Kvn "healthy lifestyle". Scenario KVN "For a healthy lifestyle KVN healthy lifestyle greeting team name


KVN "For a healthy lifestyle"


- formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of an active life position;

Development of creative abilities, cognitive interest

Leading: In the age of technological progress and the conquest of space, in the era of market relations, what do you think is the most precious thing for us?

Of course, health! Human health is the main value in life. You can't buy it for any amount of money. Therefore, we took the motto of our meeting folk saying"You will be healthy - you will get everything." And you will get a special currency - "healthy women" with the help of your knowledge, ingenuity, resourcefulness and humor.

Today we have 2 teams: 7A and 7B classes. Let's get to know them

Team View

Leading: And I'll introduce the members of the jury. So, the members of the jury today will be…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….
Leading: Our first competition is called "Warm-up"

Team captains need to choose a petal with the name of the sport. Each of the teams shows a pantomime, and the other guesses which sport was shown. Score for pantomime from 1 to 3 big guys. For a correctly guessed sport - 1 healthy. Preparation time -3 min

While the teams are preparing, let's listen to a poem about a healthy lifestyle, which will be read by a student of grade 5A Zagornov Daniil
Leading: Next contest "Homework"

Teams prepared in advance jokes on the need for a healthy lifestyle.

The maximum score of the competition is 7 big girls

So, the Vitaminki team presents a sketch on the topic “Smoking is harmful to health!”

The Zvezda team presents a sketch on the theme “From a smile it will become brighter for everyone”
Leading: Everyone knows that in order not to get sick you need to be friends with sports - competition "Merry Relay"

Each team member has a special task

1-Running with a burning candle

2-Running backwards

3-4 - running with tied legs together

5-running with giant steps

7 goose step

8- running sideways

Maximum rating 7 big girls

Leading: And now we have, like any self-respecting program "Advertising"
In 5 minutes, the teams need to come up with and beat an advertisement for a new sports equipment.

Sports equipment in front of you: show and name

The maximum rating is 4 big ones.
Leading: While the teams are preparing - a competition for the fans. For every correct answer - a vitamin

  1. What proverb teaches us the right diet? (eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy)

  2. What are the pains of fat people? (Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, joint diseases)

  3. Name three principles of hardening (gradually, consistently, constantly)

  4. Name insects - indicators of a person's lack of hygiene skills (fleas, lice)

  5. Who are owls and larks? (These are people with different biological rhythms)

  6. Why can't children under 15 do weightlifting? (before this age there is an active formation of the skeleton)

  7. At what age can you smoke and drink alcohol? (It is advisable not to smoke or drink alcohol at all. But in the store, these goods are allowed to be sold to customers from the age of 21)
8. You drive a nail into the wall. What bodies interact? (nail, hammer, section of wall, human hand)

9. A chandelier suspended on a wire from the ceiling of the hall is attracted by the earth. Why doesn't the chandelier fall down? What force prevents the chandelier from falling? (the force of elasticity, which is directed upwards and is equal to the force of gravity).

10. Some marine animals, such as cuttlefish, move in the water, throwing out a jet of liquid. What physical phenomenon underlies such movement? (jet propulsion)

Leading: A famous saying goes: "In healthy body- a healthy mind. The task for the teams is to measure the strength of the right hands of the team using a force meter and calculate the total strength of the team

Maximum score - 4 healthy

Leading: And the last competition is called "Health"

It is necessary for each letter of this word to find words that are related to health, a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: While the teams are completing the task, I invite our fans to take part in the competition. Are there people in our gym who are well versed in health issues? I invite 3 connoisseurs to the stage. If you answer the question correctly, you take a step forward. If it's wrong, stay where you are.

  1. Do you agree that charging is? - Yes

  2. Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? - No

  3. Is it true that cacti pick up radiation from a computer? - No

  4. Is it true that more than 10,000 people die each year from smoking? - Yes

  5. Is it true that bananas cheer you up? - Yes

  6. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process? - Yes

  7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? - No

  8. Is quitting smoking easy? - No

  9. Is it true that milk is healthier than yogurt? - No

  10. Is it true that adults break their legs more often than children? - Yes

  11. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression? - Yes

  12. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for whole year? - No

  13. Is it true that you should drink 2 glasses of milk every day? - Yes
The winner is awarded "chupa-chups"

The jury evaluates the last competition, then sums up the overall result.

Leading: Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, and energy for as long as possible. I hope that today's game was not in vain, and you learned a lot from it. After all, “You will be healthy - you will get everything!” So be healthy!

Prepared and held KVN:

Kurchenko Natalya Alexandrovna - teacher of biology;

Popova Marina Yurievna - teacher of physics


KVN "For a healthy lifestyle"

The biological and physical KVN was held on January 26, 2012. Students of grades 7A, 7B, 11, biology teachers - Kurchenko N.A. took part in the preparation and conduct. and physicists - Popova M.Yu. The activity of students was high both during the preparation and during the event. Home sketches about a healthy lifestyle, sports comments were prepared in advance. In general, KVN was held at a good level. There was a rivalry between the two teams. The students showed ingenuity, ingenuity, activity. Students of grades 1B, 3B, 5A, 5B, 6 and 8A took part in the event as fans. A quiz and a healthy lifestyle competition were held for the fans. According to the jury (N.S. Mozgutova, Anton Korshunov, Daria Tolstosheeva), the team "Vitaminki" 7A class won.

They won and the participants were awarded with sweet prizes.

State budgetary educational institution secondary comprehensive school№414 Krasnoselsky district

Scenario sports KVN


(from work experience)

Script developer

Teacher physical culture

Korneeva Ludmila Tikhonovna

Saint Petersburg

v. Volodarsky,

Rossiyskiy Boulevard, 4/2 Lit.A



Contest 1


First member. So, Dear friends, you have to find out why we are here.

Second participant. We play "winders". Oh, sorry, in "guessing"

Third member. It's like mom said to dad, an infection!

Fourth member. In order for this to happen, they are preparing for it.

Fifth member. Yes, there are boys and girls all together.

Sixth member. They have a lot of fun together. Mom says that if they get sick, then for a long time.

Seventh member. And in order to have fun there, everyone yells! Oh, they sing and dance.

Eighth Member. And, those who look at it, think: “Fools, not fools?”

Ninth member. And they are also judged for this, but not strictly and not for long.

tenth member. The largest is five.

First member. Of course, dad says that there is a deadline for such jokes.

Second participant. So, dear friends, what kind of game is this, where they laugh at what normal people cry over

All. K-V-N!!!

Third member. And today he is special! Team…

All. "HEALTH".

Third member. Enters the fight against bad habits

All. With a healthy sense of humor!


The participant playing the role of the patient is glued with nails.

Sick. Doctor, I have pain everywhere. Wherever I poke, it hurts everywhere. And then it hurts. And then it hurts.

Doctor. Come on, come on, show your fingers. Ooo! Have you tried trimming your nails?


Doctor (addressing the patient). Remember, deep breathing destroys germs.

Sick. Yes doctor, but how do you get them to breathe deeply?


A girl comes to the doctor.

Eat only fruits, and with a peel.

A week later the girl comes back

As for apples and pears, there were no problems. But with coconuts I had to suffer.

All participants sing a song to the tune "Closing the Circle"

They say laughter for no reason

This a sign of a fool,

And not a year, not two, but many years!

And when you're really sad


Laughter will distract you from various troubles.

Everyone has their problems

But health is essential

You should become more important than everyone else.

No! Tell those habits

What prevents you from living well

And so be it!

Chorus: Let your soul

Smile wider than your mouth

Opening the door wider

You wear a smile!

Mouth full of problems

Let KVN help

Survive all hardships

Let's make everyone laugh!


Warm up

COMPETITION 3 musical: "Rhythms of Health"

A cow walked on the moon

Sports like air I need

Sprat crying in a tomato

"I'd rather be in a salad"

Cooked ax soup

It's time for everyone to go for a walk.

Cut off the dog's tail

A bully doesn't need sports.

To listen to every nonsense here,

You listen to advice.

Song to the motive of the song "Sultan"

If I were a sultan, then I would decide

Every day in the morning run as hard as you can

I will show the record to all my friends - the sultans

To save my health, help me sport.

Chorus: Not very bad - they are friendly with sports,

I ate vegetable salad - right, I'm not lazy,

A mountain of vitamins lies before me,

Every vegetable and fruit prolongs my life,

Chorus: Not really bad salads needed

Much worse on the other hand.

If I were a sultan, I would every day

Fresh air inhaled - right I'm not lazy,

Oxygen and ozone are my friends.

I always wish you to be healthy.

Chorus: Not very bad - friendly with ozone,

Much worse on the other hand.

How should we, the sultans, need clarity here

How many lives do we have - three or one,

To live healthy, you need be smart,

Learn the rules about your health.

Chorus: Not very bad - we need knowledge,

Much worse on the other side



Speaker. Dear viewers! We bring to your attention the program "In the world of animals" of the studio "Interesting-useful-Pictures", in which we will show an exclusive report from one of the lost islands of the planet Earth, where, as scientists have discovered, higher, but not quite intelligent beings live. Scientists have launched extensive research work there.

We, the inhabitants of the 22nd century, only know from books that the so-called “smokers” used to exist, but no one has ever seen them. And now we were lucky enough to get to know them.

You will see a recording of an excursion to this island, which was organized by the founders of the international symposium "In Defense of Animals".

Guide. Come closer dear comrades! Look to the right. Before you are the indigenous people of this lost island.

The first tourist reads the sign) Animal smoking. How is it? They promised to show us a smoking animal, but these are people?!

Guide. Even the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, when asked where he would define a person in his system, answered? "The animal is bipedal without feathers and smoking." And we, having analyzed and carefully studied the habits of this specimen, did not argue with him. After all, everyone you see was literally born with a cigarette in their mouth, and they do not take it out under any circumstances.

Second tourist. Tell me, have you tried to treat them, educate them?

Guide. O, sure! We apply to them the same methods by which our Earth centuries ago completely got rid of this chronic disease.

The boy sits and tries to light a match.

tour guide ( in a whisper) How many times have they said - don't play with matches!

Boy. And I don't play, I light up ( Takes out a cigarette)

Guide. You see, what a difficult case.

Third tourist. What happened to this grandmother?

Guide. What do you? What kind of grandmother is this? This is the little sister of this boy. After all, it has been proven that a woman who smokes ages much faster. And what you see is the result of careless handling of fire. She fell asleep with a cigarette in her mouth. However, she does not want to agree to this. She says the bed had already burned down when she went to bed.

Fourth tourist. (Addresses a man). Tell me, there are so many cigarette butts in front of you, why do you smoke so much? Don't you know that smoking is a slow death?

Man. Well, firstly, we are not in a hurry, and secondly, it's just nonsense. I read in this smart book ( shows "Primer"), that the Latins did not smoke at all, and all died out.

Guide. We have an idea to place the inhabitants of the island in the best clinics in the world, but we are afraid that this contagious disease will spread again on Earth. That's why we decided to treat them here.

Speaker. Our transmission time has expired. As you understand, the solution to this problem of smoking is only a matter of a few years. We hope that there will be no islands left on Earth where smoking, drug addiction, and alcoholism flourish. All the best! Until we meet again on our blue screens.

FansHomework "Be healthy"

Team greeting

Winner's reward ceremony



Team name:"Team of sober people" - STL

Our motto: We still live up to the name!


There are many problems in the world

But it happens in life

We create problems ourselves...

Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs.

How many lives have they ruined?

And today's program

Makes everyone think

People, remember!

Alcohol, cigarettes, drugs are Poison.

They kill everyone.

Alcohol is not only vodka,
But also beer and wine.
The child must know clearly -
All alcohol is bad for them!
Do you want to be smart and strong -
Never drink it.

Smoke rings rise up
Ashes under the feet lie ...
The world is shrouded in darkness...
Do not smoke, there will be CANCER!

To make Russia stronger
Walked ahead of all countries,
You must be healthy
So stop smoking!

Drugs are an infection
But you won't understand it right away.
You quickly become addicted to drugs
And slowly in agony from them you die!

There is little use from notations -

The song's turn has come

Maybe we laugh through tears,

Let's take away the threat of trouble.

Song "I love you life ..." No. 1.

I love you life

No bottle, no glass, no shot...

Our sober life

So, we give health to descendants ...

Let us please

After all, we only live once...

I love you life

No pills, no needles, no smoke.

Our bright life

So, we give hope to posterity

Let us please

Life without bad habits from now on...

After all, we only live once...

There is no life repeated in sight!!

Competition "Homework"

Healthy lifestyle. musical scene

The material is a musical miniature, performed under karaoke songs from popular cartoons.
The scene demonstrates the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and convinces that bad habits must be abandoned.

Equipment: a screen is used to change the scenery: by turning the screen in different directions, we create a new interior each time: a disco, a school, an apartment, a stadium; the artists, replacing each other, come out from behind the screen at each turn.


Sports uniform;
- balls;
- tennis rocket;
- dumbbells;
- a pack of cigarettes;
- melodies of songs.

1st scene

Disco. Music. The girl dances and sings to the music of "Songs of the King" from the m / f " The Bremen Town Musicians"(music by Gen. Gladkov).

Song number 2.

Do kids need a lot these days?
They would dance, dance until you drop,
They would have songs, songs until dawn,

Health care is no more.

2nd scene

The bell rings. Turn. 2 girls run out, followed by the heroine we already know. She is gloomy. He takes out a cigarette, pretending to smoke, begins to cough.

The girls sing to the tune of "Songs of the Turtle" from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (music by A. Rybnikov).

Song No. 3

Dragged on a cigarette
Don't hurt yourself.
After all, ten years later
You will not be young.

And then you get old

The skin will be like a lemon

After all, what a fool you were

Many years ago.

The girl brushes them off, continuing to "smoke".

3rd scene

It sounds like a sad tune. The heroine comes home from school, holding her head with her hand. Mom touches her forehead, takes the diary, shakes her head. The diary is shown to the audience (an album sheet folded in half). There are twos and threes in the diary. Mom puts her daughter on a chair.

Mom (sings to the tune of "Duet of the King and Princess" from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians").

Song number 4.

Oh you, my miserable daughter,
Only sports - great help for you.
You need to see a doctor urgently.

The daughter answers.

I do not want anything!

4th scene

Girls in sportswear. In the hands of one - a ball, the other - dumbbells, the third - a racket. The girls sing a song to the tune of "The Second Song of the Robbers" from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians".

Song number 5.

We do sports not in vain,
And our reward for our labors is health.
We are waiting for you in the gym, friends.
The road to sports is the right road.

We don't want to live differently
We don't want to live differently.
We will be beautiful
We will be happy
We will be healthy with you!

Song no.

They say we are footballers
We just don't have anyone to fight.
We would have such an opponent
Like Ronaldo and Zidane.

All together they sing to the motive of the song “If there was no winter” from the film “Vacations in Prostokvashino” (music by E. Krylatov). The heroine stands aside, watching.

Song No. 8

If there were no fizra
Daily at school
Would we be cheerful
Avoid sickness?

If there were no fizra
And winter and summer
We would have grown fat like this -
Diet wouldn't help.

The girl crumples a pack of cigarettes, throws it away. Approaches the athletes, sings to the tune of "Songs of the Waterman" from the m / f " flying ship"(music by M. Dunayevsky).

Song number 9.

Oh, my life, tin can!
Well, her into the swamp!
I live like a toadstool
And me to play
And cross run
In general, be healthy hunting!

Everyone joins hands. They sing the song “Beautiful is far away” from the movie “Guest from the Future” (E. Krylatov - Y. Entin).

Girl (our heroine).
I swear that I will become cleaner and kinder
And I will never leave a friend in trouble.

Athlete girl.
I hear a voice and hurry to call soon
On a road with no trace.


beautiful far away
Don't be cruel to me
Don't be cruel to me
Don't be cruel!
From a pure source
To the beautiful far away
To the beautiful far away
I'm starting the journey.

I run towards happiness from the swamp

A favorite wind of change is waiting for me

beautiful far away
Don't be cruel to me
Don't be cruel to me
Don't be cruel!
From a pure source
To the beautiful far away
To the beautiful far away
I'm starting the journey.

Competition "Questions"

1. How can you quit smoking?

First of all, smoking is a mental addiction. So try to amputate the brain.

2. Have you heard of a new Megafon tariff “Smoking is evil”?

Connect the Megafon tariff "Smoking is evil." Now, for every cigarette you smoke, $2 will be deducted from your personal account.

3. How easy is it to stop drinking?

Gennady Malakhov advises at exactly midnight to drink a tincture of wormwood mixed with cucumber bottoms and crushed pages of the book "Doctor Aibolit". I think a respected person can be trusted.

4. How to fight off any desire to use drugs?

Sneak up to Nikolai Valuev unnoticed and shout: “Hey, furry! Is there weed?!” The main thing is to correctly place accents and guess with intonation.

5. And in classmates, is there anything about smoking?

Spam appeared in classmates:

Quit smoking! And you will be happy! If you ignore this advice, you will be out of luck in a relationship for 7 years! Don't forget, you need to get 20 people to quit smoking within one hour! Good luck!

Lesson-KVN in grade 3 "Take care of your health from a young age"

to give students an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle;
help students think about the need to be healthy, familiarizing themselves with a healthy lifestyle;
develop Creative skills, memory, attention, cognitive interest;
educate students to take responsibility for their own health.


1. Posters in the hall:
- “When there is no health, wisdom is silent, art cannot flourish, forces do not play, wealth is useless and reason is powerless” Herodotus
- “Health is the only treasure” Montaigne
- “Care for food and care of the body should be attributed to the field of health and maintenance of strength, and not to the field of pleasure” Cicero
2. Corners decorated by each team about health.
3. ICT
Preliminary preparation
The children were given a task in advance: divide into teams, prepare a name, a greeting for the team, write a recipe for a healthy lifestyle, cook musical number, pick up new physical education minutes (with the help of a teacher).
Event progress:
I. Introduction.
Teacher. Hello, dear guys, guests of our event! I say “Hello” to you, which means that I wish you all good health! Have you ever thought about why greeting people is based on wishing each other good health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person. You can't buy it for any amount of money. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to devote your strength to overcoming life's tasks, you will not be able to realize yourself in modern world. Therefore, we took the folk saying “Take care of your health from a young age” as the motto of today's event. Let your wit and resourcefulness be your medicine
II. Gifts for the jury.
Each team prepared gifts for the distinguished jury.
"Tigers" - soap.
If we lose, we will send the judge to the soap.
"Bears" - a brush.
Judge judge and look at the brush.
Sh.Greeting of the teams.
Teams greet each other.
We are glad to start KVN
And in the heat and in the cold,
If it's difficult, if necessary
All bears will say yes.
Defeat or victory
It's not a problem at all.
If you need it, if you need it
All bears will say yes.
very kind eyes
look at us jury.
Tiger cubs:
We are funny guys
KVN tiger cubs,
We are participating now
In KVN for the first time.
We are all accustomed to order,
In the morning we do exercises.
Everything goes well then
Both work and play.
We do not respect dirty
We don't hurt the weak
We want to play KVN
And we might win!
Kohl will fail -
We know difficult task.
Win, as they say
Friendship of bears and cubs.
IV. Warm up
"Through the mouth of a baby"
1. This must be done in order not to get sick.
- Young children are afraid to do it at first, and then they do it with pleasure.
- This can be done in the river, in the lake or at home in the bath. (Hardening)
2. It happens when you get an A in school.
- When you are praised, it happens to you too.
- It immediately falls when you get a deuce or your parents scold you. ( Good mood)
3. Only strong, courageous and well-mannered people do this.
- Those who do this rarely get sick.
- From this there are such muscles (shows on himself) (Doing sports)
4. Our whole life depends on it.
We do this every day, but it does not always benefit us.
- This is necessary for a young growing body every day.

“Children love to break it. (Balanced diet)

V. New physical education.
Tiger cubs.
We will briefly talk about this
Although the topic is important,
Physical exercise
Even a bunny needs
To get yourself a carrot,
Carry the fox cheat,
For any other skill
You have to be strong and smart.
Who knows how to live by the clock
And appreciate every hour
You don't need it in the morning
Wake up ten times.
And he won't say
He's too lazy to get up
Exercise, wash your hands
And make the bed.
Will he get dressed on time
Wash and eat
And before the bell rings
Sit at a desk at school.
Physical education "Merry Exercise" and "Clown"
VI. Preparing for the KVN, the teams were given the task of knowing and observing the rules of the road well.
Health often depends on the implementation of these rules.
I will show the light icons, and you must follow the rule and answer in unison with verses.
Red and green color I show you one by one. Children choose.
1. The red light is on. Stop! There is no road!
2. The light is green in front, do not yawn, go!
The game "The best driver"
Two identical cars. Thread 5 meters long. Whoever brings the car closer to him faster, winding the thread on a stick, without confusing the thread and the road, is the best driver.
VIII. Competition "The Strongest".
Which one of you is strong? We will find out now. It will be very difficult for you, because you will overcome all the bad things that are in a person. (Children write in advance on the sheets of paper.) Please bring the sheets. We put them in balloons. You will inflate balloons, tie them up and burst.
IX. Musical competition.
Chastushki tigers.
1. Sooty pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours under the shower Julia
My grandmother washed it afterwards.

2. I washed my hands under the tap,
I forgot to wash my face
Trezor saw me.
He barked, "What a shame.

3. Too lazy in the morning Vova
comb through,
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

4.Here to brush once a year
I decided the frying pan
And then four days
They couldn't wash me.

5. Vanya is familiar to everyone.
He doesn't like taking a bath.
He always cries in the bath:
- Oh, hot water.
And he is afraid of the cold
Doesn't want to wash in the morning.
Then he cries again:
- Oh, cold water.
Chastushki bears.
1. We are sports ditties
Prepared for you.
On the go they were composed,
Performing for the first time.
2. We are physical education lessons
We just love
Basic standards
We are easily ahead.
3. Better than any kangaroo
I can long jump.
I studied it for a long time
Don't be lazy in class!
4. Oh, time! Again!
Let's push now!
Let's show the exercise
To everyone's surprise!
5. If you get sick often,
Start heating up immediately.
Sun, air and water
There is no better doctor!
6. We are in any sports contest
Let's give it a hundred points!
Should not be in our class
Weak slobs!
7. They wanted to sing to you
sports ditties,
Sorry it's not-
We are primitive singers!
8. We do exercises
Very, very like it.
All those who dream of records.
They are fond of sports.
9. We will be happy for mom
Hardened from childhood
We'll grow up soon
Let's become champions.

X. Competition of captains.
Teams are given 1-2 minutes to think about the task.
1. What is the benefit of playing sports, hardening?
2. In Ancient Greece This saying was born: "If you want to be strong - run, if you want to be beautiful - run, if you want to be smart - run." Do you agree with these words? Explain how you understand them.
Who is more cultured will eat an apple.

XI Game "Who is friends with whom."
Give each team member a word:
Glasses crested head
Shoe Eyes
Feet Brush
sun basin with water
Crane Hat
Hands Soap
nose handkerchief
Nail Scissors
Asleep Alarm Clock
Tooth Toothbrush
Toothpaste Comb

You need to find your partner from the other team and introduce yourself.
XII. Fan competition. Puzzles.
Who will tell the answer to riddles more amicably.
XIII. Summarizing. Team awards.
- Well, you have passed the course of treatment. You deserve a spoonful of this mysterious potion.
- It's not about the mysterious potion, our secret of health is in physical education.
If you liked the lesson, take the red rays,
not very - green, did not like it at all - black.
Let's say two kind words to each other: "Be healthy!"



A student comes out from behind the scenes, his head is tied with a towel. Looks back. To the guys:

Uch. – What are you doing here?

1 account And you guess from 3 times!

Uch. - High school council?

Everything is NO!

Uch. - Gathering of athletes?

All - NO!

2 account You look in the hall, think better.

Uch. (looking around the room) Ah, I understand! You play KVN!

3 account Well done, figured it out. Just what's wrong with you? Why so sad?

4 accounts Look around cheerful, joyful faces. What happened to you?

5 accounts You are sick? Why is the head tied? What happened to you?

Uch. Yeah, I don't even know what's wrong with me. I wake up in the morning - it’s bad, during the day at school it’s even worse, but in the evening ...

All: What about tonight?

Uch.Chto where to buy, what where to get?

And where to get money for a dose?

The lessons bored me, and the ancestors bored me

The whole world is like in a ring of fire.

See what's in my face?

Now I'm weak!

No health!

All life is broken!

Now I am nobody!

6 accounts (to the teacher) Yes, and you managed to get into such a mud!.

7 account What, you don't know? It poisons life. Makes her dull, no colors

Uch. I know, but I can't decide what to do!!!

8 accounts And I suggest you go to the doctor.

9 account I advise you to go in for sports! After all, there are so many sports sections in our school.

10 accounts AND gym There is. Isn't this a place to spend your free time!?

11. account. Sign up for one of our clubs. There is no time to do nonsense there.

1 account You will know the world, you will see how beautiful nature is. After all, life is so good!!!

Uch. What kind of nature, what kind of world, I don’t want to live ... (Disturbing music sounds)

E. Grieg "In the cave of the mountain king"

All around you can hear the cries of the raven

And the vipers are full of creeps.

Oh, where can I hide from them.

The body is in pain.

Mommy, mommy, listen to me.

Pick me up quickly.

I can't take this pain anymore.

Until the morning would not die.

I beg you, doctor-specialist.

Help me get my life back.

I don't want to be in the dirt, in pain, I'm high

Live the rest of the life.

(Guys in white cloaks are approaching from all sides, dancing an evil dance; teacher - looking around, protects himself with his hands)

Here again they crawl from four sides.

They got really close.

Help me, God, to rescue my soul

From the needle and marijuana.

(Lights on)

(The alarm bell sounds)

Student2: Wake up, Russia! You are in danger! Your future - boys and girls, teenagers and children are gradually becoming slaves of addiction.

Student 3: In Russia total number about 7 million alcoholics.
Behind last years in Russia, the death rate from alcoholism among men increased by 2.5 times, among women - by 3 times.

Student 4: Every 10th teenager has tried drugs. Every 4th tried to smoke and drink alcohol.

Student 5: 93% of young people of military age have health problems.

Student6: In Russia, the nation is dying, the youth is dying!

(Music has ended)

It gets worse year by year.

Already getting into the habit of losing best friends.

And I want to cry. Do not even cry, but howl

You understand that you can't change much.

Pupil7 : People do not remember about God, about love and kindness

They are mired in vices, mired in sin.

Cigarettes, wine - a daily set.

Obesity, disease - that's their sentence!

Pupil8 : Anger, wars shake our world hourly

And in the end, we all turn into a shooting gallery.

Where we ourselves are the target, we live at gunpoint

ALL: But trust me we will not fall!

Student9: We are the youth of the twenty-first century
The fate of man is in our hands.
We are anti-smoking
Healthy generation of our country!

Pupil10 : We have entered the 21st century

And let this age be perfectly safe

To bad habits let's say together (TOGETHER) "NO"!

Be, man, healthy and beautiful.

Pupil11: Strengthen your health with sports

Go hiking and meet the sunrises

The secret of success in life, know for sure

Your health, you remember this.

Student1: Hurry up to do good deeds,

Hurry up to stretch out your hand to the fallen,

To those who are wild in the night

Now wandering losing direction

Dawn flashed ... and the first ray

He gave them hope and salvation!

Student2: We choose life! Life is Beautiful!

Student3: We want to love, believe in honesty, do good!

Student 4: We declare to the whole wide world:

Student 5: Life, yes!

Student 6: No death!

Student 7: Sports - yes!

Student 8: No nicotine!

Student 9: Health - yes!

Student 10: No alcohol!

Student 11: Good, yes!

Student 1: Drugs - no!

Student2 : Our health is a gift of nature

So be healthy man

In the era of technology and fashion

Together: Devote your life to health.

3 account We have told you so much - the choice is yours!
