What saints to pray? Prayers for all occasions! Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow to find a good job. Prayer for help in love

IN difficult situations Orthodox Christians pray to their patron saints. Knowing what to pray to the saints will help you be heard and get what you want.

Prayer helps to establish contact with the Higher powers and receive the patronage of the saints. There are many prayer rules for all occasions, strengthening and encouraging believers, comforting in sorrow, and even capable of changing life and destiny.

What saints to pray for family happiness

Love and family happiness are the basis of a joyful life. Orthodox Christians who want to live life in love and harmony pray for family happiness Kazan icon Mother of God. The newlyweds are also blessed in this way.

In addition to the Mother of God, about mutual love and strong family pray to Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Their life has become a model family happiness for all Orthodox; in honor of the saints, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, celebrated annually, is named.

Image of the Mother of God "Fadeless Color" they pray to meet a loved one, a family life with whom the Lord will please. Also, this icon is asked for help in resolving any family problems.

Feodorovskaya icon of the Mother of God pray for the appearance of children and the right choice of a spouse. This image is often a "wedding" icon in a young Christian family.

Ostrabram image of the Blessed Virgin Mary considered the most the best protection from love spells and interference of strangers in a young family.

They pray for the preservation of the family and the prevention of divorces Great Martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia. It is believed that the saints patronize Orthodox families and help spouses to be faithful to each other, respect, appreciate and love relatives and friends, live in peace and harmony.

Saint Xenia of Petersburg Orthodox girls ask for a successful marriage and a happy family life. Ksenia patronizes girls in love who want to create a strong Orthodox family.

To whom it is customary to pray for financial well-being

Each of us wants to live comfortably and be able to do good deeds. Knowing which patron saints are praying for material wealth, you can improve your financial situation and achieve material well-being.

Iberian Icon of the Mother of God pray to live in abundance. It is believed that it is this icon that patronizes people who want to end poverty.

Icon of the Mother of God "The only hope of the desperate" helps to save the house and property from thieves, dishonest people and accidents.

“The Conqueror of Bread” is also an icon of the Virgin Mary. Prayer in front of her is able to save the economy from destruction, attract financial profit and save from bankruptcy.

Great Martyr Vadim ask for deliverance from betrayal, envy and self-interest. A saint should pray before starting his own business or investing his money.

Holy Great Martyr Valentine also helps to live in abundance and not need anything. On the icon, the saint is depicted with wheat ears in her hands, which is a symbol of fertility and wealth.

Saint Basil is asked for success in business. Prayer to this patron will bring good luck in financial transactions and any spending.

Saint Daniel of Moscow they pray for finding their own housing: the icon of the saint must be kept with them until they receive their home, and after that the story is in the “red corner” of the new housing.

Holy Matrona of Moscow they ask about solving housing and domestic problems, material success, saving savings and gaining wealth. The life of the Blessed Matrona is widely known and still attracts thousands of people to her grave who receive help after praying to the patron saint.

Paraskeva Friday- heavenly patroness of merchants and needlewomen. They pray to her for the successful sale of their craft and manual labor.

What saints pray for the healing of diseases and health promotion

In prayer to the patron saints, they seek help and comfort in illnesses and troubles: there are many cases when sincere prayer literally worked a miracle in a hopeless situation and brought seriously ill people back to life.

Image Holy Mother of God"Baby Leap" revered by young mothers: they pray to this icon if the child is seriously ill, as well as during severe pregnancy and before childbirth.

"Affection" is another icon of the Mother of God, bestowing healing from the most serious illnesses. There is a legend that the Monk Seraphim of Sarov himself, healing the sick, prayed before this image, which was in his cell.

The image of the Mother of God "The guarantor of sinners" can bring peace of mind and a successful outcome of a complex operation or difficult treatment.

Icon of the Virgin Mary "Inexhaustible Chalice" they pray if someone in the family suffers from alcohol or drug addiction.

The most powerful image of the Virgin is considered the "Healer". This icon is prayed to alleviate any illness and successfully cure all ailments. According to legend, this image healed more than half a million seriously ill people who are on the verge of death.

Saint Alexy pray for blindness, inflammation internal organs and severe infections and epidemics. It is also believed that prayer to this patron saint can help with mental illness, drug addiction or alcoholism.

Saint Anne women suffering from infertility, as well as mothers of seriously ill babies, pray.

Saints Boris and Gleb ask for the healing of heart disease, bones and nervous system.

Great Martyr Valentine pray for the healing of the hopelessly ill, paralyzed and for the relief of the suffering of the dying.

Saint Panteleimon considered the patron saint of the sick and suffering, healer and miracle worker. They turn to him, asking for the healing of any ailment, the relief of pain and suffering.

Rev. Sergius Abbot of Radonezh Wonderworker

Teaching was difficult for the lad Sergius, and after a fervent prayer, God sent him an angel in the form of an old man, who blessed the lad. Among other prayers, Rev. They pray to Sergius for children who find it difficult to study. They resort to the prayers of the monk to acquire humility, to get rid of pride.

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov

The great mentor, comforter and healer, the Monk Seraphim is a quick helper to all who flow to his help. They pray to him for the acquisition of love for others, for the gift unceasing prayer, about healing from all kinds of diseases, especially from diseases of the legs.

St. Martyr John the Warrior

St. John the Warrior, sent to persecute and kill Christians, rendered great help to the persecuted. He dedicated his entire life to serving others. The warrior-martyr accused thieves of stealing. They pray to him to find the stolen, from theft, from offenders.

St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow

Even the Gentiles knew about St. Alexis that "heaven does not deny his prayer anything." They especially pray to Saint Alexis for the gift of insight.

Holy Great Martyr Barbara

Before the end, she asked the Lord that everyone would repent and take communion before their death. Through the prayers of St. great martyr. Barbarians are served abundant healing. They also pray to the saint for children, for help in despondency and sadness, consolation in sadness. They especially pray for deliverance from sudden death.

St. Martyr Tryphon

Even as a child, with his pure prayer, he drove away insects from the field that threatened to destroy the entire crop. His miracle of exorcism from the daughter of the Roman emperor is known. WITH young years He had the gift to heal the sick, to help everyone who called him in prayers, especially in sorrows, difficult life circumstances. St. torment. Trifon is also prayed for happiness in marriage.

Sts. Martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv

They pray to the holy martyrs for the patronage of the family hearth, or when a husband hates and persecutes his wife, oh good relations in family.

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon

He devoted his whole life to the suffering, the sick and the poor. He "free of charge treated everyone" who turned to him, healing wounds, healing all diseases.

St. Great Martyr Catherine

In Rus', girls especially prayed to the holy great martyr Catherine - so that a good groom would be caught. The help of the saint was also resorted to during difficult births.

St. equal. Prince Vladimir

Saint Vladimir, who baptized Rus', is a prayer book for Russian state for the Orthodox people. Almost blind, he regained his sight after receiving holy Baptism. His prayers are also used to get rid of eye diseases.

Hieromartyr Hermogenes

Under Patriarch Hermogenes, there was an invasion of the impostor False Dmitry and the Poles, who imprisoned the patriarch in the Miracle Monastery. He died martyrdom from hunger. They pray to him during the disaster and the invasion of enemies, for protection from the invasion of foreigners and infidels.

Holy Great Martyr Nikita

The Holy Great Martyr Nikita suffered for the faith. His body, thrown into the fire, did not burn, but after a long storage with a friend, it was transferred to the temple. They pray to the Holy Martyr Nikita for the health of children, and especially for damage, for healing "from a relative." In Rus', the Great Martyr Nikita was considered the patron saint of geese. He was prayed for a waterfowl.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov

They pray to him for the intercession of widows and orphans, for compassion for the poor and defenseless, for help in poverty and need. The miracles that came from the incorruptible relics of St. Demetrius are especially related to the healing of the sick, including chest diseases. St. Dimitri himself was exhausted and died from this disease.

Holy Prophet and Baptist John

One look at the suffering beheaded head of the Baptist invites us to seek help from him against a headache. As a preacher of repentance, he is also prayed for the gift of a sense of repentance. In Rus', they prayed to the saint for the patronage of crops and fertility, during the consecration of the bee-keeper.

Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Saint John the Theologian, beloved disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, took the Most Pure Mother of God after the crucifixion of Christ to his house, where she remained until her Dormition. The holy apostle, as well as the apostles Mark, Luke, Matthew, are prayed for good relations in the family and for advice and love between husband and wife.

Rev. Martinian Beloezersky

They pray to him in offense when they want to find truth and justice.

Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica

At the age of 20, St. Demetrius was appointed proconsul of the Thessaline region, but instead of persecuting and executing Christians, he began to teach the inhabitants of the Christian faith. The memory of St. Demetrius in Rus' has long been associated with a military feat, the defense of the Fatherland. He is prayed for the enlightenment of the eyes.

St. Archangel of God Michael

Archangel Michael was appointed by the Lord over all nine angelic ranks. Since ancient times, he has been glorified in Rus'. The Most Holy Theotokos and Archangel Michael are special representatives for Russian cities. The faith of Orthodox Christians in the help of the Archangel Michael in all troubles, sorrows, needs is strong. Archangel Michael is prayed at the entrance to a new house.

St. Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael is the healing of God, the healer of human ailments. Archangel Raphael helped Tobiah find a bride, and therefore they especially pray to him for happiness in marriage, as well as in finding a bride.

Guardian angel

God gives every baptized Christian a guardian angel who invisibly guards a person throughout his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, protects at the hour of death. The guardian angel is an ambulance in any need and illness.

St. Great Martyr George the Victorious

"Egoriy the Brave", as this saint is popularly called, is the patron of the Russian land, statehood and military power, family, children, an assistant in sorrow and misfortune. They especially pray to him about the danger of attack by wild animals. Saint George is the protector of herds, livestock.

Saint Nicholas of Myra Wonderworker

Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lycia, is one of the most revered saints in Rus', which is why the people called him the Pleasant. Glorified from God by the gift of miracles, healings. They pray to him for help in various troubles, in need, arranging the fate of children, for well-being on the road by land and sea, for help in poverty and need, from sadness and despondency.

Saint Spyridon Trimifuntsky

Many of his miracles include miracles of healing the sick, helping the suffering. Even during his lifetime, the saint became famous for his meekness, kindness, hospitality and diligence. In Rus', St. Spyridon was revered on a par with St. Nicholas. They pray to him in every need, and especially they turn to him for help in finding work and earnings.

Saint Basil the Great

The saint himself, before his priestly service, worked so hard, hewn stones, that calluses remained on his hands. In his liturgy, the saint prays for those who labor "both in the mountains and in ores... and in the abyss of the earth, and in bitter labors." He is prayed for help in his labors.

Holy Apostles Peter and Paul

The great teachers of Orthodoxy are prayed for the multiplication of faith. They pray to the holy Apostle Peter for healing - the Savior healed the mother-in-law of the apostle, "lying and burning with fire." They also pray to the Apostle Peter for successful fishing, for success in fishing. They pray to the Apostle Paul at the opening of work in factories, workshops, etc. - the apostle himself did not remain idle day or night.

Holy Prophet of God Elijah

It is said about this saint: "Pray, and heaven and rain and give." They also pray to him for help during ice, in difficult life and material circumstances.

Blessed Vasily of Moscow

Preaching mercy blessed Basil helped people. His relics became famous for miracles, many sick people received healing through the prayers of the blessed one. He is also prayed for from the fire.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

Since Saint Tikhon himself struggled for a long time with the ailment of despondency, people resort to his prayers in anguish, in despair, in sadness, in spiritual sorrow.

St. rights. John the Russian Confessor

He traded in Constantinople next to the Turkish shops, was successful in his trade more than anyone else. For this and for his Christian faith, he was tortured by infidels. They pray to St. John the Russian for success in trade, and the prosperity of your business.

Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina

They pray for the expulsion of evil spirits from people and animals, against harm from psychics, sorcerers, wizards, evil people.

Holy Martyr Paraskeva

The Holy Martyr Paraskeva has always been revered in Rus' as an assistant in women's cares, the patroness of the household, the giver of good grooms, and the patroness of agricultural work. She is especially prayed to during the sowing and harvesting of bread. The saint also prays for the healing of children.

St. rights. Godfathers Joachim and Anna

These saints bore bitter barrenness until their very old age, then, with the blessing of God, they gave birth to the Most Holy Theotokos. They are prayed to in marital infertility or childlessness. For a long time in Rus', they prayed to these saints before the start of sowing, for the patronage of crops, fruits, and harvests.

St. rights. John of Kronstadt

As a child, St. Righteous John was not good at literacy, and after fervent prayer, it was as if a veil fell from the boy's eyes, and he began to read. Among other prayers to the great miracle worker, prayers are offered to him to help children study.

St. Blessed Matrona of Moscow

Holy Mother Matrona is the great saint of the new time. The blessed one predicted that after her death, “in many years, people will find out about me and go in droves for help in their sorrows and with requests to pray for them to the Lord God, and I will help everyone and hear everyone.” They especially pray to the saint for relief from bodily illnesses, leg diseases, as well as for any family and household needs.

Holy Martyrs Flor and Laurus

They pray to the holy martyrs for help in need Agriculture- deliverance of livestock from diseases and cases, especially horses.

Rev. Ambrose of Optina

They pray for spiritual prudence and for enlightenment when you don’t know what to do.

Reverend Moses Ugrin

Our Reverend Father is prayed for deliverance from carnal passion.

Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia

They pray to the holy miracle workers of Murom to send down a heavenly blessing on those entering into marriage, and to save them from family discord and strife.

St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

They pray for help in various family and everyday situations, for intercession for the dead without repentance.

St. Tsar Passion-Bearer Nicholas

They pray to our holy Tsar Nicholas for the future of our Fatherland and in every need of life, as well as as a sign of repentance for the conciliar sin of betrayal of the God-chosen royal family of the Romanovs.

Venerable Paisios the Great

This saint is especially prayed for the dead without repentance.

St. Martyr Uar

They pray to this saint for the unbaptized dead, who died in unbelief, who did not receive Holy Baptism, who did not know True God deviating from God's truth. In addition, they pray to Saint Ouar for the health of infants and young children, as well as for infants who died in their mother's womb or during childbirth.

St. Martyr John New, Sochavsky

Has a special grace from God to help those involved in trade.

Sts. torment. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia

They pray to the holy martyrs in sorrows and misfortunes, steadfastness in faith.

St. Prince Daniel of Moscow

Pray for difficult housing problems, oh family well-being, about advice and love between husband and wife, about finding one's home, about preserving Moscow.

St. Sophronius of Irkutsk

Assistant in business and needs to all who resort to his help.

St. Joseph Volotsky

Great saint of God. In Rus', he was revered on a par with St. Nicholas.

Bliss. John of Rostov

This saint is especially prayed for the healing of many diseases.

Rev. Athanasius of Brest

The Monk Martyr Athanasius is a defender of Orthodoxy, a fighter against the union. The incorrupt relics of the saint were glorified by numerous miracles and healings.

St. Theodosius of Chernigov

The Church brings to the aid of this saint in needs related to the strengthening of the mind and knowledge of adults and children.

St. blessings. Prince Theodore and his children David and Konstantin

They pray for the granting of peace, for the protection of Orthodoxy and the Russian land.

St. torment. Mikhail and Fedor Chernigovsky

These saints are prayed for a strong standing in the Orthodox faith.

Rev. Daniel Shuzhgorsky

They resort to the help of the monk in prayers for protection from worldly misfortunes.

St. Pitirim Tambov

This saint is especially prayed for spiritual enlightenment.

Rev. Grigory Vologda

They resort to his help when they want to reconcile with enemies.

St. rights. Artemy Verkolsky

Grace is given to the righteous to pray for all who resort to his help. Especially treated with fever or "shaking disease"

St. blessings. Prince Andrei Smolensky

This saint is especially prayed for the acquisition of humility and meekness.

Rev. Varlaam Khutynsky

Rev. Varlaam had a great gift of clairvoyance and miracles.

St. Herman, archbishop Kazansky

They resort to his help in case of unjust insults, persecution, harassment.

Rev. Varlaam Keretsky

This saint is especially prayed for a safe journey through the waters.

St. Archangel Gabriel

St. Archangel Gabriel - Herald of the Mysteries of God and "Servant of Miracles"

Bl. Maxim the holy fool, Moscow miracle worker

This saint is especially prayed for the healing of various diseases.

St. blessings. Prince Alexander Nevsky

They pray during a disaster and an invasion of enemies, or for protection from attacks by foreigners and non-believers.

St. Mitrofan of Voronezh

This saint is especially prayed for the life arrangement of children.

Holy martyr. Clement, Pope

His intercession is resorted to in case of insults and persecution.

St. rights. Alexey, man of God

The son of rich and noble parents, he fled from worldly contentment, lived on the porch of the temple, endured poverty and deprivation all his life. This saint is prayed for the deliverance of pride - St. Alexei had deep humility and spiritual poverty. They also pray to the saint from the danger of being bitten by a reptile.

Rev. Euphrosyne of Moscow

This saint is prayed for the insight of the eyes and from paralysis.

Rev. Onufry the Great

Pray for sudden or sudden death.

Rev. Tikhon of Kaluga

Pray for deliverance from all evils and misfortunes.

St. Stephen of Perm

His intercession is resorted to in sorrows and misfortunes.

St. rights. Simeon the God-bearer

They pray for the patronage of children - he received the forty-day-old Divine Infant in the temple - and for the healing of children.

St. Princes Boris and Gleb

These saints are the first Russian martyrs and martyrs. Orthodox Church honors them, who constantly provide prayer assistance to their native land and suffering from diseases, including diseases of the legs. Saints are also prayed for the patronage of crops and harvest.

St. John Chrysostom

To the mediation of this saint before God, those who have reached despair, in mental ailments, turn.

Rev. Mary of Egypt

Reverend Mary is prayed to in a special demonic attack on the flesh.

St. Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates

This holy great martyr is especially prayed for protection from enemies.

Saint Silouan of Athos

Russian saint who labored on Mount Athos. A particle of his holy relics is in the Athos Compound of Moscow.

Martyr Archimandrite Ambrose (Astakhov) Khovrinsky

One of the New Martyrs of Russia. His revered image is in our church, where he served for the last 7 years before his martyrdom.

Seven youths, like in Ephesus: Maximilian, Iamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Eksakustodian (Konstantin), Antonin.

The Holy Seven Youths, like those in Ephesus, are prayed for in violation of sleep and insomnia.

Venerable Aristocles, Elder of Athos and Moscow Wonderworker

Saint Aristocles is one of the newly glorified saints. Even during his lifetime, there was a case when, through the prayers of the elder Aristocles, a dead girl was resurrected. They pray to the reverend for deliverance from death, as well as for healing from diseases. The holy relics of the venerable elder Aristocles are in the Athos Compound in Moscow.

Great Martyr Anastasia

The saints pray for help to those in prison.

St. Longinus centurion

Saint Longinus is the same centurion of the Roman army who was on guard at the Cross of the Savior. According to legend, he was there when the soldier pierced the ribs of Christ with a spear. A drop of blood fell on the sore eyes of the centurion, and he was healed. Saint Longinus the centurion is especially prayed for with eye diseases.

Saint John of Damascus

The ruler of Damascus, on a false slander, ordered that Saint John's hand be cut off; but after the zealous prayer of the monk to the Mother of God, the severed hand grew together again. The Monk John of Damascus is prayed for with an injury or pain in the hands.

Hieromartyr Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon

The holy martyr Antipas is especially prayed for with a toothache.

Righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye

Righteous Simeon, despite the constant feeling of exhaustion in his legs, walked from Russia to Siberia on foot; wandered and fooled around for Christ's sake in the Urals and Western Siberia, introduced himself to the Lord in 1642. He is prayed for in diseases of the legs.

Rev. Alexander Svirsky

The miracles of St. Alexander are associated with the healing of the paralyzed, so they also pray to him for insomnia, loss of appetite and paralysis.

Venerable Irinarch the Recluse

The Monk Irinarkh is especially prayed for the healing of the demon-possessed and protection from evil spirits.

Reverend Stylian

Saint Stylian is the true protector and patron of babies. He is prayed for the health, well-being and intercession of children, especially in infancy.

Many people go to church only on large Orthodox holidays or when they want to ask God for help. But not everyone knows who and what to pray for. Which saints and in what need should one turn to?

There is such folk saying: "Prayer from the heart reaches Heaven." Turning to the holy saint, you must understand that you are not just saying words, but are communicating with another person who sees and hears you perfectly. If you are not churched, then some prayers from the prayer book will simply be incomprehensible to you. But also foreign language We also do not immediately master. And Church Slavonic is not a foreign language - it is ours, primordially Russian and native. Take, for example, a troparion to some saint in your hands - in this small prayer you will see the life of the saint, described in an unusually beautiful and correct language. It will become clear to you why we ask this particular saint for something specific.

About help in learning, about successful delivery exams, term papers, diplomas, tests, you need to pray to the icon of the Mother of God "Addition of the mind" (Icon 1),

St. Sergius of Radonezh (Icon 2).

On a successful marriage: the Most Holy Theotokos (Icon 3),

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker (Icon 4).

Nicholas the Wonderworker helps in a variety of everyday situations. They turn to him when there is a living need to find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. It is impossible to determine the type of activity, the special area of ​​​​his patronage, in which he would show himself especially. One thing is certain: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the simplest and most accessible saint. He is close to all human needs and suffering. After all, the saint has no exceptions - for him all people equally need his help and intercession. He is always ready to hear our request: “Nikolai Ugodnik, help!” and come to the rescue. On the favorable course of pregnancy and the successful resolution of the burden: the icons of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya" (Icon 5),

"Assistant in childbirth" (Icon 6).

About help in getting a job and about the return of lost things: to the holy martyr Tryphon (Icon 7).

In despondency, sadness and depression: to the icons of the Mother of God "Assuage my sorrows" (Icon 8),

"Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted" (Icon 9).

About getting rid of drunkenness, drug addiction, addiction to gambling And slot machines: icons of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" (Icon 10),

"Recovery of the Lost" (Icon 11),

"The guarantor of sinners" (Icon 12),

the holy martyr Boniface (Icon 13),

holy righteous John of Kronstadt (Icon 14).

On the resolution of problems in marriage and the reconciliation of husband and wife: to the holy martyrs and confessors Guriy, Samon and Aviv (Icon 15);

holy royal martyrs (Icon 16);

Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia (Icon 17).

On help in raising children: to the icons of the Mother of God "Education" (Icon 18)

and "Mamming" (Icon 19).

On healing from diseases: the icon of the Mother of God "Healer" (Icon 20),

Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon (Icon 21),

unmercenaries and wonderworkers Cosmas and Damian (Icon 22),

venerable martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth (Icon 23);

the icon of the Mother of God "Kazanskaya" (Icon 24);

Saint Alexy (Icon 25),

Metropolitan of Moscow (Icon 26) (eye diseases);

the holy prophet Moses (Icon 27) (speech defects);

Saint Rev. Amphilochius of Pochaev (Icon 28)

and Blessed Matrona of Moscow (Icon 29) (leg disease);

the holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John (Icon 30) (ailments of the head);

the icon of the Mother of God "Three-handed" (Icon 31),

Saint John of Damascus (Icon 32) (diseases of the hands);

Holy Hieromartyr Antipas (Icon 33) (dental disease);

the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" (Icon 34) (oncological diseases);

to the holy reverend Agapit of the Caves (Icon 35) (women's diseases).

Each person has his own heavenly patron. You can turn to him or your beloved saint with any charitable request. But in no case should you ask them to punish someone, send you untold wealth and luxury, or that someone loves you. You turn to the saint in order to express your love, respect and reverence for him with a prayer.

Greetings to all readers. More and more people go to churches, buy icons, but few know which saint to pray to. I will try to help you in this matter.

The main prayer is for children

No one will argue with this, therefore, find prayers for children, and pray for them every day. Every need will be answered by a saint.

About giving a child

If you really want a baby, but God does not give you such joy, kneel before the righteous Saints Joachim and Anna.

The spouses, Righteous Joachim and Righteous Anna, did not have children until a ripe old age, but they always grieved over this. In those days, childlessness was considered a special shame, so they were subjected to ridicule, merciless contempt. But the couple did not grumble, but only fervently prayed to God.

Because of people's contempt, the righteous Joachim settled in the desert completely alone, where he began to pray to God for a child. His wife, having learned about this, began to ask even more zealously for the gift of a child to her.

God heard the couple's prayer. Soon the Angel announced that they would have a Daughter, blessed by all human race.

The couple met in Jerusalem, where they had a daughter, who was named Mary. Follow their example and God will reward you with a child.

About giving children pray to the prophet Zechariah and Elizabeth, as well as Reverend Roman.

It happens that only girls are born to spouses, and they passionately dream of a son. Rev. Alexander Svirsky will help you.

Turning to this particular saint helps not only to give birth to a son, but also to become pregnant. Buy an icon of this righteous man, constantly read a prayer, and also keep fasting.

Which saint to pray for a pregnant woman

Pregnant woman dreams of safely being resolved from his burden, to give birth to a healthy baby. Rise reverently before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos "Quickly Hearing", or "Healer" or "Feodorovskaya", and also send your prayers to St. Melania the Roman. Your requests will be heard.

Many mothers experience a lack of milk to feed their child, then kneel at the face of the Most Holy Theotokos “Mammary”.

Prayers for children

For children of all ages, you can pray before the image of St. Mother of God "Search for the Lost" or Great Martyr Barbara.

Especially strong prayer pronounced to the Baptist John the Baptist. Every person knows about this Saint, all believers treat him with special reverence. In the life of this bright man there were many major events associated with Jesus Christ.

Request to John the Baptist those people who want to get rid of sinful thoughts, clear their minds, and calm their souls are lifted up. He is the last prophet who foreshadowed the coming of Jesus Christ. A bright and righteous man helped people return to the true path through repentance.

Many parents want to raise their children to be obedient, righteous people who honor their parents. The petition of the martyr Sophia to raise children in Christian piety will help you.

Prayers to Sergius of Radonezh

But not only this worries parents, but also the fact that children grow up smart, developed. You can resort to the help of St. Cosmas and Damian or St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Sergius of Radonezh helps in all difficulties:

  • Get good marks for passing exams;
  • Get rid of pride;
  • It will help with illnesses to heal the body, as well as cleanse the soul;
  • Find Good work with a decent salary.

No matter what trouble or request you turn to, His Holiness will not leave you alone with ailments, various troubles. Find your prayer for every occasion. Don't know what prayers to read! Contact a priest for help. You will see how your petition will be heard if you asked and prayed with complete humility - from the bottom of your heart.

Sergius of Radonezh never leaves people in trouble, he especially helps students. Because the teaching was not easy for him, but after reading the prayer, a true miracle happened to him. He began to study with great desire. But if you do not know the material, then asking will not help you. Turning to the Holy One before the exam gives confidence and strength.

On the well-being of children in society

Refer to the relics of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh about mercy, the well-being of children in society. He always helped the weak, the sick in soul and body, the weak, the obsessed. He is also asked to create a family for his children. The request to Mitrofan for a job more than once helped people find a decent job, as well as a haven in life.

Woe to those parents who have lost their child, but do not lose hope of finding him alive, unharmed. Buy an icon of George the Victorious and pray. Prayers to the Great Martyr help in any struggle. Once people asked Jesus to release them from grief, because they had to sacrifice their children to be eaten by a snake. Then George came and overcame the snake, slaying it with a spear.

Today, danger awaits us everywhere in the form of an attack or. To protect against damage, when setting off on a journey, read the prayer to the Great Martyr several times, he will certainly help.

Sleep disorders in newborns, read over them a prayer - to the Holy Seven Ephesian Youths. In case of illness of babies, contact the MCC. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, ask for rights to protect children. Simeon the God-Receiver, St. Gabriel Belostokskov.

Which saint to pray for family and marriage

Kazan Holy Mother of God

Before marriage pray before the face of the Mother of God "Kazanskaya", Book. Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom. Ask for the patronage of Saints Cosmas and Damian.

If there is no happiness in marriage, then kneel at the images of St. Apostle Simon the Zealot, Archangel Barahiel, Holy Mother of God.

If you notice that in a marriage between you there has been a cooling, then ask for help from the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, martyr. Adrian and Natalia, so that in their personal lives consent comes again. These righteous people provided real help to many families.

Many girls dream of marriage, but they cannot meet their betrothed. Send prayers for marriage and chastity to St. app. Andrew the First-Called, great Catherine, St. Nicholas of Mirlikiysky. For well-being in your second marriage, pray to St. Athanasius.

If you can't cope with family troubles, buy an icon of martyrdom. Guria, Samon and Aviv. It should be in every family where there is no agreement, endless quarrels reign.

You are worried about your husband, that he has not been at home for a long time, pray to the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste, you will immediately feel that you are not alone, that these saints will come to your aid.

About a prosperous life

Everyone dreams of finding their own home, especially in our time. Pray unceasingly. Book. Daniel of Moscow. Your prayer from the very heart will reach him without fail.

Send prayers to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg in case of family and domestic needs, she will certainly hear you.

In times of distress, contact St. John the Merciful, and ask for help in worldly affairs from the priests. Blaise of Sebaste.

About health

You have to walk home from work at night, you are afraid of violence. Take an icon with you. Thomais of Egypt.

Women often feel weak and unwell. Sometimes it becomes intolerable. Which icon to pray? Stand before the face of St. David Gareji or priest Hypatia Gangar, pray with zeal, the pain will gradually recede.

Orphans and widows do not live sweetly. But you have an intercessor - St. Dmitry of Rostov. Send him your petitions, he will protect you.

For various diseases all people turn to Panteleimon the Healer, or Sts. Luka Krymsky, Spiridon Trimifuntsky, they pray for health at the face of the Virgin "Joy to All Who Sorrow."

We keep hearing about how cancer eats people up in a matter of weeks. Kneel day and night before the face of the Theotokos "quick to hearken" or "Goalkeeper", St. Nektarios of Aegina and believe that they will hear you.

Drunkenness breaks not only families, but also the souls of people. In a family where there is a drinking person, there must be one called the "Inexhaustible Chalice". Pray, ask not for a day or two to be heard.

Request for protection and assistance

Many people steadfastly endure insults, but sometimes they don’t have the strength to endure it, pray before the icon of the martyr. John the Warrior, he will bring relief, protect from the attacks of the offender or the first. Stephen.

Trouble, sadness undermines human health, prayer martyr. Tryphon will help get rid of this scourge, the soul will become lighter, calmer. Do not let sadness eat you from the inside, remove it through prayer!

Sometimes people are so hostile that it seems that there is no end to it, no edge. It is especially annoying to watch how native people are at enmity. Buy an icon of St. Mother of God "Softening Evil Hearts”, read a prayer in front of her until the warring people reconcile. You can also ask St. Boris and Gleb.

Against quarrels and strife, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Have you ever been in despair or despondency? Ask Saints John Chrysostom or Tikhon of Voronezh or Ephraim the Syrian to remove this sin from your soul.

Today, many people start their own business. For a request for profit, please contact. Every businessman should have an icon of this Saint.

For prosperity in the family, ask for yours by first reading the prayer “Our Father”, and then a prayer for protection from poverty.

Dear friends! Before asking for what you need, first sincerely repent of your sins in church or at home, and then ask the saints to fulfill your needs.

Without repentance, it will be difficult to wait for the fulfillment of your requests. If you do not find the name of the saint you would like to address, go to the priest or ask in the trading shop to give you the right prayer. Do not be discouraged, God will always help you, because it is through the Saints that your prayer reaches the Almighty.

Losing a job you love is no easy task. In the current economic situation, it is not so easy to find it, even with impressive experience and education. This state of affairs inspires confusion and fear, especially if there is big family. Prayer can support in a hopeless situation. But not everyone knows who to pray to in order to find a good job, which icon to turn to.

Getting ready for prayer

In such situations, even non-believers go to the higher powers for help. You need to pray every day, observing the unspoken rules:

  • When you do, be sure to ask for forgiveness. Everyone has a reason.
  • Concentrate, discard extraneous thoughts.
  • You can come up with a text on your own, the main thing is to believe.
  • Remember that you are not praying to an icon, but to an image.
  • Tune in to a sincere conversation, ask from the bottom of your heart.
  • It is appropriate to speak both aloud and in a whisper. Many monks repeat it aloud, then silently.
  • The place, can be any, it is better to retire. But this is an optional requirement.
  • Don't be shy if this is your first time doing this. There are also situations in which there is no other way out but to rely on the help of the saints.

Answer to Prayer for Work

Prayers will most likely help you, but how to understand it? It often happens that the answer looks different than we can imagine. If you're asking for a good job, don't expect them to call you tomorrow and offer you one. You need to understand that your request may remain unfulfilled, or it will not be fulfilled in the right way.

Only by resigning yourself to your situation will you find a solution. Nothing just happens. you are in difficult situation- the work is not found in any way, so that's how it should be in this moment. Don't think you haven't been heard. This is a reason to understand that you have been given a test, and help will definitely come at the right time. The main thing is to move forward, not stand still and just wait for her.

Most likely, you do not notice what happens after your conversation with higher powers. Think about it, analyze the situation, it's time to change everything: profession, ideas, ambitions. That is why you are here and now - this is the answer to your prayer.

Which saint to pray to find a job?

You need to know who to ask for help in this situation. Every saint is strong in his own way. Good work is often asked from saints who help the poor and needy during their lifetime, for example:

  • Martyr Tryphon always helped people, accepted their petitions and spoke for them with God.
  • Spiridon of Trimifuntsky helped the poor during his lifetime. He will help in finding a job, raising a business.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker. Not a single appeal for support, including the search for a good job, can do without it.
  • Blessed Xenia of Petersburg helping people achieve their goals. She was called "first aid".
  • Seraphim of Sarov he himself was a tireless worker and urged people to work. He taught that through labor a person draws nearer to God.
  • Alexander Svirsky He was famous for his industriousness, he firmly believed that any difficulty can be overcome with the name of God in his thoughts.
  • Sergius of Radonezh was considered the greatest companion of the people.

Don't expect to be the boss right away. Ask for work that will help you feed yourself and fulfill yourself.

Which icon to pray to find a good job ?

It is better to pray in the temple. However, this is not always possible. Get an icon with the image of a saint at home and communicate through it. What icons are best suited for such purposes?

  • Icon with the image of the Mother of God Helped anyone in need in any situation. You can ask her for everything: a good job, a high position, good luck in business.
  • Icon of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow won't bother anyone at home. The saint herself during her lifetime helped people in difficult times. life situations, and her icon will bring good luck to the house.

Place a small icon with the image of your saint next to the bed. Your guardian angel is the first assistant in any situation. Carry his image with you, for example on a chain.

The images of the saints that we have listed above help to establish professional activities.

It is not necessary to arrange an iconostasis at home. It is enough to select a few icons and place them in a nook, bedroom. Saints should not hang above the Savior and the Virgin. Do not hang images near a radiator or TV, lamp or air conditioner. Let them have their own place, better a shelf.

Prayer does not interfere with work, but work does not interfere with prayer. In order to have good work, one must work and pray in labor. Her search is also hard work. Therefore, being in the process of searching, one can ask for help from the saints, and not vice versa. What prayers are said by those who want to make a successful career?

When referring to Matryona of Moscow, we ask as follows:

“Matryona, with your prayers help the slave (name) find a good job for salvation in order to gain wealth. Help me (name) find a merciful boss who does not neglect the commandments of our Father and does not force his slaves to work on Sundays, holidays. May the Lord save his son (name) from all kinds of incidents. May this work be for the benefit of the family and parents, children. Amen".

When finished, cross yourself and say thank you.

Regular reading of prayers before the image of Xenia of Petersburg looks like this:

“Our mother Xenia, help your servant (name) standing in front of your image and ask the Lord for the salvation of our souls and worldly days. You are our hope and intercessor, do not let children and parents die of hunger, give work to the servant of God (name). For close people are looking at me and waiting for help and understanding, a piece of bread and cash alms. Let the work be profitable, so that there is enough for everyone. May our mother Xenia be so generous to us. Amen."

Holy miracle worker Tryphon:

“Oh, Russian Tryphon, a martyr for all the people, help me. Hear about the difficult hour (name). Be our helper and scare away the crafty demons of unemployment. Remember us with our Lord God, for the forgiveness of sins, deliver us from eternal ordeals and torment. In the name of the Holy Father. Amen".

Now you know who to pray to find a good job, and what prayer to read. Thus, you call on higher powers for help, but only for help, and do not ask for a solution to your problems for you.
