The Groeninge Museum is the best art gallery in Bruges. Bruges - a city of interest in Belgium Museum of Fine Arts in Bruges

Belgium is extremely interesting country for a tourist who is looking not only for new experiences, but also for knowledge. Belgium is rich in sights, picturesque landscapes and entire streets built up with unique architectural structures.

One of these buildings is the Groeninge Museum, which is of interest not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Among the most interesting art museums in Belgium, the Groeninge Museum can rightfully be considered the best, because it contains unique works. The museum itself is located in the southern part of the Great Square, on Dijver's street.

History of the Museum

The Groeninge Museum got its unusual name from the area in which it is located. Part of the city, which has the same name Grüninge, was first mentioned in the thirteenth century. The area got its name due to its picturesque views, or rather due to the fact that many trees and various greenery grew here.

The museum itself was built here in just a year in the period 1929-1930. Even then, the Groeninge Museum occupied the territory that belonged to the ancient abbey. Initially, the museum building was erected only for the purpose of collecting several disparate works of art, which were planned to be centralized into one collection in order to get a city gallery with appropriate storage conditions.

The first inhabitants this museum became famous and valuable works of the Flemish masters who worked in the genre of primitivism. The collection was gradually assembled and now the Grüninge Museum holds very valuable specimens.

Centralized collection in the museum began in the eighteenth century. Around 1898, the collection had to be divided into two unequal parts.

Archaeological Museum
covers all aspects of city life from the Middle Ages to the present day. Information in the museum is presented in the form of a game, during which visitors learn a lot of interesting things.
Address: Mariastraat 36A.
Opening hours: daily from 09:30 to 17:00, break from 12:30 to 13:30, entrance fee is 8 EUR

Museum folk art and traditions / Bruggemuseum-Volkskunde
located in 8 almshouses of the 17th century. The museum presents the interiors of the classroom, the workshops of a shoemaker, a hatter, a tailor and a cooper, a Flemish living room and bedroom, a pastry shop, a pharmacy, and a hotel.
Address: Balstraat 43.
Opening hours: daily from 09:00 to 17:00

Diamond Museum
The exposition of the Diamond Museum is dedicated to the history of Bruges, as the oldest diamond center in Europe, and introduces visitors to the mysterious world of these beautiful stones. Bruges was one of the world's diamond processing centers. Among interesting exhibits The Diamond Museum should highlight two diamond “sculptures”, which are so small that they cannot be seen without the help of a magnifying glass.
Address: Katelijnestraat 43.
Opening hours: daily from 10:30 to 17:30

Chocolate Museum / Chocolademuseum
the history of the transformation of cocoa beans into chocolate. Visitors will be able to see the process of creating handmade chocolate, get acquainted with interesting recipes and find out why Belgian chocolate is so high quality. The museum is housed in the Croon house (Huis de Croon), built around 1480, originally serving as a wine cellar.
Address: Sint-Jansstraat 7b
Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 17:00

French Fries Museum / Frietmuseum
is located in Saaihalle, one of the oldest and well-preserved buildings in Bruges, built in 1399. The french fries museum in Belgium is the only one of its kind in the world. The exposition of the museum is devoted to the history of potatoes from the beginning of its cultivation to the first fries. Visitors will be able to see an interesting collection of machines used for growing, harvesting, sorting and frying potatoes, and after visiting the exhibition in a medieval cellar, you can try real Belgian fries with delicious sauce. Since May 1, 2011, the Chocolate Museum in Bruges has been collaborating with the Museum of French Fries, as chocolate and French fries are considered typical Belgian national dishes.
Address: Vlamingstraat 33. Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 17:00

Ter Doest / Cisterian Monastery
Ter Doest is a former Cistercian monastery from the 12th century, from which a barn, which is part of an older farm and made in the Gothic style, a dovecote from 1651 and a monumental gate from 1662 has survived to this day.
Address: Abdij Ter Doest, Ter Doeststraat 4.
The barn is open for visiting (daily from 10:00 to 19:00), admission is free.

Museum fine arts/ Groeningemuseum
The collection of the Museum of Fine Arts (Groeningemuseum) is dedicated to the 6-century history of Flemish and Belgian painting, from Jan van Eyck to Marcel Broodthaers. The expositions of the museum are represented by the works of the Flemish primitivists, Renaissance masters, as well as paintings of the 18th and 19th centuries, made in the style of neoclassicism, realism, Belgian symbolism and Flemish expressionism. The museum also features other works by 15th-century artists: Hugo van der Goes' Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Hans Memling's Saint Christfer Altarpiece, David Gerard's The Judgment of Cambyses and The Baptism of Christ. The paintings listed above are just a small part of the complete collection, which also includes works by anonymous masters from Bruges.
Address: Dijver 12.
Opening hours: daily from 09:30 to 17:00

Museum of Light / Lumina Domestica
The exposition of the Museum of Light is dedicated to the history of artificial lighting, numbering more than 400 thousand years, ranging from torches and oil lamps to electric and LED light bulbs. The museum has a collection of lamps, numbering more than 4 thousand items!
Address: Wijnzakstraat 2.
Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 17:00

Gruthuse Museum / Bruggemuseum-Gruuthuse
is located in the palace of the same name and is represented by a collection of items from the 15th-19th centuries that belonged to the lords of Gruthuse. Tapestries and a skillfully decorated fireplace make a special impression.
Address: Dijver 17.
Opening hours: daily from 09:30 to 17:30

Guido Gezelle Museum / Bruggemuseum-Gezelle
located in former home famous Flemish writer Guido Geselle and is dedicated to his life and work. In addition, the museum presents a temporary exhibition on the art of the printed word.
Address: Rolweg 64.
Opening hours: daily from 09:30 to 17:00

Hans Memling Museum / Hospitaalmuseum Memling
a collection of authentic works of the artist, commissioned by the monks of the hospital. Almost all the paintings are kept here from the moment of creation, that is, from the 15th century. One of the main masterpieces of the museum is the “Cancer of St. Ursula”. On the longitudinal sides of the reliquary there are six miniature paintings. They tell the story of Ursula, the daughter of the King of Brittany, who decided to make a pilgrimage to Rome, taking 11,000 girls with her. All stages of the journey and the death of the princess from the arrows of the Huns constitute the content of the images.


Beffroy - tower. Initially, beffroy served as watchtowers, where the alarm bell hung. Such a tower was a symbol of the freedom of the city. Gradually, in the premises of the towers, they began to place the meeting room of the city council, a place for storing the treasury, documents, seals, and commercial premises. Today, most of the surviving beffroy is located in the cities of Belgium. 24 Flemish and 6 Walloon beffrois are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Grote Markt(Market Square). The central square of the city, located in its very heart. In the square you will find whole line beautiful historic buildings, including the 12th century Belfort. On the Grote Markt you will find a wide variety of cafes and restaurants. Carriage tours start from the square, a very popular entertainment in Bruges. In the center of the square stands monument to Jan Breidel, the hero of the battle of the Golden Spurs. Located north of the city center "Lace Center", where you can buy masterpieces of local lacemakers, and the Jerusalem Church.

City Hall. A magnificent 14th-century building built under the direction of Jan Rugiers. Construction was completed in 1421. The facades of the building are beautifully decorated with various turrets. Be sure to check out the town hall from the inside. The wall paintings are especially noteworthy. The City Hall is located on Place de Burg.

Halve Maan. The brewery that produces Brugse Zot, the only beer that is brewed entirely in Bruges. Once upon a time, the Halve Maan plant also brewed a beer called Straffe Hendrik, today its production has been completed.

Lake of Love in Bruges / Lake of Love in Bruges
an artificial lake surrounded by a cozy park. Because of its romantic setting, Minniewater is known as the "Lake of Love" (the Danish word 'Minne' translates to "love"). There are many swans on the lake. According to an old legend, in 1488 Bruges was ruled by the burgomaster Peter Lanchal, who belonged to the court of Maximilian of Austria. The Lanchal family coat of arms depicted a swan. The inhabitants of Bruges did not always pay due respect to Peter Lanschal, and Maximilian of Austria decided to punish them by ordering them to forever breed and keep swans in the city's lakes and canals. Since that time, swans have been living on a beautiful lake. Rock concerts are held in the park during the summer.

Bruges is one of the most romantic and beautiful cities in Europe. This is a city-museum, as it contains ancient monuments. Many sights of Bruges are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In the XIV-XVI centuries, Bruges was considered a business and cultural center Europe . What to see in Bruges, you need to decide in advance, because you won’t be able to visit all the sights of this Belgian city in one visit. Here, for the first time, an exchange for trading appeared, arose oil painting, the founder of this drawing technique was the artist Van Eyck. This city is home to many ancient treasures and shrines.

What to see in Bruges first

At your disposal is an overview of the sights for which tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year. Some are required, while others prefer to explore the city on their own. Both options are good in their own way, but with a guide, a tourist does not have to think about organizational nuances.

1. Grote Markt, Market Square

Market square in Bruges

The central location of the Market Square suggests that in the old days all the main events took place here and there was a brisk trade in goods, as well as administrative buildings. The initial information about the auction dates back to the 10th century. At first, the malls were wooden, then they were replaced with stone ones.

What to visit in Bruges, being on the central square? One of the oldest buildings on the square is Bowhout, located in the western part. It has stained-glass windows of the 15th century and a weather vane made by craftsmen in 1682.

On the eastern side of the square there were covered berths. Then, after a fire, the buildings were demolished, and a group of buildings were erected in their place, where the governor's residence, the courthouse, the Post Office, and the Historium Museum are now located. In the center of the square is a monument to the heroes of the liberation movement.

In 1995, after restoration work on the Central Square, the movement of cars was prohibited, it became a pedestrian one. Many souvenir shops and shops, small restaurants and cafes are located around the entire perimeter of the square. The market opens on Wednesdays.

2. Church of Our Lady

Church of Our Lady in Bruges

If you don't know what to visit in Bruges, start your tour with a visit to Notre Dame Cathedral (Church of Our Lady). It is a brick tower over 120 meters high with a square base and a 45-meter crown spire. The beginning of the construction of the church dates back to the XII century.

In this landmark of Bruges, you can admire the great work of art - the statue of the Virgin and Child by Michelangelo. This is the only lifetime work of the artist, which was taken outside of Italy.

Among the relics of the church are sarcophagi with the ashes of Charles the Bold, during whose reign Bruges became a prosperous and rich city, and Mary, his daughter, who tragically died on a hunt.

3. Basilica of the Holy Blood

Basilica of the Holy Blood in Bruges

The Count of Alsace, who lived in the 12th century, owned a two-story chapel built in Bruges. For buildings built in those days, such architecture was considered commonplace. What to see in Bruges , if you happen to be on a tour of the Basilica?

A spiral staircase leads to the second floor, where there is an observation deck, which offers magnificent views of the square and the naves of the church itself. As a rule, this place was intended for the local nobility and aristocracy, and the first floor - for commoners. Initially, the chapel was dedicated to the Greek Saint Basil, whose relics were brought from Jerusalem. Later, after acquiring the relic of the Holy Blood, it was renamed.

The lower chapel consists of 3 naves, on which the upper part of the chapel is built. Stone walls, vaults and pillars are made of limestone quarried in the Eifel. After restoration work, the statue “Jesus on the Cold Stone” and the exposition “Christ in the Tomb” were installed in the aisles, which are carried during the procession of the “Holy Blood”. Interesting conclusions were made by scientists when they found statues of the 19th century built into the wall, which are a cross and two vessels. Presumably this was done by the Masons during the restoration of the chapel. The bowls are a type of the Holy Grail, and the fact that the blood of Jesus is kept in the church speaks in favor of this theory.

4. Groeninge Museum

Municipal Museum of Fine Arts in Bruges Jennifer Morrow

The founding date of the museum is May 9, 1929, and the opening of the expositions took place in June 1930. During the construction, the measures necessary for displaying and storing were thought out and implemented. museum exhibits, including air conditioning and lighting.

The light is directed so as not to create glare when viewing pictures. Collections of paintings are constantly replenished. What to see in Bruges at the Groeninge Museum? The diptych "Annunciation" was bought with the money of the city authorities, and "Portrait of Paul de Nigro" was purchased during the auction. Dutch artist XVI century Isenbrant. Of artistic interest is the collection of old manuscripts, paintings and earthenware donated by Baron Houtgar. In 1955, the exposition was replenished with works from the Gruthuse Museum, one of them is very famous - this is “ Family portrait» Nicholas Mass, student of Rembrandt.

5. Cathedral of St. Salvator

Panorama of the city with the Cathedral of St. Salvator in Bruges

Many sights of Bruges are closely related to religious themes. For example, the Cathedral of St. Salvator, located in the central part of the city. Over the course of a number of centuries, the church building was rebuilt and changed its appearance, and in 1834 it received the status of the Cathedral. In the 19th century, the roof collapsed during a fire, the stained-glass windows were destroyed, and the bells were damaged. The architect Chantrell from England was appointed curator of the restoration work. According to his drawings, the tower was rebuilt, the top of which was made in the shape of a crown. In 1871, a copper spire was installed, and new stained-glass windows were obtained in the same period. The walls of the cathedral are decorated with tapestries woven in the 18th century in the manufactories of Brussels and paintings with scenes from the Bible. The attraction of the Cathedral is an old organ, created in 1717, and operating to this day.

Be sure to watch this beautiful video about Bruges!

6. Belfry of Bruges

Belfry of Bruges Dimitris Kamaras

Many tourists are wondering: what to visit in Bruges from the most famous? The Belfort Bell Tower is one of the attractions worth visiting. It was built in 1240 and is 83 meters high. The tower was rebuilt more than once, and acquired its modern look in 1822, when the upper part was decorated in the neo-Gothic style. In the lower part there are the premises of the city archive, and the top is used as an observation deck and a bell tower.

During the day, every hour a bell ringing is heard over the city, the melodies are non-repeating. The bells are powered by an ancient carillon - a drum. Tourists can watch how the birth of music takes place, because on one side the carillon is fenced off by a transparent showcase.

7. Gate of the Holy Cross

Gate of the Holy Cross in Bruges NH53

Left free time and you are looking for what to see in Bruges ? Visit the Gate of the Holy Cross, one of the oldest sights in the city. They were installed in the XIV century and were a structure to protect against unfriendly neighbors. Now it is a complex consisting of a massive arch and towers with flags. According to legend, if you go through the gate three times, your most secret desire will come true. During the hostilities, the soldiers, leaving through the gate, read prayers, asking for blessings.

8. Loppem Castle

Loppem Castle surrounded by a beautiful park

The first owners of the castle were Baron Carl van Caloen and his wife Savina de Gourcy. They were religious people, and therefore the interior of their newly built castle was decorated in the spirit of Christianity. The ceilings in the Main Hall are surprising - almost 17 meters high, the fireplace is decorated with family coats of arms of the family. Interesting feature: toilet rooms were not provided in the building, they were completed later.

The spiral staircase leading to the second floor of the castle is complemented by carved railings. In the 20th century, the castle was the royal residence of Albert I, and during the First World War, the headquarters of the Belgian army was located here. Here you can see paintings by Van Dyck, as well as artists - students of Rubens.

Many sights of Bruges have their own interesting history and many mysteries, and Loppem Castle is no exception, which is surrounded by a beautiful park spread over an area of ​​more than 100 hectares. In it, shady alleys are in harmony with small ponds with waterfowl. And lovers of solving puzzles should certainly walk through the famous labyrinth, which consists of long corridors.

9. Chocolate Museum in Bruges

Chocolate Museum in Bruges Mark Healey

Real Belgian chocolate has an unsurpassed and original taste. Many lovers of delicacy make a choice in favor of the Belgian brand. Therefore, it is not surprising that Bruges has its own Chocolate Museum. When visiting, you must definitely see this museum! Like many sights of Bruges, the museum has collected real works of art, but only from chocolate: from ordinary bars to chocolate sculptures. The institution has a rich library fund, in which there are many books about the history of the delicacy product, as well as recipes for its manufacture.

Experienced pastry chefs will teach you how to make this delicious treat. The museum has a bar where visitors are invited to taste various chocolate treats and cocktails of more than forty types.

Bruges is known for its annual Choco-Late chocolate festival, during which confectioners put on culinary duels and surprise with real chocolate fountains.

10. Gentpoort gate

Gentpoort gate in Bruges Charlie

In the Middle Ages, fortress walls with gates were erected around Bruges, but only four gates have survived to this day. Ezelpoor, Smedenpoort, Gentpoort, Kruispoort are their names. Like all the sights of Bruges , Genport gates are imbued with the spirit of the Middle Ages. Tourists have the opportunity to touch the walls of the brick tower, which are several hundred years old!

The Gentpoort gate was built between 1400-1406. and performed a defensive function during military conflicts, and in Peaceful time were the main entrance to the city and served as a checkpoint where imported and exported goods were checked and taxes were collected.

Now a museum has been opened in the tower of this gate, where you can look at a collection of weapons, various artifacts and ancient manuscripts telling about the beginning of the construction of towers and gates and other historical events past era.

Sights of Bruges: what else to visit while in Bruges

For those who have few main architectural and natural monuments, we offer not so famous, but no less wonderful places. Study the list to finally decide where to go after arriving in this small old town filled with legends and fairy tales.

11. Brewery Museum in Bruges

Brewery Museum in Bruges Neil Turner

If you think that you have already visited all the museums and sights of Bruges, do not forget to go to the Brewery Museum.

The first mention of the brewery dates back to the 19th century. Leon Mays took up brewing beer according to old recipes, it turned out to be dark in color with a sour aftertaste. Over the entire history of its existence, manufacturing technology has changed, fresh varieties have appeared. And in 1997, the owner of the brewery decided to open halls for visitors, where holidays were held, interesting meetings and other activities. At the same time, the Brewery Museum was opened. During the excursions, you can not only learn a lot of interesting things about the process of making a foamy drink, but also take a direct part in it, and then taste the various types of beer stored in the brewery cellars.

12. Bruges Town Hall

Town Hall in Bruges

The basis of the town hall is the foundation laid back in 1376 by Count Lodewijk van Male. Many sights of Bruges were built in the Gothic style, the town hall building belongs to the same architectural style. The facade is decorated with rich stucco and statues of characters from the Bible and sculptures of famous historical figures located in niches.

The interior decoration is also striking in its splendor and luxury. Tourists are of great interest in the Gothic hall of the Town Hall. Wooden vaults made of oak are decorated with sixteen slabs, on which figures are depicted in allegorical form, representing the four seasons and the four elements. There are many ancient frescoes on the walls of the Hall, which belonged to the brush of the artist Albrecht de Vrindt.

The Renaissance Hall reveals the famous 16th-century fireplace by Lancelot Blondel. The Gothic Hall currently hosts meetings of the City Council and registers the marriages of the townspeople.

13. Park near the lake of love

Park at the lake of love in Bruges

Love Lake is located in the old Minnewater Park. According to ancient legend, the bridge on this lake will surely lead lovers to the wedding, and making a promenade along it, they will find happiness in marriage.

IN old days there was a small port on Arsenal Street, and the lake connected the canals of the city with the sea. But after a while, the harbors became shallow. Sadly, but many of the sights of Bruges are associated with tragic events in the fates of famous and ordinary people. In the history of Minnewater Park there is a sad legend about the daughter of a sailor. They wanted to forcefully marry a young girl. To avoid her unenviable fate, the bride decided to run away and take refuge in the forest. Her chosen one, returning home from the war, found his betrothed in the forest, who later died in his arms. In memory of his beloved, the guy set a stone on the shore. This is where the name of the lake comes from, and a tower now rises in place of the stone.

You can ride horse-drawn carriages around the park. The decoration of the lake are swans - graceful birds that have become a symbol of the city.

14. Beguinage

Monastery of the Beguinage in Bruges

The sights of Bruges include the Monastery of the Beguines, which was founded by Countess Margaret of Constantinople in 1244. At the beginning of its existence, it was under the patronage of King Philip IV the Handsome and had the name "Royal Beguinage". Ditches were dug around the territory of the building and filled with water, which isolated this place from the rest of the world. On the bridge in front of the entrance there is a landmark showing the border between the city limits and the Beguinage. The phrase "Sauve Garde", written above the gate, indicates the right of shelter in this area. Begins are considered nuns, but this is not entirely correct. They do not take monastic vows, have the right to start a family and have the right to return to everyday life.

15. Queen Astrid Park

Queen Astrid Park in Bruges Michael Zehrer

The history of this park began after the monks were given land along Bramberg Street for the construction of the monastery. For several centuries, the park served as a quiet place for monks to rest. However, during the period of the prohibition of religious societies, the monastery was destroyed, and the territory of the park fell into private hands. In the 19th century, local authorities bought part of the land for the construction of the Church of St. Magdalene. Soon a public park in the Old English style was created on the remaining territory.

Initially, the park was named after the former owners - Franciscan. But after the tragic death of Queen Astrid, the garden was given her name. The sculptor De Vispelare created a bronze bust of the "Snow Princess", which is located in the center of the park. A small lake and a cozy gazebo add charm and romance to this place. Read also about and get inspired for your next trip to Belgium.

The city of Bruges (Belgium) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and quite rightly belongs to the most beautiful and picturesque cities in Europe. It is difficult to single out individual sights in this city, because it can be called one continuous attraction. Every day, intending to see the most interesting sights in Bruges, about 10,000 tourists from Belgium and from other countries come here - this is a very big number, considering that the local population is only 45,000 people.

What you can see in Bruges in one day

Since the most important historical and cultural sights of Bruges are located close to each other, if there is not enough time to see them, only one day can be allocated. It will be much more convenient if you draw up in advance optimal route movement - a map of Bruges with sights in Russian can help with this.

By the way, for 17-20 € (the amount depends on whether the hotel provides a discount - you need to ask for it when you check in), you can buy museum map Bruges. This card is valid for three days, and it works in most of the attractions in Bruges, which will be discussed further.

For about seven hundred years, the Grote Markt in Bruges has been the center of the city and its main square. To this day, market pavilions stand here and attract buyers, thanks to which it got its name "Market Square". Situated around the square are beautiful historical Buildings and just colorful houses, numerous souvenir shops, restaurants, cafes - all this attracts tourists who come here not only from all over Belgium, but from all over the world.

All year round, day and night, the square has its own bright and interesting life. Here you can order a portrait from a wandering artist, listen to street musicians play, watch a performance dance groups from different countries of the world.

Before Christmas, a large open skating rink is set up on the Grote Markt - everyone can visit it for free, you just need to bring your skates with you.

It is from here, with the famous Market Square far beyond the borders of Belgium, that most of the excursions begin, during which the guides offer to see the most famous sights of Bruges in one day.

Belfort Tower (Belfry) with bell tower

The first thing that attracts the attention of tourists who find themselves on the Grote Markt is the Belfort Tower, which is considered a historical and architectural symbol of the city of Bruges.

This building, reaching a height of 83 meters, has an interesting architectural solution: its lower level in cross section is a square, and the upper one is a polygon.

Inside the tower there is a narrow spiral staircase of 366 steps, rising to a small observation deck and a gallery with a bell. To visit the observation deck, it will take a lot of time: firstly, the ascent and descent along the narrow stairs cannot be fast; secondly, the turnstiles work on the principle: "one visitor left - one enters".

But on the other hand, those tourists who still go up to the observation deck of the tower can look at Bruges and its environs from a bird's eye view. The opening view is literally breathtaking, however, you need to choose the right day for this - without clouds, sunny!

By the way, it is best to adjust the ascent in such a way as to be at the top by 15 minutes of any hour of the day - then you can not only hear the bell ringing, but also see how the musical mechanism works and how the hammers knock on the bells. There are 47 bells in the Belfort Bell Tower. Mary is the largest and oldest, it was cast in the distant 17th century.

visit the tower Belfort and you can look at Bruges from its height on any day from 9:30 to 17:00, paying for entrance 10 €.

City Hall (Stadhuis)

Burg Square

From the Belfort Tower there is a narrow street, passing through which you can go to the second city square - Burg Square. In terms of its beauty and tourist attendance, it is in no way inferior to the Market, and there is something to see in Bruges in one day.

On Burg Square, the building of the City Hall, in which the City Council of Bruges is located, looks especially elegant. This building, built in the 15th century, is a worthy example of Flemish Gothic: light facades, openwork windows, small turrets on the roof, luxurious decor and ornaments. The town hall looks so impressive that it could decorate not only a small town, but also the capital of Belgium.

In 1895-1895, during the restoration, Small and Great Hall The municipality was united in the Gothic Hall - meetings of the city council are now held there, marriages are registered. The town hall is open to tourists.

This building also houses the City Museum of Bruges.

Basilica of the Holy Blood of Christ

Burg Square

On Burg Square there is a religious building, known not only in Bruges, but throughout Belgium - this is the Church of the Holy Blood of Christ. The church got its name due to the fact that it contains an important relic for Christians: a fragment of cloth with which Joseph of Arimathea wiped the blood from the body of Jesus.

The architectural design of the building is quite interesting: the lower chapel has a strict and ponderous Romanesque style, while the upper one is made in an airy Gothic style.

Before visiting this shrine, it is advisable to find information in advance about where and what is located inside the building. In this case, it will be much easier to navigate and it will turn out to see a lot of interesting details.

Every day, at 11:30 sharp, the priests bring out a piece of cloth with the blood of Jesus, placed in a beautiful glass capsule. Anyone can come and touch her, pray or just look.

Entrance to the Basilica is free, but photography inside is prohibited.

Time to visit: Sunday and Saturday from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

Brewery Museum De Halve Maan Brewery

There are such unique museums and sights of Bruges, which will be not only interesting to visit, but also delicious! For example, the current De Halve Maan brewery. For many centuries, since 1564, it has been invariably located in historical center of the city on Walplein Square, 26. Inside there are several restaurant halls, an enclosed courtyard with tables, as well as a beer museum building with an observation deck equipped on the roof.

The tour lasts 45 minutes and is available in English, French or Dutch. The entrance ticket costs about 10 €, and beer tasting is included in this price - by the way, beer in Belgium is peculiar, but very tasty.

Excursions to De Halve Maan take place according to the following schedule:

  • in April - October from Monday to Friday and on Sunday every hour from 11:00 to 16:00, on Saturday from 11:00 to 17:00;
  • in November - March from Monday to Friday at 11:00 and at 15:00, on Saturday and Sunday every hour from 11:00 to 16:00;
  • the museum is closed next days: December 24 and 25, and January 1.

In Bruges (Belgium), sights related to brewing are not an isolated case. In the city center, at Kartuizerinnenstraat 6, there is another operating brewery - Bourgogne des Flandres.

Here they allow to view the process of making beer, conduct an interesting interactive tour. There are audio guides for different languages in particular in Russian.

At the exit there is a good bar, where after the end of the tour adult visitors are offered a glass of beer (the cost is included in the ticket price).

At the end of the tour, everyone can get an original souvenir, reminiscent of Belgium and its delicious beer. To do this, you need to scan your ticket and take a picture. After the payment in the amount of 10 € is made at the cash desk, the photo will be printed in the form of a label and pasted on a bottle of Burgundy 0.75. A wonderful souvenir from Belgium!

Adult ticket will cost 10 €, for child – 7 €.

Brewery for tourists company is open every day of the week, except Monday, from 10:00 to 18:00.

Minnewater Lake

Minnewater Lake is an amazingly pretty and incredibly romantic place in Minnewaterpark. Everyone who comes here for a walk is immediately greeted by snow-white swans - a whole flock of 40 birds lives here. The inhabitants of Bruges consider swans a symbol of their city; many local legends and traditions are associated with these representatives of birds.

It is best to visit the park and the lake in the early morning, when there is not yet a large influx of tourists. At this time, here you can take a photo with a description as a memory of Bruges and sights - the photographs are very picturesque, like postcards.


Not far from the central part of the city (from the Market Square you can take a carriage, or you can walk on foot) there is a quiet cozy place - Beguinage, a noble house-refuge of beguins.

To get to the territory of the Beguinage, you need to cross a small bridge. Behind it there is a small chapel on the north side and a large one on the south, and between the chapels there are quiet streets with small white houses decorated with red roofs. There is also a modest park with huge old trees. The whole complex is surrounded by canals, in the waters of which swans and ducks constantly swim.

At present, all the buildings of the Beguinage have been placed at the disposal of convent Order of St. Benedict.

Territory closes for tourists at 18:30.

What else can you see in Bruges in one day, if time permits

Of course, having arrived in Bruges, I want to see as many sights of this city as possible. ancient city. And if in one day you managed to see everything recommended above, and at the same time there is still time left, in Bruges there will always be where to go and what to see.

So, what else to see in Bruges, if time permits? Although, perhaps it makes sense to stay here for another day or two?

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Groeninge Museum (Groeningemuseum)

On Dijver 12, near the famous Bonifacius Bridge in Bruges, there is the Gröninge Museum founded in 1930. Tourists, for whom "painting" is not just a word, definitely need to go there and see the collections presented. The museum has many examples of Flemish painting dating back to the 14th century, and especially the 15th-17th centuries. There are also works by the Belgian visual arts dated to the 18th-20th centuries.

The museum works Gröning every day of the week, except Monday, from 9:30 to 17:00. The ticket costs 8 €.

Church of Our Lady (Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekerk)

There are attractions in the city of Bruges that make it famous not only in Belgium, but throughout the world. We are talking about the Church of Our Lady, located on Mariastraat.

The architecture of this building harmoniously mixed the features of the Gothic and Romanesque styles. The bell tower, literally resting on the sky with its top, gives a special impressiveness to the building - this is not surprising at a height of 122 meters.

But the famous Church of Our Lady is made by Michelangelo's sculpture "Virgin Mary with Child" located on its territory. This is the only statue of Michelangelo taken out of Italy during the lifetime of the Master. The sculpture is located quite far, besides it is covered with glass, and it is most convenient to look at it from the side.

The entrance to the Church of Our Lady in Bruges is free. However, to approach the altar, admire the beautiful interior decoration, as well as see the famous creation of Michelangelo, all tourists over 11 years old need to buy a ticket for 4 €.

Go inside the church Our Lady and see the statue of the Virgin Mary is possible from 9:30 to 17:00.

St. John's Hospital (Sint-Janshospitaal)

St. John's Hospital is located near the Cathedral of Our Lady, at Mariastraat, 38. This hospital is considered the oldest in all of Europe: it was opened in the 12th century, and it worked until the middle of the 20th century. Now there is a museum here, and several thematic halls are equipped.

On the ground floor there is an exposition that tells about the healing of the 17th century. Here you can look at the first ambulance, visit the premises of an old pharmacy with portraits of its owners hanging on the walls. There is a collection of accessories for a pharmacy and a hospital of that time in the museum, and most of these medical instruments inspire real horror to modern man. However, this part of the museum belongs to the places of great interest for those who are interested in the Middle Ages.

On the same floor, there are six of the most iconic works by the famous Belgian artist Jan Memling, who lived in Bruges.

On the second floor, an exhibition called "The Witches of Brueghel" is periodically held, which tells about how in Western European art over time, the image of the witch changed. Here, if you wish, you can take original 3-d photographs in witch costumes, and there are costumes in children's sizes - there will be something to see in Bruges with children!

Museum in the former St. John's Hospital open to visitors from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:30 to 17:00.

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Walking around Bruges, examining its various sights, one should not forget that there are beautiful cozy parks here. In Koningin Astridpark it will be great to relax on comfortable benches, admire the old tall trees, watch the ubiquitous ducks and swans, look at the pond with the sculpture. And also - to recall the well-known film "Lie Down in Bruges", some scenes of which were filmed in this city park.


There is on the eastern outskirts of Bruges, in Kruisvest, a wonderful place where you can almost in a rural idyll take a break from the scenery of a medieval city. A river, the absence of cars and crowds of people, a landscape with mills, a natural hill from which you can admire the same Bruges from afar. Of the four mills standing here, two are active, and one can be viewed from the inside.

And there is no need to be afraid that it is far to get to the mills! You need to go from the city center in a northeast direction, and the road will take only 15-20 minutes. On the way from Bruges, sights will be found literally at every step: ancient buildings, churches. You just need to be careful, not to miss a single detail and read the signs on old buildings. And on the way to the mills there are several beer bars that are not listed on the tourist maps of the city - they are visited only by local residents.

Fabulous Bruges seems to be torn out of the usual flow of time. Here there is a feeling of unreality and the revived past. The Middle Ages materializes in amazing Flemish Gothic houses, Romanesque quarters and ancient churches. In Bruges, costumed theatrical processions and festivals are often held, during which the townspeople dress up in traditional costumes.

The historic center of Bruges is under the protection of UNESCO, as it has completely preserved its architectural appearance. Cute "gingerbread" town houses are entwined with ivy, the facades are decorated with weather vanes, and an unusually calm and peaceful atmosphere reigns on the streets. From time immemorial, Bruges has been brewing delicious beer and making excellent chocolate, so the tourist will also find gastronomic pleasures here.

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What to see and where to go in Bruges?

The most interesting and Beautiful places for walks. Photos and a short description.

The central square of Bruges, on which since the Middle Ages all the most important city organizations have been located: the court, the mayor's office, the post office, the shopping malls. Now the square is decorated with magnificent buildings in the Flemish Gothic style, houses of trade guilds with emblems, monuments to famous citizens. Every Wednesday there is a wound on the square, and in winter a smart Christmas market opens.

The tower of the XIII-XV centuries, symbolizing the desire of the inhabitants of Bruges for independence and freedom. The building reaches a height of 83 meters, at the top there is a bell tower, consisting of 49 bells. In past centuries, the tower served as a watchtower, since it was easy to see the enemy approaching the city from it. Inside are stored ancient letters confirming the rights and freedoms of residents.

The town hall is located on the central square Burg. The building was erected at the end of the 13th - beginning of the 14th century in the Flemish Gothic style. The architectural features of the building are repeated in the town halls of other Belgian cities: Leuven, Ghent, Brussels. Burg Square itself is the ancient center of Bruges, where the first Flemish count built his fortified castle. The area is surrounded by historical buildings different eras and architectural styles.

Belgium is famous for its brewing traditions. Brewery "De Halve Maan Brewery" is located in the heart of the city, it was founded in the XVI century, but the building that has survived to this day belongs to mid-nineteenth century. Here they make beer according to the traditional Belgian recipe - with a sour taste, cloudy and with a short shelf life. "De Halve" is a small family business and produces its own beers.

An art gallery founded at the beginning of the 18th century by members of a free society of artists. The museum houses a priceless collection of Flemish masters: Jan van Eyck, Hugo van der Goes, Hans Memling, Rogier van der Weyden and others. IN separate halls there are paintings by masters of the Renaissance and Baroque, as well as works artists of the 19th centuries. The Groeninge Museum is one of the most interesting in Bruges.

Once upon a time, a Belgian pharmacist created a unique cough medicine. He turned out bitter chocolate, and since then the history of this delicacy began. Bruges is often called the chocolate capital of Belgium. At the Choco Story Museum, you can see the entire history of the local chocolate industry and taste the most incredible and unusual varieties of goodies. The museum exhibits hundreds of chocolate sculptures from the most different colors and forms.

The oldest hospital in Europe, organized by monks to treat the poor and pilgrims. It is located in a building of severe and powerful medieval architecture. In the Middle Ages, this hospital was the largest medical institution in the entire region. The hospital chapel houses the Memling Museum, which houses the works of the famous and skilled craftsman Hans Memling, created by him at the request of the monks.

A museum that exhibits rich collections of sculptures, furniture, dishes, tapestries, ceramics and other decor items of past centuries. The exposition of the museum covers several historical periods, it is housed in a 15th-century building owned by the aristocratic Van Gruuthus family. The collection began to form in the middle of the 19th century, it included many exhibits from the private collection of the family. The museum is closed for restoration until 2018.

The basilica was originally a chapel built in the 12th century to store pieces of sheep's wool with traces of the blood of Christ. These relics were brought from crusade and transferred to the Flemish count Diederik van de Alsace. Medieval Romanesque and later Gothic styles met in the architecture of the basilica. The relics of St. Basil, the great Byzantine preacher, are kept in the temple.

Bruges Cathedral, crowned with a 122-meter bell tower. This graceful 15th century tower is a recognizable symbol of the city. Inside the temple is one of greatest works art of the Renaissance - the statue of Our Lady and Child by Michelangelo. The remains of the last Burgundian duke Charles the Bold and his daughter Mary are buried in the church.

An ancient temple of the XV century, which has come down to our times in almost unchanged form. The interior decoration also survived five centuries. The church is a copy of the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulcher. It was built by brothers from the noble Adorn family after their pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Inside is a part of the cross on which Jesus was crucified and several other significant relics. The church still belongs to the descendants of the Adorn family.

The main city cathedral. Its history began in the 10th century with a small parish church. The brick building of the temple was erected in the XIII-XIV centuries. From the outside, the cathedral seems gloomy and gloomy. However, this impression is compensated by the rich interior decoration. Over the centuries, the temple was subjected to minor damage, but he managed to maintain its original appearance thanks to careful reconstruction.

A commune like a monastery, where single women found shelter. But they did not take vows of celibacy and could leave the beguinage at any time. Similar associations were common in the XIII century. Courtyard of the Beguine Society in Bruges. St. Elizabeth occupies an entire block. It was founded in the first half of the 13th century, but most of the buildings date back to the 17th-18th centuries. The predominant architectural style of the complex is baroque.

A lake of amazing beauty, surrounded by lush flowering vegetation and romantic medieval buildings. People come here to relax, enjoy the silence and special atmosphere. There are magnificent swans in the lake, which have been bred since the 15th century by order of the former ruler of Flanders, the Austrian Emperor Maximilian. The ruler and his descendants are long gone, and beautiful birds still adorn this place.

City canals are not only an attraction that gives Bruges a picturesque look, although walking along them is quite popular with tourists. Canals act as transport arteries. For many centuries, goods were delivered to the city through them and transport links were conducted. Without a network of canals, Bruges would look more gloomy and harsh, and with them, the city claims to be the next “Venice of the North”.
