What to do with clay? DIY polymer clay.

Summary of the lesson "What makes a person out of clay"

(older speech group)

Target: to acquaint children with various clay products, with folk clay toys (Dymkovo, Filimonov, Kargopol); to give an idea of ​​the manufacture of bricks.

Equipment: containers with earth, sand, clay; magnifier; a vessel with water; clay trays for each child; wet wipes; modeling boards; brick; clay pots; toys; jug with two glasses; candy bowl; porcelain figurines.


Teacher: Listen to the riddle (author V. Miryasov):

In mom's earrings it burns with fire,

In the dust on the road lies unnecessary,

He changes form, he changes color,

A construction site is suitable for a thousand years.

It can be small - lie in a horse.

Heavy, large - one cannot lift.

Who, children, guessed my riddle?

Who recognized this item by signs?

Teacher: What is this? That's right, it's a rock! What do you know about stones? (children's answers). That's right, they are sea and river, as well as precious. Some are used in the construction of various buildings, others for their decoration - this is marble, granite. Solve another riddle:

The potter will kindle a hot flame for me,

Dry, I am hard as a stone.

Soak like dough, I will be pliable.

I can turn into a toy, dishes.

healing properties very rich.

A shovel will help you find me.

I am white, red and blue.

Do you guys know who I am?

Teacher: That's right, it's clay! What do you see on my table? (sand, stones, clay). Show me where the clay is.

Children sit at tables and look at the clay.

Teacher: What color is the clay? (brown). Does clay come in a different color?

That's right, clay can be gray and white. Its color depends on what minerals are included in its composition. Clay is a sedimentary rock. Pick up dry clay. What is she? (hard as a stone, crumbles). Take wet clay in your hands and squeeze it in your fist. What can be said about her? (soft, changes shape). What can be done with wet clay? (sculpt). Is clay friendly with water? (clay poorly absorbs water, slowly gets wet). Clay is a poor conductor of water. And what will happen to the sand if you pour water (they are experimenting). What conclusion can be drawn? (sand gets wet quickly and passes water well, and clay needs time to get wet, it does not pass water well). Can you tell me what sand is made of? (children take a magnifying glass and examine the sand). That's right, the sand consists of small grains, grains of sand, and they lie separately from each other. Look through a magnifying glass at the clay, are the same particles visible in it? That's right, in the clay all the particles stuck together, stuck to each other.

Physical education - children depict clay, sand, stone to the music.

Teacher: Does a person need clay, plastic? What does a person do with clay? (they make dishes, toys, vases). Clay is sticky, plastic, does not conduct water well. These properties are used by masters of clay toys. Look, I have a clay toy in my hands. Want to learn how clay toys are made? Clay is kneaded in water, when it becomes soft, toys are molded from it, which are then fired in a kiln. Then the toys are painted, and they become so bright and beautiful. What clay toys do you know?

Teacher: There is clay, which has a high fire resistance. It is used for the manufacture of furnaces, steam boilers, electric ceramics, lampholders. Pure clay, without impurities, is used for medical purposes - in the preparation of medicines.

Teacher: Today, you guys learned a lot about clay and its properties. Now I will invite you to an exhibition of clay products. Remember, at the exhibition you must be careful, do not push, do not touch the exhibits with your hands.

Children come to 1 exposure.

Teacher: 1 exposition is clay toys. Look how beautiful they are! You see how thanks to the man, his skill and imagination, the clay came to life and turned into marvelous toys! What toys are collected in this exposition? Are they all spelled the same?

Teacher: 2 exposition - this is ceramic products. What do you see here? It is known that milk is stored longer in ceramic dishes. Why?

Children reach 3 expositions.

Teacher: 3 exposure porcelain and clay figurines. These products are used to decorate the interior, as well as souvenirs.

Teacher: 4 exposition - bricks. Where do people use bricks? (in construction). People build houses and fences out of bricks.

Teacher: do you like my exhibition? Choose a thing that you yourself would like to mold from clay. A little later you will have the opportunity to do so. And then we will arrange an exhibition of your clay products for parents.

Clay modeling is a fascinating and not difficult hobby that even a child can learn. It allows you to create a variety of things: from well-aimed jewelry to impressive sculptures, creating an interesting decoration premises or by giving them as a gift.

Children, doing such an activity, can not only recreate their favorite cartoon characters, please with entertaining crafts, but also develop spatial thinking and the ability to work with their hands.

For children, clay crafts are one of the best hobbies, and for adults, they are an option to relax, calm down and enjoy the work done.

Where to get or how to prepare clay

Polymer clay- a material that, in structure and characteristics, resembles plasticine known to everyone since childhood, but is able to harden, making crafts durable. There are several types of clay: those that harden only after baking or firing, and the other - without the use of high temperatures.

You can buy clay at any stationery store or make your own at home. It is impossible to call such a material polymeric, since when creating it at home, completely different components will be included in the composition. However, the properties of such a material will be similar to purchased polymer clay.

To obtain such a mixture, you must:

  • 250 ml of PVA glue and the same amount of corn starch;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of petroleum jelly and the same amount of any cream;
  • polyethylene film;
  • Surface for kneading;
  • Bowl and spoon for mixing.

These ingredients are enough to prepare 350 grams of finished material. All components, except for the cream, must be mixed in a prepared container and put in the microwave for half a minute at maximum speed. The cream is needed to lubricate the surface on which the clay will be kneaded.

After the microwave, you need to mix everything again and put it on a surface greased with cream and knead intensively, like a regular dough, for 5 minutes. Subsequently, an elastic plastic material should be formed. Next, you need to give it a shape, to remove residual water, wrap it with a cloth. When the clay has cooled, it is ready to use.

Crafts from polymer clay

If you are new to pottery, don't be fooled by sellers' advice to buy a variety of tools to create masterpieces. Many of them may be unclaimed. At the initial pores, a hard surface, a clerical knife, toothpicks, contours for forming figures, a rolling pin for rolling material, gloves and wet wipes will be enough.

If you pay attention to the photo of clay crafts, you will notice that there are many modeling techniques. Before starting work, you can watch several master classes in order to better get acquainted with the nuances of the upcoming work.

Of the most original methods, one can single out: the “cane technique”: rolled plates of different shades are laid out on top of each other and rolled up, and then cut into circles. On the cut you can see a colorful unusual pattern.

"Salt technique" involves rolling the product in salt and baking. After that, the salt is washed off the inputs and an interesting surface structure remains.

When using the “kaleidoscope” technique, different clays are rolled up and various shapes are cut out with molds. There is also a transition technique: using pieces different color, form a smooth transition from one shade to another.

Self-hardening clay, after drying, is similar to gypsum, and the one that needs to be baked becomes denser and resembles a plastic product.

Clay crafts for beginners are best made in the form of a flower, bouquets or simple jewelry. paint better acrylic paints, however, in order to save money, it is also possible to purchase gouache, but it should be covered with several layers of varnish to fix it.

What is better to blind in the first place?

The easiest way to make a rose. To do this, you need to say a ball and give it the shape of a drop - this will be the base. Then make a few smaller balls and flatten them with your fingers - these are thin petals that need to be fixed around the base until you get a full-fledged flower.

To make beads or earrings, it is enough to take the shape of a square and cut out the required number of shapes - this will help to make each one the same size. After the figure, roll into balls, and then make holes for the lace using needles or toothpicks.

Modeling from ordinary natural clay

Clay is formed when rocks break down. Due to the difference in the minerals that make up its composition, it can be of a different shade: yellow, green, white and even blue.

Professionals for modeling prefer red and white clay. Therefore, if production from polymer clay, for some reason, does not bring pleasure, you can try to sculpt from ordinary clay, getting it yourself or buying it in a store.

Before starting work, you should sign up for a few lessons or watch video tutorials on the Internet in order to get acquainted with the features of clay and understand what it should be for use.

Before forming the product, it is necessary to thoroughly vent and beat it off with your hands to eliminate air, otherwise, when baking, the voids will tear the product.

For work, you can use various tools, the most convenient spatula. After completing the work, the finished figure is wiped with a sponge or soft brush. Then leave to dry for 10 days, and then fired.

The finished product is decorated using various techniques: glaze painting, colored clay decoration, acrylic coating and more.


The more you sculpt, the easier this business will be given. Having become familiar with the features and properties of clay, you can create real masterpieces - baskets, caskets, vases, figurines and even sculptures of people. Crafts from polymer and ordinary clay for beginners will become a real decoration of the apartment, created by yourself.

Photo of clay crafts

In all legends about the creation of the world, it is mentioned that the Creator created people from ordinary clay. It is not for nothing that our forefathers treated clay very carefully and with respect, creating almost all household items from it.

In modern times, clay crafts are a kind of hobby. Professionals and amateurs can perform from the usual natural material real masterpieces that can be compared with a work of art.

In order to start sculpting from clay, you do not need large financial investments or special skills, just desire is enough.

Scope of application

In order to start making any product, it is important to know what is made of clay.

It is generally accepted that her destiny is pots and bowls. And as it turned out, a lot of different figurines are made from it, bricks are cast for building houses, paints are made for dyeing fabrics, used in cosmetology, and cement is also produced by mixing clay with lime rocks.

Varieties of clay

Clay is natural and artificial.

  • Artificial is polymer clay, or plastic. Created chemically.
  • Natural clay is mined from the earth itself. It is 100% ecological product.

There are several types of natural clay: red, white and blue. Each of them has its own characteristics. Depending on what is made of clay, its properties and characteristics are taken into account.

General rules for sculpting from all types of clay

First, it is important to remember that clay is not plasticine, it is a more delicate and sensitive material, and it must be handled with care and kindness.

Secondly, during the modeling process, the clay must always remain damp. If it does not contain enough moisture, it can be diluted with ordinary running water to the desired consistency. At the end of work or during a break, the remaining material should be covered with a damp cloth.

Thirdly, if cracks and chips appear in the parts during the modeling process, they can be smoothed out with fingers moistened with plain water or an aqueous solution of clay.

When creating a craft from any type of clay, you need to start with the main, larger parts, gradually attaching smaller ones to them.

It is strictly forbidden to attach new parts from raw material to a dried craft - they will not join and can destroy the whole work. If there is a need to supplement or change the work with something, then you can use ordinary glue.

And the most important thing. It doesn't matter what, how and what they do. From polymer clay or ordinary natural - any thing after sculpting must be dried!

Clay crafts: a detailed description

We found out what almost everything is made of clay. But the first thing that can be made from it is a bowl, vase or jug ​​with an intricate and beautiful handle.

In order to make clay jugs, you need: a suitable piece of red clay, a wooden potter's wheel and a desire to create.

The jug has a main body, a handle and a spout. Each of these parts has its own purpose and is an integral part of the dishes.

Sculpting technology:

The jug is ready after drying.

With jugs, everything is clear. How are vases made from clay? Very simple. They are made according to the same principle as jugs. With the gradual rotation of the potter's wheel and giving any shape and height.

having asked necessary form bottom, the workpiece must be given the main and main part, then narrow to the neck, level its height, start leveling the surface of the walls.

A vase can be fashioned in almost any shape, the only condition is its round bottom and, as a result, its symmetrical shape.

After completing all the necessary manipulations with the manufacture and modeling of a vase, it can be left as it is. And you can use special knives and cutters to make all kinds of drawings on its surface. But this must be done immediately after sculpting, not allowing the workpiece to dry.


This article discusses how and what is made of clay. As it turned out, almost everything is made from it, both kitchen utensils and unique things for decoration.

It is worth noting that excellent designer jewelry is made from polymer clay of chemical origin, which is not inferior to jewelry in its beauty.

Clay is a fairly common material for creativity. IN Lately it is quite widely used in the manufacture of jewelry. From it you can make a variety of souvenirs, figurines, magnets, dishes.

Clay crafts are a great way to keep a child busy, they are more durable than plasticine.

Polymer clay for jewelry is bought in specialized stores for creativity, which are now common in many cities. Special pigments are added to it, it is sold mainly in packs of several colors. Now it is sold with sparkles, mother-of-pearl, glowing in the dark. This is a huge scope for imagination.

Clay jewelry

Polymer clay jewelry good way diversify the bow on vacation. She is undemanding, like gold, silver. Jewelry is easy to make on your own, the clay is quite soft, it makes it possible to mix colors and make even the smallest details.

First you need to decide what will be made from it, something classic or fun. Next, you need to choose the colors of the required material.

Clay is produced by many different brands, and the basic composition is the same everywhere, but still it may differ. Some manufacturers make it soft, and some hard. Each person needs to select the material with which it is easier for him to work.

Then you need to choose accessories for future jewelry. It is important that it is heat-resistant, as the finished decoration is baked in the oven. Accessories are a variety of fasteners, hooks, fishing line.

Further, it is already necessary to fashion the desired decoration with your hands, carefully and not in a hurry. To make it easier to work, you can use a needle. When the clay product is ready, it is imperative to take care of how it will be worn. To do this, before baking in the oven, use a needle to make holes for fasteners or for fishing line when making a bracelet or necklace. Next, fix all the necessary accessories and you can send to bake.

Before putting the product in the oven, it must be covered with foil. This is done so that it does not burn.

It is necessary to bake at a temperature of 130 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. The material of different manufacturers may differ, it is necessary to follow the baking process.

When the jewelry is baked, it must be removed from the oven, allowed to cool and painted with acrylic paints.

Making clay jewelry is easy. The main thing is to show imagination in order to make a truly original and beautiful decoration. It must be accurate, and for this you need to show perseverance and patience.

clay dolls

A wonderful type of craft that can be made from clay is dolls. They are not intended for play but are a beautiful piece of home decor.
Making a doll is not as easy as making jewelry. They are beautiful like a real work of art.

To make a doll you will need:

  • Polymer clay. You can take the usual, but it is better to purchase special material for dolls. Its difference from the usual one is that it has a special color similar to the color of human skin. This will make it possible to make the doll realistic.
  • Silicone forms. It's hard to sculpt on your own. Therefore, it is better to buy a silicone mold for making dolls in special stores.
  • Glass or ceramic surface.

Before you start making a doll, you need to think carefully about her appearance. An excellent option would be to have a photo of the future doll.

Doll material is usually harder than regular polymer clay. It needs to be warmed up well and with the help of a silicone mold to fashion parts of the body of the future doll.

When the individual parts are formed, it remains to connect them together. Be sure to remember to smooth the joints. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally damage the soft material.

Silicone molds help a lot, but they cannot create all the features of the human body. Therefore, when connecting all parts of the doll, it is also necessary to correct it in the right places.

If you can’t create a doll that looks like a real person, don’t be upset. Flaws can be easily hidden under clothing. When the doll has taken its final shape, it can be baked in the oven. Like jewelry, it is baked at a temperature of 130 degrees for 15–20 minutes.

Next, she needs to paint her face. This should be done carefully with acrylic paints and thin brushes. The second stage in the design of the doll will be hair. You can buy them in needlework stores or take them from an old broken doll. And the most interesting thing is clothes, you can take it from an old toy or sew it yourself.

The list of crafts can be continued indefinitely. With imagination and determination, you can make anything out of clay. In addition to jewelry and dolls, you can make from it:

  • Hair accessories (everything headbands, hairpins and much more).
  • Souvenirs (Figurines, magnets, key rings).
  • Bouquets.
  • Stands.
  • Christmas decorations.

The principle of operation for all products is the same. It differs only in what accessories will be used in the manufacture.

How to make clay dishes with your own hands.

It works best if there is a special Potter's wheel, but not required. With the help of clay, it is necessary to fashion the desired object. The main thing is not to rush, to do it carefully and without a special tool, everything will work out.

The finished product should dry a little. Then put the item in the oven and bake. The temperature must be added gradually as it bakes.

When the dish turns red, take it out and let it cool. Cover the dishes with special paint or varnish. Polymer clay is not only a great way to spend your leisure time, but also a good way to earn extra money. Many craftsmen make products to order. Thus, combining the pleasant with the useful. But in order to make fakes and they were in demand, you need to gain a little experience. Such products are always good gift for any holiday.

And for a child, this way of leisure will not only be fun, but will also help develop imagination, perseverance and fine motor skills hands

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Material Rating




Ease of manufacture

Labor intensity when using

Environmental friendliness

final grade

It is perhaps one of the most common and affordable materials.

The scope of its use is very wide:

  1. cosmetic industry;
  2. Construction;
  3. Concrete production;
  4. Production of ceramic products;
  5. Brick production;
  6. Pottery;
  7. Medicine;
  8. As a dietary supplement for livestock.

What can be made from clay - from bricks to medicines:

Clay bricks can be either unfired or fired. At the same time, the latter have the greatest strength and properties useful in construction, therefore it is recommended to buy just this type of brick, or burn it yourself in the case when adobe is made by hand.

Of course, it is better to buy a kiln for firing, since such devices allow you to bake the material not only from above, but also inside.

There are 2 types of ovens:

  • Chamber. Provide for the internal arrangement of heating elements;
  • Muffle. Here they are located around the muffle tank.

The first type of devices is most preferable, as they provide the best baking of bricks.

Clay and straw house

This material is quite cheap and even able to be made independently, which allows almost everyone to significantly reduce the cost of construction. In houses that are built from adobe bricks, there is always good humidity, air, as well as temperature in summer. However, in winter, it does not retain heat well, which is why the house will need additional heating.

In the event that it is planned to carry out construction in a humid climate, then it is worth considering the properties of the material to strongly absorb moisture, due to which the bricks, especially from the outside, begin to crumble quickly. This can be avoided if fired clay bricks are used as cladding. The internal walls will need to be sheathed with a vapor barrier layer.

Adobe bricks are stacked on top of each other and connected with a solution of sand and clay in the same proportions that were selected for the manufacture of bricks. At the same time, waterproofing is necessarily carried out in the first row, and corners are reinforced with reinforcing mesh. It is also important to distribute the load from the floor beams evenly, since the adobe cannot bear the point load.

The video will tell about the features of building such a house:


Building a foundation on clay necessarily involves the use of such important components as crushed stone and gravel, since they provide the best strength. Since such soil has a very strong ability to shrink, it will be necessary to take this fact into account during construction, accurately calculating the entire load.

At the same time, it is important to know the level of groundwater, since the farther they are located, the cheaper and stronger the foundation will be. In the same case, if they are close to the surface, then it is better to give preference to the pile type of foundation. First, you will definitely need to build a crushed stone or gravel cushion, as well as build a drainage system.

How to make a clay brick with your own hands

Clay bricks made by hand are called adobe. This material is one of the most environmentally friendly.

To make it yourself, you will need the following components:

  1. Sand;
  2. Straw;
  3. Water;
  4. Clay.

There are no clearly established proportions, and they will be added to the bulk only depending on what density the solution needs to be obtained. The amount of other components will also depend on the quality of the clay, its fat content.

Preparatory work

Before you start making bricks, you will need to clean the clay of all debris and impurities. In the event that it is supposed to make a large number of them, all the clay can be placed in a herd under the film, gradually using small parts.

The properties of the rest of the clay will only improve with time. The sand will need to be taken coarse-grained, clean, but the straw can be absolutely any. Water must also be clean, since the quality of the resulting brick will depend on this characteristic.

First you need to make a mold for adobe. It can be made of plastic, wood or plastic. At the same time, there should not be a bottom, and the optimal thickness is 36 mm. As soon as the drawing is prepared, the boards of the desired size are cut.

Between themselves, they are fastened with self-tapping screws. In this case, the form can include several cells. For convenience, it is better to attach handles along the edges. It is important at the same time to carefully adjust the corners and make the inner surface of the boards sufficiently smooth.

This will be required in order for the dried, formed adobe to come out of the mold well. Additionally, you can sprinkle the wooden parts with a layer of straw so that it does not stick.


The whole process can be divided into the following steps:

  • To knead the clay mass, you will need to dig a hole, and then line it with waterproofing material. The bottom should be flat, and the walls should be sheer. In this case, the tarpaulin or awning must necessarily go beyond these walls by at least 50 cm.
  • As soon as the pit is prepared, it will need to be filled with a third of water and poured in the selected proportion. After that, kneading is done with your feet. The liquid solution should not have any lumps.
  • Gradually, you need to add straw to the mass, but only after it becomes homogeneous. In the event that it is added earlier, it will not combine with the solution and will remain on the surface. Straw should be added exactly to the extent that the clay-sand mass becomes very plastic and thick. It is impossible to allow puddles to be left in the pit, but the solution must not be allowed to dry out either.
  • The adobe is reloaded into a wheelbarrow and delivered to the location of the molds. They are pre-moistened, after which the mass is loaded into the mold with a shovel or a pitchfork. Excess is removed with any flat object.
  • Before placing the next part of the adobe in it, you will again need to moisten it, and then install it away from the already formed bricks in order to ensure that they are blown with air.
  • Subsequent batches are carried out in the same way, but at the same time you need to carefully measure the size of the batch and not leave a large amount of it in the pit. As soon as it dries, it will need to be diluted with water, but in such a case it can lose most of its strength.

The brick dries out within a week, while it will need to be covered from possible rain. How fast the adobe dries will depend on how strong the temperature and humidity are. Bricks can be stacked on top of each other for greater convenience.

How clay bricks are made on an industrial scale can be seen in the video:

How to coat the oven with clay

To coat the oven with clay, you can use a classic solution. To prepare it, you need to take sand and straw. To prevent cracking, it is advised to grind the straw and use additional horse manure. This allows you to make the mixture more homogeneous, and the particles smaller. In this case, manure can be replaced with table salt, which will need to be added in the amount of 300g / 10l of solution.

Some experts recommend pre-soaking the clay and leaving it overnight so that by morning it mixes better and more uniformly with the sand. Immediately before coating, the oven will need to be moistened with water, which will ensure better adhesion of materials. You can apply the solution both with a spatula and by hand, and it is possible to level it with a trowel.

After coating, it will need to be left to dry. At the same time, it is better that air constantly circulates in the room for better drying. This can be ensured by opening windows and doors in it first.

Mortar for masonry furnace

Clay mortar not only provides the best bond between bricks, but it also tolerates constant exposure to heat the best. In this case, the masonry seams should not exceed 4 mm, otherwise the clay will lose its properties for heat treatment and collapse.

The solution, which is prepared for this purpose, should be moderately oily, plastic. If the mixture is too oily, then after drying it will crack, and the skinny one will not be strong enough. That is why the amount of one or another component in the solution is always selected individually, taking into account the quality of the clay.

The clay mass for masonry is kneaded in the same way as in other cases, with the exception of straw. It should not only be homogeneous, but also not stick to a shovel or trowel. You can check the quality of the resulting solution by applying it to a brick, and putting a second one on top. If after a few minutes it will be very difficult to separate them, then the quality of the resulting clay is excellent.

Clay mortar for repairing furnaces, preparation:

Clay floor

Before forming a clay floor, it will be necessary to lay a layer of gravel, since the vapor barrier layer in this case will not help prevent condensation. The floor can be cast or rammed.

To form a cast floor, you will need to make the same mixture as for the manufacture of adobe bricks, but with the addition of gravel. It is important to choose all the proportions correctly, since an excessively large amount of clay will allow the material to crack, and a small amount of it will lead to friability.

Laying the solution is done in layers, while each of them must be even in order to prevent cracking. The first layer is the most sticky, while the second should be smooth. To obtain finer particles, chopped straw or, for example, horse manure can be used.

Compacted floor does not count in a simple way floor formation, however, it can dry much faster than cast. The first two clay layers will need to be compacted with a special manual roller, while the third is poured and impregnated with a special solution. At the same time, it is important that in the clay mass necessary for the formation of a rammed floor, there is somewhat less water and straw, but more crushed stones.

Clay floor technology in a private house:

Clay tamping

The best way to compact clay is still considered to be compaction in the formwork. At the same time, wooden shields are installed on it, after which clay mortar is poured into the resulting form in layers. At the same time, it can be used as additional material pebbles, small gravel or polymer. In this case, tamping can be both manual and with the help of a vibrating plate. However, in the manufacture of bricks from this material, a vibropress is used, and a manual roller is used to form the floor.

Clay pavement

The formation of a clay blind area has been known for a long time, since this method made it possible to protect the foundation from moisture infiltration into it. The construction of this material is most effective in a private house. In addition, it will be less expensive than in the case of using concrete.

Can be distinguished step by step necessary for the construction of the blind area:

  • Around the built foundation, you will need to dig a not too deep, but wide enough hole with a slope from it;
  • Sand and a small amount of gravel are poured to the bottom, which will serve as a kind of pillow that prevents water from penetrating through it;
  • A solution of clay and sand at the rate of 2: 1 is poured gradually, in layers. At the same time, each layer can be sprinkled with small pebbles and compacted. The clay mass must be sufficiently strong and thick;
  • If in top layer it is supposed to make a path, then gravel can be poured onto the clay. But it is permissible to leave it, since later grass will still grow on it.

The clay blind area is very good in its qualities, because given material, having absorbed water, it will immediately stop letting it pass further, which will perfectly protect the house and foundation from moisture.

Service life of products

Clay products can serve for a long time, but only if they are properly cared for and no mistakes were made during the manufacturing process. So, for example, a dried mortar applied to the floor can crack even if it is slightly uneven, which greatly increases the complexity of its use.

The service life of products from directly depends on the properties of the clay itself, since it is used to clean water and wells.

Clay that is used for buildings is best sheathed with waterproof materials and other measures are used to protect it. Thus, it is possible to ensure the service life of buildings for at least 3-4 generations.

Examples of adobe houses

Clay and straw house No. 1 Clay and straw house No. 2 Clay and straw house No. 3 Clay and straw house No. 4 Clay and straw house No. 5
