Prayer icon softening. Powerful Prayer to Soften Evil Hearts

Seven arrow icon Mother of God

Prayer of the Mother of God. Seven-shot icon of the Mother of God.

All deeply religious people have icons of the Mother of God at home. The Seven-shot Icon of the Mother of God is considered the strongest. Many do not know what it helps.

At the icon of the Mother of God the Seven-shooter is very interesting story. No one knows when the icon was painted, but it was acquired after a prophetic dream came to a seriously ill peasant in the Vologda province. The peasant had problems with his legs, he could barely walk with a limp. In a dream, he was promised healing if he found an icon on the bell tower of the Ivano-Theological Church, in front of which he should pray. The church bell ringers mistook this icon for a board and used it as a rotten step. But the peasant found the icon, after a prayer he was healed, and the icon stood on place of honor in the Ivano-Bogoslovsky Church.

In Vologda, the icon of the Seven Arrows performed another miracle in the 19th century. At that time, a cholera epidemic was raging in the city. Many residents of Vologda read prayers before the icons of the Mother of God Semigradskaya and Semistrelnaya. After they made a religious procession around the city with these icons, the disease receded.

On the Seven-Arrowed Icon, the Mother of God is painted without Jesus Christ, and her chest is pierced with seven arrows, personifying her earthly suffering, passions, sins of humanity, which hurt her. Holy Scripture considers the number seven to be the limit of her torment, the limit, it is impossible to suffer more and harder.

The icon of the Seven Arrows helps believers in what.

The main purpose of the Seven-Arrowed Icon is deliverance, purification of a person, first of all from bad thoughts about vengeance, as well as other atrocities. The Mother of God pierced by arrows personifies the symbol of patience, humility, love and mercy. But the Seven-Arrow Icon helps not only humility. The holy image of the Mother of God helps to drive away people who have unclean thoughts from home. If you are afraid of scammers, thieves, envious people, then you are recommended to hang the icon of the Mother of God of the Seven Arrows at home.

The prayer of the Mother of God of Seven Arrows will also help with quarrels and discord in the family, because the Mother of God returns mutual understanding, trust, love, harmony to the family, being the protector of the family hearth, establishing relations between all relatives: children and parents, spouses.

At home, you can place the Seven-shooter icon not only on the iconostasis, but also above front door or opposite it (to protect against ill-wishers). If you are in danger or hostilities, then you need to read a prayer asking for peace. By hanging the icon in the main room, your family will be promoted by the reign of peaceful relations. If placed in the bedroom in which the sick person is located, the icon will help recovery. Just remember that next to the icon you can not place pictures, photographs, posters that will distract from the holy image, as well as put a computer and TV.

Prayer to the icon of the Seven-shot Mother of God from loneliness

Before the "Seven-strelnaya" they pray for deliverance from enemies, weakening their hatred. The sincere request of a believer will help ease the anger of even the worst enemy. Prayers before the icon are also read during periods of war, asking the Mother of God for peace and the preservation of the lives of the soldiers participating in the battles. Turning to the Virgin, you need to put at least seven candles.

Prayer to the icon of the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts" (Seven arrows) to forget insults

Anger and a feeling of hatred towards another person is a sin that needs to be got rid of. Prayer helps to awaken goodness in the heart, mercy, which will bring a feeling of enlightenment and joy:

Icon of the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts » :

Soften our evil hearts. Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the narrowness of our soul, looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy and kiss Your wounds, but our arrows, which torment You, are horrified. Do not give us, Mother of Mercy, to perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, Thou art truly softening hearts of evil.

Seven-shooter's prayer to make peace with a person, to improve relations with a friend

If there is a serious conflict with a person who darkens life and disturbs the heart, you need to read such a prayer in front of the “Seven Arrows”, standing in a strong wind:

Prayer for the world:

First time, God's hour. Fly, wind, to Jerusalem, return home from the holy land. Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength, the anger of heretics, angry craftswomen, old and young women. Mother "Seven Arrows", shoot with your seven arrows any evil, any quarrel, put an end to the ardent dispute, vestments, capes, collars, nets, keels, living graves, fakes, heart diseases, headaches, liver coli. So that they don’t torment each other: Insomnia, sleeplessness, a cross, a whip, a grave nail. Reconcile the slaves (names) from this day, from this hour, from your order. Cool them with Jordanian holy water. In the name of God Christ, come out, resentment, from the servants of God (names). Calm down, pacify, Mother "Seven-shooter". In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

The icon must be held in hands when reading a prayer.

How to protect yourself from enemies and ill-wishers? Conspiracy from Enemies to the Seven-shot Icon of the Mother of God

To protect yourself from communication with ill-wishers, to protect yourself from human hatred and the acquisition of enemies, while in the bath, they say the following prayer (conspiracy) to the water:

Prayer to the seven-shooter icon protection from enemies:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Mother, Seven-shooter Mother of God I beg you to take your seven holy arrows. Repulse, shoot off all evil from me, send it back to where it came from. And whoever begins to harass the servant of God (name), let your seven arrows stick to him. It will bind, press, and the enemy himself will exhaust himself. Be, my words, strong, be, my deeds, modeling: For now, for eternity, for infinity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

You need to wash yourself with charmed water, wash yourself.

Read the rest of the articles about the miraculous Seven-shooter icon. And about everything Orthodox holidays all information

The icon "Tenderness of Evil Hearts" depicts the Virgin Mary. Seven swords are pointed at her, symbolizing the suffering, pain, sins of man. The image has Native sister” under the name “Seven-strelnaya”. She is depicted in the same way with one difference - the arrows are located on two sides (on the left - 3, on the right - 4), and in the "Softener of Evil Hearts" one of the swords is located below.

Experts in icon painting identify two images. Often you can find the names of one under the image of another. Such a mistake is not considered gross. The celebration of the "Seven Shooter" and "Softener of Evil Hearts" takes place on the same day.

Origin of the icon

Nothing is known exactly about the origin of the shrine. Experts know that she is of Northern Russian origin. The original image was created a very long time ago, so no records of its history have been preserved.

An analysis of the image painted on canvas pasted on a board made it possible to determine that it belongs to the 18th century. This is evidenced by the type of paints, their condition. It is obvious that the examined canvas is a list from an earlier icon.

Interpretations of the image

The symbolism of the image is multifaceted. It can be interpreted in different ways, and each meaning will be correct in its own way. Three main explanations:

  • Gospel - associated with the lines of the Gospel, which were addressed to the Virgin Mary.
  • Swords - 7 sins that threaten every person.
  • Swords are a physical threat. The birth of Orthodoxy is associated with persecution. Everyone who preached the faith put himself in danger.

Gospel interpretation

On the appointed day, the Mother of God brought her baby to the temple - this was required by the Law of Moses. The local priest Simeon was enlightened - he spent his whole life in fasting and prayer, so he saw the souls of people, could prophesy and work miracles. He saw the holy spirit, understood that the newborn was the Son of God. Simeon told Mary about the greatness of her baby, but warned that she would suffer because of the sacrifice that her son would bring.

“And to You Yourself the weapon will pierce the soul, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be opened,” the prophet compared mental suffering with physical pain. The fact that there are seven swords on the icon is not an accident. The number means completeness, completeness.

"Simeon's prophecy" is the unofficial name of the icon. She found it because of the gospel lines.

7 Sins

7 swords - as seven sinful passions that threaten a person and destroy the soul: anger, envy, gluttony, adultery, despondency, greed, pride. During severe trials, they also threatened the Virgin Mary during her earthly life. But she did not succumb to sins and went her way with a humble soul and faith in the Almighty. It is believed that through the “Softening of Evil Hearts”, the Mother of God is able to discern any of the sinful feelings in a person and help get rid of him. The icon of the Mother of God reminds us that we must endure all life's hardships, believing in God and humbly obeying his will.

Miraculous acquisition of the image

According to legend, the image was found in the 17th or 18th century in one of the cities Vologda region. One peasant suffered almost all his life from lameness - neither doctors, nor healers, nor prayers helped. He had already lost hope of being cured and humbly carried his cross. Once, in a dream, a holy face came to him, who ordered him to visit the local Theological Church and find the image of the Mother of God in the bell tower, where the most dilapidated icons were kept.

At first, the priests did not believe the man and refused to let him go to the ancient shrines. He came three times and only on the third they took pity on him and went to the bell tower. But there was not a single image in the room itself. Holy Mother of God. The peasant did not despair and continued his search. It turned out that the icon served as one of the steps, was covered with mud, and therefore was not seen before. It was an unforgivable sacrilege - they walked on the holy face with their feet. She was immediately washed and a prayer ceremony was held. The chromate has left the man.


In 1830, an epidemic of a terrible disease raged in the North of the Empire. She literally devastated Vologda and its outskirts. The bishop ruling at that time blessed the procession. "Softener of Evil Hearts" was moved to one of the churches in the city. Everyone could come and pray before the holy face for salvation. The epidemic soon subsided.

The fate of the image is unknown. Back in 1930, he was hidden in the Church of St. John the Theologian. It was closed and resumed its work relatively recently. But this shrine was not in it.

"Softener of Evil Hearts" - a new miraculous shrine

The acquisition of one of the miraculous images happened in our days. In 1997, something tragic happened to Orthodox world event - the "Iberian-Montreal" myrrh-streaming icon was stolen. She mysteriously disappeared the day her keeper died. After some time, the pious Russian woman Margarita bought the image “Softener of Evil Hearts” in one of the church shops.

Catastrophe prediction

At first glance, the shrine was no different from the others. But soon she began to stream myrrh. Moreover, she did this not haphazardly, but reacted to important events occurring in the world. The face of the Virgin changed when in 1999 Moscow was shaken by explosions of houses - black circles were clearly visible under the eyes, and the smell of incense began to be heard around the apartment. After the death of the Kursk, bloody wounds appeared on the shrine. To this day, the image is covered with drops of blood in anticipation of tragic events. Many who approached the shrine say that they did not leave the feeling of communication with a living being that understands them and sympathizes.

Wanderings of the shrine around the world

Now the icon is being carried around the world by Margarita's husband. A precious ark was created for her, a chapel was built. The list was present at the election of the new Patriarch of All Rus'.

The keeper of the icon says that she herself chooses the paths of wandering and always finds herself where she needs to be. Any most logical plans of the owner always collapse in an instant, and what seemed incredible becomes possible.

What do they pray for

Many are interested in what the image helps with. The Most Holy Theotokos is our common mother, intercessor before God and the Son. Her image on "Softener of Evil Hearts" is prayed for various things:

  • to leave an evil thought, intention or to save their ill-wishers from them;
  • return to true spiritual path, take away doubts in your faith that appear in difficult situations;
  • many prayers to the shrine are directed to get rid of diseases, protect soldiers.

In fact, it is not so important why you pray in front of this or that shrine, what images of saints are on it. The main thing is that the petition be submitted with pure thoughts, from the bottom of the heart - then it will be heard and passed on to the Savior.

On August 26 and the Week of All Saints, Orthodox Christians venerate the miraculous icon of God Mothers.

The celebration of the icons "Simeon's Prophecy" and "Seven Arrows" takes place on August 13/26, as well as on February 2/15 (on the day of the Presentation of the Lord) and on the Week of All Saints - on the ninth Sunday after Easter, the first after the Holy Trinity.

Mothers "Softener of Evil Hearts". Another name for this image is the Seven-shooter. It depicted the Mother of God, pierced by seven arrows. From this and such a name.

This icon is kept in the Church of St. John the Theologian-Semistrelnaya, not far from Vologda. But before for a long time the icon was located at the turn of the stairs of the bell tower of the Church of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, also not far from the city of Vologda. Then she lay down in a holy way, therefore she served as a simple board on which the bell ringers walked. And for a long time she would have lain like that, but, according to legend, a certain resident of the city of Kadnikova fell ill. He was treated for a long time, but not a single doctor could heal him. He turned with prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos. On the very first night he had a vision, in which a heavenly voice ordered the peasant to find on the bell tower this icon Mother of God and turn to her with prayers. They found the holy face, cleaned it out, served before it, as it should be, a prayer service. The man soon recovered completely.
This was the very first healing that the icon brought. But most of all this image became famous in 1830. An epidemic of cholera was growing in the city of Vologda. This misfortune forced the inhabitants of the city to turn with prayers to the icon of the Seven-shot Mother of God. The miraculous skin "Softening Evil Hearts" was surrounded procession around the city. As the legend says, it was after this that the scale of the epidemic began to decrease, and soon cholera completely left Vologda.

Icons of the Mother of God "Softener of evil hearts". "Seven Arrows" and "Simeon's Prophecy".

This icon is also called "Simeon's Prophecy". The Mother of God is depicted with seven swords piercing her heart. On the "Seven Arrows" icon, they are arranged as follows: four on the left and three on the right, and on the "Simeon's Prophecy" the seventh sword is drawn from below. At present, in the Russian Orthodox Church, it is customary to consider these icons to be varieties of the same iconographic type and, accordingly, to combine the days of their celebration.

The number "seven" in Holy Scripture usually means the fullness, redundancy of something, and in this case- the fullness and boundlessness of the grief that Mother of God during earthly life, when she happened to see the torment Jesus on the cross. Sometimes the baby Christ is also written on the lap of the Blessed Virgin.

The image also has another, allegorical meaning: swords that injure Blessed Virgin are the seven deadly sins. It is about these sins, about the softening of hearts hardened in them, that one should pray before the Face of the Mother of God pierced by swords (arrows).

Why is the icon called "Simeon's prophecy"?

As the Gospel of Luke says, Righteous Elder Simeon the God-Receiver it was foretold that he would see the Savior. When the Virgin Mary And Joseph They brought the baby Jesus to the temple 40 days after his birth, where they were met by Simeon. The elder took the child in his arms (hence his nickname, the God-bearer) and uttered the famous words with which every vespers service has ended since then: “Now, release Thy servant, Master, according to Thy word, in peace...”

After that, Simeon turned to Mary with a prophecy: “Behold, this lies for the fall and the uprising of many in Israel and for the subject of controversy, and a weapon will pierce the soul of You, so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed.”

Thus, the elder predicted to the Mother of God that she would be destined to endure much grief and sorrow at the sight of the suffering of her son.

Such an interpretation of Simeon's prophecy became the subject of the "symbolic" icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts".

Where did the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" come from?

Accurate historical information about where the icon "Simeon's prophecy" came from, no. It is believed that the image came from southwestern Rus' more than 500 years ago.

The veneration of this image in Catholicism is known.

The icon "Seven Arrows" came from the Russian North, from the Vologda region. Its first location is the Church of St. John the Theologian on the banks of the Toshni River, which flows near Vologda. The icon is over 600 years old, but, in all likelihood, this is a later list from the original image, which has been lost.

According to legend, a peasant from Vologda suffered from incurable lameness for many years. Once in a dream, he heard a voice that told him to find the image of the Mother of God on the bell tower of the Church of St. John the Theologian. Climbing the bell tower, he stumbled and saw under his feet on an inverted step the image of the Virgin.

It turned out that once in a blasphemous way, one of the steps of the stairs was made from the board on which the icon was painted. From year to year, priests and ringers climbed along it, stepping on the image of the Most Pure One, turned face down.

The ministers of the church cleaned the icon of dirt and placed it in the church with prayers. The peasant also prayed heartily before her and received healing of his illness.

The icon became especially famous in 1830 during the cholera raging in Vologda. This disaster instilled fear in the inhabitants and prompted them to seek help from the Most Holy Theotokos. The miraculous icon "Softener of Evil Hearts" was surrounded around the city with a procession, after which the diseases began to noticeably subside, and soon the epidemic stopped.

Icon of the Mother of God "Zhizdrinskaya Passionate"

There is also another Mother of God image, which has its own special history, which directly bears the name “And weapons will pass through your very soul” (aka “Zhizdrinskaya Passionate”). On this icon, the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted in a prayer position; With one hand She supports the Infant lying at Her feet, and with the other she covers Her breast from seven swords directed at her.

The miraculous "Sofrino" icon.

Among the miraculous lists of the icon "Softener of Evil Hearts", at present, the myrrh-streaming icon, revealed in Russia at the end of the 20th century, enjoys special reverence. This icon, produced by a printing method at the enterprise of the Russian Orthodox Church"Sofrino", was purchased in an ordinary church shop.

On May 3, 1998, its owner Margarita Vorobieva noticed that myrrh was flowing over the surface of the icon. The history of myrrh flow and bleeding is simply amazing. In 1999, before the explosions of houses in Moscow, the face of the Mother of God changed on the Icon, dark circles appeared under the eyes, and the apartment began to smell of incense. On August 12, 2000, on the day of the sinking of the Kursk submarine, tiny bleeding wounds appeared on the Icon of the Mother of God. Since then, the image has been streaming myrrh and bleeding constantly. She streams myrrh so abundantly that the world is collected in liters. And it bleeds on the eve of tragic events, while the examination showed that human blood, of the first group ...

It is the LIVING Mother of God that meets people who come to Her to bow in different ways, healing someone, helping someone, others cannot even approach the Seven-shooter Icon ... for example, in the courtyard of Optina Pustyn, in Yasenevo, where the image is often On Sundays, one woman is seen, she always asks men to bring her to venerate the Icon by force. All those possessed break out with superhuman strength, and they themselves cannot approach the shrine. But with each time the resistance weakens.

Moreover, the Mother of God chooses her own path… repeatedly, they simply could not take Her to her destination, as they say, “they strayed in three pines” and forgot the way to where they had been many times before… “the Icon does not go”…

Hundreds of believers come to pray before this image, asking to soften the hearts of enemies, alleviate the suffering of relatives and friends, and receive consolation. Not to recall all the amazing testimonies and miracles created by the Icon of the Mother of God and not to list the names of all the sick who were healed and those who received appeasement.

To store it in the village of Bachurino near Moscow was built chapel(Address: Moscow region, Leninsky district, village of Bachurino. Directions: 3 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluzhskoe highway before turning to the agricultural Kommunarka (after the Mostransgaz building)). For more than 15 years, Sergei, Margarita's husband, has been the keeper of the icon.

Temple-chapel in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God (Softener of Evil Hearts), village Bachurino

The myrrh-streaming icon has visited many dioceses of Russia, and has also repeatedly been abroad - in Belarus, Ukraine and Germany. Many people who worshiped this image of the Queen of Heaven with love and reverence testified to cases of healing and a feeling of special spiritual joy that they felt from touching the shrine. On January 27-29, 2009, the myrrh-streaming icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Softener of Evil Hearts" stayed in the Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the presence of this shrine, as well as the miraculous Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, the election and enthronement of the new Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', took place. According to eyewitnesses, after the election of the 16th Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, the icon of the Mother of God "Softener of Evil Hearts", located on the lectern in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, abundantly streamed myrrh.

Now the world-famous icon is on pilgrimages all over the world from the USA to Australia, from Athos to Far East. And wherever this icon appears, extraordinary events and miracles occur: the icon generously pours out its wholesome myrrh, other icons begin to stream myrrh, people are healed of incurable diseases, and an endless miracle of softening evil hearts occurs.

In the Murmansk temple, the baby, whom the mother had attached to the icon, unexpectedly loudly and clearly said:"She's crying!"And everything fell into place. Truly, “the mouth of a baby speaks the truth,” for it became clear what we are witnessing, why this miracle was given to us, what exactly the image of the Queen of Heaven pours out to us in the form of this crystal clear and fragrant world. These are the tears of the Mother of God. She cries for us. About the hardening of our hearts. About the world retreating from Her Son - Christ our God.

How does the icon protect?

It is believed that prayer before the icon "Softening Evil Hearts" helps to improve dysfunctional relationships in the family, between relatives, loved ones, between spouses, as well as parents and children.

The icon protects from other people's intolerance and from our own anger and irritation. Also, before this image of the Virgin, you can ask for protection in case any hostility breaks out - in the family or in society. The icon is resorted to during the war with a request to the Mother of God to protect from attack.

Currently, on the day when the feast of the icon "Softening of Evil Hearts" is celebrated, believers send their prayers to it, because it is believed that it is she who will protect from evil spirit, from diseases and everything that we consider inappropriate for this world. And on August 26, the priests in each temple tell those who came the legend - the history of the emergence this holiday. And anyone who harbors evil and hostility in his soul must come to the temple and turn to the icon of the Seven Arrows for repentance.

If in front of this icon sincerely and with faith to ask for your enemies, then the hearts of even the most implacable enemies soften, they become more generous and hostility leaves their mind and heart.

If an evil feeling awakens in your soul, then resort to prayer to this truly wonderful icon - and you will feel spiritual relief. Suffering will leave you, and light and kind grace will enter your heart.

In front of her, conspiracies from irreconcilable enemies are read. During the war, they read that the weapons of the enemies bypass the defenders of the Fatherland and relatives-soldiers. At least seven candles are placed in front of the icon. In general, this icon can show seven miracles, but only to those masters who know the keys of Solomon. And if the master knows the main, or, as they say, the royal key of Solomon, then from this icon you can find out the future for seven years.

This icon is not only loved and revered by everyone, but not without reason is considered miraculous.

Before the icon "Softener of evil hearts" and "Seven-shot" prayers are read:

Troparion, tone 4

Soften our evil hearts, O Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the narrowness of our soul, looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy and kiss Your wounds, but our arrows, You torment, are horrified. Do not give us, Mother of Mercy, to perish in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, Thou art truly evil hearts Softening.


O many-sided Mother of God, Exceeding all the daughters of the earth, according to Your purity and the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. Otherwise, for refuge and warm intercession, don’t you know, but, as if you have boldness to the One who was born from you, help and save us with your prayers, so that we unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the One God, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, tone 2

By Thy Grace, Mistress, / soften the hearts of the villains, / send down the benefactors, who keep them from all evil, / to those who pray to Thee diligently / before honest icons Yours.

In an irreconcilable situation and enmity.

First time, God's hour. Fly, wind, to Jerusalem, return home from the holy land. Extinguish with your spirit, with your strength, the anger of heretics, angry craftswomen, old and young women. Mother "Seven Arrows", shoot with your seven arrows any evil, any quarrel, put an end to the ardent dispute, vestments, capes, collars, nets, keels, living graves, fakes, heart diseases, headaches, liver coli. So that they don’t torment each other: Insomnia, sleeplessness, a cross, a whip, a grave nail. Reconcile the slaves (names) from this day, from this hour, from your order. Cool them with Jordanian holy water. In the name of God Christ, come out, resentment, from the servants of God (names). Calm down, pacify, Mother "Seven-shooter". In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Charm from evil people in the bath.

Go to the bathhouse and there, speaking water, wash yourself (or wash yourself with someone else).

Bath water is spoken like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Mother, Mother of God of Seven Arrows, I beg You to take Your seven holy arrows. Repulse, shoot off all evil from me, send it back to where it came from. And whoever begins to harass the servant of God (name), let your seven arrows stick to him. It will bind, press, and the enemy himself will exhaust himself. Be, my words, strong, be, my deeds, modeling: For now, for eternity, for infinity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Having come into this world, into this incarnation, everyone lives their own life, but there are moments when we realize that not everything is going well and smoothly for us. We wonder why this is happening?

Enemies wishing evil may also appear. And very often we pray to the Lord to help us deal with such situations and turn to prayers and icons.

One of the strongest prayers is the “softening of evil hearts” prayer, which helps with illnesses - mental and physical. They pray before the icon "Softening of Evil Hearts", it is also "Simeon's Prophecy" or "Seven-shot", confirming with its name the prophecies of Simeon the God-Receiver of the Mother of God, who lived a righteous life. Presumably, initially its image is considered to have come from South-Western Rus' more than five hundred years ago, but there is no exact data on the birth of the icon.

On the icon, the heart of the Mother of God is served with pierced swords - three on the right, three on the left and one below, thereby affirming the full extent of the sadness of her earthly existence.

The seven-shot icon is close and identical in image to the icon “Softener of Evil Hearts”, which differs in the writing of swords - there are three swords on the right side of the Mother of God, and four on the left.

The swords depicted on the icon are also interpreted as 7 deadly sins, and it is necessary to pray for the softening of evil hearts before the image of the Mother of God to atone for these sins.

Healing Examples

Believers revere this icon, confirming their power in healing from all sorts of ailments. Thus, a peasant of the Vologda province, suffering from lameness, was healed. Treatment and healers could not help him, and the voice he heard during his sleep directed him to the bell tower of the Ionian Theological Church, where the icon of the Mother of God was located. Thanks to persistent searches, the icon was found upside down in the form of a ladder board. After bringing the image into proper form, a prayer service was served in front of it, and a miracle happened - the sick peasant was healed, and then there were many such examples.

This miraculous icon, surrounded by Vologda with a procession, the cholera epidemic was stopped in 1830, justifying the hopes of people and giving more more faith into her. One of them is also the worship of the healing icon of the Italian believers. History tells how in the years Patriotic War Italian mountain rifle soldiers who served in the unit in Belogorye - south Voronezh region-, came across a miraculous image of the Virgin and handed it over to Father Policarpo, who served as a military priest of the unit.

According to eyewitnesses, the icon formerly belonged to the Resurrection Belogorsky Monastery. The Italians called her the "Madonna of the Don", and upon his return to his homeland, Father Policarpo brought her with him to a chapel specially built for her, which receives all those who mourn for the Italians who died in Russia.

Let faith into your soul

The Orthodox Church of Rus' considers them to be representatives of the same type of icon execution and, accordingly, the days of their veneration were combined - August 13, according to the new style on August 26, and the week of All Saints. It is then that the spoken prayer is considered especially effective.

That is why it is recommended to apply with a prayer for softening evil hearts to the Angel with with a pure heart and bright soul. Pray only when you believe. If doubt has crept into the heart, then prayer should be postponed altogether until it is again filled with pious desires.

A sincere prayer to soften evil hearts, uttered in front of the icon, improves intra-family relations, protects from anger and emotional irritation, from attacks by enemies - the request will always be heard.

Prayer for the icon "Softener of evil hearts"

“O long-suffering Mother of God, who exalted all the daughters of the earth, in her purity and in the multitude of sufferings that you transferred to the lands, accept our painful sighs and save us under the shelter of your mercy. For a different refuge and warm intercession, don’t you know, but, as if having boldness to the One from You born, help and save us with your prayers, so that we unstumblingly reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the one God now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

It is best to light a church candle. Thus, you will improve the concentration of attention, as well as make visually the face on the icon as if alive. Even scientists note that visualization helps to fulfill dreams, and in particular, soften evil hearts.
