - they choose it.

Such entrepreneurial spirit helped him:

"to make three hundred thousand capital out of the parental forty."

To the assurances of Ilya Oblomov that one should not devote one's whole life to work, he replies that such a thing is possible. He does not present himself without work.

“I will never stop working. Labor is the goal, element and way of life.

Live on a budget, no frills.

"I tried to spend every ruble, with vigilant control of time and labor, the strength of the soul and heart."

Friendship and love.

Stolz was a faithful and reliable comrade. He became friends with Oblomov, being in his youth. Together they studied at a boarding school, where Andrei's father was in charge. The guys were already very different in their aspirations.

Ilya did not like science. But when he developed a passion for poetry, Andryusha began to bring him all kinds of books from home, just to develop his knowledge.

“Stolz’s son spoiled Ilyusha, prompting him to take lessons, doing many translations for him.”

Years later, he does not cease to support Oblomov. Claims that he is close to him.

"Closer than any relative: I studied and grew up with him."

Andrew will always unselfishly support a friend. Ilya is happy to visit him, trusts him with all his affairs, including financial ones. Stolz would have come soon! Writes that will be soon. He would take care of it. When Oblomov has serious problems with the estate, then the friend himself offers to help restore order there, he understands that the manager of the estate is deceiving Ilya Ilyich. Does everything with skill.

Even after the death of Oblomov, he does not cease to take care of his loved ones. Spouse Agafya Pshenitsyna sends the money that the estate brings. He takes the son of a deceased comrade to his house.

“Andryusha was asked to be brought up by Stolz and his wife. Now they consider him a member of their own family.


Andrei Ivanovich was careful in dealing with the opposite sex.

“Among the hobbies, I felt the ground under my feet and enough strength to break free in case of an emergency. I was not blinded by beauty, I did not lie at the feet of beauties.

They had a long friendship with Olga Ilyinskaya. The man was older than her, perceived a friend as a child.

"Remained in his eyes as a lovely, promising child."

After a painful break in relations with Oblomov, Olga and her aunt go abroad. They will meet with Andrei in Paris, and will no longer part.

Andrei will try in every possible way to brighten up her loneliness in a strange city.

“Having overlaid it with notes and albums, Stolz calmed down, believing that on for a long time filled the leisure time of a friend, and went to work.

Soon they leave together for Switzerland. Here he becomes even more convinced that he cannot live without Olga.

The man is in love with her.

“During these six months, all the tortures of love played out on him, from which he so carefully guarded himself in relations with women.”

Having confessed to her sincere feelings, he finds out that she feels reciprocity for him. Soon the lovers get married, they have children.

The family lives together and happily. The widow of the late Oblomov Ilya Ilyich comes to visit them to visit his son Andryushka. A woman understands that their feelings are sincere. “Both existences, Olga and Andrey, merged into one channel. They all had harmony and silence.
