Ready business plan for a massage table. Description and analysis of the market

Which are in demand at any time: peaceful and military, crisis and economic recovery. How to open a massage parlor? If earlier massage rooms could be opened exclusively at medical institutions, today even permission from the Ministry of Health to open such an institution is not required (if we are not talking about manual massage). It is enough to familiarize yourself with the requirements, correctly draw up a business plan for a massage parlor, choose a room, hire good specialists - and you can get decent income. It is proven by statistics that only a third of visitors enter the salon on the advice of doctors. The rest come to have fun, relax, take care of their figure or face.

How to open a massage parlor: the first steps

A new business begins with the fact that they make up a business plan for a massage parlor. Start with a description of the essence of the project. This is also important for inspectors, but, most importantly, the presentation on paper will help the entrepreneur understand which particular salon is more profitable to open, how to organize its work. Masseurs can do several types of regular relaxing massage.

A business plan for a massage parlor may include spa treatments, exotic techniques (Thai, Japanese, Chinese, etc.). Experienced entrepreneurs say that salons where they arrange relaxing couples procedures, for example, for a husband and wife at the same time, are very popular. The more services the salon provides, the more investments will be required, but they will pay off faster.

What services can the salon offer?

  • Regular (classic) massage.
  • Relaxing techniques.
  • Rejuvenating procedures.
  • Solarium.
  • Romantic programs for two.
  • Services of a cosmetologist (if there is a license).

The types of services depend not only on the desire of the businessman, but also on potential customers. An expensive salon in a residential area or campus will not pay off, a simple establishment located in an elite city block is unlikely to be in demand. Therefore, in the first section of the massage parlor business plan, you should carry out:

  • analysis of the already existing market of services;
  • analysis of possible locations of the cabin;
  • analysis of the specifics of the clientele.

Market analysis

What does it take to open a massage parlor? What preliminary work should be done? Before opening, you should study well how many salons are located in the district, what services they provide. You can find information on the Internet, collect information about competitors or interview visitors to salons, residents of the microdistrict. It has been noticed that people who want to receive a therapeutic (medical) massage do not choose the location of the office, but a specialist.

Those who visit such establishments for cosmetic purposes or just for pleasure usually choose nearby points. The most affluent clients prefer exotic types of massage along with a range of additional services, luxurious surroundings, and a romantic atmosphere. Young people often choose procedures for two. Not very rich people (especially women) of middle age do not pursue the situation, wanting to get the maximum service at affordable, not very high prices.

This is why a massage parlor business plan should take into account the location and the needs of potential customers. You should immediately think about how high the prices will be, what is the salary of a massage therapist. The first should not be higher, and the second - lower than that of competitors.

Rental and preparation of premises

Thinking about how to open a massage parlor, you should not take much risks. To get started, you can simply rent a room in a clinic, hairdresser or residential building. Only after making sure that the business is profitable, you can buy your own premises. Before opening, prepare an office. Important: sanitary standards require at least 8-10 square meters per client.

It is good if there is an opportunity for each master and client to equip a separate closed office. However, today couples massage is becoming more and more in demand, so you will have to arrange rooms for the simultaneous work of two masters. According to the norms of SES, they should be from 12 square meters. m. The cabin provides space for the administrator, dressing, shower, reception.

The floors, walls, ceilings of the cabin must be made of modern, easy to clean, but poorly flammable materials: these are mandatory conditions for the SES and the fire inspection.

Furniture and equipment

A common mistake: when writing a business plan for a massage parlor, some entrepreneurs forget to include all the necessary furniture in it. You will need chairs and sofas for clients and staff to relax, a table for the administrator, furniture for the pool, shower room, tea room. It’s good if all the furniture is made in the same style: it’s easier to create the desired interior.

If the masters do not have separate offices for work, then you will have to buy portable partitions or screens. It is important to consider lighting: twilight sets you on a romantic wave, relaxes, and it is likely that the client will want to extend the procedure.

List of the most necessary equipment

Equipment for a massage room will depend on what types of massage will be provided in the room. The minimum set consists of:

  • medical couches (one for each separate room);
  • massage tables;
  • cabinets for storing cosmetics, oils;
  • cabinets for storing towels and linen;
  • cabinets for cleaning equipment (this is a requirement of the sanitary inspection);
  • towels, sheets;
  • cabinets for dressing gowns and staff clothes;
  • wardrobe or hangers for customers.

If there is a goal of creating a business with high profits and low costs for its organization, you can open a massage parlor (salon). Here you can download the business plan.

The massage business has its own characteristics due to the past massages in medical facilities. Nowadays, it is not necessary to contact the Ministry of Health for permission and licenses for relaxation and beauty massages if manual therapy or other types of medical massages are not available.

Business plan

We present to you for free finished example business plan of a massage parlor (office) with calculations. This material contains all the items of expenses that you may encounter when opening and maintaining an office.

This type of business is most relevant for big city, because in the small you are unlikely to have many customers, because the number of people taking care of themselves in them is usually less.

How to open a massage parlor

So, consider the information about what you need to open a massage parlor (salon). The first step in setting up a business is to find the right space. 1 massage therapist should have at least 8 sq.m. area, otherwise the sanitary and epidemiological station will not give permission, which cannot be obtained for objects located in the basements. It is allowed to provide massage services if there are two specialists in one room, the area of ​​​​which is 12 sq.m. This is due to the fact that in our time, simultaneous massage done to two people is popular. The calculation of the area of ​​the room depends on the number of massage therapists and the premises where the administration is located. Usually enough 80-90 sq.m. for a massage parlour. It is recommended to create several small offices around the city rather than one large one. This should be done because of the economic inexpediency of one massage parlor with more than 5 jobs.

At the second stage, you need to find a staff consisting of massage therapists with a secondary medical education, as well as a specialist certificate allowing them to engage in this type of activity. This rule is set by sanitary and epidemiological standards. It is recommended to follow the advice of experienced entrepreneurs and hire professional massage therapists who know European and Oriental massage techniques. Then the services of the new massage room will be complemented by unusual types of massages. But professional specialists conduct private practice and want to receive wages about 50 percent of the price of a massage, although the usual salary is 30 percent.

It is also necessary to purchase equipment and other necessary items and furniture. According to the rules established by the sanitary and epidemiological station, the office should have a bathroom, and the walls should have tiles or wallpaper that can be washed. In the office, it is necessary to do prophylaxis and disinfection once a week, as well as keep records of the consumption of disinfectants in a special journal. In addition, you need to buy massage tables and couches in the medical equipment store. A sofa and counters must be placed in the reception area. You should also purchase clean towels and a washing machine.

At the next stage of opening a massage parlor (office), the status of an individual entrepreneur is issued for paying taxes. Since 2011, the rules for processing documents have become simpler. If you personally submit documents for opening a massage room to the tax registration authority, the notary will not certify them. If individual entrepreneur wants to terminate the activities of his massage parlor, he may not submit a certificate obtained in Pension Fund, which does not work on every subject in this moment. After the report has been accepted by the FIU, it is necessary to submit a certificate to in electronic format to the registering tax authority, and some entities do not require a report to be submitted until the IP is closed.

Experts have calculated the period during which the massage room (salon) will pay off. It turned out to be equal to 6-7 months, and the profit amounted to 20-30 percent. To start your own business, you need to spend a relatively small amount. According to experts, in order to open an office with an area of ​​​​70 square meters, having two massage tables and salon staff in the amount of 4 specialists working in shifts, an amount equal to 290,000 rubles is needed, along with the repair of the premises, the purchase of furniture and other expenses. Fixed expenses for utility bills and room rent amounted to 100,000 rubles. Masseurs receive a salary that is outstanding from the income from the services provided. As a result, you need to have about 390,000 rubles to open an office, as well as free funds if additional expenses arise during the first months of work. The profit received from the business at the massage parlor (office) in this case will be 60,000-90,000 rubles per month.

In any country, in any city, massage parlors or small rooms are now very popular. In order to open such an office, you need to draw up a business plan for a massage parlor, collect Required documents. This is necessary to determine how quickly the investment will pay off and how quickly a steady income will be received.

More accurate ready business plan massage parlor can be calculated only on the spot, at the prices of the region, district, city in which it was decided to open a massage parlor.

Massage Parlor: Marketing

For small towns, opening a massage parlor can bring a decent income, which cannot be said about major cities where there are already many such cabinets.

Before opening a salon, you need to provide organizational issues. Of great importance for business is the location in the city, remoteness from the main competitors. It is necessary to decide on the category of clients: either it will be a VIP salon, or it will be an affordable office for people with low incomes who take most of their money to the store without thinking about their health.

However, according to experts, for medical reasons, they visit a massage therapist within 30%, and 70% visit such salons to care for their body, face and for relaxation, relaxation. Therefore, it is better to open a salon in residential elite areas.

This enterprise must be opened on the ground floor, as well as a store. Ideally, each massage therapist needs a separate room, but not less than 8 sq.m, which can be found in the SES documents. If you provide for a couples massage (girlfriends, husband and wife), then two specialists can receive clients in a room with an area of ​​12 sq.m. For a massage parlor, a room of 70-100 sq.m is enough, based on the number of massage therapists, other specialists, as well as the reception and administration. It is economically feasible to have no more than 5 jobs, it is better to open massage parlors in several places.

Competitive advantages of a massage room:

  • high level of customer service;
  • individual approach to each visitor;
  • stable acceptable prices;
  • nice atmosphere;
  • various preferential, bonus programs.

Customer acquisition is possible different ways: "word of mouth", the presence of a good sign on the salon, announcements, leaflets. Expensive advertising is usually ineffective.

How to open a massage parlor, why and what documents are needed?
When organizing this business, the following documents are required:

A license is required in order to open an orthopedic salon. And in such an office it is necessary to purchase special orthopedic equipment that an online store can offer.

Massage business can be carried out in several directions:

  • massage and cosmetology salon (classical therapeutic, acupressure, Thai and other types of massage);
  • SPA-salon, (gel, chocolate, honey, grape wraps; salt, sugar scrubs) relax, soothe the body;
  • thermal and cryo wraps, anti-cellulite massage;
  • salon for relaxation, recreation in the pool, sauna (aroma baths with natural ingredients, extracts and hydromassage).

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The business plan of a massage institution takes into account equipment for offices, materials for repairs. You need to start with the renovation of the premises. Walls, floors of the massage room must be finished with tiles or washable wallpaper, which, according to SES requirements, treated with a special solution once a week. In the massage parlor, it is obligatory to establish a bathroom.

The medical equipment store offers an extensive selection of special equipment for these offices:

  • a massage table;
  • couch (enough 2-3);
  • cosmetics rack.

The massage therapist needs to work essential oils, for a regular massage you can use olive oil. A wholesale store can offer oils cheaper than you can get in retail.

Towels must be laid out for visitors to this establishment, with 15 visitors, 20 towels are needed, which are washed daily.

A specialized store can offer a large selection of necessary furniture. In the reception room of this enterprise, in the utility room, you can put the following furniture:

  • table;
  • sofa, armchairs;
  • closet;
  • washing machine;
  • telephone set;
  • towels.

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Massage staff

The business plan of a massage parlor or salon includes staff costs. The success of the salon depends on the massage specialists, who work either in shifts or under the order. Finding a good massage therapist with regular clients is not very easy, they can run a private practice or work in another salon. How to find good specialists and what they need to offer is a serious question.

The massage therapist must be proficient not only in European, but also in oriental massage, as well as improve his skills, receive the necessary documents confirming his qualifications.

The salary of a massage therapist is usually 30-50% of the cost of the session. On the day the massage therapist, depending on experience, can serve from 4 to 8 people.

The salon, in addition to masseurs, needs 2 administrators, an accountant who can work part-time, as well as a cleaning lady. You can start the work of the office by combining these functions with one employee or the owner himself, the director.

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The payback of the massage business

The massage room at the first time of work can count on 5-7 visits of clients, and after two or three months of work, 7-10 clients are possible. Regular massage lasts 20-60 minutes, relaxing - up to 1.5 hours. Break between sessions - 20-30 minutes. Three months later, at full capacity, a salon with five specialists can serve up to 25-30 clients.

Typically, massage services are in demand in spring, in summer there is a decline, in winter and autumn, interest is usually average.

The cost of a massage depends on its type and duration and can range from 600 to 3000 rubles.

Experts estimate the profitability of the massage business at 20-40%. Payback is possible within a year, or even for a shorter period, for 3-6 months.

Nowadays, massage parlors are visited by people in the majority not on the recommendation of a doctor, but for relaxation from hard everyday life. This business is very profitable and pays off in a short time. If you want to open a private massage parlor, you need good business plan. An example of a typical business plan.

Your business plan should include the following sections:

Summary (overview section)

The main goal of the project is the opening of a massage parlor, which will provide classical, cosmetic, medical, massage services for relaxing and resting the body. A license is required only if your salon will use manual therapy.

An analysis of the needs of future clients should be an integral part of the structure of your business plan, this will make it easier for you to choose the range of salon services and choose its location.

For example, if the salon is located inside a residential building, then this contributes to the spread of popularity among clients with a need for relaxing and corrective types of massage.

Description of the salon

For starters, it is best to rent a salon room. For example, rent part of the area in a beauty salon or hairdresser. In the future, when things get better and you have regular customers, you can afford to buy a room or a separate building and expand the range of services provided.

The most suitable work schedule for such a salon is from 10 am to 10 pm.

Range of services

Your massage parlor will provide the following services:

  1. traditional massage;
  2. therapeutic and prophylactic massage;
  3. cosmetic massage;
  4. relaxation massage.

Market analysis

To determine the profitability of future activities, it is necessary to analyze the market for these services. To increase the competitiveness of your salon, there are a number of specific techniques:

  1. attraction of professional specialists;
  2. setting affordable prices;
  3. extended range of services.

Production plan

When choosing a room for a salon, you should remember that according to sanitary standards, at least eight square meters are required per client. It is better if the room with massage tables is fenced off from the rest of the room. According to the same sanitary standards, the floors in the room must be washable, for example, tiles.

Tools and equipment

You will need to buy the following list:

  1. massage table - 2 pcs.;
  2. medical couches - 2 pcs.;
  3. cabinet for cosmetics - 2 pcs.;
  4. essential and massage oils;
  5. towels.


An important part of your massage parlor will be the working staff. Because people, as a rule, go to trusted specialists. For a salon with two massage tables, it is required to hire three specialists so that work can be carried out in two shifts or with an appointment. You will also need an accountant and a cleaner.

Financial part of the plan

To open your own massage parlor, you need a starting capital of three hundred thousand rubles. A detailed list of financial costs (in thousands of rubles):

  • Rent 20
  • Utilities 5
  • Inventory and equipment 70
  • Cosmetic oils and products 30
  • Advertising costs15
  • Staff salary 110
  • Other expenses 50

A good massage parlor can actually return the cost in less than four months. Average income for one month is almost 300 thousand rubles.

  • Summary
  • Description of the object
  • Types of services provided
  • Approximate income from work
  • Marketing plan
  • Advertising

Previously, massage was considered only a medical procedure, the service was provided in hospitals and clinics, as prescribed by a doctor. Nowadays, massage has ceased to have only medicinal properties and anyone can use it. When there is demand, there is also supply. And in order to implement and provide the population with this service, massage parlors or offices are opened. To start your own business in this area, you will need to write a business plan for a massage parlor with calculations for 2019. Considered below finished sample, which can be adapted to specific tasks.


The first paragraph of a business plan is a summary. It includes the preparation and collection of documents for the registration of the organization.

Advantages of opening a massage parlor:

  • minimum investment;
  • payback of the project in one year, maximum two;
  • lack of compulsory licenses for the services provided (exception: therapeutic massage and manual practices).

Starting capital: 568,520 rubles.

Description of the object

At massage parlor opening room is needed. The total area is not less than 40 square meters. In the room it is necessary to provide for the supply and removal of cold and hot water.

Priority places:

  • sleeping area of ​​the city;
  • first floor.

Rent of 50 m2 - from 30,560 rubles per month. For the year - 366 720.

In a room of 50 m2, it is conditionally possible to place:

  • massage room - 4 rooms (4 pieces of 8 m2 each);
  • reception room - 1 place (1 piece - 3 m2);
  • manager's office - 1 place (1 piece - 5 m2);
  • shower room - 1 place (1 piece - 5 m2);
  • laundry + drying - 1 room (1 piece - 5 m2).

Massage parlor equipment:

  1. Reception desk - 18,000.
  2. Sofa at the reception - 16,000.
  3. Armchair at the reception - 9 500.
  4. Massage table - 21,000 (4 pieces = 84,000).
  5. Prefabricated couch for outdoor massage - 5,250 (2 pcs. = 10,400).
  6. Shower cubicle - 16 750.
  7. Washing machine - 30,000.
  8. Dryer for clothes - 9,000.
  9. Manager's office - 30,000.
  10. Furniture for storing documents and maps - 9,000.
  11. Essential oils and ointments - 19 210.
  12. Towels - 21 500.
  13. Utility bills - 5,500 rubles per month.
