Who appeared earlier Santa Claus or Santa. What is the difference between Santa Claus and Santa Claus: comparison, differences and similarities

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It's all the fault of ordinary human greed and the desire for easy money. And if there are naive people who believe in wonderful and easy ways to earn money, then there are enterprising people who are ready to make money on naive simpletons. Moreover, the scheme used by scammers is very simple: an advertisement is placed for the purchase of completely useless nonsense such as cigarette ash, or some other tempting offer, in general, the main goal is to interest a person in something.

Surely, almost every active user of Runet knows about the network legend about incredibly expensive coins, which, nevertheless, can be in everyone's pocket. Of course, I want to write about the legendary 10 kopeck coin of 2001.
As befits a modern legend, despite numerous denials, a rumor of this kind stubbornly circulates: "Market the cost of a coin of 10 kopecks in 2001 is from 29,000 to 40,000 rubles. The price depends on the safety of the coin. For example, 10 kopecks in 2001 at the auction went for 50 thousand rubles! And one has only to imagine how much it will cost in a few years! The number of coins is decreasing, the price of the remaining ones will increase every month, so hurry up!!!"

What if there is no corkscrew at hand, but you need to open a bottle of wine? Eat different ways solutions to this problem, below I will talk about them:
Method number 1. The simplest and most effective. In order to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew in this way, you just need to hold the bottle horizontally with one hand, and gently tap the bottom of the bottle with the palm of your other hand.
If possible, wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel (otherwise the bottle may break!), and lightly tap on the wall. With a successful combination of circumstances, in minutes the wine can already be poured into glasses. It is extremely rare, but it happens that this method takes too much time, so we move on to the next method. Once again I warn you! No need to apply excessive force and knock hard objects on the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the bottle will break.

Method number 2. You can simply push the cork inside the bottle with any object, for example, reverse side forks or spoons, marker, pen, pencil. Attention! Kill…

At present, as well as for many millennia, the symbols of the New Year are Santa Claus, and of course Santa Claus. These two old men, at first glance, do not differ from each other, but there are still some differences.

Santa Claus is also characterized by such names as Frost - cracker, Frost - Red or Student. Since ancient times, everyone knew him as the harsh god of winter, who ruled the world from November to the end of March. In addition, this character was a hero remarkable strength, as a result of which everyone was very afraid of him and only worshiped this creature. If we talk about Santa Claus, the fate of such a character is much more complicated.

Currently, organizations where you can do it provide all the information about the history of these heroes. But you can find out on your own.
So, here, Santa Claus was first called Saint Nicholas, who lived not far from Phoenicia. This character was the patron of children who were lost or abducted. If the child was obedient, he always gave him gifts, but he punished the disobedient representatives of infancy. After some time, the Church of St. Nicholas was translated into the English style "Santa Claus".
But the main differences between these characters are not only this.

Santa Claus: appearance characteristics.

Santa Claus, as well as his colleague Santa Claus, wore a red coat. But, Santa Claus often wore a green robe. We saw Santa Claus in a short jacket, which is always intercepted by a wide belt. And Santa Claus is always depicted in a long fur coat, the edges of which touched the ground. In addition, no one has seen Santa Claus in glasses, as well as in a cap, which can be seen with Santa Claus. Another difference is the beard. The American staff either does not have it, or has it, but it is very small, but our Santa Claus always has a long and thick beard.

Nowadays, ordering Santa Claus to school can be done very easily. In addition, you can choose the attire of such a character, because he can portray both Grandfather Frost and Santa Claus.
Another big difference should be noted boots, which are always dressed on it. In most cartoons, you can see that Santa Claus moves on a troika with bells, and Santa Claus rides deer across the wide sky. Moreover, Santa Claus has a wonderful companion - the Snow Maiden, which cannot be said about Santa, because he is always alone. The Snow Maiden was born from the snow, and she is always with her grandfather. Santa Claus puts gifts under the Christmas tree, and Santa only goes down the chimney and puts them in special socks.

But, both the first and the second character bring only joy, fun and joy to our homes. positive emotions. They fill people's hearts with happiness and a festive atmosphere. These characters have been living for a huge number of years, as a result of which they never cease to please us, and we are always waiting for them to visit us. And the children are looking forward to the New Year to receive gifts from the kind, cheerful, and also sweet Santa Claus.

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Since 2005, the official birthday of Russian Father Frost has been celebrated on November 18. This date was not chosen by chance: it is believed that on this day in the homeland of Father Frost - in Veliky Ustyug - frosts come and winter sets in. At the same time, the age of the old man is not precisely known; moreover, there are several versions of the birth of this character.

Q&A Where does he live? real grandfather Freezing?

The Slavic deity is considered the prototype of Santa Claus: the lord of cold and frost. The image of this spirit was reflected in the Slavic fairy tale folklore, where it is referred to as Frost, Student, Treskunets, Morozko, Zyuzya. Slavic peoples imagined this deity in the form of an old man with a long gray beard, who runs through the fields and causes bitter frosts with a knock. Considering that Slavic mythology was formed in the process of separating the ancient Slavs from the Indo-European community of peoples in the II-I millennium BC. e., then the age of Santa Claus can exceed 2000 years.

However, Santa Claus known to us is not only the lord of winter and frost, but also a kind old man who brings gifts to children. A similar image is shown in the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" by Vladimir Odoevsky in 1840, in which the literary processing of the folklore and ritual Frost is given for the first time. Moroz Ivanovich is described as a gray-haired old man who lives in an ice house and sleeps on a featherbed made of snow. He covers the winter shoots with snow, as he “shakes his head - frost falls from his hair.” If we take into account the hit of the image of Santa Claus in literary tradition, then its age is a little less than 180 years.

The author of works on the history of Santa Claus in Russia, philologist Elena Dushechkina writes that the image of Frost created by Odoevsky is still far from the character we know. According to her, it finally took shape only by the beginning of the twentieth century, when, in addition to verbal description acquired a recognizable visual form. By this time, the figure of an old man in a fur coat and with a bag in his hands had become a popular Christmas tree toy, as well as a doll in advertising windows, carnival masks began to be made in the shape of the face of Santa Claus. It wasn't until the 1910s that people dressed up as Santa Claus began to show up at children's parties. If we take into account the time of the appearance of the familiar image of Santa Claus, then the character is just over 100 years old. How is Santa Claus different from Santa Claus? Infographic More

Philologist Svetlana Adonyeva, in her study of the history of the New Year tradition, notes that Santa Claus is an obligatory character new year holiday appeared only in the prewar years. This image arose under the Soviet regime, which by the end of the thirties, after several years of prohibition, again allowed Christmas trees. Thus, Santa Claus as an attribute of the New Year holiday has existed for about 80 years.

How old is Santa Claus?

Determining the age of Santa Claus is less difficult than in the case of Santa Claus. If we take into account that the prototype of Santa is St. Nicholas, he is also Nicholas the Wonderworker, then the date of birth of the character is taken as the date of birth of the saint: 270 AD. e. Thus, Santa Claus is 1747 years old.

The date when Santa Claus became a hero is also known. literary work. This happened in 1823, when the Christmas poem "An Account of the Visitation of St. Nicholas" was published in New York. Its author, writer Clement Clark Moore, wrote a poem for his three daughters about a cheerful old elf who travels on a reindeer sleigh and brings gifts to the children by entering the house through the chimney. And it's all about him. 7 interesting facts from the biography of Santa Claus Read more

The image of Santa Claus entered popular culture after the American cartoonist Thomas Nast created an illustration with this character for Harper's Weekly. On January 3, 1863, this magazine featured an image of a bearded old man dressed in a suit painted in the colors of the American flag. It was a political cartoon that reflected the events civil war. Santa Claus in his traditional costume and carrying a sack of toys can be seen in Nast's later 1880s illustrations.

In the early 1890s, homeless people dressed as Santa Claus began to appear on the streets of New York to collect donations. This money was used charitable organization Salvation Army to pay for free Christmas meals to families in need. What's in the Santa Claus bag? Where did the tradition of giving sweets to children come from?

So which character is older?

Considering that the exact date of the appearance of the prototype of Santa Claus is unknown, we cannot compare his age with the age of Santa Claus. Concerning literary images, then the description of Santa Claus, close to modern, was given a little earlier than the familiar Santa Claus. The visual image of the old donor was also first introduced to the Americans, and then to the residents of Russia.

According to the site

A few years ago, or maybe more than a few, say, a dozen years ago, a wave of publications swept across the Internet, comparing two fairy tale character- Santa Claus and Santa Claus. They wrote about the difference in clothes, and in the means of transportation on our sinful earth, and even in the way of giving gifts. At the same time, a serious war broke out between the guardians of the “braces” and the “rootless cosmopolitans”. The first insisted, no, not on lemon peels, but on the fact that only a domestic product, that is, Santa Claus, has the right to congratulate our children on the New Year, the second defended the point of view that the children of the entire “civilized world” have been almost a century " they use the fabulous Klaus, and nothing - they definitely didn’t become more unhappy. Here it should be noted that all these comparisons are from the evil one. Yes, the difference in everything between the two characters is visible to the naked eye. But the main thing is that these are generally incomparable characters, if you approach the problem strictly. But let's start with superficial comparisons.

This is a fur coat, and not a stubby one knows what

Yes, indeed, our population has somehow forgotten what, or rather, who Santa Claus is. Even appearance somehow erased, apparently from memory. And it would be fine just younger generation. But in the middle and, especially, the eldest, an unforgettable image of Santa Claus should have been imprinted in the brain. At least since kindergarten times and primary school with their New Year's parties. No? Is it possible to put your children under Christmas tree a peasant, albeit bearded, albeit cheerful, but too much, as for our local hero, well-fed, and even in some kind of sheepskin coat, or in an incomprehensible winter jacket? And on the head is this cap, unusual for us, and not a decent, almost boyar, richly decorated hat.

And ours in a fur coat! In the real coat. And it doesn't have to be red. Maybe in blue, maybe in white - winter colors. This is Santa Claus wearing red clothes. Grandpa has a better choice. And a beard. Frost has a beard - all beards have a beard!


Santa Claus is known to ride on a sleigh pulled by reindeer. Flies across the sky. Deer nine. They even have names. Here they are: Swift, Dancer, Prancing, Grumpy, Comet, Cupid, Thunder, Lightning. These are the original eight. The fact is that their Santa is very literary character. His image was written out in books. So the names of his deer appeared only at the beginning of the century before last, in 1823, in the poem "The Night Before Christmas". The ninth deer either fell out of the poem, or it didn’t even exist at all. Rather, the second. Because, as the researchers of the issue note, the ninth deer became known to the broad masses of the people there already a century later - in 1939, and even then thanks to some kind of advertising campaign. It seems to be in Chicago. The deer was put in charge of the team, they named him Rudolf and endowed him with a red nose glowing in the dark. Our Grandfather, a well-known case, is not exchanged for any deer there.

Since 2005, the official birthday of the Russian Santa Claus celebrated November 18th. This date was not chosen by chance: it is believed that on this day in the homeland of Father Frost - in Veliky Ustyug - frosts come and winter sets in. At the same time, the age of the old man is not precisely known; moreover, there are several versions of the birth of this character.

The Slavic deity is considered the prototype of Santa Claus: the lord of cold and frost. The image of this spirit is reflected in Slavic fairy tale folklore, where it is referred to as Frost, Student, Treskunets, Morozko, Zyuzya. The Slavic peoples imagined this deity in the form of an old man with a long gray beard, who runs through the fields and causes bitter frosts with a knock. Considering that Slavic mythology was formed in the process of separating the ancient Slavs from the Indo-European community of peoples in the II-I millennium BC. e., then the age of Santa Claus can exceed 2000 years.

However, Santa Claus known to us is not only the lord of winter and frost, but also a kind old man who brings gifts to children. A similar image is shown in the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" Vladimir Odoevsky 1840, in which the literary processing of the folklore and ritual Frost is given for the first time. Moroz Ivanovich is described as a gray-haired old man who lives in an ice house and sleeps on a featherbed made of snow. He covers the winter shoots with snow, as if he shakes his head - frost falls from his hair. If we take into account the fact that the image of Santa Claus has entered the literary tradition, then his age is a little less than 180 years.

Author of works on the history of Santa Claus in Russia, philologist Elena Dushechkina writes that the image of Frost, created by Odoevsky, is still far from the character we know. According to her, it finally took shape only by the beginning of the 20th century, when, in addition to the verbal description, it acquired a recognizable visual form. By this time, the figure of an old man in a fur coat and with a bag in his hands had become a popular Christmas tree toy, as well as a doll in advertising windows, carnival masks began to be made in the shape of the face of Santa Claus. It wasn't until the 1910s that people dressed up as Santa Claus began to show up at children's parties. If we take into account the time of the appearance of the familiar image of Santa Claus, then the character is just over 100 years old.

Philologist Svetlana Adoneva in his study of the history of the New Year's tradition, he notes that Santa Claus as an obligatory character of the New Year's holiday appeared only in the pre-war years. This image arose under the Soviet regime, which by the end of the thirties, after several years of prohibition, again allowed Christmas trees. Thus, Santa Claus as an attribute of the New Year holiday has existed for about 80 years.

How old is Santa Claus?

Age determination Santa Claus causes less difficulties than in the case of Santa Claus. Considering that the prototype of Santa is St Nicholas, he is Nicholas the Wonderworker, then the date of birth of the character is taken as the date of birth of the saint: 270 AD. e. Thus, Santa Claus is 1747 years old.

The date when Santa Claus became the hero of a literary work is also known. This happened in 1823, when the Christmas poem "An Account of the Visitation of St. Nicholas" was published in New York. Its author writer Clement Clark Moore, wrote a poem for his three daughters, in which he spoke of a cheerful old elf who travels on a reindeer team and brings gifts to children by entering the house through the chimney.

The image of Santa Claus entered popular culture after the American cartoonist Thomas Nast created an illustration with this character for Harper's Weekly. On January 3, 1863, this magazine featured an image of a bearded old man dressed in a suit painted in the colors of the American flag. It was a political cartoon that reflected the events of the Civil War. Santa Claus in his traditional costume and carrying a sack of toys can be seen in Nast's later 1880s illustrations.

In the early 1890s, homeless people dressed as Santa Claus began to appear on the streets of New York to collect donations. The money was used by the Salvation Army charity to pay for free Christmas meals to families in need.

So which character is older?

Considering that the exact date of the appearance of the prototype of Santa Claus is unknown, we cannot compare his age with the age of Santa Claus. As for literary images, the description of Santa Claus, close to the modern one, was given a little earlier than that of the familiar Santa Claus. The visual image of the old donor was also first introduced to the Americans, and then to the residents of Russia.
