Cheerful horoscope Gemini. Joking horoscope: how the signs of the zodiac are offended

Aries is always pleased with himself, which is reflected on his face. He rarely thinks, says and does the same thing. Usually he does everything wrong, but just dare to tell him about it. Then you will regret that you were born into the world. There are legends about the stubbornness of Aries, and not surprisingly, a ram, he is a ram.

If he rests, you can't move him from his place. He always has two opinions on all events and phenomena, one is his, the other is wrong. Aries says that he is never wrong, and therefore he believes that God was most likely an Aries.

In love, Aries are just as stubborn as in everything else. And if he achieves someone's location, then he does this until the object of his passion gets tired of refusing him. And when he achieves the location of a partner, he himself does not know why he needed it.

In the process of the siege (it lasts a very long time), the object loses its attractiveness for him. Those who fall in love with Aries should only be sorry.
In the family, Aries loves to point out, but does not want to do anything. And from such a comfortable position for him, he would never be moved.

Cheerful horoscope for Taurus

Taurus is very stubborn, in this, he is similar to Aries. Only one who will admire Taurus, tell him that he is always right, and, meanwhile, passing off his ideas as the ideas of Taurus, will be able to convince him. Taurus women are very emotional and trusting.

About our love relationships she only speaks superlatives. And, if a man tells her that he cannot live without her, she really believes it.

Taurus men are hoarders and hoarders. They drag into the house, everything that they can get their hands on: old household appliances, broken furniture, a woman they don’t need. And then they wonder why the house is so crowded and noisy (the noise is from a woman who also cannot understand why she was brought here).

Taurus are very fond of various conflicts and gladly take the most ardent part in them, not being interested in the cause of the conflict. And when they find out the reason for the showdown, they beat their chest and say: “Oh my, because of what nonsense they fought!”.

Cheerful horoscope for Gemini

Gemini are two very similar person in one person. Since they are very similar, it annoys them and they argue all the time. If one says, “I want this woman,” the other necessarily objects, “What do you need this slut for?” And as a result, the Gemini man chooses another, and then is surprised, “And what did I find in her?”.

Gemini women are contradictory and fickle in their passions. They change men so often that sometimes they don’t even have time to remember the name of the next partner. And in order not to completely get confused in the names of their counterparts, they call everyone the same “my Hercules”, until the next lover turns out to be a short, skinny man.

He, of course, takes such an appeal as a mockery. IN Everyday life Geminis are very indecisive. They cannot make the right decision quickly, because one Gemini pulls in one direction, the other - (out of harm) in the other. And it turns out, as in the immortal work of V.I. Lenin "One step forward, two steps back"

Cheerful horoscope for Cancer

Cancers are very cowardly and shy. They are constantly afraid that they will be accused of what, so they try to please everyone and give everyone a bunch of impossible promises. They speak mainly in slogans and stereotypes, so that others do not suspect them of some kind of ulterior motives.

Crayfish lie without blushing (red crayfish are only boiled) and very inventive. Not without reason, among politicians, there are so many Cancers.
In love, Cancers are very careful, meticulously and carefully choose a partner for themselves, even for life, even for the night. Rummaging and sorting out, as in the collapse of second-hand.

And when friends are surprised at such a long search for their beloved (beloved): “What are you choosing a cow for?” Cancers thoughtfully answer: “You can sell a cow, but with this (this) you will suffer all your life (night).

At work, Cancers are sycophants and sycophants, their bosses are gods and celestials, but if the opportunity arises (and it will be safe for Cancer), they will gladly set their feet on their beloved boss.

Cheerful horoscope for Leo

The lion is the king of animals in nature. People zodiac sign Leo never forget this. They are arrogant, selfish, always confident in their superiority and do not tolerate other people's opinions. You will be the most best friend Leo, if you constantly flatter him and praise his virtues.

Lions are very fond of hanging their portraits on the walls, and the larger the images, the better.
Lion women, like the females of the "black widow" spider, if they do not destroy their chosen one immediately after the night of love, then they gnaw at him for the rest of their lives, or until the partner has enough patience.

Leo men love only themselves, they are simply not capable of loving someone else. Therefore, they choose for themselves women who know only two words "yes" and "I obey."

Cheerful horoscope for Virgo

If your zodiac sign is Virgo, then your family and friends are terribly unlucky. You are obsessed with order, scrupulousness and cleanliness. Virgos are extremely accurate and methodical. The need to tidy up and restore cleanliness turns into a passion for them. If you get up from an armchair or sofa in Virgo's apartment, she immediately begins to smooth the cape and shake off non-existent dust from it.

If Virgo gets into a small car accident, then the first thing she says to the inspector who comes up about the second participant in the accident is: “No wonder this teapot had an accident, look how dirty his car is!”.

A mandatory item in the house of the Virgo is a magnifying glass. With her help, she examines all the furnishings in the house, so she is looking for dust particles.
Virgo also strictly plans love relationships, meetings, and sex with her partner take place on schedule.

Cheerful horoscope for Libra

Scales are languid and graceful and full of incomprehensible mystery and incomprehensible, to the rest of mankind, nobility. They love to dress fashionably and carefully follow fashion. Their craving to look fashionable is so great that if someone assures them that it is fashionable: Libra women will put on a skirt inside out, and men will wear a shirt instead of trousers and tie it in a knot at the waist.

Libra loves to teach everyone and explain everything to everyone. For example, with perseverance worthy best use, they will tell you how coffee latte differs from coffee with milk. And it is useless to object to them that they are one and the same.

In love, Libras are mysterious and unpredictable. Sometimes the chosen one (chosen one) of Libra cannot understand what the Libra partner is trying to say. Either he invites you to an intimate date, or he says goodbye forever.

Cheerful horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpios consider themselves irresistible personalities, they can look in the mirror for hours and admire their own person. They are great inventors and are always full of grandiose plans, but as soon as it comes to putting these plans into practice, they stop at the very first difficulties, while saying “I didn’t really want to.”

Scorpios are very loving and obscenely sexy. They are proud of their love victories and talk about it on every corner. Here is just one small nuance, Scorpio men like such women, looking at whom the rest of the men say: “No, I can’t drink so much vodka,” and Scorpio women choose for themselves such chosen ones, about whom we can say that they just got off yesterday tree or crawled onto land.

Cheerful horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius are such adventurers that it is simply dangerous to be near them. They may offer you to jump with a parachute, assuring you that they have done it a hundred times and even offer to fold your parachute. Do not agree to anything, otherwise, their satisfied face will be the last thing you see in life.

Do not try to introduce your chosen one (chosen one), if it is Sagittarius, to your parents. The ancestors will be shocked.
Sagittarians are careless and unfaithful lovers. Having parted with you in the evening, assuring you of his passionate love, in the morning he may simply not remember you.

Cheerful horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorns are a kind of mixture of Leo and Virgo. They believe that they are as charismatic as Leos and as logical as Virgos. In fact, they have the self-importance of Lions and the despondency of Devs.

Capricorns are terrible workaholics, but they work with such a gloomy and dull look that they just want to say: “Put on a different face, a little more fun.”

In love, Capricorns are pessimists. His chosen one (chosen one) can prove his love a hundred times, but Capricorn is firmly convinced that he will certainly be abandoned. What happens most often is that the partner gets tired of fighting the universal despondency of Capricorn.

Cheerful horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarians are the most "knowledgeable" people in the world. Ask Aquarius what Nadezhda Krupskaya was ill with in childhood or what stars the Sagittarius constellation consists of, and he will tell you everything with a smart look and very extensively.

Aquarians are very fond of their body, they love to be naked, and therefore they are very willing to visit nudist beaches.
Aquarians are wonderful lovers, and if you still listen to them constantly, agree with everything and admire their vast knowledge, Aquarius will love you like Romeo.

Cheerful horoscope for Pisces

Pisces are very vindictive creatures, God forbid, offend this sign. Outwardly, they will not show that they are offended, but later on you will regret for a long time that you offended Pisces.

Pisces are very slow in everything, and they are the same drivers. If you see that a car is driving along the highway at a speed of 40-50 km per hour, be sure that a representative of this sign is driving.

In love, Pisces are cold and predictable, it's about them they say "snulled fish." But they consider themselves to be almost Scorpions in a love relationship.

funny horoscope 3.50 /5 (4 votes)

Aries is an emotional bastard.

If he is passionate about something, he does not bother to explain his actions to others, he simply acts as he sees fit. To ask for forgiveness - pride does not allow. I am convinced that the truth is in it.
Excuses: “Something rolled up”, “Damn beguiled” etc.

Taurus is a greedy bastard.

Obsessed with buying. A targeted avenger, always calculates the trajectory of the blow, to be sure.
Excuses: "You deserve this fate".

Gemini is a careless bastard.

Loves games, jokes, funny companies. The eternal dichotomy of evil and good. For the sake of a joke, he devalues ​​the rules and traditions, depriving them of drama, sincerely not understanding what he is doing and quickly forgets about it.
Excuses: “Are you offended? WHY?"

Cancer is a miserable bastard.

Because of his vulnerability, vulnerability, susceptibility, he is always an "angel-like creature" innocently injured, while the opponent is a monster in a "devilish guise" even if Cancer himself is a champion in filth and dirty tricks. He will also make sure that the whole world knows how you have treated him unfairly.
Excuses: "It's your fault that I'm like this!"

Leo is a pompous bastard.

Well, everything is clear here, the crown presses, the greatness of the world distorts. Everything is divided into “He” and “the rest.” He is great, others are dust underfoot.
Excuses: "I so wanted to."

Virgo is a vindictive bastard.

In the eternal pursuit of perfection, impeccability and correctness, she draws her portrait of “God in the flesh on earth”, such a walking messiah and do not let you be imprudent to speak unsatisfactorily, unprofitably about her. Can wait long and hard for the right chance to remember.
Excuses: Triumphant "Do you remember …"

Libra is a mercantile bastard.

Windy and changeable. Great virtuosos extricate themselves from sticky situations. A real politician pursuing his own interests, if necessary, will promise, lie, slander.
Excuses: no. Got drunk and fled.

Scorpio is a top notch bastard.

A lover of creating a veil of mystery around himself such that he himself gets entangled in it, plus an unquenchable thirst for an ideal clouds their minds, forcing them to position themselves as an instrument of justice and retribution. If from their point of view you broke any rules, you should be punished.
Excuses: no.

Sagittarius is a bastard.

A very complex being, eager to prove himself in the field of social activity and quite successful in this matter. Tram squabbles, bazaar skirmishes, all kinds of quarrels and conflicts in which you can take your soul away - this is his element.
Excuses: raised tone, meaningless text, obscene language.

Capricorn is a stupid bastard.

Just as an ostrich hides its head in the sand, believing that there is no danger, so a capricorn, resting its horns “anywhere” does not want to see, feel and make decisions. Moreover, he firmly believes that if he persists in this way, the problem will be resolved by itself, and even according to his scenario, and when he sees the ashes around him, he will be stupidly surprised: “How did it happen?”.
Excuses: "It happened".

This cheerful comic horoscope Today, according to the signs of the zodiac, you can use it every day. Open this page daily in the morning, and good mood for the whole day guaranteed in full!

And for everyone who believes in happiness, we recommend reading our happy eastern horoscope by year of birth with the recommendations of poet astrologers. All our serious and funny horoscopes are written especially for the site "Favorite Holiday". Share them with your friends, put links, but respect our authors - do not reprint our horoscopes. Thank you.

Cool boring horoscope for today for Aries

Be active and determined.

First, try to recharge.

So that your labors are not wasted in vain, remember: if people are valued for their work, then a horse is better than any person.

Cool boring horoscope for today for Taurus

Be careful. Think before you do anything.

Measure seven times and only then cut eight times.

For the seventy-first time, you will succeed.

The stars are not advised to kiss the secretary in the presence of his wife.


Cool boring horoscope for today for Gemini

New things are waiting for you.

Remember: even the most stupid idea can be masterfully executed.

And don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do.

After all, the ark was built by amateurs. Professionals built the Titanic.


Cool boring horoscope for today for Cancer

Life is good ... hic ... Repeat this, spreading red caviar on bread with a thick layer. Or black.

But do not rush to pour vodka.

Remember: alcohol is a time machine.

I drank - and already tomorrow.


Cool boring horoscope for today for Leo

Talk less, listen more.

It is better to be silent and grunt with pleasure.

Your income will be higher than your expenses. Because there will be no costs at all.

Get a piggy bank and grunt together.


Cool boring horoscope for today for Virgo

You will be thrown from one extreme to another.

First, the boss will call you on the carpet, and will yell like a flock of crocodiles.

In five minutes, he will offer you a position that you have been seeking for a long time.



Cool boring horoscope for today for Libra

You will be on a horse.

Everyone else, apparently, will have to move on foot.

You may feel out of place.

The stars are advised to break the plate, get off the horse, break the plate, get off the horse and finally change it ... for a bicycle.


Cool boring horoscope for today for Scorpio

You will have a romantic date.

Enjoy, forget about everything in the world....

When Sveta starts to go home, pretend to be asleep.


Cool boring horoscope for today for Sagittarius

Your mood will jump.

From the TV to the cabinet, from the cabinet to the table.

Try to catch him anyway.

Hold somewhere in the corner and ask: "Kolis! Who do you work for ?!"


Cool boring horoscope for today for Capricorn

The sixth sense will not let you down. It will say: "Enough!"

The other five senses will fail.

They will say something awkward, but you will understand them.

Because a Russian person after the fifth glass is able not only to understand the Chinese language, but also to forgive it.


Cool boring horoscope for today for Aquarius

Everything will come easy to you.

Even a visit to the dentist.

At first you will be very afraid. Then it turns out that his drill broke.

But do not relax and remember: if you are happy for more than one day, then something is being hidden from you.


Cool boring horoscope for today for Pisces

You have a creative upsurge ahead of you.

Stock up on climbing equipment in advance.

Already stocked up? .. Then full speed ahead!

To conquer the next height!... Just don't shout later"



No need to be modest today - Respond in the hall Aries.
Aries is an energetic sign. Always self-confident, Aries is capable of a lot. And if, after a week of partying, you decide to take a break, and you are being dragged to night club, this makes Aries.

Well done and tomboys, Where do we sit Taurus?
Taurus are persistent and determined. And if someone constantly and decisively asks you; “Do you respect me?”, then this is Taurus.

Where are the daring guys? Everyone faster Twins!
Gemini is an eternally young sign. They love jokes and fun, love beauty in everything. They have a very good "suspended tongue", and. if you are having fun, then the Gemini is nearby.

The zodiac has many signs, now I want to see crayfish!
Cancers are the most cautious sign, they are unlikely to go on an adventure. Cancers are also the most loyal sign. Cancers are reliability itself.

Respond together you, Kings of animals, handsome Lions!
Leo is the most creative and generous sign. Is it true. Lions love to show authority, so if there is POWERFUL care nearby, this is Leo.

Everyone look to the right, to the left, Where are we in the hall Virgin?
Virgo is the most meticulous and painstaking sign. She never jumps to conclusions and would rather measure seven times and pour once. Virgo is practicality.

Lift up your noses, show us Scales?
Libras are calm and affectionate. And therefore they can easily borrow 1000 euros from you and kindly not return them.

Queue according to all the laws, stand up and drink Scorpions!
Scorpions are a living intuition, they clearly know where to go... But, being very “alive” by nature, Scorpios can be great friends and life partners.

Here all the signs are well done, Lucky everyone - Sagittarius.
Sagittarians are very fond of all kinds of trials and adventures. Being optimists, they will always find adventure in their second "90".

Do not be strict with the host .. respond, Capricorns!
Capricorns - since childhood, they are very fond of accuracy and clarity. They are tacticians and strategists, so if someone is tactfully drinking you, then this is Capricorn.

Let's raise our glasses soon. Without hesitation Aquarius!
Aquarians are a very friendly sign, but they prefer peace and solitude. Therefore, many Aquarians can calmly and solitude indulge in their favorite business.

And on our holiday, let smiles. Give affectionate fish!
Pisces are by nature dreamers. They sing songs or write poetry. Pisces is creativity, and if someone creatively sleeps with their face in a salad next to you, it can be Pisces.

2. Alcohol horoscope for guests

1. Aries at it's high time

Drink a glass of wine

You just need to drink wisely:

Not under the holiday table.

2. And stubborn Taurus

Drinking is out of character

You better decide

And have fun without vodka

3. Twins, understand yourself

Don't poison your soul with vodka

Better drink milk

Live to be 100 years old!

4. Well, eh Cancers you can drink

But just a glass or two

Just be very careful

And not the scandal in the family

5.Lviv want to warn

That you shouldn't drink too much

Do not let the degree into the body,

Pour tea into a glass!

6. Virgin, don't drink too much

Have pity on your stomach

He may not understand you

Do not accept salo with vodka!

7. A Libra in a team together

Need to pour more

So don't be shy

And drink alcohol to the bottom

8. Scorpion another child

He can't drink at all.

When he drinks vodka,

Everything will be upside down!

9. A Sagittarius the advice is:

If you want to be healthy

You better have a drink

Lemonade instead of vodka!

10. Capricorn lucky

You can drink to spite everyone,

The evening will last for an hour,

It remains to have fun!

11. Aquarius are good

Vodka is whipped from the heart,

Don't give in to vodka

Better stay sober!

12. Pisces everyone needs

A cup full of wine

Overturn, but not by,

Definitely to the bottom!


Let's start to get acquainted with how the signs of the zodiac are offended, with a cute lamb. Anyone who managed to hurt him may not particularly worry. This villain will still not have time to dodge. Aries are compassionate people, unable to remember grievances for a long time. They will surely forgive: once on the head with something heavy, the second - on the kidneys with a foot. Later, however, they will also regret if they catch up with the offender. But in general, these cute creatures are able not to respond to stimuli if the headphones are in their ears, their horoscope says. As the signs of the zodiac are offended, Aries, in principle, do not care. The lambs concentrate on their world, where justice reigns (as they understand it). It is better not to touch an offended Aries for a couple of days (or years). Then he will forget about the evil deed and will behave as before. Aries have a strange feature of trying on the suffering of the offender. In a couple of days, they will really try to understand him, even flowers can be brought to the hospital, where the former “villain” restores his damaged health.


If this horned inhabitant of heaven patronizes your relatives or friends, then information about how the signs of the zodiac are offended is vital. Read and learn, it will not be superfluous. It is strictly not recommended to annoy Taurus. He just has great, incredible patience. He will begin to cherish the offense, worry, nurture, without showing his emotional state in any way. When the time comes, he will put the "villain" on an uncomfortable stool and will selflessly read the notation. Taurus approaches all matters very responsibly. It will take a long time to sit on the rickety "calvary", but you won't be able to run away. Taurus will remember all the dirty tricks and sins you have committed since the time of King Pea. In his speech, he will certainly include the most important information about how offended different signs zodiac, focusing on your own. Here it is better not to remain silent, but to ask for forgiveness. Maybe you'll be lucky, and Taurus won't put his hooves into action.


It is unpleasant to quarrel with a representative of this sign. And for both sides. Gemini will be surprised at such impudence and will instantly react to insult. The hurricane will not last long, almost everyone will be able to survive. The villain should not be afraid of assault. He will be dipped into mud in words. The scandal will also end abruptly. The Gemini will never remember you again!


People who are under the auspices of this sign are so sentimental and romantic that others, against their will, fall under their charm and relax. And they should remember about the claws. Cancers are offended often and with taste. These people have hypertrophied sensitivity. Any little thing can hurt them and plunge into the abyss of angry experiences. Notice such a change in mood, immediately sincerely repent! In the first moments, the villain still has a chance to leave without much loss. True, Cancers will try to thoroughly check the offender for the truth of repentance, expecting a dirty trick. You need to convince with all your might, otherwise a terrible revenge awaits you. Her Cancers are cooked with pleasure, trying to touch the especially thin strings of the soul of the villain in order to hit harder. Creative people it won’t matter how offended the signs of the zodiac are, they will put the comic horoscope aside. For balance, Cancers need to return justice to the world, endowing the offender with equivalent suffering, which they will do without fail.

a lion

With representatives of this star tribe, you can forget about caution. Interested in how the signs of the zodiac are offended, people read about Leo with surprise and enthusiasm. And the whole point is that it is unsuitable for kings to react to some nonsense. Leo may well miss an offensive remark past his ears, turn away at the moment when they try to hurt him. Why would he, a regal person, bother with the petty claims of mortals? Well, if you are persistent, he will growl so that his legs will shake. This incident will be over. Lions do not fill their heads with nonsense, they already have a lot of royal deeds, and even more plans. Fangs can be shown to especially annoying offenders. But this rarely happens. Their authority is so indisputable that few dare to annoy them.


Exploring resentment according to the signs of the zodiac, astrologers have discovered a real psychological phenomenon. It is associated with Virgo. These people are generally not touchy. To hurt them, you need to try very hard. If you still decide to offend the Virgin, take care of the will first. And it's not that the counterpart harbors evil. Not at all. Virgos forget insults quickly, almost instantly. But they will act according to their life principles. They will put the villain on all the black lists that they have been doing since infancy. And those who are designated there are supposed to repay according to their deeds. Revenge will inevitably overtake the offender, and even from the other side, from which they did not expect. Life will seem completely destroyed, heart broken, ideals debunked and the like. This unfortunate person will also fail to connect the catastrophe with the offended Virgo.


Here's who to focus on when studying how different zodiac signs get offended. Libra loves to pout, deliberately showing the villain the full extent of his vile fall. These people do not know how to take revenge. But they will rush with their resentment with desperate perseverance and taste. If you do not immediately apologize, get ready for censure from " broad circles the public." Libra will definitely notify all acquaintances and not very much about how vilely they were treated. Black gossip is their forte. The story will drag on long years. Libra fundamentally opposes evil, wherever it is found. It is important for them to eradicate it on the planet, they will spare no effort for this. Try to clarify the relationship right away, otherwise you will be included in the list of fiends with all possible consequences.


Scorpio is the master of revenge. Evil in relation to themselves and resentment, these people carefully collect and store, like collectors. For every offense there will be retribution. This is not just a principle for them, but a passion. The offender will regret that he once contacted Scorpio. By the way, this is the only sign that does not disdain physical violence. He himself will not wave his fists, but a scuffle can arrange. Scorpions follow the trail of the offender more stubbornly than a greyhound chasing the beast. Their venom will surely overtake prey. Only person, which is out of the risk zone, is Scorpio's favorite. This person will be forgiven.


There is no sign more peaceful. However, these cuties can be very offended. The result will be worse than when Scorpio was offended. Sagittarius will not engage in revenge planning or pouting in corners. These are open and honest people they will pour their emotions on your head. The scandal will be as grandiose as the experiences of the hurt Sagittarius. More than once during this phantasmagoria, the offender will come up with the idea of ​​using a rope with soap. Believe me, it is easier to part with life than to endure the angry outpourings of Sagittarius. Try to distract him by offering a joint trip at your expense. Hearing about the upcoming trip to distant lands, Sagittarius will forget the differences. The second time, try not to run into his anger if you value relationships. Sagittarius will go into the distance, not wanting to bother with the re-education of the "incorrigible" villain.


That's who is not inclined to respond to someone else's stupidity. Capricorn can only be offended by vicious criticism of his favorite project. In this case, you risk getting on his pre-sharpened horns. It is better to immediately approach the solution of the issue constructively, come up and explain. Five minutes of shame, as they say, and all problems are solved. Otherwise, you will know what is the revenge of Capricorn. This person is patient and calm. He will not throw a tantrum, he will not make a fuss. Even communicate will be, as before. He will wait. And when you need his support in an important matter, he will forget about the existence of such a person. In addition, Capricorns spend a lot of energy on winning friendship. the mighty of the world this. These influential people will also forget about you under the influence of an offended Capricorn. The world will flow forward to success, and you will be left to suffer on the shore.


Do you think that you offended the person who is patronized by this sign? In vain. Aquarius reacts negatively emotionally only to the rejection of their brilliant ideas. Criticism hurts and disturbs him at the same time. He will not understand, this is not the nature. First of all, Aquarius will doubt the mental abilities of the offender. Having drawn conclusions, he will decide that it is not worth wasting time on a fool. He will go where there are intellectuals who can appreciate his genius. Do not expect deceit or evil gossip from him behind his back. This person has already forgotten about your existence. His intellect is busy saving the world and generating global ideas. He has no time to think about the fools who dared to criticize his work. If you want to restore relations, you will have to take the initiative. Talk to Aquarius about the essence of the world, the depravity of mankind, prove that you have the right to his attention.


When figuring out how zodiac signs react to offense, don't miss out on the most important information. Pisces do not like to be offended, but they know how. The representative of the sign is not malicious, but will not immediately forgive. The fish pouts, carefully choosing facial expressions to demonstrate the offender's emotional state. She will catch the eye, carefully watching the reaction. Are you not asking for forgiveness? Well, okay. Pisces will forgive, because wrinkles appear from anger, but they don’t need this. But from now on, a different game will begin. The fish will try to prove to the whole world that they are angelic entities, and you are a demon in the flesh. Believe me, they have no equal in this matter. Before you have time to look back, the public will be on the side of the offended Rybka, and you are already anathematized. Why persist, you ask? They would have said right away that they were wrong, everything would have ended before it had even begun. And now you are faced with a choice: either run to the ends of the world, or prove that you didn’t jump out of hell.

This is how zodiac signs react to offenders. Astrologers have tried to identify character traits. Naturally, each person has his own individual characteristics that affect behavior in stressful situations. Observations show that the deviation from the descriptions given are at the level of statistical error. How do you react to insults? Did the description match your behavior? Write in the comments to correct the findings of stellar explorers.
