Aglaya Tarasova is dating Milos. Aglaya Tarasova and Milos Bikovich said they were breaking up

The young actress Aglaya Tarasova became famous after filming in the comedy series Interns. A little earlier, she starred in joint project Disney Studios and Channel One in the comedy series After School, where she played the rebel girl Frida. The real name of the actress is Daria. Being involved in the whirlwind of the world of cinema, she decided to take on creative pseudonym. "Aglaya" in Greek means joy.

Friends of the actress Aglaya Tarasova note the special sense of humor that the young actress has. Aglaya Tarasova has been passionate about art since childhood. Her mother is the famous actress Ksenia Rappoport. The profession of an actor is incredibly difficult, so Ksenia Rappoport did not want her child to be an actress. And Aglaya herself did not think to connect her life with art. She decided to go into business, to follow in the footsteps of her father, businessman Viktor Tarasov. Entered to study at the political science faculty.

Aglaya Tarasova: loves acting in comedies

Aglaya was invited to shoot the comedy series After School. Where she played a very bright, comedic and characteristic role of Frida. “The filming of the film was like an adventure, it was a lot of fun,” the actress recalls. Filmed in Tallinn. Mostly non-professional actors were involved as actors. This was the idea of ​​the authors of the film, the Presnyakov brothers. For the sake of this film, Aglaya had to quit her studies at a serious university.

In speed, she received a new proposal - to participate in a comedy project, in the TV series "Interns", which everyone loved very much. This series, like After School, is considered a family film. It was watched by viewers of all ages.

Aglaya Tarasova: regrets that she did not receive an acting education

The actress in the break between filming managed to go to study in Pedagogical University. special acting education she does not have. What she sometimes regrets. Reviewing his old works, he criticizes his acting work. Thinks that if she had professional education, she made many moments better. In an interview, the actress admitted that she wanted to be offered to play the role of a rock singer.

On film set series "Interns" Aglaya Tarasova met the protagonist-heartthrob of the film, actor Ilya Glinnikov. The mutual sympathy of their heroes on the stage grew into romantic relationship and in the lives of actors. These relationships were serious and lasted a long time. Both Ilya and Aglaya managed to participate in many projects.

Aglaya Tarasova: she does all the difficult tricks without an understudy

Soon Aglaya was invited to star in the first Russian musical series about sports "Ice". This was hard work.

The series tells about the life of figure skaters. They planned to shoot without understudies. The actors had to not only be able to skate, but skate professionally, performing all the most complex elements. According to the actress, she has never even skated in her life. For 3 months before filming the film, the actress learned to skate professionally.

In addition to the ability to skate, you had to swim superbly. According to the plot, in many episodes of the film there were to be underwater shootings. Therefore, the actress had to do more and diving. The film contains action-packed episodes where the heroine Aglaya is in danger. She decided to do all the somersaults and tricks herself without a stuntman.

Aglaya Tarasova: Taming the Shrew Aglaya

The actor became the partner of the actress in the film "Ice" Serbian origin Milos Bikovic. The audience knows him from the film " Sunstroke”, filmed by Nikita Mikhalkov based on the stories of I. Bunin. Milos Bikovich, long before meeting Aglaya, met her mother, the famous actress Ksenia Rappoport. And played her lover.

At the time of the start of filming the series "Ice" Aglaya Tarasova and Milos Bikovich were not free. Aglaya seriously met with Ilya Glinnikov, and Milos with the famous fashion model, the face of Dior, Sasha Luss.

Possessing appearance literary heroes 19th century, Milos Bikovich shocks everyone with his erudition and intelligence. With Aglaya, in between filming episodes, they competed in wit. Aglaya did not lose to Milos. In April 2018, Aglaya and Milos broke up "due to a mismatch in work schedules."

Appeared this spring. Then the actors led the opening ceremony of the Moscow Film Festival and posed together on the red carpet, flirting with each other. Shortly before that, Wernick congratulated Tarasova on her 24th birthday, writing in her microblog on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation of the author are given without changes. - Note. ed.) : “Aglaechka, happy birthday!!! Adore! Adore! Adore you!!! Be happy, sunny girl!

Igor Vernik and Aglaya Tarasova at MIFF-2018

Today, rumors about the romance of two celebrities warmed up socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva. In her microblog on Instagram, she published a photo taken, apparently, at the celebration of the birthday of the producer Elijah Stuart. In the picture, Igor Vernik and Aglaya Tarasova are embracing. The photo is not signed in any way, but is marked with a red heart emoji.

Subscribers to Obolentseva's microblog immediately suggested that Vernik and Tarasova were more than just friends, and noted that despite the age difference of 30 years, the actors look very good together and look happy. Igor and Aglaya themselves have not yet commented on the rumors. But in Lately their profiles in social networks did not appear joint photos.

Igor Vernik and Aglaya Tarasova

Recall that for a year and a half Aglaya Tarasova was in a relationship with a colleague in the film "". In April of this year. Wanting to avoid speculation on this topic, the actors themselves announced their break in in social networks. According to Milos and Aglaya, the breakup was caused by frantic work schedules and constant traveling. Having ceased to be a couple, Bikovich and Tarasova kept friendly relations. Yes, in June. They attended the premiere of the film "". The footage of Aglaya and Milos posing together for photographers instantly became public and gave rise to rumors that they were dating again. The stars themselves denied such speculation.

As for Igor Vernik, many novels were attributed to him, including relations with the ex-soloist of "Brilliant", the soloist of the group "A-Studio", models Daria Astafieva And Daria Styrova, whom Igor was going to marry. We add that Wernick was married twice and he has an adult son who followed in his father's footsteps and also became an actor. Last year, Grigory Vernik entered the Moscow Art Theater School. In addition, this year three series are released at once with the participation of Igor Vernik's son - "", "" and "".

Aglaya Tarasova and Milos Bikovich

The Serbian Casanova is ready to settle down.

The star of the TV series "Hotel Eleon" Serb Milos Bikovich used to visit Russia in the past. But recently he finally settled in Moscow. And not because of work...

A tall, handsome man with a sly smile and a bewitching, barely perceptible accent has long made Russian spectators fall in love with him. TO enviable groom there would be a long queue - but it was extremely difficult to catch the actor.

While filming the series, Milos dangled between Russia and his native Serbia. He flew in for a couple of days - and then back to Belgrade, where he played three or four performances a week. He practically lived on planes, and did not plan to move to Moscow:

I feel so bad here, I want to sleep all the time. And those terrible traffic jams, he complained.

But recently he admitted: that's it, no more flights, he rented an apartment. Now Russian capital- his house. And not because it's a career. It's just that Milos ... has a bride!

No, of course, with 23-year-old Aglaya Tarasova, he was sometimes seen together before. But who would have thought that everything is so serious? And already they live together, and Milos introduced her to his parents. And they're talking about marriage...


In the homeland of Bikovich, the girls did not give a pass - he is very popular actor, starred a lot, including in top TV shows. But he dreamed of great things - to star with Mikhalkov.

I watched "The Barber of Siberia", " Burnt by the sun”,“ 12 ”and was fascinated by Nikita Sergeevich,” Milos admits. - My older brother is a monk, and once he said: "I feel you need to write to Mikhalkov."

I refused - well, why would a Russian director need a Serbian actor, who, moreover, barely speaks Russian? And six months later, a call: "This is Mikhalkov's assistant, we want to invite you to the casting." I thought it was someone a bad joke. And then the script was sent to the mail. In Russian, "Sunstroke".

For three hours I could not do anything at all - I tried to understand how this was possible. Well, wouldn't someone write a script for a joke? And then he called his brother: “Guess who invited me to the casting?”

He was approved. This project was followed by others. At first, all the forces went to work, Milos did not see anything around. And then I woke up - the girls are really very beautiful in Russia!

He met top model Sasha Luss at one of the photo shoots for a glossy magazine. And the girl immediately fell under his charm, surrendered without a fight. “We were supposed to kiss in the frame. Of course, I immediately agreed, ”sasha told about her acquaintance. Literally a week after the first meeting, the two of them flew off to meet 2016 in Sri Lanka.

After the rest, Sasha spoke breathlessly: “Milos is a gift of fate for me!” And he laughed: “I won her over with my ability to hide the fact that I have no sense of humor. I also say that I'm not actually a foreigner. But I bow words badly, I put stresses incorrectly and I speak so slowly simply because I’m stupid ... I think she likes it.


But they fled as quickly as they converged. A month later, the paparazzi filmed Sasha at another resort with another man. Milos did not seem to be upset at all and plunged back into his work.

“I only confess to a priest,” he answered questions about whether he had anyone in mind and whether he had an affair with partners at the Eleon Hotel - after all, the girls there are one more beautiful than the other.

Milos appeared alone everywhere. Everyone was sure that he was not at all up to his personal life. But a little later it became clear that the Serb carefully concealed the new love story- with the actress of the series "Interns" Aglaya Tarasova, daughter of Ksenia Rappoport.

The reasons for not making the relationship public were weighty: everyone remembered how Aglaya scandalously broke up with actor Ilya Glinnikov, who was considered her fiancé for two years. Ilya accused the girl of treason, said that he experienced her betrayal so painfully that he even wanted to commit suicide. Ilya did not name the opponent. Only after a while it became clear that Tarasova had gone over to Bikovich ...

This summer, Aglaya flew to Serbia to meet the Milos family. Apparently, their relationship has gone to another level. Bikovich is increasingly talking in interviews that it’s time to settle down, because in January he will turn 30 years old ...

If something goes wrong in a relationship, then the man is most likely to blame. A man in general should be ready to take responsibility for others. At least for the beloved, for the child and then for himself, - he says.

However, Aglaya's fans doubt that the wedding will take place. Too eccentric character of the girl. And Milos' friends believe that everything will be fine. And they are waiting for an invitation to the wedding in the very near future.

A few hours ago, Aglaya Tarasova and Milos Bikovich posted the same photo and a sad message for their fans on their personal Instagram pages.

It turned out that after a year and a half of relationship, the 23-year-old actress and her 30-year-old lover decided to leave:

The fans of the couple reacted with lightning speed and most of them were very disappointed and upset by the news:

It was a beautiful couple! Guys, why are you all running away, apparently real love for life is a huge rarity these days. It's a pity... But this is your life... What a pity. Sad of course ... but this is your life and your decisions and actions, so I think that everyone will accept it without any gossip. Are you crazy? You were such a cool couple. What a cool couple they were. It's a pity that you broke up. Sorry, very sorry.

Recall that the actors met in 2016 while working on the film "Ice".

Frame from the film "Ice" with the participation of Aglaya Tarasova and Milos Bikovich

At first, the lovers tried not to advertise the romance, which arose almost immediately. The first joint appearance took place in early 2017, and in the fall they graced the cover of Hello magazine and talked about their relationship in an interview.

It is worth noting that many journalists, and followers of celebrities, assumed that Aglaya and Milos would get married.

Aglaya Tarasova and Milos Bikovich have been together for over a year. The young couple of actors was considered one of the brightest in Russian cinema. They recently starred together in the movie "Ice". For a long time Aglaya and Milos did not advertise their relationship, but soon began to appear together at social events.

Today Tarasova announced on Instagram that her union with Bikovich is over. The actress decided to openly admit it.

Milos confirmed the words of the ex-lover, almost completely repeating the text of Aglaya.

Fans of the actors took the news of their breakup hard. "I'm going to cry! I don't believe in it", "It can't be", "It's very sad...", "I'm sorry, you a beautiful couple”, – wrote the fans of Aglaya and Milos.

Recall that in October Aglaya and Milos gave candid interview together. Ex-beloved told what difficulties they have in a relationship. For example, for the sake of Bikovich Tarasova began to learn the Serbian language. Aglaya admitted that she was afraid life together with a partner of a different nationality. “After we moved in together, I even once googled on the Internet:“ How to live with a foreigner, ”the actress shared.

Tarasova also reported that it was impossible to quarrel with a Serbian artist. Due to the difficulties of translation, the lovers did not always understand each other. “Being a foreigner in Russia is very convenient: you can choose what you understand and what you don’t. For example, I can't remember what "take out the trash" means. Well, it does not go to the head! There is only one problem: it seems that Aglaya also does not understand the meaning of these words, even though she is Russian, ”Milos noted ironically.
