Aizenshpis speed and homosexual. Yuri Aizenshpis: "17 years in prison is too heavy a punishment for the mistakes of youth

Yuri Shmilevich (Viktor Shmulevich) remained in last years loner Robinson on the once fertile land of domestic show business scorched by the majors. He was with no one - a rare quality. Divided between Channel One (and affiliated structures) and the clan of Igor Krutoy, the world of show business idolized this man.

He supported good relations with Konstantin Ernst, and his artists - Dima Bilan and "Dynamite" - were practically the only non-Ernst artists in the commercial projects of Channel One. Starting with the late night TV show "Golden Gramophone" and ending with the pop collections of Real Records.

At the same time, Yuri Shmilevich managed to maintain pleasant commercial relations with Muz-TV and all the projects of ARS, another major show business tycoon. He had a fight with Igor Krutoy quite recently, after a strange situation with the Muz-TV award. Dima Bilan was supposed to receive this award this summer, but did not have time to come to the ceremony. Aizenshpis called Krutoy. He answered in the spirit that he would not come - he would not receive. Bilan did not come and did not receive the award. Aizenshpis turned his car halfway to the Olimpiysky, like Primakov on his famous visit to America, and was offended.

Many people know this story. But few people remember that after that quarrel, Dima Bilan's clips continued to appear on the Muz-TV channel, and not a single serious agreement between two serious partners was violated.

Yuri Aizenshpis was a businessman from God, in whom he did not believe. The Phrygian king Midas, who turns everything he takes into gold coins. It was a gift for which I had to serve in prisons, first 10 years, and then another seven. Yes, Aizenshpis tritely sold gold and currency. But he fartseval in a big way. “In 1986, during a medical examination at Butyrka, after several on-duty questions about health, the doctor suddenly asked me if I was Aizenshpis, who was involved in the Sokol group in the late 60s? And he gave me the magazine "Youth", where he was great material about me. It said that I was to the Falcon what Brian Epstein was to The Beatles", - Aizenshpis later recalled his conclusion.

The first rock band in the Soviet Union called "Sokol" was created with the help of the catchy Aizenshpis. He never became a musician himself. But forever acquired a passion for "making" stars. One can imagine how deep a passion this is for a non-musician. As in a joke: no matter how much you earn, more money You won't earn money than steal.

We get an ambiguous portrait. The rise of Aizenshpis fell on the period of the initial accumulation of capital in Russia. And Yuri Shmilevich was one of the most prominent representatives domestic capitalists new formation. Black cash registers, bags of money, gang fights. Now it seems strange that he was simply not killed in those years. His assistants were killed, his "sponsors" were killed. Yuri Shmilevich managed to negotiate with all potential "customers".

Oh, this magical concept of "agreement". Yuri Shmilevich mastered it to perfection. When Viktor Tsoi agreed to work under the direction of Aizenshpis, he came to the cult television program “Vzglyad” at that time with absolutely fantastic ratings at the present time and convinced Vladimir Mukusev to show Viktor Tsoi in the program. The next day, Tsoi woke up a superstar, and Aizenshpis a year later became a simple Soviet millionaire.

A little later, Aizenshpis borrowed 50 thousand Soviet rubles and released the Kino disc at his own expense. Along the way, sending into oblivion the state monopoly of the Melodiya company on the release of gramophone records. Thus began the market sound recording in Russia.

However, Aizenshpis's hands were not stained with blood. Even the most aggressive ill-wishers of Aizenshpis admitted that he "agreed". But he never eliminated his competitors, as happened in the shooting story of the leadership of the ZeKo Records record label, when one co-owner “ordered” another.

After the death of Viktor Tsoi, who literally carried golden testicles for a producer who had just served time, Aizenshpis finally broke with rock music. Never-before-seen casinos, nightclubs and private TV channels were opened in the country. Yuri Shmilevich went headlong in combination with domestic pop music.

First, he made imitators of the new wave style and specifically the English Depeche into stars. Mode group"Technology". Those turned out to be completely stupid students and sunk into oblivion immediately after the break with Aizenshpis. A few more experiments with the "Moral Code" and "Young Guns", and the producer believed in his own strength as a creator. He took a guy with no special abilities and made him a star on a dare. The guy's name was Vlad Stashevsky.

Along the way, Yuri Aizenshpis received the title of “best producer”, led a dozen one-day groups and festivals, got involved in homosexual scandals that were whispered all over Moscow by word of mouth, spent money on a Novo-Russian scale and made a lot of new money. He founded a couple of record companies that existed before the first tax audit or before the quarrel of the founders-investors. Life drove Yuri Shmilevich forward.

Dima Bilan and the Dynamite group became a breath of life-giving air for Aizenshpis. The first boy band in the country and the first truly talented artist for Aizenshpis, they became a reliable support for the aging producer. These artists didn't want to leave, these artists wanted to work. Spitz, as his close friends called him, could make plans for several years ahead. This was an unprecedented foundation for the sick heart of Yuri Shmilyevich.

The notorious media wars and the harsh pressure of the majors eliminated any significant figures outside the position in the corresponding department of the corporation or the floor of Ostankino from the field of Russian show business. Yuri Aizenshpis was the only warrior who was allowed to remain on the battlefield of the giants. Is it a conceivable thing - the artists of StarPro, created by him, performed on a talk show of opposing TV channels on the same day. When things are tied to very big money, such fantastic phenomena cannot be explained by ordinary respect for gray hair. But Aizenshpis knew how to negotiate.

In one of recent interviews Yuri Shmilyevich has an important remark of our hero, which explains a lot in his character. “It may be naive, but I value friendship above all else. I am ready to give a lot for friendship, ”the show business shark admits. In our country, desperately saturated with Asianism, the ability to make friends keeps business. And saves life.

Except for the very last judge. Cover the mirrors with cloth. About the deceased - only good things. And forget everything you read here.

Yuri Aizenshpis is called one of the first producers in Russia. It was he who opened the Kino group to the general public, brought to big stage Dima Bilan. Aizenshpis died 8 years ago, but there are still a lot of rumors around his name.

Withdrawn a fabulous amount

Aizenshpis's sister, Faina Shmilievna, still remembers her brother almost every day. Although in childhood, according to a relative, they did not have to communicate so often. After all, Aizenshpis spent all his youth in prison.

“We had a completely different childhood,” Faina recalls. While I was growing up, he was in prison. My parents were very worried, but I probably didn’t realize everything.

Yuri Shmilevich got to places not so remote for currency fraud and speculation on an especially large scale. IN Soviet time it was a serious article. Relatives still remember: the first time he was detained right at the entrance on Christmas Day - January 7, 1970. He profitably sold gold, returned home. A fabulous sum of sixteen thousand rubles and seven thousand dollars, as well as imported equipment, were confiscated from him. Aizenshpis was sentenced to ten years in prison. He was released early after serving seven years. However, less than a month later he was again put on trial for speculation - and received eight years.

According to Faina Shmilievna, the relatives could not even imagine that after such a thing, Yuri would become famous producer. Although organizational skills manifested themselves in his youth. From the age of 20, he worked as an administrator with the Sokol rock group.

The departure of Stashevsky was a blow

Freed, Yuri Shmilevich began to engage in show business. At first he helped the Kino group and Viktor Tsoi, then he found Vlad Stashevsky. In a matter of months, he made a real idol out of an unknown boy, whom the whole country lusted after.

“My brother never shared his difficulties, although, of course, there were plenty of them in his work,” says Faina Aizenshpis. - But this topic was closed, he always answered our questions: “It’s better not to talk about this.” Yura was demanding and tough in his work, but at the same time a very fair person. With us, he was completely different: calm, reasonable - we had ordinary family relationships.

Joseph Prigogine once admitted: Aizenshpis had no luck with the artists. Having achieved glory, they betrayed him. At first glance, they parted with Stashevsky quietly and calmly. Vlad decided that he could work on his own. Yuri Shmilevich released the singer, but deep down he was very worried. The departure of Vlad, in which he put his whole soul, was a real blow. Unfortunately, far from the first - many whom Aizenshpis brought to people betrayed him, left him with nothing.

- Once my brother told me that from somewhere he came to no one famous boy, he fiddled with it, - continues the sister of the producer. - It was Dima Bilan. It was Yura who helped him to rise, his ascent happened before our eyes.

Until the last heard his heartbeat

There are still a lot of rumors around the death of Aizenshpis. By official version, he died of a heart attack, but in show business they believe that this is not so.

- I had a heart attack, - Faina Shmilievna sighs. - She herself was under the door in intensive care, where he was taken. We spent the whole day there, I still remember everything in the smallest detail. We heard a heartbeat - everything is working loudly in intensive care!

Those close to the producer do not hide: Aizenshpis never really thought about his health. Much more important to him were his wards. For example, before his death, he was very worried about whether Bilan would take well-deserved awards at one of the prestigious music awards. Dima took the awards and dedicated them to his first producer, who lived only 60 years.

“I think that the prison has done its job,” says Faina Aizenshpis. So many years of life are actually lost. Every day is a struggle for existence, health is ruined. Everyone told him that he needed to rest, work less. But he did not listen to anyone, for him it was a normal existence. Therefore, if the brother were alive, he would not change anything.

Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was born a month after the end of the Great Patriotic War in Chelyabinsk. At that time, the producer's mother was evacuated there. Yuri Shmilevich comes from unusual family. The father's ancestors lived in Spain, but at the same time, Poland is indicated in Shmil Moiseevich's passport as the country of birth. Already in adulthood, the man fled to the USSR, fearing the reprisals of the Nazis.

Interestingly, the real name of Yuri's father is Shmul. An employee of the NKVD, filling out a passport, mixed it up. So it turned out Shmil Aizenshpis. The man went through the Second World War, visited Berlin. In this case, the soldier was never wounded. The mother of Yuri Shmilyevich's biography is no less interesting. Maria Mikhailovna was born in Belarus.

After the death of her parents, she was transferred to the upbringing of distant relatives. Due to the outbreak of the war, she did not have time to get a diploma in journalism. Maria Mikhailovna joined partisan detachment, several times almost fell into the hands of the Germans. IN post-war years was awarded medals and orders.

The acquaintance of Yuri's parents took place at the Belorussky railway station in 1944. After the end of the war, Maria Mikhailovna and Shmil Moiseevich ended up in the Main Directorate of Airfield Construction. At that time, the Aizenshpis family lived well. They had a TV and a gramophone with a large collection of records in their house.

Until 1961, the producer's family lived in a wooden barracks, but then moved to an apartment located in the Moscow Sokol district. Yuri Shmilevich was athletic child attended a sports school. The producer was a fan of handball, volleyball and athletics. I had to retire from professional sports due to a leg injury.

Yuri took his first steps as an administrator already in his youth. In 1965, the man began to collaborate with the rock group Sokol. Despite the obvious craving for show business, Aizenshpis received an economic education at the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics.

Music and production

Producer career for Yuri Shmilevich began while studying at the institute. Collaboration with a rock band did not help to reach the desired heights. Then Aizenshpis went to jail for conducting illegal currency transactions. After leaving prison, the producer got into the perestroika world, which became Starting point to develop a career in show business.

Acquaintance with Alexander Lipnitsky allowed Aizenshpis to become the head of the Intershans festival. Gradually, the man studied the basics of backstage life, identified methods of influencing musicians, and later moved on to producing.

"Promote an artist - functional duty producer. And here any means are good. Through diplomacy, bribery, threats or blackmail,” Yuri Shmilyevich said.

This approach has been successful. From an ordinary producer, Aizenshpis quickly rose to the rank of show business shark. Yuri began to help performers who wanted to be on big stage. Not everyone suited Aizenshpis. The producer, lighting the stars, chose artists who could "hook" the viewer. A prerequisite was the presence of a repertoire. To promote musicians, Yuri Shmilyevich used the media and television.

In 1988, the Kino group fell into the hands of Aizenshpis. By this time, the musicians had already reached a certain level on their own, but a professional approach to promotion was required. Cooperation of two talented people- Yuri Shmilyevich and - gave fruit.

The fame of the producer and musician soared to unprecedented heights. Two years later, Viktor Tsoi dies. Aizenshpis takes a loan of 5 million rubles and releases the posthumous album of the musician "Black Album". The circulation of the disc exceeded 1 million copies. On this project, the producer earned 24 million.

Musicians of the Kino group, Yevgeny Dodolev and Yuri Aizenshpis at the presentation of the Black Album

Yuri Shmilevich's career developed rapidly. After Kino, another team followed - Technology. In fact, Aizenshpis promoted the group from scratch. Young musicians became popular. For some unknown reason, after a year of joint work, the paths of the producer and the wards diverge.

Already in 1992, Yuri Aizenshpis was recognized as the best producer in the country. A year after official recognition, he meets Svetlana Geiman, known under the pseudonym. They worked for several months, after which he took up the promotion of the singer.

For 6 years, Yuri Shmilevich collaborated with a famous singer in the 90s. Collaboration led to the recording of 5 albums. Aizenshpis increased Vlad's popularity and recognition at times. The musician was invited to major concerts and events in Russia and the USA.

IN track record Yuri Aizenshpis, there are such stars as Nikita, the Dynamite group. The main achievement in the work of the producer was. Under the leadership of Yuri Shmilevich, they learned about the artist in Russia.

Aizenshpis described the bright moments of life and work in books. The producer published "Lighting the Stars. Notes and advice of a show business pioneer”, “From a black marketer to a producer. Business people in the USSR” and “Viktor Tsoi and others. How the stars light up. In memory of the producer, a program was broadcast on the TVC channel called Wild Money.

Personal life

Rumors constantly circulated around Aizenshpis. In show business, they said that the producer brought to the work the so-called " blue lobby". Previously, women were brought to a man for promotion, later lovers of politicians and businessmen began to appear. More than once, Yuri Shmilyevich and the wards of the producer were called gays, but no official confirmation of the men's orientation was found.

“A term in prison could have influenced Aizenshpis’s orientation,” the ex-husband suggested.

Numerous rumors did not prevent Yuri Shmilyevich from living in a civil marriage with Elena Lvovna Kovrigina.

After the death of Aizenshpis, she quickly arranged her personal life by marrying director Leonid Goiningen-Hühne. Yuri and Elena had a son, Mikhail. In 2014, a young man came to the police in connection with the use of drugs. During the search, 1.5 grams of cocaine were found on Mikhail.


Imprisonment had a negative impact on the health of the producer. For a long time Yuri Aizenshpis hid what he has serious problems. Officially, the cause of death is myocardial infarction, but a number of diagnoses led to this, including cirrhosis of the liver, gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatitis B and C. The information that Yuri Shmilyevich had AIDS, which led to death, is not documented.

Three days before his death, Aizenshpis felt unwell. The doctors decided to hospitalize the producer. After the manipulations, the condition improved, so Yuri Shmilevich persuaded the doctors to let him out of the hospital. The producer wanted to see Dima Bilan receive the prestigious MTV-2005 music award.

Before the ceremony, the producer did not live two days. Aizenshpis's life was cut short in the 61st year. The funeral took place at the Domodedovo cemetery. The farewell ceremony was attended by artists, composers and other show business figures. Numerous photos of the mourning Dima Bilan have circled the Internet. The grave of the producer is located next to the parent.

Born July 15, 1945 in Moscow.
In 1968 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in engineer-economist. professional career started in 1965, cooperating as an administrator with the rock group "SOKOL". Developed an original scheme of the team's activities. After an oral agreement with the director of the club to hold a concert, the administrator bought up tickets for the evening demonstration of the film and distributed them at a higher price. For the first time, he involved in the work of people who ensured order during the performance of the group. January 7, 1970 was arrested. As a result of the search, 15,585 rubles and 7,675 dollars were confiscated. Convicted under article 88 (gold and currency transactions). Released from prison in 1977, subsequently received a paper with an official apology.

For a short time he worked in the TO "Gallery" under the city committee of the Komsomol, organizing concerts of young performers. In early 1989, he produced the KINO group. One of the first to break the state monopoly on the publication of records. Taking a loan of 5,000,000 rubles (1990), he released latest work group "KINO" - "Black Album". From 1991 to 1992, he collaborated with the TECHNOLOGY group. Helps musicians to release their debut album "Everything You Want", organizes the release of various printed products (posters, postcards, etc.).
In 1992 he became a laureate of the national Russian music award"Ovation" in the nomination "Best Producer". Between 1992 and 1993 worked as a producer with the MORAL CODE and YOUNG GUNS groups. Since the summer of 1994, he has been collaborating with singer Vlad STASHEVSKY (4 albums were recorded in 1997, the debut - Love Doesn't Live Here Anymore - was released on the Aisenshpis Records label). Participated in the organization international festival"Sunny Adjara" (1994), as well as in the establishment of the "Star" music award. In 1995, based on the results of work for 1993-1994, he was again awarded the Ovation Prize. In 1997, he continued to work with Vlad Stashevsky, while collaborating with the aspiring singer Inga Drozdova. From 1999 to 2000 he worked on the SASHA project. From 1998 to 2001 - he raised the artist NIKITA to the heights of popularity.

He passed away on September 20, 2005 in Moscow. He was buried at the Domodedovo cemetery near Moscow.

Show business, twice laureate of the Ovation music award. He helped many current Russian pop stars ascend to the horizon of show business. And the creative teams and solo singers and singers with whom he worked still evoke a response in the hearts of the public.

Family and childhood of Yuri Aizenshpis

Yuri Aizenshpis, whose photo can be seen in this article, was born in Chelyabinsk, immediately after the war, on June 15, 1945. His father Shmil Moiseevich was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Mother's name was Maria Mikhailovna. The surname Aizenshpis means "iron peak" in translation from the Yiddish language. Yuri's parents were Jews, they worked in the Main Directorate for the construction of airfields.

At first, the family lived in a wooden barrack. But in 1961 they received an apartment in Sokol (it was a prestigious Moscow district at that time). Yuri Aizenshpis was very fond of sports since childhood. Most of all he was fascinated by athletics, handball and volleyball. He could very well become a champion in one of these areas. But he still had to leave the sport. This was due to a leg injury at the age of 16.

First steps in show business

After school, Yuri Aizenshpis entered the university as an engineer-economist. He graduated from it in 1968. In addition to his passion for sports, Yuri had something else. Music attracted him. Since his sports career was closed for him due to injury, he chose show business.

And his first job was as an administrator of the rock group "Sokol". Concert tickets creative team he sold according to the original scheme, which helped to technically equip the stage with first-class equipment. And the quality and purity of sound for Yuri were always very important.

At first, he negotiated with the directors of the clubs for the performance of the group. Further, Aizenshpis bought up all the tickets for evening concerts and then personally sold them at a higher price. Yuri was the first in the Soviet Union to start hiring security guards to ensure order during the show.

Yuri Aizenshpis: biography. Arrest

With the proceeds from ticket sales (mostly dollars), Aizenshpis bought from foreigners musical instruments for the group and high-quality sound equipment. But at that time in the USSR, all foreign exchange transactions were illegal, and he took a lot of risks by making such transactions. If he had been caught, they could have been imprisoned for a serious period.

Law enforcement agencies drew attention to his "speculative" activities. On January 7, 1970, Aizenshpis was arrested. During the search, more than 7 thousand dollars were found and confiscated (as Yuri himself admitted in an interview, he even saved up more than 17 thousand dollars) and over 15,000 rubles. Aizenshpis Yuri Shmilevich was convicted under the article for currency fraud. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. Yuri was sent to serve his sentence in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

After he was released, he did not enjoy it for long. And again ended up in prison under the same article. But this time he was given seven years and eight months in prison. In total, he served seventeen years in prison. And he was finally released only in April of the eighty-eighth year.


Yuri was imprisoned to “wind the term” among inveterate criminals. Every day he watched cruelty, blood and mayhem. But he was not touched. main reason Most likely, it was his sociability. He knew how to listen and communicate. Being a very contact person, Yuri Aizenshpis was able to quickly adapt in an environment alien to him.

Although more than half of the prisoners are usually starving, he avoided this pitfall. The money, although secretly transferred in the form of bribes to the prison, managed to make his existence in the zone more bearable than for many. At least he didn't starve.

Yuri was not kept in one place, he was transferred many times to other regions and zones. Only in any place he was distinguished by his unbending character and high standard of living.

The first "star" group of Yuri Aizenshpis

After being released from prison, where Yuri Aizenshpis served a total of seventeen years, he got a job at the Gallery, which created the city committee of the Komsomol. Aizenshpis first organized concerts of young talented performers. In the eighty-ninth year he became the official producer of the Kino group. Yuri was among the first to break the state monopoly on the release of records. The last record of the Kino group, the Black Album, was released by Aizenshpis in 1990, taking a loan of 5 million rubles for this. It was his first band that he brought to the world stage.

Further activities in show business

In 1991-1992 producer Yuri Aizenshpis worked closely with the Technology group. He helped release their first album, Everything You Want, which became their debut. He widely launched advertising activities, producing printed products with the image of members of the Technology group: postcards, posters, etc.

In 1992, he received the Ovation Award as the best producer in the country. And from this year to the ninety-third he collaborated with the "Moral Code" and "Young Guns". In the summer of 1994, he began working with Vlad Stashevsky. During their collaboration, four music albums. The debut was "Love Doesn't Live Here Anymore".

In the same year, Yuri was one of the organizers of the international music festival"Sunny Adjara". Participated in the establishment of the "Star" award. According to the results of his creative activity in the ninety-fifth year, Aizenshpis Yuri Shmilevich again received the Ovation Prize.
