Andrei Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov will meet. Boris Korchevnikov returns to Live

On the program tonight "Live" an unprecedented meeting of the two kings of the ether took place. In one studio - two presenters at once - Andrey Malakhov and Boris Korchevnikov. There has never been such a thing in the history of television ... Boris Korchevnikov, who every evening discussed the most acute and dramatic issues with the whole country, laughed and cried along with the heroes of the program, said goodbye to his audience! He passed the baton to Andrey Malakhov, the legendary presenter, who this summer made a decision and changed his fate. Now it is he who is the host of "Live" on the channel "Russia". This time, Malakhov and Korchevnikov acted as talk show heroes and told the whole truth about themselves. A touching meeting is a topic that excites viewers throughout the country. Tonight on the air - a sensational, frank, touching release of "Live"!

Before the first broadcast, Andrei Malakhov does not hide his excitement: “I feel like a designer who came to a fashion house and must give him some new interesting life. Or a surgeon who must now confirm his qualifications in new country and prove that he can perform operations as well as the most famous doctors."

The theme of the first program was the memories of the hosts about themselves, their childhood, their parents, their first steps on television. So, Andrey brought to the studio a box in which all his things fit when switching from one channel to another. There is a photograph of Nikolai Dmitrievich's father, a picture with a Hedgehog in the fog, glasses for the very first broadcast, an invitation to the 45th anniversary of Philip Kirkorov and many other significant items for the presenter. Malakhov, with tears in his eyes, remembered his father, who passed away at the age of 56. Frankly spoke about his father and Boris Korchevnikov. He met him only at the age of 13, because his father left his mother pregnant and did not participate in his son's life for a long time. “But there is no offense,” the host admits. There was only an eager desire to hear his opinion about me, about my work - after all, for the first years I thought that I was not succeeding, that I did not have the leadership qualities necessary for the host.

The showmen also remembered their first steps on television. It turns out that already in the 1990s, Boris Korchevnikov hosted Tam-Tam Novosti, the Tower program and interviewed Luzhkov himself. And in his youth, he played one of the main roles in the television series "Kadetstvo".

And Andrei Malakhov recalls his first years at Ostankino in this way: “I was 21 years old, and I was practically the son of a regiment. I came to summer practice in the Vremya program and there I started by making coffee for everyone. on "Good Morning" he made coffee and sometimes ran to the tent at night for something stronger for the masters of television.

The hosts also remembered their first meeting. Boris Korchevnikov talks about her like this: “I worked as a reporter and, on the instructions of the editors, went to the Big Wash show. On empty spectator seats, I asked Andrey something, and he said:“ You are doing well, come to us! So Andrey Malakhov remembered another meeting, later, when he met Boris, "bright, spectacular with burning eyes", together with Shnur, with whom they once hosted a program about Russian show business.

Years have passed since the first meeting, and now Boris Korchevnikov passes the baton to Andrei Malakhov on the Rossiya channel. "I'm in new studio programs "live broadcast". This is the place of our meeting, we will take care of ourselves and our loved ones again, "Malakhov promises. What else did Andrei and Boris talk about, who did they meet in the studio, how does Andrei Malakhov's wife Natalya support, and why Boris Korchevnikov is still not married , you can find out in the program "Live".

Channel One continues to remain silent regarding the main news of these days - a possible change in the host of the show "Let them talk" and the closure of the program "Tonight". Meanwhile, the media community is seething, and everyone calls the departure of Andrei Malakhov to the second button a matter already accomplished.


One of the editors of the program "Live" on condition of anonymity said: "Now we are discussing the new design of the studio. The new presenter in the old scenery is somehow not very good. Together with Andrei Malakhov, at least part of his team will go to Russia 1" .

After the "Live" will have a new presenter, the former - Boris Korchevnikov - will be out of work. “I was told that he was very worried. You see, Borya lived his show, climbed out of his skin to make it even better. He never worked carelessly, gave all his best. "TVNZ" . According to him, Korchevnikov was simply killed by this situation.

On the channel "Russia 1" they hope that Malakhov will raise the ratings of "Live" to the level of "Let them talk." Well, he himself, they say, rejoices at the given creative freedom. Salary also plays an important role. According to rumors, on Channel One Andrei was paid about 700 thousand rubles a month. Competitors allegedly offered much more.

The main character of the first issue of the program "Live" with the host Andrey Malakhov on the TV channel "Russia 1" was his colleague Boris Korchevnikov, who shared the story of the fight against a brain tumor.

This story moved Malakhov's wife Natalya Shkuleva to tears.

The guest of the program also spoke about filming in the series "Kadetstvo", FAN reports. As it turned out, his life story is very similar to the story of the hero he played - both grew up without fathers and met them in adulthood.

According to Malakhov, two years ago, Korchevnikov underwent surgery to remove a brain tumor. He told the story of his struggle with the disease to Andrey Malakhov and the guests of the Live broadcast studio. The words of the former host of this program brought Malakhov's pregnant wife to tears. Korchevnikov gave her a bouquet of flowers, hugged and kissed her.

As Korchevnikov himself recalls, he was visited by thoughts of death as soon as he learned about the diagnosis.

“I didn’t know yet what it was, what kind of tumor, growing quickly or slowly. But my very first feeling: that's how many days I have left, they should be devoted to preparing for death, ”recalls Korchevnikov.

The stunning news made Boris look at his life differently. He realized that he devotes a lot of time to urgent matters, forgetting about the most important. As the TV presenter admits to journalists, at that time he had a lot of unfinished business, and he decided to hurry up with their implementation. “I thought that now I can live a full life. 'Cause just when we think we can die, we start living full life”, - Andrei Malakhov’s Starhit magazine quotes Korchevnikov.

But after a thorough examination, it turned out that the tumor on the auditory nerve of the TV presenter was benign. And in order to cope with the disease, he needs surgery. In the middle of summer, Boris had to lie down on the operating table.%

“Any person who has ever had a craniotomy knows what it is like when a few days after the operation your vestibular apparatus is broken and it is impossible to walk,” the actor recalls. “But this state of impotence, monstrous weakness - it is very useful for understanding the main things in life.”

Now Korchevnikov feels well. He continues to be observed in the clinic and believes that for a complete recovery it is necessary that a little time just passes.

In addition, it turned out that Malakhov will appear on the air of "Russia 1" and on August 26 - in the program "Saturday Evening".

Earlier, Maxim Galkin ridiculed an open letter from his colleague Andrei Malakhov to the CEO of Channel One Konstantin Ernst, which was published on the website of his StarHit magazine. The corresponding video is posted on Galkin's Instagram page.

"Let them talk! Special issue - 2. Yesterday Andrei Malakhov wrote an open letter, where he generously said goodbye to all the employees of Ostankino, ”the comedian wrote in the description of the video.

In this clip, Galkin appeared in two images - himself and an old woman. The heroes are discussing Malakhov's open letter and his transition from Channel One to Russia 1.

Galkin tells the old woman that the shooting of the program “Live” takes place at the Gorky film studio, which is located a ten-minute walk from the Ostankino television center, and if Malakhov is so bored, then he can “at least go kissing with them every day, with common workers.

“I must tell Andryusha, he doesn’t know,” the old woman replies. This is where the sketch ends.

Information that the host of the talk show “Let them talk” Andrey Malakhov will soon leave Channel One appeared about a month ago.

Some time later, Maxim Galkin jokingly commented on the rumors about the then alleged transition of Malakhov from Channel One to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, comparing him with one of the characters in Leonid Gaidai's film "Prisoner of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures."

“Well, they paid more dough - go yourself! He reminds me of the hero Vitsin in The Prisoner of the Caucasus. Remember how he was sausage between Morgunov and Nikulin?” Galkin wrote on his Instagram account.

Then Galkin suggested that the reason for the transition of Malakhov was not the decision to go to maternity leave as reported by the media as a financial benefit.

Malakhov answered this statement to a colleague in his open letter.

“Max, everyone says that I repeat your television fate. I will say more, as a teenager, I, a novice fan of Alla Borisovna, also dreamed of repeating your personal fate ... And one more thing. I didn’t comment on your recent video with the castle in the background, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you might guess, would have happened nine years ago, ”Malakhov said.

Also, the TV presenter addressed with words of gratitude to his former boss- General Producer of Channel One Konstantin Ernst.

“45 years is an important milestone in the life of a man, 25 of them I gave to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for all that you have done, for the experience that you have passed on to me, for amazing journey along the television road of life that we went through together, ”the text of the appeal says.

He also remembered his successor, news anchor Dmitry Borisov, who will now become the new face of the Let Them Talk talk show.

“Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I'm sure you'll succeed!" Malakhov encouraged Borisov.

The TV presenter thanked all his colleagues from other TV programs and departments of the channel, and also turned to Elena Malysheva, who first called him after learning the news about Malakhov's departure from the First.

“We need to develop, as a producer of your own program, you understand this better than others. And if along the way I pushed you to new theme ether called “The first manifestations of male menopause” is also not bad, ”Malakhov joked.

Malakhov remembered that he came to the First in the “pre-digital era”, and said that he would lead new program on "Russia 1". In an interview with, he said that it would be called “Andrey Malakhov. Live". By the way, in his video, Galkin also drew attention to the fact that the program with the same name "is on record."

Exactly a year ago, the current host of the talk show "Live" Andrey Malakhov first appeared in the studio of the program together with Boris Korchevnikov. "I feel fashion designer, who came to the fashion house and should bring something new, ”the ex-leader of“ Let them talk ”said then. Today, a year later, Boris is returning to Live again. What was this year like in his life? Together with him, the program will discuss the heroes of past episodes - how did their fate turn out? See issue talk show Andrew Malakhov. Live - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "Live" 08/24/2018

Boris Korchevnikov, a year after leaving Live, returns to the program again. How was his last television year? What shocking confessions and revelations were told to him by movie, pop and television stars in the program "The Fate of a Man"? In addition, Korchevnikov became CEO Orthodox TV channel"Spas", where he managed to bring a new breath. In Andrey Malakhov's studio, the most bright participants episodes of the 2017-2018 season - what was their fate after the live broadcast?

Boris Korchevnikov: "The more you give, the more you will be replenished."

Live - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "Live"

Sincere declarations of love, tearful pleas for forgiveness, exclusive candid interviews, which the whole country began to talk about, as well as unprecedented life upheavals, radically changed the fate of people who found their relatives and friends through the program "Live" - ​​you will see all this in this issue. Thanks to an incredible editorial and production team, the talk show has managed to reach great heights and well-deserved victories. The release of the program with Andrei Malakhov - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "Live".

On this broadcast you will see: nostalgia for the past and grandiose plans for the future. And again, like a year ago, they rise together to the “Live” studio - this time to sum up the season of two programs at once: “Live” and “The Fate of a Man”. The audience in the hall greets the presenters with thunderous applause!

Boris Korchevnikov, the former host of the live talk show, and now the host of the Fate of a Man program and the general director of the Orthodox TV channel Spas, appears in the studio a year after his departure. In the same joint issue with Andrey Malakhov (August 2017), he spoke frankly about his health problems and personal life. How was this year in his life? Is it really true: Boris Korchevnikov returns to "Live"?

Boris Korchevnikov - about the new position, the fate of a person and "Live":

“I can't believe I'm back in this studio again. Our joint release with Andrey was amazing and very bright. Every time I come home from work, my mother starts discussing with me the last issue of Live with Malakhov.

- I, like you, Andrey, have seen so many human destinies this year, so many other people's troubles. And happiness, of course, too. I saw you with your wife Natasha here in this studio. It was the start of a new life for both of you... such a strong new beginning!

Andrei Malakhov:

- When my wife Natasha heard your story, Boris, she was so imbued with it that even when she came to church, she wrote a note on health, where she indicated your name.

How is the personal life of Boris Korchevnikov? A similar question was asked to the presenter more than once by the stars invited to his program “The Fate of a Man”. And one of the first who showed interest in this topic was the actress Anna Kovalchuk.

Boris Korchevnikov:

- For me, Anya was a discovery ... She amazing person and a wonderful mother. After that release of the program “The Fate of a Man” with her participation, I invited her to the Spas TV channel, where very soon she will read fairy tales to children in one of our television projects.

The life of stars and heroes after participating in "Live" with Andrei Malakhov. Boris Korchevnikov and "The Fate of Man".

In this issue of the talk show Andrey Malakhov. Live - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "Live": you will see the ex-host of the program, as well as show business stars and heroes of past releases, whose life has changed dramatically over Last year. Dmitry Pevtsov, Irina Bezrukova, Ekaterina Shavrina, Ekaterina Gradova, Maria Aronova and many others - they all became the heroes of the "Fate of a Man" program with Boris Korchevnikov, where they spoke frankly about their lives. Today we will discuss each of them.

Also on the air of the program you will see footage from past episodes of the talk show "Live": and its exclusive interview after the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, the former will frankly tell the whole truth, Olga Buzova and her dizzying success, an actress and a meeting with her sister, Maria Maksakova about Denis Voronenkov, Sergey Semyonov, and others.

See online edition programs Live with Andrei Malakhov - Boris Korchevnikov returns to "Live", aired on August 24, 2018 (08/24/2018).

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On Friday, August 25, Russia 1 TV channel showed special issue program “Andrey Malakhov. Live”, in which Boris Korchevnikov handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov. The well-known TV journalist and editor-in-chief of the StarHit project has become the new host of the federal channel's talk show, which is expected to change. On the air of the program, colleagues in the workshop talked about work and touched on personal topics.

“I decided that the program should be about Boris, Boris decided that the program should be about me, so today we have a Frank Conversation between Korchevnikov and Malakhov,” Andrey said at the beginning of the broadcast.

Malakhov allowed the former host of the program to look into his box of personal belongings, which contained a portrait of his father Nikolai Dmitrievich. “The look of dad, smiling, optimistic, he is always with me,” said the TV journalist. However, Korchevnikov's relationship with his father was not always smooth, as he talked about in one of the episodes of "Live".

Andrey Malakhov also showed his rare glasses, which he got thanks to the presenter morning air Elena Mironova. “They are like a memory of a person who has done good,” the presenter explained and gave a colleague to try on the thing.

The program also talked a lot about how Boris Korchevnikov began his journey. It turns out that the TV journalist led programs as a child. Once he interviewed Yuri Luzhkov in the Tam-Tam Novosti program, and years later he played in the TV series Kadetstvo and went on air in the program History Russian show business with Sergei Shnurov. At the same time, Andrey Malakhov's career started when he was 21 years old.

From memories of the past moved on to recent events. Boris Korchevnikov spoke about one of the most dramatic moments of the program "Live". In July 2016, the presenter announced to the heroine that her son had stabbed his children and wife, and then committed suicide. Now this woman is raising the only granddaughter left alive. “We can’t do it without each other,” she said.

"Behind long years work, I feel that we are responsible for our heroes. I understand how relieved you felt. I see Olya Orlova in the hall, thank you for coming ... The story of Zhanna and her dad, who does not see his grandson, is an unhealed wound on my heart, ”continued the conversation Andrei Malakhov.

Vladimir Borisovich Friske could not come to the shooting, but wished to speak on the air of the program. “Over the years of my daughter’s illness, you have become like family to me. You knew my whole story and you all know the truth. The truth is one. You are like family to me, like members of my family ... Borenka, I especially treat you, wherever we are, we corresponded with you. I know that you have a bad disease…” – said the man in a video message. He also stated that he still cannot see his grandson Plato. The hosts thanked Vladimir Borisovich for his sincere words.

Relatives of Andrei Malakhov also appeared in the studio of the program, who came to rejoice for him. Boris Korchevnikov congratulated his colleague's wife Natalya Shkuleva on the upcoming addition to the family, who, in turn, wished the presenter good luck. “Do you often hear words of encouragement from her?” he asked Malakhov. "Certainly. Considering that I spend a lot of time at work, so Natasha supports me with her MMS, funny pictures... And not only me, but all my friends know that subscribing to Natasha's mailing list is a separate pleasure," Andrey replied.

Boris Korchevnikov said that he had not yet had children. “My mother would dream of being at my wedding and saying some words, she would dream of seeing her grandchildren ... Well, now I can put you as an example to her. I am 35 years old, and Andrei got married at 39. So all is not lost, ”said the presenter.

Nevertheless, as it turned out, the man was married, but broke up with his chosen one Anna-Cecile Sverdlova. “We didn’t have a family ...” Boris explained. Then he remembered how he met his former lover.

“Then I just started going to church, and I saw Anya there. We were together for seven or eight years, which, of course, is a lot for not making a move. But all the time there were some circumstances that prevented this step from being taken. Now I already understand that a different script has been written for me and for her. We shouldn't be together. But at the same time, this person probably did a lot for me to bring me closer to God, ”the presenter shared.

Korchevnikov also added that Sverdlova's childhood was quite unusual. Her parents didn't turn on the TV until she was seven years old. “I probably never met such people in my life. (…) It made her a very special and crystal clear person. I was very lucky that I was with her, but the fact that the family did not work out is not important. She set the bar for me. Now I appreciate it in every woman most of all - purity and fidelity, ”said the man.

Boris asked a colleague why he started a family so late. Andrey Malakhov explained that he devoted himself to work.

“Television does not give you the opportunity to think, to stop. Everything is very fast, you are always between broadcasts. If you give yourself to the profession, this is in the first place. But if you ask the Universe for something, pray, then sooner or later…” he shared.

On the air of the program, Boris Korchevnikov also spoke about how he came to God. In his youth, a girl he knew advised him to go to the relics of the Matrona of Moscow. That trip changed the attitude of the presenter. According to Boris, he remembers the moment when, like a huge spotlight, illuminated his life. “There was the truth about everything, about who I am,” the man said.

Korchevnikov added that he considers working on television not a sin, but a tool. "For me, every person ( we are talking about the heroes of the program - Note) was like an icon, I tried to love him, he was like family to me, ”he said. Interestingly, a year ago, Boris Korchevnikov and Andrei Malakhov were together in the service in the Kremlin and took communion with the patriarch. The men remembered the memorable meeting on the air of the program.

“He (the Patriarch – Approx.) said that the glory we have and the opportunity to reach out to millions of people is a gift from God. And if we turn it to help people, then we will cover a lot of sins and be happy, ”shared the former host of Live.

Andrei Malakhov noted that Boris Korchevnikov has great courage. Two years ago, the host of a popular program spoke openly about his diagnosis. Then he was diagnosed with a benign tumor, and the man had to undergo surgery.

“Then it turned out that this is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. That this tumor is many years old, and I lived with it. It is very rare, they say, it is one in a hundred thousand. And it's not the brain, it's in the head. I had a trepanation on the advice of doctors. Then we already found out that they live with her and she could not be removed. (...) It cannot be said that the operation was successful. There were very serious consequences. Often people after such an operation get up on their feet, sometimes after three days, sometimes after a week. I was rocking for three weeks, ”said Boris.

Korchevnikov denied rumors that he fought with cancer. The presenter noted that there is a lot of distorted information in the media about his condition.

“What happened to me is not cancer. Not oncology. Of course, there were many exaggerations in this regard. in the press, especially last days. Lots of lies. But this is a disease that made me, an adult man who has always been involved in sports, was successful in his profession, for the first time in his life made me feel like nothing - weak, infirm, ”he said.

According to the presenter, this realization truly changed his life. “How naive and stupid we are when we think that we ourselves can do something. That we have strength. (…) And only the miracle of God keeps us strong and healthy. One breath and we are all. We can't do anything in life. I felt it very keenly in the hospital,” Boris explained.

After a break for commercials, Andrey Malakhov said that in the studio, the programs would continue to fight for the heroes and save them. The TV journalist remembered the singer Yevgeny Osin, who was talked about on Live. The artist, suffering from alcoholism, went to Thailand for treatment, where Dana Borisova is now. The blonde recorded a video message to the presenters, noting that she was fine.

Mom Dana Borisova Ekaterina, who was among the guests of the program, thanked Andrei Malakhov for the prompt intervention in the fate of her daughter. “Four days ago, she told me: “Mom, I know that you did everything right. You are a good person for coming to this show. Only you helped, and only you saved, ”said the parent of the star.

At the end of the program, Boris Korchevnikov announced that he was not saying goodbye to Russia 1. The presenter, who headed the Orthodox channel Spas, is also preparing to launch a new show.

“Very soon we will meet on the air of the Rossiya channel in a project whose name I will not disclose yet. Very soon. Therefore, I personally do not say goodbye, ”said Korchevnikov.
