German alphabet in numerology. Fundamentals of numerology, the meaning of the letters of the Russian and English alphabet

Numerology: Name number

In numerology, each name has its own vibrating number, obtained by translating the letters of the name into numbers. The resulting amount is reduced to an elementary number.
The number of the name is an expression of a developed human personality and the key to its aspirations or achievements. It should either merge with the number of the birthday or adapt to it. Natural inclinations or influences are important in the development of the personality, so that the name, when it achieves fame or recognition, expresses its full strength and true character.


If the name of a person is combined with his character, it is good, if it does not match or contradicts, it is bad.
It is not for nothing that many writers, actors and other people of creative professions take a pseudonym for themselves so that it coincides with the birthday number if it is successful, or improves it if it is not so successful.
Number 1
This is a symbol of one's own person, a symbol of glory and power, action and ambition. Man, with birthday number 1, must follow it, never changing its course or trying to jump far ahead at once, in a jerk, ahead of time. He will reach new heights only in a direct and progressive way. Here you should avoid selfishness and selfishness, self-will and self-will, be careful, balance your interests with the interests of other people so that they do not come into a conflict state, otherwise you can lose friends and make enemies. A strong birthday number 1 promises a lot, it suggests high development if you follow its advice.
Like the number of a name 1 means a person full of energy and desire to act. It is of great benefit in actions in a momentary, immediate situation, in sudden and unexpected situations, less in planned situations. Risky activities and engaging in profitable business are categorically contraindicated. The best thing is to complete assigned tasks. The number 1 is associated with confidence in one's strengths and capabilities, such concepts as courage and bravery. But the nature of these people is more imitative than creative. They know how to make and spend money. Rash decisions should be avoided.
Number 2
Like a birthday number 2 symbolizes balance in mood, behavior, actions, softness and tact of character, the search for compromises, smoothing sharp corners, acute problems. Internal contradictions, excessive rationality, eternal advice to friends and others often prevent them from sorting out their own affairs. The number 2 is antithesis, balance, contrast. It is, as it were, between light and darkness, good and evil, heat and cold, wealth and poverty, life and death. These people must accept all circumstances as they are, adapt to them and come to terms with them. They should avoid extremes, any uncertainty and excessive generosity, think and care not only about others, but also about themselves. They are good designers and advisers, but not performers. They need co-authors, companions, employees, but when choosing them, let the mind rule over the feelings.
Like the number of a name 2 symbolizes a changeable character, emotional and internal anxiety, which can bring a person to complete insecurity or even fatalism. Do not worry about trifles and all sorts of minor actions, avoid disputes and quarrels. Best Success will bring joint work with friends, colleagues.
Number 3
Like a birthday number 3 - faster than all other numbers - reveals its features, especially a sharp and intuitive mind, the ability to quickly and easily absorb knowledge, often in a very early age. A talented, capable person, he alone will not be able to fully use his talent, as he will choose easier ways and means to achieve the goal. He likes to adapt to anything that promises immediate benefit. He prefers to take life as such not so seriously. He needs interesting people, an easy, pleasant environment, constant entertainment. He only lives for one day. He doesn't care about the future. With the right start, he can go far, because he does not doubt his abilities, he is competent in his work. However, natural impatience, the desire for easy and uncomplicated activities, as well as temporary quick success in it, can prevent him from moving on to another path, with higher opportunities, but where long-term planning is expected.
Like the number of a name 3 symbolizes talent, versatility, gaiety, points to science, the world of art, sports life, everything that serves as an outlet for a person, his hobby. If this person accepts useful advice and acts wisely when choosing a profession, planning his career, then this will be the path leading to success and glory.
Number 4
Like a birthday number 4 symbolizes a balanced, hardworking nature, cautious, avoiding risky ventures. A capable person, with his own ideas, plans, tries to figure everything out on his own, without outside help. Its motto is reliability, firmness, honesty. He must not be deceived, and he himself must avoid self-deception. If a given person has small goals and modest demands, the number 4 for him can become both a symbol of poverty and a symbol of defeat. But at the same time, this number gives people a solid foundation for further development of knowledge and professional skills in various specialties.
Like the number of a name 4 means success in scientific and technical fields, especially in industry. It symbolizes reliability and stability, conscientiousness, making friends and achieving recognition. Moreover, such a person is useful in extreme situations, in difficult conditions, when the qualities of his character and morals are revealed from the best side. This should never be underestimated.
Number 5
Like a birthday number 5 symbolizes an enthusiastic nature that loves adventure and risky activities. prone to everything unusual. These people are mobile, love trips and travels and feel at home everywhere. They quickly and easily learn foreign languages, traditions of other nations. Often their actions and behavior are completely sudden and unexpected, with unpredictable consequences. With all the difficulties, they come out dry from the water. In many ways, they are helped in life by resourcefulness and wit, their cheerfulness. Love for frequent changes prevents them from appreciating the present, seeing real prospects. They are always directed only forward and do not see what is at hand.
Like the number of a name 5 indicates spiritual freedom and independence of action. They value the acquired and accumulated experience more than outside advice. Most of all, they love travel and adventure, which pushes their mental anxiety. How effective is this energy when it is directed to everyday work! Often the number 5 also indicates a philosophical mindset, sometimes - happy occasions with unpredictable consequences.
Number 6
Like a birthday number 6 remains unsurpassed. Nature is honest, frank, reliable. The views are progressive, but with a desire to create a name for themselves, to achieve the respect and location of others, to maintain peace and tranquility among friends, to improve their living conditions. They literally radiate optimism and cheerfulness, justify the work or position entrusted to them, are satisfied with what they have achieved, without striving for the heights of career and fame. In this they are hindered by complacency and complacency. The mask of fearlessness does not arouse great sympathy for them and gives reason to suspect hypocrites in them.
Like the number of a name 6 portends success in enterprises, if only it is possible to gain the trust of others, to attract not only customers, but also followers. Often they are either politicians or high government officials. They become known in society for their scientific or philosophical views, but on the condition that their word coincides with their deeds. After all, society expects from them the implementation of what has been said. They quickly learn the truth that honesty is more fruitful than ambition, that honest efforts are not in vain, that good, good deeds will help to achieve the goal without resorting to radical methods.
Number 7
Like a birthday number 7 symbolizes mystery as well as knowledge. The line of this inconsistency can be continued. Here are such personality traits as diligence and a poetic soul, albeit with some oddities, a penchant for analytical thinking and strong intuition, a rich imagination, a lively, vivid imagination. With this number, composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and hermits, thinkers and hermits are born and brought up. Their inspiration requires solitude and solitude. The weaker ones will be drawn into the swamp of despondency and pessimism, the stronger ones become bright personalities, world famous people.
Like the number of a name 7 conceals the ability to direct talent into the field of science, into the world of art or philosophy, into religious activity. But the success of their activities largely depends on a deep analysis of the results already achieved and on the real planning of their future. Understanding other people, they often become leaders and teachers of the highest class. But if they decide to engage in commercial or financial affairs, then here they themselves will need outside help.
Number 8
Like a birthday number 8 is business, enterprise, fearlessness in all spheres and areas of life, especially in commerce and industry. Rushing only forward, these people, as a rule, successfully carry out their plans and intentions, carry out their plans. This affects their will and strong character, the ability not to feel sorry for themselves or others. And resistance, obstacles on the way, opponents only whip up, strengthen their energy and efficiency. These people have rare administrative abilities, the ability to manage teams, dragging people along with them. This is especially evident in the field of politics, in the military field, in the business world, where they can be cruel and merciless. They judge people, select their friends according to their wealth, position in society.
Like the number of a name 8 favors activities in the field of significant, large-scale affairs, foreshadowing material benefits. Finishing successfully one business, these people are immediately taken to the next. Often, benefit and benefit, like social and material success, are brought to them by a passion for forgotten teachings, abandoned enterprises that have outlived their methods, etc. and so on. But they must give up trifles and details, transferring this work to others, and themselves speaking only by and large.
Number 9
Like a birthday number 9 symbolizes strong personality with potential intelligence, capable of high development. Here success gives the world of art and arts, artistic talent and creative, creative power. It is better for such people to immediately abandon the activities of merchants, metallurgists, and the military. Their problem often lies in the awareness of their talents and abilities and in choosing the right life path. Under this birthday number, great inventors, discoverers of the new, and musicians are born. Everything depends on their abilities and desires. Both of these factors should be combined, directed towards one goal - then success is guaranteed.
Like the number of a name 9 requires from his ward devotion to a high goal, talent and vocation, as well as a generous return of what nature has endowed him with. Since they all enjoy authority, they can be leaders, they should be guided by justice, not deviate from those lofty ideas that they proclaim. They should not be petty, resort to irreverent actions or uncharacteristic behavior, so as not to lose either the devotion or respect that they have won. For themselves, they should not demand more than they are due, and not demand from others what they are not capable of. They must humble themselves, give up excessive pride and selfishness, conceit and arrogance. And to recognize the dignity and rights of others.
Number 11
Like a birthday number 11 indicates initiative, usually absent in the vibration of the number 2, to which it is reduced. Also, 11 enhances the determination that the number 2 lacks. Otherwise, there is practically no difference between them.
Like the number of a name 11 gives decisiveness, strength and vitality to common sense, thoroughness, which helps a person to truly rise to inspired heights. But then again everything can change, the excessive precaution or complacency of the number 2 will again disrupt the activity of the number 11 and everything will start all over again.
number 22
Like a birthday number 22 gives the persistent basis of the number 4 a strong shade of mysticism, the predominance of the inner world over the outer, secular. How this will turn out for a given person - good or evil, benefit and benefit or harm - depends on his personality, the prevailing qualities of character, disposition.
Like the number of a name 22 can give rise to strong fluctuations between eccentricity and genius. Possessing the talent of an inventor or researcher, this person will also turn to the sphere of the secret, the unknown, to the still unexplored and unexplained.
In numerology, various methods of analyzing the individual traits of a person are used. The following processing is one of the simplest.
First, the number of the birthday is considered as revealing the natural characteristic of a person. It is obtained from the digits of the date of birth and is personality number.
To designate developed features, they take the number of the name. For childhood, this is an incomplete name, but then it is supplanted by its form, which the person himself chooses and which is used by his neighbors. This is development number.
If the name number continues to exist in an unchanged form, its importance is enhanced in terms of a person's career. If it is radically changed, for example, a literary or theatrical pseudonym is taken, then the new name is based on the previous calculation. In any case, it is already acquisition number.
In some cases, the original name of a person becomes the number of development, as well as the number of acquisition, and in others, with the addition or omission of initials, it can cause a significant difference between them.
The vibration of vowels, which is obtained by adding the numerical value of the vowels in a person's name and reducing them to an elementary number, is main influence number.
One of the numerological rules says: if the birthday number is higher than the name number, this means that this person is inclined to follow his main inclinations, which can make it difficult to develop the features of his name or the vibration number of the name. Conversely, if the number of the name is higher than the number of the birthday, then the ambition and goals expressed by this number of the name predominate in a person, so that the natural traits and inclinations of the personality are directed to the circumstances of her choice. The human tendency is to set conditions rather than obey them.
A person with the same birthday number and name has the opportunity to develop an even harmonious character, the ability to easily take on all matters. But this is not particularly desirable, since overall result such harmonic numbers can lead to haziness and ambiguity.
Numerology: Numbers in everyday life.
Many people are convinced that they have both good and bad days. Naturally, they would like to know how to choose them in order to avoid the adverse effects of a bad day.
In numerology, every day has its own vibrating number, just as it has a birthday number and a name number.
We take the number of the birthday (March 5, 1946. The sum is 28=10=1); then we take the number of the person's name (...6) and we also take the number of the given day (let's say December 26, 1972=30=3). Add it all up, sum 10=1 and key number 1.
See the following table of numbers below:

  1. - Day for certain direct actions with one goal. Time for an immediate and effective solution to any problem. Good for starting new practical cases, especially the conclusion of agreements and contracts, the manipulation of notarial papers for doing legal affairs. and also for the implementation of a simple plan that requires a quick decision. This day empowers.
  2. - Day for planning and evaluating problems that do not require immediate and immediate action. In addition to all possible difficulties, indecision can also be added here. This is a day of contrasts; or with a good start and a bad end, or vice versa, with a bad start and a good end. On this day, it is better to stay away from active actions and allow others to act, except in cases where your work allows you to do this without worries and worries, bringing spiritual satisfaction.
  3. - A day for a variety of activities and the completion of any started and old cases. Business activities should be interspersed with short rest periods. Good for starting new projects, exercising active cooperation, co-authorship, companionship, but not for the concentration of thought on a single goal. Also on this day, you can’t harm others, you can’t put sticks in the wheels of someone else’s cart. joint quick and friendly undertakings, actions will provide right decisions the most difficult tasks. Also, this day is very good for various meetings, especially business ones, for trips and travels, fun and entertainment.
  4. - A day for the usual things and the completion of small works. The best thing is to stay at home and focus on the conceived idea, which you yourself have to carry out. Give up all entertainment! This is a day dedicated to work. You should not start important business and engage in speculative activities. Both in the first and in the second case, it is simply useless.
  5. - A day of surprises and surprises, full of energy, excitement, full of adventure. Take risks only when you are sure that what you have planned is realistic and worthy of attention. Take on a new project when you are sure that it has a solid foundation, that this project is necessary. Travel only for a noble purpose. On this day, the long-awaited success may come, long-standing work will bring favorable results.
  6. - Day of good will and mutual understanding, harmony, comfort and ease. Give up quick and decisive action, rash decisions, new beginnings, enterprises, taking on a challenge. This day is good for business affairs, conferences, public meetings, for meetings with friends and like-minded people, with relatives and relatives, for diplomatic missions without conflict situations. But on this day, any uncertainty can be fatal, and any risk can be fatal. It can become the culmination for those undertakings that were planned and prepared for a long time and reliably.
  7. - The day is favorable for reflection, study and intellectual pursuits, research works and new discoveries, for inventions or their official recognition, as well as for all types and genres of art and fine arts. It is good to finalize the started cases, to receive advice and recommendations. The inherent factor of mystery can contribute to the realization of a premonition associated with some important thing, or deed, or event. Often it becomes a day of happiness.
  8. - A day of great and important affairs, when swift events bring favorable results, when important and serious decisions are completed quickly and easily, financial transactions and investments bring great profits, when a large-scale goal requires the unification of small organizations into trusts, concerns, associations and federations.
  9. - Achievement day. Good for starting promising business, announcing important plans, strengthening ties and contacts. This is a day of personal triumph, ambition realized, especially among people from the world of art and art, a day of favorable opportunities for commercial and financial affairs.

So, dear reader, first find the vibrating number of your birthday, then your last name and first name (or last name, first name and patronymic or pseudonym), and then the day of action you need.
And now an example: how would I do the calculations for myself.
March 25, 1915= 2+5+3+1+9+1+5= 26=2+6=8
Vronsky = 3+9+7+6+1+3+1+2= 32 = 3+2 =5
Sergei = 1+6+9+4+6+2= 28 = 2+8 = 10 =1
June 4, 1989= 4+6+1+9+8+9= 37 = 10 =1 (started writing this book)
And the values ​​of these numbers are already known.

Our book presents calculations and interpretations of a group of the most important numbers adopted in various numerical systems, including Pythagorean, Vedic, Kabalistic and modern. You will get acquainted with the dream book of Pythagoras and will be able to look into your future with the help of fortune-telling. Numerology will tell you how to correct your destiny, what abilities you have and how to best realize yourself in life.

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The following excerpt from the book Big Book numerology (Natalia Olshevskaya, 2009) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Numeric codes of alphabets

The most complex writing systems arose in ancient times. Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiform were pictographic. In other words, each sign was a picture that reflected the whole concept: a person, a cat, a snake ... To describe in detail the world, I had to use a lot of such pictures, and it was not easy to master such writing.

Much has changed with the advent of the alphabet, when each sound of the language was assigned its own letter. As a result, symbolic pictograms could be abandoned. The appearance of the alphabet dramatically accelerated the development and spread of numerology, since the sounds and vibrations of the language are the shortest path to the numerical code. In addition, the letters of the alphabet turned out to be the most convenient means of writing numbers.

The first alphabet was invented by the ancient Phoenicians, who lived in ancient times on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, approximately where modern Lebanon is located. The earliest examples of the use of the alphabet date back to 1400 BC. e. All the civilizations surrounding Phoenicia, including the Greeks, used only pictographic systems in those days. The Phoenician alphabet had 32 letters. The Phoenicians wrote from right to left. They spread their alphabet around the world. Many ancient and modern alphabets, including Russian, Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, Greek and others, owe their appearance to this ancient people.

The Phoenicians gave a name to each letter of their alphabet. Some of the names were heritage pictographic origins, others served as mnemonics to make it easier to remember. For example, the name of the first letter of the alphabet "aleph" in Phoenician means "bull". The second letter is called "bet" and translates as "house", the third - "gimel" means "camel". Over time, these letters were slightly distorted and became the names of the Greek letters - alpha, beta, gamma.

The Phoenician alphabet contained only consonants. Vowel sounds were added while reading, based on various auxiliary signs. The Greeks, on the other hand, radically improved the alphabet (at least in our Western perception). They took the letters of the Phoenician alphabet, which corresponded to sounds that were absent in the Greek language, and put them in correspondence with the vowel sounds of their language. Interestingly, the Greeks, like the Phoenicians, first wrote from right to left. Then there was a period when they wrote one line from right to left, the second - from left to right, the next - again from right to left, etc. Only after some time the Greeks began to write from left to right.

The Greeks also created a system in which letters were used as symbols for numbers, which was a very important step in the development of numerology. Prior to this, numbers were often written in words (“ten times ten tens”, “one hundred dozen”) or special signs were used that were repeated the required number of times.

For example, if you denote the number 1 with the sign K, then 3 will be written as KKK, 7 - as KKKKKKK. Upon reaching a certain number of characters, most often ten, another icon was introduced.

Let's say if we denote the ten as L, then the number 86 will be written as LLLL LLLL KKK KKK. So uncomfortable! And if you try to write 88888?!

That is why the emergence of the Greek system, in which letters were not symbols counted on the fingers, but symbols of numbers, was almost revolutionary.

According to some reports, the alphabetic notation of numbers was invented in the Greek city of Miletus, located on the territory of modern Turkey, in the 8th century. BC e. In the Milesian system, each digit corresponded to its own letter of the alphabet. For example, alpha corresponded to one, beta corresponded to two, etc. This system was widely used in the ancient world, especially during the conquests of Alexander the Great.

Many nations have adopted this particular system. In terms of efficiency, it is close to the modern, so-called Arabic, system of writing numbers.

Isopsephy and gematria

The use of the Greek alphabetic system for notating numbers endowed each written word with some numerical content. By adding the numerical values ​​of all the letters of the word together, you can get a specific number. The Greeks called this process of addition isopsephy (from the Greek words "iso", that is, equal, and "psephos" - a pebble). Isopsephy Isopsephy was widely used in the Hellenistic period in magical works and in the interpretation of dreams.

The ancients believed that if the numerical sum of a word or phrase has the same numerical value, then there is some invisible connection between them.

For example, the name Jesus has an isopsephic sum of 888, and exactly the same sum has the phrase "I am Life." And for a Christian, such a coincidence is filled with deep meaning.

Among the personified meanings of the number 666, which stands for the "Beast" in the Book of Revelation, were Nero, Caesar, Martin Luther, Pope Leo X and Napoleon.

IN Ancient Greece there was another popular method of studying the relationship between the letters of the alphabet and numbers - arithmology. In this system, each number - letter corresponded to the widest range of different qualities, epithets, magical attributes. In modern numerology, arithmology is almost never used.

In the XIII century. German Kabbalists used isopsephy for the mystical numerical interpretation of scriptures and called this method gematria (presumably from Greek word"geometry"), or cryptography.

It is believed that for the first time gematria was used during the reign of the Babylonian king Sargon II, in the VIII century. BC e., during the construction of the Khorsabad wall, the length of which was 16283 cubits, which corresponded to the numerical value of the king's name.

In Hebrew, consonants are used as numerical values, but by adding vowels to them, you can read them as words, and vice versa - you can read words as numbers.

Modern numerologists also add up the numerical values ​​of letters to characterize names and any words in general. However, the algorithm for adding and meaning letters differs significantly from those used in ancient Greek isopsephy.

Numeric codes of Russian words

Each of us has his own unique word (usually the number of the full name), which corresponds to a certain number. And it has an impact on our lives.

It is known that all letters of the Russian alphabet occupy a strictly defined place and correspond to their serial number, that is:

A - 1, A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4, D - 5, E - 6, E - 7, F -8, H - 9, I - 10, J - 11, K - 12, L - 13, M -14, N - 15, O - 16, P - 17, R - 18, S - 19, T - 20, U - 21, F - 22, X - 23, C - 24, H - 25, W - 26, W - 27, L - 28, Y - 29, B - 30, E - 31, Yu - 32, Z - 33.

For example, let's define the code of the word "language" (in this case, the language is a means of communication), summing up all the serial numbers of the letters, we get the number 83.

The word "number" itself is associated with the same mathematical meaning.

Language: 33 + 9 + 29 + 12 = 83.

N and with l about: 25 + 10 + 19 + 13 + 16 = 83.

The word "numerology" and the phrase "Count all the words" also have the same code in total - 116.

N o merolog ogy: 15 + 21 + 14 + 6 + 18 + 16 + 13 + 16 + 4 + 10 + 33 = 116.

With the number of words: 19 + 25 + 10 + 20 + 1 + 11 + 3 + 19 + 6 + 19 + 13 + 16 + 3 + 1 \u003d 116.

If each letter of the Russian alphabet is assigned a numerical value from 1 to 9, then any phrase - be it a first name, surname or just a phrase - is decomposed into simple numbers, adding which, we get a certain resulting number that determines the nature of the spoken.

To characterize a person in the modern Russian alphabet, the correspondence of letters to numbers (from 1 to 9) is distributed as follows:

1 - A, I, C, b.

2 - B, Y, T, Y.

3 - B, K, U, b.

4 - G, L, F, E.

5 - D, M, X, Y.

6 - E, N, C, I.

7 - E, O, C.

8 - J, P, Sh.

9 - Z, R, Shch.

Currently, there are generally accepted characteristics for numbers from 1 to 9:

1 - unity, creativity, independence;

2 - duality, appearance;

3 - power, power, producing force;

4 - solidity, hardness, dullness;

5 - sensuality, pleasure;

6 - perfection, harmony, balance;

7 - mysticism, mediumship, magic;

8 - materialism, success, justice;

9 - spirituality, mental achievements.

It is believed that people whose names correspond to the numbers 11 and 22 are very developed spiritually. These numbers are not reduced to a single digit.

For example, in the name Ivan, the letters correspond to the following numbers: I=1, B=3, A=1, H=6. The sum of the numbers: 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11. In accordance with the rule, the number 11 is not summed up, and its value determines a highly developed and spiritual person.

The words we don't need

Let's calculate some words and phrases that we are used to using in ordinary speech, try to determine whether they are compatible with the number of your name and your birth. For convenience, we repeat the table with which you can perform the calculation:

1 - A, I, C, b.

2 - B, Y, T, Y.

3 - B, K, U, b.

4 - G, L, F, E.

5 - D, M, X, Y.

6 - E, N, C, I.

7 - E, O, C.

8 - J, P, Sh.

9 - Z, R, Shch.

Now let's try to find the code for the word "estimate": 8 + 9 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 3 = 3 + 1 = 4.

Number 4 - on the one hand, is ruled by Mercury, which is responsible for sociability and communication. On the other hand, it is the number of commitments made. Thus, by telling someone to “count”, we are actually forcing the interlocutor to take part in the conversation and forcing him to commit to some action. That is, "pretending." Think for yourself, how pleasant is such a duty for a partner?

Let's break down the word "tin": 8 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 2 + 0 = 2.

In numerology, the main drawback of the deuce is that it expresses self-doubt and eternal fluctuations. Having said the word "tin", we thus express our feelings. But at the same time they are rather negative.

This numerological technique, in its essence, is fundamentally different from the well-known methods of comparing numerology and the alphabet. This study of the correspondence between numerology and alphabets considers the most common languages ​​that are basic level I studied: English, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian of course. All of these languages ​​are covered in modern version development in their officially recognized versions. Thus, the mass-used languages ​​at the moment are considered. Ancient languages ​​are still spoken less people than on modern ones that are rarely used by anyone.

The word must be spoken. And the numerology of the word should live, and not hang like a dead weight in an incomprehensible space with an incomprehensible beginning and end, leading nowhere, not closing with the beginning. What will give life to the numerology of alphabets is only if the energies of numbers pass through the word and words in different streams. If streams of numbers will flow like spring water through the alphabet. Unfortunately, I do not see this in any system of numerology of alphabets known to me. That's why I'm posting it all here.

Any word can sound - some weaker, some stronger. It all depends on what meaning it carries in itself in the flow of information and how strongly it is said. Words can be used and wasted. Empty words will not sound. However, every word has a chance to sound - weak or strong. That. any word that a person says can be used in this numerological technique. This word can be: word, first name, last name, title, Internet nickname, etc.
The alphabet is the whole organism. Words are parts of this whole organism.

Russian alphabet

Russian consists of 33 letters. From this we must build on to determine the number corresponding to each letter. What factors does the number 33 have? 3 and 11. There are no others. Therefore, either the number 3 must be divisible into the constituent parts of the alphabet, or the number 11. Why exactly? Why exactly these numbers? Yes, because the process of numerology of the alphabet must be as complete as the alphabet itself! He should not obrayatsya in mid-sentence! Half letter! The process of movement from letter to letter should not be a broken circle, but a continuing spiral from beginning to end and beyond, and also in the opposite direction. This will give life to the alphabet. Numerological life.

What is the number 3 and the number 11 for the Russian alphabet? The number 3 is the structure of Yang-Yin-Den, Masculine-Feminine-Synthesis, Object-Space-Life, etc. The number 11 is the structure of the Whirlwind and Chaos - penetration into the depths, 2 streams of water (here is the symbol of Aquarius, under which Russia is located), multidirectional movements, dead and living water, etc. So, you can see that the 33-letter alphabet is quite suitable for the Russian language and Russia in terms of the characteristics of the factors of the number 33.

And now for the multipliers. 3 and 11. Like 2 different threads. Up and down. Complementing each other. 3 - like Yang (since numerical superiority is always for Yin), well, and 11 - yin. Thus, it is necessary to consider both the number 3 and the number 11.

So, when distributing letters, we have:

according to the distribution on the number 3:

1 - a g e i l o s f h b e
2 - b d j i m p t x sh y yu
3 - f r o u t

according to the distribution on the number 11:

1 - a to x
2 - b l c
3 - in m h
4 - g n w
5 - d about sh
6 - e p b
7 - yo ry
8 - well
9 - z t e
10 - and u
11th f i

Well, substituting proper names, surnames, etc. any words, we will get some total sum of the added numbers corresponding to the letters of the searched words. According to the distribution of letters by the number 11, we divide the resulting amount by 11 and consider the remainder. For example, it turned out the number 31. We divide: 31:11 \u003d 2x11 + 9. 9 - will be the desired number, according to which the characteristic of the word will already be considered. If the total sum of the word is 11, then the number 11 is considered.

We do the same with the distribution of letters according to the number 3. We divide the total amount by 3 and consider the remainder. If there is no remainder, then look at the number 3. For example, the number 31. Divide: 31:3 = 10x3 + 1. 1 - will be the desired number.

The word "gas mask". The total amount for the number 11 - 59. Do the calculations. 5x11+4. We consider the number 4. This is Mars, related to wars. What is the meaning of the word mask? Against gas, gas attack. Further. We look at the number 3. The total amount is 18. We divide. 18 = 3x6. There is no multiplier. So the final figure is 3. This is the fusion of Yang and Yin. those. Den. Synthesis. A gas mask must be put on an object (Yang) and it will protect (Yin, she is protection). Participation of object and space in relation to one another. Synthesis on the quality of Mars. Attack and defense.

The word "fish". (words taken at random). The total amount of 11 is 17. Further - 1x11 + 6. We look at the number 6 - Mercury. Movement, communication, etc. According to the number 3, the total amount is 8. Further - 2x3 + 2. Yin. Passivity is by the quality of Mercury. "silent as a fish."

The word "conscience". The total amount of 11 is 47. Further - 4x11 + 3. We look at the number 3 - Earth. Mask on the face, the birth of a new one, personality, etc. The sum of 3 is 12. Then - 4x3. look at the number 3. Synthesis of the qualities of the Earth. The combination of the qualities of Yang-activity and yin-passivity in relation to the person or the mask that she wears.

The word "mage". The total amount of 11 is 8. We look at the number 8 - Center. The place where and around what whirlwinds or chaos are twisted. Also Meaning and Essence. Now the total sum of 3 is 4. This is: 1x3+1. Yang quality of the Center. Center activity. Active twisting of vortices and chaos around him. He himself does not spin in them, because. This is the center, and everything is always calm there.

Profession nurse. The total sum of 11 is 40. This is 3x11+7. The number 7 is Selena, or otherwise - White moon. Spiritual purity. (for the profession, the orderly will simply be clean, because the level is material). More conscience. The total sum of 3 is 12. This is 4x3. Number 3. Den. Objectivity, mediation in matters of conscience.

English alphabet

Letters - 26.
Multipliers: 2 and 13. There are no others.
What is the number 2 and what is the number 13? The number 2 is a duality - spirit-matter, descending-ascending. Number 13 - according to the functions of Jupiter - society. (No wonder English has become a public language). Still - the structure of society and other characteristics of Jupiter.
(In Russian, the number 11 has its own definition according to the functions of the Nodes).

So, the involvement of the English language in the number 13 is found - this is that English is the language of world significance for society. In Russian, this is the symbol of Aquarius in the number 11 - ownership. England is still Libra, balance. This refers to the duality of the number 2. How many descend - the same number ascends.

Well, as in the Russian language, here the numbers 2 and 13 will complement each other. Only the characteristics are slightly different and other calculations.
And now the calculations:

By number 2:

1 - a c e g i k m o q s u w y
2 - b d f h j l n p r t v x z

Now for the number 13:

1 - a n
8 - h u
9-i v
10 - jw
11 - k x

Well, let's calculate with an example. The analogy is the same. Only in the case of counting by the number 2, it is necessary to divide by 2, and in the case of counting the number 13 - by 13.
The word "space", translated into Russian meaning "space, space".
We calculate the total amount by the number 13:
6+3+1+3+5=18. Divide by 13: 18=13x1+5. The total is 5. This is Venus. Harmony, feelings, material.
Now the total sum over the number 2:
1+2+1+1+1=6. Divide by 2: 6=3x2. The total amount, because there is no remainder, - equals 2. Matter. In motion - matter tending upward. (including 1 spirit, tending down). Spirituality of matter, feelings, harmony.

Internet nickname "Lektor". In fact, this nickname means a lecturer who lectures. This is what we will deviate from. And since English is used, then we will consider this word in the English language system.
The total sum for number 13 is 12+5+11+7+2+5=42. Divide by 13: 42=3x13+3. The desired number is 3. Personality, a mask that hides a person.

Total sum over number 2: 2+1+1+2+1+2=9. Divide by 2: 9=4x2+1. The desired number is 1. Spirit descending into matter. Spiritual personality, acquiring material layers, density.
Of course, at this stage in the consideration of words, I use the basic concepts of principles and Planets.
And now the words that both Russian and English have.
The word "cat" means "cat".

Russian language

11. The total amount is 15. This is 1x11 + 4. Mars.
3. The total is 6. This is 2x3. =3. Den. Hunter, activity according to Mars, synthesis of the qualities of Mars. Those. there may be various Martian manifestations. (more on that later).

English language

13. The total is 11. These are Nodes. A cat is like a whirlwind or chaos.
2. The total is 4. This is 2x2. Number 2. Matter striving upward. (probably not in vain it is easy for them to climb a tree. But it is difficult to get back down ...). Those. material object, creating a whirlwind and chaos around (especially when naughty).

In any consideration of words, it is necessary to take into account the level of the word in relation to matter, spirit. Different levels will give different characteristics.

Arabic alphabet

Letters 28.
Multipliers: 2 and 14(2 and 7); 4 and 7. There are no others.
So, which multipliers to choose? What do they represent visually? The larger factor (where 2 and 14 is 14, where 4 and 7 is 7) is a circle with parts, the number of which is determined by this factor. For 2 and 14, this is a circle with 14 parts. For 4 and 7, this is a circle with 7 sectors (or parts). The smaller multiplier is the number of turns of this circle. Because this circle is spiral. Thus, the number 7 will be more indicative than the number 14. a smaller number is more stable (when there is a choice). Therefore, when choosing a helix with 14 sectors and 2 turns of the helix and 7 sectors and 4 turns of the helix, preference is given to 7 sectors and 4 turns. Because the first will not reflect full essence, times 14 has 2 spiral turns under it (folding into 2 and 7).
Conclusion - we use factors 4 and 7.

What are the numbers 4 and 7?
Number 4 is 4 elements - Fire, earth, air, water. In the same order they go in numerical form.
So, 1 - Fire, 2 - Earth, 3 - Air, 4 - Water.
The number 7 is 7 spheres. But we look like the rest of the alphabets - according to the Planets. From the Sun to Selena.
In general, the Arabic alphabet, based on the foregoing, is the personification higher principles, is closest to the structure of the Universe than Russian or English.

This alphabet can still be seen from the Lunar Stations. There are also 28 of them. These are additional characteristics to the words of the Arabic language, which carry the protection for this word. The total amount can reach up to 28, then divide by 28 and use the remainder to identify the characteristic, which is taken from the characteristics of the Lunar parking lots. This characteristic is still available for access to highest level for Arabic words.

Well, and an example. The analogy is the same. When counting by the number 4 - divide the amount by 4, when counting the number 7 - divide by 7. Note. Feminine ending? does not stand out specially in the alphabet, but is a graphic version of the letter? . So the count for the first letter is the same as the count for the second. It is read in Russian - Amir. Translated into Russian - Tsar. A small note. In Arabic, the names of people and surnames are called directly by the words they speak. For example, this is their word tsar and there is the name Tsar. The word Amr (all) is both the word "all" and the name. This is so, note.

Let's count.
by 7: 1+3+7+3=14. This is 14=2x7. The desired number is 7. Selena. King from God. This is how Arabs perceive kings. The king who carries the Light.
by 4: 1+4+4+2=11. It's 2x4+3. The desired number is 3. Air. It is the wind, from a light breeze to a hurricane.
So, the King is a word that carries Light in itself, manifesting itself from lung movements wind to hurricane.
According to the full alphabet and the number 28, the word Amir in the total number is 63. This is 2x28 + 9. This is the 7th Lunar Station. Characteristics: sacraments, alchemy, searches for higher meaning, etc. Ie. having these qualities, the given word - King, will have protection.
Now let's see what the word "tsar" means in Russian.
What is difficult in this case is the translation from Arabic into Russian. This is not only the King, but also the Prince and the King. In English, the correspondence is King.

So, the Russian "Tsar" (meaning more the king).
11 - 18. This is 1x11 + 7. Also selenium. Also a King from God.
3 - 10. This is 3x3 + 1. Jan. Activity. Activity in manifestations.
Those. in Russian it is a word that carries Light in itself, manifested by great activity.
And English King.
13 - 28. This is 2x13 + 2. Moon. Protection. Emotionality. Subconscious.
2 - 5. This is 2x2 + 1. Spirit descending into matter. An idea that falls into fertile (or not) soil.
So, for the English-speaking people, the King is a protection for the people, a shield that carries ideas that are supported by the people. (one version).


Even more difficult for numerology. Hieroglyphs.
First of all, you need to deal with the question: what data should be taken into account for numerology in Chinese? And above all: for numerology, we use the alphabet. Therefore, an early kind of pronunciation in this issue are not taken into account. In Beijing dialect, there are 4 different pronunciation tones that affect the meaning of words and strongly. Back in 1958, the Chinese alphabet on the Latin basis was only officially approved, but it is used as aid. Therefore: the alphabet on the Latin basis is not the main one, so we will look for the main thing. And about different tones of pronunciation - this is not an alphabet, but an addition to it. Which is equal in importance to syllables, the number of which is approximately 400. Maybe. All the same, is there something that is not so massive in quantity? Hieroglyphs? There are only about 3000 of them frequently used. What then?

Writing hieroglyphs

Hieroglyphs are built by features, of which there are 24 pieces. And it is precisely the combination of features that makes up the hieroglyph. Which can mean one word, maybe 2. Less often 3. this is similar to the alphabet, where the word is built from letters. Here, in the same way, the hieroglyph is built from features.

So, we decided: for the Chinese language, we take 24 features that build hieroglyphs as the basis for numerology. Let me explain right away: I use the Beijing dialect of the Chinese language, because. it is considered official and is used by a large number of people.

So, 24 traits.
Multipliers: 2 and 12, 3 and 8, 4 and 6. There are no others.
What multipliers to choose? Of the two 2-12 and 4-6, by analogy with the Arabic language, we leave 4-6.
Now it remains to choose 3-8 or 4-6?
But how can you choose one of 2 slices of the same thing? 3-8 and 4-6 are different sections, points of view, views on one thing, on one essence of Chinese characters.

What are the two points of view here?
3-8. 3 is the concept of Yang-Yin-Den.
4-6. 4 is the concept of 4 elements Fire-Earth-Air-Water.
The first is a spiritual cut, the second is a material cut.

Thus, I think both of these cuts should be left for consideration. And use each in accordance with the meaning of the word - spiritual or material. Spiritual - use slice 3-8. Material - use slice 4-6.
You can also consider the number 3 in 3-8 as related to the crosses: 1.cardinal, 2.fixed, 3.movable. Crosses speak of movement.

Even so: if the word is related to a person, then 3-8 should be considered as his spiritual cut. If it is not related to a person, then 3-8 should be considered as a movement, along the crosses. Those. slice 3-8 is the level of development. But it is not the level that is determined, but the specifics of development.
Calculations (since there is no way to draw features now, I write them in words):

3-8. Spiritual. Movement.

1 - horizontal, folding to the left, point to the right, vertical with a hook to the left, folding to the right with a hook up, horizontal three times broken line with folding to the left, folding to the left broken line with folding to the right, horizontal three times broken line with vertical and hook to the left.
2 - vertical, oblique intersecting, point to the left, vertical with a hook to the right, horizontal polyline with vertical, vertical polyline with horizontal, horizontal polyline with vertical and hook to the left, horizontal polyline with folding to the right and hook up.

3 - folding to the right, ascending, horizontal with a hook down, vertical curved with a hook up, horizontal broken line with a folding to the left, folding to the left broken line with a horizontal, horizontal broken line with a vertical and a hook to the right, vertical double broken line with a hook to the left.

1 - horizontal, horizontal with hook down, vertical broken line with horizontal.
2 - vertical, vertical with a hook to the left, broken line hinged to the left with a horizontal one.
3 - folding to the right, vertical with a hook to the right, folding to the left broken line with folding to the right.
4 - folding to the left, vertical curved with a hook up, horizontal broken line with a vertical and a hook to the left.
5 - inclined crossing, folding to the right with a hook up, horizontal broken line with a vertical and a hook to the right.
6 - ascending, horizontal broken line with vertical, horizontal three times broken line with vertical and hook to the left.
7 - a point to the right, a horizontal polyline with a folding to the left, a horizontal broken line with a folding to the right and a hook up.
8 - point to the left, horizontal three times broken line with folding to the left, vertical twice broken line with a hook to the left.

4-6. Material.

1 - horizontal, inclined crossing, horizontal with a hook down, folding to the right with a hook up, vertical broken line with a horizontal line, horizontal broken line with a vertical line and a hook to the right.
2 - vertical, ascending, vertical with a hook to the left, a horizontal broken line with a vertical one, a broken line folding to the left with a horizontal one, a horizontal three times broken line with a vertical one and a hook to the left.
3 - folding to the right, point to the right, vertical with a hook to the right, horizontal polyline with a folding to the left, folding to the left with a folding to the right, horizontal broken line with a folding to the right and a hook up.
4 - folding to the left, point to the left, vertical curved with a hook up, horizontal broken three times with a folding left, horizontal broken line with a vertical and a hook to the left, vertical twice broken with a hook to the left.

1 - horizontal, point to the right, folding to the right with a hook up, folding to the left, broken line with folding to the right.
2 - vertical, point to the left, horizontal polyline with vertical, horizontal polyline with vertical and hook to the left.
3 - folding to the right, horizontal with a hook down, horizontal broken line with a folding left, horizontal broken line with a vertical and a hook to the right.
4 - folding to the left, vertical with a hook to the left, horizontal three times broken with a folding to the left, horizontal three times broken with a vertical and a hook to the left.
5 - inclined intersecting, vertical with a hook to the right, vertical broken line with horizontal, horizontal broken line with folding to the right and hook up.
6 - ascending, vertical curved with a hook up, folding to the left broken line with a horizontal line, vertical twice broken line with a hook to the left.

Example. The analogy is the same. Counted up total number, which is divisible by the corresponding digit.
Hieroglyph "Tree". (looks like a tridecyl sign). Consists of: horizontal bar, vertical with a hook to the left, folding to the left, folding to the right.

Let's immediately determine which section 3-8 we are looking at: spiritual or movement? The tree has nothing to do with man. Therefore, we look at section 3-8 related to movement, development.

3. Sum 6. This is 2x3. The desired number is 3 (because there is no remainder).
8. The sum is 10. This is 1x8 + 2. The desired number is 2.
4. The sum is 10. This is 2x4 + 2. The desired number is 2.
6. The sum is 12. This is 2x6. The desired number is 6 (because there is no remainder).

By 3-8. Slice of Movement and Growth. 2 is the moon. Passivity, the possibility of rebirth, ebb and flow. 3 is a movable cross. Flexibility. Like Den - self-reproducing possibilities.
By 4-6. Material cut. 6 is Mercury. Susceptibility, accumulation and transmission of information, flexibility, mediation in the surrounding world (produces oxygen, etc.). 2 is Earth. For a tree, the earth is more important - this is its support. The Earth is important - the stability and other qualities of the Earth are important.

The question of underused letters of the Russian alphabet

It is considered so little used that it is often replaced by the letter E when writing. Words that begin with the letter Y, not borrowed from other languages, but which are Russian, are so few that they can be counted on the fingers. These words: Hedgehog, Christmas tree, Yokat, Capacity, Yornik (I don’t know what it is), Yorzanie, Ruff. What is also interesting in connection with the letter Yo is that wherever it is in a word, the stress always falls on it. She is not infallible. Those. the energy of the word with the letter Ё is based on this letter. Because a vowel with an accent is the carrier of the energy of the word. The whole word is based on this letter in its sound from the mouth of a person. The word first of all sounds through the letter on which the stress falls.

Some numerological methods refuse to use the letter Yo in their system. But then what happens? A single organism of the alphabet of 33 letters is losing its part and is no longer complete, but defective, a cripple, a sect, whatever you want to call, but not completeness, such a system. On this occasion of the lack of integrity, an analogy can be drawn with the Devil, who, by his Nature, does not contain the fullness of Life. But the alphabet was created not by the Devil, but by people. That. it is full of Life - material and Spiritual. Spiritual life is inaccessible to the devil. Where does this meditation on the Devil lead? No matter how amazing - to the letter Y of the Russian alphabet.

1 - A
2 - B
3 - B
4 - G
5 - D
6 - E
7 - Yo

The letter Yo has the yang energy of the number 7. The activity of goodness. 7 is under the control of the principle of the White Moon - conscience, goodness ... The Devil does not have such characteristics. No conscience, no good. Good is opposed to the evil of the Devil. And methods that refuse the letter Yo, on the basis of this, refuse the principle of goodness. How can these methods be called? We think the answer is obvious. What distinguishes all Devilish systems from systems in which Life flows is the absence of fullness.

Based on all this, words that use the letter Y in themselves should be most saturated with good, and the essence of good - as a counteraction to evil.

The hedgehog is known for its needles, which keep predators away from it, trying to harm it, harm it, i.e. eat it. Countering evil.

The tree is famous spruce branches, magically (according to the sign) blocking the path of the dead back to the world, so that he could not HARM the survivors, not being able to pass through spruce needles with energy. After all, the dead return only those who left in themselves evil on the world, which, with a heavy burden, returns their restless Soul back to the world, where they no longer have a place from the moment of death. The one who does not hold evil can leave easily.

The rest of the words with the letter Yo also have a similar protection from evil. All words on Yo are suspiciously pricked in the form of protection from evil.

There are even fewer words for this letter than for the letter Yo: these are Y, Yd - used as roots, but not used as separate words. Those words that we know, with the letter Y - Yod, Yog, etc. - are borrowed by the Russian language from other languages.

What is the numerological number of the letter Y?

AT 3.

11 is a whirlwind.
Iodine stimulates healing processes in the wounded area of ​​the body (for example).
Yogi, the exercises of Yoga, cause vortex flows of thin layers, thin bodies, thanks to which, in particular, the healing processes of the thin bodies of a person take place.

Then the letters begin to count again from 1. But the characteristics will no longer be active, Yang, but passive, Yin, perceiving. On the 3rd turn, starting with the letter X - the combination of the active and passive states, i.e. Movement. Den.
Because K and X are the number 1, as is A.

Letters b and b

Not a single word begins with them.

b - 6-Den, b - 8-Den. These 2 letters are similar to each other like different poles: hardness and softness. But that is the topic of another conversation - already directly about the very qualities of the letters. It can only be noted that the soft penetration of the Mind from the number 8 into a person is the opposite of the firmness of the mind of the number 6 inherent in every person - the mind that each of us knows and has. 8 same - Mind and Information from God, where a person is his guide through himself and into his mind.

There is not a single word, except for borrowed ones, for example, Yykh is a musical instrument of a small nationality.

S - 7-Den. And again - the principle of the White Moon, but not in the active form of the letter Y, and not in the passive form of the letter R. Here, in this letter, the very life of conscience, goodness. Probably, Yykh makes the sounds of music, which contributes to the manifestation and life of goodness for a Russian-speaking person. Operation Y - famous movie. This letter Y did not let the thieves do their bad deed - goodness itself and conscience itself prevented them.

And "whatever you call a ship, so it will sail," is also not in vain said. In connection with this, let's look at "Victory" and "Trouble":

Victory - 25 = 2x11 + 3. Remainder 3. This is the fusion of passive and active forces that give birth to the new. Earth principle. 11=3x3+2. Yin. Yin matter. The birth of something material. Passivity. However, with victory comes passivity.

Category: Numerology

Meaning of numbers in Numerology:

"What is in my name to you..." All the things that surround us have names, but rarely does anyone think about the deep inner connection between the essence of each thing and its name. "In the beginning was the WORD" - this is the truth on which the whole building of the idealistic worldview and the occult sciences is erected. The WORD gave ideas, ideas gave rise to concepts, concepts - the names of things and the Things themselves. Materialism looks at this question somewhat differently, but that is not what we are talking about now.

It has long been believed that the name of a person contains a certain energy code, some secret information, having learned which we, as it were, receive an access key to the world of a particular person.

Probably, everyone at least once faced a situation in life when, by chance acquaintance, they call a completely different name than their own. It would seem, what difference does it make: if the acquaintance is accidental and short-lived, then there is no need to lie, and if it turns out to be more serious, you will have to blush for deceit. But probably, true reason such spontaneous lies lie much deeper, it is a kind of inner certainty that giving your name to an outsider is like giving your credit card password, or at least its number.

There really is a rational grain in this - the names of people in ancient times were given much more importance than now. This applies to almost all nations and nationalities. The fact is that at birth the name was never given by chance. It was brought into strict correspondence with the time of the year, the hours of the day, - in a word, with all those circumstances that filled life and events. ancient world deep sacred meaning.

For different nationalities, the principles for giving a newborn a particular name were different depending on cultural and religious characteristics. Among the American Indians, the names were most often associated with animals or natural phenomena - Vigilant Eagle, Big Thunder; giving these names, sorcerers and shamans, as it were, tried to lay with them the desired properties of the future personality.

In some primitive societies The newborn was given two names. The first was for everyday communication, the second was kept secret from outsiders and was known only to the sorcerer. This often gave the latter unlimited power over fellow tribesmen, because, knowing their names, he could send damage, illness, death.

Even during the Middle Ages, beliefs persisted that a terminally ill patient could be saved by changing his name. Death, coming for this man, should have been completely confused and not taken him with him. This, of course, did not always help, but the very idea of ​​​​the relationship between the fate of a person and his name is indisputable.

The names of angels are covered with a deep mystery for us, and the most important name is the name of God. It was believed that he who knew the name of God had access to all the secrets and mysteries of all worlds. Actually, one of the oldest numerological systems - the Chaldean - set as its main goal precisely the search for the name of God, and practical use the version of this system that has come down to us - Kabbalah - came much later.

In some countries, there was a tradition to change the name of a person during his life. In China, for example, this custom continues to this day. There, only the surname is considered unchanged - the code for the connection of a person with his ancestors, therefore it is unchanged and revered.

Names can change with age, a baby has one thing, a preschooler has another, etc. It is believed that, parting with his old name, a person, as it were, leaves with him all the difficulties and problems of the previous period of his life and enters into new period with pure right vibrations. Often a person receives the last name after death and goes with him to another world.

Echoes of this tradition exist in other cultures. In fact, something similar is practiced in our country - pet names children are replaced with full ones when they grow up, and then a patronymic is added to them.

Under certain life circumstances, a name change is considered a prerequisite for starting a new life. A person who enters a monastery or joins a religious sect is obliged to leave behind the gates of the monastery his old name, and with it all the passions, excitements and desires of his former life. It's like a change of skin, a new birth, a person is assigned new code name in accordance with occult principles, and it is with him that one has to live in a new way.

Revolutionary changes in society always lead to the emergence of new names. They were brought with them by the Great French revolution, and Great October. It is not known how much occult significance was attached to the new names, but the fact that with their help people tried to break with the past is beyond doubt. Oktyabrins, Vileny - fortunately, the spiritual traditions of the people turned out to be too strong for a complete substitution of names (and, accordingly, the numerical code of the name).

How to analyze your name, and how much does the numerical code of your name in Numerology affect your life?
Here the following can be noted. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the names of newborns were given in accordance with church calendar. All names were written in the holy calendar. Therefore, the vibration of the name given in this way was in harmony with the vibrations of the date of birth, with the patronage of this or that saint. Accordingly and future life of a person was in strict connection not only with the date of birth, but also with the numerical code of the name.

Now, of course, no one adheres to such a tradition. Names are given in honor of relatives, friends, favorite actors, sometimes just as a tribute to fashion. As a consequence, the influence of such an arbitrarily chosen name cannot be compared with the influence of more predetermined factors - for example, date of birth.

Some occultists, however, believe that the parents of the child choose the name intuitively, according to inner feelings and, as a result, correctly. But in most cases this is unprovable and should not be relied upon. So, according to Numerology, the name of a person can only strengthen or weaken the basic vibrations of the date of birth.

How to calculate the numerical code of your name?
The system will be described in detail below. numerological calculation, built on the principles of one of the parts of the Kabbalistic system - gematria, but many medieval occultists believed that the main characteristics of a name can be found out simply by counting the number of letters in the name and comparing it with your control number, determined by date of birth.

For example: the date of birth of a girl named Maria is May 23, 1964. The number of birth is 5, the month of birth is May, when the properties of the number 5 are expressed as much as possible. The number of letters in the name (or the numeric code of the name) is also 5, respectively, making 5 yours lucky number, you can count on success. Since the number 5 is quite universal, there will be no contradictions with almost any name of a person born on this day.

Another thing is if a young man named Oleg swarmed on January 17, 1964. The birth number is 8, it falls on the period when the properties of Saturn are expressed as brightly as possible, so the combination of the name number - 4 with the birth number - 8 may turn out to be unfavorable.

Counting the number of letters in a name and analyzing it according to date of birth is a simple but powerful principle. It is widely used by numerologists of many countries.

If your name code is found to match your birth code, there are some steps you can take to activate it. For example, in Rus', name days were celebrated on a par with birthdays. Now this tradition is a bit of a thing of the past, but to increase the influence of your name code, it is worth using it. An extra holiday never hurts.

Well, if the influence of the number of your name turns out to be unfavorable - it is not necessary to change your passport, you can add a middle name to the name for official occasions, and take a pseudonym for relatives and friends.

And finally, it is worth dwelling on another section of numerology - gematria, or, to be more precise, its version adapted to practical needs, which considers the correspondence of letters of the alphabet to nine basic numbers.

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TRANSITIONS OF NUMBERS We can congratulate you on the fact that all the characteristics of the numbers have been studied. Feel free to start calculating the dates of birth of all your relatives, friends, acquaintances, strangers and enemies. Great! Now everyone will reveal their "hidden essence". Start, of course, with yourself - and you will immediately

From the book Slavic karmic numerology. Improve your destiny matrix author Maslova Natalia Nikolaevna

RELATIONSHIP OF THE NUMBERS 5 AND 9 The last transition cannot be called a transition proper, since it will not be about the transition of one digit to another, but about strengthening one digit through another. Consider the mutual influence of the numbers 5 (logic) and 9 (memory) on each other. Before we define

From the book What can you learn about a person by his date of birth and name author Zyurnyaeva Tamara

Directory. The meaning of the numbers This is the strength of character, the yang energy of a person, his sun. The presence of units in the matrix determines the purposefulness of a person, his self-esteem, his leadership qualities, the degree of his

From the book Sacred Geometry. Energy codes of harmony author Prokopenko Iolanta

Number magic or math? Since ancient times, people have turned to numbers and attached sacred meaning to them. To unravel the mystery of number meant to unravel the mystery of life. Even the ancient Greek sage Pythagoras believed that everything in the world is known through numbers. Numbers were given

From the book Numerical Birth Code and Its Influence on Destiny. how to calculate luck author Mikheeva Irina Firsovna

Mystical geometric ratios. The Cornerstone of Harmony Mathematics was to me as a child what religion was. Because both religion and mathematics claim to be able to explain the whole world. Robert Diggs There are only five perfect mathematical

From the book How to name a child so that he is happy author Stephanie Sister

Energy of Numbers In order to determine the meaning of the birthday genetics number, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the meaning of the number itself, its status and energy content. According to the concepts of our everyday life, the "weight" of each numerical value grows as the value itself increases.

From the book Words-healers. Big secret book of Slavic healers author Tikhonov Evgeny

Characteristics of numbers Number 1 - red. The point of reality, the basis, the core of the entire digital superstructure, which determines the Type of this or that flow of energy. The purpose of the number 1 is to determine the meaning, importance and weight of the reality that has arisen. So in the world of business on

From the book Testing with Chaturanga author Shorin Alexander

Meanings of figures and numbers I give you the basic values ​​​​of prime and two "majority" numbers. You need to have an idea about these values ​​\u200b\u200bin order to figure out what date something is worth starting and what not; how much to buy certain items; what number of guests is best

From the author's book

From the author's book

Table of letters and their meanings Your guide is a table in which you will find the names of all words-healers, their images, as well as a healing effect. First you need to decide what you want to change - yourself, the world around you, your well-being. in the right column

From the author's book Correlation method with classical constellations As already mentioned, the figure obtained must be compared with the classical
