How to quickly learn how to play acoustic guitar on your own. How to Learn to Play the Guitar Fast: Practical Tips How to Learn to Play the Guitar Fast

guitar like best friend and, as befits any creativity, will set you in the best mood and calm you down. Hard time. Many first-time guitarists find it difficult to make friends, but my experience is that by imagining all the hardships of learning the guitar, you will easily succeed.

Difficulties in learning the guitar

  1. 1. Opinion that learning to play is very difficult. This confidence is formed from someone else's negative experience, your fear of starting and the fear that you will have to learn a lot. Well, you have to learn the notes. As a result, you should pick up a tutorial or even more than one and study a bunch of information you don’t need.
  2. 2. The opinion that it takes talent to play the guitar. Maybe you were instilled with fear of your own efforts in childhood, saying that you have neither hearing nor voice, so now if you dare to sing, then only in front of a mirror.
  3. 3. Confidence that you can learn to play on any guitar. A beginner tries to learn from everything that comes to hand, but the wrong guitar, which suits experienced "grandfathers", can discourage any desire to learn.
  4. 4. Teachers' opinion that one should start with classical guitar. Someone else's experience, when your friend had to study for a long time and unsuccessfully, discouraged your desire to learn something new.
  5. 5. Pain and discomfort after the first steps in mastering the guitar. The first stages of the exercise are the most difficult, because you develop the motor skills of the fingers, the skin on them hurts, the brush gets tired from constant tension, and the back starts to hurt from the wrong position of the arms and body. Pain is sure to turn away the most persistent.
  6. 6. Repulsive sound. Perfectionism, which you have in abundance, prevents you from exploring new horizons. As well as maximalism, pushing you to study complex works bypassing the lungs. And in the end, you will study one song for months, achieving the best sound, take the guitar in your hands through force and, in the end, give up this business.
  7. 7. Do not go out to sing and play at the same time. When you learn to sing and play separately, you immediately want to try to combine these two skills, but without practice, the first attempts will be deplorable.
  8. 8. No listeners. There are many reasons why you may not be listened to, but the most important is your lack of self-confidence and love for your work.

We solve difficulties

  1. 1. Stop listening to others. Three months of training is enough to play the guitar, and you don’t need to know the notes at all, but ear for music absolutely everyone has it. Unless it needs to be developed, like a voice.
  2. 2. Forget what you've been told. Constant training will give results in a month or two, and even if you have not hit the notes before, your singing will change unrecognizably. The guitar will accelerate your progress, because it is a wonderful stimulus.
  3. 3. Choose a tool for yourself. For beginners, it is best to take a guitar with a small resonator and steel strings for further replacement with others, about 10 gauge or less.
  4. 4. Prepare for work. Remember that the first two months of training, the fingers will hurt. It is better to do it every other day, after classes, lower your fingers into warm water. Posture should be even, do not lean over the guitar, do not raise the elbow of the right hand and do not clasp the neck with your thumb
  5. 5. Play simple songs first. Choose those with a maximum of three or six chords. When you start playing more confidently, diversify your game, you can improvise.
  6. 6. Metronome. Buy a metronome and play your favorite song slowly. The most important thing is the rhythm. Then try singing to the metronome, adjust your rhythm to the beat of the metronome. When you realize that you won't need the metronome, play without it, with the original recording of the song.
  7. 7. Reflection is your best friend. Tune your guitar and start playing while looking in the mirror. Remember, the singer should be open and looking straight at the audience, not hunched over the guitar. Of course, for this it will be necessary to learn chords to automatism.

The very first steps

  1. 1. Make a cheat sheet for yourself by drawing the fingerings of the main chords.
  2. 2. Sit down and play. Right now, start playing these three chords to the metronome, in turn, which is how every beginner starts.
  3. 3. Don't be afraid, let go of fear and judgment. Believe in your strength.
  4. 4. Chat with other guitarists. Ask for advice, watch videos with them. Learning from older comrades is perfectly normal.

The most burning question of people who want to play the guitar is "Where do I start?" and “how to quickly learn to play the guitar”, and preferably without leaving home, and fitting into the smallest student budget. And strangely enough, with our portal of learning and self-development, even this becomes real, so today we are starting a new series of articles on how to quickly learn to play the guitar at home.

And so, for starters, it is probably logical to assume that you can learn to play the guitar only if you have the instrument itself. Well, everything is not very difficult here.

Where can I get a guitar for a beginner?

Tool (in this case guitar) a novice musician can either be bought or borrowed from undeveloped musicians, which, fortunately for you, and for the misfortune of modernity, are very numerous. If this is the last option, then everything is simple, what was given, you play on that.

If your choice fell on the store, then you can be speechless from the number and variety of different guitars. There are mainly classical, acoustic and electric guitars(meaning 6 string guitars), and of course 12-string, 7-string. More on the classification and variety of guitars in another article.

Which guitar is suitable for a beginner?

In general, you can quickly learn to play any guitar, but most convenient for beginners and beginners of course classical guitar. First, because of the strings. Nylon strings are placed on the classics, and on the other two uses metal, which will add even more indelible impressions in the form of aching fingertips. Nylon will also hurt your fingers, but not as much.

Metal strings have an increased tension, and never put metal strings on a classical guitar, this will simply break the guitar over time. On guitars with metal, at a minimum, there is a metal rod in the neck and iron pegs.

And in any case, as your level increases, you will buy yourself a new guitar that is more in line with your already more professional preferences. And this old guitar suitable for a beginner and allowing you to learn how to play the guitar, your first chords will be left for campfire singing trips, or you will generally throw it into the fire in indignation and dance on the coals.

Is the guitar expensive to learn?

Now let's decide on the price range. In the beginning, for learning to play the guitar, there is no point in buying an expensive, fancy guitar, the cheapest classics are enough. Fortunately, there are a huge number of companies specializing specifically in student instruments of a low price category.

Necessary accessories for a beginner guitarist

At the same time, purchase other necessary accessories for a beginner guitarist, it can be a tuner if you wish, or you can download it from the Internet to a computer, or an application to your mobile device.

The tuner is a magical thing that helps people tune their guitar without much strain on their hearing and mental apparatus, which is just perfect for a beginner with little understanding of guitar tuning.

The guitar will often get out of tune and you have to be ready for that, like the pioneers, or whoever you like. Newer guitars will detune every 30 minutes or more, but this will pass with time.

You can purchase a left footrest for proper fit, but more on that later.

The choice seems to be sorted out.

Guitar Basics for Beginners

Outside, the guitars do not differ much, so consider classical guitar structure. Everything is perfectly visible in the figure, only the saddle is still on the stand, and the resonator hole in some circles is called a “socket”.

Also, guitar strings are numbered specifically, from the thinnest to the thickest. Down up. Internal structure guitars is not important yet and we will consider it in a separate article.

With how to play and even how to sit is also not so easy, it must be learned even before learning to play guitar strings. It is reasonable to assume what difference does it make how you sit, the main thing is to hit the strings and yell louder.

In fact, it’s possible, but it’s my duty to tell, and yours is either to accept, or send me to all sides, and do it wrong, but this will no longer be my fault.

The bottom line is that there is a classic fit that brings your body into the optimal position in which the muscles do not overstrain during a long game, here it is:

The back is straight, the leg is on a hill, sit without leaning on 2/3 of the chair. To develop the correct position of the hands, this landing is optimal and does not require too much attention.

But in principle, you can sit, just putting the guitar on your right foot, the main thing with such a landing, also keep your back straight and the correct position of your hands, and everything will be fine.

Designation of fingers for playing the guitar

For the convenience of recording when learning to play the guitar, there is a certain designation of the fingers. Try to remember them.

Also, for the convenience of playing, each finger of the right hand has its own string. As shown in the picture: p-6,5,4; i-3; m-2; a-1; e-in classic version not used, but some works imply use. When playing only one string, the right hand plays alternately with fingers i and m.

Hand placement for those who want to learn how to play the guitar

In order for your fingers not to hurt, you really could practice for a long time and learn how to play the guitar quickly, and with the development of the skill, you could increase the speed of the game, there is correct setting hands

Position of the guitarist's right hand:

To correctly place your right hand, draw an imaginary line vertically upwards from the stand to the side, at the intersection, place your hand up to the elbow.

Pleave your fingers on the strings, for example: p-6; i-3; m-2; a-1. The index finger and thumb should form a "cross" (as shown).Thumb ahead of everyone else.

What is the right hand doing?

The way the right hand produces sound is called "rhythmic pattern of the right hand". I I will take turns recording which strings to pull. To begin with, let's take two simple drawings:

1. Bass, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3. see how it should look and sound on the video.

2. Bass, 321 (strings twitch at the same time).

When playing the basses are played alternately.

Position of the guitarist's left hand:

When you first start playing strings with your left hand, your fingertips will start to hurt. This is normal with time, the pain will go away when your skin does not harden on them.

And as one guitarist friend of mine said, "Stimulation of the pads of the fingers promotes the development of the brain". I don't know if it's true or not, but it's nice to think you're getting smarter too.

When setting the left hand, the thumb is in the middle of the neck (in width). The hand is rounded, as if you have a small ball in it. The fingers are placed as close as possible to the frets, but not flat, but like needles.

Exercise for quick learning to play the guitar:

To work out the downforce and the correct positioning of the hands when learning to play the guitar, we perform exercise "caterpillar".

I will not describe, everything can be seen on the video, if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

An important point.

In my experience at the initial stage you need very little time, only 20 minutes, but there is an important feature. The key is to do it EVERY DAY.

And then they will start yelling at me, but where will I find so much time, and even every day. Just let's be honest, any person has 20 minutes a day, because some even spend more on food, and how much we spend on the benefits of our beautiful information age? Therefore, I think that 20 minutes is still there.

AND it is advisable to avoid such things as I will sit for an hour today, and rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, in this form you will lose everything useful and memorable for two days of rest. The point is that this is a common muscle memory like boxers, dancers, wrestlers. It needs to be trained constantly, but it is difficult only at the beginning, so stock up on patience, zeal and move on.

Recording Guitar Chords for Beginners

I think everyone has heard a little about chords. Chord - a combination of several sounds that form a pleasant consonance. Without guitar chords, you won't be able to quickly learn how to play the guitar, so let's look at a graphical way to record chords for beginners.

Chords are written on tables, in which there are usually 6 horizontal lines denoting strings, and from 3 or more vertical lines denoting frets. The strings are numbered from top to bottom.

Let's look at the example of the Em chord:

Points are placed where we clamp the strings, the number of the fret from which we put the chord is written above the first column. The fret number is written in Roman numerals. As you can see the strings are not numbered.

The easiest 2-chord song for beginner guitarists

To begin with, let's take a simple song on two chords for the most beginner guitarists. In song lyrics with chords, the chords are written above the places where the transition from one chord to another occurs.

Sergey Matveenko - Chrychalka - Song for everyone

This song, friends, is not difficult to learn:

You can sing with a guitar, you can sing without a guitar.

Even if a bear stepped on your ear:

This song can be sung without hearing!

La-a, la-la-la-la,

La-a, la-la-la-la.

La-a, la-la-la-la,

La-a, la-la-la-la.

The song is played with the second learned pattern (Bass, three together). It is written in brackets with which basses to play the chord.

Here is an example of the easiest song for two chords for beginners, this is all just the first verse of the song, if you want to play the whole one, try it yourself, this will be your homework about which I also ask you to unsubscribe in the comments:

Well, this is where we finish our first lesson on the basics of how to quickly learn how to play the guitar at home, if you have any questions, unsubscribe in the comments, and we are waiting for you in the next article from which you will learn

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Most people are capable of learning to play the guitar on their own, although many beginners give up too quickly. Often, beginners quit playing, explaining this by lack of time or pain in their fingers. And the problem is that they just don't practice enough. This page may not give you more time to exercise, but it will show you how to successfully become good enough. a good guitarist without the cost of expensive textbooks.


    Search the Internet and select the appropriate instructions. There are hundreds of websites on the Internet offering free lessons, many of which are very well designed and can be applied to your daily practice. There you will find comprehensive answers to your questions.

    Learn to distinguish good musician from bad. If you can play as well as your favorite musician after a few weeks, try emulating a more skilled musician.

    Learn the tool. Learn the names and functions of guitar parts. Understand their interaction to extract sounds. Understand how sound is produced by the guitar, how string tension affects sound. The half hour spent on this basic understanding will be repaid many times over in the course of your practice and play.

    Learn to play chords in different positions. There are 10 different hand positions on the fretboard in which you can play a C chord. Start with a pure C chord, but the more ways you learn how to play a chord, the more flexibility you will have in moving from one chord to the next. It may also come in handy if you decide to try composing music.

    Practice daily (at least 5 days a week) for at least half an hour. If you want to learn fast, you must fill your brain with guitar. This includes ear training to understand the pitch and intonation of sounds, comfortable positioning of your body (including legs, back, shoulders and hand position), right hand technique for sound production, and left hand technique for sound control. The most important thing is to train the muscle memory of the hands on the bar.

    Practice chords and hand positions without sound while watching TV or talking to a friend. Left hand muscle memory training is much more difficult than right hand muscle memory training (excluding string picking). You don't have to use your right hand at all, just play around with your left hand many different chords. TV or conversation will help you avoid looking at your hands too often. But when you're learning chords, you need to be careful about the position of your fingers and hand so that muscle memory retains the correct position. Over time, look at your fingers less often, but still check the placement of the hand. Gradually, your confidence in the correct setting will grow, and you will not have to look at your hands so often.

    Build up calluses on your fingertips. It hurts. But as soon as the calluses appear, the pain you once felt will disappear. The more you practice, the faster it will happen. There are callus builders you can buy.

    Learn barre chords along with open chords. Don't skip barre chords though they are harder to play. As with building up calluses, playing barre chords becomes easier as you practice. The playing of barre chords depends almost entirely on the strength of the left hand.

    Exercise your left arm muscles by repeatedly squeezing a tennis ball or similar object for 5 minutes several times a day. (Be careful, this can lead to overvoltage).

    Allow yourself to be upset. It's unavoidable. This is fine. A chord that you've been trying to play clean for days or weeks will eventually sound clear and beautiful. Keep working on it. Repeat until you're sure the chord sounds great.

    Practice. Practice. Practice. "Practice makes perfection." And it's not just grandmother's tales. Practicing, fight for quality. If you practice carelessly, you will perpetuate bad habits forever. The best aphorism might actually sound like "Practice makes consistency." Just as athletes spin their kettlebells by focusing on a particular part of the body, you can play passages by focusing on various aspects- tone, smoothness, speed, accuracy. By focusing on different aspects of the music separately, you can improve your skills and improve your playing!

    Play along with the CD the songs you like. A CD player is a great device for practicing music because it's easy to rewind a CD and repeat even very small parts of a song.

    Start playing songs. There are two ways to record music for the guitar. One notation technique is called sheet music and the other is called tablature. Find articles online. The ability to read both ways of writing is extremely valuable.

    Play on different types guitars. Start learning bass, play classical guitar, play tenor guitar, play electric guitar. You will be familiar with the sounds of various guitars.

  1. Enjoy your new guitar playing skills!

    • If you have a friend who is an experienced guitarist, try meeting him once a week to play together. Even though he or she plays a lot better, you'll only save the time it usually takes to learn guitar by simply playing next to him, watching him play, and learning from him.
    • Explore a few ways to test the slenderness of your game. It may take time to develop an ear for music.
    • Pay a little more for good guitar. If you're thinking about buying your first guitar but aren't sure if you'll enjoy playing it or have the time to practice, buy an inexpensive guitar. If you decide to keep learning, it will be possible to buy a more expensive guitar within your budget. But make sure it's not too cheap. Some guitars can cause you to lose your enjoyment of playing. It is very important to consider the distance between the strings and the fretboard. If the strings are far from the fretboard, then to get good sound one must press the strings harder, which will lead to pain and disappointment.
    • Use nylon strings until your fingers are stiff enough to use regular steel strings as they are lighter on your fingers.
    • Instead of practicing longer and less often, try to practice for a short time but often. In doing so, your brain will be able to memorize chords and melodies faster. It will also keep your fingers safe when you start playing the guitar.
    • Don't be too hard on yourself if you don't understand chords. Remember, this is your first time. Just take your time and learn slowly. You will acquire skills one way or another.
    • Try to change the strings regularly - once a month if you practice regularly every day. You will be amazed at the improvement in sound.
    • If you're looking for an alternative to online courses, or want to find more sources for learning guitar, check out public library There is also a large selection of guitar books.
    • Collect tablature of different guitarists. You'll find free tablature online on the first page of search results with a 99 percent chance. Type the title of the song, the name of the musician, and the words "guitar tablature" in the search box. You will have a wide choice regardless of the genre. If you like them, then you can play them.
    • If you have an audio editor - GarageBand or , then you can select only part of the song to study. It helps a lot.
    • It's easy to learn the basics of guitar playing with the help of the above. If you encounter serious difficulties, then you will need the experience and knowledge of a professional teacher. This page is in no way suggesting that the tutors are useless. This page is just to help you get started.
    • If you are left-handed, you must choose your guitar especially carefully. Left-handed guitar will be more natural to you and may be the right choice. However, if you can force yourself to learn right-handed guitar, you will have a lot more choice and be able to swap guitars with other guitarists. You don't have to mentally flip the image of the chord to fit your fretboard. After all, both hands should be doing a fairly precise job. You need to avoid choosing one type so that you don't regret your choice.
    • Try using video guitar lessons on TocarGuitar websites. YouTube, Songsterr and ultimate Guitar.
    • Make notes about how you feel and how well you play each time you practice. If you practice daily, you will notice a big difference every day.
    • Choose songs to practice strategically. This resource will teach you how to do it Nobsguitar Newsletter. Most of the ways involve striving for some use of technique and theory from one song to another. Choose parts that you love and can play, and parts that challenge your playing skills.
    • Try to keep notes of your exercises to track your progress. Because you can't tell the immediate difference, you can find amazing gains that you've made in a fairly short period of time.
    • Try to accompany someone singing or playing. This will help develop your technique, rhythm and ear. If you work with other guitarists, try to avoid simple copying.


    • Play the many different guitars you can find in major guitar specialty stores before buying. There are hundreds of guitars in these major stores and you can choose the one that suits you best. Don't let pushy salespeople put pressure on you to buy something when you don't have a choice. Don't get too embarrassed when playing in front of people.
    • Never install steel strings on a classical guitar. classical guitars will not match the tension of the steel strings. The strings are bent or will break the neck, soundboard, or fretboard. The hulls are built differently and are not interchangeable. You can use nylon strings on an acoustic guitar, but the sound will sound softer, less shiny, and more subdued.
    • Feel free to play in front of other, more experienced guitarists. They were once at your level, and most of them remember what it was like. They also love to share and showcase their playing to up-and-coming musicians.
    • Watch the angle of your left wrist. Since you are self-taught, you will not have a teacher telling you that you are holding your wrist incorrectly. If you bend it too much, you can seriously injure yourself. Keep it straight! If you're unsure, show your technique to someone experienced and ask about proper wrist placement.
    • To prevent your hand from getting hurt, control your calluses. Sand your fingertips several times a week. Polishing and buffing your calluses is important. Over time, the outermost layer of skin will begin to separate. Be sure to polish the calluses then, or the string may get stuck in the open recess of the callus when the chord changes.
    • Buy an electric guitar tuner. You'll save a lot of string sets and be careful when tuning, especially the first string.
    • Playing the guitar can hurt your fingers. You can put some ice in a bowl of water and soak your fingertips for a minute, or just pour cold water over them. This will prevent blisters and hasten the growth of calluses. Wait a while after soaking before playing.

Good afternoon, in this article you will not find practical techniques, but you will learn how to quickly learn to play the guitar in 5 ways from the pros just for you.

To begin with, answer yourself the question “quickly” is how much:

per hour / day / week / month, 2 or 3 months

The internet is full wonderful videos courses, which I promise to make you a guitarist very quickly, downloaded, looked at and let's cut hardcore, blues, metal, in general, whatever you like more.

Has the question above been answered?

From experience I can say that someone who can quickly learn to play the guitar can:

(any, even if they played the flute will go faster, if they played the piano, then even faster and you won’t need to learn notes)

Ready to devote a lot of time to classes, i.e. 2-3 hours a day(less of course, the same is possible, but we need it quickly, 30 minutes is also enough, but the result will not be immediately)

Working with a teacher(video courses are great, of course, but live communication and pointing out numerous mistakes, correct hand placement, selection of melodic songs on initial stage etc. in a word, you will have questions and errors, and there will be no one to correct)

Another question that you need to answer is what level do you want to reach:

  • play simple songs with chords
  • at the level I sit at home "rub" what I like (simple riff songs)
  • join a music band - play in a band and become a popular superstar;)
  • become a pro and work in the studio
  • your own answer

Each of these options involves its own way of studying, from independent to entering the conservatory and obtaining higher music education, the choice is yours.

Now the promised ways to speed up learning.

1. Dedicate 2 hours a day to playing the guitar.

This method is universal and it is suitable for learning anything from Photoshop to table tennis. If you count, then in a month you will play 60 hours. If you devote 30 minutes a day, then in 30 days you get only 15 hours, which, of course, is not a little, but much less than 60 hours.

2. Handy tool.

It is very important to start with a comfortable musical instrument, the strings should be close to the fretboard and easy to pick up. If the guitar is not comfortable, then the training will begin to be delayed, and the desire will begin to disappear.

3. Inspiration.

You must want to play some song, not for anyone but for yourself (this is very important point just play for yourself).

Many times they came to me for training and said that they wanted to surprise a friend or unexpectedly show off in a company and play some song, but 80% of such students did not want to study for more than 3-5 lessons because they did not correctly choose the goal of training (show-off before friends and acquaintances is not the right goal)

4. Don't start with chords.

Most beginners think that you need to start learning with chords, but this is not so. You will need chords, but later start with simple one-voiced melodies (this is when one note sounds, then another, and so on)

Try playing these tunes:

I think you understand what I mean.

In this case, you will clamp only one string on one fret, when you play enough, you can move on to more “advanced” melodies, and then take on the chords.

5. Record yourself on video or audio.

Record yourself not for YouTube, but for yourself.
A simple example, at the beginning of the week you decided to learn how to play one of the simple melodies or a song, record on video how you do it, let there be many mistakes and there will be no rhythm now it doesn’t matter, a week will pass (it is assumed that during the week you train and work out the song/melodies) and you will compare how you played a week ago, if it gets better, then you are on the right track, if not, then you should think about it.

Perhaps you have chosen a difficult song, take something simpler.

If the melody began to sound better, then continue and do not stop.

P / S - Conclusion - the result.

It is possible to quickly learn how to play the guitar, but for this you must:

  1. devote a lot of time to classes;
  2. choose a comfortable guitar;
  3. choose light and simple melodies that you like;
Please write in the comments, your opinion is very important to me. What to write? wishes / thanks / insults; what do you agree with; with which they do not agree; how long did it take you to learn to play the guitar; How much do you want to learn? etc

How to learn to play the guitar on your own from scratch at home and is it really possible to do it? Many people now think that for this you need to take various guitar courses or go to music school. But I will say - no, in order to learn how to play the guitar, you need patience and strong fingers of the left hand.

I will tell you my story, how I learned to play, and from the story you will understand how to learn to play from scratch while sitting at home. While studying at the institute and living in a hostel, I managed to meet people who can play the guitar. I really liked guitar gatherings (usually with alcohol) and soon I was on fire with the idea of ​​learning how to play. I began to ask the craftsmen to teach them how to play, followed the fingers of their hands, memorized. No one wanted to explain to me the features of the game for a long time, everyone said: do it like this, then like this, but a lot was incomprehensible to me. For example, even at what point to rearrange the chord during the game.

Then I was lucky, they gave me a guitar for a day, and by that time I had already learned the location of the fingers for the simplest chords: am, dm, c, em - but I could not put chords in the way that the fingers of my left hand were not prepared. At first I decided that I needed to learn how to play a fight. I would play some simple chord and learn how to play a fight. My very first fight was: down, down (dead), up, up, down (pears) - I don’t know what it’s called, but for me it turned out to be the easiest. Another simple fight: down, up, down (muted).

Mute in brackets means that the strings must be muffled with the palm of your hand, i.e. as soon as you lead down, you must immediately quickly muffle the strings so that their sound does not continue.

I could play the fight only by looking at the strings, then when I looked away (for example, to rearrange a chord), everything went astray. As a result, from morning to evening I sat with this guitar, the fingers of my left hand hurt very much, it even seems that there were small cuts from the strings, but I learned to play the fight, with joints, of course, but still.

In the morning, no one was in a hurry to take the guitar away from me, I decided to consolidate what I had learned and I began to get very good at it, despite the pain in my fingers. I decided that today I would need to learn how to rearrange the chords to get a more or less pleasant melody. With chords, it was even more difficult: I could not move all the fingers to another chord at once, I rearranged them one by one. For example, holding down the dm chord and switching to am, I first moved the middle and ring fingers, and then the index finger - it was easier for me that way. My fingers hurt from the strings, but the desire to learn was stronger.

It was all weekends, there were studies on weekdays and it was difficult to get to the guitar, there were many study tasks, and the fingers did not pass. By the next weekend, I managed to take the instrument again, things were much better, at least the fight was already playing on the machine, and I could rearrange the chords only when I looked at my hand. A month later, I already played these 4 chords on the machine and was able to play simple songs. Then I learned to play barre F with the same quiet glanders - I really liked the sound of this chord.

Soon, having mastered, so to speak, the basics guitar technique, I wanted to learn how to play bust. It turned out to be much easier than playing in combat. Everything is simple here: the thumb pulls the bass strings, the index, middle and nameless first 3 strings. The simplest enumeration: 6 (or 5 string, or you can alternate), 3, 2, 1, 2, 3. As you lose the enumeration, change the chord and so on.

About a year later, I bought myself a guitar for 4,000 rubles from the Colombo brand. I didn’t know much about guitars, so they gave it to me with nylon strings At the time, I didn't even know they existed. I took it home, and the guitar from the store was naturally not tuned, I decided that the sound was not very good and bought metal strings. By the way, I also bought a tuner for tuning the strings, since according to my hearing I still didn’t know how to tune (and even now).

Having my guitar I played almost every day when it was free time, even began to improvise, swapping chords, changing the fight, etc. The playing technique improved every time and then I decided to learn some long beautiful melody without words. Once I heard the song Nothing Else Matters by Metallica and realized that this is the song. For those who want to see my game, watch the video. Of course, I have a lot of jambs when performing this song, but I am learning and will improve. And to all novice guitarists I will say again: to learn how to play the guitar, you need strong fingers and patience.
