Games trainings for self-realization of junior schoolchildren. Psychological training for junior schoolchildren "Magic necklace

The leading activity in preschool age is the game, so the proposed program is based on game exercises aimed at ensuring the psychological comfort of the child's stay in kindergarten and during adaptation at school.
At this age, self-knowledge begins - the discovery of oneself - one of the most important discoveries in the world. And next to you is another, and you have to learn to look and see, listen and hear, understand and accept the other.
As adults, we are well aware of the importance of game repetition for a child. We use them often. Classes with repetitions become close and understandable for them. Information obtained by repetition is better remembered.
At first, all games are offered and conducted by an adult. In the future, children will increasingly ask an adult to play some specific games that they seem to need right now.
Target correctional and developmental program: cooperation of children in a group, which provides for the creation of a sense of belonging to a group, a positive emotional background, the ability to understand one's emotional state and recognize the feelings of people around, the development of communication skills.
At the same time, there is a positive cooperation of each child with the ideal adult, who is the leader.

Lesson form. Each lesson consists of three parts: warm-up, main and final.
Warm up
1. Creation positive attitude in Group.
2. Maintaining a friendly attitude of children towards each other during classes.
3. Tactile contact with each other.
4. Development of positive self-esteem.
The main warm-up procedures are greetings and contact exercises.
Main part. The main part plays a leading role during the whole lesson. It includes mainly games aimed at correcting the emotional and personal sphere of the child.
Objectives: to create for each participant a sense of belonging to the group and to reinforce positive emotions from work in class.
Saying goodbye to children is ritualistic.


Content Number of lessons
theory practice
1. Sociometry 1
2. Group behavior rules 1
3. Establishing contact 1
4. Sense perception of self 1
5. Recognition and regulation of one's condition 1
6. attention to partner 1
7. Boosting self esteem 1
8. Trust in another person 1
9. Cohesion of children in a group 1
10. The ability to read the mood of another 1
11. Interaction skills 1
12. different moods 1
13. Ability to comfort others 1
14. Conflicts in contact, or conflict resolution 1
15. Self-management (self-regulation) 1
16. Ability to make contact 1
17. Group interaction 1
18. Self-esteem. Sociometry 1
With Total 2 16

18 lessons


Target. Divide children into subgroups. Three games are used for this: "Engine", "River", "Scientist".

1. The game "Engine"

The guys scatter to different corners of the room and choose a place for themselves - this is their "station". One of the participants is a "locomotive". His task is to bypass everyone, collect passengers to the music or famous song M. Starokadomsky "Merry Travelers".
When the “train” has gathered everyone, the leader can ask the child who he took first and why. This game provides an opportunity to determine the choices of children. An assistant (in the case when the training is conducted by a psychologist, it can be an educator, a teacher) writes down on paper the choice of each child.

2. Game "River"

The players stand in one column. The host announces that they are all a big river, which in one place “spills” into two branches: two small rivers.
At the beginning of the column, it is necessary to put two leaders and, showing how the river “spills”, separate them in different directions. The rest of the children take turns going in different directions. Everyone's wishes are taken into account. The assistant fixes the merging of children into subgroups. Perhaps these are future subgroups of social training.

The host climbs onto a chair and declares himself a scientist, and all the children are droplets. He asks the children to spread out across the room. The scientist needs to compose a very important substance and send it into space. In the flask he is holding, he will drip 3 different liquids: yellow, green and red. After each “infusion” of color, the droplets (and these are the children in the group) begin to move and merge (join hands) until the scientist says: “Stop!” And so 3 times. During the experiment, droplets merge 2–3–6, etc.
It’s very good if for the third time the children form one big drop, but you don’t need to push them to this leader, you should patiently wait for what happens.
Assistant fixes everything. In this way, we identify social associations in which, with the help of the games and exercises proposed below, the cooperation of children with each other can be strengthened.
If the group of children is small, for example 12 people, then in order to unite the group, it is better not to divide it.


The facilitator invites the children to take their places on chairs standing in a circle, and introduces the rules of behavior in the group.
Leading. Girls and boys! Once a week we will play games with you that will help you become more courageous and self-confident. They will teach you how to relax and treat each other nicely and still be in a great mood.
Each lesson consists of three parts. The 1st part is called "Warm-up". It is held in a circle, everyone sits on chairs. A warm-up is needed so that we tune in to classes, become kinder to each other, more attentive.
Part 2 is the main one. Here we can sit on chairs, and stand in a circle, and sit on the carpet. We will play with each other and all together. We need to learn to understand each other.
The 3rd part is the final games, farewell to each other.
Guys, we will sit in a circle, which means - according to a certain rule, according to the law. For those who sit in a circle, there is a rule: "When one speaks, the rest listen to him and understand." Remember the cartoon "Mowgli"? There, too, when one spoke, the others listened attentively and did not interrupt him. For example, this is how they listened to Bagheera, the bear Balu. And when you listen carefully, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. Shouldn't we, children, have such a wonderful rule?
Children's answers.
This rule is repeated and understood.

Girls and boys, who understood this rule? And who is going to do it? Great! This means that the rule will also apply in our circle: “When one person speaks, the rest listen to him and try to understand.”
It will be very good if in our classes you will say what you think and feel. We will all learn this together.
In conclusion, the host can play one game from the warm-up, one of the main part (it is better if it is already famous game, for example "Scientist"). Finally, we must say goodbye.
This farewell game may become ritualized in the future.


Warm up

1. "Crystal ball"

From the “magic” box, the facilitator takes out a crystal ball, then asks the children, passing it around in a circle, to talk about how they feel.

2. "Mood barometer"

The facilitator shows a real barometer and talks about its action.
Children are invited to show their mood (as a barometer shows the weather) only with their hands: bad mood - palms touch each other, good - hands are spread apart.

3. " affectionate name»

The host invites each child to affectionately name the neighbor sitting on the right, who must certainly thank the speaker by saying “Thank you”.

4. "Tender hands - a kind look - a pleasant smile"

It is proposed to put your hands on top of the hands of a neighbor sitting on the left, look into his eyes and smile. And so in a circle.

Main part

5. "Go away!"

The host offers to “play out” his bad mood.
Leading. Children, show your bad mood in the game "Go away!". To do this, meet in pairs and, putting your hands together and frowning your eyebrows, angrily say to each other: “Go away!” Then go to another boy or girl.

6. "Tuh-tibi-spirit!"

Leading. I will now give you a special word. This is a magic spell against bad mood. Start walking around the room without talking to anyone. As soon as you feel like talking, stop in front of one of their children and say angrily three times Magic word"tuh-tibi-spirit!".
The second child should stand quietly and listen as you say the magic word. But if he wants, he can answer you in the same way: say angrily three times: “Tuh-tibi-dukh!”
From time to time, stop in front of someone and again angrily say this magic word.

7. "Come to me!"

Leading. Now walk around the room and from time to time, meeting someone, say: “Come to me!” At the same time, you can smile at your friend and call him, showing with your hands. Approaching each other, hug and stand like that.


8. "Support" ("Magic Circle")

Leading. Children, stand in a circle. It will be a magical circle, because the children who stand in the circle will do everything to ensure that the one who stands in the center has amazing adventures. Which one of you would like to be the first to stand in the middle?
Seryozha, stand in a circle exactly in the middle, put your feet together, keep straight. Everyone else, standing in a circle, raise your hands to chest level (show). When Seryozha falls in your direction, you must catch him and carefully return him to the center of the circle.

9. "Good warmth"

Leading. This exercise is called "Kind Warmth". Stand in a circle and gently hold hands. “Heat” will go from me to the right, that is, I will gently shake my neighbor’s hand on the right, he will next, and so on in a circle. Let's try.
And now the same thing, but with closed eyes. Let's see how the group works together.


Warm up

1. "Mood barometer"
(See activity 3, game 2.)

2. "What I like to do"

Leading. I would like us to get to know each other better. To do this, I offer you the following game. One of you will choose something that he really likes to do and start showing us without words. Everyone else is watching carefully what the speaker is doing and trying to guess what he wants to tell us, but they themselves do not say anything yet. Once the speaker has completed his pantomime (vocabulary work), we can begin to give our guesses.
After everyone who wants to speak, we can ask the speaker if there are those among us who understood him correctly. After the discussion, the next speaker will speak. Let me start the game.

3. "Affectionate name"
(See activity 3, game 3.)

4. "I like..."

It is necessary to turn in a circle to the neighbor sitting on the left, with the words: “Sasha, I like it ...”, that is, to praise the neighbor for something, to compliment him (dictionary work).

5. "Mood barometer"
(See activity 3, game 2.)

Main part

6. "Chair of love"

A chair is placed in the center.
Leading. This chair is not easy, it is a chair of love. Who is the first to want to sit on it and receive affection, warmth and love from others? Sit down, Lena, close your eyes and don't open until I say. And you guys, quietly come up and gently, gently stroke Lena on the legs, back. Now run on tiptoe. Lena, open your eyes and tell us if you liked the "chair of love"?

7. "Princess Nesmeyana"

A chair is placed in the center. A child sits on it. To cheer up Princess Nesmeyana, you need to say kind words to her about how good she is.
The children take turns telling the princess about her good qualities.


8. "Support"
(See activity 3, game 8.)

9. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)


Warm up

1. "Birch"

Leading. Stand up straight, feet together, hands down. Raise your arms up, while the back is straight, the chin is raised. Legs, like the roots of a tree, grow into the ground, feet together and pressed to the floor. Stretch your whole body up as if you were a strong tree that is not afraid of any storm. Your body is slim, beautiful, strong. After 10 seconds, the arms slowly lower. Take 2-3 calm breaths and exhales and repeat the exercise.

2. "Pick apples"

Leading. Imagine that there is a big apple tree growing in front of you with wonderful big apples. Apples hang directly overhead, but it is not possible to get them without difficulty. Look at me, I'll show you how you can pluck them. You see, there is a big apple hanging at the top right. Stretch your right hand as high as possible, rise on your tiptoes and take a sharp breath. Now pluck the apple. Bend down and lay it on the grass. Now exhale slowly. We do the same with the other hand.

3. "Tender words"

You need to turn to the neighbor on the left and say a kind word to him, and then wait for him to say another kind word to you. The host begins: “kind” - “beautiful” ...

4. "Mood barometer"
(See activity 3, game 2.)

Main part

5. "No!"

To the music, the host speaks calmly and slowly.
Leading. Sit comfortably, relax. Close your eyes. Breathe evenly and slowly. Inhale - strength, exhale - confidence and calmness. These forces will always help you. Your body felt empowered. Imagine your voice saying "No!" All the strength you need is in you. This is your strength!
Now wiggle your fingers, arm, open your eyes and say, "I can say no!" when needed!

6. Thunderstorm

Leading. Guys, who is afraid of thunderstorms? Slava, do you want to reduce your fear? Lie down on the floor. We will guard your dream. Now close your eyes.

The grass rustled and a light rain fell.
The rain began to intensify.
Thunder boomed. The hail fell. It poured pouring rain.
There was a light rain.
A light breeze blew.
Finally, the first rays of the sun came out. Wake up baby How do you feel? Has your fear of thunder decreased?

7. "Kind animal"

Children stand in a circle and hold hands.
Leading. Let's play a game called "Kind Animal". We are one big, kind animal. Let's hear how it breathes. Now let's breathe together. Inhale - everyone takes a step forward. Exhale - step back. Our animal breathes very evenly and calmly. And now let's depict and listen to how his big heart beats. A knock is a step forward, a knock is a step back.


8. "Support"
(See activity 3, game 8.)

9. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)


Warm up

1. "Tender hands - a kind look - a pleasant smile"
(See activity 3, game 4.)

2. "Relay race of good news"

Leading. I want each of you to tell us something nice that happened to him yesterday (this week). Moreover, while you are talking, the tennis ball is in your hands. When you are done talking, pass the baton of good news, that is, pass the ball to a neighbor, and so on in a circle.

3. "Birch"
(See activity 5, game 1.)

4. "Clear your brains"

Leading. Right now, we will all perform a special ritual together (vocabulary work). This ritual should help us remove all the dust that has accumulated in the depths of our mind.
Stand with your feet a little apart and keep your hands about 20 cm from your ears. Imagine that you are holding a golden thread in your hands that enters one ear, passes through your head, and exits the other ear.
You made it! Now start pulling back and forth, from one ear to the other...
Look around, see how everyone is doing the same. Now let's do it in the same rhythm. Ready? One-two, one-two! Left-right, left-right!
Do you know who you are now? You are mental chimney sweeps. You have cleared the contents of your head and are ready for new discoveries.

Main part

5. "Describe each other"

Two people stand or sit with their backs to each other and take turns describing the hairstyle, face, clothes of the other. It turns out who was more accurate when describing a friend.

6. "Cows, dogs, cats"

Leading. Please stand in a wide circle. I will approach each of you and whisper the name of some animal in your ear. Remember it well, because then you will have to become this animal. Don't tell anyone what I whispered to you.
Take turns whispering into the children's ears: "You will be a cow", "You will be a dog", "You will be a cat".
Now close your eyes. Forget human language for a moment. In a minute, I will ask you to "speak" as your animal "speaks". You need to, without opening your eyes, unite in groups with all those animals that "speak" just like you. You can walk around the room and, having heard your animal, move towards it. Then, hand in hand, you two walk together and make the sound of this animal together in order to find other children “speaking” your language.
Ready? Did everyone close their eyes? Prick up your ears and listen to the sounds of cow, dog and cat... Let's start!

7. "Three faces"

Leading. I will show you three facial expressions. At the same time, I want you to guess what facial expression I show.
Showing for the first time. What facial expression was I trying to show you? That's right, a fierce face. Let's all draw our eyebrows together, bare our teeth and clench our fists - show a fierce face.
I show you for the second time. And now?
Now let each of you make a sad face. What gestures are best for us to make with our hands to express sadness?
Showing a third person. Which? The third person is happy. To do this, let's all smile broadly and press our hands to our hearts ...
Let's try again: sad, ferocious, happy.
Now split into pairs and stand with your comrades back to back. Choose one of the three faces we have shown. When I count to three, you will need to quickly turn to each other and show the expression you have chosen. The challenge is to show the same face as your partner without prearrangement.
Ready? One two Three...


8. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)

9. Bonfire of Friendship

Leading. stand up closer friend to a friend in a circle, kneel down. Stretch your right hand forward and put it on the hands of friends. Then do the same with the left hands.
Swinging our hands up and down we say the words together: “One, two, three! Fire, burn! Next, we show with our hands the flames that have shot up upwards.
“Feeling warm,” we sit on our heels, at the same time we put our hands on the shoulders of our neighbors and, meeting each other’s eyes, thank each other: “Thank you! Goodbye".


Warm up

1. Good News Relay
(See activity 6, game 2.)

2. "Clear your brains"
(See activity 6, game 4.)

Additionally, after the exercise, you can do breathing exercises to “clear the brain”. At the expense of the leader: “One, two” - the children take a breath. "One, two, three" - hold your breath. “One, two, three, four, five” - the children exhale while pronouncing the sound “Y”. The sound "Y", as it were, causes the vibration of the brain.

Main part

3. "Self-respect"

Leading. Can you tell me how you notice that someone thinks you are really good? How does mom show it to you, but how does dad show it?
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a deep breath three times... Now go mentally to the place that you think is the most wonderful. Check it out properly. What do you see there? What do you hear? How does it smell? What do you want to eat there? (15 seconds).
Soon you will see two people who appreciate and respect you, who rejoice when you are near them, who know how attentive and kind you can be to people ... Look around and you will see how these people approach you to show that they think you're good... (15 seconds).
Hear what they have to say...
Talk to the person who came to you. Ask him if he will tell you about how he feels about you ... (15 seconds).
Now say goodbye to the people who came to you, and prepare to return here again cheerful and animated. Stretch and open your eyes...
Can you tell us about what you experienced? Who came to you? What did this person say? Have you been able to thank him for treating you this way?

4. "Three faces"
(See activity 6, game 7.)

5. "The hunter and the hare"

Two children are playing: one is the Hunter, the other is the Hare.
They stand opposite each other. Both of them are blindfolded, and they will have to rely only on their ears. Everyone else lines up along the edge of the field so that the Hunter and the Hare do not hit anywhere, and they are very quiet. The hare is trying to run across the field. If he ends up on the other side, he's safe. The hunter tries to go exactly to the place where he hears the Hare in order to catch him.


6. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)

7. Bonfire of Friendship
(See activity 6, game 9.)


Warm up

1. "Echo"

Children play like this: the host says the word “hello” to his neighbor on the right, and he, like an echo, must also answer “hello”.

2. "Affectionate name"
(See activity 3, game 3.)

3. "Do you want - do not want"

In a circle, starting with the leader, the children ask each other the following question: “Andrey, do you want me to hug you?” After receiving the answer, take the appropriate action.

Main part

4. "Sweet problem"

Leading. Choose a partner and sit opposite each other. Between you, I'll put one cookie on a napkin. Please don't touch it yet. The fact is that you and your partner need to solve one problem. You can only get cookies if your partner willingly gives them to you.
Please remember this rule. Now you can start talking, but remember that you can't just take a cookie without your partner's consent...
And now I will give each pair one more cookie, discuss what will you do with the cookies this time?
Now let's discuss what we've got. This good example cooperation. Tell me what did you do with the first cookie, what about the second?

5. "The Blind Man and the Guide"

One of the children is optionally blindfolded. He is "blind". The second will be his driver - "guide".
As soon as the music starts, the "guide" will carefully lead the "blind", letting him touch various things - big, small, smooth, rough, prickly, cold. You can also bring the "blind" to a place where objects emit odors. You just can't say anything about it.
When the music stops after a while, the children switch roles. And when the music is turned off again, they return to the circle and talk about what they experienced during the walk.

6. "Blind dance"

Participants are divided into pairs. One gets a blindfold, he will be "blind". The other will remain "sighted" and will be able to drive the "blind". They join hands and dance with each other to light music (1-2 minutes). Then they switch roles.


7. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)

8. "Friendly hugs"

Leading. Say goodbye, please, to those who have become dear to you, more warmly: hug like very good friends and say “thank you” to each other.


Warm up

1. "Mood barometer"
(See activity 3, game 2.)

(See activity 3, game 4.)

3. Affectionate words "
(See activity 5, game 3.)

4. "What I like to do"
(See activity 4, game 2.)

5. "Magic knapsack"

Leading. Let's play with you a game called "Magic Knapsack". Here it is, my "magic bag". (Show the children with the help of pantomime that there is a big bag on the floor.)
From this “magic knapsack” I will now get different things, and you will be able to see them, but not in reality, but only with the help of your imagination. In order for you to understand what kind of thing I got, I will show you how to use it.
As soon as one of you guesses what exactly I got out of the “magic knapsack”, he should get up from his chair, but for now he should not say anything. When all the children stand up, they will be able to tell what they "saw".
Taking out different things from the "magic knapsack", you can, for example:
- hit a nail with a hammer
- peel and eat a banana,
- unwrap and eat a sandwich brought from home,
- sawing a log
- cut paper with scissors
- drink glass of water,
- write something in a notebook,
- get coins from the wallet, etc.

Main part

6. "Ivan da Danila"

Everyone gets up in one general circle. Two players go to the center of the circle. One will be Ivan and the other will be Danila.
Ivan closes his eyes and tries to catch Danila, shouting to him: "Where are you, Danila?"
Danila must answer him: “Here I am, Ivanushka!”, while Danila plays with his eyes open and tries to slip away from Ivan.
Naturally, both Ivan and Danila must remain within the circle at all times. The rest of the children need to watch so that Ivan does not get lost. Ivan has exactly one minute to catch Danila. After that, the next pair plays.

7. "Night train"

Leading. Imagine that very soon Christmas and the children of one small town looking forward to gifts. They heard that the train with toys for the festive evening would have to make its way at night through a terrible, snow-swept forest. And only the locomotive has headlights to illuminate the road. Could anyone tell me what kind of gifts the children of this small town would like to receive?
Which of you would like to become a locomotive and drive a train with toys for children? Six guys will be Carriages with gifts. Who wants to be them? All the rest will be trees in the night forest.
Trees should be positioned so that there is enough space between them. The trees shouldn't move, but they can make a soft "Shhh..." when a train car runs the risk of hitting them.
Three trees are special - they are wearing hats. The train must by all means go round these Trees before it leaves the Forest. Designate the place where the Train enters the Forest, and stand on the other side of the Forest yourself - you will be the Small Town where the children are waiting for the Train.
Now let's build our Train. Stand behind the Locomotive and put your hands on the shoulders of the previous player. I will blindfold every Wagon, because only the Locomotive has light and can see. The locomotive will move very slowly so as not to lose the Cars and so that all the Cars feel confident. The locomotive itself chooses the path that will go through the Forest, but it must pass three special Trees (in hats).
I give the locomotive a start!


8. Tapping Massage

Leading. I offer you a fun warm-up game. Divide into pairs and choose who will be the first number and who will be the second.
The first numbers should kneel, lean forward and put their head on the palms in front of them. And the second numbers should kneel to the side of the first and begin to gently tap their fingers on the back of their partner. This tapping should sound like a light clatter of a jogging horse's hooves. Start this pat from the shoulders and gradually move along the entire back to the waist. You need to tap alternately with your right, then with your left hand (2 minutes).
Now please switch roles.

9. "Rag doll and soldier"

Leading. Everyone stand up and position yourself so that there is space around each of you. Fully straighten up and stretch out like a soldier. Freeze in this position, as if you are stiff, and do not move, something like this ... (demonstration of the pose).
Now lean forward and spread your arms so that they dangle like rags. Become as soft and agile as a rag doll (show pose).
Bend your knees slightly and feel your bones become soft and your joints very mobile...
Now again show the soldier, stretched out to the line, absolutely straight and rigid, as if carved from wood (10 seconds).
Now become a rag doll, soft, relaxed and agile.
Become a soldier again... (10 seconds).
Now again with a rag doll ...
Now shake your hands as if you want to shake water droplets off them. Shake the drops of water from your back... Now shake the water from your hair... Now from the top of your legs and feet...

10. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)

11. Bonfire of Friendship
(See activity 6, game 9.)


Warm up

1. "I like..."
(See activity 4, game 4.)

2. "Magic knapsack"
(See activity 9, game 5).

3. "What I like to do"
(See activity 4, game 2.)

4. "Mood barometer"
(See activity 3, game 2.)

Main part

5. "Color painting of mood"

The leader explains that the mood can correspond to a certain color:
- red color - corresponds to delight;
- orange - expresses joy, fun;
- yellow - corresponds to a light, pleasant mood;
- green - calm state;
- blue - sad, uncertain state;
- purple - anxious, tense state;
- black - corresponds to decline, despondency;
- white - fear.
Next, the children use facial expressions to depict the color scheme of the mood.

6. "Paints"

This exercise takes the form of a role-play. The leader distributes the roles:
- buyer;
- salesman;
- all other children are paints, who are invited to depict a given or selected color with the help of facial expressions. (See the Mood Coloring game.)
A buyer comes and knocks.
- Who's there?
- Buyer.
- Why did you come?
- For paint.
- For what?
- Behind...

The seller must try to determine the desired color according to the mood that the child portrays. If he makes a mistake, he becomes "paint".
The winner is the one who managed to guess more colors.


7. "Support"
(See activity 3, game 8.)

8. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)

9. Bonfire of Friendship
(See activity 6, game 9.)


Warm up

Leading. Children, today's lesson you have to do by yourself.
Let's do a warm-up first. What warm-up exercises do you like the most?
Children name the exercises and take turns doing the most memorable.

Main part

Leading. And what games from the main part did you like the most? (Children call.) Let's take turns playing them.


Leading. What games would you like to complete the session with?
Children call them and see them off.


Warm up

1. "Relay race of good news"
(See activity 6, game 2.)

2. "Send and Receive Confidence"

Main part

3. "Go away!"
(See activity 3, game 5.)

4. "Come to me!"
(See activity 3, game 7.)

5. Thunderstorm
(See activity 5, game 6.)


6. "Blossoming Bud"

Leading. How did you start today? What did you want from him? Do you have days that don't start out so well? What do you miss on these days? I want to invite you on a journey to fantasy land, during which I will show you how you can make yourself feel good.
Let's all sit in a circle on the floor. Let's take each other's hands and close our eyes... And now let everyone imagine that he is some kind of flower, one of the unopened buds. Try to feel how you want the shell of this bud to open, and you reach out towards the warm sunlight ...
And now you can imagine how the bud gradually opens. Let's take a deep breath and gradually open up.
Children lie on the floor, arms to the sides.
The flower has blossomed. Try to feel the fragrance of this flower... Consider the color of its petals... See how brightly they shine... If you want, you can watch how children and adults pass by and admire such a beautiful flower. Hear them say: "What beautiful flower! I like him so much!” Do you feel how nice it is to look at this flower? Take this pleasant feeling and place it in your heart.
Now stretch, relax, open your eyes and return to our group kind and rested.


Warm up

1. "Affectionate name"
(See activity 3, game 3.)

(See activity 3, game 4.)

3. "Tender words"
(See activity 5, game 3.)

4. "Mood barometer"
(See activity 3, game 2.)

Main part

5. "Odyudyuka"

Leading. Now I will tell you a story... Once upon a time there was a fabulous forest. In hot weather, he sheltered all his inhabitants from the scorching rays of the sun. In the rain, he gave the wanderers shelter and protection. The forest was caring and attentive, and its inhabitants paid him the same. Every morning Pif the puppy swept the forest paths, cleaned up broken branches and kept the pond clean. He had a friend - a bear cub Timka, who examined all the trees in the forest and noted which of them had grown, which had bloomed, and which needed medical attention. And in the forest there lived an uncle bear - Mikhailo Ivanovich, and he was the wisest, kindest and most attentive animal in the forest. If there was a problem, he always came to the rescue.
And then one day the puppy Pif walks along the path and hears: "U-gu-gu." He backed away, and suddenly “It” flew right in front of him with a roar and began to frighten Pif. The fur on the puppy stood on end in fear. He barked, but the horror story did not disappear, but continued to fly around and push. Pif ran to look for his friend teddy bear Tim. And Tim at this time examined the Christmas trees that he grew for the upcoming New Year. And suddenly someone ran into him from behind and pushed with all his might. The bear cub fell and saw something furry. This "something" was flying around and howling in a terrible voice. The teddy bear was frightened and ran in search of a friend.
They met at Uncle Bear's house and began to think what they should do next. Here Mikhailo Ivanovich comes out of the house and asks:
- What happened?
Friends began vying to tell, and finally decided:
- We will catch the one who scared us, punish and drive us out of the forest.
So they did. They caught it and wanted to warm it up well, but Uncle Misha suggested not punishing the horror story, but making friends with her - maybe something will work out.
Animals surrounded her and tore off the veil under which "It" was hiding. And the horror story of Odyudyuk appeared before everyone in all its glory and let's swear.
- What do you want from me? Apparently, I scared you a little!
- Yes, you wait, don't swear, it's better to tell us why you came to our forest.
She sees Odyuduk: she has nowhere to go, she had to talk about herself. The story is very sad.
- My mom and dad are hereditary Odyudyuki. We always scare everyone. Mom - dad and me, dad - me and mom. No one has ever said a kind word to me in my entire life. So I decided to harm everyone in this good forest. I don’t want everyone to live together, cleanliness and order everywhere... And now do with me what you want. If you want, scare me, if you want, beat me up, or if you want, come up with something terrible so that my blood freezes in my veins.
The animals began to hold advice. They thought and thought how best to punish her, and then suddenly someone offered to take pity on her. After all, no one had ever spoken kind words to her. (What do you think, what words did the animals say to Odyudyuka?) And then the animals taught Odyudyuka to smile, and she stopped being angry and scary.
Can you teach Oduduka to smile?
Let's join hands now and smile at each other.

6. Thunderstorm
(See activity 5, game 6.)

7. Tapping Massage
(See activity 9, game 8.)


8. "Blossoming Bud"
(See activity 12, game 6.)

9. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)


Warm up

1. "Mood barometer"
(See activity 3, game 2.)

2. "Tender hands - a kind look - a pleasant smile"
(See activity 3, game 4.)

3. "Interview"

Leading. Guys, Oleg has a birthday today. Let's congratulate him. (Everyone congratulates.) Today, Oleg, we want to interview you, that is, we will ask you questions in turn, and you will try to answer them. For all of us, this is a nice opportunity to learn a little more about you. The first question I want to ask is: do you have brothers and sisters? (pets, etc.).

4. "Who is missing?"

Leading. Do you notice when one of the children is not in the group? I want to play a game with you: one of you will hide, and the rest will guess who exactly hid. First, I will ask everyone to close their eyes and, while no one sees this, I will gently touch the shoulder of one of you. The one I choose will have to open his eyes, quietly go to the middle, sit on the floor and cover himself with this veil. After he hides, I will ask everyone to open their eyes and guess who is missing. Now close your eyes...

Main part

5. "Tuh-tibi-spirit"
(See activity 3, game 6.)

6. "Sharks and Sailors"

Children are divided into two teams: one will be sailors, the other - sharks. Chalked on the floor big circle-it's a ship. There are many sharks swimming around the ship in the ocean. These sharks are trying to drag the sailors into the sea, and the sailors are trying to drag the sharks onto the ship.
When the shark is completely dragged onto the ship, it immediately turns into a sailor, and if the sailor enters the sea, then he turns into a shark.
You can only pull each other by the hands. In addition, it operates important rule: one sailor - one shark.
No one else should interfere.
Leading. Remember that you can pull much harder if you bend your knees a little. After all, at the same time, your center of gravity is lower, and it becomes more difficult for others to move you. Now we need to agree with you on one more signal.
If one of you gets scared, it will be unpleasant and painful for him, he can always shout: “Stop!”, Then the whole struggle stops for a while, but everyone remains in their places. When "Stop!" I shout, the same thing happens.
So, one half of the children get on the ship, and the other half become voracious sharks prowling around the ship.

7. "Go away!"
(See activity 3, game 5.)

6. "Come to me"
(See activity 3, game 7.)


7. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)


Warm up

1. "Say what you want"

Everyone can say whatever they want everyone to know. The game goes around.

2. "Box of experiences"

Leading. I brought a small box today. I propose to send it around in a circle to collect our unpleasant experiences and worries. You can say it in a whisper, but be sure to put it in this box. Then I will seal it up and take it away, and with it, let your unpleasant experiences disappear.

3. "Magic pillow"

Leading. I also brought a magic pillow. Everyone in turn can sit on it and tell us about some of their desires. The one sitting on the pillow will always begin the story with the words: "I want ..." Everyone else will listen carefully.

4. "Wake up the spirit"

Leading. Stand in a wide circle and, without bending your knees, reach with your hands to the tips of your toes. Then I'll start counting from one to ten. For each count, you will raise your hands, as it were, a step higher. Thus, on the count of ten, your hands will be raised up to the sky. At first, standing with your hands down and touching your feet, you may feel tired. But the higher your hands rise, the more cheerful your spirit will become. Ready? Started!
The facilitator performs this exercise together with the children, while counting loudly and slowly from one to ten.

5. "Flower Rain"

Leading. Did you hear that Alyosha experienced a lot of stress today (vocabulary work)? We can all help him recover and become cheerful and cheerful again. Alyosha, please stand in the center, and we will all stand around you. Put your hands down and close your eyes. And you all look at Alyosha and imagine how rain falls on him from hundreds and even thousands of invisible flowers.
Let these flowers fall like big snowflakes or big big raindrops. You can choose any flowers: roses, daisies, forget-me-nots, violets, tulips, snapdragons, sunflowers, bluebells and others. Imagine their beauty, feel how these flowers smell. Perhaps Alyosha will also be able to feel all this: to see the beauty of the flowers and feel the aroma they exude (30-60 seconds).
It seems to me that you are doing everything very well, and Alyosha can fully enjoy your flowers. Alyosha, do you want more flowers?
And now you can stop the flower rain, and Alyosha can get out of this flower snowdrift. Thank you.

Main part

6. "I am strong - I am weak"

Leading. I suggest you check how words and thoughts affect the state of a person. To this end, we will perform the following exercises.
Sasha, please put your hand forward. I will lower your hand down, pressing on it from above. You must hold your hand, while saying loudly and decisively: “I am strong!” Now we are doing the same, but you must say: “I am weak”, pronouncing it with the appropriate intonation, that is, quietly, dejectedly ...
You see how words of encouragement help us to overcome difficulties and win.

7. "Boring, boring..."

Children sit on chairs along the wall. As soon as the leader says the rhyme:
It's boring, it's boring to sit like this,
All look at each other.
Isn't it time to run
And change places,
you need to run to the opposite wall, touch it with your hand and, returning, sit on any chair.
The host at this time removes one chair.
This game can be played to the end, that is, until only one, the most dexterous child remains.
Dropped out children can play the role of judges: to monitor compliance with the rules of the game.


8. "Applause in a circle"

Leading. Who among you can imagine how the artist feels after the concert? Perhaps he feels the applause not only with his ears, but with his whole body, with all the fibers of his soul, and this is a pleasant excitement.
We have very good band and each of you deserves a round of applause. I want to offer you a game in which the applause is quiet at first, and then becomes stronger and stronger.
The game proceeds as follows. You become in a common circle. One of you starts: he approaches one of the players, looks into his eyes and gives his applause, clapping his hands with all his might.
Then they both choose the next contestant, who also gets their share of applause: they both come up, stand in front of him and applaud. The trio then choose the next candidate for a standing ovation.
Each time, the one who was applauded has the right to choose the next one. Thus the game continues, and the applause gets louder and louder.

9. "Thank you for a nice day"

Leading. Please stand in a circle. I want to invite you to participate in a small ceremony (vocabulary work) that will help you express your feelings of friendship and gratitude to each other.
The game goes like this: one of you stands in the center, the other comes up to him, shakes hands and says: “Thank you for a nice day!” Both stand in the center, still holding hands. Then comes up third child, takes either the first or the second by the free hand, shakes it and says: “Thank you for a pleasant day!”
Thus, the group in the center of the circle is constantly growing. Everyone is holding each other's hands. When the last person joins your group, close the circle and end the ceremony with a silent threefold firm handshake. This is how the game ends.


Warm up

1. "Affectionate name"
(See activity 3, game 3.)

2. "Tender hands - a kind look - a pleasant smile"
(See activity 3, game 4.)

3. "Tender words"
(See activity 5, game 3.)

4. "I like..."
(See activity 4, game 4.)

5. "Gift"

Leading. A friend is going on a long journey. He has already boarded the train. You want to give him a parting gift, but they are no longer allowed into the car. The gift must be presented in front of the window with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

Main part

6. "Mirrors"

One participant becomes the leader. Everyone should imagine that he came to a store where there are a lot of mirrors. He stands in the center, and other children, "mirrors", stand in a semicircle around him. The driver will show different movements, and the “mirrors” should immediately repeat these movements.

7. "Masks"

The player is put on an animal mask, but he does not know which animal, and no one tells him. To guess whose mask he is wearing, he can invite one of the children to depict this animal. If the animal is guessed, then the child who so skillfully portrayed this animal will be the driver.

8. Zoo

The players are divided into two groups. The first group - children depicting animals in the zoo; the second group - children walking around the zoo and guessing which animal is in front of them.
After all the animals have been guessed, the children switch roles.

9. "Foreigner"

Leading. You are in another country, you do not know the language, you are not understood. Ask for directions to the zoo (pool, to the square where the monument stands, to the cinema, cafe, post office, etc.).

10. "We hunt a lion"

Children expressively repeat the rhyme “We are hunting a lion” after the leader and make the appropriate movements.

We are hunting a lion.
We are not afraid of him.
We have a long gun
And a spyglass.
Oh! What is it?
And this is the field: top-top-top.
Oh! What is it?
And this is a swamp: chav-chav-chav.
Oh! What is it?
And this is the sea: boom-boom-boom.
Oh! What is it?
And this is a path: shur-shur-shur.
Do not crawl under it.
Don't fly over it.
You can’t get around it, but the path is straight,
They went out to the meadow.

Who is this lying here? Let's touch it.
Children "touch" an imaginary lion.
"Yes, it's a lion! Oh, mothers!” They got scared and ran home.

Along the path: shur-shur-shur.
By sea: bul-bul-bull.
In the swamp: chav-chav-chav.
On the field: top-top-top.
They ran home.
The door was closed.
Wow! (exhaling) Tired.
Well done!


11. "Good warmth"
(See activity 3, game 9.)


Warm up

1. "Mood barometer"
(See activity 3, game 2.)

2. "Give me a stone"

Leading. Guys, please take one stone from the box and give it to whomever you want, but always with the words: “I give you this stone, because you are the most ...”
For those children who didn’t get anything, the presenter gives pebbles, but be sure to note at the same time best qualities each child to whom he gives a gift.

3. "Mood Barometer"

Children show what their mood has become at the moment.

Main part

4. "Listen to silence"

The host invites the children to close their eyes and listen to the silence: in the corridor, in the room, on the street.
Then it turns out who and what heard. The game can be repeated several times. For a change, you can include some musical noises, such as barking dogs or quacking ducks.

5. "Shadow"

One participant becomes a traveler, the rest - his shadow. The traveler walks across the field, and behind him two steps behind is his shadow, which tries to exactly copy the traveler's movements.
It is desirable to encourage the traveler to fulfill different movements: pick a flower, sit down, jump on one leg, stop and look from under your arm, etc.

6. "The hunter and the hare"
(See activity 7, game 5.)

7. "The Blind Man and the Guide"
(See activity 8, game 5.)

8. "Paints"
(See activity 10, game 6.)

9. "Talking to a Tree"

Leading. I want to offer you a journey to the kingdom of trees... Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths... Imagine a forest you are walking through. It's a beautiful spring day. The sky is blue, the sun shines brightly. you go very big forest. There are a variety of trees here: coniferous, deciduous, large and small.
Somewhere in this forest there is one special tree - this tree will talk to you, only to one of you. This tree would like to be your friend. Look around better and find your own tree. Get very close to him and put your ear to the trunk. Can you hear the sap flowing up through the rings of the tree?
Listen very carefully to the voice of the tree. How does his voice sound? Like a quiet whisper? How bright is the bell? How is the sound of the stream? Is this voice cheerful like Mickey Mouse's or serious like an old man's voice?
If you recognize the voice of the tree, you can listen carefully to it. You will do great! Focus. Shhh... the tree wants to say something. Don't miss a single word it says...
Maybe it wants to ask you to do something for it. Maybe he'll be glad that it was you who visited him. Perhaps your tree will tell each of you that one day you will be as big and strong as it is. Perhaps the tree would like to help solve your current problems... (15 seconds).
When you hear what the tree wanted to tell you, give me a sign with your hand - raise your hand.
Remember what the tree said. Remember also that the tree is as alive as you are. Now say goodbye to the tree... Go back. Stretch and be here again, awake and rested...
Take a piece of paper and draw your tree.
After that, the children show their drawings and talk about what the tree told them.


10. "Slivers on the river"

Children stand in two rows, one opposite the other. The distance between the rows should be slightly more than an outstretched arm. All of them together are the water of one river. Chips will “float” along the river now.
One child will go down the river like the first wood chip. He will decide how he will move. For example, he may close his eyes and slowly walk straight ahead. And water (children) smoothly with your hands will help the chip find its way.
Perhaps the sliver will not float straight, but will spin. Water and this chip should help find the way. Maybe the sliver will leave its eyes open and move randomly or in circles. Water should help her.
When a chip goes to the end of the river, it becomes next to last child and waits until the next chip arrives. She stands opposite the first, and thus they make up a river and gradually lengthen it.
And so, slowly, the river will wander around this room until all the children swim along the river, depicting chips.

11. "Friendly Hugs"
(See activity 8, game 8.)


1. Self-esteem. "Ladder"

Stimulus material of the Ladder test

Drawing of a staircase with seven steps. In the middle you need to place the figure of the child. For convenience, figurines of a boy and a girl can be cut out of paper, one of which can be placed on a ladder, depending on the gender of the child being tested.


Leading. Look at this ladder. You see, there is a boy (or a girl) standing here. Good children are placed on a step higher (the presenter shows), the higher - the better the children, and on the very top step - the best guys. Not very good children are put on the step below (shows), even worse, and on the lowest step - the worst guys. What step would you put yourself on? And what step will your mother put you on? dad? teacher?

Conducting a test

The child is given a piece of paper with a ladder drawn on it and the meaning of the steps is explained. It is important to see if the child understood your explanation correctly. If necessary, repeat it. Then questions are asked and answers are recorded.

Analysis of results

First of all, pay attention to which step the child has placed himself on. It is considered normal if children of this age put themselves on the “very good” and even “best” children. In any case, these should be the upper steps, since the position on any of the lower steps (and even more so the lowest one) does not indicate an adequate assessment, but a negative attitude towards oneself, self-doubt.
This is a very serious violation of the personality structure, which can lead to depression, neurosis, asociality in children. As a rule, this is associated with a cold attitude towards children, rejection or a harsh, authoritarian upbringing, in which the child himself is devalued, who comes to the conclusion that he is only loved when he behaves well. And since children cannot be good all the time, and even more so they cannot fulfill all the requirements of adults, then, naturally, in these conditions they begin to doubt themselves, their abilities and the love of their parents for them. Also unsure of themselves parental love children who are not cared for at home at all.
Thus, as we see, extreme neglect of the child, as well as extreme authoritarianism, constant guardianship and control, lead to similar results.
Specifically, the attitude of parents to the child and their requirements are indicated by the answers to the question of where they will be placed by adults - father, mother, teacher. For a normal comfortable self-feeling, which is associated with the appearance of a sense of security, it is important that one of the adults put the child on the highest step.
Ideally, the child himself can put himself on the second step from the top, and his mother (or someone else from his family) puts him on the highest step. At the same time, the children say: “Well, I'm not the best, I play around sometimes. But my mother will put me here, because she loves me.” Answers of this type just indicate that the child is confident in the love of an adult, feels protected, which is necessary for normal development at this age.
A sign of trouble both in the structure of the child's personality and in his relations with close adults are the answers in which all relatives put him on the lower steps. However, when answering the question “Where will the teacher put you?” placement on one of the lower steps is normal and can serve as evidence of adequate, correct self-esteem, especially if the child is really misbehaving and often receives comments from the teacher.

2. Sociometry. "Two houses"

Stimulus material

Two small standard houses are drawn on a piece of paper. One of them, which is larger, is red, and the other is black. As a rule, this drawing is not prepared in advance, but is done in front of the child's eyes with black and red pencils.


Leading. Look at these houses. Imagine that the red house belongs to you and you can invite everyone you want to your place. Think about which of the guys in your group you would invite to your red house. The guys who you don’t like at all will settle in the black house.
After the end of the conversation, you can ask the children if they want to change places for someone, if they have forgotten someone.

Analysis of results

The interpretation of the results of this test is quite simple: the child's likes and dislikes are directly related to the placement of peers in the red and black houses. Particular attention should be paid to those children who send the bulk of their peers to black house being alone or surrounded by adults. As a rule, these are either very closed, uncommunicative children, or conflict children who have had time to quarrel with almost everyone.

Diagnostics of the emotional well-being of a child in a peer group

During the day, each child attending this group, offer to play the game "Secret" - in secret from other children, give your friends three pictures, putting them (one at a time) in the lockers in the locker room. It is reported that you can make a gift to those children who are now sick and do not go to kindergarten(school). All the child's choices are recorded in the sociometric matrix with the help of symbols (see table).



The choice given to the child;
A - mutual choice.
The names of all the children of the group are entered into the table (first the girls, then all the boys, or vice versa), they are assigned numbers in order in the list. These numbers are entered in the table horizontally and vertically, the intersection cells of the same numbers are shaded. Based on the matrix, by counting the choices, it is determined how many choices each child received and how many mutual choices he has.
Analysis of the data obtained gives an idea of ​​the sociometric structure of the group, which consists in the distribution of children into four status categories: "stars" (more than 5 choices), "preferred" (from 3 to 5 choices), "accepted" (1-2 choices), "isolated" (have no choice).
The first two categories are considered favorable, the last two - unfavorable. The ratio of the total values ​​of favorable and unfavorable status categories gives an idea of ​​the level of relationship well-being (BWM). If the majority of the group's children are in favorable status categories, the WWM is defined as high; with the same ratio - as an average; with a predominance in the group of children with an unfavorable status - as low.
Low WWM is an alarm signal, indicating the emotional distress of most children in the system of relationships with peers in the group.
An important diagnostic factor that characterizes the relationships that exist in a group is an indicator of children's satisfaction with their relationships with peers. It is defined as the percentage of children who have mutual choices to total children in a group. The result obtained is compared with the normative indicators of the levels of satisfaction coefficients in relationships with peers:
1.low level- satisfaction rate of 33% and below;
2. average level- satisfaction rate 34-49%;
3. high level- satisfaction rate 50-65%;
4. super high level- satisfaction rate of 66% and above.
The ratio of the number of isolated children to the total number of pupils in the group makes it possible to establish the coefficient of isolation, which is considered as a diagnostic indicator of the success of the teacher in fostering friendly relationships among children.
According to the research results of T.A. Repina, a group can be considered safe if there are no isolated individuals in it or the isolation coefficient is within 6%; less prosperous - with an index of up to 25% and unfavorable, if the isolation index is above 25%.
It should be noted that the game "Secret" requires pedagogical tact. The child should not feel isolated, so it is important that all children find “gifts” in their lockers after the game is over. To do this, teachers use spare pictures. The results of the diagnosis should not be discussed with children.

Antonina IVASHOVA,
Leningrad region.

Stand up for your rights without violating the rights of others. The ability to assertive behavior is the ability to achieve your goals and communicate with others in such a way that neither your rights nor their rights are violated.

Assertiveness as a quality implies a certain personal autonomy, independence from other people's opinions and assessments of others, the ability to independently plan one's own and implement these plans.

At the same time, assertiveness as a way of communication is the best way of interaction, in which you do not manipulate the interlocutor, but also do not allow yourself to be manipulated.

Assertive behavior is the practical implementation of certain “psychological rights” that we often forget about. In particular, at any time in your life you have the absolute right to change your mind, refuse someone or say “I don’t understand you” and not feel remorse about this.

Assertiveness has three components:

    The ability to protect and defend one's own rights and interests

    Ability to articulate and defend own opinion even if it comes with some difficulty.

    The ability to express one's feelings and

Purpose of the lesson:

the acquisition of communication skills, including confident behavior through the development of the socio-psychological competence of the individual, the ability of the individual to effectively interact with the people around him.

Audience: 8 people (small group).

Lesson duration: 30-40 minutes.

Lesson progress:

Introduction,(3-5 min.)

1). Establishing the rules for the work of the group

- I I'm glad to see you all and I want to get to know you better. To do this, we will play a little. My name is…

2). Warm up. Exercise "Introduction"

Exercise progress:

Participants call their names, passing a toy-heart.

Tasks: stand up those who love ice cream, sweets, oranges, who have pets, the name has the letter A, E, H, R.

2. Main part (20 min)

1). Dot Drawing Exercise

Participants receive clean slate A4 paper and depict 20 dots on it, placing them arbitrarily, but more or less evenly. Then the participants exchange these sheets with their neighbors. The task of each is to connect all the points with straight lines or arcs on the sheet that he got, in such a way that a holistic, meaningful image is obtained. Then a public presentation of the resulting work is carried out - everyone comes out with their own drawing in front of the other participants, shows it and tells what exactly is depicted there.
Psychological meaning. Activation creativity, training of confident behavior, situations of public presentation of the results of their work.

Discussion. What emotions arose during the drawing process and during the public presentation? Which drawing was the most interesting and why?2). Exercise "On the leaves"

Each participant writes their name on a small sheet of paper and places this sheet anywhere in the room. After that, everyone stands in a line and holds hands. Task: everyone must get to their sheet and step on it. At the same time, you can’t open your hands, the whole line is moving.
. Coordination of joint actions, training of confidence in the situation of managing other people.
3). Exercise "Klub".

Materials: a ball of thread.

The participants sit in a circle, the psychologist, holding a ball in his hands, wraps the thread around his finger, asks any question of interest to the participant in the game (For example: “What do you love? What are you afraid of”, etc.), he catches the ball, wraps the thread around the finger, answers the question, and then asks his next player. Thus, at the end, the glomerulus is returned to the leader. Everyone sees the threads that connect the participants in the game into one whole, determine what the resulting figure looks like. Participants can learn a lot about each other.

If the psychologist is forced to help a person who is at a loss, then he takes the ball back to himself, prompts and again throws it to the participant. As a result, you can see people who have difficulty communicating, the psychologist will have double, triple connections with them.

The purpose of the exercise: identifying people who have problems in communication, expressing their thoughts, developing skills of confident behavior

4). Exercise "To the line"

Competitors are asked, with their eyes closed, to blindly walk to the finish line, located at a distance of 5-6 m from the start, and stop when, from their point of view, they are as close as possible to it, but do not cross it. The winner is the one who stopped as close as possible to the line, but did not stand up for it.

The psychological meaning of the exercise

Learning to regulate behavior and make decisions under risk: the further you go, the higher the chance of winning, but at the same time the higher the probability of losing in case of a spade. As a rule, those who stop far from the finish line are more motivated to avoid failures, while those who get close to it or step in are more motivated to achieve success.

Cautious people who stop early have little chance of winning, and those who go far act on the principle of "win or lose."

3. Summing up the lesson.

1). Compliments exercise.

All participants sit in a circle, the first participant compliments the person sitting next to him and takes his hand. The recipient of the compliment nods his head and says, “Thank you, I really appreciate it!” Then he gives a compliment to his neighbor and takes his hand. This continues until the circle is complete.

The purpose of the exercise: establishing contact between the training participant and the group, the ability to express themselves and overcome social fears.

And in parting, I ask you to draw me some memory beautiful drawing(test "Beautiful drawing")

Municipal educational institution of the Omsk region "Bolsheukovsky special (correctional) boarding school for children - orphans and children left without parental care, with disabilities of the VIII type"

Psychological training for younger students

"Magic Necklace".

Psychologist: Vlasova S.A.

March 2012

Theme: "Magic necklace".

Target: creation of conditions for the formation of effective forms of behavior, displacement of aggregation and muscle relaxation, removal of emotional stress; promoting group cohesion; the formation of a sense of closeness with other people, acceptance by children of each other, a sense of the value of others and self-worth; formation of the ability to convey an emotional state in a drawing; the formation of a positive image of one's "I".

Materials and equipment: box, various beads, thread, paints, drawing sheets, wet wipes, felt-tip pens., tape recorder

Lesson progress

Warm up. Exercise "Change places those who ..." Main part

Dear guys, today we will go on a fabulous journey, and magic will help us get into a fairy tale. (Music)

Exercise "Cam".

Close your eyes, now I will approach each of you with a box, and you will choose one by touch. magic item. And now, when everyone has chosen, squeeze it in your left fist, close your eyes and hold the fist clenched. On the count of three, open your eyes, relax your hand. We ended up in a fairyland, and each of you has a bead on your palms. Take care of this bead so that later thanks to it you can return back.

Exercise "My Treasure"

Try to describe your bead.

What is it like (by color, shape, size, what surface does it have, etc.)?

What associations does it evoke in you?

What does your bead look like?

So, we are in a fairyland and now I suggest you listen to one story (music)

Once upon a time there was a good fairy Amalia. She had a wonderful necklace, which she greatly appreciated and wore it in difficult moments. And when the Fairy put it on, it was filled with magical properties.

But once the evil wizard Crocus stole a precious necklace because he was jealous of the fairy Amalia, because she helped many people, and everyone loved her very much. Having taken possession of the necklace, the evil wizard dressed it, cast spells, but no matter how much he tried, the necklace had no power.

Then the magician got angry and began to look at the beads. All the beads were different: large and small, red and green, shiny and matte, round and square..

Without revealing the secret of the necklace, he threw it to the ground with force, and all the beads scattered.

The beads lay on the ground for a long time, until the sharp-eyed birds noticed that something glittered in the grass. They collected all the beads and took them to their patroness, the good fairy Amalia.

The fairy saw what happened to her necklace and tried to collect it. But the beads did not unite in any way, because they are so different and have been apart for so long. The necklace has lost its magic power. The Good Fairy was upset and, hoping that the beads could still hear her, she uttered the following words:

- You are all different and this is your greatest value. While you were together, the necklace had magical properties. And if you manage to unite, then you will regain your strength and will again bring good to the world.

Fairy Amalia cast a spell over each bead, and the necklace again became valuable and gained magical power.

Questions for the story:

- what is this tale about?

What does she teach us?

Imagine that each of you is a bead.

Exercise "Necklace"

Children are invited to stand in a circle “You are the beads of a magic necklace. When the necklace was scattered by Crocus, the beads lost their magical power. They faded, lost their gloss and became rough, so they did not want to unite. Let's depict how harmful and capricious the beads have become. First, the beads hit each other (with fists on the back), then they pinched each other, let's round and stroke them, and help them become kind, smooth as before. Now we can collect the beads into one necklace. Become tightly facing each other in a circle. Closely clinging to each other, stretch your arms forward, lean to the left, right, forward. Turn left, right, sit down, run along the hostess's neck, also clinging tightly. If the necklace suddenly “breaks”, the psychologist catches them and returns them to their place. The necklace becomes dense and strong again.

Here we are with you and returned the magical power to each bead, and the necklace again adorns the fairies of Amalia.

Isotherapy. And now let's draw this magic necklace, as he imagines it.

And our fingers will help us in this. You have paper and paints on the tables. Dip any finger into the paint of any color and press the finger against the sheet. You will get a bead. Make sure that the beads are multi-colored. Draw a thread if necessary.

Exercise "Cam".

Take your bead. Everyone sit in a circle. Fold your palms like a boat, roll the bead, warm it with your breath. Squeeze into a fist, close your eyes, attach a bead to your heart. We are leaving our fairyland when harmony reigned in her again. What experience will each of you take with you from this fairy tale? Let everyone decide for himself. On the count of three, you will open your eyes and be here again.

Exercise "Magic beads"

What positive qualities would you like to pass on to others? Children answer this question and string their bead on one common thread. Now let's tie the ends.

Look what beads we got! How bright, colorful and beautiful they are! This is because all beads are different! Just like you and me. Look, each bead is connected to others, but at the same time it exists separately. So a person sometimes wants to be with everyone, and sometimes he wants to be alone.

See how tightly the beads fit together, as if they are very friendly with each other. I want all the children in your class to be united and friendly too.

Summary of the lesson.

(Exhibition of drawings)

What do these beads remind you of?

What has the story of the magic necklace taught us?

What was the most interesting part of the lesson?

What was the most difficult part of today's lesson?

What got in the way during class?

Self-confidence training

for younger students

3-4 (th) classes.

Prepared by:

Psychologist secondary school № 26

L.V. putting on airs

Aktobe 2014

Purpose of the training:


    Rally the team

List of participants: 8 people

Working mode: 35-40 minutes

Plan of the event:

    Introductory part:

    • Ball exercise.

      Exercise "pronunciation of the rules"

    Welcome Ritual:

    • exercise "Name + quality on the first letter of the name".

    Main part:

    • exercise "Learn new";

      exercise "Kolobok";

      exercise "Respiratory gymnastics";

    Final part:

    • exercise "Ode about myself";

      Feedback exercise.

    farewell ritual:

    • exercise "Thank you ...".

      Exercise "exhibition of achievements"


I. Introduction

Everyone sits down in a circle.

Hello! Today we will conduct a training session that will help you to be confident in yourself.

The purpose of our training is to know yourself, improve your attitude towards others, learn to love yourself!

1. Exercise "Ball" (2 min)

Purpose: to include all participants in the work. Increasing the tone of the group. Materials: balloon.

Instructions: All participants stand in a circle.


“Today we will start our lesson with a game with a balloon. I propose to start (the presenter holds a balloon in his hands.)

Now we will pass it in a circle, but on one condition: you can do this using only your elbows (squeezing the ball with your elbows), you cannot help with brushes.

So we started...

Psychologist: We didn’t relax much ... let’s continue our lesson

2. Saying the rules (3 minutes)


- Let us come up with the rules for working in a group

    Don't shout out!

    Know how to listen!

    Don't interrupt each other!

    To be active!

    Listen carefully to the teacher!

    No distractions!

    To be polite!

3. "Introduction" (3-5 min)


"Guys, let's get to know each other now.

To do this, I will pass the ball to you, and you will call yourself. State your name + your character trait beginning with the first letter of your name.

For example: Lyudmila-Laskovaya


    "Learn something new" (5-7 min)

a) How do you imagine a self-confident person?

"I think …."

" I think…"


b) "Finish the sentence..."

- What's stopping you from being confident?


2. Role Playing Exercise (5-7 min)

PSYCHOLOGIST: I propose to beat a small passage of Russian folk tale"Kolobok", remaking it so that The gingerbread man in your first group was insecure; the second is confident.

Issues for discussion.

What do other heroes of the fairy tale feel when they meet “different Koloboks” - with different type behavior?
- which Kolobok (confident, insecure,) can the Fox quickly "eat"?

Which one will seem especially “tasteless” to her?

And what can boldly continue its path further?

The psychologist says guys a step towards confidence is always a small step towards success!

    Exercise "breathing exercises"

(Health saving technology)


Did you know that in ancient Chinese treatises on health, it was said that every sound matters. The sound "h" relieves anxiety, feelings. The sound "I" stimulates the work of the whole organism.

Inhale through the nose and as you exhale, pronounce the sounds “h” and “I”. We repeat the exercise several times.

Now you are more confident! Believe in success!


1. Exercise "Ode about myself" (3 min)

Purpose: to increase self-esteem and self-confidence


Look at yourself in the mirror. Praise yourself! Wish yourself good, health, success in business, work.

2. Completion.

Exercise " Feedback" (5 minutes)

Purpose: emotional reflection. Summing up the training.

Time: (3-5 minutes)

Materials: Not required.


“Our work is coming to an end. Let's summarize. Each of you can express your feelings, what he achieved during our joint work, what he understood and what he can do with it.

Analysis of questions for the entire training (5 min)

    Has your self-image changed?

    What new things have you learned about yourself?

    What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

Exercise "Exhibition of Achievements"

The group is divided into teams of 4 people. Each team is a firm that produces valuable human qualities.

Teams are given time to discuss what qualities their firm produces. After that, you decide which of the valuable qualities can be presented at the exhibition of achievements. Then each team completes important quality. Each team tells what qualities it represents in its pavilion

"Kindness calmness anger sociability shyness intelligent"

Reflection. The results of the exhibition are being discussed.

Thank you for your active participation in the lesson.

Goodbye! See you soon!

    Don't shout out!

    Know how to listen!

    Don't interrupt each other!

    To be active!

    Listen carefully to the teacher!

    No distractions!

    To be polite!

    Address each other by name!

Psychological analysis of training:

Subject:"Self confidence"


    Musayeva Alexandra

    Yakubovich Ruslan

    Vince Catherine

    Kozhakhmetova Aruzhan

    Nikoforian of Anatolia

    Leuch Love

    Samsenova Ayana

    Sadykov Tamerlane

Purpose of the lesson: Teaching skills of confident behavior, to form a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance.


    Live joyfully and brightly realize your dreams.

    Encourage awareness of your positive and negative qualities

    Rally the team

    Relieve stress and anxiety

When testing, the age characteristics and interests of each child were taken into account, and the suggestions of the children were listened to. In preparation for and during the training, students carried out vigorous activity and were directly involved. The workshop contributed to the development cognitive interests students, had the character of a public orientation, game forms were used effectively. At the lesson, the children learned to find in themselves the traits of confidence and confident behavior in situations, to overcome shyness.

During the course, we took into account interpersonal relationships in the classroom, to increase the level of organizational, psychological unity, group classes were held. Relations between the guys were trusting and friendly. The mood during the lesson was joyfully upbeat.

In general, the session was successful, and some barriers of uncertainty were removed. The guys listened carefully to each other's opinions, expressed themselves. Behave more confidently.

The goal of the training was achieved. During the training, uncertainty and shyness were reduced both in the group and for each participant individually. Feedback on the training was positive.


development of skills to control the emotional situation.


Find out the role of emotions in interpersonal communication;

Develop adolescent self-awareness;

To expand the knowledge of participants about the methods of self-regulation of their own emotional state.

Exercise "My mood"

The facilitator invites each participant to draw their mood. After completion, the presentation of the drawings and stories about them.

Exercise "Guess"

Purpose: teaching children to recognize emotional states.

The psychologist distributes envelopes to teenagers with the task: to express certain emotions with facial expressions, and everyone else must guess them.

Discussion. Everyone expresses their impressions.

Was it hard to show your emotions?

Exercise "Calm and Aggressive Responses"

Purpose: the formation of adequate reactions in various situations.

Each participant is invited to demonstrate calm, confident and aggressive responses in a given situation. Only one situation is used for each participant.


A friend is talking to you and you want to go;

Your colleague distracts you from an important matter, asks questions that interfere with work;

Someone hurt you a lot.

Exercise "Glass"

Purpose: emotional awareness of one's behavior. Children are invited to take a disposable glass and do with it what you would do in a state of aggression. Then the facilitator suggests returning the item to its original form.


Can we restore everything after aggressive actions?

Have you ever regretted your actions after being bullied?

Conclusion. All these are things in which there is a certain value, and the most valuable treasure is the human soul. How can we restore it without leaving traces?

Exercise "Breathing"

Purpose: stress relief, optimization of the emotional state. Sit comfortably, relax and close your eyes. Focus on your breath: inhale and exhale. We exhale anxiety, fatigue, anxiety, and we inhale strength, energy, good feelings. The exercise time is 5 minutes.

Exercise "Angry balls"

Purpose: development of self-control. The psychologist offers the children to inflate balloons and tie them. The ball symbolizes the body, and the air in it is anger. How to pull out this anger from within? If you don't inflate the balloon, what will happen to it? And with a man? How to make sure that the air comes out, and the balloon remains intact? Can a person control his anger? Maybe! Development plays an important role in the formation of self-control before aggression. mental processes: empathy, identification.

Exercise "Agree, disagree, evaluate"

Purpose: to train participants to express their feelings without judgment, dissatisfaction and image. The facilitator combines teenagers into three subgroups according to the colors of the traffic light. Each group receives an A3 sheet of paper and a task card.

Task options:

Make a list of words and expressions with which you express consent;

Make a list of words and expressions with which you express disagreement;

Make a list of words and expressions with which you evaluate the actions or deeds of another. Each group takes turns presenting the results of their work. The psychologist notes that for effective and tolerant communication it is important to be able to express one's point of view without offending others.


Are you interested in this exercise?

What did you understand?

The history of "a piece of bread"

One day a man who had not been to church for twenty years approached a priest. After a minute of hesitation, almost with tears, he began to tell: “My hands are stained with blood. It happened when we were retreating at the front. Every day, some of us died of wounds or starvation. We were ordered not to enter houses without a gun and to shoot at the slightest movement. local residents... In the house where I entered, there was only one old man and a teenage girl.

Give me bread, give me bread! - I asked eagerly. The girl bent down... I thought she wanted to take some kind of weapon, a bomb. I shot...

The girl fell... When I approached, I saw that she was holding a piece of bread in her hand. I killed a fourteen-year-old girl who wanted to give me bread... Returning home, I started drinking to forget all this... But I can't... Will God forgive me? ". Who walks with a loaded gun, he will shoot. If the only tool you have is a hammer and you carry it with you, then other people will be nails for you: you will hit them all day long.


What aggressive and cruel actions of a person affect life?

How are such people treated in the social environment?

Exercise "Emotion in a circle"

Purpose: creation Have a good mood. The psychologist offers to say in a circle about his emotional state at the moment.
