NLP - what is it? NLP: training, books, training. Psychological NLP Techniques


1. What is NLP?

2. History of occurrence. Main goals.

3. Principles

4. NLP Methods

5. The Importance of NLP at Work




Many have heard about NLP, but not everyone can imagine what it is and why this area of ​​psychology is becoming increasingly popular.

Using the principles of NLP it is possible to describe any human activity in a very detailed way, which makes it possible to make deep and stable changes in this activity easily and quickly. Here are some of the things you can learn to do:

1. Heal phobia and other discomforts

2. Help low-learning children and adults overcome their respective

3. Eliminate unwanted habits - smoking, drinking, overeating, insomnia

4. Make changes in relationships that take place in married couples, families and organizations to function more productively

5. Cure Somatic diseases (Diseases of the heart and blood vessels)

NLP is just one of many ways to understand and organize the fantastically complex yet beautiful system of human thought and communication.

1. What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the process of modeling conscious and unconscious behaviors that are unique to each person in order to constantly move towards greater and greater disclosure of one's potential.

Neuro - This is the way of our thinking, its character. Our worldview, our stereotypes that have arisen from contact with the environment around us and the society around us. The key to personal and business success lies primarily within ourselves, and learning how we think will allow us to unlock our inner resources.

Linguistic - Our language is an integral part of our life. At first, we do not think about how much speech means to us, what it means for life in a social environment. But still, we cannot but note that the ability to communicate is not limited to nods and smiles. Learning to understand and manage the structure of our language plays a key role in this world where the ability to communicate is more and more valued.

Programming - We manage our lives with strategies in the same way that a computer uses a program to achieve specific results. By being aware of the strategies by which we manage our lives, we provide ourselves with a choice: to continue acting in the same way or to try to develop our potential and personal effectiveness.

At its core, NLP is the study of our thinking, behavior, and speech capabilities, with which we can build a set of effective strategies. These strategies can help us make decisions, build relationships, start our own own business, manage groups of people, create balance in your life.

We use strategies in everything we do. But, unfortunately, most often these strategies are outside our consciousness. We don't understand why we act the way we do. This happens at the level of the subconscious, which controls our behavior in a given situation.

2. History of occurrence. Main goals

NLP called "psychotherapy" new wave", was created by Richard Bandler (mathematician) and John Grinder (linguist) as a result of the fact that they reformulated the question: not WHAT effective psychotherapy does, but HOW it does, and thereby made a discovery. The authors consider Gregory Bateson, Milton Erickson, modern neuropsychologists involved in the development of interhemispheric asymmetry: the right hemisphere is figurative, the left hemisphere is "computer", cybernetics, in the first place - Carlos Castanedy.

NLP does not claim to be a new theory that would be more consistent with physical reality than previously created. But if you take the principles of NLP as true and act accordingly, you can often get the expected result.

NLP offers a conceptual understanding firmly rooted in computer science and computer programming - yet more thoroughly rooted in the observation of living human experience. Everything that is in NLP can be directly tested by your own experience or observations of other people.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of how we think, speak and behave. It is a way of coding and reproducing certain outcomes that enable us to consistently achieve our goals in business and in life in general.

We live in a constantly changing world. In a world where a person is immersed in an unpredictable and complex environment. The more he learns, the more questions arise, to which he again and again seeks answers. In a world doomed to bear the burden of knowledge, striving for excellence and disappointment. We must understand what is important for our particular profession and what is not. We must learn to learn from every situation, every person and every hunch.

3. Principles

The basic principle of NLP: Your life depends only on you.

NLP theses

1. The map does not match the terrain.

2. Our mental maps of the world do not represent this world. We react to the cards, not to the world. It is much easier to "recycle" mental maps, especially those relating to feelings and interpretation, than to change the world. The Zen Buddhist Bai-zhang said: "If you understand that there is no connection between sense perception and the external world, you will be released instantly."

3. Experience has its own structure.

Our thoughts and memories have corresponding patterns. When we change the pattern or structure, our experience automatically changes (Castaneda's "personal history recapitulation").

4. If one person can do something, everyone can learn it.

We can map the minds of successful people and have those maps become ours (see The Essence of NLP).

5. People have the full potential they need.

Mental images, inner voices, feelings are the building blocks that make up all of our mental and physical resources. We can learn to build any thought, feeling, skill out of them, and then place them where they are most needed. The Zen Buddhist Bai-zhang said, “Everything is in the treasury within you, and you are free to use it. There is no need to look outside."

6. Mind and body are elements of the same system.

Thoughts affect the state of the muscles, breathing, feelings, and those - on thoughts. By changing one, you can change the other. [It doesn't matter which half to start with - harmony in one will lead to harmony in the other.]

7. It is impossible not to communicate.

We communicate constantly, incl. wordless, with words sometimes being the least significant component. Even our thoughts are messages to ourselves.

8. The value of your message is the response you received.

What we say or do is perceived by others through their mental maps of the world. If someone hears something other than what we meant, we can see what the meaning of the message was for the person listening and we can reframe that message.

9. There are positive intentions in every behavior.

Every act that hurts, hurts, and even makes no sense has a positive purpose at its core. It is possible to separate negative behavior from positive intentions and attach more positive behavior to the latter.

10. People always make the best choice they have.

Each of us has our own unique story. We have learned how and what to do, what and how to desire, what and how to appreciate, what and how to learn. This is our individual experience. Based on it, we must make our choices until we learn something new and better.

11. If you can't do what you're doing, do something else.

If you always do what you always did, then you will always get what you always got. If you want something new, do something new, especially since you have a lot of choice.

4. NLP Methods

The impact on oneself or on another person occurs only through his system of perception, called in NLP the representational system.

Perception of the situation from 4 positions

in terms of myself

from the point of view of your interlocutor

from the point of view of an outside observer

from the point of view of this whole system of relations

The view of an outside observer is the most objective, but it is very difficult to adjust to this perception, and, moreover, to keep it.

Most of the NLP methods are built on these 4 positions. This foundation consists of the following steps:

see yourself with a problem;

see yourself without a problem;

to see another person who believes that you are the best, loves you;

transform your experiences into the experiences of this person, using his language, modality of perception, etc.;

The group of NLP methods is based on the construction of associative links between phenomena. The Metaphor exercise, for example, includes the following steps:

Thinking about the problem, focusing on it, association with the problem.

Thinking about a pleasant regular activity that is not difficult for a person. This lesson will be a resource for him.

Linking the problem and resource through the construction of analogies.

Transferring the problem to a resource by analogy, finding a way out of the problem.

Moving the resource problem solution to the real problem.

Criticism Exercise:

Separation of yourself and the person who is being criticized (look at yourself from the position of an observer), between these people is a wall

A person imagines that he sees that other self, leaving at the moment of criticism behind this wall

The person imagines that he is being criticized, while it is assumed that he associates his behavior with the previously seen behavior of another self.

The term NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) has become widespread in our lexicon relatively recently. Scientifically, this is one of the areas of psychotherapy and practical psychology, which considers copying the verbal and non-verbal behavior of people, as well as the relationship between the forms of speech, the movement of the eyes, body and hands, with the impact on others. NLP techniques are successfully applied in everyday life.

My conviction is that no man loses freedom except through his own weakness.
Mahatma Gandhi

What is NLP for?

In the popular version of NLP, this is success modeling technology when any person, with the correct use of programming techniques, can significantly improve their success in their chosen field. And regardless of what it is connected with - with sales, politics or helping the elderly. Basically, such communication is taught in the field of sales, since it is in this area that the material return is most noticeable, which is why the interest in improving the effectiveness of communication increases markedly.

The science of personality programming has gone through a rather long period of development, its history has not only positive milestones. But, despite its status unrecognized by official science, development continues in huge strides, regularly offering more effective methods impact on personality.

History of the development of the science of NLP

The term NLP, as well as the science itself associated with neurolinguistic programming, appeared, according to open sources, in 1976, when a certain Richard Bandler and John Grinder decided to thoroughly study the impact on the consciousness of the individual of certain actions and carefully record everything in scientific work .

Of considerable importance to their research at that time were the teachings of Milton Erickson, who, according to similar principles, created a system for immersing a person in a state of trance, however, he did this for psychotherapeutic purposes. The basis of the methodology was the use of various linguistic and communicative techniques that directly affect people's consciousness. More precisely, temporarily turning it off and opening access to the most intimate of each person - the subconscious. After all, everything unconscious by us comes from it. In practice, this is the same as mastering the skills “on automatism”, when the hands and feet “know how to do it themselves”.

Often the basis of the NLP methodology is called Ericksonian hypnosis, which is not far from the truth, because the vast majority of “altered” states for setting goals were caused precisely by the use of the trance state. Exactly the same that is observed when dealing with gypsies.

Partly influenced the process of creating "science" and scientists such as:

  • Virginia Satir is a family therapist. Fritz Perls - This psychotherapist practiced Gestalt therapy.

    From everyone, little by little, the technique of copying human behavior was adopted both at the level verbal communication, i.e. with the help of words, and non-verbal, suggesting the same thing, only uncontrolled hand movements, facial expressions, etc. become an “information carrier”

    As soon as it became clear that the experiment was a success, and it turned out to reveal a whole lot of patterns, and many of them were confirmed experimentally, the developers had a conflict that grew into litigation. The latter lasted almost 20 years and were completed in early 2001 (disputes began in the 80s of the last century) without special success both sides.

    Today, the science of NLP has almost reached its apogee. In almost all areas, certain methods based on known patterns are openly applied.

    So, for example, in telephone conversations word forms are used that affect who is on the other end of the wire. The whole art is to actually force your opponent into a real meeting on the first phone call.

    The same can be said about personal meetings. They are not always desirable for the opponent, but it is still necessary to negotiate, because business does not tolerate stagnation. Thanks to imperceptible at first glance and persistent manipulation, the interlocutor is able to turn his negativity into at least so-called active neutrality, when at least he will not interfere in the situation. For example, when the purchasing department makes an order on not the most favorable terms.

    In addition to working moments, the use of at least one NLP technique in communicating at home with parents or children helps to achieve a calmer relationship, to calm down those household members who are eager to enter into a conflict. Yes, and become much calmer and more reasonable. After all, when almost any relationship between words spoken and deeds done can be explained scientifically, then there is simply no reason to be nervous.

    How does everything work?

    Even before the formulation of the principles of NLP, they paid attention to the fact that people are divided into certain categories according to the type of perception:

    1. visual perception means the predominant receipt of information about the world surrounding a person through visual images.
    2. Sound perception- the same, but only through sounds.
    3. kinesthetics are the main source of information touch.

    From the standpoint of neurolinguistic programming techniques, having determined one of the most priority types of perception, it is possible to purposefully influence the interlocutor by adjusting. The dominant perception makes a person more vulnerable, therefore, to apply NLP elements in communication, it is enough to be attentive to the opponent’s communication:

    1. So, for example, the predominance of phrases in a conversation that mean the action “look” leads to the conclusion that we are dealing with a person with a predominant visual perception.
    2. When the subject "hears" more, then sounds are more important to him.
    3. Only the one who predominantly "feels" with his tactile sensations remains.

    Template break

    The next step after identifying the most obvious point of influence is the NLP technique, which is often called "breaking the pattern." At the same time, neurolinguistic programming is carried out at the moment when the subject, while in a stupor due to the atypical behavior of the interlocutor, perceives the incoming knowledge not by the mind, but directly by the subconscious. For example, while shaking hands, you can say something rude instead of holding out your hand, and even pat yourself on the head "for it" or make any movement / action that the hypnotized person does not expect.

    The duration of the period during which the person is most receptive may be within 30 seconds, but in practice this depends on the individual, to the best of control, sensitivity. At such moments, any words are laid directly into the subconscious as a program, the execution of which the vast majority cannot even realize, let alone remember its essence.

    In the process of suggestion, other rules can be applied, for example:

    • exclude from the conversation phrases suggesting an apology or neglect of the interlocutor. For example, "Sorry if I bothered you" or "Let's quickly review everything with you"; Avoid "attack" phrases like "What the heck is going on here?"

      It is better to resort to using phrases that evoke positive emotions:

      • mention in a conversation an anecdotal situation that happened to you or your acquaintances (the second option is even preferable); ask a couple of questions of a personal nature that contribute to the frank mood of the interlocutor (for example, about the weather, children, etc.).

        Most a prime example The action of this technique in NLP is gypsy hypnosis.

        Thanks to properly established communication, they often manage to rob the interlocutor or impose on him a completely unnecessary, and even useless purchase. At the same time, they surround the client from all sides and start on different voices say almost simultaneously, which inevitably drives a person into a stupor, where commands like “open your wallet, take off all the gold from yourself”, etc. are suggested to him.

        One example real life is the playing of the same type of music in all stores of a particular trading network, which leaves an indelible mark on the subconscious of every visitor. Thus, an “anchor” is placed on more frequent visits to stores and, accordingly, on a loyal attitude towards them.

        What can NLP give in everyday life?

        There is an opinion that in Everyday life we are constantly surrounded by elements that mostly resemble unconscious attempts to manipulate relatives. This is especially noticeable in the child-adult relationship. For example, when the phrase “don’t scream” is pronounced, then the little one is “invited” to continue screaming, which he does.

        A lot of attention is paid to technical details, for example, how exactly you should touch the interlocutor when pronouncing the “command”. At what moments of the conversation is it worth repeating the touches that consolidate the effect achieved (this method is called “setting the anchor”).

        In general, in order to get an acceptable result, which would not only manifest itself, but also be fixed, one should constantly train. For example, think about your every step, every action and spoken words. It is the last tool that has an extremely “magical” effect. Everything else (touch, facial expressions, etc.) is just a means for a more successful perception of the main information.

        When mastering NLP techniques, programming others can greatly simplify the solution of many issues that are important to you. So, a person who has mastered the basics of NLP can count on being able to:

NLP is one of the most popular destinations existing applied psychology. The scope of its application is very extensive: psychotherapy, medicine, marketing, political and pedagogy, business, advertising.

Unlike most other practically oriented psychological disciplines, NLP provides operational change, solving the problems of both an individual person and society as a whole. At the same time, everything is carried out in an unconditionally effective environmental regime.

Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming

It is worth starting with the fact that NLP is a kind of art, a science of excellence, the result of the study of achievements. prominent people in various The positive moment is that absolutely everyone can master such communication skills. You just need to have the desire to improve your professional

Neuro-Linguistic Programming: What is it?

There are various models of excellence built by NLP in the field of communication, education, business, therapy. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a specific model of structuring by individual people of their unique life experience. We can say that this is only one of the many ways of understanding, organizing the most complex, but unique system of communication and human thoughts.

NLP: history of origin

It appeared in the early 70s, was the result of a collaboration between D. Grinder (at that time an assistant professor of linguistics at the University of California at Santa Cruz) and R. Bandler (there - a student of psychology), who was very passionate about psychotherapy. Together they investigated the activities of 3 great psychotherapists: V. Satir (family therapist, she took on cases that other specialists considered hopeless), F. Perls (innovator of psychotherapy, founder of the Gestalt therapy school), M. Erickson (world famous hypnotherapist) .

Grinder and Bandler uncovered the patterns (templates) used by the above psychotherapists, deciphered them, and subsequently built a fairly elegant model that can be applied both in and in personal change, and as part of accelerated learning, and even for more life pleasure.

Richard and John at that time lived near G. Bateson (an English anthropologist). He was the author of works on systems theory and communication. His scientific interests were very extensive: cybernetics, psychotherapy, biology, anthropology. He is known to many for his theory of the 2nd link in schizophrenia. Bateson's contribution to NLP is extraordinary.

NLP has evolved in two complementary directions: as a process for discovering patterns of mastery in any area of ​​human life, and as a sufficient effective method communication and thinking, which is practiced by prominent people.

In 1977 Grinder and Bandler held a series of successful public seminars in America. This art is spreading rapidly, as evidenced by the statistics that to date, approximately 100,000 people have been trained in one form or another.

Origin of the name of the science in question

Neuro-linguistic programming: what is it, based on the meaning of the words included in this term? The word "neuro" refers to the fundamental idea that human behavior originates in neurological processes such as seeing, tasting, smelling, touching, hearing, and feeling. Mind and body form an inseparable unity - the human being.

The "linguistic" component of the name demonstrates the use of language in order to streamline one's thoughts, one's behavior in order to be able to enter into communication with other people.

"Programming" implies an indication of how a person organizes his actions, ideas in order to obtain the desired result.

NLP Basics: Maps, Filters, Frames

All people use the senses in order to perceive the world around us, to study it, to transform it. The world is an endless variety of sensory manifestations, but people can perceive only a tiny part of it. The information received is subsequently filtered by unique experiences, language, values, assumptions, culture, beliefs, interests. Each person lives in some unique reality, which is built from purely personal sensory impressions, individual experience. His actions are based on what he perceives - on his personal model of the world.

The world around us is so large-scale and rich that people are forced to simplify it in order to comprehend it. Good example This is the creation of geographical maps. They are selective: they carry information and at the same time miss it, however, they still act as an incomparable assistant in the process of exploring the territory. From the fact that a person knows where he wants to get, it also depends on what kind of map he draws up.

Humans are equipped with numerous natural, necessary, beneficial filters. Language is a filter, a map of thoughts specific person, his experiences, which is separated from the real world.

Fundamentals of Neuro-Linguistic Programming - Behavioral Framework. This is the understanding of human action. So, the first frame is focusing on the result, not on a specific problem. This means that the subject is looking for something to strive for, then finds suitable solutions, and subsequently applies them to achieve the goal. The focus on the problem is most often referred to as the “blame frame”. It consists in a deep analysis of the existing reasons for the impossibility of achieving the desired result.

The next frame (second) is to ask exactly the question “how?”, Not “why?”. It will lead the subject to an awareness of the structure of the problem.

The essence of the third frame is feedback instead of failure. There is no such thing as failure, only results. The first is a way of describing the second. Feedback holding back the target

Considering the possibility, not the necessity, is the fourth frame. The focus should be on possible actions, and not on existing circumstances that limit a person.

Also, NLP welcomes curiosity, surprise instead of pretense. At first glance, this is a fairly simple idea, but it has very profound implications.

Another useful idea is the ability to create internal resources that a person needs to achieve his goal. Faith in the correctness of actions will help to achieve success rather than supposing the opposite. This is nothing but Neuro Linguistic Programming. What it is has already become clear, so it’s worth moving on to considering its methods and techniques.

NLP Methods

These are the main theoretical, practical aspects of using neurolinguistic programming. These include:

  • anchoring;
  • submodality editing;
  • swish methods;
  • work with obsessive, problematic, phobic conditions.

These are the main methods of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Changing the perception of an event

This is one of the exercises the simplest technique neurolinguistic programming. For example, jealousy. It proceeds in 3 consecutive stages: visualization (imagining the scene of betrayal), then auditoryization (representing the sound accompaniment of the scene of betrayal) and at the end - kinesthetic perception (the appearance of a negative feeling of betrayal).

The essence of this technique is the violation of one of the stages. IN this example it can be a conviction that the scene of betrayal is far-fetched at the first stage, at the second stage it is presented to the accompaniment of funny music, which leads to a change in the perception of the whole picture as a whole at the third stage (it becomes funny). This is how Neuro Linguistic Programming works. The most diverse examples can be given: an imaginary illness, the power of photographic memory, etc.

Pedagogy as a field of application of NLP

As mentioned earlier, there are a large number of areas where Neuro Linguistic Programming is used. Training can also take place using methods, NLP techniques.

Scientists argue that through neurolinguistic programming, a significant part of the school material can be mastered much faster, more efficiently without the formation of school phobias, mainly due to the development of student abilities. With all this, this process is very exciting. This applies to any teaching activity.

The school has its own unique culture, which is formed from several subcultures that have their own patterns of non-verbal communication.

Due to the fact that school educational levels are differentiated, each of them generates its own patterns of effective learning styles. These levels are grouped into categories:

1. Primary school. At the age of 6, children leave the walls of the kindergarten and enter the 1st grade as a so-called kinesthetic creature. Educators know that children perceive the real world through touch, smell, taste, etc. primary school a typical practice is going through procedures - kinesthetic learning.

2. High school. Starting from the 3rd grade, adjustments are made to the learning process: the transition from kinesthetic perception to auditory. Children who find it difficult to adapt to this transition are left to finish their studies or they are transferred to special classes.

3. High school students. Another transition is being made from auditory to visual perception. The presentation of school material becomes more symbolic, abstract, graphic.

These are the basics of Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Corridor and conveyor

The first concept is the place where the development of the student's lagging modality takes place. In other words, the corridor is aimed at the process, and the conveyor - at the content.

When focusing on the latter, the teacher should apply neurolinguistic programming: learning through multi-sensory techniques in order to provide the opportunity for each individual student to choose the process that is familiar to him. However, as a rule, the "conveyor" teacher builds the learning process in the first modality, while the "corridor" teacher will need to select individual approach to each student (corridor). Thus, the ability to establish an appropriate learning style is the basis of success.

Application of NLP in sects

There are also areas of life where neuro-linguistic programming acts as a lever of negative manipulation. Various examples can be given. Most often these are sects.

Alexander Kapkov (sectologist) believes that at one time the secret methods of neurolinguistic programming were quite often used in various religious groups, for example, in the sect of Ron Hubbard. They are very effective for quick and effective zombification of adherents (they allow you to manipulate a person). The effects of psychotechniques in sects are passed off as indulgence of grace.

The article described what neurolinguistic programming is (what it is, what methods and techniques it uses), as well as examples of its practical application.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a popular and hotly debated field of applied psychology. The relevance of this subject is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, NLP methods are at the intersection of several disciplines: psychology, psychotherapy, programming and linguistics. Secondly, NLP is a new research direction, aimed mainly at practical application in human life. In addition, although Neuro Linguistic Programming is often criticized by the academic community, this discipline contains a large number of useful and “working” techniques, which will be discussed in the lessons of this section. In this online training, you will learn for free how to use the key NLP techniques: metamodel, framing, reporting, anchoring, working with states and representational systems, as well as get acquainted with the best practices, games, books, videos on this topic.

What it is?

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a field of practical psychology that develops applied techniques that model the techniques and practices of famous psychotherapists and communication masters.

In other words, NLP is engaged in the study of the positive experience of specialists in the field of psychotherapy, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, linguistics, hypnosis, with the aim of further using this experience. Essentially, NLP is a technique modeling successful people to make these methods available to the public.

It should be noted that NLP is not a science, and knowledge, due to the peculiarities of its acquisition, cannot be fully scientifically verified. Moreover, the scientific community is skeptical about this direction, and it is rare to find courses in NLP in universities. But it is important to understand that the creators of NLP did not have the goal of making a full-fledged scientific theory. It was important for them to find publicly available techniques, revealing the complex techniques of well-known practitioners of psychology.

Short story

The joint work on the creation of neurolinguistic programming was started in the late 1960s by a group of specialists at the University of California: Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Frank Pucelik, led by their scientific advisor, the famous anthropologist Gregory Bateson. The NLP system was developed to answer the question of why certain therapists interact so effectively with their clients. Instead of exploring this question From the point of view of psychotherapeutic theory, Bandler and Grinder turned to the analysis of the methods and techniques used by these psychotherapists by observing the progress of their work. The scientists then grouped the studied methods into different categories and presented them as general models. interpersonal relationships and the influence of people on each other.

The famous specialists, whose professional experience was decided to be converted into models, were chosen:

  • Virginia Satir - Family Therapy
  • Milton Erickson - Ericksonian hypnosis
  • Fritz Perls - gestalt therapy

The first results of studying the practical skills of these psychotherapists appeared in 1975 and were published in the work “The Structure of Magic. Volume 1" (1975). Then the expanded materials of the study of the model were presented in the books “The Structure of Magic. Volume 2" (1976) and "Changes in the Family" (co-authored with Virginia Satir, 1976). The result of this work was the so-called Meta-model, which you will learn about from the first lesson of our training. This model served as the foundation for further research in this area and led to the creation of a whole area of ​​practical psychology. Today, NLP is an open methodology that has many followers who supplement it with original developments.

Applying the NLP Skill

NLP tries to teach people to observe, understand and influence themselves and others as effectively as experienced psychotherapists and masters of communication do. Therefore, NLP has a wide range of applications, which can include areas such as:

  • psychotherapy,
  • time management,
  • education,
  • management and management,
  • sales,
  • jurisprudence,
  • writing and journalism.

NLP allows you to develop the communication skills necessary for every person. In addition, NLP helps personal development: the ability to correctly understand one's emotional states, perceive the world around you in a versatile way, and achieve flexibility in behavior. Advanced NLP techniques allow you to treat phobias and psychological trauma, maintain good mental shape and maintain high level performance.

How to learn it

Additional material

Within one online course it is impossible to describe all possible models and techniques of neurolinguistic programming. This is also due to the fact that this research area continues to develop, modeling new psychological and linguistic techniques. Many of these techniques are quite specific, so they will not be of interest to all 4brain readers. To make it easier for you to find necessary information, we decided to link to Additional materials(books, videos, articles) that are not included in our course.


There are many NLP textbooks in stores, but often these books contain little useful information. To help you better navigate the Neuro Linguistic Programming literature, we have compiled a list of the most popular and trusted books. It included:

  • Foci of language. Robert Dilts
  • From frogs to princes. John Grinder
  • NLP Practitioner: Complete Certificate Course. NLP Magic Tutorial. Bodenhamer B., Hall M.
  • The art of persuasion. Richard Bandler
  • 77 the best technicians NLP. Michael Hall
  • And some others.


Due to the fact that many NLP techniques are specific speech techniques and behaviors, it is difficult to learn all this just by reading a textual description. An important component of training are illustrative examples people who have already mastered the necessary technique, as well as master classes and lectures by leading experts. We also tried to include videos with such examples and speeches in our training and additional materials.

Neuro-linguistic programming or NLP is a direction in psychology, the foundation for which is the copying of verbal and non-verbal human behavior. NLP was created in the 60s-70s of the twentieth century, it is used on psychological trainings.

The official psychology of NLP does not recognize: sometimes the direction is called pseudoscience. This is due to the fact that most of the methods he uses are not scientifically substantiated and ineffective, although there are research results that prove the opposite.

Neuro-linguistic programming explores the experience of psychotherapists and psychoanalysts, linguists, hypnotists in order to make the methods they use publicly available. NLP is:

  • Possession of the skill of a clear goal setting. The ability to see obstacles on the way to the goal and eliminate them.
  • Attentiveness and sensitivity to what is happening within oneself and in the environment outside world. The skill is needed to control one's own activity in the process of implementing the plan.
  • Flexibility in actions on the way to achieving the goal, the ability to change actions until a result appears.

The “Neuro” part of the name indicates that in order to display the human experience, one must be competent in the area of ​​​​brain activity responsible for processing, storing and disseminating information.

The importance of language in displaying the device of behavior, thinking, interaction between people is demonstrated by the word "Linguistic".

"Programming" - involves the exact sequence of steps in advancing the goal. This is a systematic inference and behavior.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a combination of skills that help to quickly change a person's thinking (manipulate) in order to influence him. Such an action on the psyche is not realized by the object and is carried out with the aim of liberation from problems, development, or as a remedy.

The foundation of NLP is interaction with human consciousness. In the process of working with people, blocking of the conscious is used in order to release the unconscious.

History of Neuro Linguistic Programming

The development of neurolinguistic programming began in the late 60s of the last century at the University of California by scientists led by anthropologist Gregory Bateson. The study was designed to reveal the patterns of effective communication of some psychotherapists with patients.

Richard Bandler and John Grinder studied methods, techniques, methods of interaction, analyzed them by observing the work of psychotherapists with their wards. The methods used by Virginia Satir, Milton Erickson, Fritz Perzl were monitored.

Later, the methods studied were organized as species and shown in the form of models of the impact of people on each other. The conclusions of the study are presented in the works “The Structure of Magic. Volume 1 "(1975)," The structure of magic. Volume 2" (1976). Together with Virginia Satir, in 1976, the book "Changes in the Family" was written.

The result of the research was a meta-model, which served as the basis for continuing the study. This is how practical psychology arose, or rather a separate direction called "neurolinguistic programming".

In the early 1980s, each of the creators of NLP began to follow a separate path, which led to the emergence by the end of the 80s of several associations with one-of-a-kind approaches. At the same time, NLP came to Russia. The first Russian scientists from Novosibirsk were trained by John Grinder himself. He has taught with almost all Russian trainers, twice held seminars in Russia: in 1997 and 2004.

Using NLP

Neuro-Linguistic Programming teaches you to understand yourself and people nearby, observation and influence by communicative and psychotherapeutic methods. NLP is used by people in the following areas of life:

  • Oratory.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Journalism.
  • Management.
  • Studies.
  • commercial activity.
  • Acting skills.
  • Law and law, jurisprudence.
  • Time management and efficient use.

Mastering NLP practices helps to improve communication skills, causes personal growth, heals fears and phobias, maintains mental health and performance at a normal level.

How to learn it

NLP techniques are available to anyone. It won't be hard to master them. This is evidenced by the main provisions of the doctrine.

There are three main levels of education:

  • The standard NLP Practitioner course is preferable if you are only interested in communication skills and counseling. Also "NLP Practitioner" is recommended for beginners. The duration of this course is 21 days. Graduates receive the qualification of NLP practitioners, which indicates the possession of the methodology and the ability to apply it when conducting practices for beginners. "NLP Practitioner" is a basic educational course, the training in which is built on the principle from simple to complex.
  • If there is a desire to deepen knowledge, work with persuasion and modeling, the NLP-Master course will help.
  • "NLP-Trainer" will teach you how to work with the audience, introduce you to the features of learning neurolinguistic programming.

Trainings and full-time courses last for months, and you have to pay a tidy sum for training. But not everything is so sad. Most of the techniques can be mastered on your own.

To do this, you need to read special books on NLP, diligently apply the learned techniques in practical activities. Improving skills in neurolinguistic programming will allow the continuous use of the acquired knowledge and skills in life.

The developers of NLP, while modeling the techniques of famous psychotherapists, applied several laws that these professionals used. All laws are connected in a system of presuppositions - axioms-tools that make the applied techniques effective.

More than one book has been written on neuro-linguistic programming: there are a great many of them. Often similar books contain not as much useful information as we would like, and it is pointless to read them, expecting an impressive result. The best in the field, the most famous and useful following books:

A NLP Practitioner. The book was written by Bob Bodenhamer and Michael Hall. The book contains the most interesting materials. Includes general information, description of methods, techniques, exercises, examples. "NLP Practitioner" is equally highly appreciated by people who first became interested in the teachings, as well as those who already had some knowledge in this area and wanted to improve them.

B The book "From Frogs to Princes" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder is intended for specialists in the field of psychology (psychotherapists, sociologists, psychologists), as well as anyone who is interested in the psychology of interaction between people. Reading the contents of the book will be useful for beginners learning NLP.

In "The State of Solved Problems" - a book by S. Jacobson, which describes the universal model. It can be used by people to solve problems in any area of ​​life. The foundation for the model was the laws of thought, life and activity.

G “Reframing. Personality Orientation Through Speech Strategies by Richard Bandler. The book deals with the psychology of reframing, that is, changing thinking and perception in order to get rid of adverse mental patterns. Not only the current practitioner or specialist will read the work with interest, the presented models and methods of application can be successfully used ordinary people.

Manipulation and NLP

Any active interaction between people - manipulation. Communicating with each other, people at an unconscious level want to get the reaction of the interlocutor. If there are goals that cannot be achieved alone, manipulation during communication is observed in 100% of cases.

You can manipulate other people explicitly or covertly, the difference is that in the first case, a person voices his goal or what kind of reaction he wants to see. Every day, from birth, interaction occurs between people, which accompanies manipulation.

Psychology has determined that it is possible to manipulate human consciousness using special methods:

  • Hypnosis and trance.

Hypnosis has been known to mankind since ancient times, currently a similar method is used as a means of treating addictions, ailments and phobias. Each person falls into a state of trance in a natural way: the point of concentration shifts, there is an immersion in one's own thoughts. Everything that people mastered happened when the brain switched to a different mode of operation, was in a state of trance (a state of altered consciousness). Deep trance (hypnosis) is considered the most vulnerable state to manipulate consciousness: a person perceives information through the senses, logic is turned off, there is no criticality.

Psychology has developed techniques for achieving goals. NLP is a competent systematization of all the best. Here the methods of cognitive psychology, gestalt psychotherapy, behaviorism and others were combined. The techniques that psychology has collected in NLP can easily be turned into a manual for manipulating human consciousness. Moreover, one who owns such methods can detect such actions.

  • Psychotronic weapon.

IN open sources it is impossible to find information about such weapons. There is not even irrefutable evidence that it actually exists, since the information is classified. Psychotronic weapons are directional waves through which the behavior of a person or a crowd is manipulated (wave vibrations make people panic, run or stop). The foundation for the creation of weapons was what psychology studied as a science.

NLP institutes and courses are informal, as psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry do not officially recognize Neuro-Linguistic Programming. This is explained by the fact that the technique is not theoretically justified and does not have scientific confirmation of its effectiveness. However, all the methods used to influence the consciousness and thinking of a person are based on laws, regulations, rules, developments of psychology and psychotherapy that have been confirmed and proven by science.
