The first mention of Santa Claus. The history of the origin of Santa Claus among the Slavs

Can any of the children or adults imagine such a beloved and long-awaited New Year's holiday without the most important guest of Santa Claus. All people are waiting with equal impatience for both of them. The capricious queen from the fairy tale "Twelve Months" claimed that there would be no New Year until snowdrops were brought to her. But in reality New Year does not come until the most welcome guest, Grandfather Frost, comes to visit.

But what is the story of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden? How did Santa Claus and his granddaughter appear? Has he always been a grandfather? Very young children are more interested in what gifts he has in the bag, and older children already want to know more about him and his companion.

The history of the appearance of Santa Claus - a good grandfather goes far into the past, there is no unequivocal opinion who exactly became his prototype. There are several versions and legends that reveal the secret of the appearance of a magical character:

Lord of the Cold

Similar characters appeared long ago in ancient Russian legends. People believed that the lord of cold wanders through fields and forests, wrapping them in snow, knocking with a staff, freezing rivers and lakes, and drawing patterns. They called this Vladyka Moroz, Grandfather Studenets, Morozko, Grandfather Treskun or Moroz Ivanovich. This gray-haired old man not only freezes, he also looks after nature, helps plants and animals survive the frosty winter. Morozko did not give gifts to children and did not wish Happy New Year, his main task was to take care of nature.

Spirit of the ancestors

Ancient people believed that the spirits of the dead take care of the living and protect nature. As a sign of gratitude, people performed a kind of ritual, depicting the spirit of the dead, and went from house to house. For this they received remuneration from the owners. The oldest person among all carolers portrayed a formidable spirit, for which he was called Grandfather. Probably, he could become the predecessor of Santa Claus, with the difference that the participants in the ceremony received gifts, and Santa Claus, on the contrary, brings them.

Ancient Varuna

In the rituals of antiquity, falling on the period of the winter solstice, during Christmas time, depicting the sun, it was customary to draw his legs. This meant that all roads were now open to the sun. Now the sun begins its new journey in a circle, which increases the daylight hours and frees nature from snow and ice. By analogy with the ancient Varuna, in Rus' this is facilitated by Santa Claus, who also connects the world of the living and the dead and helps the souls of the dead return to Earth with rain or snow. It was from Varuna that the winter guest known to us adopted the custom of judging people by their deeds and repaying according to their merits, to be a strict and fair judge.

Evil Frost

There are several versions, according to which the prototype of dear Grandfather was completely opposite characters. According to one legend, he is known as an evil and cruel deity, the lord of cold and blizzards, the Great Northern Elder, who freezes people, and one day freezes a young widow to death and leaves her children orphans. According to another version of the pagan peoples, Santa Claus received sacrifices on earth, stole small children and carried them away in his bag.

St Nicholas

According to one version, many of the features of Santa Claus were inherited from real person, who lived before our era, the kind and disinterested Nicholas. Living in prosperity, he willingly helped the needy and those who were in trouble, he paid special attention to children. Everyone knows that Nikolai helped collect a dowry for the daughter of a poor peasant, he threw a bag of coins into the chimney, and the coins fell into the girl's sock drying near the fireplace. This legend marked the beginning of the tradition of hiding surprises - "Nikolaychiki" in children's socks. For his kindness, Nicholas began to be called a saint. And in many countries, the custom of giving gifts for the Christmas holidays has become entrenched.

Image and clothes

Previously, Santa Claus was portrayed in completely different clothes, which were radically different from the outfit we are used to. Now it's hard to imagine that Santa Claus was once dressed in a raincoat. Then the artists worked on the image and outfit of the grandfather, and at the end of the 19th century he wore a red fur coat with white fur trim. Later, the image of a good-natured old fat man with a gray beard characteristic of his age was created.

Now the grandfather we know has such special signs:

Hair and a long beard to the floor(the same in all collective images of the character) - thick, gray-haired, symbolize power and happiness.

Shirt and trousers- white with the same snow-white pattern, symbolize purity. It is a mistake to dress grandfather in red trousers.

Fur coat- very long and exclusively red, with swan down trim and decorated with a silver pattern. A short sheepskin coat and fur coats of other colors belong to the wardrobe of grandfathers from other countries.

A cap- red, without tassels or pom-poms, with swan down trim, embellished with pearls and a silver pattern, with a V-neck at the front.

Mittens- always white, not red, decorated with a silver pattern, symbolize purity.

Belt- white with a red pattern, symbolizing the unity of the past and the present.

Shoes- felt boots or red or silver boots.

Staff- has a twisted silver handle, with a bull's head or a moon on top, which symbolizes fertility and power, the staff can freeze mischievous children and helps to move through the snowdrifts.

Bag- bottomless, full of gifts, always red.

Who is the Snow Maiden?

If with the advent of Grandfather Frost everything is very complicated and confusing, then the story of his granddaughter Snegurochka is known - this is the heroine of the New Year's play, which the audience has loved so much that her image has been popular for more than a hundred years. Although there was an image of a girl in a white coat before - it existed in folklore and they called this girl Snezhevinochka, Snegurka. Her name comes from the word "snow", because this girl was born from the snow.

Sometimes she is portrayed as a young girl, sometimes as a little girl, because there is a version that the Snow Maiden is the daughter of Grandfather Frost, but we know her as the granddaughter of a fabulous grandfather.

Be that as it may, not a single children's matinee can do without her, it is she who helps the kids to call Santa Claus for the holiday, it is she who is his permanent companion and assistant.

On holiday

On the holiday, Santa Claus manages to go around every house, but he does not invite anyone to visit him, so no one knows him the exact address. People who believe in magic assume that his home is far in the North, in the land of ice and eternal winter. Many believe that grandfather may well live at the North Pole or that his home is in Lapland. Santa Claus will feel comfortable in any country where winter rules all year round.

Grandfather comes to visit on a sled flying through the air, which is harnessed by three horses, he can also come on skis or on foot. If someone had to see him on deer, keep in mind that Santa is in front of you.

Santa Claus comes to the children with the Snow Maiden, who is his granddaughter. Her clothes are snow-white in color, with a silvery ornament, and on her head she wears a crown with 8 rays. The image of the Snow Maiden is very close to children, she takes an active part in New Year games and competitions and helps the kids to call Grandfather Frost for the holiday.

The appearance and character of Santa Claus were collected from many good and evil, real and fictional characters. Having traveled a long way, he appeared before us as a symbol of power, goodness, justice and holiness. Meeting with him marks the beginning of a new period in the life of a person and the whole planet, in which there will be only good, kind and the best.

With the New Year, we associate many things that are probably already deeply rooted in our genes. This is a Christmas tree, garlands, Olivier and, of course, Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden.

But in fact, every culture has its own new year character which has certain historical and cultural roots. For some of them, this history is calculated in centuries, and for someone only for years. And in fact, they only have one. common feature- They bring gifts.

I think it's time to figure out what these New Year's characters are.

Let's start with the closest and most familiar to us Santa Claus. Few people know such an obvious thing that Santa Claus is an ordinary product of Soviet propaganda and he appeared around 1937.

Among historians, there are two versions of its appearance. Since these years had a huge number of repressions and prohibitions, which were not least directed against religion, Soviet propagandists urgently needed to create new traditions. Therefore, Christmas faded into the background, giving way to the New Year.

The second version is more prosaic. According to her, the incentive to create a new holiday and character was just the desire of the authorities to distract the population from real problems, in particular from repression. Well, the Soviet propaganda machine was so professional that thanks to it, not only the New Year, but also a lot of Soviet is still in the minds of the population.

In Ukraine, for example, in last years the tendency to return to pre-Soviet customs is gaining strength, therefore, gradually displacing Santa Claus, St. Nicholas takes his rightful place. It was he who was once the main symbol of Christmas, not even the New Year.

According to legend, the tradition of giving gifts appeared after Nicholas, being the son of a rich merchant, secretly threw gold coins to a poor girl so that she could marry her beloved. A rumor spread around the city that it was a gift from an angel, and Nikolai continued to secretly distribute various gifts to those who really needed them.

Initially, his day was celebrated on December 6, but later it was decided to move this holiday closer to the Christmas market. This happened during the years of the Reformation, which opposed the veneration of saints. But already during the Counter-Reformation, St. Nicholas was firmly entrenched as a character of Christmas who gives gifts.

In Holland, St. Nicholas was called Sinterklaas, the story of him, along with the Dutch colonists, came to America, where he became Santa Claus. Over the years, this image has taken root, has become a character in numerous fairy tales, commercialized and has become the main symbol of Christmas in the United States. But even the tradition of hanging socks over the fireplace comes from stories about St. Nicholas.

What do we end up with? A character with a long history, who has lost some popularity over the years, but still managed to survive in some countries or cultures. His copy adapted to specific needs and a character imposed on the people from above in just a couple of years by a totalitarian regime.

Of course, Soviet propaganda cannot but arouse admiration: to create an image and instantly introduce it into the minds of the population, so much so that we still cannot get it out of our heads, while the rest of the world has been creating its festive hero for centuries.

But in fact, it doesn’t matter who gives gifts, what matters is what you yourself invest in understanding these holidays. It is so?

Undoubtedly, the most beloved characters of the New Year holiday are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The image of Santa Claus in Russian folklore has evolved over many centuries. Historians tend to believe that the prototype of our Santa Claus was the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun, or, as he was also called, Studenets. More like our Santa Claus character old fairy tales Morozko, in later versions - Moroz Ivanovich, Moroz Yelkich. This is the Spirit of Winter - strict, sometimes angry, grumpy, but fair. good people favors and bestows, and the bad ones can be frozen with his magic staff. By the 1880s in public consciousness a certain character with a bag of gifts at the Christmas tree has established itself. True, they called him differently: the Yule old man, the Christmas grandfather, or simply the Christmas tree grandfather. Moroz Ivanovich appeared in literary processing in 1840 in the collection "Children's Tales of Grandpa Iriney" by V.F. Odoevsky. This kind gray-haired old man presents the Needlewoman for Good work“a handful of silver coins,” and teaches Lenivitsa a lesson by giving her an icicle instead of silver. In Nekrasov's poem "Frost Red Nose" main character angry, loving "to freeze the blood in the veins and freeze the brain in the head." In children's poetry of the late XIX century, Santa Claus - good wizard. By the beginning of the 20th century, the image of Santa Claus as a kind giver of Christmas trees and gifts was finally fixed. Traditionally, Santa Claus is dressed in a long, ankle-length, red fur coat trimmed with white fur. At first, his fur coat was blue (indicating the northern, cold origin of the character), on pre-revolutionary postcards you can also find white Santa Claus. Now Santa Claus most often comes in a red suit. His cap is semi-oval to match the fur coat. On the hands of the pet of the children are mittens. In one hand he holds a staff, and in the other a bag of gifts.

The image of the Snow Maiden also took shape in the 19th century. In 1860 G.P. Danilevsky published poetic version Russian folk tale about a revived snow girl. official date the birth of the Snow Maiden was 1873, when A.N. Ostrovsky translated this folk tale in his own way in the play "The Snow Maiden". So the Kostroma region began to be considered the birthplace of the winter beauty, where the writer came up with a new plot for the Shchelykovo estate. old fairy tale. In 1874, The Snow Maiden was published in Vestnik Evropy, then an opera appeared, the music for which was written by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Interestingly, at the first reading, Ostrovsky's poetic dramatic tale did not inspire the composer. Five years later, in the winter of 1879, Rimsky-Korsakov "read The Snow Maiden again" and clearly saw her astonishing beauty. I immediately wanted to write an opera based on this plot, and as I thought about this intention, I felt more and more in love with Ostrovsky's fairy tale. The gravitation towards the ancient Russian custom and pagan pantheism, which was gradually manifesting in me, now flared up with a bright flame. There was no better plot for me in the world, there were no better poetic images for me than the Snow Maiden, Lel or Spring, there was no better kingdom of the Berendeys with their wonderful king ... ". The first performance of The Snow Maiden took place on January 29, 1882 at the Mariinsky Theater as a benefit performance for the Russian Opera Choir. Soon "The Snow Maiden" was staged in Moscow, in the Russian private opera by S.I. Mamontov, and in 1893 - in Bolshoi Theater. The opera was a huge success.

The image of the Snow Maiden both as a daughter and as the granddaughter of Frost was developed in children's and adult literature, in fine arts. But it was precisely thanks to the beautiful fairy tale of Ostrovsky that the Snow Maiden fell in love with many and soon became a constant companion of Santa Claus. Only their family ties underwent some changes over time - from a daughter she turned into a granddaughter, but she did not lose her charm from this. The appearance of the Snow Maiden was formed thanks to three great artists: Vasnetsov, Vrubel and Roerich. It was in their pictures that the Snow Maiden “found” her famous outfits: a light sundress and a bandage on her head; white long snowy robe lined with ermine, a small fur coat. Before the revolution, the Snow Maiden never acted as a host at the Christmas tree festival.

In the twenties of the last century, the country embarked on the path of combating "religious prejudice." Since 1929, all church holidays. The Christmas day off became a working day, but "secret" Christmas trees were sometimes arranged. Santa Claus has become "a product of the anti-people activities of the capitalists" and "religious rubbish." The Christmas tree holiday was again allowed only on the eve of the new year 1936, after Stalin uttered the significant phrase: “Life has become good, comrades. Life has become more fun." Christmas tree, having lost its religious context, has become a symbol of the holiday of happy childhood in our country. Since that time, Santa Claus has been fully restored in his rights. Soviet Grandfather Frost brought packets in a bag with the same gifts for all the children. In 1937, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden first appeared together at the Christmas tree festival in the Moscow House of Unions. The Snow Maiden became Father Frost's permanent companion, helping him in everything (the tradition was broken only in the 1960s, when an astronaut took the place of the Snow Maiden on the Kremlin tree several times). So then it happened: a girl, sometimes older, sometimes younger, with pigtails or without, in a kokoshnik or a hat, sometimes surrounded by animals, sometimes singing, sometimes dancing. She asks Santa Claus questions, leads round dances with children, and helps distribute gifts. For many years, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden have been decorating any New Year's celebration whether it's a corporate party or a children's party. These fairy-tale heroes are an integral part of the New Year, just like a beautifully decorated Christmas tree and gifts.

Not so long ago, the Russian Santa Claus got his own residence. It is located in Veliky Ustyug, which is in Vologda region. By the new year 2006, the estate of Father Frost was opened in Moscow, in the Kuzminki park. In November 2006, the Snegurochka's tower was opened in Kuzminki. The wooden two-story tower was designed by Kostroma architects in the "onion" style. Inside, on the first floor, there is a spinning wheel for the skilled Snow Maiden. On the second, there is an exhibition of gifts from children. These are drawings, clay crafts, snowflakes and other souvenirs dedicated to the New Year.

How old is Santa Claus? When did Santa Claus appear?

At about the same time as the Christmas tree, Santa Claus becomes a permanent character of the New Year holiday, although the age of the fabulous grandfather has already exceeded a thousand years.

Until now, no one knows exactly where Santa Claus came from and who was his prototype. IN different countries- different opinions. Some believe that Santa Claus is a descendant of local gnomes, others - medieval wandering jugglers, and still others - itinerant toy sellers. But all these are just assumptions, in fact, it is very difficult to find out who Santa Claus is and where he came from.

At the end of the 1st millennium AD, among the peoples of the East, the cult of Nicholas of Mir (from the name of one of the cities of Asia Minor - Mir) appeared - the patron saint of children, sailors, bride girls and even thieves. For good deeds and asceticism, Nikolai Mirsky was elevated to the rank of saints after his death. Remains of a saint and a miracle worker for a long time were located in one of the eastern churches, but in the 11th century the temple was robbed by Italian pirates, who stole the relics of the saint and transported them to Italy. After such atrocity, the parishioners could not come to their senses for a long time and fervently prayed for the preservation of the remains of St. Nicholas.

From the East, the cult of the miracle creator spread later to the countries of Central and Western Europe. IN early middle ages On this holiday, the children did not even study. Saint Nikolaus in Germany, Klaas in Holland, Klaus in England, in the form of an old man with a white beard, moved through the streets laughing behind his back on a white horse or donkey and handed out gifts to children.

Over time, Santa Claus began to arrive with gifts on Christmas Day, which was celebrated on December 25th. The churchmen did not really like this, because the holiday was associated with the name of Christ. And then the gifts began to distribute Christ himself, who was depicted teenage girls in white clothes. But the people, accustomed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, could no longer imagine the New Year without this character. So grandfather had a young companion. Both of these characters in Russia took root very quickly - after all, their prototypes have long existed in fairy tales, where they migrated from the ancient Slavic myths about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. It is clear that Santa Claus is a mythical character.

Fans of holiday symbols decided that our Santa Claus should have his own Motherland. Veliky Ustyug, located in the north of the Vologda region, was declared the residence of the Russian Father Frost in December 1998.

It is believed that our Santa Claus is a descendant of the East Slavic spirit of cold Treskun (Studenets, Frost, Morozko, Karachun). Over time, the image of Santa Claus has changed. At first, the sacred character appeared in the form of an old man with a beard and felt boots; in one hand he carried a bag of gifts, in the other he held a staff. Such Santa Claus gave presents only to the most intelligent, obedient and well-mannered children, and “treated” the negligent ones with a stick in order to correct them.

Gradually, Santa Claus turned into a kinder old man - he no longer beat the children, but only scared them scary stories. Then Grandfather Frost became very kind - now he gives gifts to children and never scares them. The old man's staff became magical. With the help of this attribute, he saves all living things in severe frosts and shows funny tricks to the kids. Now Father Frost also has a granddaughter, Snegurochka, who helps the old man deliver gifts and tell stories.

The attire of Santa Claus, as well as his image, has undergone significant changes. At first, the outfit looked like a raincoat, after, to early XIX century, in Holland, Santa Claus was presented in the form of a slender chimney sweep, constantly smoking a pipe and cleaning chimneys in order to throw gifts there.

TO late XIX century, Santa Claus had a red fur coat trimmed with fur, in which he flaunts to this day. The image of the modern Santa Claus was created by the Englishman Tenniel, who turned him into a fat, good-natured old man, he only called the wizard Santa Claus.

And it doesn't matter that you no longer believe in Santa Claus, the main thing is that you absolutely cannot imagine the New Year without his funny jokes, dances and gifts that turn an ordinary day into a real holiday.

Who is Santa Claus - this question is asked not only by children, but also by adults, because not everyone knows where this New Year's character lives, who helps him cope with such a volume of work and how to write a letter correctly in order to receive a cherished gift for the holiday.

Childhood memories warm a person's soul throughout life path, in such stories strength is drawn to overcome adult difficulties. The brightest are magical events that the children's mind cannot understand, but sincerely joyfully perceives them. Who is Santa Claus, a little older children explain to the little ones, he brings gifts and a lot of positive emotions. Sincere belief in a miracle often goes along with childhood, but even adults do not dare to deny the existence of Santa Claus.

Is there a real Santa Claus?

The question of the child, whether Grandfather Frost exists, should not take the parent by surprise, we must confidently say yes. From generation to generation, older family members tell the younger ones about a fabulous, not fictional character, the lord winter frosts and snowfalls. In the mythology of the Slavs, he was associated with a blacksmith, holding water, he miraculously drew drawings from hoarfrost. The breath of Santa Claus is a frosty cold, icicle tears, and gray thick hair is clouds of snow, his wife is Winter.

For the first time, Father Frost came to the Christmas holidays in 1910, but the Soviet authorities forbade him to appear, and for several years he went on forced leave. On the eve of 1936, they remembered him and began to invite him to the New Year's holidays. Santa Claus became a giver of gifts to children at the Christmas tree, he is invited to act in films, and with him his granddaughter Snegurochka and a boy appear in public, symbolizing the coming New Year.

Who is Santa Claus - origin story

There is a story about how the modern Santa Claus appeared, because he did not always look like this. The Slavs had a god Morok - commanding the winter cold, frost and snow. He was cunning and cunning, he loved to deceive and mislead. The meeting with Morok did not bring good luck, they were afraid of him and coaxed him with gifts - they prepared for him delicious pancakes and kutia, exposing them outside the windows, asked them not to destroy crops, not to freeze travelers on the roads.

A lot of time passed, and Morok became kinder, he easily began to give gifts to the kind and hardworking, an example of the fairy tale "Morozko" where main character with a complaisant and meek character, after the tests, she received gifts, and the lazy and evil sister was frozen to death. Each parent always explains to the child that Santa Claus first of all comes to the obedient and good - in order to receive a gift, one must behave well.

Where does the real Santa Claus live?

Santa Claus lives in Veliky Ustyug, a few kilometers from the city center, has a manor - a carved tower, located in pine forest, on the banks of the river. There he spends most of his time - reading letters, accepting gifts sent by children, drawings and postcards. You can only get to the very house where Santa Claus comes from, by riding on a Russian stove with Emelya. On the path leading to the house, you can find:

  • Baba Yaga;
  • Twelve months;
  • Bear cub;
  • Squirrel;
  • Chanterelle;
  • Grandmother Aushka;
  • Old Man-Lesovichka;
  • Wise Owl.

There are whole mansions in the house of Santa Claus - a museum of gifts from different corners planets. There is a room in which they make a wish to the sound of bells, you can go into the office, visit the observatory and the bedroom, see a huge closet with fur coats, hats and felt boots. The only secret of a fairy-tale character will be a room with gifts, it is not customary to talk about it, much less show it to guests.

What does Santa Claus look like?

Santa Claus is known as a strict and quick-tempered old man, but he is always fair, loves children very much, and acts as an instructive character, not a nanny. External Description Santa Claus is known to everyone, a tall gray-haired old man he is many, many years old, has a long beard to the waist or floor and thick gray eyebrows, symbolizing wisdom and power, rosy cheeks - good health. It is difficult to confuse him with other characters, Santa Claus's outfit is bright and memorable, each element symbolizes a certain power, a bag with gifts and a magic crystal staff is always with him.

  1. Hat - skillfully embroidered with silver and gold threads with pearls.
  2. A long warm fur coat - usually red, but can be blue or light blue, the edges are trimmed with swan down, the fur coat is decorated with an ornament of precious threads.
  3. Mittens - warm mittens.
  4. Linen shirt and trousers.
  5. Shoes - felt boots.

What is the name of Santa Claus?

As Santa Claus is called in different countries of the world - the fairy-tale character is called differently, and his visit to children does not always coincide with the New Year holidays. The most famous Santa Claus - American grandfather, also in a red suit, but with pants and a wide black belt - comes on Christmas holidays, hides gifts in a stocking by the fireplace. In Poland, this is St. Nicholas, in France they call him Pere Noel, in Greece they call him Vasily, in Spain Olentzero or Papa Noel, in warm Cambodia he is Father Heat, he gives gifts to Norwegian children Yolinissa, Slovak children - Mikulas.

Santa's helpers

The most responsible workers who help Santa Claus prepare gifts are the Snowman and the Snow Maiden, snowflakes, Snowstorm or Winter Blizzard, young boy- New Year, very smart and nimble beyond his years, often they not only prepare gifts, but also appear near the New Year tree. At festive matinees, brave children are often called to help an old grandfather, hold a staff, or suggest necessary information. In the residence of Santa Claus, characters from New Year's fairy tales and cartoons living in fabulous houses near his tower.

Santa's Helper Snowman

Snow Maiden Santa Claus and the Snowman are the main three characters coming to the New Year's holiday. The snowman is cheerful and funny, carries a heavy bag, loves to talk about interesting adventures and various obstacles that suddenly happened on the way to the holiday. The kids make fun of him, but he is not offended, reminds Santa Claus that other children are waiting and it's time to hurry.

Who is the Snow Maiden?

The Russian Grandfather Frost travels with the Snow Maiden, a beautiful young companion that his foreign colleagues do not have. She is obedient and friendly with the forest dwellers, she loves to sing songs with children and give out gifts. Dressed in a white or blue coat of fluff and snow, long braid hair, decorated with a headband of crystal snowflakes. She is often kidnapped. evil forces, and Santa Claus and the Snowman have to rescue the beauty from captivity - to be late for the solemn holiday.

Horses of Santa Claus

Santa Claus arrives on a holiday to the New Year tree, or as an invited guest to the house, on a troika of horses harnessed to a sled. He drives the team himself or entrusts an assistant to the Snowman. Using a mysterious method, he manages to visit different places, congratulate adults and give gifts to children. It should be recognized that if Santa Claus is sure that he does not have time, he instructs the most responsible assistants to take his outfits under the secret cover of a thick beard to visit the holiday, where they are very much expected.

How to call the real Santa Claus?

Fulfilling cherished desire child, how to call Santa Claus, you can invite him to the house for a personal visit, but children, like adults, have fun in the company. The most perky fairy tale character giving a bunch of desired gifts may not create a festive atmosphere in an individual setting. In such cases, an option would be to organize a children's celebration with other parents and their children in a predetermined area.

How to write a letter to Santa Claus?

A cherished desire can be written down and sent as a regular postcard, you should not start with requirements - I want and I need it, it’s better to start with a greeting and a story about yourself, committed good deeds, over the past year. Letters written by children should be read to parents before being sent to correct errors. There will be a response to the letter.
