How to understand that a Scorpio man loves a woman? Scorpio man. How to understand that he is in love

Girls, please tell me...

Not the one that is poisonous! The one who, according to the horoscope, is a scorpio! I fell deeply in love with him. Artyomochka is called! And his birthday is November 7th. He is now twenty-three years old (I am a little more than three years younger). Why and why am I telling all this? I want each of you (girls and women) to tell from personal experience about scorpions in love! Thank you all! Do not invent or compose anything, please. But the real truth and I will appreciate it for real ....

Women's comments sent:

  • Katerina:

When he falls in love, he seems to remember a song, in which there is a line about tenderness, affection and kindness. That's exactly what he is…. Scorpion! It changes only very much (in the opposite direction completely) when love passes him.

  • Veronica:

He controls a lot when he falls in love. But this is only at first! Then it all subsides. All that remains is “gentleness”, attentiveness, a very careful attitude. Scorpio likes to make surprises. Ask him to hit the road to the store - he will run like a bullet. But he will buy not only what you asked for. You can also buy something that you did not expect to see, but love.

  • Jeanne:

Scorpio is a sign that is always the same, alas. I'm getting a divorce with my Scorpio! He is boorish, cruel, knows how and is not afraid to betray, can get angry and throw out evil at me .... It's hard to love a Scorpio... Very hard!

  • Pauline:

He will show his love only when you move away from him! Until that moment, Scorpio will not take any action. He is even ready to keep silent about everything, but he will not become the initiator.

  • Nina:

Sorry, but I can’t decide with which letter to start writing the name of the zodiac sign (small or capital). I don't think it's that important. And now - about the important! When a person with this sign falls in love, he becomes balanced and calm to the point of nausea. What else is important? Politeness is on the rise!

  • Tatiana:

The eyes give it away! They shine in a special way when a scorpion is in love. Like Christmas balls! Only with them I can compare them now. Nothing else came to mind so far.

  • Elizabeth:

Scorpio in love will do everything in order to win love for the one to whom he wants to give his heart. But if the beloved rejects him, he will feel hatred for her. And further. He can take revenge! And only he knows to what extremes his revenge can bring.

  • Oksana:

The scorpion becomes very strange! It is silent, like a fish, endlessly, then it begins to chatter incessantly. Maybe he does this to get attention.

  • Inna:

Scorpio lovers are always the same! We're talking about age here. In addition, I lead that the age of your loved one could not be indicated. Scorpios fall in love strongly, but cool down as soon as they achieve the one they dreamed about. And Scorpio achieves beautifully .... And he gives flowers, and writes poetry, and orders music on the radio. He is, in general, capable of anything! For example, Scorpio, in love, gave me two cars of his. And he did not take them when we ran away. This shocked me and gave me hope that he would return. But he didn't return.

  • Anastasia:

Don't know. Well, in any way, it seems, Scorpio lovers do not behave! They are ordinary, everyday and do not betray their love in any way. They probably think it’s easier to live this way, that it frees them from any responsibility .... After some time, people of this sign admit their mistakes.

  • Elena:

Scorpio is very worried. And this is reflected in all his behavior. He starts stuttering, joking out of place, smiling. May surprise his laughter, something reminiscent of hysterical. He will fidget nervously on the piece of furniture on which he will sit at the moment when he sees his beloved. This is observed in almost all Scorpios!

  • Karina:

I do not advise you to fall in love with a scorpio! He does not give a pass if he falls in love! He will get anyone! I was so “lucky” in my life that I almost always met only with representatives of this sign. I'm trying to understand why it happens this way and not otherwise .... So far, to no avail.

  • Oksana:

How do scorpions in love behave? Why not ask the scorpions directly? We are sitting here, guessing - guessing, as if we are solving puzzles. Time is being wasted! And scorpions, perhaps, are waiting for our actions!

  • Olga:

Got my mom hooked too! My dad's birthday is the same day! Just another year, of course. Mom said that dad was a romantic. He wrote letters to her (not electronic, as is fashionable and customary now, but postal!). He gave her gifts, promised to cook. Mom melted. Naturally, after the registry office, everything changed. But mom always remembers that romance. It is hard to live, of course, with such people, but they do not know how to hide their love. They have everything for show! And timidity is natural, but temporary.

When they fall in love, they learn all the information from friends about the one they are in love with. There is no embarrassment or timidity. They go ahead in conversation, using their entire vocabulary.

  • Maria:

How does a scorpio in love behave? - Some try to buy their loved ones! IN this moment I'm talking about my Earring. He received a paycheck and spent it all on jewelry. A lot of time has passed since then, but he never reproached me for the money spent and did not even remember that he spent something. But he himself, without a jacket, poor thing, went through the whole winter. And my conscience gnawed at me. I will never forget this...

  • Ludmila:

Scorpios become pessimists, because they set themselves up for non-reciprocity in advance. When they find out (if they find out) that they are loved, they turn into children. They start jumping, running, screaming and having fun with all their might. Yes, for everyone to hear.

  • Love:

They are such owners! Generally, always. But when they fall in love - especially! The most interesting thing is that they feel comfortable with it.

  • Lucy:

Messages are sent five hundred times a day! It's terrifyingly stressful. But it is better for Scorpions not to talk about what is “strained” in this, since they are very touchy.

Continuation. . .

How does a man in love behave? -

Stories from life.

Despite the appearance of Scorpio, the man of this zodiac sign always acts for the opposite sex as a kind of mysterious super-hero. He is a deep, passionate, mysterious nature. Scorpio men are so charismatic, charming that falling in love with them is easier than a steamed turnip.

Relationships and feelings for him are an exciting game, a battle between a Man and a Woman. And who will put on the shoulder blades is not a question. He! Always takes the lead in relationships. But in some situation, this hunter may wish to become prey in order to know the unknown depths of love relationships, because he is interested. Scorpio is a victim? Only to find out the other side of the relationship coin. But he has everything under control.

To love is to love!

As befits a true hero, such a man can fall in love once - and for life. Another thing is that he perceives this feeling somehow peculiarly. Constantly "pitying" his companion with omissions, jealousy, teachings or a sharp cold attitude, he watches her reaction. He is interested in seeing her from all sides, in any circumstances. And in each such episode, he sees her female attractiveness.

Surprising fact: such tests can benefit relationships. A woman learns great patience. Such a tough approach to feelings either fastens mutual love with eternal chains, or drives away. Common sense sometimes wins. The love of Scorpio is both the highest gift and a difficult test at the same time.

Expression of love as a result of emotions

The representative of this sign can breathe and live the object of his feelings. In love with each other, he will get the biggest star from the sky and throw it at the feet of his Muse. God forbid not to appreciate this gesture or betray a man! It will not be a nuclear explosion, only isolation. And a quiet pause will let you cool down and take revenge on a grand scale later. Scorpios give gifts, inventively look after, are capable of feats. But only within the framework of a decent image. They do not want to be clowns and jesters. Hero-lover - yes!

Experimenters in love games, scorpions are still the same. For them, this is one of the most important aspects of the manifestation of love as a sincere feeling. In the end, nothing sensible logic here does not contradict. Scorpios love to show their sensuality towards a companion.. Sometimes they can pamper her with culinary delights, expensive gifts. A person born under this sign does not need much: only a beloved woman. All. In complete submission.

The key to the heart is sensuality

First of all, the male Scorpio is the sexiest sign of the zodiac belt. He is a subtle erotic, capable of revealing any woman. The representative of this sign sincerely believes that only a special woman can become his wife. She does not have to be able to cook dishes from the menu of an expensive restaurant, she may not particularly monitor the cleanliness of the house. Being a hostess is on the sidelines. But! She must be affectionate, passionate. When the fire of desires subsides, which happens insanely rarely with Scorpios, they find other ways to keep the fire going, but they hold on to their beloved spiritual threads.

Scorpios: danger warning

Before you tie the knot with such a man, you should remember about the features of the "stinging" half. He himself may not be aware of them. There are three things in which the men of this sign completely dissolve, dumping all their colossal energy into them.

  1. sex life. A happy Scorpio is an intimately satisfied man. Dot. He can do everything around the house. Reheating dinner or vacuuming is no problem. Eat, drink, that's all. But if, for reasons of health or social demands, he intimate life deprived, then Scorpio invests ...
  2. To work. This great way sublimate strength. They can masterfully control, organize, think through plans. Often, it must be said, men of this water sign wear this mask of a big boss at home.
  3. An unusual category are retired Scorpios. Work is already far in the past, on a stormy sex life You don't have to bet either. It is here that the third way manifests itself to throw out destructive energy, unbridled by nothing. Scorpions sometimes resort to what is colloquially called "eat the brain". Sometimes they do it offensively and rudely, at times - calmly and tolerantly, as they say - "with a small spoon." It is impossible for these representatives of the stronger sex to be otherwise. "Explode" from an excess of emotions! But even the most loving and patient wife can not endure all this. Therefore, there are some sparing measures.

Scorpios: Precautions

It has always been and always will be that for any poison in nature you can find an antidote for it. If a woman is truly attached to her extraordinary Scorpio man, she can take some steps in order to eliminate or even prevent self-destructive processes in his soul. A little cautionary information wouldn't hurt. Need to:

  1. Help find or maintain a favorite activity for your character. He must do something, otherwise his beloved will simply go crazy from eternal moralizing. Let it be fishing, hunting, untwisting crossword puzzles or working on a summer cottage. The main condition is not to forget to praise Scorpio for the result. This sign can always surprise with the fruits of its activities. It is not worth skimping on praise for him (on the case). Excellent results are the embodiment of that insane power and flow of thoughts that a man translates from a sometimes negative channel into a peaceful direction.
  2. Try to make a physical connection with him. It doesn't have to be a sexual relationship (it sometimes doesn't end as well in old age as it does in youth). Why not sign up with your man for developing sensual or erotic pursuits? couple yoga, Latin dances, massage courses. The bottom line is that both partners should touch each other, while experiencing positive emotions. In general, every day you can hug Scorpio more often, kiss, stroke or ruffle your hair.

These two aforementioned ways to switch a man, help him find himself and develop further - good lesson a feeling of love, which implies mutual help and support.

The Scorpio man is mystically inclined, loves to lead, behaves like a king or a capricious teenager. But a woman who loves him should be clear: she got the most attractive man. A little torment on his part can be tolerated. This is how he checks whether it is possible to spend a lifetime next to this companion.

The joint path is sometimes thorny and difficult, with betrayals and great joys. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, such men arrange a mini-test for their lady. But after such an examination, married life or long love relationship they will not die from routine, they will not be destroyed by betrayals. Sensual Scorpio does not abandon his own.

Scorpios are perhaps the most secretive among all representatives of the zodiac constellations. If your boyfriend belongs to this sign, and you are interested in whether he has feelings for you, you should carefully monitor his behavior. But before that, you need to familiarize yourself with how a Scorpio man in love behaves.

The lady who won the heart of Scorpio, most likely, will not notice such a long-awaited change behind the mask of coldness. In rare cases, a representative of this ambiguous sign can be called out for frankness: when he is enthusiastically doing what he loves or is in a positive mood.

In such an environment, all psychological barriers are swept away, and the admirer does not hesitate to show himself true. Then he may even admit that he is in love. But conversations are not always able to penetrate into the soul of our hero. An attentive woman will be able to recognize the signs of an emerging feeling for herself by the behavior of a Scorpio man.

All the actions of a Scorpio man in love are aimed at getting the attention of the lucky woman who "settled" in his heart. This man is ready to take any step in order to first win over the chosen one to himself, and then win her love. If it means taking extreme risks, he will do so without hesitation.

How the character of a Scorpio in love changes

The described sign of the Zodiac without hesitation will “redraw” its character in order to please the chosen one. It is enough for a girl to hint at what she needs from her chosen one, so that Scorpio immediately begins to adapt to her wishes. But, despite the passions raging in his soul, he behaves absolutely calmly with the adored person.

You can feel free to turn to your new patron with the most unusual requests: in the middle of the night go shopping at a convenience store located on the other side of the city, find snowdrops in the middle of winter, and visit together in the middle of summer ski resort. If all wishes are perceived as a guide to action and do not cause indignation, then the “diagnosis” is obvious - Her Majesty Love has come.

Manifestations of contradictions in behavior

One of the clearest signs of how a Scorpio man can show his love is the fact that the complexities of the contradictory nature inherent in this sign disappear in an instant, as if they did not exist at all. Now the scorpio is behaving completely differently than usual. For example, masculinity is replaced by vulnerability, tyranny by pliability, leadership by helpfulness, etc.

But all the "magic" metamorphoses relate only to communication with the object of affection, and nothing new, much less positive, is observed in relation to other people. Sometimes it is even possible that having given all the stock of tenderness and patience to his desired one, the groom behaves less restrained in communicating with friends, work colleagues, subordinates, and even enters into an argument with his superiors.

Career question.

If the career of the described sign of the Zodiac depends on the authorities, on which success in relations with the chosen one depends accordingly, he will do everything necessary and receive a promotion. Our hero will stay late at work, voluntarily take on additional responsibilities, sign up for advanced training courses, etc.

If the groom suddenly began to be late or, coming on dates, often be distracted by telephone conversations with the authorities, this does not mean that he has forgotten you. Rejoice, because these are good signs: most likely, the admirer is ripe for more Serious relationships and does not spare himself to make a cozy nest and you did not need anything.

Generosity as confirmation of feelings

If you don’t know how to understand that a Scorpio man really loves you, then try to quietly make your loved one pass a kind of “greed test”. Tell us about your wishes or material problems. He will give you the opportunity to understand that a more generous man than a Scorpio who has fallen into the net of your spell cannot be found.

He shows his love by spending without hesitation all his savings on gifts. Even if he realizes that in the near future financial difficulties threaten because of this, he will not stop, he will not start saving. Such a guy will find additional income.

How to understand by the appearance of a Scorpio man that he is in love

The most eloquent signs of falling in love are the appearance on the face of a sweet radiant smile and glowing eyes. To become the happiest, you only need to notice these changes in the appearance of the boyfriend in time and reciprocate. But, before throwing yourself into the arms of what you want, you must understand: if he suddenly changes his mind, then breaking out of them will not be easy, and in certain cases even impossible.

Guys endowed so complex nature, do not suffer defeats, therefore they almost never let go of the object of their affection, in which they can go very far - to threats or blackmail.

If our hero is inflamed with passion, then in most cases it is forever. The zodiac endowed him with enviable constancy, which gives a woman a reason to hope for a strong marriage. But any, even the strongest relationship, will have to be tirelessly protected.

So that the relationship does not reach a dead end, the fair sex must remember that:

  • The behavior of a Scorpio man in love in the event of a betrayal of a girlfriend in most cases is fraught with a complete break in relations. The chosen one will take such a step, even experiencing strong love to your half. Will leave forever, despite deep suffering. Waiting for a return, as well as forgiveness, is pointless.
  • Your friendly relations with other guys should be left in the past. The groom will not accept them, so you do not need to bring your half to jealousy in order to never know how sad the consequences may be for you.
  • Destructive criticism of one's beloved is not The best way achieve the desired effect. Unflattering words will seem very offensive to him, which will cause a storm of anger, and the darling will hold a grudge against you. It should be remembered: all Scorpios love themselves very much (!) Therefore, criticism that is "unfavorable" to a person born under this sign will not be accepted even when it is expressed "for the sake of good."
  • These men can't stand being compared. They cannot be identified with negative personalities, nor with positive ones. Keep in mind, the behavior of the chosen one is always correct!
  • An excessively frequent reminder to the betrothed about the sign of the Zodiac under which he was born is unacceptable. It is necessary to understand once and for all that somewhere in the depths of the soul "scorpion venom" already "eats" the soul of its owner. Therefore, constant reminders of this can be perceived as an insult.
  • When making plans, you should definitely dedicate your sweetheart to them. Even if they don't touch him at all. It’s just that it’s very important for your soul mate to always be aware of everything!
  • You must remember once and for all: there is only one leader in relations with Scorpio, and this, of course, is him! Domination over such a person kills his personality, as a result of which he loses himself, becoming incapable of regulating inadequate manifestations of his difficult character.
  • Scorpio will never give up love pleasures in an uncomfortable and sloppy environment.

Negative manifestations of love

It happens that the Scorpio, slain by Cupid's arrow, behaves extremely intrusively and arrogantly. Such a person will not back down without gaining the favor of a girlfriend. And some representatives of this zodiac constellation can be kind and affectionate at first, and when they achieve what they want, they become simply unbearable.

Under any circumstances, it is important for a girl to remember that real love is able to sweep away all the obstacles in its path, prepared by fate and the stars!


A Scorpio has won your heart, but you don't know how to act to get this guy's attention? When communicating with him, always behave culturally. This man does not like it when a woman is vulgar and forgets about the rules of decency. But be sure to keep in mind that if you make yourself a woman with too impeccable manners, he may suspect that you are doing this specifically to attract him. Scorpios feel the insincerity of people, they are very good psychologists. If a man decides that you always behave culturally, consider that you have overcome the first step on the way to his heart.

If you have a relationship with a Scorpio, but you are not yet sure that he is deeply in love with you, reinforce his feelings with the right actions. This man loves a woman to feed him moderately spicy food, travel with him, and possibly climb mountains. Therefore, in order to finally win the heart of Scorpio, get ready to be tireless at home and passionate in bed. This is the kind of woman this man is looking for. life together.

The appearance of a lady is very important for a Scorpio. He likes stylish women who know how to present themselves in all their glory. But here it is also necessary to observe a sense of proportion. You should not look brighter than your chosen one, he likes to surpass his companion at least a little. This applies not only to appearance, but also to the role in relationships.

If you want Scorpio to think only about you and wonder if you like him or not, become a woman - a mystery. This sign loves secrets and when a girl begins to intrigue him, a man has a great passion for her. Scorpio likes a surge of emotions and an adrenaline rush.

Have you guessed what's in you? Don't say it, Scorpio tries to hide his feelings. If he finds out that you have revealed his secret, he may get scared and move away from you in order to regain his position.

The usual humility can push him away from you. The Scorpio man loves the spirit of competition, he brings it into relationships. To keep the chosen one near you, you will often have to create situations of disputes and struggle. Such behavior awakens more and more passion inside your loved one. Therefore, if Scorpio is not bored next to you, he will never give up such a relationship. The only exception can be the appearance on the horizon of a hotter girl than you, who can keep him in a state of heat.


  • how to make a scorpio woman fall in love

- Human strong-willed, he always strives to find a companion equal to himself and always one that he can always be proud of. Getting along with such people is not easy, consider their characteristics and remember their preferences.


Yield to him in small things. Scorpio must be given the opportunity to be a leader. Let him choose what you will have for dinner today, and what movie you will watch. For a Scorpio, such things are more important than for you (unless, of course, you yourself are not a Scorpio).

Scorpios are very jealous. They can easily arrange a real concert if they have only the slightest suspicion, so it is better to look only at a partner.

Everyone wants to snatch their piece of happiness in love. The competition in love is high, especially today, when there are already on sale the latest appliances that clean excess fat from problem areas on the body and make the figure almost perfect. One of these is pictured below.

But in order to do this, to understand a person, to fall in love with ourselves, to find out what he wants in general, we need to know his traits, his character traits. After all, everyone needs their own approach. And everyone, depending on their zodiac sign, may have different intentions. Let's talk about what features a married scorpio man has in our article.

Married Scorpio man. His features.

We can distinguish approximately the following features of a married scorpion man.

Trait #1

Devotion. In fact, married Scorpio men are very devoted people. They are not one of those. who will spin novels on the side. Of course, this happens, but still it is not typical for them. They really appreciate the connection that they have with their other half. And therefore, if a married scorpio man starts an affair on the side, then we can definitely say that there are very good reasons for this. Such a romance cannot be just a one-night stand, and if this happens, then the scorpion will be tormented by remorse. If a scorpion man starts a relationship with someone other than his wife, it means that either he has serious problems in his marriage that are brewing to develop into a divorce, or he has met a person who is sincerely interested in him and he is seriously considering the option to connect his life with him.

Trait #2

Passion and sexuality. It's no secret that scorpions are very passionate people. Married scorpio men are no exception. They are filled with sexual energy and literally radiate it from themselves into external world. They are excellent lover and genuinely love to have sex. Treat it creatively and wholeheartedly.

Trait #3

Married Scorpio men are assertive people. They are not the type to back down at the first bad moment. They will consider it necessary to spend more or less significant time and significant costs in order to achieve their goal. The same goes for the women they woo. Will try for a long time different variants if success won't come.

Trait #4

The ability to take revenge. Scorpio men are not usually evil people, but what they definitely know how to do is stand up for themselves if someone offends them. Not being evil by nature, married scorpion men will not miss an injection in their direction, they will definitely remember it and in the end inflict a response, and most often more crushing.

We highly recommend watching a video about married scorpion men.
