Arguments for writing the exam on the topic: Honor and dishonor. Arguments for direction - honor and dishonor

“Woe from Wit” is the noblest humane

work ..., a protest against the vile racial

reality, against officials, bribe-takers,

bar-libertines... against ignorance,

voluntary slavery.

V. G. Belinsky

Attitude to human personality, to its dignity, to work, to honor and dishonor, to truth and lies, to love and friendship - these are problems that are relevant at all times.

People still think about the questions: how to live? what does it mean to have human dignity? who deserves trust, love, friendship? how to educate worthy members of society?

The answer is life itself. Give them and books in which life experience share with us wise people- writers. “A poet in Russia is more than a poet,” E. Yevtushenko said a century and a half after Griboyedov, but he seemed to be talking about him too, wise teacher, mentor and friend.

AS Griboyedov was a Decembrist by conviction. He considered the existing system not only unfair, but also deeply immoral, destroying the human personality. Hence the great attention he paid moral issues in the comedy "Woe from Wit". We comprehend these lessons by analyzing the behavior, relationships of comedy characters and coming to the conclusion that a person's morality is largely determined by the society in which he lives and whose interests he defends. We will enter the house of the bureaucratic gentleman Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, we will plunge into a life already far from us. Here the elderly owner of the house flirts with a young maid, here he recalls his only two well-known relationships with a widow doctor and immediately boasts that “he is known for his monastic behavior.” Soon we will get acquainted with his "code of honor" in more detail. Famusov frankly admits that in the service he likes to “please his own person”, not thinking about the benefits of the case, he treats his duties formally (“Signed - off with it!”). He is immoral in everything: he is indifferent to the upbringing of his daughter, he is afraid of enlightenment, he is sure that all evil comes from him, and “in order to stop evil, take away all the books and burn them.”

Famusov does not consider serfs to be people, he takes out his anger on them. And at the same time, he considers himself sinless, sets an example for his daughter: “There is no need for another model, when the father’s example is in the eyes.”

Famusov evaluates people by wealth, rank and how comfortable they are for him. Therefore, he keeps the hypocrite and sycophant Molchalin in the house, trying not to notice his falseness, lies, servility (after all, Famusov is not stupid at all!). Therefore, he fawns over the Skalozub (still: “And the golden bag, and aims at the generals”).

The puffer is so primitive that he does not even understand what he is saying when he admits that he is “happy in his comrades” because they are “killed” and, therefore, the path to promotion is cleared. Nevertheless, he is an honored guest in Famusov's house! To match him and swaggering, influential Khlestova. Terrible is the morality of the Tugoukhovskys, for whom only one thing is important in a person - wealth.

In this society, they do not even think about human dignity, friendship, love. To achieve selfish, base goals, it is not considered shameful to lie, hypocrisy, pretend. “The way up” is perfectly shown by the example of Molchalin, who, living as “father bequeathed”, that is, pleasing “all people without exception”, destroyed a person in himself. He is sure that in his years “one should not dare to have one’s own opinion”, that “one must depend on others”, etc.

The question arises whether Sophia, who fell in love with such a person, is not immoral. Doesn't she really like Molchalin's "morality"? How could she, reading, loving music, not stupid, prefer this nonentity to Chatsky? I cannot blame Sophia: I feel sorry for her. The girl is very young and inexperienced. She received an ugly upbringing in her father's house. Having read sentimental French novels, she imagined herself to be the savior, the patroness of a poor young man, so quiet, so modest ... If only she knew that this was a wolf in sheep's clothing. But Sophia has not yet learned to understand people: Molchalin is good for everyone, sighs, is afraid to raise her eyes to her ... And Chatsky is a prick, sharp, caustic, makes fun of everyone and at the same time seeks understanding from her, Sophia. She is sure: Chatsky does not need her, and she does not care about him. Sophia is not immoral. Her love, unlike Molchalin's "feelings", is real. Now, if she could see her chosen one through the eyes of an outside observer! Sophia's behavior is the result of the influence of the environment, society, for which Molochlin's "moderation and accuracy" is the key to success and career. Immorality does not interfere, but helps to move up the career ladder, contributes to the disposition of the "powerful of this world." material from the site

Talking about the personal drama of Chatsky and Sophia, the writer convinces that in the problems of morality, the Famus society is hopelessly behind the demands of life. The political and moral failure of this society are interconnected. The defenders of serfdom cannot respect the human person. Numerous famusovs, Khlestovs, skalozubs despise Russian culture, folk customs, native language, like fire they are afraid of enlightenment.

But most of all, their advanced views are frightening. “He wants to preach liberty!” “Yes, he does not recognize the authorities!” - such accusations in their mouths sound like a sentence. In the struggle against free-thinking, the most immoral means are good for them. Gossip, lies, slander without a twinge of conscience are launched when the threat to their peace that Chatsky carries with him becomes obvious. Chatsky acts not only as a bearer of new ideas, but also as a man of new morality; his moral principles are just as opposed to the morality of the old lordly Moscow, as are his convictions.

The idea of ​​the need for social change is very convincingly revealed in the comedy through the opposition of the morality of the two opposing camps: in a backward, obsolete society, there can be no high morality - such a conclusion was drawn by the reader of Woe from Wit on the eve of the Decembrist uprising. This conclusion does not get old even today: fair social morality is possible only in a just society.

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List of references for writing the final essay 2016-17

Mind and feeling

  • I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • N.M. Karamzin "Poor Liza"
  • I.A. Bunin " Clean Monday»,
  • A.M. Bitter " Old Isergil»,
  • F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", "The Idiot"
  • I. S. Turgenev "Asya"
  • A. I. Kuprin "Olesya"
  • I. A. Bunin "Dark alleys", "Natalie", " Sunstroke", "Easy breath"
  • M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"
  • Shakespeare "Hamlet"
  • M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin wise gudgeon»
  • A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
  • F.I. Tyutchev "Oh, how deadly we love ..."
  • L.N. Tolstoy "After the Ball"
  • A.P. Chekhov "Ionych", "The Man in the Case"
  • M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
  • J. Austin "Sense and Sensibility" (Eleanor's mind and Marianne's feelings);
  • A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (Onegin's mind and Tatyana's feelings),
  • A. de Saint-Exupery " A little prince"(everything in the Prince - both mind and feelings);
  • V. Zakrutkin "The Human Mother" (feelings that conquered the mind);
  • A. and B. Strugatsky "Roadside Picnic" (work and relationships by Redrick Shewhart)
  • F. Iskander "Dream of God and the Devil"
  • L. Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara" (Bukhara, mind and feelings together, feelings that move the mind)
  • J. Moyes "Me Before You" (Will's Mind and Louise's Feelings)

Honor and dishonor

  • A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", "Eugene Onegin", " Stationmaster»
  • Jack London "White Fang"
  • L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
  • V.V. Bykov "Sotnikov"
  • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Student"
  • Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin "French Lessons", "Fire", "Women's Conversation", "Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother"
  • Victor Petrovich Astafiev " Sad detective"
  • Oleg Olegovich Pavlov "The End of the Century"
  • N.V. Gogol " Taras Bulba»
  • A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

victory and defeat

  • E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea",
  • B.L. Vasiliev "I was not on the lists",
  • EM. Remarque "All Quiet on the Western Front",
  • V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish"
  • Boris Lvovich Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"
  • Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov white guard"
  • "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
  • A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"
  • M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino"
  • M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

Experience and mistakes

  • Jack London "Martin Eden"
  • A.P. Chekhov "Ionych"
  • M.A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don»,
  • Henry Marsh "Do No Harm"
  • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco"
  • Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"
  • Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"
  • M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", " dog's heart»
  • I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"

Friendship and enmity

  • M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
  • EM. Remarque "Three comrades"
  • Daniel Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"
  • V.A. Kaverin "Two Captains"
  • Nadezhda Borisovna Vasilyeva "Gagara"
  • Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov "Oblomov"
  • Leo Tolstoy "War and Peace"
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Fadeev "Defeat"
  • Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
  • Daniel Pennak "Eye of the Wolf"
  • Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"
  • F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Arguments from short stories for writing


V. Oseeva. Grandmother (abbreviated, read in 10 minutes).

N.D. Teleshov. white heron(abbreviated, read in 7 minutes).

V. Oseeva. Why? (read in 6 minutes)

B.Ekimov. Speak, mother, speak. (abbreviated, read in 5 minutes).

R. Bradbury. Holidays on Mars. October 2026 (abridged, read in 3 minutes).

Go to. Red apples (read in 5 minutes).

K. Simonov. The major brought the boy on a gun carriage ... (read in 3 minutes).

M.A. Sholokhov. Mole (abbreviated, read in 4 minutes).

V. Oseeva. Red cat (abridged, read in 10 minutes).

K.G. Paustovsky. Telegram (abbreviated, read in 8 minutes).

R. Bradbury. Veld. (abbreviated, read in 10 minutes).

V. Oseeva. Magic word. (read in 3 minutes).

Y. Drunina. Zinka (read in 3 minutes).

A. Aleksin. In the meantime, somewhere (abbreviated, read 10 meters

A. Mass. Trap (abbreviated, read in 8 minutes).

B.Ekimov. Night of Healing (abridged, read in 4 minutes).

A. Mass. Difficult exam (abbreviated, read in 3 minutes).

V.Rasputin. French lessons (abridged, read in 8 minutes).

V.P. Aksenov. Breakfasts of the forty-third year (abridged, read in 6 minutes).

M.A. Sholokhov. The fate of man (abbreviated, read in 5 minutes).


A.S. Pushkin. Eugene Onegin (fragment, read in 3 minutes).

A. Aleksin. Meanwhile, somewhere (fragment, read in 10 minutes).

A. Mass. Trap (fragment, read in 8 minutes).

B.Ekimov. Night of Healing (fragment, read in 4 minutes).

A. Mass. Difficult exam (fragment, read in 3 minutes).

N.V. Gogol. Taras Bulba (fragment, read in 8 minutes).

A. Likhanov. Labyrinth (fragment, read in 5 minutes).

V.Rasputin. French lessons (fragment, read in 8 minutes).

A.P. Chekhov. In a pharmacy (fragment, read in 4 minutes).


V.P. Aksenov. Breakfasts of the forty-third year (fragment, read in 6 minutes).

A.S. Pushkin. Captain's daughter (fragments, read in 12 minutes).

V. Bykov. Sotnikov (fragment, read in 7 minutes).

M.Yu.Lermontov. A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov (fragment, read in 5 minutes).

M.A. Sholokhov. The fate of man (fragment, read in 5 minutes).

A. Likhanov. Pure stones (fragment, read in 10 minutes).

Direction "Friendship and enmity"

V.G. Korolenko "Children of the Underground"

The story of Valentin Petrovich Rasputin "I forgot to ask Lyoshka ..."


"Mind and Feeling"

N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District"

Katerina Izmailova, the wife of a wealthy merchant, fell in love with the worker Sergei and was expecting a child from him. Fearing exposure and separation from her beloved, she kills her father-in-law and husband with his help, and then little Fedya, her husband's relative.

B. Ekimov "Night of Healing" Teenager Grisha, the hero of the story, came for the holidays to his grandmother, who at night often screams, cries, begs for help: she dreams every night that she has lost her cards and her children will remain hungry. Grisha does not shout to his grandmother: “Be silent!”, as his mother advised him to do, he acts with reason: with compassion and love, he cured her of terrible memories.

A. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet» For the little official Zheltkov, love for Princess Vera Sheyna became the meaning of life, and the beloved woman became the one in which "all the beauty of the earth was embodied." This feeling helped him become morally superior to Bulat-Tuganovsky, Vera's brother, who decided that with the help of the authorities, love could be forbidden.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov

Literary example: Either an act is performed by a person guided by a feeling, or an act is performed under the influence of the mind of a character. The actions committed by Raskolnikov are usually generous and noble, while under the influence of reason the hero commits a crime (Raskolnikov was influenced by a rational idea and wanted to test it in practice). Raskolnikov instinctively left the money on the Marmeladovs' windowsill, but later regretted it. The opposition of feelings and rational spheres is very important for the author, who understood personality as a combination of good and evil.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

On the pages of the world fiction the problem of the influence of the feelings and mind of a person is raised very often. So, for example, in Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" two types of heroes appear: on the one hand, impetuous Natasha Rostova, sensitive Pierre Bezukhov, fearless Nikolai Rostov, on the other hand, haughty and prudent Helen Kuragina and her brother, callous Anatole. Many conflicts in the novel come precisely from the excess of feelings of the characters, whose ups and downs are very interesting to watch. A vivid example of how a burst of feelings, thoughtlessness, ardor of character, impatient youth influenced the fate of the heroes is the case with Natasha, because for her, laughable and young, it was incredibly long to wait for her wedding with Andrei Bolkonsky, could she subdue her unexpectedly flashed feelings for Anatole the voice of reason? Here we have a real drama of mind and feelings in the soul of the heroine, she faces a difficult choice: to leave her fiancé and leave with Anatole, or not to succumb to a momentary impulse and wait for Andrei. It was in favor of feelings that this difficult choice was made, only chance prevented Natasha. We cannot condemn the girl, knowing her impatient nature and thirst for love. It was feelings that dictated Natasha's impulse, after which she regretted her act when she analyzed it.

Heroes: Master, Margarita

Literary example: Love between the Master and Margarita flared up as soon as they saw each other: “Lightning strikes like that! This is how the Finnish knife strikes! The heroine loves the master with all her heart, breathes life into his apartment. My inner strength and she gives energy to the romance of her lover. The characters are very different. The master is calm, thoughtful. Margarita is strong and sharp. The master embodies reflection, thought, Margarita - action. They are so close spiritually that they simply cannot exist separately. Being insanely lonely before their meeting, the heroes gain understanding, support, sincerity and warmth.

For example, in drama Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" at main character inside there is a struggle between soul and mind. Katerina is madly in love with Boris Wild and is looking forward to meeting him. This tells us about the manifestation of feelings, but the mind screams at her that they cannot be together, because she has a husband. When Boris leaves, Katerina realizes that their relationship is hopeless and jumps off a cliff into the water. The heroine performs an act provoked by a high feeling - love. The thoughtlessness of her absurd desire (it is not clear which one?) led her to the creation of irreparable stupidity.

"Honor and dishonor"

Honor is that high spiritual force that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens in the choice of an act, when conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, putting them before a choice - to act honorably and take a blow, or to be cowardly and go against their conscience in order to gain benefits and get away from trouble or even death. A person always has a choice, and how he will act depends on his moral principles. The path of honor is difficult, but the retreat from it, the loss of honor, is even more painful. Disgrace is always punished. So, apparently, higher powers dispose of.

Moral decay, the fall of moral principles leads to the collapse of both the individual and the whole nation. Therefore, the importance of the great Russian classical literature, which is the moral foundation and helper for many generations of people. Vivid images created by writers with love and life force as if they acquire materiality. They live among us and are an example of morality and honor.

The concept of honor is brought up in a person from childhood. So in the story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" we see how this happens and what results it leads to.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Shvabrin Alexei Ivanovich is a nobleman, but he is dishonest: having wooed Masha Mironova and having been refused, he takes revenge, speaking ill of her; during a duel with Grinev, he stabs him in the back. The complete loss of notions of honor also predetermines social treason: as soon as Pugachev gets the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin goes over to the side of the rebels.

In Russian literature there are many great works that can educate a person, make him better, cleaner. Reading the lines of Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", we, together with Pyotr Grinev, go through the path of trials, mistakes, the path of knowing the truth, comprehending wisdom, love and mercy. It is no coincidence that the author precedes the story with an epigraph: "Take care of honor from a young age." Reading the great lines, I want to follow this rule.

"The Death of a Poet" M.Yu. Lermontov. Another brilliant poet M.Yu. Lermontov speaks of Pushkin, who fell victim to dishonorable and vicious envious people. Defending the honor of his wife and his own honor, Pushkin challenged Dantes to a duel, who, with dubious behavior, could discredit the good name of the Pushkin couple. Alexander Sergeevich could not live “slandered by rumors” and put an end to dishonor at the cost of his own life.

The poet's soul could not bear

The shame of petty insults,

He rebelled against the opinions of the world

Alone, as before ... and killed!

But the "wonderful genius" of Pushkin illuminates with his radiant light the lives of many and many generations of descendants, and the "empty heart" of Dantes did not find happiness on earth and good memory after death. And as Lermontov said, “The executioners of Freedom, Genius and Glory” will not be able to wash away the righteous blood with their “black blood of the Poet!”

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Literary example: Raskolnikov decides to commit a crime for the sake of his loved ones, driven by a thirst for revenge for all the destitute and poor people of that time. He is guided by a great idea - to help all the humiliated, destitute and abused modern society. However, this desire is not realized quite noble. The solution to the problem of immorality and lawlessness was not found. Raskolnikov became a part of this world with its violations and dirt. HONOR: Sonya saved Raskolnikov from a mental breakdown. This is the most important thing for an author. You can get lost and confused. But getting on the right path is a matter of honor.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" The duel between Pierre Bezukhov and Dolokhov, described by L.N. Tolstoy in the epic novel "War and Peace", also deserves attention.

Pierre Bezukhov is a purely civilian man, prone to philosophical reflections, far from worldly vanity and strife. He didn't know how to handle weapons at all. But he hurts duel Dolokhov, fearless warrior. Here Tolstoy, as it were, confirms the idea that justice is done and vice must be punished. At first, Pierre sincerely trusted Dolokhov, because, being an honest man, he could not assume dishonor in others. He brought him into his house, helped him with money in memory of an old friendship, and Dolokhov disgraced Bezukhov by seducing his wife. Pierre Bezukhov stood up for his honor, but, realizing that the stupid and cruel Helen does not deserve to be killed because of her, he repents of what happened. He thanks God for not killing the man. He is ready to repent before the duel, but not out of fear, but because he is sure of Helen's guilt.

Tolstoy shows honor and dishonor, drawing images of two commanders, Kutuzov and Napoleon - the defender of the Fatherland and the invader. An invading enemy cannot be honest. The essence of his act is the seizure of someone else's, which does not belong to him, as well as murder. Napoleon is depicted in the novel as selfish and narcissistic, haughty and arrogant. He wanted to enslave the Russian people and claimed world domination. The figure of Kutuzov is opposite to Napoleon. He is depicted as the leader of the just people's war connected with the people by close spiritual ties. This was his strength as a commander. Kutuzov's deep patriotic feelings, his love for the Russian people and hatred for the enemy, his closeness to the soldier distinguished him as a man of honor and high morality.

Tolstoy sees in the people a source of spirituality and morality, necessary for the whole society. According to Tolstoy, those nobles who stand closer to the people are moral and honest. They have a stronger patriotic feeling. Conversely, those nobles who distance themselves from their people and abhor them are callous and soulless.

Honor: Natasha Rostova, Petya Rostov, Pierre Bezukhoye, Captain Timokhin, Vasily Denisov, Marya Bolkonskaya, Andrey Bolkonsky, Nikolai Rostov

Infamy: Vasil Kuragin and his children: Helen, Ippolit and Anatole

Argument: The Patriots are ready to fight the French. They want to free the Russian lands. Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, Vasily Denisov and Captain Timokhin strove for this goal. For the sake of her, young Petya Rostov gives his life. Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya wish victory over the enemy with all their hearts. There is no reason to doubt the truth of the patriotic feelings that owned the old Prince Bolkonsky, and Nikolai Rostov. At the same time, the writer convinces us of total absence patriotism among people like Prince Vasily Kuragin and his children: Ippolit, Anatole and Helen. By no means love for the Motherland (they do not have this love) is guided by Boris Drubetskoy and Dolokhov, entering the army. The first is studying "unwritten chain of command" to make a career. The second tries to distinguish himself in order to quickly regain officer rank and then get rewards and ranks. Military official Berg in Moscow, abandoned by the inhabitants, buys things at a cheap price...

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Heroes: Woland, Master, Margarita

literary example. Lies, fear and dishonor permeate the novel through and through. Everyone lies, is afraid and cunning. Woland and his retinue bring the deceived townspeople "to clean water", but immediately deceive all those gathered in the variety show, skillfully playing on their passions. He also deceives the Master and Margarita, not allowing them to live even a day of the promised happy life in the basement. A deal with the devil is a grandiose deceit, crowned with death. Both heroes, having rendered service to the unclean and having received from him a promise of fulfillment of desires, were poisoned on his instructions on the same day, they did not have time to enjoy freedom.

A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"(As you know, A. S. Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet "a slave of honor." The quarrel, which was caused by the offended honor of A. Pushkin, led to the death greatest writer. However, Alexander Sergeevich kept his honor and good name in people's memory. In his story "The Captain's Daughter" Pushkin portrays Petrusha Grinev with high moral character. Peter did not tarnish his honor even in those cases when it was possible to pay for it with his head. He was a man of high morals worthy of respect and pride. He could not leave Shvabrin's slander on Masha unpunished, so he challenged him to a duel. Grinev retained his honor even under pain of death).

M. Sholokhov "The fate of man"(IN short story Sholokhov touched on the topic of honor. Andrey Sokolov - a simple Russian man, had a family, a loving wife, children, his own home. Everything collapsed in an instant, and the war was to blame. But nothing could break the real Russian spirit. Sokolov managed to endure all the hardships of the war with his head held high. One of main episodes, revealing the strength and steadfast character of a person, is the scene of the interrogation of Andrei Muller. The weak, hungry soldier surpassed the fascist in fortitude. The refusal of the offer to drink to the victory of German weapons came as a surprise to the Germans: "Yes, I, a Russian soldier, should drink to the victory of German weapons?" The fascists appreciated the courage of the Russian soldier, saying: "You are a brave soldier. I am also a soldier and respect worthy opponents." The firmness of Sokolov's character aroused the respect of the Germans and they decided that this man deserved to live. Andrei Sokolov personifies honor and dignity. He is ready to give his life for them.

M. Lermontov. Novel "A Hero of Our Time"(Pechorin knew about Grushnitsky's intentions, but nevertheless did not wish him harm. An act worthy of respect. Grushnitsky, on the contrary, committed a dishonorable act by offering Pechorin an unloaded weapon for a duel).

M. Lermontov "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilievich ...". (Lermontov tells about the permissiveness of people in power. This is Kiribeevich, who encroached on his married wife. Laws are not written for him, he is not afraid of anything, even Tsar Ivan the Terrible supports him, so he agrees to fight with the merchant Kalashnikov. Merchant Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov is a man of truth, faithful husband And loving father. And even despite the risk of losing to Kiribeevich, he challenged him to a fistfight for the honor of his wife Alena. By killing the guardsman, Merchant Kalashnikov aroused the anger of the tsar, who ordered him to be hanged. Of course, Stepan Paramonovich could have yielded to the tsar, avoided his death, but for him the honor of the family turned out to be more precious. On the example of this hero, Lermontov showed a real Russian character common man honor - strong in spirit, unshakable, honest and noble.)

N. Gogol "Taras Bulba". (Ostap accepted death with dignity).

6. V. Rasputin "French Lessons". (The boy Vova with honor passes all the tests in order to get an education, to become a man)

A. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter".(Shvabrin is a vivid example of a person who has lost dignity. He is the complete opposite of Grinev. This is a person for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked over the heads of others, stepping over himself for the sake of his momentary desires. Popular rumor says: "take care dress again, and honor from youth. "Once having tarnished honor, you are unlikely to ever be able to restore your good name.)

"Experience and Mistakes"

A.P. Chekhov "Ionych" Dr. Startsev, a talented doctor in his youth,

gradually getting richer, he becomes important and rude, he has only one passion in life - money.

B. Ekimov “Speak, mother, speak…” Old Katerina's daughter lives in the city.

It's hard for a mother alone on a farm, but her daughter bought her mobile phone. Katerina wanted to tell her daughter a lot, but she, saving money, got off with only a request to speak specifically about her health. But the little things in the life of a mother, the closest person, are also important. Fortunately, the daughter realized her mistake in time, and Katerina immediately felt how much her daughter loves, how much she needs to communicate with her.

V. Tendryakov "Nakhodka"

The gloomy, stern fish inspector Trofim Rusanov found an abandoned, newborn child in a remote forest hut. The inspector failed to save the baby, but this incident and subsequent events made him reconsider his attitude towards people, sympathize with them.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov

Literary example: Raskolnikov's theory is anti-human in its essence. The hero reflects not so much on the possibility of murder as such, but on the relativity of moral laws; but does not take into account the fact that the "ordinary" is not capable of becoming a "superman". Thus, Rodion Raskolnikov becomes a victim of his own theory. The idea of ​​permissiveness leads to the destruction of the human personality or to the generation of monsters. The fallacy of the theory is exposed, which is the essence of the conflict in Dostoevsky's novel.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Argument: While living in France, Pierre was imbued with the ideas of Freemasonry, it seemed to Pierre that he found like-minded people, that with their help he could change the world for the better. But he soon became disillusioned with Freemasonry.

Pierre Bezukhov is still very young and inexperienced, he is looking for the purpose of his life, but comes to the conclusion that nothing can be changed in this world and falls under the bad influence of Kuragin and Dolokhov. Pierre begins to "burn through life", spends his time on balls and social evenings. Kuragin marries him to Helen. Bezukhov was inspired by passion for Helen Kuragina, he rejoiced at the happiness of marrying her. But after some time, Pierre noticed that Helen was just a beautiful doll with heart of ice. Marriage with Helen Kuragina brought Pierre Bezukhov only pain and disappointment in the female field. Tired of a wild life, Pierre is eager to work. He begins to carry out reforms in his lands.

Pierre found his happiness in marriage with Natasha Rostova. A long journey of wandering, sometimes erroneous, sometimes funny and ridiculous, nevertheless led Pierre Bezukhov to the truth. We can say that the end of Pierre's life searches is good, because he achieved the goal that he originally pursued. He tried to change this world for the better.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Heroes: Pontius Pilate

Literary example: Pilate does not dare to go against the will of the Sanhedrin, with a feeling of committing an irreparable mistake, he announces his decision to the crowd. After this fatal act, terrible thoughts flash through the hegemon's head: "Immortality... Immortality has come... Whose immortality has come?" The hero was doomed to eternal suffering. After the execution of the innocent Yeshua, Pilate is tormented by terrible remorse. He clearly feels his mistake, but is no longer able to correct anything: “It was clear to him that this afternoon he had irretrievably missed something, and now he wants to correct what he missed by some small and insignificant, and most importantly, belated actions” .

"Victory and Defeat"

V.G. Korolenko "Paradox" (victory over yourself)

Jan Załuski is a cripple, but he believes that "man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight." The innate misfortune of the hero made him learn to masterfully, paradoxically control his body, surprising others and making them believe that every person is the creator of his own happiness.

A.P. Chekhov "Jumper"(victory over the disease) Doctor Dymov, saving a boy who fell ill with diphtheria, sucks out diphtheria films from him through a tube, becomes infected himself, and then dies.

B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"(victory in the battle with the Germans, at the cost of the lives of anti-aircraft gunners who were not afraid of the numerical superiority of the enemy. The Great Patriotic War is a glorious and at the same time tragic page in the history of Russia. How many millions of lives it claimed! How many people became heroes defending their Motherland!

The war has no female face- this is the leitmotif of B. Vasiliev's story "And here they are quiet." A woman, whose natural destiny is to give life, to be the guardian of the family hearth, to personify tenderness, love, puts on soldier's boots, a uniform, takes up arms and goes to kill. What could be scarier?

Five girls - Zhenya Komelkova, Rita Osyanina, Galina Chetvertak, Sonya Gurvich, Lisa Brichkina - died in the war with the Nazis. Everyone had their own dreams, everyone wanted love, and just life. ("... all nineteen years she lived in a sense of tomorrow.")

But the war took all this away from them. (“After all, it was so stupid, so awkward and implausible to die at nineteen.”)

Heroines die differently. So, Zhenya Komelkova accomplishes a true feat, leading the Germans away from her comrades, and Galya Chetvertak, simply frightened by the Germans, screams in horror and runs from them. But we understand each of them. War is a terrible thing, and the fact that they went to the front voluntarily, knowing that death could await them, is already a feat of these young, fragile, tender girls.

Yes, the girls died, the lives of five people were cut short - this, of course, is a defeat. It is no coincidence that Vaskov, this battle-hardened man, is crying, it is no coincidence that his terrible, hatred-filled face terrifies the Nazis. He, alone, took several people prisoner! But it is still a victory, a victory for the moral spirit of the Soviet people, their unshakable faith, their steadfastness and heroism. And the son of Rita Osyanina, who became an officer, is a continuation of life. And if life continues, this is already a victory - a victory over death!

B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man" Pilot Alexei Maresyev, the hero of the story,

only thanks to his will and courage he survived even after his frostbitten legs were amputated when he crawled to our rear of the enemy. The hero subsequently returned to his squadron again, proving to everyone that he was in control of his own destiny.

E. Hemingway "Undefeated" The old matador, for the sake of a piece of bread and out of professional feeling, does not want to recognize himself as an invalid. He enters the arena and even seriously wounded by the bull remains undefeated to the end.

E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea" old fisherman Santiago is from a breed of inflexible people. "Man is not made to fail," he says. His duel with a big fish is an example of unbending courage, steadfastness, invincibility.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova

Literary example: In the novel, Dostoevsky leaves victory not for the strong and proud Raskolnikov, but for Sonya, seeing in her the highest truth: suffering cleanses. Sonya professes moral ideals, which, from the point of view of the writer, are closest to the broad masses of the people: the ideals of humility, forgiveness, and humility. "Crime and Punishment" contains a deep truth about the unbearability of life in a capitalist society, where the Luzhins and Svidrigailovs win with their hypocrisy, meanness, selfishness, as well as the truth that causes not a feeling of hopelessness, but implacable hatred for the world of hypocrisy.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Victory: Battle of Shengraben. The French army outnumbered the Russian one. One hundred thousand against thirty-five. The Russian army led by Kutuzov won a small victory at Krems and had to move to Znaim to save themselves. Kutuzov no longer trusted his allies. The Austrian army, without waiting for the reinforcements of the Russian troops, launched an attack on the French, but seeing their superiority, capitulated. Kutuzov, on the other hand, had to retreat, because the unevenness of forces did not bode well. The only salvation was to get to Znaim before the French. But the Russian road was longer and more difficult. Then Kutuzov decides to send Bagration's vanguard to cut across the enemy, that he, as best he could, detained the enemy. And here chance saved the Russians. The French envoy Murat, seeing Bagration's detachment, decided that this was the entire Russian army, and proposed a truce for three days. Kutuzov took advantage of this "rest". Of course, Napoleon immediately understood the deception, but while his messenger was driving to the army, Kutuzov had already managed to get to Znaim. When Bagration's vanguard retreated, Tushin's small battery, which stood near the village of Shengraben, was forgotten and abandoned by the Russians.

Defeat: battle of austerlitz. The main role in the conduct of this war was assumed by the Austrian military leaders, especially since the battles were fought on the territory of Austria. And the battle near the town of Austerlitz in the novel "War and Peace" was also thought out and planned by the Austrian general Weyrother. Weyrother did not consider it necessary to take into account the opinion of Kutuzov or anyone else.

The military council before the battle of Austerlitz does not resemble advice, but an exhibition of vanities, all disputes were not conducted with the aim of reaching a better and correct solution, but, as Tolstoy writes: “... it was obvious that the goal ... of objections consisted mainly in the desire to make one feel General Weyrother, so self-confidently, as to schoolchildren, who read his disposition, that he dealt not only with fools, but with people who could teach him in military affairs. Having made several futile attempts to change the situation, Kutuzov overslept the entire time the council lasted. Tolstoy makes it clear how much all this pomposity and complacency disgusts Kutuzov, the old general is well aware that the battle will be lost.

Conclusion: The history of mankind consists of victories and defeats in wars. In the novel "War and Peace" Tolstoy describes the participation of Russia and Austria in the war against Napoleon. Thanks to the Russian troops, the battle of Shengraben was won, and this gave strength and inspiration to the sovereigns of Russia and Austria. Blinded by victories, preoccupied mainly with narcissism, holding military reviews and balls, these two men led their armies to defeat at Austerlitz. The Battle of Austerlitz in Tolstoy's War and Peace was the decisive battle in the War of the Three Emperors. Tolstoy shows the two emperors at first as pompous and self-satisfied, and after the defeat as confused and unhappy people. Napoleon managed to outwit and defeat the Russian-Austrian army. Emperors fled the battlefield, and after the end of the battle, Emperor Franz decided to submit to Napoleon on his terms.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Heroes: Pontius Pilate

Literary example: In a dream, the procurator gives the impression of a completely different person. Pilate agrees with Yeshua's thought that they will always be together now. The procurator ceases to experience the disgust that arose in him in relation to everything that was connected with the teachings of Jesus.

As soon as a person acquires wealth, he immediately begins to fear losing it.

Sleep allows Pilate to do what he could not decide in life. Often literary critics evaluate Pilate's dream, his walk along the "moon road" as the highest victory of man over himself.

"Friendship and enmity"

Friends are always ready to help, save. (Example: friendship of A. S. Pushkin with lyceum students. The poet in the poem "October 19" wrote:

My friends, our union is beautiful!

He, like a soul, is inseparable and eternal ...)

Friendship of Pushkin and Pushchin / Analysis of Pushkin's poem “I. I. Pushchin»

Among his lyceum friends, Alexander Pushkin especially singled out Ivan Pushchin, with whom the poet had a very warm and trusting relationship. Last time friends met just before these tragic events, in the winter of 1825. Ivan Pushchin came to him in Mikhailovskoye to brighten up his loneliness and distract the author from gloomy thoughts about own fate. At that moment, the best friend morally supported Pushkin, who was on the verge of despair, believing that his career was ruined, and his life was hopeless. Therefore, when Pushchin found himself in a similar situation, the author considered it his duty to send him an encouraging verse message, in which he confessed: “I pray to holy providence.” By this, the poet wanted to emphasize that he not only worries about the fate of his friend, but also believes that his sacrifice was not made to society in vain, and future generations will be able to appreciate this selfless act.

Pushkin was very upset by the separation from his friend, and subsequently addressed him a few more poems. H

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba,» central character story, believed that partnership is higher than the family, higher than blood kinship, higher than everything earthly.

D. London "In a distant land", "Love for life". Comradely support is, according to the writer, the decisive condition for victory over nature. The morality of the North is based on trust and mutual honesty. Harsh conditions reveal the true value of a person. A coward, an insignificant person, according to the author, is more likely to die than a brave one. This is how gold diggers who have lost their self-control die in the novel “In a Far Land” and Bill, who abandoned his comrade, in the story “Love of Life”

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Dmitry Prokofievich Razumikhin

Literary example: FRIENDSHIP: Dostoevsky introduces the image of Dmitry Prokofievich Razumikhin into the novel. This is Rodion's faithful comrade at the university, who supports him. The friendship of Raskolnikov and Razumikhin is contrasted in the novel with showing the disunity of people in general. Razumikhin and Raskolnikov are opposed with the help of their speaking names(“reason” - “split”) according to the principle of attitude to life. These friends also have something in common that brought them together: they are smart, educated, deep, noble, young people capable of sincere feelings.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

One of the central lines of the novel, one of the greatest values, according to Tolstoy, is, of course, the friendship of Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. They are both alien to the society in which they find themselves. Both of them are above him in their thoughts and moral values, only Pierre needs time to understand this. Andrey is sure of his own, special destiny, and the empty, unchanging life is not for him. He is trying to convince Pierre, who is the only one whom he respects in that environment due to the contrast with the empty elite, to stay away from this life. But Pierre is nevertheless convinced of this on his own, from his own experience. He, so simple and unpretentious, is difficult to resist the temptation. The friendship between Andrei and Pierre can be considered true, beautiful and immortal, because the soil on which it stood was the most worthy and noble. There was not a drop of self-seeking in this friendship, and neither money nor influence was a guideline for any of them either in their relationships or in the life of each separately. This is what should unite people if they live in a society where all feelings can be bought and sold so coldly.

Fortunately, in Tolstoy's novel, these characters found each other, thereby finding salvation from moral loneliness and finding worthy ground for the development of morality and real ideas that should not be lost even by a minority of people.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Heroes: Master, MASSOLIT members

literary example. Due to the fault of the MASSOLIT members - representatives of the literary elite - the Master's novel was not published. Because of them, he burned the work that he had been creating for so long. And it is they who are guilty of the fact that the Master is in a clinic for the mentally ill. He had nothing left after futile attempts. Ivan Bezdomny is a typical representative of the elite literary world. And this world is hated not only by the hero of the novel, but also by the author himself. Apathy seizes the master, and, hating the manifested enemies, he does not seek to resist the essential enemies, he is completely possessed.

In the novel Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Dubrovsky"We see two old friends - Kirila Petrovich Troekurov and Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. Once they were comrades in the service. Dubrovsky was distinguished by pride and decisiveness of character, for which he was valued and respected by Troekurov. Andrey Gavrilovich was an interesting conversationalist, and Kirila Petrovich was bored when there was no colleague nearby. The author explained their friendship by the fact that both of them were the same age, had the same upbringing, were widowed early and raised one child each. All this brought them closer. All the neighbors-landlords envied their harmony and friendship.

But one day, in their friendly relations, a time of discord and terrible cruel enmity came. This happened when Paramoshka, a servant of the landowner, while inspecting Troekurov's favorite kennel, insulted

Dubrovsky, humiliated his dignity. "An accident upset and changed everything." Leaving Pokrovskoye, Andrei Gavrilovich demanded that the servant appear in court. But the wayward rich man did not want to seriously look into this, but began to mercilessly take revenge on Dubrovsky, humiliating him even more. Why did this friendship turn out to be fragile? Why is it between former friends such an abyss? The wealth and nobility of Troekurov, his arrogance and arrogance did not allow him to stop and reflect on

everything that happened. And the temper and ardor of the landowner added fuel to the fire. And a murderous revenge began ... Satisfied with a thirst for revenge, Troekurov understands what he has done. Coming to his senses, Troekurov wanted to correct this situation. But it was too late. He drove a friend to madness and death. Reading the novel by A. S. Pushkin, we are once again convinced that any enmity does not do good.

In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time""We also see an example of friendship-enmity in the relationship between Pechorin and Grushnitsky. They are peers, colleagues. Pechorin declares: "In friendship, one is the slave of another." Slave relations cannot maintain friendship, this is humiliating. In their hearts, heroes do not have warm relations with each other. Pechorin is ruthless towards Grushnitsky, cannot

forgiving weaknesses, confident, judicious, selfish, caustic. He sees through Grushnitsky and laughs at him. Is this a friendly relationship? “I understood him, and he dislikes me for it, although

Outwardly, we are on friendly terms. And we are once again convinced that friendship really needs the manifestation of good human feelings and qualities, in sincerity. And Grushnitsky? A completely different person:

enthusiastic, soft-bodied, does not have bright features, envious, conceited, spiteful, verbose. "He speaks quickly and pretentiously." Grushnitsky Junker, he is twenty-one years old. How can we call the relationship of these characters?

Their confrontation M.Yu. Lermontov shows in the chapter "Princess Mary". The abyss in the relations of young people becomes wider, hostility increases when Princess Mary became interested in Pechorin. The duel is

denouement in relationships. Pechorin kills his former friend. What's the matter? What is the reason for such a sad outcome? There can be no slave relationship in friendship. We understand that a person must first of all be a friend himself. But Pechorin does not have this understanding, so he did not have real friends. Only warm human relations strengthen friendship, and do not turn it into enmity.

A.I. Pristavkin “A golden cloud spent the night”

War. This is the hardest test for people, especially for children. It is the children who are the main characters of the work by A. Pristavkin “A golden cloud spent the night”

The reason for any war is enmity. It is she who makes people cruel, soulless, and it is in war that many of the moral qualities of a person, the beauty of his soul, are often revealed.

The main characters of the story are Kuzmina Kolka and Sashka, brothers, pupils of the orphanage. Their Orphanage resettled in the North Caucasus, which had just been liberated from the Germans. The mass resettlement of peoples was carried out during the war years, in 1943-1944.

The reader sees what is happening through the eyes of a child. Children value people according to whether food was taken from them or not; it is not clear to them why, from a passing car, children stretch out their hands and ask for something, and in their eyes - tears. They cannot understand why people are so cruel. Let us recall the terrible picture when Kolka saw his executed brother.

There is no division of people by nationality for children. Good means one's own, evil, cruel, the enemy. It is no coincidence that Kolka and the eleven-year-old Chechen boy Alkhuzor become friends. Both of them are lonely and unhappy, they found spiritual intimacy and support from each other. And what does it matter that one is Russian and the other Chechen. They became friends. Grief brought them closer. In the orphanage where the children ended up, there were Crimean Tatar Musa, and the German Lida Gross "from the big river", and the Nogai Balbek. All of them were united by a common terrible fate. They were drawn into the whirlpool of problems of adults, witnesses of the extermination of peoples, enmity between them, it was they who experienced all the horrors of this struggle of adults.

The world of hostility is terrible. He destroys the lives of people. It is necessary to stop hostility, to be tolerant towards people, not to allow the destruction of one's own people - this is what the author calls for. “There are no bad nations, there are only bad people”, - the teacher Regina Petrovna will say.

Children's souls are so pure and innocent, like "golden clouds", they are able to understand each other. It is terrible if these "clouds" break on the top of the cliff - about the indifference and cruelty of people.

Adults could learn from children the desire to live in friendship, to understand how terrible enmity is. “I think that all people are brothers,” Sashka will say, and they will swim far, far away, to where the mountains descend into the sea and people have never heard of the war, where brother kills brother.

A.M. Gorky "Childhood"

Alexey Peshkov - main character A.M. Gorky's story "Childhood" - he was left without parents early. Life in the house of his grandfather Kashirin was difficult. " strange life” here began to remind him of a “severe tale”, “well told by a kind, but painfully truthful genius.” Constant hostility surrounded the boy in the house. “Grandfather's house is filled with a hot fog of mutual enmity of everyone with everyone.” Relations between adults - Alyosha's uncles - and between their children were far from being related and friendly. The uncles were waiting for their share of the inheritance, they always quarreled, and the children did not lag behind them. Constant complaints, denunciations, the desire to hurt another, the pleasure experienced from the fact that someone feels bad - this is the situation in which the hero lived. There was no question of any friendship with cousins.

However, even here there were people to whom Alyosha was drawn. This is the blind-sighted master Grigory, whom the boy sincerely regrets, and the apprentice Tsyganok, to whom his grandfather prophesied a great future (Tsyganok died when he carried an unbearable cross to the grave of the boy’s grandfather’s wife), and the Good Deed, who taught him to read.

Alyosha's grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, a kind, intelligent, cheerful woman, became a true friend for Alyosha, despite hard life, that she was forever beaten by her husband. Her eyes burned with an “unquenchable, cheerful and warm light.” He seemed to be sleeping before her, “hidden in the dark”, and she woke up, brought to the light, immediately became a lifelong friend, the closest, most understandable and dear person.

There was a lot of hostility around the boy. But a lot of kindness and understanding. It was friendly relations with people that did not allow his soul to harden. Alyosha became a kind, sensitive, compassionate person. Friendship can help a person in difficult times to preserve the best moral human qualities.

Everything starts from childhood. It is so important during this period that children are surrounded by kind, decent people, because in many respects it depends on them how the child will grow up. This conclusion leads the reader to this conclusion.


  1. "Mind and Feeling"
  2. "Honor and dishonor"
  3. "Victory and Defeat"
  4. "Experience and Mistakes"
  5. "Friendship and enmity".

1. "Mind and Feeling". Direction involves thinking about reason and feeling as the two most important components inner world a person that influences his aspirations and actions. Reason and feeling can be considered both in harmonious unity and in complex confrontation, which constitutes the internal conflict of the personality.
The theme of reason and feeling is interesting for writers of different cultures and eras: the heroes of literary works often face a choice between the command of feeling and the prompting of reason.

2. "Honor and dishonor." The direction is based on polar concepts related to the choice of a person: to be true to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles, or to follow the path of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy.
Many writers focused on depicting various manifestations of a person: from loyalty moral rules before various forms compromise with conscience, up to a deep moral decline of the individual.

3. "Victory and defeat". The direction allows you to think about victory and defeat in different aspects: socio-historical, moral-philosophical, psychological. Reasoning can be connected both with external conflict events in the life of a person, country, world, and with the internal struggle of a person with himself, its causes and results.
Literary works often show the ambiguity and relativity of the concepts of "victory" and "defeat" in different historical conditions and life situations.

4. "Experience and mistakes." Within the framework of the direction, reasoning about the value of the spiritual and practical experience of an individual, a people, humanity as a whole, about the price of mistakes on the way of knowing the world, gaining life experience.
Literature often makes one think about the relationship between experience and mistakes: about experience that prevents mistakes, about mistakes without which it is impossible to move along the path of life, and about irreparable, tragic mistakes.

5. "Friendship and enmity." The direction aims at reasoning about the value of human friendship, about ways to achieve mutual understanding between individuals, their communities and even entire nations, as well as about the origins and consequences of enmity between them.
The content of many literary works is associated with the warmth of human relations or hostility of people, with the development of friendship into enmity or vice versa, with the image of a person who is able or not able to appreciate friendship, who knows how to overcome conflicts or sows enmity.

When compiling topics for the final essay, the following requirements are observed:

  • compliance with open thematic areas;
  • ensuring the supra-subject nature of the final essay (themes should not aim at the literary analysis of a particular work);
  • ensuring the literary-centric nature of the final essay (topics should allow a wide choice literary material for argumentation)
  • focus on reasoning (the presence of a problem in the wording);
  • compliance with the age characteristics of graduates, the time allotted for writing an essay (3 hours 55 minutes);
  • clarity, literacy and variety of formulations of essay topics.

In our cruel age it seems that the concepts of honor and dishonor have died. There is no special need to keep girls honored - striptease and viciousness are paid dearly, and money is much more attractive than some kind of ephemeral honor. I remember Knurov from A.N. Ostrovsky's "Dowry":

There are limits beyond which condemnation does not go: I can offer you such an enormous content that the most malicious critics of someone else's morality will have to be silent and gape in surprise.

Sometimes it seems that men have not dreamed for a long time to serve for the good of the Fatherland, to protect their honor and dignity, to defend the Motherland. Probably, literature remains the only evidence of the existence of these concepts.

The most cherished work of A.S. Pushkin begins with the epigraph: “Take care of honor from a young age,” which is part of a Russian proverb. The whole novel "The Captain's Daughter" gives us the best idea of ​​honor and dishonor. The protagonist Petrusha Grinev is a young man, practically a youth (at the time of his departure for the service he was “eighteen” years old according to his mother), but he is filled with such determination that he is ready to die on the gallows, but not tarnish his honor. And this is not only because his father bequeathed him to serve in this way. Life without honor for a nobleman is the same as death. But his opponent and envious Shvabrin acts quite differently. His decision to go over to the side of Pugachev is determined by fear for his life. He, unlike Grinev, does not want to die. The outcome of the life of each of the characters is natural. Grinev lives a decent, albeit poor, life as a landowner and dies surrounded by his children and grandchildren. And the fate of Alexei Shvabrin is understandable, although Pushkin does not say anything about it, but most likely death or hard labor will cut short this unworthy life of a traitor, a man who has not preserved his honor.

War is the catalyst for the most important human qualities, she shows either courage and courage, or meanness and cowardice. We can find proof of this in V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov". Two heroes are the moral poles of the story. The fisherman is energetic, strong, physically strong, but is he courageous? Having been captured, he, under pain of death, betrays his partisan detachment, gives out its deployment, weapons, strength - in a word, everything in order to eliminate this center of resistance to the Nazis. But the frail, sickly, frail Sotnikov turns out to be courageous, endures torture, and resolutely ascends the scaffold, not for a second doubting the correctness of his act. He knows that death is not as terrible as remorse from betrayal. At the end of the story, Rybak, who escaped death, tries to hang himself in the toilet, but cannot, because he does not find a suitable tool (the belt was taken from him during his arrest). His death is a matter of time, he is not a completely fallen sinner, and living with such a burden is unbearable.

Years pass in historical memory Humanity still has examples of actions in honor and conscience. Will they become an example for my contemporaries? I think yes. The heroes who died in Syria, rescuing people in fires, in disasters, prove that there is honor, dignity, and there are bearers of these noble qualities.

Total: 441 words

In terms of honor and dignity, the spiritual connection of a person with society is expressed. “Honor is my life,” wrote Shakespeare, “they have grown together into one, and to lose honor is equal to the loss of life for me.”

Own position: What does the concept of “honor” mean today? Everyone will interpret this concept in their own way. For some, it is a combination of higher moral principles, respect, honor, recognition of other victories. For others, it is “land, livestock, sheep, bread, commerce, profit – this is life!” For me, honor and dignity is not an empty phrase. It's too early to say that I live by honor. But I hope that these concepts will always serve as a life guide for me.

In our time, it already seems that the concepts of "honor and dignity" are outdated, having lost their original, true meanings. But before, in the days of valiant knights and beautiful ladies, they preferred to part with their lives rather than lose honor. And your dignity, the dignity of your loved ones and simply dear to my heart it was customary to defend people in duels. Let us recall at least how, defending the honor of his family, A.S. died in a duel. Pushkin. "I need my name and honor to be inviolable in all corners of Russia," he said. Favorite heroes of Russian literature were people of honor. Let us recall what kind of instruction the hero of the story "The Captain's Daughter" receives from his father: "Take care of honor from a young age." The father did not want his son to become a secular reveler and therefore sent him to serve in a distant garrison. Meeting with people devoted to duty, to the Motherland, to love, for whom the honor of the uniform was above all else, played a decisive positive role in Grinev's life. He honorably passed all the trials that fell to his lot, and never once dropped his dignity, did not sacrifice his conscience, although there were plenty of opportunities, there was peace in his soul.

“Honor is like a precious stone: the slightest speck deprives it of its brilliance and robs it of all its value,” Edmond Pierre once said. Yes, it really is. And sooner or later everyone will have to decide how to live - with honor or without it.

Total: 302 words

Each newborn is given a name. Together with the name, a person receives the history of his family, the memory of generations and the idea of ​​honor. Sometimes the name obliges to be worthy of its origin. Sometimes by your actions you have to wash away, correct the negative memory of the family. How not to lose dignity? How to protect yourself in the face of danger? It is very difficult to be prepared for such an ordeal. There are many similar examples in Russian literature.

In the story of Viktor Petrovich Astafyev "Lyudochka" there is a story about the fate of a young girl, yesterday's schoolgirl, who came to the city in search of a better life. Growing up in the family of a hereditary alcoholic, like frozen grass, she has been trying all her life to keep honor, some kind of feminine dignity, trying to work honestly, build relationships with people around her, not offending anyone, pleasing everyone, but keeping her at a distance. And people respect her. Her landlady Gavrilovna respects her for reliability and diligence, respects the wretched Artyomka for strictness and morality, respects her in her own way, but for some reason she is silent about this, her stepfather. Everyone sees her as a person. However, on her way she meets a disgusting type, a criminal and a bastard - Strekach. The person is not important to him, his lust is above all. The betrayal of Artyomka's "friend-boyfriend" turns into a terrible ending for Lyudochka. And the girl with her grief is left alone. For Gavrilovna, this is not a particular problem:

Well, they plucked the plonba, just think, what a disaster. Now this is not a flaw, now they get married anyhow, ugh, now for these things ...

The mother generally pulls away and pretends that nothing happened: an adult, they say, let her get out herself. Artyomka and "friends" call to spend time together. But Lyudochka does not want to live like this, with a soiled, trampled honor. Seeing no way out of this situation, she decides not to live at all. In his last note she asks for forgiveness

Gavrilovna! Mother! Stepfather! What's your name, I didn't ask. Good people, sorry!

In the epic novel "Quiet Flows the Don" by Sholokhov, each heroine has her own idea of ​​honor. Daria Melekhova lives only in the flesh, the author says little about her soul, and the characters in the novel do not perceive Daria at all without this base beginning. Her adventures both during the life of her husband and after his death show that honor does not exist for her at all, she is ready to seduce her own father-in-law, just to satisfy her desire. It is a pity for her, because a person who has lived his life so mediocrely and vulgarly, who has not left any good memory of himself, is insignificant. Daria has remained the embodiment of a base, lustful, dishonest female inside.

Honor is important to every person in our world. But especially women's, girlish honor remains a hallmark and always attracts special attention. And let them say that in our time morality is an empty phrase, that “they will marry anyone” (according to Gavrilovna), it is important - who you are for yourself, and not for those around you. Therefore, the opinions of immature and narrow-minded people are not taken into account. For everyone, honor has been and will be in the first place.

Total: 463 words

In his article, D. Granin speaks of the existence in modern world several points of view about what honor is, and whether this concept is outdated or not. But, despite this, the author believes that the sense of honor cannot become obsolete, as it is given to a person from birth.

In support of his position, Granin cites a case related to Maxim Gorky. When the tsarist government annulled the writer's election as an honorary academician, Chekhov and Korolenko renounced the titles of academicians. By such an act, the writers expressed their rejection of the government's decision. Chekhov defended the honor of Gorky, at that moment he did not think about himself. It was the title of "man with a capital letter" that allowed the writer to defend the good name of his comrade.

This means that the concept of honor will not become obsolete. We can defend our honor and, of course, loved ones and relatives.

So A.S. Pushkin went to a duel with Dantes to defend the honor of his wife Natalia.

In Kuprin's work "Duel", the main character, like Pushkin, defends the honor of his beloved in a duel with her husband. Death awaited this hero, but it is not meaningless.

I believe that the topic of this article is very relevant, since in the modern world many people have lost the line between honor and dishonor.

But as long as a person is alive, honor is also alive.

Total: 206 words

What is honor and why has it been so valued at all times? He talks about her folk wisdom- "Take care of honor from a young age", poets sing it and philosophers reflect. For her, they died in duels, and, having lost her, they considered life over. In any case, the concept of honor contains the desire for a moral ideal. This ideal can be created by a person for himself, or he can accept it from society.

In the first case, in my opinion, this is a kind of internal honor, which includes such individual qualities of a person as courage, nobility, justice, honesty. These are the beliefs and principles that form the basis of a person's self-respect. This is what he brings up and appreciates in himself. The honor of a person outlines the limits of what a person can allow himself, and what attitude he can tolerate from others. Man becomes his own judge. This is what constitutes human dignity, so it is important for a person himself not to betray any of his principles.

I would correlate another understanding of honor with a more modern concept of reputation - this is how a person shows himself to other people in communication and deeds. IN this case it is important “not to drop dignity” precisely in the eyes of other people, because few people want to communicate with a rude person, do business with an unreliable person, or help a heartless miser in need. However, a person may at the same time have bad character traits and simply try to hide them from others.

In any case, the loss of honor leads to negative consequences- either a person is disappointed in himself, or becomes an outcast in society. Honor, which I defined as reputation, has always been considered the hallmark of a person - both men and women. And sometimes it hurt people. For example, when they were considered unworthy, even though they were not to blame, but gossip and intrigue. Or rigid social constraints. I have always found it surprisingly accepted in the Victorian era to condemn a young woman who was filming mourning for her husband and wanted to start a new life.

The main thing that I understood is that the word "honor" is related to the word "honesty". You need to be honest with yourself and people, be, and not seem like a worthy person, and then you will not be threatened with either condemnation or self-criticism.

Honor, duty, conscience - these concepts are now rarely seen among people.

What it is?

Honor is my association with the army, with the officers who defend our Motherland, and also with people who with honor hold the "blows of fate."

Duty is again our valiant defenders of the fatherland, who have a duty to defend us and our Motherland, and any person can also have a duty, for example, to help the elderly or younger if they are in trouble.

Conscience is something that lives inside every person.

There are people without a conscience, this is when you can get past grief, and not help, and nothing will torment you inside, but you can help, and then sleep peacefully.

Often these concepts are linked. As a rule, these qualities are given to us during education.

An example from literature: War and Peace, L Tolstoy. Unfortunately, now these concepts are outdated, the world has changed. You rarely meet a person who has all these qualities.

470 words

After reading the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", you understand that one of the themes of this work is the theme of honor and dishonor. The story contrasts two heroes: Grinev and Shvabrin - and their ideas of honor. These heroes are young, they are both nobles. YES, and they get into this backwater (Belogorsk fortress) not of their own free will. Grinev - at the insistence of his father, who decided that his son needed to "pull the strap and sniff the gunpowder ..." And Shvabrin ended up in the Belogorsk fortress, perhaps because of the high-profile story associated with the duel. We know that for a noble, a duel is a way to defend honor. And Shvabrin, at the beginning of the story, seems to be a man of honor. Although from the point of view of an ordinary person, Vasilisa Yegorovna, a duel is “death murder”. Such an assessment allows the reader, who sympathizes with this heroine, to doubt the nobility of Shvabrin.

You can judge a person by his actions in difficult times. For the heroes, the capture of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev became a test. Shvabrin saves his life. We see him "cut in a circle, in a Cossack caftan, among the rebels." And during the execution, he whispers something in Pugachev's ear. Grinev is ready to share the fate of Captain Mironov. He refuses to kiss the impostor's hand, because he is ready to "prefer a cruel execution to such humiliation ...".

They also relate to Masha in different ways. Grinev admires, respects Masha, even writes poetry in her honor. Shvabrin, on the contrary, mixes the name of his beloved girl with mud, saying "if you want Masha Mironova to come to you at dusk, then instead of gentle rhymes, give her a pair of earrings." Shvabrin slanders not only this girl, but also her relatives. For example, when he says “as if Ivan Ignatich was in an inadmissible relationship with Vasilisa Egorovna ..” It becomes clear that Shvabrin does not really love Masha. When Grinev rushed to free Marya Ivanovna, he saw her "pale, thin, with disheveled hair, in a peasant dress." her rebels.

If we compare the main characters, Grinev will undoubtedly cause more respect, because despite his youth he managed to behave with dignity, remained true to himself, did not disgrace the honest name of his father, defended his beloved.

Perhaps all this allows us to call him a man of honor. Self-esteem helps our hero at the trial at the end of the story to calmly look into the eyes of Shvabrin, who, having lost everything, continues to fuss, trying to slander his enemy. A long time ago, back in the fortress, he overstepped the boundaries defined by honor, wrote a letter - a denunciation to Grinev's father, trying to destroy the newly born love. Having acted dishonorably once, he cannot stop, he becomes a traitor. And therefore Pushkin is right when he says “cherish honor from a young age” and making them an epigraph to the whole work.

In our time, it has become ashamed to show mercy, compassion, sympathy. Now it’s “fun”, under the approving hooting of the crowd, to hit the weak, kick the dog, insult an elderly person, get nasty to a passerby, and so on. Any muck created by one bastard is perceived almost as a feat by the fragile minds of teenagers.

We stopped feeling, fenced off from the realities of life by our own indifference. We pretend not to see or hear. Today we pass by a hooligan, we swallow insults, and tomorrow we ourselves imperceptibly turn into shameless and dishonest people.

Let's remember past times. Dueling with swords and pistols for insulting an honest name. Conscience and duty that guided the thoughts of the defenders of the Fatherland. Mass heroism of the people in the Great Patriotic War for trampling the honor of the beloved Motherland by the enemy. No one shifted the unbearable burden of responsibility and duty onto the shoulders of another, so that it would be more comfortable for himself.

If today you have betrayed a friend, cheated on a loved one, “got stuck” with a colleague, insulted a subordinate, or deceived someone’s trust, then don’t be surprised if tomorrow the same thing happens to you. Once abandoned and useless, you will have a great chance to reconsider your attitude to life, to people, to your actions.

A deal with conscience, covering up to a certain point dark deeds, in the future can end very badly. There will always be someone more cunning, arrogant, dishonorable and unscrupulous, who, under the guise of false flattery, will push you into the abyss of collapse in order to take the place that you also took from another.

An honest person always feels free and confident. Acting according to conscience, he does not burden his soul with vices. Greed, envy and indefatigable ambitions are not inherent in him. He just lives and enjoys every day given to him from above.

Verified final essay on the topic "If a person has committed a dishonorable act, then he is dishonorable to the end" in the direction "Honor and dishonor"

Introduction (Intro):

Of course, each person understands differently This statement. dishonor - This a negative trait of a person, characterized by meanness, deceit, betrayal, deceit. Honor, on the contrary, combines such qualities as fidelity, devotion. Honor always opposes dishonor, in all ages people fight for truth and justice. If You stumbled and committed a dishonorable act, then, alas, you will no longer be able to possess such qualities as loyalty to the word, nobility, decency.

A comment: repetitions are one of the most common mistakes. To avoid them, you need to reread the essay several times and replace the words repeated in two adjacent sentences with pronouns, lexical or contextual synonyms (or synonymous expressions). It is also important to ensure that there are no words with the same root in adjacent sentences.

"If You stumbled and committed a dishonorable act ... ”- it is better not to use the pronoun“ YOU ”when writing an essay. This is only allowed in colloquial speech. Instead of "you" you can write "we", "people", "man", etc.

"If Human stumbled and committed a dishonorable act, then, alas, to him it will no longer be possible to possess such qualities as loyalty to the word, nobility, decency "

The thesis, of course, corresponds to the topic, but there are two nuances:

Emphasis should be placed on the thesis, with the help of introductory words that indicate that this is exactly your opinion (“I think”, “it seems to me”, “in my opinion”, “I am sure”, etc.) Writing a thesis is not enough , it is important to convey to the inspector how you came to such a conclusion. In the introductory part, you described the meanings of key concepts, but did not tie it to the thesis in any way. Most likely, you would have been given a failure on the first criterion, because. topic is not covered. To fix this, you need to answer the question: “why is the one who has committed a dishonorable act dishonest to the end?” You can write your thoughts on this issue before the thesis.

Argument 1:

Reflecting on the topic of "disgrace", I can not help but refer to the work of Vasily Bykov "Sotnikov". This is a work about two partisans who were captured. going (ugly word, try to replace) for food for their comrades, each of the heroes reacts differently to the impending danger. Rybak is serious, ready for any difficulties, unlike the weak, frail, sick Sotnikov. Having hit to the police, their the paths diverge (speech error, it turns out that the police got the path). They are going to be interrogated. Sotnikov went first. He was silent, did not tell the investigator anything. Humiliation, torture, did not force Sotnikov to betray his homeland, his detachment. After which he was to be executed. However, Rybak under interrogation behaved in the opposite way(a speech error, they don’t say that. Something can be opposite: coast, reaction, behavior. But you can’t behave in the opposite way) to your friend. He answered the interrogator's questions in detail, was polite, clung to every opportunity to escape. To which the investigator offered to become one of them. The fisherman was delighted that there was a chance for freedom. He did the worst and most dishonest thing ever. It turned out to be more difficult and painful for the fisherman to stay alive. He understood that he had made huge mistakes by killing his friend and going over to the wrong side, thereby losing his honor and gaining dishonor forever.

A comment: the argument is unconvincing. It is clear that Rybak committed a dishonorable act, but why did he forever find dishonor? How is it shown?

Thus, this argument does not support the thesis.

Argument 2:

As proof, one can also cite the work of Valentin Rasputin "Live and Remember". This is a work about Andrei Guskov, who, along with the entire male part of the village, was sent to war. He fought well, conscientiously performed all duties. At the end of the war, Andrei, having been wounded, ends up in the hospital. Guskov wanted to return at least for a while home, at least for one day. He was sure that he would be sent from the hospital home, but that did not happen. And so Andrei returns home ahead of schedule, returns not as a hero, but as a deserter. Desertion is betrayal. Nastena, Andrey's wife, can not part of the husband(?), but she tried, helped in any way she could. Her strength is Love and faith, but because of her love for a bad person, she herself suffers. Andrei did not want to live on, he did not see the point in later life and the only way out is death. The act of Andrei Guskov is an example of a dishonorable act.

Many people like to use the word honor, not everyone is ready to defend it in our time. Cowardice causes dishonor, disrespect, indifference and laziness, makes us not defend our interests and the interests of people close to us.
Sometimes it seems to me that men who defend their honor, and the honor of their beloved, have sunk along with the times of the Middle Ages. It was at this time that the concept of honor was defended by men and were ready to give their lives for it.
But, to my great happiness, I can still watch men who will never allow them to be dishonored. This gives me hope that our world will be freed from insults, insults and disrespect.

Composition No. 2 Honor and dishonor Complete for grade 11

It's nice to watch people who like to defend their honor, who are not afraid to express their point of view, and are true to their life principles. Honor allows you to be more confident in yourself, to understand what you need from life, what you are ready to fight for and what is really important to you.

There are things that, according to many people, are more important than honor. This is where dishonesty comes into play. Money can make people give up honor, money can make people offend, be rude, betray. Many politicians do not defend the interests of the country, many men are not ready to defend their women. All this is a manifestation of dishonor, tactlessness and disrespect. Also, dishonor speaks of a person's lack of conscience. Now in our time of stress and constant haste, it is easy to offend a person, offend and show disrespect. It is important that such behavior does not go unpunished. It is important to educate children on the principles of upholding honor, their interests and showing respect. It is this upbringing that can get rid of constant negativity, self-interest, arrogance.

Such a concept as conscience is inextricably linked with honor. Conscientious people will not deceive, betray, insult and offend a person. Conscience allows you to think about your behavior and the consequences that may arise.

The upbringing in a person of such positive qualities as honor begins with the atmosphere in the family. Just the way their parents did, their children will do. Therefore, it is extremely important to raise children in a family with a favorable climate, in a family where the honor of the family, the country and people who are close in spirit are protected.

A person always decides for herself how to act according to her conscience, or choose the path of dishonor. His moral side is always responsible for actions and behavior in various life situations.

Composition No. 3 on the topic Honor and dishonor

Today, more than ever, such a concept as honor is important. This happens because now almost all young people are trying to lose this valuable quality and remain a dishonorable person. Today, help, respect, adherence to principles are not valued. Many do not try to protect their honor from a young age, but it turns out that this is happening in vain.

Honor has always been important. Men considered it a duty of honor to protect their family and their homeland. Women protected their honor for the sake of their beloved men. Children were brought up patriotically. Now all this has faded into the background. Now they beat dogs, insult old people and spread it all on the Internet. However, it is worth stopping and thinking about whether such actions are correct. After all, it is better to be an honest and conscientious person than dishonest and unprincipled.

It is important to instill self-esteem in children from early childhood. It is important to teach children to respect other people and love their homeland. It is important to understand that honest man life is easier and simpler. After all, when there is no heaviness in the soul from dishonest deeds, one wants to do good, live happily and cheerfully, and not hide from society with a load of crimes. Therefore, I always choose honest actions and conscientious decisions.

Composition for grade 11. USE

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