Cheerful horoscope about teachers! Comic predictions are short and funny (for children and adults).

The voicing of such predictions pursues various goals. Often people get tired psychologically from reading boring, strict predictions for a month or a year. They strive to defuse the situation, that is, to get acquainted with more ridiculous, but instructive information. In this case, it is common for ordinary predictions to turn into a comic form, that is, information can be provided with humor, in the form of a cartoon, or real black humor. Getting acquainted with the contents of cool predictions, you can laugh heartily, adopt several warnings that help prevent problems in the near future. Reading comic predictions makes it possible to perceive harsh reality with ease, thanks to which a person learns to look at life much easier. Each of us chooses to believe him in such predictions, or to abstain. Although sometimes it is useful to reckon with such warnings.

Who uses funny predictions

Comic predictions tend to have not always strict background. They often just help lift the spirits. A person armed with them, in the shortest possible time, turns into the soul of the company and an enviable joker. It is customary to use them in the office at the workplace, at a party, and in any other place, but they should always be appropriate. Such predictions should not be regarded as serious things, as they are considered a form of entertainment. True, there are cases of the embodiment of funny predictions, invented to amuse, into reality. funny predictions often used on holidays - birthdays, anniversaries, corporate and home celebrations.

What events are most suitable for the announcement of comic predictions

Funny and instructive predictions were born at weddings, whose guests dress up as gypsies on the second day. In order to raise the festive spirit of passers-by, the gypsy woman predicts their future to the bride and groom in a comic form. funny predictions As a result, they began to use it on other holidays. A prediction uttered to the hero of the day, in which humor is mixed with wishes of happiness, kindles the suit of fun, makes the guests laugh and pleases the hero of the occasion. Cool predictions used at children's parties. In their form, they correspond to the children's theme.

Funny comic predictions in verse in one line

Wishes for the New Year

Summer holidays are over. The teacher meets with his class again. Now is the time to discuss prospects and plans for the coming year. But how to raise the "fighting spirit" of children and create positive motivation? Write a prediction for each student in your class. Of course, all of them should be neutral (that is, suitable for everyone, regardless of gender and personal qualities) and optimistic (you can only inspire goodness with kindness). As philosophers say: "Thoughts are material." Even if the student laughs at his "prediction", he will be at least pleased, and at the maximum, he will set a program for the future.
The period is very favorable for activities that will improve your personality and help you acquire new knowledge.

In this academic year, you will successfully complete all the tasks.

This academic year you will meet new interesting people and make new friends.

A good time to start new creative projects.

You will be successful in matters that require responsibility, knowledge and leadership qualities.

Don't miss the chance to prove yourself.

Feel free to start learning new things.

This academic year will be full of discoveries and grandiose accomplishments.

Success in studies and creative affairs will help you realize yourself.

Do not refuse invitations to participate in events.

Plan your time correctly and then everything will be in time.

A good period - in the field of communication you will be a recognized authority.

Don't put off important issues.

Exciting discoveries and interesting acquaintances await you.

Your position in the field of study will be strengthened.

This academic year is extremely successful for spiritual activity, comprehension of the truth.

Your chance to turn dreams into reality.

This academic year is marked by inspiration for you. Go ahead.

You will have advantages in the field of study. Relationships with parents and friends will be strengthened.

You will understand true value patience and determination, which will help in strengthening your position.

You will find advantages in any kind of activity.

It's time to try your hand at new things.

Perseverance and diligence will be the key to personal prosperity.

You will come into contact with those who have the same goals as you, and you will be able to succeed.

Set your goals, put in your best efforts and this school year will be very favorable for you.

Yes, you are just lucky! This academic year will bring a sea of ​​positive and achievements.

You will be very busy this year, but the fruits of your activities will bring satisfaction and joy.

You will enjoy a pleasant company and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

The energy that overwhelms you will find its way out. This will positively affect your studies.

You will discover new sources of strength and inspiration in yourself.

You will learn to reach mutual understanding with yourself and others.

You will be filled with energy and you can count on success.

This year will be successful for academic and personal growth.

You will achieve amazing success in expanding your horizons.

Act wisely and success will be in your pocket.

The teacher is easy to figure out. Just find out his zodiac sign and read teacher's horoscope. Astrologers have identified the main features of the teachers of each sign.

Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02)

Aquarius comes to work at school extremely rarely. He does not like routine, rules - everything that the school is filled with. He will be late for lessons, he will take a lesson with a change. But it is always fun with him - he will sing a song or do something else in the lesson. It is easy to communicate with such a teacher - he perceives students as equals. Students can become his friends, of which he already has so many. You can also communicate with an Aquarius teacher outside of class time. Students adore Aquarius teachers.

Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

The fish-teacher is very uncomfortable at school - you have to take care of him. He is very sensitive. And if such a teacher stays at school, it means that this is only from Great love to the profession. The Pisces teacher will not yell at the class if it breaks out into noise and din. He will just leave and enter only when the class calms down. And most likely, resentment lurks in it. But at the same time, such a teacher himself will always pity the student, if there is a reason. It's easy to pity this teacher - shed a tear.

Aries (03/21 - 04/20)

Aries will not have the patience to work as a teacher at school for a long time. He has many ideas, but they need to be implemented immediately. He loves to organize competitions and believes that they will spark enthusiasm in children. Aries teachers are sure that for a child, school and life outside its walls are equivalent. Be careful! Aries are easy to piss off. In anger, he is very noisy, but he will not hold evil. Aries don't like lies - tell them the truth. With Aries, many students will learn to react quickly to everything.

Taurus (21.04 - 21.05)

Do not overestimate the patience of Taurus - sooner or later it will end, and then there will be no trace of you. Taurus teachers are overly stubborn. Such a teacher will not deviate from the lesson plan for anything. And by the way, always be ready for the lesson - a miracle will not happen. Taurus does not like lack of stability. Therefore, it is not even worth changing the place at the desks in his lessons. Taurus appreciates thoroughness - answer in detail at the blackboard, and write a long essay. Expect big things from Taurus homework. A pleasant feature of Taurus is his love for the holidays - he will support the organization of dances, a sweet table, etc.

Gemini (22.05 - 21.06)

Gemini are teachers with a great sense of humor. The class will never get bored, and the losers will even be able to avoid the “twos” under his humorous mood. But Gemini love independent and test papers give without warning. But if you were called to the blackboard, try to talk to such a teacher. Gemini's desire to talk can be very distant from the topic of the lesson and from the question to you. If the Gemini teacher often cheated at school himself, then you definitely won’t be able to fool him in this matter. Do not try to slip essays from the Internet. He will appreciate creative processing more.

Cancer (22.06 - 23.07)

Communication with a Cancer teacher should be very careful - he is very touchy. If something offended him during the lesson, he can easily stop him and refuse to continue. Try asking him questions about the topic he has covered before. Cancers love to talk, and his students should like it too. Cancer teachers love that their speeches are not only attended to, observing silence, but also shared by their feelings and emotions. If you managed not to offend Cancer, he will be cute and cheerful, will show a high degree affection as a family member. Just do not think that you can completely and easily cope with Cancer-teacher, no matter how it looks from the outside.

Leo (24.07 - 23.08)

Don't tease Leo-teacher! You can try to tame him. Deep down, he loves to please his students. If you consider him a beast - you will get such behavior, if you perceive him as a kitten - he will reflect his best features. Lions-teachers love typical pedagogical tricks: demand a diary, kick them out of the class, etc. Favorite place at school for Leo the teacher - a scene in the assembly hall. Ask Leo to organize theater Club and become his leader - he will be happy. If Leo left you for poor progress extra classes, say that you really like his lessons, but you personally do not have the ability to learn them. The one who obeys will not get to "lunch" with Leo. Do it differently - swallow it and not notice.

Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

Never be late for a lesson with Virgo! Virgo teacher comes to school very early. Keep your study supplies, notebooks and textbooks clean and tidy. Virgo can't stand mess. Virgo remembers all the little things - always follow her orders. Virgo has a passion for medicine, so she will not remain indifferent if your health is naughty. You can be released from classes and, in addition, given advice on recovery. And be sure that this teacher will call you back at home in the evening to inquire about your well-being.

Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

Libra teachers can't stand the noise in the classroom. They are thrown off balance by harsh sounds. In such conditions, you will not wait for an intelligible answer from Libra. A Libra teacher can come to school on edge - praise him appearance. Libra-class teachers will not bother the class. They do not like to call their parents to school and will not get into conflicts between students. Sometimes they will take the class to concerts or to the theatre. If you have a conflicting conversation with a Libra teacher, put on something calm.

Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

The Scorpio teacher is not for the faint of heart. In his class, you need to do everything to the maximum. And his piercing gaze will subdue even the most violent! Scorpio may appear quiet and not sting first. But just one wrong move of yours, and the poison will fly into you without delay. Don't even try to argue with him. If the anger of a Scorpio teacher is inevitable, pretend that no one is there. At the same time, do not show that you are afraid of the Scorpio teacher. Hold on with dignity. Scorpio-teacher will have to prove his abilities every day. Only this guarantees you its location. Being a student of Scorpio means going through a school of survival in extreme situations.

Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)

The Sagittarius teacher will often take his class on hikes. Yes, camping conditions are not sugar, but you will learn to play the guitar, make a fire and learn a lot of songs. Sagittarians tend to be straightforward. He will always say directly what he thinks of the student. Sagittarius comes to school to sow "reasonable, good, eternal." If the Sagittarius teacher is angry, create good “weather” for him in the classroom.

Capricorn (22.12 - 20.01)

Never argue with a Capricorn teacher. He is always right, even when he is wrong. The older Capricorn, the stronger this quality. Nod and look into your eyes faithfully. If he says "We must!" - means it is necessary! Do not cry with him - you will not wait for pity. If you are at fault, do not make excuses, but ask for advice on how to fix it. A Capricorn teacher will always appreciate useful activities and discipline. For the goodwill of Capricorn, it does not hurt to give him an image of the mountains on Teacher's Day and from time to time draw his attention to the gift.

teacher's horoscope- this is a chance for the student to find an approach to the teacher, and for the teacher - to look at himself from the outside. Good luck!

Scenario holiday concert dedicated to Teacher's Day

Installation of the beginning school

1. Get ready! Let's start!

2. What?..

2. About what?..

1. How about what? What, you didn't know

Who filled this room?

Look at those faces!

After all, goodness flows from them!

2. And in the eyes - a cheerful light!

And there is no belt in the hands!

Yes, they are teachers!

You can't confuse them with anyone!

3. Teacher's Day today!

The most popular holiday!

This - the best holiday in the world,

Those who give us wings!

From truths - "twice two - four"

We are starting to fly!

4. We can become anyone -

Though - a banker, even a poet!

And teachers today

We thank you for this!

5. Like the warmest stove -

At the teacher's soul,

Straightening your shoulders behind the desk,

Babies are warming their souls.

6. They expect a miracle from the school!

Where can you get a miracle at school? -

From teachers' hearts!

Every teacher is a creator!

7. And when the kids grow up -

Go to third grade

More important than any mark -

Approval of your eyes!

8. And when they get really old -

Go to tenth grade

With brilliance they know and are able

All that you once gave

9. Get - again and again

Your wise love!

You - for everything for everything - thank you!

For patience! For work!

And because you are beautiful!

And for the gingerbread, and for the whip!

10. Thank you - again and again -

From all of us students!

Let's exclaim together - three or four:

"Long live the teacher!!!"

Girls dressed in gypsy costumes and a gypsy boy with a guitar appear.

We came to you today

To congratulate you

Teacher's day of the year

It happens only once!

A song of gypsies is performed (to the motive of a song from the movie “Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville”; the soundtrack of the song sounds.)

Fashion changes daily

Only at school there is no peace

Five lucky ticket.

Everyone is wondering about this

So as not to accidentally jump out of your mind

Carry cell phones for exams

And the problem is solved at that time.


Well, what can I say? -2p.

That's the way people are.

Wish to know - 2p.

They want to know what will happen.

In our school, everyone is guessing too,

How will the control pass soon?

All fives, fours will receive,

Or will the deuce swim into our class?

The teachers' council wonders about the problem

How to improve the learning process?

Will the check come today?

Will the teacher get stressed?

Fashion changes daily

Only at school there is no peace

How to get from a huge deck

Five lucky ticket.

The teachers will get to work.

Will swirl them with the flow of school affairs.

And they won't have time to find the minutes,

Tell fortunes on the deck now.


1 c.- Hello!

A nomadic gypsy camp has come to you, a gypsy camp has come to you.

We brought congratulations and fun to you with us!

2 c. - Wai, wow, what a good one!

3 c. - Wow, what a beauty!

4 c. - Let's guess.(Approaches the director)

5 c. - Allow me your pen.

Let me guess your name...(Reads by hand) So... It looks like your name consists of 3 letters. Maybe Ira? Although no, this line on the hand shows that Irina is clearly here

6 c. - What do you understand? Let me take a look. Yes, it's not just Irina and also Andreevna

7 c. - But I don’t look in the eyes, I don’t stroke the pen, trust the cards, they will tell everything.(Teacher draws a card)

Life is full of surprises:

100 program TV,

600th Mercedes

And many more wonders!

1 c. - You will definitely be lucky in the lottery!

Run, hurry up quickly!

If you buy a bag of tickets,

Then you will benefit from lace shoes!

7 c. - I see you have a lot of work. Some books... Maybe a librarian? Although no, here also notebooks appeared. So teacher. Yes! Teacher! Folders. Requests. Reports and much, much more, then director!

5 c. Do you want to say a congratulatory word?I heard that teachers have a holiday today.

Director's speech

Vedas 1 On a good and bright day in October
There were teachers in the hall.

This is your holiday, this is your hour!

And we sincerely congratulate all of you!

Vedas 2 We learn at school to appreciate kindness,
How to overcome rudeness and evil.

And how hard it is sometimes for you -

This we do not know with you.

How much patience, kindness and strength

The teacher invested in you and me!

Student 8.
On this wonderful October day
We confess our love to teachers.

The world is more beautiful and interesting with you,

You give your heart to us.
Pupil 9 .
Thank you for being inquisitive at work,

That we, fidgets, are always patient.

For the fact that without us you could not live -

Thank you folks, thank you very much!

№ _________________________________

First high school student Our dear ones!

Second high school student: Favorite!

Third high school student: Dear!

Fourth high school student : Revered!

Fifth senior: Adored!

Enthusiastic high school student: (continues) Beloved, unforgettable, wrapped up, muzzled, stuffed ...

First high school student (interrupts, covering the mouth of the Ecstatic with his hand) What are you carrying?(Pats him on the head and explains to the audience) Totally stunned, poor thing. Started talking.

The student group continues:

First high school student Our dear teachers!

Second high school student: We love you!

Third high school student: We respect!

Fourth high school student : Honor!

First high school student We love it!

Enthusiastic high school student: (continues enthusiastically) We admire, we admire, we admire, we marvel...

First high school student (interrupting) Maybe stop whining?

Enthusiastic high school student: (persistently and stubbornly) No-ma-eat!

A group of students (continue in turn

First high school student Yes! We understand how difficult it is for you!

Second high school student: With us, ne'er-do-wells!

Third high school student: Unassembled!

Fourth high school student : impolite!

First high school student Inattentive!

Enthusiastic high school student: (interrupts and continues one) Lazy, noisy, talkative, rabid ...

First high school student (indignantly) Well, tired!(Clamps the mouth of the Enthusiastic)

Enthusiastic high school student: (continues to shout something incomprehensible with his mouth shut) Po, ti, ka, lu, si ... etc.(leave


1. Happiness will come to you all in the house,
This year will be generous.

2. Fun, joy and smiles
Will give you a violin.

3. You need to start a dacha,
So as not to weave intrigues.

4. Get yourself a dog -
You will avoid intrigues and fights.

True, we speak the truth, it will certainly come true


Gypsy: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am a gypsy Aza,
I came to you here by order.
Gild my pen, just don't be scared,
It’s better not to find Aza - don’t even try,
Give me your right hand, maybe your left hand,
I will always do everything for my friends for free!
(refunds money)
You, my handsome, all your dreams will come true
And your heart will be filled with happiness!
2 - f. You will live well, bathe in luxury
3 - f. And I will tell you - smile, dear, because with your smile you are very beautiful.
4 - m.
And I'll tell you - go for it! and you won’t miss, happiness is nearby - don’t yawn, you will soon encounter it.
5 - f.
And I look into your eyes, I see good luck in them, because this time it cannot be otherwise.
6 - f.
You, my soul, will soon have grandchildren, it will be fun then, and there will be no boredom.
7 - m.
Our life is changeable, everything in it is changeable, but luck awaits you, and love will come to you.
8 - f.
There are three lines on the hand, with lily petals, this is you, and this is him, and this is the two of you already.

Gypsy: Here the mobile phone is ringing, urgently call,
I just don't get days off!
I move my hand, I shake my foot,
Well, you are good, clap your hands.
Ai na ne, na ne, na ne.
Oh romale, romale, Aza is leaving,
And he leaves his business card for you.
Oh, you are summer nights - lush flowering,
You call sometimes I will come to you then!
(An incendiary gypsy melody sounds, Aza dances,

№ ___________________________

One man was walking home.

Here he faced his fate.

Here's a gypsy on his way

Suddenly he goes and says at the same time:

Ai ne ne ne ne ne, Ai ne ne,

Give me your mene hand now.

Look, you have talent

You bought the guitar for a reason.

Well, if you say "no" again,

You will burn in hell on fire.

Gypsy: Well, did you discover a talent?

Host: Well, since there is nowhere to go, I opened it. What will we perform?

First Gypsy: Lambado.

The host starts playing.

Second Gypsy: No, it's pointless. Murka.

The host starts playing.

Third Gypsy: No, it's yesterday. Rock and roll come on.


Our teachers are dedicated people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, you leave school - they are still there.

Presenter 1

What huge heart you need to have, so that day after day, year after year, generously distribute it piece by piece to children! And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be.

Lead 2

Health to you! To hell with sickness!
Live a century without knowing tears,

And if it's hard all of a sudden,

We ask you not to hang your nose!


1. Which student is without error,

Without a double? - What can I say?

But still your smiles

We remember and will appreciate.

2. And every kind word

Will remain in our hearts

And we are ready to bow

In deed, not in words

3. A smart, persistent teacher,

Who chose the difficult route ...

We swear by the last deuces,

That we respect your work.

4. We ourselves and our parents

Now we understand more clearly

How difficult is it for a teacher today

Handle your task.

5. Teacher - as if not fashionable.

Other professions honor...

Thank you for your noble

And hard work!

6. Harder than your work does not happen,

Won't make it easier reform it,

Life itself makes us

For children, spare nothing.

7. In aviation, they strictly consider

How many hours did the pilot fly.

No one knows about education

How long did he stand at the blackboard?

8. How many notebooks checked at night,

How many plans for life wrote,

How many times have you believed a person

And he punished himself for it.

9. We are familiar with your name from the cradle,

You are known by an adult and small child,

No - you are not a hero, not an artist, not a ruler,

You are our hearts adored resident.

Our humble and beloved teacher.

10. Let the blue bird today, now

It will become a bird of happiness for you.

Music sounds, children give teachers blue birds (origami)

Performance of the song "Bird - happiness of tomorrow"

As promised, I give out a comic astrological forecast for teachers.

I don’t know who will be more pleased with him - teachers or schoolchildren, whom, I believe, I help to please the teachers.

Of course, this academic year, my stars predict only good things for everyone, but with individual nuances. So,

Comic astrological forecast

teachers for the new school year


Remember famous phrase: "I will command the parade"? This time it's about you! All school lines and parades will be yours, most importantly, without false modesty, offer yourself for the role of a school commander. And everyone will be happy, because you can show your talents even on the parade ground of the school.


A successful school year - and when were they unsuccessful for you? Everything is going according to your plan, even syllabus the Ministry of Education corrects for your personal. The students wouldn't have caused any more trouble! But it will be too much - a violation of the natural balance. So you will have to tinker with the children, but is this news to you?


Whatever subject you teach now, learn more and foreign language- whatever you like best. Even if you can’t make it a second profession, it will come in handy for you to communicate abroad. How will you get there and in which country, the stars are silent, but to summer holidays foreign Prepare your passport - because you will need it.


The whole year is pleasantly good, but for you to realize this clearly, astrology promises few obstacles at work. If the students put a thought in your head, and whether to quit everything, remember the saying:

"Do what you must, and be what will be."

And do it.

a lion

According to the forecast, the academic year will be very busy: meetings in presidiums, jury membership, competitions, performances, school olympiads, even ... And everywhere you are needed as an arbitrator, from all you honor and respect. There is only one problem - behind all this pleasant turmoil, DO NOT forget to work!


As usual, two news. A good one promises an increase in salaries, a not very good one promises that half of this increase will be spent on repairing the teachers' room. But look at it more broadly - someday the repair will end, but the salary will remain. Everything else will be great!


This school year has been a streak of success. But so that life does not become sugary sweet, until the summer you will have to solve a dilemma: give the repeater X an honest deuce, leaving him again for the 2nd year, or, without looking, give a three so that when you open your eyes, never see him again at school.


Your endurance and ability to work will be very useful to you this year - there will be a lot of work all the time, a lot. But worthy results will not keep you waiting. Moral support will suddenly come from those students from whom you did not expect it at all. Just don't tell them you don't need support.


Almost all Sagittarians love to travel, at least on a map. Arrange for yourself and your students a weekend route or a sortie out of town - and see the world, and show yourself to each other. After all, children think that the world is the Maldives or Thailand. Show them that the world is different. And the one next to it is not so bad. As a result, educational a year will pass like one exciting adventure.


You know, don't you, that your students adore you? But because of your external severity, they are a little afraid. (Dr. Bykov would add: - And, as a result, they pee. - Just kidding!) Reduce a little severity and show your children your love too - they will become more joyful to go to school, and you - to work.


Do not rush to save all of humanity - this school year, your school and your students need you. Teach them to love freedom as you love it, but also explain how to distinguish freedom from ugliness. And by the end of the school year, everything will return to you - as expected, a hundredfold.


This year you have a slightly difficult but pleasant choice: to get the title of “Teacher of the Year”, giving all your time and energy to your native school, or spend a vacation on the warm sea, moonlighting as a tutor all months until summer. You can take a chance and try to combine - the students will support. There is still time to think.

The forecasts probably do not look too comical, but when you mentally attach them to a particular teacher, you will definitely smile.

Use them on and throughout the year. Look also like this for the new school year - for universal balance within your school.

And I also appeared in 4 articles - relevant 24 hours 365 days in any year)))

May all good things always come true!

Your Evelina Shesternenko,

for today - your school astrologer and forecaster.
