Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible wall. The meaning of the icon "Indestructible Wall", where to hang it and how to pray

Since ancient times the image Holy Mother of God was considered miraculous, having the ability to help those who came to him with repentance, to ask for forgiveness and blessings from the Queen of Heaven. One of the most famous icons with a face of the Blessed Virgin is the icon "Indestructible Wall" - the protector of all those who ask, able to protect the believer and his loved ones from any adversity.

History of the icon

miraculous image Mother of God located in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. According to ancient chronicles, it was created by order of Yaroslav the Wise, who began the construction of Hagia Sophia in 1034. The prototype of the icon is the famous Oranta kept in Constantinople. In accordance with the testimony of ancient historians, one of the copies of Oranta was brought to Kyiv just at the time of the construction of the temple, and the icon painters were instructed to create a list from it.

In turn, several lists of the icon were made. The most famous of them is located in the Resurrection-Mironositsky Monastery near the village of Nikolskoye (Astrakhan region). Throughout Soviet era, known for its intolerance towards the church, it was kept by one of the parishioners, and only at the end of the 20th century appeared before the believers.

Today, lists from the miraculous image can be seen in other cities - Moscow, Kaliningrad, Stavropol.

Description and meaning

For nine centuries, the shrine has adorned the central altar apse of St. Sophia Cathedral. The height of the figure of the Mother of God is approximately 6 meters. It was made using the mosaic technique: craftsmen pressed pieces of smalt, a vitreous translucent mass, into a still damp layer of plaster. When creating the icon, 177 shades of color were used.

Icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall" meaning displays the following:

The name of the icon was given by the words from the akathist, which sings of the Mother of God and calls her an indestructible wall, which will be salvation for believers. The image of the Blessed Virgin "The Indestructible Wall" is considered miraculous, full of divine power, because, despite numerous attacks on the temple and the fact that Kiev was repeatedly subjected to devastating raids and robberies, despite natural disasters, epidemics and wars, none of the disasters touched bright face, he remained impregnable.

There is also an ancient belief, which means the “Indestructible Wall” icon, according to which nothing threatens the city over the Dnieper until the Queen of Heaven stretches out her hands in prayer over it.

Who will help

Today, as before, thousands of believers flock to ancient city to go under the arches of St. Sophia of Kyiv and see a miracle with your own eyes, ask for help and protection.

Knowledge about the meaning of the “Indestructible Wall” icon and how it helps allows you to pray in front of the holy image of the Mother of God in the following cases:

  1. Before a long trip, you need to pray shortly before leaving the house. With this prayer, the believer asks to protect the home from evil during his absence.
  2. If the relatives of the praying person need protection from any trouble.
  3. When a misfortune happened in the house or one of the relatives fell seriously ill, it is necessary to pray to the Mother of God in solitude, kneeling in front of the icon. You need to read a prayer, as prescribed by the canons of the church, and then ask the Blessed Virgin for protection from troubles and ailments in your own words.
  4. With marital quarrels and the desire to strengthen and preserve the family, a prayer is also read first, and then a request for protection at home follows.
  5. When a person became a victim of slander.
  6. With the threat of wars and conflicts.

It is important to remember that the icon helps only those who sincerely believe, therefore, before turning to the Blessed Virgin, you should repent of your sins, cleanse your soul from evil, and your mind from dark thoughts. Prayer should come from the heart, and not be some kind of convention or a tribute to fashion.

One should firmly remember the canonical text of the two prayers addressed to the image of the Blessed Virgin. Their translation into modern language sounds something like this: “Blessed Virgin, be merciful to us, heal the sick, give consolation to the mourners, and give faith to the lost. Help save children, educate the young, encourage women and men, support and warm the old. Deliver us from troubles, torment and sorrow. We will forever sing of your motherly love and give praise to your Son and Father in heaven, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

Location selection

Those wishing to turn to the Defender are best to go to the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral or to any city where one of the lists of the icon is kept. If this is not possible, you need to buy an image, and then ask yourself where to hang the “Indestructible Wall” icon.

The best place for her is in the house, directly opposite the entrance or above the door: from there the Blessed Virgin will be able to watch everyone who enters the house. It is believed that a person who comes with malicious intent will become uncomfortable under her all-seeing gaze, and he will try to shorten the time of his visit, and next time he is unlikely to want to cross the threshold of the dwelling. Before hanging the icon, it is necessary to read a prayer and ask the Mother of God for intercession.

There should not be any extraneous things next to the image of the Defender, you can not hang the icon in the corner or next to any household appliances: TV, computer. It is also undesirable to place the “Impenetrable Wall” icon in the home iconostasis, where it will be visible only to those who pray: the Holy Face can protect only if the eyes of everyone who enters the house meet Her eyes, capable of guessing secret human thoughts.

Can you give to someone else?

Protect your loved ones or friends from troubles, help to establish family life, save from illnesses and bring peace and happiness to their home by giving an icon with miraculous power - a desire quite natural for a believer. But can it be done? Is it necessary to wait for any occasion (holiday, birthday, wedding) for this, or can a gift be made on any chosen day?

The Church does not object to offerings of this kind, moreover, it believes that it is possible and necessary to give icons when a person especially needs the support and protection of higher powers. But there are several conditions, without which the gift can lose its miraculous power and even cause misfortune.

This will not happen if:

In all other cases, the "Indestructible Wall" will be the best gift for relatives, a talisman against evil and disease, protection and support that helps to survive adversity.

Since ancient times, people need protection and help, so they turn to the Higher powers and do it using shrines. The “Indestructible Wall” icon is of great importance, so you need to know what it helps with. This image is also called "The Goalkeeper". This image is known as the “Oranta-Defender”, which for a huge amount of time cannot be destroyed by natural disasters, wars and other troubles.

Before understanding the meaning of the icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall", let's consider what exactly is depicted on it. The Mother of God is represented in blue clothes, which symbolizes the sky, and she stands on a stone of gold, which has the shape of a quadrangle. Behind the belt of the Mother of God is a scarf with which she wipes the tears of grieving people. It is surrounded by gold - a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Another one important detail- The Virgin raises her hands up, which personifies intercession before.

The meaning of the icon of the Virgin "Indestructible wall"

It is believed that the name of the icon is due to the fact that the well-known Kiev icon of the Mother of God, made of mosaic, has not been damaged in any way for several centuries, which has become a symbol of strength and resistance to adversity. Since then, people believe that it is the "Indestructible Wall" that protects them from the elements, enemies and other negativity. People turn to the icon to be healed of both bodily and mental ailments.

The Mother of God protects people from various misfortunes, curses and attacks of enemies. It is believed that the Higher Forces are a wall that repels negativity. It is important to know not only the meaning of the “Indestructible Wall” icon, but also where exactly it is better to hang it. The best place for the image is considered a wall located opposite front door. Another ideal place for this icon is above the front door. This is important so that the Mother of God observes every person who enters the house. In the event that the guest has bad thoughts, then he will have an awkward feeling and a desire to leave the room as soon as possible. You can hang the icon in a specially designated place - the iconostasis. before the image is recommended if you have to leave home for a long time. It is important that there are no foreign objects near the image. You can not place the face of the Virgin in the corner, as well as next to the TV and any other equipment.

The prayer to the Mother of God in front of the icon "Indestructible Wall" sounds like this:

“Mistress Immaculate, not for nothing called the “Indestructible Wall”, be an obstacle to all those who plot enmity and evil against me, my loved ones and my home. Become an indestructible fortress for us, protecting us and our home from all sorts of troubles and difficult circumstances. Amen".



I want to introduce you to an interesting icon that is in Astrakhan region, Nikolskoye village, Enotaevsky district.

This is the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "INDESTROYABLE WALL". The icon is myrrh-streaming, praying, with its own history.

Below is a photo of the temple and interior decoration him, as well as the icon itself, which is in the temple. And the next photo of the icon is on a postcard, which I bought when I went to the pilgrimage in this temple.

How the icon will protect you and your loved ones

The icon of the Mother of God "The Indestructible Wall", whose name is taken from an ancient prayer, where the Mother of God herself is called the "Indestructible Wall", in the mosaic image stood undamaged and untouched by time for eight centuries. Hence the name of the icon. This image will protect against natural disasters, attacks by enemies and forces, which are popularly called unclean.

In the house, this icon is hung right in front of the door leading to the house. Thus, the face of the Mother of God is turned to the incoming person, and if a person crosses the threshold with unkind thoughts, he will feel uncomfortable, awkward, and in some cases will try to shorten the visit. Also, this image in the house will protect from evil spells, diseases, other troubles and unwanted events.

Prayer in front of the icon will protect the house from any unwanted intrusion if you leave it on for a long time- For example, you go on vacation or a long business trip. True, you need to pray about this every day, reading one of the generally accepted prayers, and then ask the Mother of God in your own words to take your home under her protection, under Her protection, which She holds in her hands, as can be seen on the icon.

What does the icon help with?

Prayer in front of the “Indestructible Wall” icon, which has long been revered as miraculous, is considered healing - it helps from diseases, mental and bodily. Prayer also helps in protection from all misfortunes: invasions of enemy forces into the country, into the city, into every house, from epidemics, etc.

From the icon “Indestructible Wall” placed in the house and revered in it, through the prayers of the Mother of God in front of her, comes help when visiting unwanted people, protection from those who wish to harm the owners in one way or another. Prayer helps to prevent any evil action, because the image of the “Indestructible Wall”, whose name speaks for itself, helps in asking the Queen of Heaven for Her prayerful intercession. The Mother of God with her holy cover guards the place that we ask you to protect.

Prayers before this icon are resorted to with a request to help with the threat of floods, fires, droughts and other natural disasters.

How to pray in front of an icon

Prayer one

Preblagaya my queen, my hope, the Mother of God, friend of orphans and strange Representatives, grieving Joy, offended Patron! See my trouble, see my sorrow; help me like a weak one, feed me like a strange one. I’ll offend my weight, resolve it, as if you will: as if I don’t have another help for You, or another intercessor, or a good comforter, only You, O Bogomati, as if you save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

Oh, grace-filled Lady of Our Lady, Ever-Virgin, accept from us this thankful laudatory singing and offer to the Creator and Builder our warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, bad deeds. O Most Holy Lady, have mercy and send down a gift according to every need: heal the sick, console the grieving, enlighten the erring, protect babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and wives, support and warm the old, wake us both here and in life eternal Wall Indestructible, deliver from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, but always singing Your motherly love We praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

Now diligently to the Theotokos, sinners and humility, and we fall down, in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away Your servants of vanity, You and the only hope of the imam.

Another Troparion, Tone 4

Like an indestructible wall and an all-powerful cover with a banner of Thee, Thy servants, the Lady of the Mother of God, driving away the darkness of sins and sorrows. The same cry to Thee: give peace to the world and grant light and salvation to our souls.

When is the celebration

The celebration in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the "Indestructible Wall", takes place on the Sunday of All Saints (the first Sunday after the Trinity).

Events from the history of the icon

It's already eight more than centuries in the main altar of the Kiev Sophia Cathedral, under its vault, there is a mosaic image of the Mother of God. The iconographic type of the image is Oranta, where the Most Pure One is depicted with her hands raised in the sky, sometimes there is a cover on Her hands. Russian spiritual 19th writer century, poet, playwright, church and public figure, traveler and pilgrim A.N. Muravyov1, gives a stunning description of this image. This is a tall image of the Mother of God in full height, where the Queen of Heaven stands against the background of a golden field on a golden stone, on her head there is a golden cover that hangs on her left shoulder, a chiton on her is of bright heavenly color, handrails are a detail that is tied at the wrists, soft blue - azure. Stars are burning on the forehead and shoulders, which are precisely so located on all images of the Mother of God. This image is called "The Unbreakable Wall" because it is unique long time preserved not subject to any, even the smallest, destruction.

The icon of Our Lady Blachernitissa, placed on the altar wall of the Blachernae Church in Constantinople, became the initial image for the creation of this amazing monumental image that makes an indelible impression.

According to legend, the icon of the Mother of God, called the "Indestructible Wall", became famous for the vision of the elder Gabriel of the Savior-Eleazar desert. He saw in front of him on a hill a wonderful city, where he had to go, a wide, gentle road led to the city, along which it was very easy to go. Many people went up this road, not noticing that a huge, terrible giant hung over them, throwing a net over those who were walking and seizing it for himself. The old man wondered how he could get through great city and not get caught in the giant's net. Suddenly, from the side, he noticed an inconspicuous, steeper path, rising along a sky-high wall to the city. Rare travelers walked along this path, the giant tried to throw a net over them, but it hit the wall and returned to him empty. Then the words from the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos surfaced in the elder’s head: “Rejoice, Indestructible Wall of the Kingdom ...”, realizing whose strength protects travelers on this path, the elder turned onto this path. The net with a whistle flew over his head, but never even hit him, thrown back by the wall erected by the Mother of God. He reached the city, and there... beauty, light, flowers, fragrance, all in reverence and joy... He reached the Throne of the Great King. But how could he have been here if the Unbreakable Wall had not protected him?

The Mother of God, fulfilling Her vow given at the hour of the Assumption: “I am with you - all the days,” always comes to the rescue through sincere prayer to Her before any of Her images. Through prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God “The Indestructible Wall”, healings from indistinguishable (by human standards) diseases took place, families that were on the verge of destruction were preserved, long-lost people were found, and many, many more cases of Her miraculous help occurred, the main thing is that the prayer be sincere and a heart open to faith.

"She could be forgotten..."

The half-length copy of the “Indestructible Wall” icon, made from the Kyiv image, was unknown for a long time, the icon was rediscovered only in the 20th century. In 1972 in Nikolskoye village, Astrakhan Archpriest Pavel Ryabykh came to the region, who later accepted the schema and became known as Schema Paisius. Despite the difficult times for Orthodoxy, he began the restoration of the Church of the Nativity, collecting icons from the courtyards. So here from the neighboring village of Zlatozubovka, where the remains of the Resurrection-Mironositsky Monastery destroyed during the Soviet era, the image of the “Indestructible Wall” was transferred. She, one of the few that managed to be saved from vandalism, fairly damaged - the gilding was torn off from it, the painting layer was damaged - the pious villager Maria Anshakova preserved and brought it to the church in the village of Nikolsky. All this time, while the image was at her house, she prayed before him.

The icon has been in the temple for over 30 years. Dilapidated and blackened, hanging in the far inconspicuous corner of the church, it could have been forgotten, but in 2001, Agrippina Yakovlevna Eremeeva, a resident of the neighboring village of Solenoye Zaimishche, very old age, who earnestly prayed that the Mother of God would save her from visual impairment (according to the testimony, even then A.Ya. Eremeeva was 95 years old!), Saw a special dream. In it, the Most Pure One appeared to her and told her to go to Her image of the “Indestructible Wall”, which is located in the Nativity Church of the village of Nikolskoye. Grandmother Agrippina told the local priest Fr. Alexandra and went there on the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The icon was found and restored. During the restoration of the inscription on the back wall of the board, it was revealed that it was written for the monastery. After archival searches it turned out that in fact the icon was from the Resurrection-Mironositsky monastery, and it got there when in 1906 the holy righteous Metropolitan John of Kronstadt came to the monastery: in the materials of the archives there was a photograph where this icon was located on the iconostasis of the chapel dedicated to St. John of Rylsky - heavenly patron Fr. John. St. John of Kronstadt consecrated the icon, which, perhaps, was the reason for the miraculous properties of the image that were discovered later, which can be read about in the section “What a miracle happened.”


1 A.N. Muravyov (1806 - 1874) - the son of General Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyov-Karssky, also a traveler, viceroy of the Russian throne in the Caucasus (the second surname was given to him as a difference from other Muravyovs for the victory over the Turks at Kars). Also known is the fact of friendship between A.N. Muravyov with Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov) and many spiritual philosophers and educators of the 19th century.

The meaning of the icon

"Indestructible wall" - this is how the Blessed Virgin is called in one of the kontakions of Her Akathist to this icon. This image, after a relative period of almost oblivion, became especially revered in Lately, at first present century. In addition to its miraculous new discovery in 2001 in the Nativity Church, in 2002 in the city of Apsheronsk in the Kuban, a convent was founded and named after the icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall" with the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch and the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church of March 12, 2002 . The site for the future monastery was consecrated a year earlier by Metropolitan Isidore of Ekaterinodar and Kuban.

The creation of new churches and monasteries in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos testifies that the human need for Her constant protection and care in our confused, morally unstable time is growing. Not finding this protection here on earth, we naturally turn our heart's gaze to another, common for all Fatherland - heavenly.

The Mother of God, according to all the legends associated with Her luminous Prototype, our first Intercessor and Intercessor at the Throne of God in heaven, has been and will be an “Indestructible Wall” for those who come to her for help on earth. But She herself, bypassing her lot, looks after us, sometimes unexpectedly appearing where her special intervention is needed in difficult and troubled times. She finds those through whom Her icon-painting images, lost in time, are found, performing what for us is seen as miracles, and for Her, this is the eternal labor of Love for humanity taken upon Herself.

What a miracle happened

When, after restoration, the “Indestructible Wall” icon was re-installed in the church of the village of Nikolskoye (see the section “Events from the history of the icon” for information on its acquisition and restoration), and the parishioners began to venerate it very diligently, the miraculous properties of the list were revealed in its entirety. Miracles were of a varied nature - from complete healing from inoperable cancer after prayers for the health of the patient to the arrival of one of the local girls from the guilty killer. In another family, they managed to find a son who disappeared 11 years ago. Husband and wife reconciled, before that they had firmly decided to divorce, and much more. Pilgrims come to her from all over the Volga region. The icon is now decorated, in front of it is an inextinguishable lamp, the oil from which is distributed to pilgrims and those who need it on different occasions.

According to eyewitnesses, it is known that during the years of the Great Patriotic War, on the fields of fierce battles, in the hottest points of the battle, they saw a woman who stood facing the enemy units, with her hands raised to the sky. One of these testimonies is described in detail in the book of the teacher of the Samara Theological Academy, the Orthodox writer Archpriest Nikolai Agafonov in the collection of his stories "Overcoming the Earth's Gravity".

The story is called “The Unbreakable Wall” and tells about the miracle of the amazing salvation on Kursk Bulge- in one of the most difficult battles during the Great Patriotic War- and the front-line soldier-narrator, and his friend. The front-line soldier, who told the regent of the temple, on whose behalf the story is being told, about the events of that day, did not find his fellow soldier alive. But he learned from the regent that he ended his days as the headman of that church, next to which there was a cemetery, where he was laid to rest. When the front-line soldier went to the temple to put a funeral candle to commemorate his comrade-in-arms, he recognized in the icon “Indestructible Wall” the very woman whom he saw then, in that memorable battle. It was the Mother of God herself.

The protection of the Mother of God has been and will be an indestructible wall protecting Orthodox Christians from all troubles and evils, no matter where they come from, according to our fervent and heartfelt prayers to Her.

The “Indestructible Wall” is the icon of the Mother of God, which is revered in Russia more than all others. Its very name speaks for what it means. In ancient times, it was the Mother of God who was considered the indestructible wall of Christianity, it was she who was the main prayer book and intercessor of the entire Christian world. Everyone who came to pray to the icon always found intercession and help from the Holy Mother here.

Most often, the icon itself is made in a mosaic style. Only occasionally masters use canvas and oil paints to depict the Mother of God. On the canvas, the Mother of God is depicted in full growth, as if she is offering a prayer to the Lord through her raised hands. But at the same time, it seems to protect all people from the troubles and misfortunes that may stand in their way. Often this icon has another name - Oranta.

One of these icons stands in the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. If you believe the legends, then it is believed that while this icon stands, Kyiv itself will stand. The cathedral was attacked, destroyed and plundered many times. However, the wall on which the indestructible wall mosaic was depicted has always remained intact and has never been destroyed. That is why it has remained safe and sound until today. This face of the Virgin is highly revered by all believers and parishioners of the temple.

Image history

According to history, the first mention of the holy face appeared in the description of the life of the monk of the Spaso-Elizarovsky desert. HE saw a strange vision that was directly related to the icon. According to him, he saw a huge city of unprecedented beauty. Two roads led to the gates of the city. The first path was wide, smooth and beautiful. But the second was located inconspicuously to the side of the main one, it was steep, winding and extremely dangerous.

All those who went to this city tried to pass along the wide and flat road, on which they were caught in their nets by an evil giant. But along the second road, which, in addition to complexity, also went around the city and climbed uphill, all travelers reached safe and sound. The saint himself also chose this hard way and the wall built by the Blessed Virgin protected the monk from the nets of the evil giant. He reached the city safe and sound. He ended up in this amazingly beautiful city.

A little later, the icon began to spread very widely throughout Christian lands. Several descriptions became the prototype of her image. One of them is a face from St. Sophia Cathedral, and the second one is from Constantinople.

There was a similar icon in the village of Nikolskoye. She began to work miracles in the late 60s of the last century. According to sources, the icon was consecrated by John of Kronstadt. But soon the era of atheism began and all the temples began to collapse. Icons were destroyed without exception. But this particular one ended up in the house of a strongly believing woman, who returned her to the temple after the hard times were over.

And from the beginning of the 20th century, the icon began to work miracles. She did many great things and saved many people.

Miracles icons

After people offered prayers to the miraculous image of the Virgin, they received:

  • healing after oncology;
  • operations that were considered hopeless by doctors ended successfully;
  • to parents who unsuccessfully searched for their son for more than 12 years, he returned completely healthy;
  • couples who were on the verge of divorce were able to start relationships again and even have children.

But this is not all the miracles of the image. During the Great Patriotic War, many soldiers were assigned to the battlefield beautiful woman who stood with her hands raised to the sky, as if praying for the dead and trying to protect the living. Most often, the image appeared on those battlefields where especially many soldiers fell and the outcome of the battle was not clear to the end.

One of the front-line soldiers, who was often in the hottest battlefields and saw the image of a woman more often than others, after the end of the war went to the temple. He prayed for a long time and thanked God for having survived. And when he approached the icon to put a candle and saw the image of the Mother of God, he recognized the woman who defended them on the battlefields.

Shrine help

The icon "Indestructible Wall", a prayer to which many Christians ascend in anticipation of God's mercy, helps with a variety of life situations. The very name of the icon already contains deep meaning for every Christian. After all, it indicates that not a single believer will be left alone in front of life's misfortunes.

The icon should be prayed in the following life situations:

  • when a serious military threat and military conflict is approaching the country;
  • while in captivity or sent to war;
  • to protect the house from deceit and craftiness, as well as to protect against thieves and strangers;
  • when a person is slandered or slandered extremely unfairly.

Everyone should follow this icon Orthodox person store at home, but you also need to know where and how to properly place it in your home. It is generally accepted that such an icon should be hung in the home iconostasis and kept inaccessible to prying eyes. Only the one who prays will see her daily. However, according to beliefs, the icon The “indestructible wall” should be located in the house so that everyone can see it. Anyone who entered a house or apartment with bad thoughts should see her in order to be ashamed of his thoughts.

It is generally accepted that if you place the icon opposite the entrance and regularly read prayers and troparia near it, then some people will no longer enter the house. Most often, these are the people who wish harm to the owners of the house. The icon protects the house from those who can harm the people living in it.

The words of the prayer "Indestructible wall"

Before you hang the icon over the door, you need to read a prayer to the Mother of God with a request for her intercession. Only after that should the icon be hung in the chosen place.

Most often, two prayers are read for this. The first words are:

“Beloved by my Queen, my hope, the Mother of God, friend of the orphans and wanderers, Defender, Joy of the mourners, Patroness of the deprived. Resolve my misfortune, resolve my sorrow, help me weak, protect me as a wanderer. Take away my offense and resolve the one that you see that has no help from the world. No one sees my troubles except you, O my Comforter and Helper. Protect and hear me, Mother of God, save me. Amen".

The second prayer is:

“Oh, Gracious Lady, Our Mother of God, Ever-Virgin, accept from us this thankful singing of praise and offer up to the Creator and Builder of our prayers Your warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, Merciful, forgive us all our sins, thoughts are evil and unclean, deeds of filth .

O Most Holy Lady, have mercy and send a gift according to every need: heal the sick, console the grieving, enlighten delusions, protect babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct husbands and wives, support and warm the old, wake us both here and in life Eternal Indestructible Wall, deliver from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, but always singing Your Maternal love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer The Indestructible Wall, the text of which is read not only in Old Slavonic, but also in Russian, is read not only to protect the house and the people living in it from enemies, but also to protect against diseases and misfortunes. Such miracles are far from rare. So the story is known about how a blind woman prayed before the icon and soon she received her sight and was completely cured of all her ailments. It was after this incident that believers from all over the world flowed to the image to ask for healing for themselves and their loved ones.

When to Pray

Prayer to the Mother of God The indestructible wall, the text of which it is desirable to learn by heart, should be raised daily. This should be done especially fervently at a time when you plan to leave the house for a long time. If, while reading a prayer, not only prayer words, but also your own, burst out of your chest, then you should stop reading the canonized words, and finish the petition in your own words. But after the soul calms down, the prayer should be read.

It should be remembered that even in modern world globalization, the worldwide Internet and many military conflicts, you should find time to free your soul. Try to retire as often as possible and lift sacred words to any image. No time for solitude - read the prayer in any place where you are. She will be heard for sure, and the soul will be cleansed every time you sincerely thank the Mother of God for her help and protection.

Attention, only TODAY!

Complete collection and description: prayer to the icon of an indestructible wall, the meaning of which helps for the spiritual life of a believer.

Icon "Indestructible Wall": meaning and history

The icon "Indestructible Wall", the meaning of the name of which is easy to determine even for an unbeliever (intercession), is one of the mosaics of St. Sophia of Kyiv that have survived to this day. This cathedral, built by the son of Prince Vladimir Yaroslav the Wise, still surprises with the splendor of its decoration. And today its majestic premises, decorated with mosaics and frescoes, delight the eyes of all believers and connoisseurs of beauty.

As long as the icon is intact, stand and Kyiv

Many images have survived to this day as they were originally created. Including the icon "Indestructible Wall". The meaning of this name has been known since ancient times. Many still believe that as long as this mosaic is intact, Kyiv will also stand. Such a belief actually has a fairly serious basis. The fact is that the Kiev Sophia Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed during the raids of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. The temple was especially badly damaged during the capture of Kyiv by the Tatar-Mongols. However, at the same time, the wall above the main altar, on which the Mother of God Oranta is depicted, did not suffer even once.

Oranta Protector

The icon "Indestructible Wall", the meaning of which in the sacred plan is unequivocal - the protection of the home and family, made long ago by Byzantine and Russian masters, became the prototype for many later Christian images of the Blessed Virgin. Literally all the mosaics of this first Christian church are the standard of Orthodox religious painting. Orants are called Virgins without a baby, standing to their full height and spreading their arms in a gesture of protection.

The icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall" of St. Sophia of Kyiv is made of smalt using a technology that was later forgotten for many years. The Mother of God is depicted dressed in heavenly clothes. of blue color and is surrounded by a "radiance" of gold smalt, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. A scarf is plugged behind her belt, with which, according to the ideas of believing Christians, she wipes the tears of the mourners. Raised hands mean intercession before the Almighty.

Home protection

In our time, believers are advised to hang such icons at home on the wall directly opposite the front door. In this case, Virgo will reliably protect the home from all enemies. An ill-wisher, entering the house and seeing the stern look of the Virgin, will surely be ashamed of his wicked intentions and leave the apartment. Also, this icon is hung on the wall if they are going to leave the dwelling unattended for a while. In this case, the apartment or house will be under reliable protection until the return of the owners. Only for this, you should definitely also pray for this image. These are the properties of the "Indestructible Wall" icon. The prayer to the Virgin sounds like this: “Lady Immaculate, not without reason called the “Indestructible Wall”, be an obstacle to all those who are plotting enmity and evil against me, my loved ones and my home. Become an indestructible fortress for us, protecting us and our home from all sorts of troubles and difficult circumstances. Amen".

Of course, those who believe in the power christian church, it is worth buying this icon in the shop of some temple. She will surely become a reliable barrier from all troubles and troubles. The icon "Indestructible Wall", the meaning of which is protection, will certainly help any one who prays and sincerely believes.

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I bought an icon in the temple “indestructible wall”, hung it over the gaps on double-sided tape. In the morning I went into the corridor, she was lying.

Steward Sorcerer Oracle (63011) 3 years ago

“Lying” is just wonderful, well, like an icon on an adhesive tape, no respect.

And life is probably the same.

another icon “Seven-shooter” will suit you for your home

This icon protects warriors-soldiers who shed blood in the name of a just cause. It can also be used as a talisman for the home - it protects from enemies. but like all icons it helps only true believers.

Orthodox prayer to the icon Unbreakable wall

The icon of the Mother of God the Indestructible Wall stood in mosaic for eight centuries. During this time, no cracks or damage formed on it - it remained indestructible. The miraculous list from the icon is one of the Orthodox shrines. Through prayer to the Mother of God the Indestructible Wall, we receive deliverance from a variety of troubles and misfortunes. Christian prayer An indestructible wall can protect against fires, floods, save from robbers and thieves. A miraculous prayer word will become an indestructible wall around you, the patronage of the Most Holy Theotokos will protect you from all ill-wishers and envious people.

Protective prayer for the house at the icon Unbreakable wall

In the house, the icon of the Unbreakable Wall is hung opposite the front door, so the Mother of God will see all those who come to the house. If a person crosses the threshold with impure intentions, then he will feel awkward and insecure and will reduce the visit to a minimum, and in the future, he will generally avoid visiting your house. The Icon and Prayer of the Mother of God The Indestructible Wall protects from illnesses, evil thoughts, averts misfortunes and unwanted events in life and destiny. Before a long absence, be sure to read the Unbreakable Wall prayer, this will protect your home from robbers.

Miraculous Prayer Unbreakable Wall

The miraculous properties of the icon and the Indestructible Wall prayer help in a variety of life situations. After prayers for health, there was a complete healing from cancer of an inoperable patient. was able to get rid of drug addiction a man who has been sitting on a needle for many years. Orthodox prayers to the icon of the Theotokos The Unbreakable Wall helped to find a child who disappeared eleven years ago; another family was saved by sincere prayer from divorce. The protection of the Holy Mother of God has been and will be indestructible, and will protect us from all evil and all kinds of troubles, no matter where they come from.

The text of the Orthodox prayer before the icon of the Virgin The indestructible wall


For many centuries, the Mother of God has been revered among Orthodox Christians as the most important helper and protector of every Christian. She has been and will be a strong wall for those who ask for her help on earth. Everything that believers consider a miracle, for Her is an eternal labor of love for humanity. Orthodox icon The Indestructible Wall of the Mother of God is one of the strongest Christian shrines, from which everyone receives protection through their prayer from natural disasters, from fires and floods, from thieves and ill-wishers invading the house.

Today, many Orthodox receive help from Her miraculous image, healing from illnesses and other miracles. The very name of the icon is taken from a prayer in which the Mother of God is called the Indestructible Wall. The miraculous icon stood untouched and undamaged for eight centuries, despite the many trials that the Christian people had to endure. Many believers try to buy the Unbreakable Wall icon in the online store as a talisman to the house.

Prayers in front of the icon of the Indestructible Wall

Prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God The indestructible wall has long been considered miraculous. It helps many people with mental and physical ailments. She is considered the most powerful icon, protecting from the attack of enemies, from epidemics. They resort to prayers before the great Intercessor with a request for help in case of a threat, fires, floods and other elements.

Icon indestructible wall in the house

In order for the icon to help save the house Orthodox Christian, you need to know where to hang the Indestructible Wall icon. In the house, this miraculous protector is hung opposite the front door. Thus, the face of the Virgin is addressed to everyone who enters the house. If a person crosses the threshold with bad intentions, then he will try to leave or shorten the visit, and in the future not come at all. This strong icon protects from evil spells, and other troubles and intrigues of ill-wishers. If the owners leave home for a long time, you need to read a prayer to the Mother of God with a request to take their shelter under your protection, under Her cover, which She holds in her hands, as can be seen on the icon.

The Icon of the Mother of God The Indestructible Wall can be presented to friends so that their home is also protected. The Orthodox industry offers many variants of this beautiful icon. Icons embroidered with beads look very beautiful and unique, which are not only strong defense, but also a wonderful icon-painting creation that adorns any Orthodox home.

Icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall"

Most of us look to the future with hope, fear and anxiety, not seeing a way out of the current situation. difficult situation. But there is always a way out, although not for everyone, but only for those who remember that the Blessed Virgin Mary looks at us every second from Heaven. She knows our thoughts, sees souls and hearts, knows about troubles. The Icon of the Indestructible Wall and a fiery prayer to it before the face of the Mother of God truly works wonders.

The icon got its name due to the fact that for almost 10 centuries it remained unharmed, despite the fact that both the cathedral where it rested and the city itself were destroyed more than once.

The story of a wonderful image

The Icon of the Indestructible Wall appeared in a dream to Elder Gabriel, who labored in the Savior-Eleazar Hermitage. A wonderful city was revealed to him, the road to which was wide and convenient. People walked along it, not noticing the terrible giant, the enemy of all people, who throws a chain on them and drags them into slavery.

The elder was seized with thoughts about how to save himself and not fall into the monster's net. Off to the side, he noticed a steep path along the wall that enclosed the city. People also walked along it, but the giant could not manage to throw chains on them. Instantly, the elder remembered the akathist to the Theotokos "The Indestructible Wall" and went along the path, reading it. The enemy could not carry out his plan and Gabriel freely reached the city, where he saw the beauty of flowering gardens, joy and reverence. Thus, he was protected from the terrible enemy intentions by the Indestructible Wall.

Help from Heaven

The image of the "Indestructible Wall" at the request of prayer books protects them from various troubles:

  • Invasion of enemies in the dwelling;
  • Enemy curses;
  • Helps in sorrows and dangers;
  • Prevents the violence of the elements, the development of epidemics;
  • Heals from ailments.

Prayer Rules

  1. It is forbidden to start praying "at random", even without a brief preliminary preparation.
  2. Before praying, one should offer thanksgiving prayers Lord and Mother of God.
  3. The text of the prayer should be read with concentration and attention, with sense and feeling, understanding the meaning of each word.
  4. At the end of the reading, you should cross yourself three times.

Important! The Holy Fathers do not advise during prayer to mentally imagine the images of God, His Mother, saints, angels and archangels.

One can only see their faces and pray. Why? Because a person becomes vulnerable to evil demons that are able to strengthen the human imagination not in better side. And if you memorize the words of a prayer petition, then the consciousness during prayer work will not be distracted by extraneous sounds and thoughts.

Where to place the icon in the house

Icons in apartments are placed in different ways, but it is customary for them to be in one place - on the iconostasis. It is placed where it is convenient to pray. The iconostasis crowned with the Cross is usually placed in the Red Corner of the room. Icons can also be placed in the kitchen (for praying before and after meals), in the bedroom, in the nursery (for teaching children to pray), in the living room.

During prayer, it is customary to turn your gaze to the east, so it is advisable to equip the Red Corner on the eastern side of the room, opposite the front door. If the icon is installed in the corridor, then it should be placed above the entrance or to the right of it.

It is inappropriate to store icons in a bookcase or sideboard behind glass doors, next to decor items, posters, mirrors and wall calendars.

Manifested miracles

After prayers in front of the icon, many miracles were revealed to people.

  • Miraculously, cancer patients were healed of cancer;
  • Help from Above was sent during the most difficult surgical operations, the outcome of which, according to the experience of doctors, was initially hopeless;
  • The son returned to the heartbroken parents, whom they had unsuccessfully searched for for a long 12 years;
  • Many married couples who were on the verge of divorce reconciled;
  • On the battlefields during the Great Patriotic War, in the hottest battlefields, many soldiers saw a woman standing facing the enemy, while her hands were raised to the sky (front-line soldier, Orthodox writer N. Agafonov in his book spoke about the miracle of his salvation , and then, having entered the temple in order to put a candle and pray for the repose of his comrade-in-arms, in the face of the "Indestructible Wall" he recognized the very woman who saved him in battle - it was the Most Holy Mother of God herself).

Orthodox people from all over the Russian land have long been drawn to the miraculous icon. Grateful pilgrims adorn the image with beautiful crowns and leave rich gifts as a token of gratitude. The icon constantly glows with a lamp, and oil from it is distributed to those who pray.

Amazing power emanates from the icon "Indestructible Wall". The Blessed Virgin is depicted in full growth, standing against the background of the celestial sphere on a quadrangular stone. Her hands are raised to Heaven and the Virgin prays for all mankind, begging His Son Jesus Christ to extend the time so that the Orthodox people have time to repent before His Coming to Earth.

Prayers in front of the icon

The Mother of God is our intercessor and helper. Prayer requests before Her Most Pure Face are heard all over the world. Prayer Unbreakable Wall will help the fulfillment of the petition.

If it is difficult to memorize the text, then you can read it according to the prayer book or state the request in your own words.

Preblagaya my queen, my hope, the Mother of God, friend of orphans and strange Representatives, grieving Joy, offended Patron! See my trouble, see my sorrow; help me like a weak one, feed me like a strange one. I’ll offend my weight, resolve it, as if you will: as if I don’t have another help for You, or another intercessor, or a good comforter, only You, O Bogomati, as if you save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, grace-filled Lady of Our Lady, Ever-Virgin, accept from us this thankful laudatory singing and offer to the Creator and Builder our warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, bad deeds. O Most Holy Lady, have mercy and send down a gift according to every need: heal the sick, console the grieving, enlighten the erring, protect babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and wives, support and warm the old, wake us both here and in life eternal Wall Indestructible, deliver from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, but always singing Your Motherly love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Now diligently to the Theotokos, sinners and humility, and we fall down, in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away Your servants of vanity, You and the only hope of the imam.

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, God-chosen Maiden, and honor Your holy image, and bring healing to all who flow with faith.

Icon of the Virgin "Indestructible Wall": meaning, what helps?

In the most difficult moments of their lives, believers, as well as many non-believers, hopefully resort to the help and intercession of the Higher Forces, find out where there are icons that work miracles, can heal various ailments, fall to them with prayers and requests and - receive by faith his.

Among the many miracle-working icons, one can also name the image of the Mother of God, called the “Indestructible Wall”. In addition to the fact that this icon, made in mosaic technique, is a real work of art, it is also an intercessor and healer. From the article you will learn the meaning of the icon "Indestructible Wall" and how it helps.

The history of the holy image and photo

An icon with this name has adorned the altar vault of the Kyiv Sophia for almost ten centuries. However, researchers believe that its prototype is even more ancient icon from the Blachernae Church of the Theotokos in the city of Constantinople, which is located on the wall of the altar and is called "Vlachernitissa".

The legend says that the glorification of the icon took place after a vision revealed to the monk Gabriel from the Savior-Eleazar monastery in the Pskov region. The beautiful city that arose before his mental eyes, located high on the mountain, beckoned to him, and the elder moved along the wide road, following the crowd of people walking along it.

Gabriel noticed, however, that his companions did not see the monstrous giant, literally hanging over those who were walking and casting a trap on them, dragging them away from the road. After all, he, too, can get into the network! What to do? Looking around, the old man saw a narrow and steep path very close to the beaten path.

She curled up right at the sheer rock-wall. People were walking along it too. The monster also tried to capture those with a trapping net, fortunately, to no avail: it simply hit the rock, like a wall, and bounced off it.

The rock aroused in the elder a vivid association with the words from the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, where She is compared to an indestructible wall. Realizing under whose protection the path was, he boldly stepped onto it, not even paying attention to the giant's trap flickering from time to time overhead. All the way to the miraculous Great City, Gabriel prayed to the Theotokos, who through the Indestructible Wall of her protection granted salvation to the righteous.

What does it mean?

The holy image, for many centuries being in one place in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral and remaining unharmed, survived fires and wars, natural disasters and theomachism. Both the city and the cathedral suffered from them, and the icon miraculously survived.

It is possible that it was this steadfastness that instilled faith in the people about its ability not only to remain indestructible itself, but also to shelter those who ask for it, especially during enemy invasions and rampant elements.

What does the image look like? It is known that the type of iconography "Oranta" involves the image of the Intercessor of the world with her hands raised to heaven in a prayerful gesture. On the icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall" She, depicted in full growth, stands on a golden base stone, which symbolizes reliability for all those who ask for Her intercession.

The clothes of the Virgin are a blue chiton with a dark red belt and a lention attached to it - a towel with which the Comforter wipes the tears of the afflicted. Over the left shoulder, like an omophorion, a golden veil is thrown, which descends from Her head.

If we talk about the Kiev original, then along the entire length of the image, repeating the shape of the arc of the temple semi-vault, an inscription is laid out in a mosaic of black material - a slightly modified quote from the Psalter - on Greek, which in Russian translation sounds like this: “God is in her midst; she will not waver: God will help her from early morning” (45, 6).

By the way, according to local legend, the former capital Kievan Rus will not die, but Slavic peoples will prosper - as long as the Mother of God, called the Indestructible Wall, stretches out her hands over them, and the image remains unharmed.

What are they asking for?

Based on the history and biography of the shrine turn to her prayers in such situations, When:

  • Want to troubles and ailments bypassed the house and family.
  • want save the house from fire, robbers, just unkind people.
  • Dream of a strong, friendly family and life in it in peace and harmony.
  • A loved one gets sick Human.
  • Before leaving on the road(your own or one of your relatives).
  • Wish that "those who are in quarrel reconciled".
  • Want to defend themselves from enemy attack- both on a national scale, and on the scale of a single apartment, curses and all sorts of other misfortunes.
  • Want to be protected from the threat of flooding, drought, fire, epidemics.

Miracles icons

The miraculous properties of the “Indestructible Wall” image were revealed in many cases. Often, the Heavenly Intercessor herself in a dream tells the suffering where and how to find her icon, before which prayer should be offered. Her miracles have been documented:

  • At the beginning of this century, a vision was given to a very old woman who was in danger of blindness. The Mother of God consoled her, instructing her to pray in front of this icon, located in the village of Nikolsky, Astrakhan region, and The old woman's eyesight returned.
  • People were healed from oncological diseases.
  • received assistance with complex surgical interventions.
  • Parents got a son, long considered missing.
  • Husbands reconciled with their wives, being on the verge of divorce, and subsequently led a pious family life.
  • Himself came to confess the murderer young girl.

A very interesting episode during the war, described by the archpriest and writer N. Agafonov in a documentary story, which is called “The Unbreakable Wall”.

In the most brutal moments of the fighting, in particular, on the Kursk Bulge, many fighters saw the figure of a woman standing with her hands raised to the sky. It seemed that she covered the fighters. The author and his fighting friend remained alive in this inhuman meat grinder.

Years after the war, when the writer went to the temple to light a memorial candle for a friend who had already passed away, he literally froze in front of the “Indestructible Wall” icon: it was that woman from the battlefield who kept them alive.

Where to look for a shrine?

The main "address" mentioned above is Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Lists miraculous icon not much has survived to our time:

  • One of them was made in the Kyiv "Sofia" and in the century before last was delivered to Moscow. Now it is housed in the church of Sts. Apostles Peter and Paul (Lefortovo). It is said that he appeared here in the dark times of theomachism, when churches and monasteries were closed all over the country. When exactly and how this happened is not known for certain. People testify that the icon exudes amazing power.
  • Another list was written from the Kyiv icon, which is preserved in Resurrection-Mironositsky convent (Zubovka village, Astrakhan region). In the atheistic era, the image was reliably hidden by one parishioner, and it was revealed to the world only in the second half of the last century. Miracles from him began to happen already in the new century. According to archival data, the icon was consecrated by the holy righteous John of Kronstadt.
  • A great number of believers are constantly observed in Kaliningrad - at the shrine, also made in mosaic technique and located in the chapel of the city cathedral.
  • Icon "Indestructible Wall" dedicated churches and monasteries. This:

    • Open 15 years in the Kuban Apsheron convent , bearing the name of the holy image with the same three-altar cathedral, where the icon is placed.
  • Five years ago, one pious family - in gratitude for the successful resolution of vital matters - built a church in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall" in the village of Essentuki, in the Stavropol region.
  • The same name bears another of the modern religious buildings - the church in Gaspra, near Yalta.
  • In all these temples the patronal feast in honor of the shrine is celebrated a week after Trinity, on Sunday, called the Church of the Week of All Saints.

    Where to hang in the house?

    The "Indestructible Wall" - a helper and protector, like another Mother of God icon, "Seven Arrows", is traditionally located opposite the entrance to the house / apartment or above the front door.

    The face of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be constantly turned on those who enter, and many people note: if a person comes to the house with not too good intentions or even thoughts about the owners, he will feel uncomfortable under the gaze of the Intercessor and will try to reduce the time of the visit.

    There is a good tradition to give this icon to relatives and friends - to protect from misfortune and disease.

    “Oh, blessed Our Lady, Mother of God, Ever-Virgin, accept from us this thankful laudatory singing and offer to the Creator and Builder our warm prayers for us unworthy, may He, Merciful, forgive us all our sins, evil and unclean thoughts, bad deeds.

    O Most Holy Lady, have mercy and send down a gift according to every need: heal the sick, console the grieving, enlighten the erring, protect babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct men and wives, support and warm the old, wake us both here and in life eternal Wall Indestructible, deliver from all troubles and misfortunes and from eternal torment, but always singing Your Motherly love, we praise with all our hearts Your Son, with His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

    Low bow. Mother of God - I fall down to Your icon - I am waiting for Your help. Send peace in our house in our families, joy and tranquility and sobriety. Drive away the enemy visible and invisible! Save and save with Your grace. Help save and have mercy. IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT AMEN!
