Draw a picture on the theme of spring. How to draw a beautiful spring landscape of nature with a pencil and paints in stages for beginners? How to draw a light spring landscape with a pencil for beginners? How to paint a spring landscape with oil paints

In order for the child to better understand the world in which he lives, at home, in preschool and school institutions, they study the seasons, their names, months, their order.

Each season has its own and kids like to draw each of them. To help a child depict spring, you need to view ready-made pictures drawn for children. So the child will understand what should be given attention.

How can you draw spring for children?

It should be explained to the kids that spring is a time of bright colors and unbridled imagination. Which you need to give free rein and draw a masterpiece. Smaller children who do not yet know what different artistic techniques you can try to draw the simplest and most uncomplicated drawings of spring. For example, yellow dandelions on the green lawn.

When we draw spring with children in stages, we can depict various signs of this season familiar to the child - starlings that have flown in a birdhouse, running streams, the remains of melting snow, the first leaves and snowdrops. Everything that fantasy tells young artist, can be embodied on a piece of paper.

How to draw spring with paints?

Small children can draw with paints, and more experienced artists. Toddlers are more suitable for working with watercolors or gouache, although various materials can be used.

Before you start painting, you should draw a sketch with a simple pencil. All lines are drawn without pressure, so that if necessary, you can correct the image without compromising the drawing.

Colors can be applied directly from the tube or mixed to create desired color in the palette, and also dilute with a little water to have a soft pastel shade.

After one color is applied, it is necessary to wait for it to dry completely, and only then proceed to the next shade so that the colors do not smudge, especially for small details.

When we draw spring with children, the memory and attention of the child are trained. He remembers what colors certain objects and plants have, their names. Children with well developed artistic ability can draw such landscapes that it is just right to decorate the walls in the room or give them as a souvenir to friends, setting them in

Together with spring, inspiration, bright hopes and expectations come to us. However, not only adults are looking forward to this wonderful time of the year - no less than their parents, children rejoice at the first sunny days and watch with surprise the awakening of nature. Green leaves, blooming gardens and the singing of birds returning to their native lands - what is not a reason for Have a good mood and, of course, creativity.

It's time to "arm yourself" with pencils and paints, and in between walks or on a rainy day, draw the spring landscapes you see, the first flowers, or something like that.

Today we will bring to your attention a few ideas on how to draw a spring landscape for children in stages.

Example 1

At first glance, it may seem that, without having artistic skills and a rich imagination, drawing spring landscapes is not an easy task. But it only seems, and you will see for yourself if you start with simple drawings the first - flowers.

For example, with lilies of the valley.

Example 2

For many of us, this beautiful time is associated with blue skies and flowering trees. And this is another great idea for joint creativity with children. Let's not waste time and try to draw a branch blossoming apple tree on a blue background.

So, in fact, we figured out how to draw spring in stages with paints, as you can see, it turned out to be not so difficult.

Spring is one of the most charming times of the year. Spring pleases people with warm weather, bright sunny days and first flowers. Paint spring landscape incredibly interesting and quite simple. This will require:
1. watercolor paints;
2. a jar of water;
3. round brushes (kolinsky No. 1 and synthetics No. 7);
4. paper;
5. eraser;
6. gel pen black and mechanical pencil;

If all the right tools prepared, you can start drawing:
1. Draw birch trunks;
2. Draw a horizon line and a small river;
3. Draw a log that is thrown across the river. Then depict a tree trunk that is located in the distance, as well as a willow bush growing on the shore;
4. Draw branches on the trees. Draw a small Christmas tree growing near the birches. Draw the outlines of trees on the horizon;
5. Outline the sketch with a pen. Draw sprouts on the willow, as well as thawed patches on the ground;
6. Erase the preliminary drawing with an eraser;
7. Highly diluted with blue paint, paint over the sky. Paint the trees on the horizon with emerald green paint;
8. Color the trees. Paint thin branches with brush No. 1, and trunks with brush No. 7;
9. Paint the river with blue paint, and where the log lies - brown;
10. Paint the Christmas tree with dark green paint, and the thawed areas with light green and light brown. Paint over the snowdrifts a little with blue paint highly diluted with water;
11. Paint the willow branches brown and yellow.
Wait for the painting to dry completely. The spring landscape is ready. Such a picture can be painted not only with watercolors, but also with colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Nature - best artist. When you look at the spring landscape, you are surprised at the richness of its colors, the subtlety of color combinations and the huge variety of shades. Many have a desire to reflect what they saw on a snow-white sheet of paper.

The easiest option is to draw spring in stages.

For beginners this The best way create a full-fledged spring landscape, not much different from the work of real masters. Even children can draw a drawing on the theme of "Spring" if they follow the consistent instructions of an adult.

First you will need to draw spring with a pencil. We make a simple sketch in the form of a lawn on which a couple of tall trees grow, a shrub, and a forest is visible on the horizon. The picture is joined together by a narrow river that flows throughout the entire space of the paper sheet, from one corner to another. We leave most of the sheet free to show the bottomless spring sky.

Drawing "spring" with a pencil

Now we arm ourselves with a wide flat brush and wet the entire leaf with clean water.

We cover the sky with a gentle shade of blue.

We paint the lawn in a pale green-brown color, the rivulet in dark blue.

To convey the play of river water, we darken some areas, lighten others. The places of blackout should coincide with the location of the trees - this is how we will reflect their shadow.

The forest on the horizon is painted dark green.

We make its contours vague, but in some places we darken them a lot. With a lighter shade of green, paint the shrub on foreground.

We cover tree trunks with pale gray paint, thickening it from one side.

We draw the foreground of the forest in different shades of green.

We make the trees larger along the edges than in the center. We get a perspective effect.

We turn trees into birches by drawing black lentils on the trunks.

The branches are dark grey. At the foot of the trees we plant pale blue forest flowers. Gradually our landscape becomes recognizable.

We plant the same flowers on the other side of the river. And we turn the bush that was in the foreground into a bunch of snowdrops.

We help to bloom the leaves on the branches of trees.

And draw all the small details with a pencil.

Well, we learned how to draw!

Drawing on the theme "Spring"

For children, the process of creating such a landscape will be interesting because one task is replaced by another task here, the work does not look monotonous and boring. And adults will certainly be interested in the achieved result - such a picture can be safely hung on the wall, it will decorate any home.

By changing the details and shades of flowers, you can change the pattern, revealing different looks of spring.

Drawing spring (photo from the Internet)

Gouache drawing "early spring". This drawing depicts a spring forest in early spring, the melting of snow, the first streams and the first snowdrops.

Gouache drawing "early spring"

Drawing "Snow melting"

Drawing " Early spring In the woods"

Drawing "Spring, drops, willow and flowers"

Drawing "Sun, stream and rose bushes"

Spring drawing "Easter egg"

Drawing "spring" video master classes

Watch how to draw spring with gouache on the video:

Drawing gentle spring with a bird on a branch (video):

Drawing "spring" with the sun and a willow:

Spring brings awakening into our lives. Everything around comes to life and is filled with the bright energy of the sun. How to draw spring with a pencil and paints will be discussed in this article.

Features of spring landscapes

The great masters of the past and present portrayed the spring as young, sunny and energetic. In their canvases, they used a variety of techniques and techniques. IN watercolor technique painting with paints on wet paper looks especially natural and realistic, allowing you to convey smooth transitions of shades. The artists also preferred oil to create their works. Consider various ways spring drawing in more detail.

Draw spring with a pencil

For work, you can use any picture or photograph. If you wish, you can go to nature by choosing a suitable place for drawing.

Image of a spring landscape in watercolors

You can paint with watercolors not only on white, but also on colored paper. But we must remember that paper in this type of painting plays the role of white paint.

We move smoothly from one tone to another, creating a single and complete picture.

How to paint spring in oils

Oil paints are thick and rich. But precisely because of these properties, skillful painters at all times created outstanding works of art. Oil painting requires certain skills and experience.

How to draw spring while working oil paints:

Spring always inspires a person to be creative, helping to depict the freshness of renewal and the novelty of nascent nature. To understand how to draw spring, you need to learn how to observe nature and not be afraid to experiment.
