IV. Arguments

The main task of the writer is to tell the reader about life, to warn against mistakes, to teach how to right choice based on the experience of the characters in their works. We read - and, therefore, learn to live. In this regard, even in early childhood, I was impressed by little romance Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin called "The Captain's Daughter".

In this work, the hard way of growing up of the main character, Pyotr Grinev, is clearly visible: from the spoiled, capricious Petrushenka, by the end of the story, a very worthy, sober

Thinking man Pyotr Andreevich. Every time I read it again captain's daughter”, I seem to grow up a little with him again.

Let's see what Peter was like at the beginning of the novel. A typical noble son, without any special education, accustomed to uncle Savelyich doing everything for him and hoping for a merry life while serving in St. Petersburg. However, Grinev's father calculated all the thoughts of the unlucky son, and therefore sent him to serve away from the capital: to learn the mind in harsh conditions. At the beginning of the journey, Petrusha still differs little from his home: in Simbirsk he loses an impressive amount to Zurin

In cards and even allows himself to shout at a faithful servant: “Be quiet, grunt! ... you are sure drunk, go to bed ... and put me to bed.

However, metamorphoses begin further. On the way, travelers are caught by a blizzard: “The wind, meanwhile, grew stronger hour by hour. The cloud turned into a white cloud, which rose heavily, grew and gradually enveloped the sky. A fine snow began to fall - and suddenly it fell in flakes. The wind howled; there was a blizzard. In an instant, the dark sky mingled with the snowy sea." And, as you know, nature reflects the inner state of the hero: it means that Grinev already sensed the coming changes, the need to grow up, became agitated. Here we meet Pugachev for the first time, still in the form of a simple bearded peasant, who throughout the novel will be Peter's unspoken spiritual mentor, even if officially considered an enemy of the "nobleman's" Motherland.

And then it swirled around. An unspoken rivalry with Shvabrin for the location of Masha, the daughter of the commandant, numerous skirmishes in which for the first time we see Grinev as an undoubtedly positive character. This stage of (peaceful) growing up ends with a real duel in which Shvabrin showed himself from the most disgusting side.

Then comes the long stage of the Pugachev uprising. Grinev perfectly remembers his father's order: "Take care of your honor from a young age," and does not deviate from his oath for a second. Russian empress(although he could): “No ... I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the empress: I can’t serve you, ”he answers Pugachev’s offer to move into his gang. It’s just that now Grinev is a strong, strong-willed person and Pugachev feels it, that’s why he lets go twice, he doesn’t want to destroy such strong personality. Peter shows nobility, saving Masha Mironova. Now this is no longer the past Petrush, but a completely settled young officer who is able to commit an act. He saves the girl he loves, without thinking about the consequences for himself.

And further. It is worth considering Grinev's attitude towards Savelich separately. The young man realized that the uncle was not just a servant, but the most a true friend who will never, ever betray. That is why at the end of the novel he gives Savelich the most precious thing he has - Masha.

In the end, Peter is released, and he is ready to continue the worthy family of his father, which we learn from his own lips.

This is how a whole unfolded before our eyes human life, at least, its most interesting part - the formation of personality. Unforeseen circumstances, the absence of parents at hand - all this helped Grinev to turn into an independent, honest, strong-willed person. Who knows what would have turned out of him if he had gone to "serve" in St. Petersburg and dissolved in the company of people like Zurin. And here ... Severe trials tempered the character. But, on the other hand, after all, Shvabrin found himself in exactly the same conditions, but he could not become an efficient person. Apparently, not only difficulties help to grow, but also hereditary dignity, mighty blood (recall that the father of the protagonist is noble birth, hereditary nobleman).

And even if these times are long gone, and now you can’t find noble nobles, we must take into account the experience of previous centuries, it is likely that we will be able to predict the consequences of similar actions, distinguish the morals of the people around us, and even, perhaps, make our life easier in some way. And where to find this wisdom of the ancestors, if not in the wonderful works of our great classics?

I do not claim special philosophical depth, but nonetheless. . .
The influence of art is such a multifaceted topic that reducing it to the thesis “Art educates the soul” is an unacceptable simplification. Approximately the same as Plato did, in response to the request of one of his students to define a person: "Man is an animal on two legs, devoid of feathers."

About ten years ago I visited the Tate Modern Gallery. This is a gallery contemporary art. Very famous gallery in which are exhibited famous artists and sculptors. Probably, after the Uffizi, I involuntarily expected something significant, amazing, but ... Of course, I knew where I was going, I was attracted by the magic of art, or rather, the magic of the word "art".

What I saw did not quite correspond to my understanding of art. First of all, it did not correspond to the impression made. You can, of course, talk about the individuality of perception, and about the inaccessible depth author's intention… This is not what I want to say: not every act of creativity leads to the appearance of a work of art!

The distinctive quality of real art is its ability to influence a person in a specific way, causing aesthetic (or, if you like, spiritual) experiences. Moreover, art is conscious creative activity! Not everything that is commonly called art today meets these criteria. In addition, not every work of art "educates the soul"! I can easily imagine a work that harms not only some particularly impressionable nature, but even an entire generation of people, even an entire country!

aesthetic experiences. Simplifying the academic interpretation of "complex mental phenomena", I will say that aesthetic experiences (aesthetic feeling) are directly related to two concepts: beauty and morality. As examples of an aesthetic feeling, I can cite admiration for a sunset (beauty) and admiration for heroic deed(moral). One should not think that aesthetic feelings can only be positive. For example, a feeling of disgust for betrayal is also an aesthetic feeling. In general, the meaning is clear: admiration for the beautiful and moral and disgust for the ugly and immoral.

So: art, aesthetic sense, beauty and morality are inextricably linked in our minds. The author creates a work, guided by his aesthetic sense, the work, in turn, evokes a certain feeling in the viewer or listener.

What am I leading to? And here's what: not only beauty and morality affect art, but art also affects them. Talented works can change the definition of "beauty" and "morality", presenting new models to the public. In this sense, "art educates the soul", BUT HOW EXACTLY?

At the Tate Gallery of Modern Art in London, at first I thought I had been deceived. Then this feeling was replaced by a feeling of complete stupidity. I tried, if not to understand, then at least to believe that what I see was beautiful, or at least thoughtful. To be honest, I couldn't. But there are those who could! There is a huge mass of people who consider Malevich's "Black Square" to be an outstanding work of art. There are even several dozen people who believe that what they did " Pussy Riot' is also an art.

People, my dear friends, take care of yourself, take care of the purity of your perception, take care of the purity of your soul! The power of art is great and when you turn to it, remember that talented but "lost" minds can destroy not only their own souls, but also some of the fragile souls of their fans. Therefore, even an admiring glance should be with a critical squint.

Art creates good people,
shapes human soul.
K.G. Paustovsky
My main goal pedagogical activity- form spiritual world students, through the beauty of art to find the way to the heart of the child, to develop creative potential to preserve his health as much as possible.
The main means of achieving the goal is systematic meetings with the museum, acquaintance with lofty images artistic creativity, research activities for the study native land.
The crisis of the last century, accompanied by disrespect for the monuments of culture and art, the place where a person was born and lives, for the older generation, raised the question of humanizing education, focusing on the spiritual, moral, patriotic education of the individual. Patriotic education is understood as the gradual and steady formation of students' love for their homeland. Patriotism is one of important qualities a well-rounded personality.
It is no coincidence that my theme methodical work I chose "Patriotic education of students in the classroom of museum pedagogy."
Museum pedagogy is a source of spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren; uses the potential cultural heritage kept in museums; contributes to the actualization of the student's personality through the development of cultural values.
This gives unlimited possibilities for the implementation of the tasks:
- education of patriotism: on the example of works of Russian art, develop a sense of pride in their homeland, their people, instill love for native nature, folk art.
- attachment to moral values people as the fundamental principle of man (goodness, love, beauty) through the analysis and comprehension of the content of works of art.
Lagolovskaya main comprehensive school Lomonosovsky district Leningrad region has been working under the Hello, Museum! program for many years. The program is implemented with the support Russian Center museum pedagogy and children's creativity State Russian Museum and the Department of Education of the Lomonosovsky District. Methodical theme school: "Improving the educational process by means of museum pedagogy."
Planning educational work with the children of my class is carried out in accordance with the directions of museum pedagogy. The main means of achieving the goals are as follows:
- acquaintance with high examples of artistic creativity at museum expositions;
- research activities to study the native land.
It is in the development of the ability to empathize with life (nature, man, group of people) that the great educational power and function of art lies. Art makes a person more moral and purer. At the expositions of the museum, children learn to look and see, understand the content artwork, analyze, become direct participants in what is happening. Communicating with works of art, children learn to love and protect the nature of their homeland, to respect the people who live next to them.
Students of the Lagolovskaya school have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the country, with the best works art stored in the State Russian Museum without leaving the walls of the school. On May 23, 2008, our school hosted the opening of an information educational center"Russian Museum. Virtual branch. With great interest, the children got acquainted with the works of artists of the war years, working in the program "The Way to Victory".
The main form of educational work with children at school is the conduct of collective creative activities (otherwise we call them “Days (or weeks) of immersion” in the topic). It can be various themes: Related seasonal changes in nature (“Towards Spring”, “Autumn Kaleidoscope”); cognitive (“Russian Crafts Festival”, “History of Writing”, “900 Days and Nights”) and others. In the process of conducting such KTD, the target relationship of educational and educational work is carried out. For example, when studying the topic “Water in human life”, the following activities were carried out with children:
- Excursion to the local reservoir,
- conversation "History of plumbing",
-integrated lesson of the surrounding world and visual arts"Water in the works of artists",
- "Gatherings" At the well "in the school local history museum,
- creative work "Why do we need water",
-exhibition of drawings "Water and Man",
- exhibition of books "Underwater inhabitants",
- Excursion to the Museum of Water.
Collective in form and integrated in content, events form a holistic perception of the world among students, help to study and love their land. Much connects a person with the place where he was born and raised. The native land, its people, nature, having passed through consciousness, become part of human destiny. Wherever we live, no matter what language we speak, Russia is our common great, only Fatherland. However, each of us also has his own, sweet corner of the earth, where he saw the light of the sun, took his first steps, got a start in life. This place is incomparable to anything else. This is our threshold of life small homeland.
An important place in the education of patriotism in children is occupied by local history work. The Lagolovskaya school has a local history museum for 5 years. The school museum has collected material about the history of the village of Lagolovo, war and labor veterans, the history of the school, and household items. In addition to permanent exhibitions that keep the history of their native land, the museum constantly organizes thematic exhibitions in which all students and their parents take part: “From the fire to the electric light bulb”, “History of the chest”, “Talking briefcase”. Students constantly perform various creative tasks, involving parents and other family members. A new family tradition: to discuss art issues together, to study the history of their native land. The museum hosts competitions, holidays, lessons of courage. Children enjoy research and search work on the study of their native land. Using various sources of information (newspapers, magazines, books, stories of the old residents of the village), they explored such topics as: “My family tree”, “Where did the bread come from”, “My street”, “History of crafts” and others.
Children are of great help in collecting museum materials: ancient dishes, clothes, household utensils.
Every year, on the days of celebrating the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad and on Victory Day, lessons of courage are held. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War talk about military events. For veterans students prepare concert numbers, Greeting Cards.
The school hosts exhibitions of children's drawings, contests of readers and newspapers on military topics.
The children of my class are active participants in competitions at various levels:
- "Spring of life" dedicated to the day mothers (municipal);
- "Family Archive" and "Voice of the Child 2008", dedicated to the year of the family;
- competitions of drawings and readers on a military-patriotic theme;
-Protection of projects Memorable places Petersburg”, “My small homeland”, “My
genealogy" and others.
In 2007-2008, the staff of the Lagolovskaya school began to carry out experimental work on the topic "Social adaptation of children and adolescents in a rural school by means of museum pedagogy." The purpose of the project is to create a system of socialization of students in a rural school by means of humanitarian and artistic education and aesthetic education. The project is implemented in the system of interaction between educational institutions, culture, administration of the volost rural settlement Lagolovo.
The children of my class are active participants in the life of the village. A variety of activities of students involved in various circles and sections, communication with public and state structures (house of culture, art school, sports school, rural library, school museum, Virtual branch "Russian Museum"), participation in the affairs of the school, village helps children achieve harmony with outside world and society, with itself, to be comprehensively developed people.
Acquaintance with works of art at the museum expositions, search work in the school museum of local lore, creative works in class on museum pedagogy- the main means of instilling in children a sense of patriotism, pride in their homeland and their people, respect for its great achievements and worthy pages of the past.

Raise a man


1. The role of art (science, mass media) in the spiritual life of society

2. The impact of art on the spiritual development of a person

3. The educational function of art

Affirming theses

1. Genuine art ennobles a person.

2. Art teaches a person to love life.

3. Bring people the light of high truths, "pure teachings of goodness and truth" - this is the meaning of true art.

4. The artist must put his whole soul into the work in order to infect another person with his feelings and thoughts.

III. Quotes

1. Without Chekhov, we would be many times poorer in spirit and heart (K Paustovsky. Russian writer).

2. The whole life of mankind consistently settled in books (A. Herzen, Russian writer).

3. Conscientiousness is the feeling that literature is obliged to excite (N. Evdokimova, Russian writer).

4. Art is called upon to preserve the human in a person (Yu. Bondarev, Russian writer).

5. The world of the book is the world of a real miracle (L. Leonov, Russian writer).

6. Good book- just a holiday (M. Gorky, Russian writer).

7. Art creates good people, shapes the human soul (P. Tchaikovsky, Russian composer).

8. They went into darkness, but their trace did not disappear (W. Shakespeare, English writer).

9. Art is a shadow of divine perfection (Michelangelo, Italian sculptor and artist).

10. The purpose of art is to condense the beauty dissolved in the world (French philosopher).

11. There is no poet's career, there is a poet's destiny (S. Marshak, Russian writer).

12. The essence of literature is not fiction, but the need to speak the heart (V. Rozanov, Russian philosopher).

13. The artist's business is to give birth to joy (K Paustovsky, Russian writer).

IV. Arguments

1) Scientists, psychologists have long argued that music can have different effects on nervous system, on the tone of a person. It is generally accepted that the works of Bach increase and develop the intellect. Beethoven's music arouses compassion, cleanses a person's thoughts and feelings of negativity. Schumann helps to understand the soul of a child.

3) Many front-line soldiers talk about the fact that soldiers exchanged smoke and bread for clippings from a front-line newspaper, where chapters from A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" were published. This means that an encouraging word was sometimes more important for the fighters than food.

4) The outstanding Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky, talking about his impressions of Raphael's painting "The Sistine Madonna", said that the hour he spent in front of her belongs to happiest hours his life, and it seemed to him that this picture was born in a moment of miracle.

5) Famous children's writer N. Nosov told an incident that happened to him in childhood. Once he missed the train and stayed overnight at the station square with homeless children. They saw a book in his bag and asked him to read it. Nosov agreed, and the children, deprived of parental warmth, breathlessly began to listen to the story of a lonely old man, mentally comparing his bitter, homeless life with their own fate.

6) When the Nazis besieged Leningrad, the 7th Symphony of Dmitry Shostakovich had a huge impact on the inhabitants of the city. which, as eyewitnesses testify, gave people new strength to fight the enemy.

7) In the history of literature, a lot of evidence has been preserved related to the stage history of the Undergrowth. They say that many noble children, recognizing themselves in the image of the loafer Mitrofanushka, experienced a genuine rebirth: they began to study diligently, read a lot and grew up as worthy sons of their homeland.

8) In Moscow for a long time operated by a gang that was distinguished by particular cruelty. When the criminals were captured, they admitted that their behavior, their attitude to the world was greatly influenced by american film"Natural Born Killers", which they watched almost every day. They tried to copy the habits of the heroes of this picture in real life.

10) In childhood, many of us read the novel by A. Dumas "The Three Musketeers". Athos, Porthos, Aramis, d "Artagnan - these heroes seemed to us the embodiment of nobility and chivalry, and Cardinal Richelieu, their opponent, the personification of deceit and cruelty. But the image of the novel villain bears little resemblance to the real historical personality. After all, it was Richelieu who introduced the words “French”, “homeland”, almost forgotten during the religious wars. He forbade duels, believing that the young, strong men should shed blood not because of petty quarrels, but for the sake of their fatherland. But under the novelist's pen, Richelieu acquired a completely different look, and Dumas' fiction affects the reader much stronger and brighter than historical truth.
