Michael Jackson's funeral ceremony closed to the press near Los Angeles. Michael Jackson's funeral Photos from Michael Jackson's funeral

Paris, 11, and Blanket, 7, took the stage to say how much they miss their dad, Michael Jackson.

The performance of the stars, the performance with elephants and a sea of ​​flowers - farewell to the king of pop was more like his last show than seeing him off on his last journey.

Michael Jackson's family comforts little Paris

Yesterday at Staples Center in Los Angeles, 17 thousand fans and millions of fans around the world said goodbye to Michael Jackson. If it were not for the gilded coffin with the body of the pop king on stage and the mourning speeches of the guests, one would think that the fans had gathered at the last show of the pop king.

Michael Jackson is missed the most by his children: 12-year-old Prince Michael, 11-year-old Paris and 7-year-old Blanket

The concert was opened by Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz with I'll Be There. Also on stage were Lionel Richie, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson and Usher… The stars changed each other, remembering Michael Jackson. Brooke Shields has revealed how she was once Michael's girlfriend. Stevie Wonder lamented that he "hoped not to live to see such a difficult moment." And one of Michael Jackson's brothers, Jermaine, sang his favorite song of the pop king - Smile.

Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz opened farewell concert with I'll Be There

A surprise for everyone was the appearance on stage of the daughter of Michael Jackson, 11-year-old Paris. “Daddy was the best in the world,” the girl cried, burying her face in the shoulder of Aunt Janet Jackson. “I loved him very much.” Farewell to the king of pop ended with the songs of Michael Jackson We are the World and Heal the World. The inscription on the stage "In the memory of Michael Jackson (1958 - 2009)" was replaced by "I'm alive, and I'm here forever."

Usher performs Gone Too Soon in front of the coffin

Queen Latifah remembers Michael Jackson as 'the world's greatest artist'

Lionel Richie sings Jesus is Love

Stevie Wonder performing "Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer"

Jennifer Hudson dedicated a song to Michael Jackson will you be there

The eldest of five brothers Marlon Jackson believes that "a part of Michael's soul will always live with them"

17,000 fans gathered at the Staples Center to see Michael Jackson off

Brooke Shields tearfully recalled how she was once Michael's girlfriend.

Music producer Berry Cordy said that "Michael will go down in history not only for his music, but for his unforgettable shows"

Brothers Randy and Tito Jackson support each other

Michael Jackson fans gather at the Staples Center

Farewell to the king of pop caused a huge stir

Girls sell T-shirts before the start of the farewell ceremony for Michael Jackson

Mounted police guard the stadium

Elephants from the famous American circus Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey are preparing to perform

Speculators are trying to sell at exorbitant prices not only tickets for the farewell concert, but also T-shirts with the image of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson: last chance to say goodbye

The two-week hype around the sudden death of the king of pop has reached its climax. Speculators sell tickets drawn in the Internet lottery, stars confirm their performance at the Staples Center, and fans take their seats - if not in the stadium, then in front of the TV screens.

Michael Jackson: 1958 - 2009

Today, July 7, the world will finally say goodbye to Michael Jackson. After endless disputes over the place of burial, the king of pop will be buried at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles. Only family and close friends will attend the private ceremony. Michael Jackson will rest in a 14 carat gold-plated bronze coffin instead of a crystal coffin. The relatives decided to bury the body without the brain, the chemical analysis of which is necessary for pathologists to establish real reason death (it will be clarified in a few weeks).

At 21:30 Moscow time at the stadium "Staples Center" will begin a public farewell to Michael Jackson. 17.5 thousand tickets were raffled on the Internet, most of which, unfortunately, went to ... speculators. On the day of the funeral, the price of "farewell to Michael Jackson" reaches 10 thousand dollars.

Thousands of fans will gather at the Staples Center to honor the memory of Michael Jackson, including Brooke Shields, Jennifer Hudson, Mariah Carey, John Mayer, Stevie Wonder and many others. Only according to preliminary estimates, the authorities of Los Angeles are preparing to receive 750 thousand people. There are almost no vacant rooms in the hotels of the city. The farewell ceremony will be broadcast worldwide. Among those who refused to attend the farewell to Michael Jackson is his longtime girlfriend Elizabeth Taylor. The singer admitted that she does not want to put her feelings on display: “I don’t think Michael wanted me to share my grief with the crowd. My suffering is too personal."

Farewell to Michael Jackson, of course, is necessary for his fans. And you can say as much as you like that the king of pop would be happy with such a solemn funeral. However, Woman.ru is unpleasantly surprised that a show was made from the funeral of the king of pop, the main goal of which is money. And it doesn’t matter how you get them: by selling tickets for a funeral or by dividing an inheritance. It is incredibly sad that after 2 weeks of death, Michael Jackson still cannot find peace.

Michael Jackson entrusted children to Diana Ross

Passions for the king of pop do not subside. Relatives have not yet decided where the funeral will take place and in Once again they are already transferred to the 7th, the singer's name does not leave the front pages of the tabloids, album sales have increased more than 40 times, and the testament of the king of pop, drawn up in July 2002, was announced in a Los Angeles court.

Michael Jackson's family postpone funeral date for third time

Michael appointed his longtime girlfriend, the famous singer Diana Ross, as the guardian of his children.

Michael Jackson's will sheds light on his relationship with his family. All his fortune, estimated at $ 500 million, the singer will bequeath to the Michael Jackson Family Foundation, the manager of which is his mother, 79-year-old Katherine Jackson. The King of Pop did not include father Joseph Jackson and ex-wife Debbie Rowe in the inheritance.

The temporary guardian of their children - 12-year-old Joseph, 11-year-old Paris and 7-year-old Prince - Michael Jackson appointed mother Katherine. And in case of her disability, he asked his old friend, the famous singer Diana Ross, to look after the children.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that Michael Jackson's family has refused a public send-off ceremony, fans of the king of pop are beginning to gather at the Staples Center stadium in Los Angeles, where he rehearsed his latest show This is it. Woman.ru continues to monitor developments.

The attention of the world media is focused on the events that took place this morning (Moscow time) in the suburbs of Los Angeles. Hundreds of correspondents from all over the world came to cover the funeral ceremony of the great Michael Jackson, but journalists were not allowed to the ceremony - it was closed to outsiders.

Enhanced security measures were taken at the entrances to the cemetery. The police warned fans of Michael Jackson to restrain their emotions, suppress the desire to be closer to the idol on the day of farewell to him, and did not appear at the cemetery. All entrances to Forest Lawn were cordoned off, and it was possible to pass through this cordon only with special passes. Near memorial complex Forest Lawn had been closed off to vehicular traffic the day before. Only relatives and close friends of the singer were present at the cemetery itself.

Around 20.00 pm (07.00 am Moscow time) a coffin with Jackson's body was brought to the cemetery. Decorated with white and yellow flowers, a gilded sarcophagus was placed on a podium in front of the guest rows. Two large portraits of Jackson and bouquets of flowers were placed on a green-clothed podium.

Around 21.00 local time, the ceremony began, at which the father of the deceased and relatives of Jackson performed.

After the funeral service, the coffin with the body of Jackson was transferred to the Great Mausoleum of the cemetery, where many famous people such as Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart and Walt Disney.

About 250 of his relatives and friends came to say goodbye to the artist. The funeral was attended by Elizabeth Taylor, Macaulay Culkin, Stevie Wonder and Lisa Marie Presley, who did not hide her tears when the coffin with her body ex-husband taken to the cemetery. The entire large Jackson family came to say goodbye to Michael: it took them 26 cars to get everyone to the ceremony. All members of the family wore gray mourning bands with the image of a crown.

This is not the first time the world has said goodbye to Jackson. On July 7, before the concert dedicated to the memory of Jackson, the singer's family paid tribute to him in the Hall of Liberty mausoleum. It was assumed that the funeral of the star would take place at the same time. But relatives could not determine the place of burial. So, for example, the mother of singer Katherine Jackson did not want anyone to know about the place where her son would be buried, as she was afraid of vandals. In addition, she did not believe until the last that her son had died a natural death, and demanded more and more autopsies. In addition, there has been speculation in the press that the idol's family does not have enough money to give Jackson a king-worthy funeral, but the singer's lawyers said that he left enough money for his last ceremony.

The investigation determined that Jackson had been killed.

The king was buried 70 days after his death.

The real idol for many fans of pop music was Michael Jackson. The cause of the death of the artist became the subject of a lively discussion in the media. The official version is overgrown with rumors and speculation. The circumstances under which the beloved singer died, where he was buried and what will he left, will be discussed in this article.

the day before

Michael Jackson was in high spirits before his sudden death. The cause of death for people who knew him closely seems obvious. The singer spent a lot of energy preparing for the next tour. The proposed concerts in London were supposed to mark the return of the artist to big stage. He had not performed for a long time, was in a bad physical form, but intended to successfully overcome all obstacles. He had the strength to rehearse with dance group several hours a day. Literally a day before his death, the singer looked fresh and cheerful. He amazed those around him with his efficiency.

Ken Erlich (one of the producers of "Emmy") claims that before his death he experienced his better days Michael Jackson. The cause of the singer's death puzzles him, because the artist felt great, talked a lot and joked. However, the very next day he was gone. Specialists, even after the second autopsy, could not determine the diagnosis. What was it? The result of numerous plastic surgeries? A sluggish but deadly disease? Consequence of severe overwork? An overdose of potent drugs? Jackson has never been afraid to experiment with his health. This carelessness played a cruel joke on him.


Michael Jackson, whose albums sold in millions of copies, did not die immediately. First, the singer fainted on the set in Los Angeles. Then the fainting recurred. This time the artist was in the house that he was filming in the west of Los Angeles in Holmby Hills. Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, told police that he found his patient in bed with a weak pulse on the femoral artery. He was between life and death. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation failed. It took half an hour to find the guard, so that he heeded the requests of the frightened Aesculapius and called emergency services from his phone. For some reason, Murray did not want to use his personal cell phone. Thus, only at 12:21 a call was made to number 911. Information about the tragedy came from an unknown man.

Three minutes later, doctors discovered the lifeless body of the artist. Attempts to bring him back to life continued for another hour. They were unsuccessful. Michael Jackson died at 2:26 p.m. at the University of California Medical Center. Date of death - June 25, 2009. The legend of world show business, the king of popular music, a wonderful singer, a unique dancer, an unsurpassed showman, died without having made the last tour in his life.

Expert opinion

Michael Jackson was physically exhausted. The cause of death could be the most unexpected. On examination, he was found to have many scars, including from an operation to stop skin cancer. In addition, they found several broken ribs and bruises, traces of heart injections. The singer had only pills in his stomach. With a fairly high growth (178 cm), his weight was only 51 kilograms. It is strange that this man even found the strength to sing and dance.

Experts immediately had several assumptions. They referred to physical exhaustion, the abuse of painkillers, the consequences of plastic surgery. The examination of the body was continued by the coroners. They found no signs of violence, but they did not reveal the cause of death either. Michael Jackson's doctor disappeared, and he certainly could tell a lot about the state of his ward before the tragedy. The toxicology tests took about six weeks. However, the experts did not come to a consensus. Three main versions have been put forward.

Version number 1: potent means

Michael Jackson, a biography whose personal life was constantly covered in the press, took shocking doses of painkillers. He was not used to drugs. A person who sought to change himself beyond recognition drowned out the pain by all possible means. With age, the artist developed problems with the spine, and he became addicted to drugs. Lawyer for the Jackson family, Brian Oxman, argues that there can be no other causes of death for the actor. He bitterly states that the people surrounding the singer did not interfere with his destructive addiction. Did Michael Jackson use drugs? Experts say no. However, his system was overloaded with potent substances, which eventually caused his heart to stop.

Version number 2: destructive plastic

Michael Jackson, whose albums broke all records of popularity, more than once went under the knife in order to improve his own appearance. From some sources it is known that during the next rhinoplasty, the artist became infected with one of the varieties of staphylococcus aureus. After that, the virus began to gradually destroy his body. In addition, the artist's repeatedly deformed nose became much less functional - the nasal passages narrowed, which caused oxygen deficiency. This could lead to chronic hypoxia, which is able to provoke cardiac arrest. Doctors have come up with a special term for this phenomenon - apnea. Death comes in a dream when a person does not control breathing. By themselves, plastic surgery is not dangerous, but their consequences can greatly undermine the health of the patient. Surgical intervention under anesthesia, taking drugs during the rehabilitation period bring negative results. Michael Jackson suffered because of his fearlessness - he believed that he could change himself beyond recognition without any consequences for health and well-being.

Version number 3: inflated expectations

Michael Jackson, last years whose lives were not easy, took on very serious obligations. For example, he was supposed to perform on a huge stage in London in July 2009. The artist experienced monstrous overload and colossal pressure. The impossible was expected from him - a complete recovery without interruption from exhausting rehearsals. In preparation for the anniversary celebration, the singer worked almost without rest. The insane work schedule killed him.

Version number 4: beautiful care

In fact, the whole world was waiting for a miracle. It was expected that a weak and sick person would suddenly rise up, make a frantic leap forward and give the public another incredible show- with trapeze flights, moonwalk and crazy energy. At first it was stated that the artist would give 10 concerts, then 50 at all, but it is clear that he would not have survived even one. But how grandiose would be the death of an artist on stage in front of an audience of millions! Before performing at the London arena, the singer did not live only 18 days. The tour was called "farewell" long before the start. Michael Jackson was clearly dying. Among his diseases were called emphysema, gastric bleeding, vitiligo, skin cancer ... The death of an extravagant artist could be a continuation of a grandiose life-long show. This would be the King's farewell to the spectator in love with him. It's a pity that it didn't happen.


The world has parted ways legendary singer July 7, 2009 The public farewell took place at the Staples Center stadium. 17,500 tickets were raffled off online. The excitement was such that the price of them reached $ 10,000. Thousands of fans gathered to honor the memory of the remarkable artist, as well as the most famous people of our time - actors, singers, showmen. The event was more like another show with world celebrities than a funeral ceremony. The singer's sister, Janet, tried to bring a note of sincerity into the pathos atmosphere. She spoke about how terrible the loss of her brother was for her. The surprise for the public was that Michael Jackson's daughter, Perris, took the stage. An eleven-year-old girl told the audience that she misses her father very much. The body of the world celebrity was buried in a bronze coffin with gold plating. It rests in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Los Angeles.


The posthumous desire of the artist was unequivocal. Back in 2002, he made a will in which he indicated that he was dividing his fortune between his mother, three children (including Michael Jackson's daughter) and charitable structures. Father - Joseph Jackson - is not mentioned in the will. The singer's assets at the time of his death amounted to 1 billion 360 million dollars. The most valuable investment is a share in music catalog, estimated at $331 million. It contains compositions of the best artists of the 20th century. In addition, Jackson took care of the future of his children. He secretly recorded two hundred songs and transferred ownership of them to a special fund. Lenders can't get to him. And the artist has done a lot of debts. According to the most conservative estimates, their amount reaches 331 million dollars.

It is difficult to overestimate the legacy that Michael Jackson left behind. The date of the death of the world legend will forever remain in the memory of fans.

On the evening of September 3, pop idol Michael Jackson, who died on June 25 at the age of 51, was buried at the Glendale Forest Lawn Cemetery near Los Angeles. The ceremony was private and closed. First, a memorial service for relatives and friends was held in the memorial park of the VIP cemetery.

The main ceremony took place at the Grand Mausoleum, which became the last home for many Hollywood celebrities, including Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart. The singer's children read their farewell letters. The farewell song for Michael was performed by soul singer Gladys Knight.

The ceremony took place under strict security conditions. The police took all measures so that no outsider could get to the funeral. The territory of the cemetery and the territories adjacent to it were surrounded by the police. The patrol was also conducted from the air. According to media reports, the total cost of police services cost the Jackson family $150,000.

Crowds of fans came to say goodbye to Michael Jackson. Many of the fans were dressed in white T-shirts and black narrow-brimmed hats, just like their idol.

Actor Corey Feldman attended the funeral of the King of Pop

Jackson's friend Miko Brando, son famous actor Marlon Brando

Actor Chris Tucker pulls up at Forest Lawn Cemetery

Miko Brando drives up to the cemetery

Elizabeth Taylor arrives to say goodbye to Jackson

Actor Macaulay Culkin, known for "Home Alone", and Mila Kunis

Actress Elizabeth Taylor

Music producer Berry Gordy is the founder of the record company Motown Records, which launched Jackson's career. Sitting next to Gordy is producer Suzanne de Passe.

Feldman came to the memorial service with his son

Actor Chris Tucker

The father of the King of Pop Joe Jackson leaves the family residence and goes to the funeral of his son

Father and daughter of Michael Jackson Joe and Paris go to the funeral

Memorial service for relatives and friends was held in the Memorial Park of the vip-cemetery

King of Pop Parents Katherine and Joe Jackson

Michael Jackson's casket moving through Forest Lawn Cemetery

Around 20:00, a coffin with Jackson's body was brought to the cemetery. A gilded sarcophagus decorated with white and yellow flowers was placed on a podium in front of the guest rows.

Michael Jackson family

Singer Latoya Jackson's older sister leaves the cemetery

Jermaine Jackson's older brother leaves after funeral

Chris Tucker leaves Forest Lawn

The death of outstanding artists arouses no less public interest than their life and work. In June 2009, the most commercially successful pop singer, Michael Jackson, passed away. The cause of the death of the idol of millions remains a mystery, despite two post-mortem autopsies and a coroner's inquest. The official document (certificate) says that the singer was killed. Another secret? On the basis of what was this recording made, and why, in this case, were the perpetrators not punished?

Zenith of glory

Over the fifty years of his life, Michael managed a lot, he became officially recognized as the king of pop music, received 15 Grammy awards, hundreds of other awards, recorded many songs published on vinyl records, CDs and other media sold in total over a billion. The vocals of the future idol were taught by a cruel father who did not stop before using all kinds of physical and moral humiliation.

First recordings with bands The Jackson (later renamed The Jackson 5) he did back in the sixties. The whole life of Michael Jackson, like many other successful pop artists, demonstrated the possibilities that a stubborn and hardworking talent can realize. He became another personification of the same as George Gershwin, Elvis Presley or Charlie Chaplin.

The biggest breakthrough was his album "Thriller" in 1982, after which Jackson was recognized as a star on a planetary scale. And today this disc is considered the most massive in the history of pop music. An important role in achieving success was played by the performer's artistic plasticity, in particular, his famous "moonwalk". The spectacle of the stage action, excellent choreography, combined with unusual vocals, appealed to spectators and listeners from all over the world.

The singer managed to know the joy of fatherhood. Debbie Rove, the second wife of Michael Jackson, gave birth to two children (a son and a daughter), and another son came from a surrogate mother.

How did Jackson die?

According to official version, the singer suddenly felt bad in the morning and fell unconscious. At the same time, according to the testimony of a personal doctor, the patient was found by him in bed, therefore, we are not talking about a sudden attack and fainting. The doctor tried to resuscitate the singer on his own, although it was immediately clear that things were bad, the pulse was felt only in the femoral artery, and there was no breathing. It was in West Los Angeles, Murray didn't know exact address. The house was temporarily rented by Michael Jackson. The cause of death, of course, is not that, but this circumstance still played a certain role. Murray did not find a landline phone, it was useless to call from a mobile phone, there was no one to find out the house and the street. The guard showed up only half an hour later (and they say that this is only a mess with us). The ambulance was finally called (it is not clear who did it), it rushed quickly, in three minutes, but it was already too late. Resuscitation failed, and doctors at the California State University Medical Center abandoned further attempts at resuscitation at 2:26 p.m. Two hours later, the coroner officially announced that Michael Jackson had died. The cause of death was not specified in this statement.

Autopsy and its results

Further events did not add clarity. According to Ken Ehrlich, executive producer of the Emmy Award Committee, the day before, namely on June 24, he saw Michael, talked with him and watched rehearsals that took place on the eve of the big tour. He was shocked by the performance of the singer, his vigor and enthusiasm. Was Erlich telling the truth? A post-mortem autopsy revealed many strange facts, in particular, at least the fact that the singer had not eaten anything for a long time, except for pills (at least there was nothing else in his stomach). Weight - 51 kg, which, with a height of 1 meter 78 cm, is a sign of extreme exhaustion. With such a state of health, it is hardly possible to talk about manifestations of cheerfulness. There were also broken ribs, but this is due to the efforts of resuscitators. And the singer's body was literally covered with scars, traces of surgical plastic surgery. Any ambiguity gives rise to rumors and speculation, and they appeared almost immediately.


Fans and spectators who have watched the singer's career, at least since the eighties, could see how much Michael Jackson changed outwardly. The cause of death can be directly related to the many surgeries the King of Pop has undergone. Why he did them is not entirely clear. Being ashamed of African-American descent has long been out of the question in the United States, and many black artists are proud of it. However, Michael's nose was corrected, the pigmentation was whitened, and other surgical manipulations were performed. Brian Oxman, the Jackson family lawyer, directly accuses the singer's entourage of condoning these costly and dangerous whims. It is easy to compare how Michael Jackson looked before and after the operation, and to understand that such serious scalpel interventions in the anatomy of the face do not pass without health consequences. A decrease in the cross section of the respiratory channels inevitably leads to difficulty in supplying the brain with oxygen and possible hypoxia.


The second version is directly related to the first. The pains (often occurring, and perhaps never letting go) were the result of surgeries and problems with the spine, and for their relief, Jackson often took the strong anesthetic Propofol. An overdose of this drug, combined with general weakness, could cause instant cardiac arrest. Similar versions arose about other great artists. contemporary scene(Anna-Nicole Smith, again Elvis Presley), literally healed by doctors who stuffed them with painkillers. It should be clarified that these drugs do not belong to drugs, but they cause an addictive effect, and therefore they are no less dangerous. I took a little more than I could, and that's it - hello ...

And one more sad circumstance. Show business is cruel to newcomers, but it shows much more ferocity to well-deserved veterans of the scene. Tours are exhausting, the schedule is tight, it must be observed. At stake are tens, and sometimes hundreds of millions. Go ahead, the audience is waiting, it does not care about the health of its own idol!

Last way

The funeral of Michael Jackson differed in its luxury even from the farewell ceremonies of other prominent stars of our time. The tabloids were full of shocking figures:

  • A dozen fans killed themselves.
  • The coffin (Prometheus model) is gilded and cost $25,000. They took him in a carriage.
  • The ceremony was attended by a million fans. 11,000 free invitations were handed out to the most dedicated of them (I chose a computer), the rest had to pay $25 in cash.

And many, many other details designed to create an atmosphere of universal sorrow, estimated at six-figure sums.

Janet, sister of Michael Jackson and also famous singer, tried to give at least some sincerity to the enchanting mourning, saying that for her Michael was just a family member and brother, the loss of which was a terrible blow for her, but her voice again drowned in an enthusiastic enumeration of funeral expenses.

Much attention was paid to the financial consequences of the death of the performer. He made a will in advance, in which he set out in detail his last will. The children of Michael Jackson, in addition to a share in the main capital, received the rights to two hundred songs, recorded in secret and subject to publication now that their author has died. By preliminary assessment, they will bring a hundred million dollars in profit.
