One in the field is not a warrior, the meaning of the proverb. Alone in the field is not a warrior the meaning of the proverb

"One in the field is not a warrior." Where did this proverb come from?

    In this and old saying, there is a clear hint that if a person is alone, then some moments in life he will not be able to go through on his own or defeat some kind of enemy.

    AND this person in a large field he will not become a warrior, but if he unites with his kind, then you will already have an army that can defeat the enemy in an open field.

    And any community of people or their unity, in fact, means great power, which can cope with any task or fight with the enemy.

    And in order to go to their accomplishments, in ancient times they realized that they needed a community and a close-knit team. Such is the story.

    This proverb is very, very old.

    It was often used in the days of the USSR

    Alone in the field - not a warrior

    This means that it is quite problematic to do some things alone.

    Therefore, if you are offered help - do not refuse, it will be much easier

    Everybody needs friends - that's another one hidden meaning this proverb.


    There is nothing sensational in the etymology of this saying. The territory on which all the main military battles took place was always called the field. If a person (even being in military attire) went out into the field alone, then he became not a winner, but a very good target for enemies. The target is not a warrior, but a victim.


    The field eventually ceased to be associated only with battles. In the fields they not only fight, but bread grows on them. And when it ripens, the battle for the harvest begins. And the proverb, becoming figurative, is again confirmed. A loner who goes out into a peaceful field will never become a good warrior. A person must be in a team to claim any significant success. Thus, the modern sounding of the proverb about the field and the warrior has expanded many times and is explained as follows: No big deal is beyond one's strength.

    I'll tell you how in my Soviet childhood, the origin of this proverb was explained at school. Pro Golden Horde everyone knows about Igo. True, now the version is walking that it was not there, but not about that. So, how they explained to us why the Mongols could not defeat the Tatars for so long. Because the principalities were all scattered, civil strife tortured, local squabbles, there was no time for an external enemy and the princes could not agree among themselves in any way in order to act unitedly and give a collective rebuff to the Horde. And when Dmitry Donskoy managed to convince and unite several farms, then only Rus' was able to resist and free itself. This is where the folk saying came from:

    The version has the right to life? Maybe. But then, then one finger is not the master of the situation, that's for sure. The hand and fist are strong when the fingers are tightly clenched, and individually they are a very fragile substance.

    1) The first meaning. It means that only one who has enemies in front of him can be considered a warrior, and if you are alone in the field, then there is no one to fight with, which means that at this moment you are not a warrior.

    2) The second meaning. Or maybe it means that if you stand alone in the field against the army, then you are not a warrior, since you have no chance. Why in the field? Because the field open area, where you can not hide and you will be quickly shot. And in other places where there is something to hide behind and one can pose a threat to several. This, for example, was in the movie Commando. But since this saying was created in the past, when there were no current technologies, it is no longer entirely relevant. For example, the man from the movie iron Man he could well have resisted the whole army of the time when this saying was invented.

    This proverb is ancient and refers to those proverbs that assert the advantage of several over one - for example:

    A classic example of such a comparison is the problem of a twig and a bundle of brushwood offered by a father to his son. Therefore, one should not look for a different meaning in this proverb, as well as make its origin from other variants of the proverb. For example, it is assumed that initially the proverb sounded like one in the field, do not ratai, that is, not a plowman, but this option could hardly have arisen in ancient society, where collective farms did not exist and the majority of the peasants were just cultivating the land singly or in best case family. But the fact that one in the field is not a warrior willingly believes, because the battles were fought in armies and always in an open field. The siege of cities is not exactly a Russian tradition of warfare. The addition to this proverb a traveler sounds like a later version, from the times when frequent internecine wars are a thing of the past and it became possible for travelers to walk alone through the fields.

    Since ancient times it has been clear that man is not epic hero, who alone coped with the whole army, but a mere mortal who lives in society and must, together with other soldiers, defend the Motherland. No wonder now they say:

    Strength lies precisely in cohesion, community, unity.

    The full version of the proverb goes like this:

    Do you know that this proverb has full version, with a continuation? Alone in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler.

    Only a truncated part of the proverb survived to us. Its origins are deep: even in ancient times, fathers taught their sons that one cannot defeat the enemy, so brotherhood, a sense of collectivism were forged.

    An interesting proverb, on the one hand calling for collectivism and on the other, devaluing the concepts of heroism and personal courage. The fact is that initially the proverb sounded One in the field, do not ratai, that is, not a plowman, since one must lead the horse and the other hold on to the coulters. From the word ratai came the word rat - an irregular military militia of peasants and a warrior - a member of the rati. The proverb sounded: One in the field is not a warrior. Then the army began to designate simply an army and there was a replacement for a warrior. This is how peasant wisdom turned into military wisdom, which led to its ambiguity.

    This proverb originally looked like this:

    Don't go alone in the field.

    That is, ratai is a farmer (plowman). The proverb encouraged to work together.

    Later, instead of the word ratai, they began to use a warrior, which means an ancient warrior.

    From that moment on, the proverb began to refer to military affairs with the same meaning.

    The modern version is already presented in this form:

    There is safety in numbers.

There is safety in numbers(meaning) - to one person, or in a significant minority, it is pointless to fight with an enemy outnumbered. We need to look for another solution.

The proverb is indicated in the book "" (1853) (section - ""). It is also indicated there close proverb"You can't tie a knot with one hand."

The word "field" used to mean not only the meaning familiar to us, but also "The place occupied by the army, under open sky, camp camp "( (1863-1866)). Accordingly, in the proverb in question about the battlefield in which one person cannot cope with the enemy army.


(1896 - 1984)

"Conversations with Ranevskaya" (Gleb Skorokhodov, 2004): "While the shooting was going on, I rushed about, got angry, still hoped, and suddenly something would come out: in the cinema, it happens, and one warrior in the field. "

(1844 - 1927)

"", . Volume 1 "From the notes of a judicial figure" (Publishing house "Legal Literature", Moscow, 1966):

"The unfortunate Kroneberg, seeing complete absence support from the ministry and the arrogant triumph of the government, waved his hand at everything and, apparently, said to himself, in this case not without reason, that “ there is safety in numbers»."

(1828 - 1910)

"Hadji Murad"

(1821 - 1881)

"Humiliated and Insulted"- Masloboev says to Ivan:

"I have rules: I know, for example, that there is safety in numbers and - I'm doing the job."

(1860 - 1904)

"" (1891), ch. I: “Once during breakfast, my clerk Vladimir Prokhorych reported to me that the Pestrovka peasants had already begun to rip off thatched roofs to feed the cattle, Marya Gerasimovna looked at me with fear and bewilderment.

What can I do? I told her. - There is safety in numbers and I have never experienced such loneliness as now. I would give dearly to find even one person in the whole county on whom I could rely."

“There is no warrior alone in the field” - usually in this way they comment with regret on the struggle without a chance of winning one person with superior forces, for example, with the system.

The meaning of the proverb "One man is not a warrior"

This old Russian proverb belongs to the category of those that suggest several versions of their origin. According to one of them, in this phrase there was a replacement of concepts due to their consonance. It is assumed that the original expression sounded like "One in the field do not ratai." The word "ratai" at the time of the appearance of the proverb meant a plowman who alone would not be able to plow a large field. "Ratay" turned out to be consonant with the word "warrior", that is, a member of the rati, an irregular peasant military unit. Subsequently, the "army" was transformed into an "army", and the "warrior" into a "warrior".

The second version indicates that the concept of "field" included not only agricultural but also military significance.

Proverbs about soldiers and warriors Mother Russia survived many wars and battles, raised more than one regiment of valiant warriors. Many were destined to become heroes, others died fighting for their homeland. Soldiers and military affairs have always been taken seriously, with great honor:

The soldier is close - bow low to him.

Proverbs tell about a soldier's life and character:

A soldier will take cover in the sky and sleep while standing, shave with a bayonet, wash himself with dew, comb his hair with the wind, cook porridge in a manner, warm himself in battle, rest on one leg - and again forward.

A soldier without courage is like a nightingale without a song.

Military proverbs instruct, teach, often sound like slogans:

Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.
Perhaps yes, I suppose, drop it at the front.

It will be useful for future defenders of the Fatherland to familiarize themselves with the piggy bank of Russians folk proverbs about soldiers and warriors. This is the experience of generations, our history, our mentality.

Since ancient times, the proverb "one in the field is not a warrior" has been known. Of course, this proverb makes sense, showing that it is possible to defeat the enemy, and indeed to achieve some great goal, only by joint efforts. Well, in fact - can one person fight an entire enemy army? Maybe the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. “And there is only one warrior in the field, if he is tailored in Russian” - such a conclusion can be drawn from the exploits of the Red Army soldiers, which we will talk about in this post.

The heroism of the Russian soldier strikes the Germans

In July 1941 the Red Army retreated. The Germans still hoped to implement the "blitzkrieg" plan - a lightning-fast defeat of our army, which would open up the possibility of an unhindered capture of the entire country. key element The blitzkrieg strategy was the use of tank corps, which were supposed to break through the front and, moving quickly, encircle our troops. The blitzkrieg strategy worked well in Europe, the Germans successfully used it against Poland.

Here is a story of exploits. This is a personal decision of one warrior! This is not a commander's order. Alexander Matrosov closed the enemy embrasure with his chest, freeing the way for the rest of the soldiers to attack at the cost of his life. The commander did not order him. It was just that at that moment he was “a warrior alone in the field” and there was no one to rely on.

So there can be only one warrior, but “tailored in Russian” is a warrior, no doubt!

Nazi ideas about the people Soviet Russia, whose territory they invaded on June 22, 1941, was determined by the ideology that portrayed the Slavs as "subhuman". However, already the first battles forced the invaders to change a lot in these views. Further, documentary evidence of soldiers, officers and generals of the German Wehrmacht about how Soviet soldiers appeared before them from the first days of the war.

"There is safety in numbers". The meaning of this saying was completely refuted in the summer of 1941 by a simple Russian guy, artilleryman Kolya Sirotinin. What he did fits into the common liberal phrase - "thrown corpses." Only the Germans threw their corpses at him. Nikolai Sirotinin died, but he exchanged his life very dearly - for 11 tanks, 6 armored vehicles and more than fifty enemy soldiers. That's how it was.

July 17, 1941. The tank columns of the 4th division of General Guderian were rapidly approaching the Belarusian town of Krichev. Their goal is Moscow. Our 55th Rifle Regiment had no way to hold back their onslaught in that sector. The regiment retreated. The only thing that ours could oppose was to put up a barrier from one cannon. Only one USV cannon with a caliber of 76 mm., And only one artilleryman - senior sergeant Nikolai Sirotinin had to cover the withdrawal of his unit.

Or an article about how Western forces, using words flattering to Russian ears, create proverbs aimed at destroying Russian Unity and spreading the “loner cult.” Many have heard such a saying as “And one warrior in the field, if he is tailored in Russian.” This phrase carries a double meaning. On the one hand, it is true and emphasizes the courage, ingenuity and courage of the Russian people. When left alone with the enemy, most of us awaken the ancient instincts of a representative of Russian civilization, thanks to which we are able to defeat even an enemy that is superior in number.

But, on the other hand, this proverb carries a hidden threat aimed at the destruction of Russian Unity. They say - do everything yourself, only for yourself, believe in your strength and the like. But, let's imagine the most banal example. You are alone. War time. Around you are both enemies and marauders. Do you think they are smarter than you? You are one and there are many.


An army without a leader is like a tiger without a head.

Perhaps yes, I suppose, drop it at the front.

A machine gun and a shovel are the friends of a soldier.

Army youth - you will not find it more fun.

You can't take a fortress without courage.

Without knowledge - not a builder, without weapons - not a warrior.

Be vigilant - you will win.

The battle is red with courage, and the soldier with friendship.

The enemy is nearby - hit with the butt.

In battle, you need ingenuity, courage and hardening.

In battle, the order is a holy law, dearer than life He.

All ranks before the charter are equal.

In the banner - your honor, in weapons - glory.

There are few words in the order, but they are pronounced strictly.

To visit the battle - to know the price of life.

Fight not by number, but by skill.

Think with your head, but fight with force.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

Guards mortar will find the enemy everywhere.

It is better for the general of a defeated army not to talk about battles.

Sayings and proverbs about the army begin to interest the majority of our fellow citizens only at a certain time. When the time for urgent service is right. This does not apply to career officers. But this is only now the case. But before, every second boy dreamed that when he grows up he will be either an astronaut or a soldier. Patriotic education, which began as early as in junior groups kindergarten. I still remember all the poems about the Soviet Army that I studied in kindergarten. We were also introduced to proverbs and sayings about the army.

People with early childhood they are taught that they should have many friends. They must behave well not only in society, good reputation and it goes on like this for most of your life. In all why? Because one in the field is not a warrior. But what this saying means, we will explore in this article.


There are such forms human activity in which one has nothing to do: firefighters, police, doctors. In these professions, no matter how brilliant an individual subject is, he cannot cope without a team.

Imagine a house on fire. A firefighter runs to rescue people who have been captured by the fire. Even if we are very well disposed towards the hero, we are unlikely to believe that he can do it himself without a team, because one is not a warrior in the field. He at least needs partners to provide him with water and insurance just in case, all of a sudden.


A lone policeman is, rather, a hero of crime series. You probably watched them on NTV.

In the summer of 1941, we not only retreated. A 19-year-old boy from Orel fought alone with a column of German tanks

Kolya took up a position on a hill right on the collective farm field.

It is difficult for one person to survive, to achieve something, to win the fight. It is said to justify someone's impotence, the inability to cope with the matter, or as a reproach for the inability to act together, together. The proverb is originally Russian. Its original meaning is clarified on the basis of an older version of Odin in the field is not ratai, where ratai (from yelling to plow) is a plowman, a farmer. The proverb referred to agricultural labor requiring several workers. Then the word ratai, by consonance, was replaced by a warrior, and such a replacement was also prepared by stable folklore associations of the military field, the battlefield with the field of peaceful labor. The word warrior was synonymously replaced by a governor and a warrior. On the basis of antonymic opposition formed and new version proverbs And one in the field is not a warrior

It fell to Kolya Sirotinin at the age of 19 to challenge the saying “There is no warrior alone in the field”, but he did not become a legend of the Great Patriotic War, like Alexander Matrosov or Nikolai Gastello ...

I dedicate my lines to his great feat. Eternal glory to the hero!!!

Yes, in the summer of forty-one everyone had a hard time.
They stood to the death, if the need to cover the withdrawal of parts ...
One was a warrior in the field, but that is his merit,
That led the enemy tanks to a column of queens.

In the high rye on the hill, where you could see the river,
Highway behind her, his gunner fearlessly took up his post
And, as soon as the first tank came out, the sergeant did not misfire,
Sent a fire projectile to the car: Here's a bridge for you ...

And I set fire to the closing armor, the “cork” is ready,
The order was to immediately retreat ... He disobeyed. stock
The shells are too large to be left without a use,
And suddenly the boy from Orel decides here, now

Continue the fight.

"The Germans rested against him, as against the Brest Fortress"

It fell to Kolya Sirotinin at the age of 19 to challenge the saying "One man is not a warrior." But he did not become a legend of the Great Patriotic War, like Alexander Matrosov or Nikolai Gastello.

In the summer of 1941, the 4th Panzer Division of Heinz Guderian, one of the most talented German tank generals, broke through to the Belarusian town of Krichev. Part 13 Soviet army retreated. Only the gunner Kolya Sirotinin did not retreat - just a boy, short, quiet, frail.

According to an essay in the Oryol collection Good Name, it was necessary to cover the withdrawal of troops. “Two people with a cannon will remain here,” said the battery commander. Nicholas volunteered. The second was the commander himself.

- Kolya took a position on a hill right on the collective farm field.

The whole point lies in the word "in Russian"! A “tailored in Russian” person has a number of unique qualities. A warrior always has something to defend! His patriotism leads him to defend the Fatherland, native land. His love for family, for friends, in the same way makes a person fight for them, for their safety. And at the same time, taking up arms, going to war - it was a spiritual upsurge and impulse. And Russian soldiers selflessly defended everything that is dear to their hearts. Here is even a story of exploits. This is a personal decision of one warrior! This is not a commander's order. Alexander Matrosov closed the enemy embrasure with his chest, freeing the way for the rest of the soldiers to attack at the cost of his life. The commander did not order him. It was just that at that moment he was “a warrior alone in the field” and there was no one to rely on.

Or in ancient times, two heroes from each side rode out in front of the army and fought a duel in front of everyone. And how important it was to win, so that everyone else had confidence in victory!

So a warrior and one can be.

People are taught from early childhood that they should have many friends. They must behave well not only in society, they need a good reputation, and this continues almost all their lives. In all why? Because one in the field is not a warrior. But what this saying means, we will explore in this article.


There are such forms of human activity in which one has nothing to do: firefighters, police, doctors. In these professions, no matter how brilliant an individual subject is, he cannot cope without a team.

Imagine a house on fire. A firefighter runs to rescue people who have been captured by the fire. Even if we are very well disposed towards the hero, we are unlikely to believe that he can do it himself without a team, because one is not a warrior in the field. He at least needs partners to provide him with water and insurance just in case, all of a sudden.


A lone policeman is, rather, a hero of crime series. You probably watched them on NTV. IN real life such characters are rare to find. The maximum that a trained riot policeman can do is to pacify a gang of hooligans, but our Russian peasant cannot boast of feats in the spirit of the famous action movie icons of the 90s. And not even because he is bad; our man, maybe, will give odds Hollywood actors, but only now they act in ideal world, where even bandits have some moral principles, albeit minimal ones, and our riot policeman is fighting crime in the real world, and here one is not a warrior in the field.


What is true of firefighters and rescuers can also be said of doctors. There are wonderful surgeons, but they need a good team around.

Take the fictitious brilliant diagnostician - Dr. Gregory House. He unraveled many complex cases, but his assistants did all the "dirty work" for him. Although if you do not pay attention to particulars, then House is a lone hero, but this is only at first glance. And even a crazy and cynical doctor is not a warrior alone in the field.

Professions made for singles. Writer

True, it cannot be said that an individual person has no chance to change something in the world. There are professions where other people provide only technical support. In some professions, loneliness is no success. That is the job of a teacher or a writer. Of course, the above-mentioned ones need a social field for implementation, but the representatives of these types of activity change all by themselves. The role of the publisher is great, who noticed and released a cult book, but, firstly, he did not write it himself, and secondly, he did it not out of the kindness of his soul, but because he saw in it a commercial, and, perhaps, some that still makes sense. Thus, the proverb "one man in the field" can be invented by the writer in retaliation for the majority.


Teachers also need educational institution in order to translate your talent into something material, but the leaders of these "temples of knowledge", as a rule, do not help capable person but hinder him. Because the superiors always have their own tasks, and rarely are they so far-sighted to free talented person from some not too important tasks for the fulfillment of his mission. Thus, the teacher withstands double pressure: on the one hand, social environment, and on the other hand,

Fiction versus real life. Why do audiences love action movies so much?

Why were action movie tough guys so popular in the past? Now there are more and more superheroes (Iron Man, Spiderman, etc.) on the screens, the tone has changed. The viewer is no longer so naive, he does not believe that the aging Jean-Claude Vam Damm will scatter all the bandits with his combat skill. Now, to become and be a hero, you need serious equipment.

Whoever shines on the screen, the viewer still walks. he wants to believe that one person can still change something in the world. In addition, we never grow up, in essence, which means we love fairy tales as before.

On the contrary, brave schoolchildren, and not only them, can say: “One warrior in the field! We'll write an essay about it!" We can only wish them good luck in this difficult task. As we have seen, in life it can be both this and that. A person can become both a member of a well-coordinated team, and try to change something alone. The main thing is to choose correctly the sphere of application of your forces, because all paths are open.

“There is no warrior alone in the field” - usually in this way they comment with regret on the struggle without a chance of winning one person with superior forces, for example, with the system.

The meaning of the proverb "One man is not a warrior"

This old Russian proverb belongs to the category of those that suggest several versions of their origin. According to one of them, in this phrase there was a replacement of concepts due to their consonance. It is assumed that the original expression sounded like "One in the field do not ratai." The word "ratai" at the time of the appearance of the proverb meant a plowman who alone would not be able to plow a large field. "Ratay" turned out to be consonant with the word "warrior", that is, a member of the rati, an irregular peasant military unit. Subsequently, the "army" was transformed into an "army", and the "warrior" into a "warrior".

The second version indicates that the concept of "field" included not only agricultural but also military significance. Accordingly, a loner who appeared on the battlefield automatically became an easy target, rather a victim than a warrior.

There is also a third version, according to which this proverb has a continuation "One in the field is not a warrior, but a traveler." This means more late period history, when the main internecine wars ceased, and travelers were able to move relatively safely between cities alone.

The widespread school interpretation of the appearance of the expression “One man is not a warrior” is interesting. It says that the problematic of the fight against the Tatar-Mongol yoke was precisely the fragmentation of the Russian principalities and their constant civil strife. The victory turned out to be possible precisely when several of them united under the pressure of Dmitry Donskoy.
