Presentation on the topic "Desiderium Erasmus of Rotterdam". Presentation for the lesson the great humanists of Europe Traveling around the countries

Birth of Gerhard (Desiderius Erasmus) Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam was born on October 28, 1469 (according to other versions of 1467), in Gouda (20 km from Rotterdam) in the current Netherlands. Romanization and Greekization, which was common at that time, was subsequently formed by its double pseudonym Desiderius Erasmus, which made him forget his real name.

Death of parents He was 13 years old when his parents died. A new manifestation of some traits of his character is timidity, sometimes bordering on cowardice, a certain amount of secrecy. He understood that with such an inheritance, a public career would be inaccessible to him. Therefore, soon, after some hesitation, he decides to retire to a monastery.

Monastery Once in the monastery, he wrote many letters. It follows from them that he did not inwardly feel attracted to monastic life. Moreover, the realities of monastic life caused him deep disgust. He devoted most of his free time to reading his favorite classical authors and to improving his knowledge of Latin and Greek.

Recognition The Bishop of Cambrai took him to be his secretary for correspondence in Latin. Bishop Erasmus of Cambrai was able to leave the monastery, give scope to his long-standing inclinations to humanistic science and visit all the main centers of humanism of that time. Then he moved to Paris. Humanism Paris In Paris, Erasmus published his first major work Adagia, a collection of sayings and anecdotes extracted from the writings of various ancient writers. This book made the name of Erasmus famous in some circles throughout Europe.

Traveling around the countries Bust of Erasmus After several years in France, he traveled to England, where he was greeted with cordial hospitality and honor., Then Erasmus got the opportunity to visit Italy, where he had long been attracted. in Turin, in Bologna, in Florence, in Venice, in Padua, in Rome, for the third time he went to England, where his friends there urgently invited him, and where his great admirer, Henry VIII, had recently assumed the throne. Italy Turin Bologna FlorenceVenice PaduaRome England

Teaching in Cambridge During the trip, according to Erasmus himself, he wrote the famous satire "Praise of stupidity." Oxford and Cambridge Universities offered him professorships. Praise of Folly Oxford Cambridge Universities In 1511, Erasmus was honored to become Lady Margaret Professor of Theology at Cambridge University. Erasmus went to Germany. 1513 Germany But soon he was drawn to England, where he went again in 1515. 1515

This time, Erasmus found himself a powerful philanthropist in the person of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles of Spain (future Emperor Charles V). Charles V traveled to Brussels, Lebanon, Antwerp, Freiburg, Basel. Brussels Lebanon Antwerp Freiburg Basel

Erasmus, along with Johann Reuchlin, was called by contemporaries "the two eyes of Germany." Johann Reuchlin Of particular importance is the “Praise of Stupidity” (Moriæ-Encomium, sive Stultitiæ Laus) Praise of Stupidity Basic ideas. People are not born, but are made through education; Reason makes a man a man; Man has free will, and only therefore is his moral and legal responsibility possible; He opposed all violence and wars; A child must be properly educated from birth. It's better if the parents do it. If they cannot do it themselves, they must find a good teacher; The child must be given religious, mental and moral education; Physical development is important. Erasmus' ideas

The secularization of consciousness, i.e. gradual liberation from the religious view of the world. The spread of the ideas of humanism, i.e. attention to human personality, faith in the strength of man himself. Dissemination of scientific knowledge. Reliance on the achievements of the culture of Antiquity.

Culture is the work of man, in it he seeks his reflection, in it he recognizes himself. The portrait of Cecilia Gallerani (Lady with an Ermine) was painted in 1485. A figure of a woman with a symbolic animal in her arms protrudes from a dark background. The turn of the face, the illuminated shoulder and the position of the body of the graceful little predator add vividness to the picture. We notice a psychological parallel - a comparison of animal grace, imaginary domestication and covert defiance, common to a woman in her arms. lady with ermine

Erasmus of Rotterdam (). Theologian and philologist. The most famous creations are “Conversations easily” and “Praise of Stupidity”.

Thomas More (). Politician and First Minister to the King of England. At the beginning of the 16th century, he wrote and published " golden book, as useful as it is pleasant, about the best organization of the state and about the new island of Utopia.

Francois Rabelais (). Writer. Most famous work- The novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel".

The best of Cervantes' biographers, Schall, characterized him thus: “The poet, windy and dreamy, lacked worldly skill, and he did not benefit either from his military campaigns or from his works. It was an unselfish soul, incapable of gaining glory or counting on success, alternately enchanted or indignant, irresistibly surrendering to all its impulses ... He was seen naively in love with everything beautiful, generous and noble, indulging in romantic dreams or love dreams, ardent on the battlefield, then immersed in deep reflection, then carelessly cheerful ... From the analysis of his life, he comes out with honor, full of generous and noble activity, an amazing and naive prophet, heroic in his disasters and kind in his genius.

The image of Don Quixote was perceived by numerous researchers as an archetype of human nature, interpreted as a psychological category, even giving rise to the philosophical concept of “quixoticism”. The bibliography of studies of the image of Don Quixote by literary critics (for example, Peliser, Tiknor, Juan Valera, Storozhenko), philosophers (including (Schedling, Hegel) and other specialists is very extensive

Michelangelo was born on March 6, 1475 in the Tuscan town of Caprese, north of Arezzo, in the family of an impoverished Florentine nobleman, Lodovico Buonarroti, a city councilor. Some biographical books say that the ancestor of Michelangelo was a certain Messer Simone, who came from the family of the Counts de Canossa

The genius of Michelangelo left an imprint not only on the art of the Renaissance, but also on all further world culture. His activities are mainly related to two Italian cities Florence and Rome. By the nature of his talent, he was primarily a sculptor. This is also felt in the master's paintings, unusually rich in plasticity of movements, complex poses, distinct and powerful modeling of volumes. In Florence, Michelangelo created an immortal example of the High Renaissance, the statue "David" (), which has become the standard for depicting the human body for many centuries, in Rome sculptural composition"Pieta" (), one of the first incarnations of the figure of a dead person in plastic. However, the artist was able to realize his most grandiose plans precisely in painting, where he acted as a true innovator of color and form.

marble statue by Michelangelo, first presented to the Florentine public in Piazza della Signoria on September 8, 1504. Since then, the five-meter statue has been perceived as a symbol of the Florentine Republic and one of the pinnacles not only of Renaissance art, but also of human genius in general. Currently, the original statue is in the Academy fine arts in Florence. David

The figures of the Virgin Mary and Christ were carved in marble by a 24-year-old craftsman commissioned by the French cardinal Jean Biler for his tomb. In the XVIII century, the statue was transferred to one of the chapels of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. During transportation, the fingers of Madonna's left hand were damaged. In 1972, Laszlo Toth, an Australian geologist of Hungarian origin, attacked the statue with a rock hammer, shouting that he was the Christ. After the restoration, the statue was installed behind bulletproof glass to the right of the entrance to the cathedral. hands of the Madonna from Mexico to Korea.

Let's start with the definition of the concept

Humanism is a system of beliefs based on the belief that the human person is inherently valuable.

Humanists focused on human who was interested in sciences, literature, art, knew how to communicate correctly. First of all, he was an educated person. Consequently, a person became a value, and it was he who could change the world around him.

Humanism is...

Humanism is...

Humanism is...

Humanism is...


The time when humanism was born is called the era

5th century BC

An important role in the era of humanism was played by the upbringing and education of children. One of the first to understand

who founded the humanist school in the 15th century

Vittorino de Feltre

"House of Joy"

The school was surrounded by nature, the children were not in dark rooms during the learning process, they were in the open air.

Classes were held in the natural environment.

No physical punishment was used

Children of ordinary people could learn

Diversified human development

Vittorino de Feltre

About decency



wrote a treatise

in which, through questions and answers, he invited children to learn the rules of behavior.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

So, during a conversation with a man, Erasmus of Rotterdam considered it impolite to raise his eyebrows, wrinkle his nose, yawn, shake his head, pick his ears. Agree, these rules are quite valid so far.

Let's get acquainted with Erasmus of Rotterdam and his works in more detail.


Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam

He made many trips throughout Europe, and everywhere he was waiting for recognition and success.

He died in Basel

One of the most famous works Erasmus of Rotterdam is " Praise of Stupidity", written in 1509.

"Praise of Stupidity"

The next humanist we'll meet


Thomas More

A few years later he joined the Privy Council and received a knighthood.

Became Lord Chancellor in 1525

Disagreements with the king began because of the divorce of Henry VIII and More's rejection of the Anglican Church.

The greatest work Thomas More became

Its main idea is to criticize contemporary society and build a model of an ideal society in an ideal state.

"A golden little book, as useful as it is funny, about the best organization of the state and about the new island of Utopia"

The same



manners and


3 hours to noon


2 hours rest

3 hours of work


Thomas More imagined absolutely ideal state, which is impossible to construct. And the word "utopia" is still synonymous with

something unrealizable, fantastic.

Another humanist who influenced the development of public consciousness


Francois Rabelais

Throughout his life he was engaged in literature and believed that only laughter could cure all diseases. All the works of Rabelais were satirical. He ridiculed the vices of society and kings.

In the center of the plot of the book are good giants.



"Gargantua and Pantagruel"

People are not born, but formed.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

1968 - Several reviews of The Star of the Fields appeared in magazines. Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov. 1950-1952 - Nikolai Rubtsov graduated from the seven-year school. 1962 - January 24, Nikolai Rubtsov performs poetry reading. 1964-1965 - at the end of June, Nikolai Rubtsov was again expelled from the Literary Institute. Childhood. 1956-1959 - active service in the Northern Fleet. 1963 - July of this year, the first version of the poem "In the upper room" is dated.

"Alexander Radishchev" - He had to participate in the resolution of one case. The system of teaching and education of youth. Rod Radishchev. The works of A.N. Radishchev. The fate of the peasant is terrible. Radishchev Alexander Nikolaevich. Goal of the work. Education A.N. Radishche. Death of A.N. Radishchev. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow". A number of official documents. Literary activity A.N. Radishchev. Classes A.N. Radishchev. Originality of "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow".

"Ryleev" - The poem "Citizen" is the pinnacle work of the Decembrist lyrics. He retired in 1818 with the rank of second lieutenant. Sentenced to death and hanged on July 13, 1826. Kondraty Fedorovich Ryleev 1795-1826. They mark the poet's final overcoming of constitutional and monarchical illusions. L. Mikhailov. [Citizen]. Last days life. Biography of Kondraty Ryleev. Ryleev moves to the position of republicanism.

"Biography of Radishchev" - "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow." Sheshkovsky. "Radishchev, the enemy of slavery" A.S. Pushkin. Ilim prison. Radishchev is the true embodiment of Russia's conscience. Scenes of lawlessness. Leipzig University. The axes are silent for the time being. Radishchev was buried at the Volkovo Cemetery in St. Petersburg. In Ilimsk, on the edge Russian Empire, Radishchev was a scientist of Priilimye. Prophetic gift. Why is slavery everywhere? Catherine did not limit herself to an order to start an investigation.

"Christmas" - Dies in Moscow from a heart attack. Creation. Robert Ivanovich Rozhdestvensky. New adventures of the elusive. Publicism. Biography of Robert Rozhdestvensky. Property of Rozhdestvensky's poetry. Hero. Rozhdestvensky move to Leningrad. Family. The book of the young poet "Flags of Spring".

"Rotterdam" - Went to Italy. He was the illegitimate son of a priest. For food and drink you are more than human. Adagia. shiny intellectual ability. Dutch scientist. Adagius. The scientist went to Germany for two years. Erasmus of Rotterdam. Praise stupidity.

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REVIVAL AND HUMANISM Culture and outlook of Europeans in XV-XVII centuries.

New human ideal: Energetic; Independent; Active; Educated, broad-minded and rich life experience; Connoisseur and connoisseur of art.

The main goal of human life. Middle Ages New time (Renaissance) Salvation of the soul. For this, it is necessary to believe in God, to observe church rites and not to sin. Success. Become famous in the arts, science, trade, business, travel, etc. But be sure to help people!

Humanism. Humanus (man), humanoid, humane, humanitarian, humanism; Man is like God, he is beautiful and harmonious: educated, physically developed, fond of art and philosophy; Basic virtues: honesty, valor, creativity, patriotism!

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) Dante is the forerunner Italian Renaissance, at the center of his main work " Divine Comedy» the fate of the people whose souls he meets during his imaginary journey through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise.

Petrarch Francesco (1304-1374) Petrarch's lyric presents new stage in the development of Italian and European poetry. The image of the beloved woman became concrete and vital for him, and love experiences are shown in all their inconsistency and variability. Petrarch not only updated the content of poetry, but created a perfect poetic form, his verse is musical, the images are elegant, stylistic devices (antithesis and rhetorical question), reflecting the confused state of his soul and giving drama to the sonnets, do not violate the smoothness of the verse and the harmony of the nature of his poetry. P.'s lyrics had a huge impact on the development of European poetry (the so-called Petrarchism). Along with Dante and G. Boccaccio P. is the creator of the Italian literary language.

Artists, scientists, patrons… Poetry, science, art have become highly valued the mighty of the world this. Many rulers not only acted as customers of works of art, but were themselves subtle connoisseurs of it.

Which statement best reflects the views of humanists on human nature? The Lord created man from the dust of the earth, which is more insignificant than other elements, as confirmed in the Bible; If considered so wonderful and great beauty world, then what beauty and grace should be endowed with a person, for the sake of which the most beautiful and most decorated world was created.

Features of the Northern Renaissance: Appeal not only to the heritage of Antiquity, but also to our own medieval history; A sharp critical attitude towards the Catholic Church and its control in science and art - "The essence of faith lies not in the petty observance of rituals, but in the true adherence to the spirit of the teachings and the moral commandments of Christ!"

Erasmus of Rotterdam (1469-1536) Dutch humanist, writer, philologist, theologian, the most prominent representative of the Northern Renaissance. Lived in France, England, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, enjoyed pan-European recognition. He wrote in Latin. Of the vast legacy of E.R., the most famous are Praise of Stupidity (1509) and Easy Conversations (1519-30). The first work is a philosophical satire, the second is mostly domestic. Madam Stupidity, singing her own praise, easily turns into wisdom, self-satisfied nobility - stupid meanness, unlimited power - the worst slavery, therefore the call "nothing beyond measure" becomes the most precious rule of life!

Thomas More (1478-1535). English humanist, statesman and writer. The son of a judge. In 1504, More was nominated to Parliament from the London merchants, in 1510 he became assistant sheriff of London, in 1518 he joined the Royal Council, in 1525-1529 chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in 1529-32 chancellor of England. More refused to swear an oath to the king as "supreme head" english church, after which he was imprisoned in the Tower (1534), accused of treason and executed.

"Utopia". More was best known for his dialogue Utopia (1516), which contains a description perfect order the fantastic island of Utopia (Greek, literally - "Nowhere", a place that does not exist; this word invented by M. later became a household word). Here More for the first time in the history of mankind depicted a society where private (and even personal) property has been eliminated and not only consumption equality has been introduced (as in early Christian communities), but production and life have been socialized. Work in Utopia is the duty of all citizens, distribution occurs according to need, the working day is reduced to 6 hours; the hardest work is done by criminals. The political system of Utopia is based on the principles of election and seniority.

Conclusions: The Renaissance originated in Italy, but spread throughout Western Europe; The basis of the Renaissance is the philosophy of humanism; main idea humanism: "Man is the master of his own destiny."

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) The most famous scientist, artist, poet of the Renaissance is considered Leonardo da Vinci. It can be safely called the embodied ideal of the personality of the new time.

The Last Supper


Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) Sculptor, artist, poet, architect, possessed a violent disposition, in his works "ahead of the time."


Frescoes of the Last Judgment. In this fresco, a lot is inspired by the spirit of Dante's Divine Comedy, for a long time this painting was considered heretical.

Creation of Adam

Raphael Santi (1483-1520). The most "Renaissance" of the Renaissance artists is considered Rafael Santi. His works are harmonious in composition and perfect in color, the plots are considered classic.


Albrecht Durer (1471-1528). German artist, the author of a series of self-portraits in which he was able to show the formation of a personality, the inventor of easel oil painting.

Hieronymus Bosch (1460-1516) The Garden of Earthly Delights.

Last Judgment

Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525-1569)
