Ivanovo Musical Theatre. Ivanovo musical theater: history, repertoire, troupe Ivanovo musical theater poster for April

In 1930, a traveling troupe of operetta artists was created in the Ivanovo region. In 1931 this troupe was reorganized into the mobile Ivanovo-Voznesensky Theater of Musical Comedy. In 1934 he received the building and became stationary. On new stage opened with the play "Harry Domella" (music - A. Ashkenazy, production and libretto - V. Lensky, the first artistic director theater). During the years of the Great Patriotic War artists as part of concert teams went to the front, performed in front of the wounded in hospitals. An important page in the history of the theater is associated with the name of B. Brushtein. In 1975, the performances "Then in Seville" by M. Samoilov (1971) and "An Ordinary Miracle" by V. Gorokhovsky (1974) staged by him were successfully shown on tour in Moscow. The team worked closely with the composer M. Samoilov, most of whose operettas were staged for the first time on the Ivanovo stage. In 1985 it was reorganized and received modern name. In 1987 he moved to a new building. Awarded with the "Golden Mask" ("Khanuma" by G. Kancheli, "Best Actor in an Operetta/Musical" - A. Menzhinsky, 1999).

At the end of the 20s of the last century, in the settlements near the city of Ivanovo, a group of amateur artists was loved and enjoyed special recognition. It was small and consisted of operetta artists. The troupe called itself the Mobile Ivanovo-Voznesensky Theater of Musical Comedy. In 1931, the team was enthusiastically spoken about in Kostroma, Yaroslavl, as well as Vologda and Vladimir.

At the repeated request of the workers, before the new year 1935, the Ivanovo Regional Executive Committee decided to create the first stationary musical theater.

Ivanovo city center

Today Pushkin Square - favorite place citizens and visitors to the city. Here is a beautiful fountain and the famous Ivanovsky Musical Theatre. But this is today, but in the 30s of the last century ...

Having decided to build a grandiose building, the city administration invites the famous Leningrad architect of that time - Lev Ilyin. He spent a long time researching the place allotted for the theater building, consulted with the city authorities ... and refused. The main reason is the need to lay a very expensive foundation to prevent the ground from sliding, because in these places there will be constant flooding.

The administration of Ivanovo, without thinking twice, announces a competition for best project theater buildings. 11 architects took an active part. The victory was won by the Moscow architect Alexander Vlasov.

Ivanovo Regional Musical Theatre: history

Judging by historical documents, the project was supposed to build a building from brick, the most affordable of building materials. But it was also grandiose. Statues were supposed to rise from a tall ramp on a hill, and fountains were planned inside it. The interior was thought to be no less stunning. The Ivanovo Musical Theater was supposed to accommodate 2,500 people. All this colossality was explained by the unspoken struggle between the cities for the opportunity to become the capital of young Soviet Russia.

After discussion, Vlasov was asked to redo the project somewhat. He made some changes and refused further work. It was developed by local architects.

By 1940 the theater building was ready. True, the hall was only for 1500 people, and very soon repairs were required. And 20 years later the building was closed for a thorough reconstruction.

The Ivanovo Regional Musical Theater, as it appears before us today, appeared after significant reconstruction work. Outwardly, almost nothing has changed, but inside the changes were significant. The hall was divided into four rooms. And the whole building was renamed the Palace of Arts. It now has three theaters: puppet, musical and drama. Opened in the fourth hall night club Green.

Today, this majestic building has three high-speed elevators that carry actors and workers to any level. The number of floors in different parts of the building varies from three to seven.

From the first days

The theater prides itself on the diversity of its repertoire. In the first season, which opened with a production by the chief artistic director of the Harry Domell theatre, the audience saw The Blue Mazurka by F. Lehár, his The Merry Widow and The Birdseller by C. Zeller.

Classics of the operetta genre - "The Gypsy Baron" by Strauss, "La Bayadère" by Kalman, as well as the hits of the operetta Soviet authors- “Wedding in Malinovka” by Alexandrov, “Golden Valley” by Dunayevsky - always on theater posters.

During the first ten years of work in the theater, 56 performances were organized.

During the years of the Great Patriotic Troupe, the troupe is divided into several small teams that give new performances dedicated to the events of this period: “The Sea Spread Widely” and “Moskvichka”.

Post-war seasons

In the early autumn of 1945, the Ivanovo Musical Theater, the photo of which is presented in the article, releases Strelnikov's "Kholopka" for the third time with Adamantova in the title role.

In 1946, the theater celebrates two historically important events: a quarter of a century of work on stage by Emmanuil May (Honored Artist of the Russian Soviet Republic) and 35 years creative activity Ivan Gladuniuk, who served as chief conductor almost from the very foundation of the theatre.

The season that began in the fall of 1947 becomes a landmark. The theatrical troupe, the first in the Union, makes the operetta "Free Wind" by I. Dunaevsky. 44 times this operetta delighted the audience, and 44 times there was not a single extra ticket.

For ten years since 1950, a new generation of young talents has been joining the theater team. Among them today is the Honored Artist of Russia - V. Birillo, as well as honored artists of Russia Gracheva L., Kannabikh V., Artishkevich S., People's Artist Kelin V.

The wind of change

In 1967, B. Brushtein was appointed director of the theatre, and three years later the Ivanovo Musical Theater soared to the peak of its popularity.

Masterpieces created by talented directors - the artist J. Zeide, the choreographer N. Bazilevskaya, the chief conductor V. Khoruzhenko and the chief director B. Brushtein, evoked enthusiastic reviews from local spectators and absolutely captivated the capital.

After a while, having changed the director (it was Yu. Gvozdikov) and the chief conductor (B. Tsigelman), the theater offers the audience the performances “I came to give you freedom” by E. Ptichkin, “Tobacco Captain” by V. Shcherbachev, “Ladies and Gangsters » by M. Samoilov and «Golden Chicken» by V. Ulanovsky. These performances, having raised several generations of Ivanovo residents, are still on stage today.

Author's ballet performances

In the 80s of the last century, the Ivanovo Musical Theater (the repertoire obliges) invites choreographer Valentina Lisovskaya. Young director ballet performances, educated in Leningrad, heads the ballet troupe. She puts on ballet productions of The Star of Paris, The Pacer's Run, On the Kulikovo Field, The Sinners, The Dowry. At the premiere of the last Andrey Petrov, author musical compositions and romances, which praised the performance.

During the same period ballet troupe touring major cities in Germany where it gets a lot of rave reviews.

The last years of the outgoing century

In 1998, the famous "Khanuma", staged by the young theater director Zurabot Nanobashvili, participated in the "Golden Mask". In the nomination "Best male role in the genre of operetta" A. Mezhinsky, who played the clerk Akop, became the laureate. In early 2007, the theater team celebrated the tenth anniversary of "Khanuma" on stage.

Our days

From 2008 to the middle of 2015, N. Pecherskaya was the main director. Under her leadership, the Ivanovo Musical Theater rose to hitherto unattainable heights: it became possible to stage classical operettas with operatic scores. So the audience saw "The Bat" by Strauss, "Gypsy Love" and "Frasquita" by Lehar, "Mr. X" by Kalman. No less interesting were the operas of the comic direction: "The Party with the Italians" and "The Husband at the Door" by Offenbach, "Pirate Triangle" by Donizetti.

N. Pecherskaya is the first of the main directors of the theater to stage a musical. The production was called "The Ghost of Canterville Castle" by V. Baskin famous work Wilde. Today, several musicals are offered to the audience by the Ivanovo Musical Theatre. Reviews about " snow queen Breitburg and Baskin's Twelve Months are only admirable.

In recent seasons, the theater's repertoire, according to reviews, is varied in every possible way. Spectators are happy to meet vaudeville and ballets, musical comedies, as well as classical operettas and musicals.

In the creative team today, almost all honored artists of Russia and honored cultural workers of our country.

Photo: Ivanovo Regional Musical Theater

Photo and description

The Ivanovo Regional Musical Theater is located on Pushkin Square in the city of Ivanovo. Is one of the oldest theaters of this genre. Main director- Natalia Vladimirovna Pecherskaya.

In the Ivanovo region in 1930 a team was formed, from which the theater troupe subsequently arose. It was a small group of artists who traveled around the nearby concert venues. On December 22, 1934, a decision was made to create a full-fledged theater. Thus the Theater of Musical Comedy was born. In the early spring of 1935, the opening of the first theatrical season took place.

During the Great Patriotic War, the troupe as part of concert teams went to the front, performed in front of the soldiers, gave concerts in hospitals. In the 1947-1948 season, the Ivanovo Theater was the first in the USSR to stage the operetta The Free Wind by Isaak Osipovich Dunayevsky. Lyubov Semyonovna Vysotskaya was the first performer of the role of Petita.

In the 1950s-1960s, the acting team was replenished with young talented artists: Valentina Birillo (now Honored Artist of Russia), Vladimir Kelin (People's Artist of Russia) and others. On December 25, 1986, the Musical Comedy Theater was transformed into the Ivanovo Regional Musical Theatre. In 1987, he moved to the building of the Palace of Arts, located on Pushkin Square.

It should be noted the excellent work of talented artists: M. Koltsova, Valery Pimenov, Vladimir Kocherzhinsky, Tamara Drachuk, Boris Bednyak; ballet dancers of Honored Artists of Russia: V. Serov and L. Lakomskaya. In the same period, Pyotr Sosedov, the future Soviet and Russian television director, worked as an artist of the choir in the theater. Under the direction of the chief director Yu. Gvozdikov, the theater produced performances: “I came to give you freedom”, “Tobacco Captain”, musical fairy tale for children "Golden Chicken". The Tobacco Captain operetta with Vladimir Kocherzhinsky in the role of Emperor Peter the Great deserves special attention.

In 1986, riots broke out in Alma-Ata on ethnic grounds, and the summer tour (1987) of the Ivanovo Regional Musical Theater in the then capital of Kazakhstan was opened with this patriotic production, which was a huge success among Russian-speaking viewers.

From 1992 to 1994, V. Kuchin performed the duties of the theater's chief director, V. Shadrin and G. Streletsky were the conductors. They put on 2 classical operettas: "Night in Venice" by I. Strauss and "Corneville Bells" by R. Plunkett. In 1998, the Ivanovo Regional Musical Theater performed with great success at the festival " golden mask” with the performance “Khanuma” (music by G. Kancheli, libretto by B. Racer and V. Konstantinov).

Currently, the repertoire of the musical theater is very diverse: musical comedy, classical operetta, musical, vaudeville, ballet. Together with the outstanding masters V. Kelin, I. Sitnova, T. Drachuk, V. Birillo, V. Kannabikh, Z. Stupak, V. Pimenov, L. Gracheva, V. Zlygarev, a promising young generation works: O. Nayanova, T. Kopycheva, M. Shcherbakova, A. Serkov, A. Menzhinsky, S. Soroka, D. Solovyov, O. Balashova and many others.

Among the performances of the last theatrical seasons, it should be noted "Frasquita" by F. Lehar, "The Bat" and "Mr. X" by I. Strauss, "Pirate Triangle" by G. Donizetti and others. In addition, musicals can be seen on the stage: "The Christmas Detective" by A. Zhurbin and "The Phantom of Canterville Castle" by V. Baskin and the ballet "Esmeralda" by C. Pugni.

Musical theater in Ivanovo

The musical theater in Ivanovo is one of the oldest theaters of this genre in Russia. In 1930, a traveling troupe of various operetta artists was created in the Ivanovo region, which gave interesting performances and concerts in the villages and cities of the region. This team was destined to become the basis for the organization of the Ivanovo Theater of Musical Comedy. Theatrical policy at that time foresaw the transition to a stationary theater regime. The management of the theater enterprises of the Ivanovo region suggested that the team be transformed into a mobile musical theater of comedy. The theater was transformed in September 1931, as a result of which it was named the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Theater of Musical Comedy.

For three years, the theater was forced to lead a wandering lifestyle, while serving the Ivanovo region, and sometimes travel outside the region. The Executive Committee of the Regional Council and the Presidium of the Regional Trade Union Council made a decision in December 1934 to merge the theater of the Regional Trade Council with the Regional drama theater and organized a regional musical comedy theater. The theater premises are located in the city of Ivanovo.

The theatre's debut on the new stage took place in March 1935, where they demonstrated the play "Harry Domella" (staging and libretto by V. Lensky, music by A. Ashkenazy). Very an important event in the life of the city was precisely the opening of a new theater of musical comedy. Unfortunately, a number of the first performances showed that the cultural level of the theater was not up to the mark. In connection with such problems, measures were taken to recruit new, more experienced and strong creative forces. The 1935-1936 season was opened in the presence of a new composite group, which included: Z. D. Gabrilyants, M. Matveeva, M. Toporkova, K. Konstan.

Musical theater in Ivanovo today

To date, the musical theater in Ivanovo presents the most diverse concerts as ever. The stage presents classical operetta, musical comedy, various musicals, ballets, vaudeville. Creative team the theater was headed by the main screenwriters: director - N. Pecherskaya, conductor - A. Ladyzhensky, artist - V. Novozhilova, choreographer - V. Lisovskaya, choirmaster - S. Godlevskaya. They also work with recognized masters and folk artists of Russia I. Sitnova and V. Kleny, Honored Artists of Russia V. Birillo, T. Drachuk, Z. Stupak., Honored Artists of Kazakhstan - V. Zlygarev, L. Gracheva, and an experienced youth group: Honored Artist of Russia D. Solovyov, O. Balashova, R. Khazhieva. L. Lebed, laureate of the international youth vocal competition - N. Furaeva, D. Babashov, D. Siyanov.

The history of the theater does not stop, a lot of bright pages that are inscribed with the performances of the last theatrical seasons, such as: "Frasquita", " Bat”, as well as “Mr. X”, “Pirate Triangle”, “Husband at the Door”, “Party Party with Italians”, musicals - “The Ghost of Canterville Castle”, “Christmas Detective”, ballets - “Esmeralda” and “Masquerade” Ivanovsky musical theater will always live and develop, because its team is filled with creative plan and faith.

Musical theater poster in Ivanovo

The poster of the musical theater in Ivanovo can please us with such performances:
"Khanuma" - G. Kancheli
« flying ship» - V. Vadimov
"Mr. X" - I. Kalman
« white locust» - I. Dunayevsky
« True story lieutenant Rzhevsky "- V. Baskin
"The same cat" - N. Prokin
"Maritsa" I. Kalman
« The Bremen Town Musicians» G. Gladkov
"Donna Lucia, or, Hello, I'm your aunt" - O. Feltsman
"Stars of Paris" - M. Vasiliev

Musical theater in Ivanov: time in the theater will be remembered for a long time, thanks to the mass of positive emotions.
