Congratulations on the rear day of the Sun of the Russian Federation. Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

An efficiently operating, well-oiled mechanism that links the national economy and the troops, as consumers of manufactured products, is how the logistics service of the Russian armed forces looks today. More than 300 years ago, in 1700, Peter I established a body responsible for the centralized supply of provisions to the army, the so-called Provision Order. And on August 1, 1941, the logistics supply was actually defined as an independent branch of the armed forces, the position of chief of logistics was introduced, which manages the supply of the army with food, fuel, as well as sanitary and veterinary control. On August 1, 2006, by the Decree of the President of Russia, the official holiday was established as the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia as a tribute to the merits of the home front workers in their actions to ensure the life of the Armed Forces of the country.

The army has infantry
Tanks, fleet and planes,
And - dear to any heart -
There is also a toothy rear.
He roughly serves the country,
With any misfortune, it will suffice,
And so, friends,
Without rears - it's impossible!
Happy holiday!

To the rear and glory, and praise,
After all, the army is helping hard.
And let your work be hard
But you are irreplaceable!

We wish you a long and prosperous life,
To pay bonuses regularly.
Work, value the team,
To be grateful for your service!

Swim in the sea, relax in the summer.
So that in your personal life everything is as it should be.
So that you don’t know the war in your life,
Peace on earth is a worthy reward!

On the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia, I wish you good health and good luck. Let the stock of moral and physical strength replenished every day, may the character remain strong and strong-willed, may luck and courage accompany everything, may the rear of the armed forces of Russia be famous for courage and courage!

The rear of the army is strong,
Everyone knows it
And today the rear service
We all congratulate.

Shoe the army, dress,
Feed the soldier
Complete combat set
Need to provide.

We want to serve
You didn't know the problems
So that on time and everyone
The army was supplied.

This holiday is not easy - everyone knows that
The combat order - the rear does not violate.
From head to toe will dress you according to your certificate,
Shchi and porridge will deliver you, in spite of the adversary.
The rear of the troops will not let you down - the army will go forward;
He will overcome the crossing, and he will build bridges!

On the day of the rear of the armed forces of Russia,
I wish you peace and good
For support to surround
The trouble is to pass by.

So that there is prosperity and patience,
Hospitable to be a house
So that there is happiness, mood,
Leave your problems for later.

I also want unity
So that the soul is in harmony,
Fortune will not be superfluous here,
Never know pain!

While there is order and supply in the rear,
The army and the whole country are calm,
And the fighting spirit is not lost,
And no trouble is not terrible.

So we wish all the rear
Stability, tranquility and peace,
Be sure to be sure
What can stand up for the honor of the uniform!

Congratulations to all the rearmen,
We wish you successful service
Works efficient to you - always.
Worthy service respect
After all, our army supply -
Requires a lot of work.
On the day of the rear of the glorious troops of Russia
Send knowledge and strength,
To strengthen the defense.
When the rear in the troops is reliable -
You can serve and live in peace,
Such an army cannot be defeated!

Reliable rear- guarantee of victory.
A reliable rear, today, should be for everyone.
In the past, our grandfathers experienced
How much a pound is dashing, and when success awaited us ...

After all, the rear service of the Ministry of Defense,
Always and on time must deliver to the regiment -
And cabbage soup, and porridge, and newspapers and cartridges,
And only then will this service be useful.

Today the holiday is celebrated by our service,
So we wish her hot success ...
Let revenue and friendship help in the service,
In military affairs - there are no trifles!

The rear of the Russian armed forces is the defense potential of the entire state. Experts of such a service are able to find a connection and draw important parallels between the economic state of the state and the creation, training and availability different types troops. The service also provides the necessary food products and equipping various military units, as well as repairing military equipment, transportation of materials and other cargoes necessary for the troops, as well as control over the replenishment and issuance from bases and warehouses. Therefore, on August 1, Russia celebrates important holiday Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia.

The history of the holiday

Similar an important event was introduced in 1998 at the beginning of May. On the 7th of this month, a corresponding order was issued, drawn up by the Ministry of Defense, designating the first day of August as the date for celebrating the Day of Logistics of the Russian Armed Forces. After that, such an important event began to be celebrated every year, and last year Russia congratulated professionals in this field for the 19th time.

A similar holiday is dedicated to veterans, as well as to the personnel of various troops. So, it is celebrated by the military, employees in the logistics headquarters, as well as the logistics services of various logistics agencies, and even some civilian managers.

How did the rear of the armed forces of the Russian Federation appear?

The need to create rear services is associated with the emergence of a full-fledged Russian army, headed by Peter the Great. Back in 1700, the ruler issued a decisive decree, which became the basis for the creation of such a rear service. This Provisional order determined the need for the supply of cereals, bakery products and stronger provisions. Also, this order determined the need for deductions of certain amounts to meet the main needs for the maintenance of the troops with basic necessities and service uniforms.

Over the course of several centuries, various institutions and services of the Home Front have gone through a rather serious path of development and improvement. At the same time, the reorganization of the rear troops was carried out many times, as well as changes in their status.

In the eighth month of 1941 famous figure Joseph Stalin also issued an important decree determining the need for the appointment of the head of the Logistics of the Red Army, as well as the formation of other important positions in the rear troops. The chiefs of the rear troops were also introduced in different divisions and fronts.

In addition, the rear services of the armed forces are engaged in providing not only the military, but also special military equipment. They deliver necessary items and materials for the military garrisons, and are also engaged in carrying out the necessary activities in accordance with the adopted laws and decrees.

Approximately 300 years have passed since the formation of the structures responsible for providing the rear troops in the country. All this time, the supply services of the fleet and the army have gone through a rather serious path of development. The methods of conducting battles also developed, the combat capability of the armed forces became more serious and reliable, and much more.

For the impeccable execution of command orders, the manifestation of heroism, initiative and courage, many professionals in the rear of the armed forces received honorary awards of national importance. About 100 such specialists received even honorary title Heroes of the USSR, as well as Heroes of Socialist Labor.

In our time, the rear troops of the country's armed forces are one of the most important components of the armed forces, responsible for providing troops with everything necessary during the conduct of wars or peace. Specialists of such services provide military personnel with food, uniforms, medicines, goods and other essentials. Such services also provide military equipment, conducting its timely inspection, improvement and repair, as well as carry out airfield engineering work and important events. Therefore, such a holiday is an unusually important day. national heroes and professionals holding various positions in the rear of the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

What to give military personnel?

Today, the honorary title of a soldier is more of a vocation than a profession. Given this, you should be more careful about choosing a gift for such a holiday. The forces of the heavy armed forces are distinguished by excellent analytical abilities, as well as the ability to build good strategy and tactics. Therefore, expensive chess can be a great gift. Chess pieces should not be made of plastic, but of high quality wood or crystal. Appearance figurines can also be quite original, for example, resembling soldiers with weapons or swords.

So that a soldier always has money, you can give him a stylish purse made of high-quality leather. But you should not give an empty purse; you should put a bill or a coin of any denomination in it. Thus, one can emphasize the high status of a serviceman, as well as wish him a permanent financial prosperity and a comfortable life.

If you need to choose a gift for a female soldier, you can stop at an expensive piece of jewelry. A gold or silver chain can be a wonderful option. But do not give too thin a chain that looks feminine and sophisticated. A gift for such a holiday should emphasize the courage and heroism of a professional. For military men a good gift can become cufflinks. But such jewelry should also be made of expensive metals.

Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a professional holiday for all military personnel and civilian personnel related to units and subunits of the rear of the Russian Armed Forces. Celebrated annually on August 1st. It is not a non-working day. "Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" was approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of Russia No. 225 dated May 7, 1998. The choice of the day of celebration of this date is not accidental. Despite the fact that the history of the rear units begins on February 18, 1700, when the emperor Russian Empire Peter the Great signed the Decree “On the management of all the grain reserves of military people to Okolnichi Yazykov, with the name of it for this part of the General Provision”, the actual self-determination of the rear troops of the armed forces of Russia took place on August 1, 1941. It was then that Joseph Stalin put his signature under the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Semyon Timoshenko No. 0257 "On the organization of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army ...". This document united the headquarters of the chief of logistics, the road department and the inspection of the chief of logistics of the Red Army, the VOSO department, the Main quartermaster department, the fuel supply department, the Sanitary and Veterinary departments under a single command, for which the position of chief of logistics of the Red Army was introduced. The first head of logistics in the Red Army was appointed Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Lieutenant-General of the quartermaster service Andrey Vasilyevich Khrulev. According to the plan of the “leader of the peoples”, the management of the entire set of supply, medical and transport structures under a single command was to most effectively establish the complex process of logistic support for the Red Army. Also, a new post of chief of logistics was introduced on all fronts and armies.

A reliable rear is a guarantee of victory.
A reliable rear, today, should be for everyone.
In the past, our grandfathers experienced
How much a pound is dashing, and when success awaited us ...

After all, the rear service of the Ministry of Defense,
Always and on time must deliver to the regiment -
And cabbage soup, and porridge, and newspapers and cartridges,
And only then will this service be useful.

Today the holiday is celebrated by our service,
So we wish her hot success ...
Let revenue and friendship help in the service,
In military affairs - there are no trifles!

The rear of the army is strong,
Everyone knows it
And today the rear service
We all congratulate.

Shoe the army, dress,
Feed the soldier
Complete combat set
Need to provide.

We want to serve
You didn't know the problems
So that on time and everyone
The army was supplied.

Are you in Peaceful time and in the war
Give all your strength doubly,
Protecting the country and protecting the people,
And the villain will not penetrate into Russia.

I wish you peace, goodness and health,
Hearts warmed by pure love,
Good luck and light, warmth for years,
And may your family always be waiting for you!

I congratulate you on the rear day,
Rear of the armed forces!
And I wish it was
What joy he brought!

The one who serves in these parts,
Let him not know the problems!
Let everything come true in the world
To the envy of all!

Today is the day of the rear of the armed forces
We are happy to cancel together with you.
You are insanely immersed in work,
You are useful for the army of the country!

Let everything go well in life and in the service,
Let there be more free minutes.
With colleagues, let only friendship grow stronger,
Honor and respect let them wait.

The Day of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia is a holiday of those soldiers
Who will eclipse all people with care for their neighbors!
May, seeing your hard, endless work,
New successes will enter your house with good luck.

May they bring more goodness with them,
So that it sprouts in the garden and in the heart,
Filled the air with hope, showed the way,
In which you cannot turn away from happiness!

We will say to the rear: more strength!
Today is a very important holiday.
Let the rain sometimes drizzle -
Passed all only the brave.

We want to congratulate you on this day
Let there be no more attacks!
And let all wars become a dream.
After all, the world is beautiful and so bright!

To fight was always easy,
You need to have ammo nearby.
And you need to have as many of them as possible,
To fight for as long as possible.

You will provide the strength of the troops, we know
Workers of the rear, we congratulate you.
We wish you to have high shoulder straps,
And in life do not meet obstacles.

Good luck will ensure your progress,
And a lot of plans, a calm decision.
Let life surprise you, give you surprises,
And we want to hear your only mottos.

The grip is strong and businesslike,
Where is harder, and where is softer:
Your service, albeit a rear one,
But sometimes all other things are needed -
Are you capable of any questions
Decide with your personal charisma!
Her prose is close to you in life -
You are comfortably trained to live;
I want to have enough today
To you my usual praise:
I congratulate you today on the Day of Home Front!
And let your rears grow stronger!

Congratulations on the rear day
Peaceful, joyful days
I asked fate
To have a world without loss.

So that the home front worker
Haven't heard of the war.
And in the peaceful profession
You have found yourself.

Be healthy and successful
Never get sick
And then all the problems
You decide easily.

Today is the holiday of the rear - invisible protection,
Reliable for the Motherland and devoted people!
After all, you are always on guard for providing troops,
Today, the rear is held in high esteem, and there is no more important you!
Accept congratulations on the holiday of all alignment!
Health and goodness to you and hundreds of different blessings,
Let wives get younger and children rejoice,
And let the enemy scatter from the festive fireworks!

Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia, this holiday was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 225 dated May 7, 1998.

The year 1700 was taken as the starting point for the history of the rear of the Armed Forces. Then, on February 18, Peter I signed the Decree "On the management of all the grain reserves of military people to Okolnichi Yazykov, with the name of it for this part of the General Provisions." The first independent supply body was established - the Provisional Order, which was in charge of deliveries for the army of bread, cereals and grain fodder. He carried out centralized food supply, which, as you know, is today one of the types of material support for the troops.

On August 1, 1941, the actual self-determination of the rear of the Armed Forces took place. He appeared as an independent type or branch of the Armed Forces. On this day, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. V. Stalin signed the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 0257 "On the organization of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army ...", which united the headquarters of the chief of logistics, the department of VOSO, the road department and the inspection of the chief of logistics of the Red Army . The position of Chief of Logistics of the Red Army was introduced, to whom, in addition to the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army, "in all respects" the Main Quartermaster Directorate, the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Sanitary and Veterinary Directorates were also subordinate. The position of chief of logistics was also introduced in fronts and armies.
Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Lieutenant General of the Quartermaster Service A.V. Khrulev was appointed Chief of the Rear of the Red Army, and Major General of the Quartermaster Service P.V. Utkin was appointed Chief of Staff.
Bringing under one head the entire set of supply, medical and transport structures made it possible to establish a complex process of logistical support for the army in the field.

Today, the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, being an integral part of the defense potential of the state and a link between the country's economy and the troops directly consuming the products, is a well-coordinated, effectively operating mechanism.

Every year in Russia, August 1 is celebrated as the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia. This holiday in 2018 turns 20 years old, and it falls on Wednesday. Nowadays, this day is designated as a public holiday. Also, the Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of Russia has the status of an important and memorable event in the development of not only the Army of the Russian Federation, but also in the formation of the whole country.

Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of Russia August 1, 2018: the history of the creation of the Logistics of the Armed Forces

Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia was designated as a public holiday on July 28, 2000, but the history of this event began much earlier, namely in 1998. It turns out that in 2018 the Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of Russia marks exactly 20 years since the establishment of this memorable date Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 225 dated May 7, 1998.

This holiday is professional for all those who have anything to do with serving in the Russian troops, namely the logistics unit of the Military Forces of the Russian Federation: military personnel, civilian personnel.

The year 1700 is considered to be the beginning of the creation of the Rear of the Armed Forces, when on February 18 Peter I signed the Decree “On the management of all grain reserves of military people to Okolnichi Yazykov, with the name of it for this part General Provision”.

This Decree was followed by the Provisional Order, which carried out centralized food supply, which, as you know, is today one of the types of material support for the troops.

The development of this military body began already during the First World War, when army bases were formed, as well as front-line supply bases. Front-line distribution stations worked on them, which ensured the reception of railway transport from the rear of the country.

To the beginning of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, the rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR included: rear units, units and institutions that were part of military units, formations and associations of all types of the Armed Forces; bases and warehouses with stocks of materiel; railway, automobile, road, repair, engineering and airfield, aviation technical, medical, veterinary and other rear units and units of central subordination. Their leadership in a special respect was carried out through the relevant main and central departments of the People's Commissariat of Defense.

Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of Russia August 1, 2018: how the Logistics of the Armed Forces was approved as a full branch of the military

A full-fledged branch of the armed forces Rear Services of the Armed Forces, at that time Soviet Union, was approved on August 1, 1941 by the leader of the USSR, Joseph Stalin. As a result this event, a rear post was appointed. In his introduction were the uninterrupted and high-quality supply of the army with provisions, fuel, communications, medical and sanitary and veterinary services.

It was in this way that in our country a holistic provision of each member of the army with various provisions began to be established, which is necessary for existence in war time. After the end of the Great Patriotic War, medical care, various foodstuffs and military transport also became necessary items of provisions.

Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of Russia August 1, 2018: Logistics of the Armed Forces in our time

Today, the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is not just one of the branches of military service, it is a single link between the members of the Russian army as consumers of manufactured goods and the whole economic sphere our country. It is on the development of the economy in Russia that the provision of military troops and, accordingly, the country's defense capability depends.

The material and technical support of military personnel is carried out in all types of daily and combat activities. This is required in order to maintain the combat capability of the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and to be sure of their protection during military operations from outside. If the troops are materially and technically provided, then you can be sure of their readiness to carry out the tasks for their intended purpose.
