Phrases about winter and love. Winter Quotes

Winter. Snow is quietly falling outside the window... Weather created for hot tea, a cozy blanket and beautiful fairy tales...

I love these feelings, when the house is clean, quiet, the fire is burning in the stove, the cat is sitting on the windowsill, the snow is quietly falling, and in the evening there will be a bathhouse ...

May this winter be fabulously beautiful for everyone, may it smell of chocolate, sound like a violin, warm up with a warm blanket, a cup of tea, good films, books, pleasant meetings.

Winter is the time to drink cocoa☕, put on cozy things, decorate the Christmas tree together and keep each other warm❤

The wait is not long, soon there will be a Christmas tree!

If every day we share at least a small particle of warmth with those we meet on our way, winter will become much warmer. For all.

May everyone's most cherished wish come true this winter !!!)))

Warm YOU winter ..... in all respects ...

At the edge of the forest Winter lived in a hut...

What time to wake you up?

Summer please!

And even in the darkest and coldest time of the year, let each of us have enough light and warmth ... for ourselves and for loved ones.

I told you - we will not make snowmen.

And you talk less and ride more!

Winter is the season of miracles...


Take care of your inner cat!

It is very necessary in the cold!

The more wishes you have, the more they will come true.

Probability theory

The main thing... wish!

I love that feeling of anticipation. When you already imagine a Christmas tree sparkling with many lights, gifts and even the smell of tangerines and magic...

Winter is coming, the most beautiful and fabulous time of the year. Like if you are looking forward to it too ❤

Happiness is a winter night in a cozy house 🏡, snowfall outside the window ❄, the smell of spruce🎄, warm tea ☕ and favorite music 🎵🎶

Do not complain about the coldness of the world around you, if you yourself have not put a drop of warmth into it ...

Idea for next year: throughout the year, write down all the wonderful moments that will make you smile. On New Year's Eve, open and reread pleasant memories)

Well, how are miracles already on the way?

It would be half darkness, and so that the garland would be like this - slowly, and then FAST-FAST-FAST, and then slowly again ...

New Year's mood is when I'm glad to see even those who have the wrong door!

Winter is magic, it is a fairy tale in which we are the main characters. You never know what will happen, but I am sure that adventures will bring only joy...

In such weather, you want to have a warm and cozy house outside the city, sit down with a book by the warm fireplace and enjoy the atmosphere, watching the snow fall quietly outside the window.

The most dangerous winter disease is under-hugging!

Strengthen your immunity - hug!

Tove Jansson. Magic Winter

Winter is a fabulous time of the year.

Snow, Christmas trees, lights all over the city and patterns on glass.

Like sparrows... let's sit down, puff ourselves up... and think that it's already warm!

Winter is the time of the year when people should keep each other warm. With your words, feelings, care. And then no cold is terrible.

Winter is the time for fluffy snowflakes, hot tea and good books... Be happy this winter.

Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, pure, tender... Let your life be the same!

Christmas is not the season. Christmas is a feeling. Edna Ferber

Winter is a very soulful time of the year, because the stronger the frost, the warmer we become to each other.

Albert Camus

Skis, skates, sleds, snowballs, rosy cheeks and warm mittens... Winter is not made to be sad, but to taste some more kinds of happiness.

Winter was created in white colors for this purpose, to start your life from a white sheet.

Is it possible to love the cold?

- Need to! Cold teaches you to appreciate warmth...

Waiting for winter

It's getting cold. Winter is coming!
- Winter is not so important!
- What's important?
- It is important with whom.

Valiullin Rinat, "Where kisses lie"

The most fabulous, the most wonderful of all experiences available to a person is the anticipation of a miracle.

Waiting for a miracle

Will you have a tangerine?

What if I clean

You know, now I really want at least for an hour such a small pocket fairy, like from an old Disney cartoon about a sleeping beauty. So that she would say “bibidi-babodibum” and everything would work out, smooth out. Returned. Let not all, but the main thing.

Let's believe in miracles!

And it will be December. There will be blizzards whining at the threshold. And the windows will light up. And the light will be - warm copper. Probably, winter was invented by God for this - so that people would like to warm each other more often.

December is Friday :)

Decorate the Christmas tree, forget all the insults, hug those who are dear to you more often, and most importantly, remember that December is a little magic.

Always remain a little child, believe in the New Year's miracle....

Let everything be in your house;

Love, Peace, Comfort, Wealth,

May it always be warm

To want to come back.

— Doctor, I always want hot tea under the covers.

- It's December.

Winter gives you the opportunity to dream of magic and wonder. The main thing is not to miss the chance and make this winter fabulous.

IN last month winter is bound to be a miracle. You will understand this when you breathe in the gentle aroma of the morning air, or when you see off the sunset. Look around. Surprise the world.

Cats are actually Santa Clauses magical world. And they do not meet by chance: white - to good news, red - for money, black - for happiness, gray - for health, and striped tiger cubs - for love. Best of all, of course, are tricolor cats: they bring a lot of good things at once, as in the “three in one” advertisement. And they even pull a gift on their tail for us. Nadia Yasminska "Marshmallow Signs"

I wish everyone this winter to get into this winter fairy tale and get a piece of happiness!!!

The most fabulous, the most wonderful of all experiences available to a person is the anticipation of a miracle.

Let these magical and fabulous days in everyone's life there will be someone who will make this winter warmer with his love!

Each of us wants to be happy. Simple, quiet, bright... So, to snuggle up to your native shoulder, forgetting everything bad! Tell excitedly everything that hurts, or silently look into the infinity of your beloved eyes ...

Each of us really wants Tenderness ... Naive, like the first spring flowers, affectionate, like the sun's rays ... To all and without a trace! When a loved one gives this tenderness, I want to answer him the same. No! A thousand times stronger!

Each of us really wants Vera - sometimes, it is so lacking! So that when it almost broke or broke, someone quietly whispered: "You can do it, you will succeed!" To fall asleep with confidence that Tomorrow will certainly come! ..

We all want love! And even to those who say that they will never be able to find it again. Love is equally needed by the poor, and the rich, and the smart, and not very ... Yes, everyone, everyone without exception, needs Love - that wonderful and tender feeling that makes us happy!

May all our dreams come true in these magical days, which will bring us love, faith, tenderness and happiness!

Best holidays to all! With cozy people, kind jokes, pleasant surprises, endless tangerines, understanding of loved ones, with small miracles of this big world!

One of the most "delicious" childhood memories is when you wake up with the anticipation of something very good and are happy all day... Happy not for some reason and not because of something, but just happy! In the noisy pre-New Year bustle, we wish you more of these warm "pieces" of childhood!


A week before the New Year, the little Angel puts on a snow-white apron and begins to cook a festive cake.

Instead of flour, he takes the most beautiful snowflakes, instead of yeast - a cheerful childish laughter. With such yeast, the dough for the pie rises very quickly, and the little Angel sends the pie to the magic oven, warmed by the warmth of kindness and love. He impregnates ready-made cakes with the aromas of Christmas trees and tangerines, sprinkles with powder from moonlight, decorates with a frosty crunch and pieces of northern lights.

On this day, a special aroma appears in the city - the aroma of the New Year ...

Might be worth a try?


Dog cold.

❄ Have a good January day everyone! ❄

wish Have a good mood, productive, useful pastime, meetings with interesting people.

Give each other warmth and smiles!


February is the month of hope

This section contains, beautiful quotes about winter, short and long winter statements, description of the frosty season.

Frost flashed. And we are glad for the leprosy of mother winter. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin"

In December, winter lays canvases, and frost builds bridges. Russian proverb

Good, pure Russian snowy winters. Deep snowdrifts sparkle in the sun. Large and small rivers hid under the ice.

And how beautiful the winter dawn, the morning dawn, when the snow-covered fields, the hillocks illuminate the golden rays rising sun and sparkle, sparkle with dazzling whiteness! Unusual Russian winter, bright winter days, moonlit nights! Hello winter!

After several days of fierce wind with a blizzard, which forced even me to sit hopelessly at home, wonderful winter weather has come today, one of those winter sunny days, which, with their inexpressible charm, can make you forget that somewhere in the south there is sun, flowers and almost eternal summer. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

The real winter has come. The ground was covered with a snow-white carpet. Not a single dark spot remained. Even bare birches, alders and mountain ash were covered with hoarfrost, like silvery fluff. They stood, covered with snow, as if they had put on an expensive warm coat ...

The day was soft and misty. The reddish sun hung low over long, snowfield-like stratus clouds. Frost-covered pink trees stood in the garden. The vague shadows on the snow were drenched in the same warm light.

I look out of a piece of the window, not sketched with frost, and do not recognize the forest. What splendor and tranquility! Voronkova Lyubov Fyodorovna

Winter began to take over the land, but we knew that under the loose snow, if you rake it with your hands, you can still find fresh forest flowers, we knew that fire would always crackle in the stoves, that tits stayed with us to winter, and winter seemed to us the same as beautiful as summer. Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich

Red, clear and quiet were the short winter days, like two drops of water one to the other, and somehow sadly, restlessly became in the soul, and the people became depressed. Sergei Aksakov.

The day promised to be frosty and clear... Clear sparkling morning. The snow that had attacked at night and had not yet been furrowed by skids lay in even shrouds. There was a transparent frosty sheen in the air, capturing the throat when breathing. Kuprin Alexander Ivanovich

“And winter draws with one color white. Poor color, but how much and what ingenuity. These magnificent veils, blocks of snow, covering large and small trees from roots to top; it is a multitude of pearls and diamonds, sparkling in the light of the sun and moon; this motionless, majestic view of plants, as if carved from ivory, this significant silence and silence, this half-darkness by day and half-light at night. "It's snowing" Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

The long winter twilight was setting in; the falling snow began to cover all objects and clothed the earth with white darkness... Sergei Aksakov. (quotes about winter)

I learned not to freeze in the wild frost, not to suffocate from the summer heat, to survive in a hostile environment. Alexander Arkhangelsky "Matveevka: Brotherhood of Matryoshka"

Snowfall is the only weather I love. It almost doesn't annoy me, unlike everything else. I can sit by the window for hours and watch the snow fall. The silence of the snowfall. She's good for a variety of things. The best thing is to look through the thick snow at the light, for example, at a street lamp. Or leave the house so that the snow falls on you. Here it is, a miracle. This cannot be done by human hands. Erlend Lu. Doppler

If there were no winter, spring would not seem so beautiful to us; if there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable. Anna Bradstreet

Winter is a time to make plans and see prospects. Time to sleep under the snow and under other blankets. Malin Kivel. You or never

February, usually merciless, windy and prickly, turned out to be snowy and favorable that year. Mornings - silent and drowsy, wrapped in icicle handkerchiefs up to the very eyes, came late and reluctantly, dispersing the last darkness of the night with weak breath. Narine Abgaryan "Three apples fell from the sky"

When snowflakes fly, they are like fluff. And when you look closer, you will see the stars, and they are all different. One has jagged rays, the other has sharp, like arrows. Voronkova L.

Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, "Three Sisters"

Winter is a non-symbolic time when the voices subside and the lights that usually show me the way go out. In winter, I am confused, I live, as if with my face buried in the wall and plugging my ears with my fingers. Tournier Michel

December has just begun. Nature still could not decide whether it was winter or late fall, and therefore there was something rather blurry, dank and gray. Expand Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter and the Chatty Sphinx"

The snow-capped mountains in the distance are crushed to the ground by their own weight, the forest is dead and silent, the whole world is silent, white and fluffy snow covered everything around, but the frost deprives everyone else - including humans - of the right to vote. Knut Hamsun, Maria Hamsun “On overgrown paths. Under the golden rain

A cold winter is always followed by a sunny spring; only this law should be remembered in life, and the opposite - it is preferable to forget. Leonid Solovyov, "The Tale of Khoja Nasreddin"

It's December outside, but it's still August under your nails.

It was about eleven o'clock in the evening, the first snow had recently fallen, and everything in nature was under the rule of this young snow. The air smelled of snow, and the snow crunched softly underfoot. The earth, the roofs, the trees, the benches on the boulevards - everything was soft, white, young, and this house looked different from yesterday. The lanterns burned brighter, the air was clearer… Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

"Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake"

The slow transition of autumn to winter is not a bad time at all. This is the time when you need to collect, put in order and add up all your supplies that you have accumulated over the summer. And how wonderful it is to collect everything that you have and put it closer to you, collect your warmth and your thoughts, burrow into a deep mink - a confident and reliable shelter; protect it as something important, dear, your own. And then let the frost, storms and darkness come when they please. Tove Jansson

When the ground is covered with snow, I like to pretend that I am walking on clouds. Takayuki Ikkaku

But the white day came into its own, and the lighting from the heating stove gradually disappeared. How good, how sweet it was to the soul! Calm, quiet and light! Some kind of vague, full of bliss, warm dreams filled the soul ... Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich.

The view was great winter nature. Frost squeezed moisture out of tree branches and trunks, and bushes and trees, even reeds and tall grasses, were covered with brilliant hoarfrost, along which the sun's rays harmlessly glided, showering them only with the cold brilliance of diamond fires. Aksakov

In order to truly understand that there is this or that country or this or that place, you have to go there in winter, of course. Because in winter life is more real, more dictated by necessity. In winter, the contours of someone else's life are more distinct. For the traveler, this is a bonus. Joseph Brodsky

The day in winter is short because, like all other objects visible and invisible, it shrinks from the cold and because the sun sets early, and the night expands from the lighting of lamps and lanterns, because it warms up. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, "Letter to a learned neighbor"

The earth was ornate, like a shy bride. And in the morning everything crunched around: frozen roads, leaves on the porch, black nettle stalks sticking out from under the snow. Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich

No snowflake falls in the wrong place.

Winter is a time to collect golden moments and enjoy every hour of idleness. Judith Boswell

June dawns, July afternoons, August evenings - everything has passed, ended, gone forever and remains only in memory. Now there's a long autumn ahead white winter, a cool green spring, and during this time you need to think about the past summer and take stock. Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

Winter is a time for peace, good food and warmth, for shaking hands and talking by the fire. It's home time. Edith Sitwell

Spring tones - in flowers, winter - in the imagination. Terry Gilmetz

Snowflake is a winter butterfly.

Every mile in winter is two. George Gebert

Falling up to your neck in the snow is a pleasure that can only be appreciated by those who have experienced it themselves. Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights.

In the coldest winter, I found out that inside me is an invincible summer. Albert Camus

Winters are always quite hard. But snow is magic nonetheless. Tove Jansson, "All About Moomin"

Your sunlight smiles at the winter days of my heart, not for a moment doubting the return of its spring flowers. Rabindranath Tagore

Winter turns water falling from the sky and people's hearts into stone. Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

“Heat is no better than cold, and vice versa. To grow flowers, it is better to be warm; to skate, it is better to be cold!” Oleg Roy

"It's cold in winter for those who don't have warm memories." From the movie "An Unforgettable Romance"

"When hard frost people become warmer to each other.” M. Zhvanetsky

Winter is a post of nature. Olga Muravieva

Contrary to appearances, winter is the season of hope. Gilbert Sesbron

In winter, the sun laughs through tears. Russian proverb

“A cold winter is always followed by a sunny spring; only this law should be remembered in life, and the reverse is preferable to forget. Leonid Solovyov

In the midst of winter, I find in me an indomitable summer. Albert Camus

Winter is an amazing time of the year. The forest is white, as if bewitched by someone: silence - listen: only snow is pouring, a blizzard is sweeping in the snow and snow flakes are falling, falling.

One may not be ashamed of poverty, but one cannot but feel its severity. Just like walking without a fur coat in winter is not a shame, but it's cold. Fedor Nikolaevich Glinka

Laughter is the sun: it drives the winter away human face. Hugo Victor Marie

Of all the wonders of the earth, you, O beautiful snow, I love you ... Why I love you - I don’t know. Zinaida Gippius

Winter turns water falling from the sky and people's hearts into stone. Victor Hugo

When winter comes, even the mightiest oaks drop their leaves. Charles de Coster, The Legend of Ulenspiegel

Snowflakes are shooting stars that, approaching the earth, become, contrary to the laws of perspective, only dimmer and smaller. Ilya Masodov.

In winter, it's especially nice to be someone in charge and lie under the covers as much as you like. Max Frei, "The Power of the Unfulfilled"

“You can love winter and carry warmth in yourself, you can prefer summer, remaining a piece of ice.” Sergey Lukyanenko.

"Snowflakes are celestial salamanders." Maria Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

“Winter is created in white for this, so that we can start our lives with clean slate". Nadia Yasminska "Magician's Cafe"

quotes about winter, short and long, collection of statements, beautiful words description of winter nature.

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Winter is very long, isn't it? - It seems long, but it won't last forever.

You can love winter and carry warmth in yourself, you can prefer summer, remaining a piece of ice.

"WITH. Lukyanenko"

It's not the weather that catches us off guard, it's the climate. We are never ready for winter.

In winter, all birds fly south, and hares change their coats ... Dear, am I a bunny or a bird?

I don't want winter at all, I just want to take a walk under the snow in my favorite fur coat and celebrate the New Year ... That's it. One day is enough.

I love winter because in winter you can stay at home without feeling guilty.

"Teresa Skelton"

I love winter only in March, when I know for sure that it is over.

"Rina the Green"

A cold winter is always followed by a sunny spring; only this law should be remembered in life, and the opposite - it is preferable to forget.

"Leonid Solovyov"

What difference does it make, summer or winter. Happiness is not seasonal.

Turn into children in winter and live like in childhood - without hiding feelings and emotions.

In winter, the line between night and day is blurred.

Winter fitness: until I got to the store ... 5 longitudinal twine ... 10 transverse ... side bends ... squats ... steeplechase ... Oh, the body cheered up!

God, I want snow so much! So that in winter the human soul warms itself with the expectation of happiness and miracles.

One must not have a soul in order not to love winter.

"Pyotr Kvyatkovsky"

And I love winter, there is a lot of joy in it, in it I met my happiness ...

Most long relationship those who met in the winter. If he liked you in spite of a thick sweater, a clumsy down jacket, in a stupid hat and with a red nose - this is definitely love!

Why do I like winter more than summer? Yes, the fact that in the heat under 40, reluctance, embracing a loved one, watch TV.

Happy is he who does not notice whether it is summer or winter.

We are from the North - we see our dreams, Languishing all our lives with a premonition of winter.

"Alexander Gushchin"

When autumn stands opposite summer and smiles coldly, winter slowly digs a hole behind her back to bury her there.


Winter would come immediately on the first day of December. In the morning I got up, and the city was covered with snow, and there was no dank, dirty autumn.

Winter is like a ruble - he knows that it is inevitable, but still he tries something.

Winter is a good thing when it's a real winter - with ice on the rivers, hail, sleet, bitter frosts, blizzards and everything else, but spring is no good - continuous rains, mud, slush, one word - melancholy, and sooner it would end.

"Mark Twain"

When winter comes, even the mightiest oaks drop their leaves.

"Charles de Coster"

Scientists say that people tolerate heat worse than cold, and every summer I agree with this. But as soon as winter comes and thumps well in the cold, my body disputes the previous agreement.

"Miguel Grace"

Winter is when you walk down the street, and snowflakes climb to kiss you! I come home all kissed ...

The first day of winter reminds us that the New Year is coming soon.

And winter terrifies me, because winter is a time of comfort.

"A. Rimbaud

Contrary to appearances, winter is the season of hope.

"Gilbert Sesbron"

Winter is magic, it is a fairy tale in which we are the main characters. You never know what will happen, but I am sure that adventure will bring love.

The most beautiful winter statuses about winter and snow with a meaning about life and love for social networks, will soon become relevant, because in a matter of days, we will be able to enjoy the most magical time of the year! With the onset of winter, an unknown, attractive and alluring snowy life begins to wake up around us. Everything around begins to resemble an unreal fairy tale that you want to believe in!

“A cold winter is always followed by a sunny spring; only this law should be remembered in life, and the reverse is preferable to forget. Leonid Solovyov.

❉ The first snow is like the first love. Most likely it will melt, but a fairy tale begins with it ...

❉ “Winter-ah-ah-ah!!!”: knees and teeth banged joyfully)

❉ "Even the strongest blizzards start with a single snowflake"

❉ "You are my fantasy in the cold winter night, my muse for the day and the only desire of my soul"

❉ And it’s winter in the city and it’s become somehow cold, I’m looking for someone with whom and the whole world is not enough. I believe that anyway in my life there will be that person who will love me simply for what I am. He will rejoice at my smile, and in winter he will make me wear a warm scarf.

❉ The impeccably pure whiteness of frost spurs on the gloomy joy of agonizing waiting ... With hands reddened in the cold, I dial your number

❉ IN new year's eve I will definitely guess you ... *

❉ In connection with the ice, the dream that all men would be at our feet is starting to come true!! =)

❉ It's the first day of winter! Let the first frost sting your cheeks and let the snow-covered path sparkle with a million gems. Beautiful clean air fills with health and warm thoughts. Comfort to you, cheerful friendly gatherings, wonderful evenings and many positive emotions! Let this winter renew you and give you magical surprises!

❉ It’s sad when there are such flakes, and you have no one to throw on the snow, throw snowballs, and then drink hot tea ...

❉ December is the time to ski, build snowmen and eat tangerines!

❉ I'm waiting for the winter ... The fur coat has not been for a walk for a long time, it's time to walk in the cold!

❉ I wish everyone this winter to get into a winter fairy tale and get a piece of their happiness!

❉ The smell of chocolate and tangerines. Christmas ads. There is a blizzard outside the window. Fires are burning all around. For complete happiness, one thing is not enough ....

❉ Winter is an icy fragment of the reality of a world split into parts ...

❉ Winter is a time to make plans and see prospects. Time to sleep under the snow and under other blankets.

❉ Winter is a time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for conversation next to the fire: it's time for home.

❉ Winter is childhood ... Long evenings with parents, the soft smell of tea with lemon, and good New Year's fairy tales! (beautiful statuses about winter)

❉ Winter is when you come home and go to put the kettle on before you turn on the computer.

❉ Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, very, very clean! May your life be the same!

❉ Winter is an increased feeling of the need for the warmth of a loved one.

❉ Winter in the heart, blizzard in the soul ...

❉ This is why winter was created in white tones, to start life from a white sheet...

❉ Winter on the street, snow underfoot, pain in the soul, ...

❉ Winter has come! And in my heart it’s not clear whether it’s spring or summer! And it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that it’s warm and colorful!

❉ Winter is very much like unrequited love; cold and merciless.

❉ Winter shapes our character and brings out our best.

❉ Winter! January! Blizzard! Frost! Champagne! Candies! Roses! Caviar! Friends! Present! Fir-trees! Wine! Salad! Silk outfit! And again toasts! ... Do not forbid us to live beautifully! It is a pity that by the morning there is only one final... Pickle! Festal and analgin

❉ Winter. Blizzard. Snow. Cold. Weather created for hot tea, a warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

Winter… it makes meetings shorter, faces sadder, loneliness more noticeable. But, the words become warmer, and love and kisses are stronger.

❉ Winter... Cold permeates every cell of my body... And at such moments I remember you.

❉ Winter... although you are often so cold... but still, even those to whom you bring cold and sadness are not offended, because you are so beautiful - all white and snowy...

❉ Winter .... Nature is beautiful, that's just in my thoughts, OH !!!

❉ Winter…for some, a cold and gloomy time of the year! And for me it's just time to cuddle up to you once again

❉ In winter, the line between night and day is blurred.

❉ In winter, I need three things - perfume with the smell of snow, coffee with cinnamon and ... your warmth.

❉ Take a break from the hustle and bustle in winter Everyday life and plunge into the fantastic world of books.

❉ In winter, windows on the bus turn into a place of correspondence, as if everyone wants to express what is on their mind for others to see.

❉ You want winter not only because of the snow and the New Year. It’s just that in winter one believes more in miracles, and in the most beautiful Tale of Love…

❉ Sometimes it seems to me that there is no winter, that winter is a lie... because snow is just frozen drops of rain... and there is no hatred, because hatred is just frozen drops of love... (statuses about winter are beautiful with meaning )

❉ I love ice-3 twine, 5 swallows and I'm at home)

❉ I love winter weather: funny knitted hats… sled marks in the snow… a funny feeling of helplessness when you step on slippery ice, and the expectation of spring lurks in your heart…

❉ People only notice in winter that spruce is green.

❉ Tangerines are on the move, so soon New Year!

❉ The winter peace of our window warms my soul ...

❉ I like it when it snows. The city immediately goes silent. Everything becomes so calm. No noise. Like something is about to happen.

❉ Frosty air invigorates and notifies that winter has come! This means that the period of warm blankets, large mugs of tea, magic, joy and festive fun has come! Let loving hearts warm you in winter!

❉ We are like autumn and winter, close but not together...

❉ It's time for letters on frozen windows.

❉ Winter has begun... The hand on the mouse is freezing =))

❉ No! It's not snow! It's snowfall!!!

❉ Once, in the cold winter season, I left the house. And immediately went!

❉ Congratulations on the beginning of winter, truly beautiful and charming, able to inspire with its snowy days, frosty and fresh air.

❉ Get to know the miracle of winter, such a beautiful and charming guest in a snow-white dress made of snow.

❉ New Year's Eve is a dinner ending with breakfast.

❉ Hello winter! A sparkling wonder! Weightless snowflakes fly like an angel's fluff from a wing ...

❉ Glass decorated with whimsical patterns. Snowflakes slowly dance in the light street lamps. This winter you will fall in love with something that has not come true. And silver frost, nestled on your eyelashes.

❉ Let winter inspire you to new discoveries and let you believe that any dreams will certainly come true!

❉ Let there be both cold and frosty, Fresh air, and snowfalls with blizzards. All this can leave the best, truly amazing feelings, allowing you to understand how beautiful mother winter can be.

❉ With every coming of December, I want to hibernate like a bear until spring!

❉ Snow is a magical white blanket that makes everything amazing.

❉ Snow… Adults say that it is frozen water, but children know better: these are small stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

❉ Snowflakes are like kisses from heaven.

❉ Happiness. This winter it will certainly be!

❉ Your words wanted to make me cry, but Winter and cold froze them, like my heart...

❉ You can immerse yourself in the magic of winter and understand how wonderful nature can be in such a wonderful period of the year.

❉ We are ahead whole winter to learn to appreciate what will be, not what has passed.

❉ You have winter in your soul in summer and winter in winter, and a couple more years and you will definitely go crazy ...

❉ In the morning of a clear, frosty winter day, I will write down our story with a stick in the snow, and then when it gets warm in the spring, I will sail away to new life along with melted snow….

❉ I want New Year, snow, a fireplace, coffee with cinnamon and his last name...

❉ What is a wonderful winter day? This is when the sun is shining, light snow is falling outside the window and you don’t have to get out from under the covers!

❉ What does a woman want in winter? Feel the warmth of a man, cling to his cheek with your cheek and warm yourself together by the fireplace. What does a woman always want? Desired to be and be loved, snowstorm, heat, thunderstorms - it doesn’t matter, if only the soul is happy!

❉ I am the type of person who drinks hot chocolate in summer and eats ice cream in winter.

❉ January, stop thinking you're March...

Beautiful short and not very long winter statuses about winter and snow with a meaning about love and life for social networks are presented in this article.
