The meaning of the proverb is close to the elbow so you can’t bite. Composition-reasoning according to the proverb “The elbow is close - but you won’t bite

The elbow is close, but you won’t bite

adj., number of synonyms: 10

the elbow is close, but you won’t bite (10)

sees the eye, but the tooth is numb (9)

everything could have turned out differently, but now it's too late (2)

not see how their ears (10)

not be seen as the kingdom of heaven (8)

Not about him (10)

Unreachable (26)

Unavailable (35)

Unreachable (16)

even though the eye sees, but the tooth is numb (7)

  • - and close, but if you don’t get it, you won’t succeed. Wed Yes, the rider said - the elbow is close, but you won’t bite ... There is happiness, but there is no mind to look for it. A. P. Chekhov. Happiness...

    (original spelling)

  • - High. About the imminent death of someone. - Brothers! my hour is near, no one will escape his fate ...
  • - R. elbow/...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - ELBOW, -ktya, pl. elbows, -hey...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - and close, but you can’t get it: you won’t succeed. Yes, - said the rider, - the elbow is close, but you won’t bite ... There is happiness, but there is no mind to look for it. A.P. Chekhov. Happiness...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - The sexton, having taken courage, hit the merchant in the nose; The merchant grabbed a bottle and a tray from the table - He waved at his friends - and Satan has fun! In this vale, alas, weeping is always close to laughter! V.L. Pushkin. Dangerous neighbor. See the vale of sorrow...

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  • - what. High Express. There comes a time for some important events, change in something. retribution with the enemy! release native land! ...

    Phraseological dictionary of Russian literary language

  • - See WILL -...
  • - See WILL -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See LIFE -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Ears do not grow above the forehead ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - not far...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 close to death ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 close to the coffin ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 10 the elbow is close, but you can’t bite, the eye sees, but the tooth is numb, everything could have turned out differently, but now it’s too late not to see how your ears can’t be seen as a kingdom ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 3 far from passing light not close light ...

    Synonym dictionary

"the elbow is close, but you won't bite" in books


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CLOSE IN SPIRIT I have always loved Viktor Rozov. As a person and playwright. I often met with him, took his advice and comments. This amazing person, great writer! His work is vital, he was needed by people of any age. I am pleased with the establishment of his prize

"Sleep, my friend. The hour is near. Silence…"

From the book One on the Bridge: Poems. Memories. Letters author Andersen Larissa Nikolaevna

"Sleep, my friend. The hour is near. Silence…” Sleep, my friend. The hour is near. Silence Approached and stands at the threshold. A big moon emerges To illuminate the road at parting. Sleep ... Sorrows will go away forever, Only radiant joy will be dreamed of. Only once will it slip like a star, And a tear will go out on

The end is near

From the author's book

The End Is Near From our position, we could see the Volkssturm leaving their positions and streaming back into the city. The war is over for these people. The Americans advanced without a fight in long columns along the Ruhr highway to Dortmund. binoculars

The end is near

From the book Zodiac and the swastika author Wulf Wilhelm

Chapter 17 THE END IS NEAR

From the book Fighter Pilot. Combat operations "Me-163" author Ziegler Mano

CHAPTER 17 THE END IS NEAR The gigantic Udetfeld airfield in East Silesia was made available for training flights of our fighters, and we flew there with two training squadrons at once. Adolf Niemeyer is at the head of the thirteenth, and I am at the head of the fourteenth, respectively.

Vareniki with cabbage, onions, eggplants, parsley and carrots "The less you bite, the more you swallow"

From the book Original Recipes of Ukrainian Foods author Treer Gera Marksovna


From the book Kabbalah of Power [corrected] author Shamir Israel

11.2. Is the end near?

From the book The Far Future of the Universe [Eschatology in Cosmic Perspective] by Ellis George

11.2. Is the end near? Believers, at least the least respectable believers, no longer look forward to the end of the world or the Last Judgment in the literal sense, and the quotation from Browning gives them only a brief involuntary shudder. Those who claim that the end is in really close,

The end is near

From the book Military Mysteries of the Third Reich author Nepomniachtchi Nikolai Nikolaevich

The end is near In the afternoon of April 13, after another massive raid on Hamburg, a telephone message arrived at the command post instructing me to immediately return to Harzwald. I was told that Himmler intended to take some kind of action. Provided in

The end is near

From the book To Hell with "Greater Germany" author Refeld Hans Heinz

The end is near East Prussia is cut off from the empire! On February 3, 1945, the tired to death guys were awakened, all preparations were completed, and an hour later, at about 05.00, the 2nd battalion was ready to launch an attack. The main direction is to the west! To the coast, along the Reich highway 1 (coming from

1. Their end is near

From the book Report to the Russian Gods of a veteran of the Russian Movement author Khomyakov Petr Mikhailovich

1. Their end is near In today's Russia, it is futile to fight for the interests of the Russian people. Political methods because there is no politics in Russia. And the people themselves, for the most part, resigned themselves to this. By revolutionary methods, because the Russian people as a whole are afraid to realize that

The fracture is near

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 34 (1083 2014) author Tomorrow Newspaper

The turning point is near Aleksey Belozersky 21 August 2014 0 Politics War Military confrontation in Novorossia The situation in the combat areas continues to be extremely tense, but some significant changes are already clearly visible: - despite

304 The hour of suffering was near

From the book Hymns of Hope author author unknown

The hour of suffering was near The hour of suffering was near, Christ grieved in soul, And having gathered the disciples, He revealed His feat to them. He said to the disciples, On His flesh in


From the book Kabbalah of Power author Shamir Israel

The end is near...

From the book "Ruby" - a champion! author Gavrilov Sergey Lvovich

The finish line is close... Only four rounds remained until the end of the Premier League championship. Alas, it was possible to say with almost complete certainty that Rubin did not fulfill its task for the season - to reach the first five places that give the right to participate in European competitions in the 2008 season.

You can't take a fish out of the pond without effort

Every business requires effort, without effort, diligence, you can’t do anything. They say when it takes big job, hard work.
1) How did you pull it (pike) out? The fisherman calmly and slightly mockingly answered everyone: - You can’t take a fish out of the pond without difficulty! How many years have passed since then, I don’t remember, but the fisherman not only does not go out of memory, but, on the contrary, everything becomes clear, and it happens that I, in praise of “talent”, repeat to myself: “You can’t take a fish out of the pond without difficulty !” (M. Prishvin, “Kashcheev's chain”).
2) This business is profitable for the collective farm - fish farming .. - It, of course, can be profitable, but difficult, - Lukov objects.
3) - It is difficult, Terkin, on the border, The way here is much easier ...
- Without difficulty, as they say, Even a fish from a pond ...
(A. Tvardovsky, “Terkin in the next world”).

Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age

“From youth” - from a young age, from young age. Advice to young people from their youth to cherish their honor, good name (just like clothes should be protected again, that is, while they are new). Spoken as a guide young man at the beginning of it life path.
Examples from literary works:
1) The father said to me: “Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you swear allegiance and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, and honor from youth ”(A. Pushkin,“ Captain's daughter”);
2) With a negligent attitude towards your health, you can lose it very quickly and, on the contrary, with a certain frugality and attentiveness, you can save it for a long time. TO famous proverb“Take care of honor from a young age” should be added - “Take care of your health from a young age” (F. Kolomiytsev, “Prevention of premature old age”).

God saves the safe

"Careful" - in the sense of one who takes care of himself. A cautious person will avoid danger, misfortune will bypass him. It is said as advice to be careful, prudent, not to take risks, and also to justify someone's seemingly excessive caution.
Examples from literary works:
1) Fate loves caution, that’s why they say: God protects the safe (I. Goncharov, “Cliff”);
2) After the illness, for a long time, almost until the very spring, they didn’t let me out on the street, and in the hut they didn’t let me run enough, play enough. “God saves the safe one,” my mother said (N. Rylenkov, “The Tale of My Childhood”);
3) However, you still need to be ready, - “God saves the safe.” It is necessary to see what is being done in the yard (N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, “Several Years in the Village”);
4) A happy thought came into Testov's clear head: to fasten Lyudnikov to the holiday. True, this is not provided by the script. But you can’t spoil the porridge with butter, yet, just in case, he decided to consult with Pudalov. God saves the safe (A. Avdeenko, “In the sweat of his face ...”).

Close (close) elbow, but do not bite

Here the meaning of "Yes" - but, but, however. They say when it is impossible to accomplish something, although it would seem that this is easy to do.
Examples from literary works:
1) - Yes, - he said, - the elbow is close, but you won’t bite ... There is happiness, but there’s no mind to look for it .. Yes, you will die without seeing happiness as it is ... (A. Chekhov, “Happiness” );
2) The elbow is close, but you won’t bite. A day has passed, and we have not approached the house even a meter. The impenetrable fog that covered last night has lasted uninterruptedly all day today (T. Ushakov, “On the untrodden land”).

To home

Dasha Savinova

the meaning of the proverb "The elbow is close, but you will not bite"

8 months ago


Answers (5)

“The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” - it would seem easy to do something, but there is no way to achieve what you want.

answered 8 months ago


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Natalya Tsaruk

answered 8 months ago


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Yulia Blinsheva

This means that what is available is sometimes not available.

answered 8 months ago


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Well you got it

answered 8 months ago


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Elena Dubovaya

you think available what is not available

answered 8 months ago


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Illusion of proximity

Doing stupid things

Instead of a conclusion

Russians folk proverbs play an important role in the development national consciousness. It was our compatriots who were famous for their great wisdom, great life force and the ability to overcome difficulties. Probably everyone knows the proverb “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” It is usually used in cases where you need to show the interlocutor that time has been lost.

If you try to do this intricate action, you will very soon realize that it is not possible. The most interesting thing is that the elbow seems to be really close enough, but bringing it to the mouth, and even more so biting, is very problematic. This article reveals the various meanings of this wise expression, which has become winged.

Inability to fix the situation

“The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” means a case when a certain situation has already occurred and it cannot be corrected. If a person speaks this famous phrase, which means that he, as a rule, regrets what happened, wants to correct some consequences, but cannot come to this action. This has happened to everyone in one way or another. And here the most important thing is to look for a way out, not to withdraw into yourself. After all, it is important to learn a positive lesson from any situation, so that later you can look to the future with greater confidence.

The proverb “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” originates from ancient times, when people experienced a state of annoyance, dissatisfaction from the fact that something did not work out for them. Sometimes fix some difficult situation It turns out to be extremely difficult and additional efforts are required for this. Each of us should always remember that at any moment of life he can commit a rash act. You just need to be able to see your mistake in time and correct it as soon as possible so that you don’t have to regret it in the future.

Illusion of proximity

Sometimes it seems to a person that some goal is right in front of his eyes. He sees it clearly enough to be able to realize it. But if you start to consider this desire deeper, delve into the details, it turns out that the ease of implementation is the biggest delusion. The meaning of “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” goes back to the following truth: sometimes we cannot appreciate the obstacles and obstacles that arise in our life. Mistakes and failures are lessons to be learned.

Overcoming obstacles means becoming stronger and wiser. Sometimes what previously seemed so close and accessible, then turns out to be difficult to achieve or even impossible, which is why they say “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” The meaning of the proverb goes back to being able to recognize such situations in time.

Doing stupid things

People tend to err. For some rash actions, then you have to pay for the rest of your life. Sometimes we do not understand that later we can regret that in Hard time did not help someone, refused to participate, did not say a kind word. When they say “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite,” as a rule, they mean themselves, their past mistakes and blunders. After all, the past cannot be changed, cannot be corrected, it can only be accepted.

To stop blaming yourself for some significant event, a review of the past with a deep analysis of feelings is required. Often people say about themselves: “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” The meaning of the proverb is understood by everyone: both adults and children.

Instead of a conclusion

In Russian, there are a large number of sayings and sayings that reflect public consciousness. All of them are beautiful and remarkable in their own way, filled with a special meaning. “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” - these words are usually said to themselves by those who regret the chosen direction in life. It is human to make mistakes, it becomes even sadder that at a certain point it is already too late to correct various shortcomings. Everything should be done at the right time if possible. Later, as a rule, various circumstances arise that may interfere with correcting what once happened. From a person in this case requires tremendous patience and hard mental work.

Elbow is close, but you won't bite

(foreign language) - and close, but you can’t get it: you won’t succeed

Wed Yes, said the rider, close elbow Yes, you won’t bite ... There is happiness (treasure), but there is no mind to look for it.

A.P. Chekhov. Happiness.

Wed Looks (quarterly "with a conscience in his pocket") - all living creatures lie (in the market), all kinds of matter are spread out, and all this seems to say: here and the elbow is close, but you won’t bite!

Saltykov. Fairy tales. Lost conscience.

Wed He would have listened to me the other day, how he came to consult, and now ... you will torture yourself - but you still can't bite your elbow.

I.S. Turgenev. Steppe King Lear. 15.

Wed Das Nächste steht oft unerreichbar fern.

The nearest is often unattainable far.

Gothe. Die natural Tochter. 4, 3.

Wed Eι δέον (ήδειον) ρέει, αλλα έχει τρύπαν.

Pleasant flows, but there is a hole (in the sense: unattainable).

Wed Krumbacher. Mittelgr. Sprichw.

Wed "Άλλην μεν εξηντλουμεν ή δ"έπει ρέει .

We will overcome one trouble, and another comes.

Zenob. 1, 75.

Cm. the dog sees milk, but deep in the jug .

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "the elbow is close, but you won't bite" in other dictionaries:

    - (inosk.) and close, but if you don’t get it, you won’t succeed. Wed Yes, said the rider, the elbow is close, but you won’t bite ... There is happiness (treasure), but there is no mind to look for it. A. P. Chekhov. Happiness. Wed Looks (quarterly "with a conscience in his pocket") lies (in the bazaar) ...

    The elbow is close, but you won't bite. See WILL CUSTODY ...

    Husband. the junction of the ramen (humerus) bone with the two following below it (ulna and radius); fold, joint, outgoing angle of the upper limb, arm. Lean on your elbow. Do not put your elbows under your sides, do not push. | The whole part of the hand, from the joint of this ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Puffed up, but not pouted. Got out of strength. You can't, you can't; and if you get overwhelmed, you won't help. What will you do with him: you won’t take off your hats from him (from ancient custom dishonor shooting caps). You can't take your hat off him. Bribes are smooth from him. The camel lay down, so ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

    If you don’t reach out they beat, you will pull the beat (sailor.) And you won’t trust the beat, and you will turn over and beat. Wed And if you don’t trust, they beat you, and you turn over, they beat you. Do what you like! The elbow is close, but you won’t bite. Saltykov. Little nothings of life. In the field of sowing. 3. Wed. Pointing to... ...

    They beat the soldier for everything: they beat him before he steps, and they beat him over the step. You won’t reach the beat, you will pull the beat (sailor.). And if you don't trust, they beat you, and you turn over, they beat you. Wed And if you don't trust, they beat you, and you turn over, they beat you. Do as you please! Elbow is close, yes ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    It flowed down the mustache, it didn’t hit the mouth. Wed There was money, but they didn’t have time to take it: it flowed down the mustache, but it didn’t get into the mouth ... Ostrovsky. Les. 4, 1. Cf. Here ... it was not possible, the house was not like that, it was impossible to insist very much ... just now ... it was flowing up our mustaches, but in ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    The cat smells milk in a jug, but the snout is short. Wed And you look for a match for yourself ... otherwise you choose the wrong suit. Your eyes are painfully envious ... Here's a proverb for you: a dog sees milk, but its snout is short. Ostrovsky. What you go for, then ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    Wed There was money, but they didn’t have time to take it: it flowed down his mustache, but it didn’t get into his mouth ... Ostrovsky. Forest. 4, 1. Cf. Here ... we failed, the house is not like that, it was impossible to insist very much ... just now ... it flowed down our mustaches, but it didn’t get into our mouths. Dal. Bread merchants. ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    The dog sees (hears) milk, but the snout is short (and deep in the jug). The cat smells milk in the jug, but the snout is short. Wed And you look for a match for yourself ... otherwise you still choose the wrong suit. Your eyes are painfully envious ... Here you are ... ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

They play an important role in the formation of national identity. It was our compatriots who were famous for their great wisdom, great vitality and ability to overcome difficulties. Probably everyone knows the proverb “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” It is usually used in cases where you need to show the interlocutor that time has been lost.

If you try to do this intricate action, you will very soon realize that it is not possible. The most interesting thing is that the elbow seems to be really close enough, but bringing it to the mouth, and even more so biting, is very problematic. This article reveals the various meanings of this wise expression, which has become winged.

Inability to fix the situation

“The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” means a case when a certain situation has already occurred and it cannot be corrected. If a person pronounces this famous phrase, it means that, as a rule, he regrets what happened, wants to correct some consequences, but cannot come to this action. This has happened to everyone in one way or another. And here the most important thing is to look for a way out, not to withdraw into yourself. After all, it is important to learn a positive lesson from any situation, so that later you can look to the future with greater confidence.

The proverb “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” originates from ancient times, when people experienced a state of annoyance, dissatisfaction from the fact that something did not work out for them. Sometimes fixing a difficult situation is extremely difficult and requires additional efforts. Each of us should always remember that at any moment of life he can commit. You just need to be able to see your mistake in time and correct it as soon as possible so that you don’t have to regret it in the future.

Illusion of proximity

Sometimes it seems to a person that some goal is right in front of his eyes. He sees it clearly enough to be able to realize it. But if you start to consider this desire more deeply, delve into the details, it turns out that the ease of implementation is the biggest delusion. The meaning of “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” goes back to the following truth: sometimes we cannot appreciate the obstacles and obstacles that arise in our life. Mistakes and failures are lessons to be learned.

Overcoming obstacles means becoming stronger and wiser. Sometimes what previously seemed so close and accessible, then turns out to be difficult to achieve or even impossible, which is why they say “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” The meaning of the proverb goes back to being able to recognize such situations in time.

Doing stupid things

For some rash actions, then you have to pay for the rest of your life. Sometimes we don’t understand that later we can regret that in a difficult moment we didn’t help someone, refused to participate, didn’t say a kind word. When they say “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite,” as a rule, they mean themselves, their past mistakes and blunders. After all, the past cannot be changed, cannot be corrected, it can only be accepted.

To stop blaming yourself for some significant event, a review of the past with a deep analysis of feelings is required. Often people say about themselves: “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” The meaning of the proverb is understood by everyone: both adults and children.

Instead of a conclusion

In the Russian language, there are a large number of sayings and sayings that reflect public consciousness. All of them are beautiful and remarkable in their own way, filled with a special meaning. “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” - these words are usually said to themselves by those who regret the chosen direction in life. It is human to make mistakes, it becomes even sadder that at a certain point it is already too late to correct various shortcomings. Everything should be done at the right time if possible. Later, as a rule, various circumstances arise that may interfere with correcting what once happened. From a person in this case requires tremendous patience and hard mental work.

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Close (close) elbow, but do not bite

CLOSE (close) ELBOW, LET YOU DO NOT BITE. 1. It would seem easy to do something, but there is no way to achieve what you want. Wed He sees the eye, but the tooth is numb; The dog sees milk, but the snout is short. The detachment walled up in the greenery of the forest, and although the pilots probably knew that the hated partisans were hiding somewhere here, but “the elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” The Nazis were wasting gasoline and bombs. Vershigora, People with a clear conscience. Mikhail Illarionovich was sitting on a bench, thinking: “Now, if he had listened to the “wise men” and then chased after Murat at Chereshnya, Napoleon would have managed to slip past us to Kaluga along this new Kaluga road. And so - the elbow is close, but you won’t bite, your majesty! Rakovsky, Kutuzov. The elbow is close, but you won’t bite. A day has passed, and we have not approached the house even a meter. The impenetrable fog that covered last night has lasted uninterruptedly all day today. G. Ushakov, On the untrodden land. And now (the elbow is close, but you won’t bite!) We could not intercept the Musor messengers who left us on the way, although our raid detachments are operating in the areas along which they go. A. Brinsky. On the other side of the front.
2. Everything could have turned out differently, but now it's too late (expression of regret, annoyance about something unfulfilled, irreparably lost). He remembers how he lived calmly and quietly with his sisters, how no one then made noise, no gamel, and everyone did his job slowly .. And it was necessary ..

Illusion of proximity

Doing stupid things

Instead of a conclusion

There are a wide variety of proverbs. Proverbs are considered folk, because they were invented by a wide variety of people, of various nationalities who lived several hundred years ago BC.

All the proverbs of all the peoples of the world were collected in one book. Such a book is called "Collection of proverbs of all peoples of the world." Popular proverbs have survived to this day, which we use in our modern conversation.

Any folk proverb carries certain meaning, which gives a designation to one or another event, whether it is a good one or, on the contrary, a completely impartial event. A proverb of a kind sounds from the lips of a person as a sentence that makes it clear to the interlocutor the attitude towards him, or a statement about this or that action.

Here, for example, is one of the famous old, folk proverbs “You can’t bite a patchwork close.” This old wise proverb says that a person who wants to achieve one or another specific goal set for himself cannot achieve it with all his might, no matter how hard he tries. But his goal is completely close to him, but for some reason, perhaps even a well-known one, he will not be able to achieve it in any way.

Now, even if you imagine or try to do it on personal experience the action referred to in the old proverb, that is, to try to bite yourself on your own elbow, such an attempt even with several times will not give any result, because it is impossible to bite your own elbow. Thus, the old and wise proverbs said by the interlocutor to the other indicate the situation that has arisen.

In my opinion, folk proverbs are filled with a certain wisdom. With the help of proverbs, you can easily explain to a person his situation without offending him. After all, the power of the word can in one way or another affect the psychological health of a person. After all, it is the words spoken that remain forever in the memory of a person.

In my opinion, folk proverbs teach kindness, wisdom and mutual understanding between people. It is in proverbs that lurks great power words, which was given to us by the peoples of the world and our distant ancestors. Even in our modern world, people still come up with various proverbs.

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Russian folk proverbs play a big role in the formation of national identity. It was our compatriots who were famous for their great wisdom, great vitality and ability to overcome difficulties. Probably everyone knows the proverb “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” It is usually used in cases where you need to show the interlocutor that time has been lost.

If you try to do this intricate action, you will very soon realize that it is not possible. The most interesting thing is that the elbow seems to be really close enough, but bringing it to the mouth, and even more so biting, is very problematic. This article reveals the various meanings of this wise expression, which has become winged.

Inability to fix the situation

“The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” means a case when a certain situation has already occurred and it cannot be corrected. If a person pronounces this famous phrase, it means that, as a rule, he regrets what happened, wants to correct some consequences, but cannot come to this action. This has happened to everyone in one way or another. And here the most important thing is to look for a way out, not to withdraw into yourself. After all, it is important to learn a positive lesson from any situation, so that later you can look to the future with greater confidence.

The proverb “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” originates from ancient times, when people experienced a state of annoyance, dissatisfaction from the fact that something did not work out for them. Sometimes fixing a difficult situation is extremely difficult and requires additional efforts. Each of us should always remember that at any moment of life he can commit a rash act. You just need to be able to see your mistake in time and correct it as soon as possible so that you don’t have to regret it in the future.

Illusion of proximity

Sometimes it seems to a person that some goal is right in front of his eyes. He sees it clearly enough to be able to realize it. But if you start to consider this desire deeper, delve into the details, it turns out that the ease of implementation is the biggest delusion. The meaning of “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” goes back to the following truth: sometimes we cannot appreciate the obstacles and obstacles that arise in our life. Mistakes and failures are lessons to be learned.

Overcoming obstacles means becoming stronger and wiser. Sometimes what previously seemed so close and accessible, then turns out to be difficult to achieve or even impossible, which is why they say “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” The meaning of the proverb goes back to being able to recognize such situations in time.

Doing stupid things

People tend to err. For some rash actions, then you have to pay for the rest of your life. Sometimes we don’t understand that later we can regret that in a difficult moment we didn’t help someone, refused to participate, didn’t say a kind word. When they say “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite,” as a rule, they mean themselves, their past mistakes and blunders. After all, the past cannot be changed, cannot be corrected, it can only be accepted.

To stop blaming yourself for some significant event, a review of the past with a deep analysis of feelings is required. Often people say about themselves: “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite.” The meaning of the proverb is understood by everyone: both adults and children.

Instead of a conclusion

In the Russian language, there are a large number of sayings and sayings that reflect public consciousness. All of them are beautiful and remarkable in their own way, filled with a special meaning. “The elbow is close, but you won’t bite” - these words are usually said to themselves by those who regret the chosen direction in life. It is human to make mistakes, it becomes even sadder that at a certain point it is already too late to correct various shortcomings. Everything should be done at the right time if possible. Later, as a rule, various circumstances arise that may interfere with correcting what once happened. From a person in this case requires tremendous patience and hard mental work.
