Ricky Martin and his husband. Ricky Martin photo, biography, Ricky Martin and his husband, personal life

Martin is raising twins - Valentino and Matteo. The children were born to him by a surrogate mother in 2008. And in 2010, Ricky officially announced that he was gay. But in 2016, in an interview, he admitted that he considers himself bisexual and is ready to have sexual relationships not only with men, but also with women.

By that time, the singer had already met with the artist Jwan Yosef, and why he needed such a statement is not clear. Soon the couple announced their engagement, and now about the wedding, which, according to Ricky, will take place in the coming months.

Photo instagram.com

"We exchanged vows, signed all the documents that were supposed to be signed, the marriage contract and everything else" Martin told reporters.

He also said that they would arrange a beautiful and memorable ceremony, the celebration would last at least three days. The couple had to decide on the location of the wedding:

"I became a husband, we will have a big party in the coming months, I will let you know".

Photo instagram.com

And in a recent conversation with reporters at the Golden Globes, Martin spoke about the fact that two sons are not enough for him:

"I want four more sets of twins. Yes, I would love to have big family. But in this moment I have a lot of work and plus I'm getting ready for the wedding. We want to put an end to these cases first, and only then we will prepare for the adoption of children.".

Photo instagram.com

So soon we should expect a magnificent wedding, and then messages about children - everything, like people.

As you know, on September 20, the island of Puerto Rico experienced a natural disaster. It was hit by the monstrous hurricane Maria. Ricky Martin brought to the inhabitants of the island.

Ricky Martin, Puerto Rican pop musician, actor and writer, said he finally found personal happiness. The other day, he legalized relations with his boyfriend, the Swedish-Syrian artist Jwan Yosef, whom he began dating in 2016.

“I am already a husband, we exchanged vows, signed all the papers that are needed. In the next couple of months we will have a magnificent celebration - I will let everyone know", - the singer commented on his wedding in an interview.

The fact that the men are engaged, Ricky Martin announced back in November last year on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. It was he who proposed, got down on one knee and put on the ring.

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“I got down on one knee, presented him with a bag with a ring and instead of “Will you marry me?” said: "I have something for you!" Not best words! But then I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. He elaborated, "So what was the question? Will I marry you?" That's all. It was wonderful! After about 30 minutes, I grabbed my head: "Wait, so you told me yes?" And he said, "Yes!"- shared the details of the singer.

At one time, he hid his orientation for a long time, and it did not appear immediately. At first, he maintained an unstable relationship with Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Alba for 14 years, in which there were many episodes of breakups and reconciliations.

After that, representatives of the gay community began to be noticed in his environment. In this regard, uncomfortable questions began to pour in to Ricky Martin, to which he reacted aggressively. “No one cares whether I was in bed with a cow, with a broom or with a woman. I'm not going to tell anyone if I'm gay or not.", he told The Mirror in an interview in 2000.

Over time, his reactions softened. Obviously, he got used to his new role so much so that she ceased to cause internal contradictions in him ..


“I am happy to tell you that I am a happy homosexual man. I am very happy to be who I am. All these years of silence and criticism have made me stronger and reminded me that recognition comes from within, that this kind of truth gives me the strength to fight emotions that I didn’t even know I had.”, - this confession statement was published on the official website of Ricky Martin in 2010.

On The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2011, he spoke in support of same-sex marriage: "To say that I'm gay seems right ... If I knew how good it is, I would have done it ten years ago."

Relations with a representative of the same sex are not the only thing that interests the singer. He also thinks about the issue of procreation. In 2008, Ricky Martin already became the father of two children, twin boys Matteo and Valentino, who were born for him by a surrogate mother.

Now they are 9 years old. Ricky intends to continue to educate them. He claims that his sons get along great with his new spouse and treat his arrival in the family extremely positively: "They love each other! Everything is perfect and special.”

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Most hot gay and wild singer Ricky Martin divorced her husband (VIDEO for readers of IA Globalist). In 2014, the famous Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin decided on a drastic change in his personal life and broke off relations with boyfriend Carlos Gonzalez Abell.

That the break happened before new year holidays, according to numerous American publications. Together, the gay couple lived in a happy marriage for three years - since 2010. Even then, after an official statement about his non-traditional orientation, Ricky Martin announced that he was planning a wedding with Carlos. Whether it took place then or not is unknown, but now Martin will raise children alone - in 2008, a surrogate mother gave birth to twin boys Matteo and Valentino.

The reason for the breakdown of relations between Gonzalez and Martin has not yet been specified.

The breakup of the couple was officially announced to the general public by representatives of Ricky Martin. The statement notes that the ex-boyfriends parted "amicably" and by mutual agreement, while adding - "in the future they will be united by friendship and a common life experience».

It is worth noting that Ricky Martin, even before the New Year holidays, announced on his Twitter page about the changes that would soon await him, but no one could have imagined that he was hinting at the break in relations with Carlos, with whom the singer wanted to legally marry . By the way, it was for the sake of Ricky's boyfriend that Martin officially declared his homosexuality to the whole world.

Recall that back in March 2010, Ricky Martin published a letter in Spanish and English, where he officially recognized his homosexuality, and a few months later expressed a desire to marry his beloved Carlos Gonzalez Abell in Puerto Rico.

It officially sounded like this...

Famous singer Ricky Martin met New Year alone. As it became known, the day before he broke up with his boyfriend Carlos Gonzalez Abella.

"Ricky and Carlos have mutually agreed to end their relationship, but they will continue to be united by friendship and shared life experiences," a spokesman for Ricky Martin told Us Weekly.

It is worth noting that Ricky Martin and Carlos Gonzalez Abella lived together for three years. Beloved performer forced him to confess to the whole world in his non-traditional orientation. After this, the relationship of the couple became even stronger, they were even thinking about officially getting married. But on the eve of the New Year, Ricky Martin began to publish very pessimistic messages on his Twitter page, hinting that cardinal changes were coming in his life.

Almost a year and a half after breaking up with businessman Carlos Gonzalez Abellay, the Puerto Rican singer returned to the idea of ​​a wedding. In an interview with the American magazine The Sun, the 43-year-old artist said that he was ready to play again. serious relationship. True, at present he does not see next to him a person with whom he would like to connect his life.

From lack of communicationnever suffered, and in 2014 especially.

“There are a lot of handsome, sincere men with a good sense of humor around me, but I don’t feel a deep connection with any of them. Frankly, for the last seven years I feel lonely for the first time, ”the singer opened up, expressing the hope that there would still be a holiday on his street.

Several sources at once, including the British newspaper Dailymail, claim that the famous Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin and the no less famous Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe are going to tell the world about their relationship. And this, according to some fans, will be the most beautiful official celebrity couple in the world.

According to reports, Martin and Thorpe have either already signed or are about to sign a half million dollar contract with a certain magazine, which they intend to give exclusive interview telling the whole truth about yourself.

After that, Ford issued another tweet, much more specific: "Happy times have come for Ricky Martin and Ian Thorpe - and they are going to tell the whole world about it."

Thorp, 31, five times Olympic champion, an outstanding swimmer whose pool records held for years, came out in July of this year. After years of denial and questions that have haunted him since the age of 16, Thorp has finally made up his mind to come out as a homosexual publicly.

He later said that 42-year-old Ricky Martin, who also came out of the closet far from the dawn of his career, helped him make this important decision. And he hinted that "a breath of romance" was observed between them. Diligently refuted rumors about the connection of two celebrities immediately spread across the network.

How could Martin and Thorpe "get together"? Very simple: Ricky for a long time was a mentor judge on the Australian version of the talent show "The Voice" and actually lived in Australia.

Recall that in January, the singer broke up with his former partner Carlos Gonzalez Abella.

Ian Thorpe said after coming out that one of his main desires is to meet a partner and have children. Perhaps Martin's message about a potential addition to the family has something to do with this.

As they say, we'll wait and see. We do not approve anything until the information is officially confirmed or denied. But if everything that the newspapers talk about turns out to be true, we will agree that the couple is really beautiful.

In 2016 Ricky Martin, 44, made a shocking confession in a new interview. It turns out that the Latin American singer likes not only men (the performer of the hit Livin La Vida Loca frankly said that he “plays for another team” 6 years ago), but also women. According to him, Ricky is "open to date nights with women."

One of the most famous Latin American performers in the world, Ricky Martin has long disappointed fans frank confession in non-traditional sexual orientation. He had a passionate affair with Spanish businessman Carlos González Abella in 2010, and two years earlier, the singer used a surrogate mother to father two adorable twin sons, Valentino and Matteo.

However, since then Ricky and Carlos managed to leave, and for more than a year the artist has been bored alone. Perhaps it was the failures in his personal life, as well as the desire to become a father again, that forced Martin to admit that after all, he always liked not only men, but also women.

“I have never denied that I am attracted to girls as well, because I am open to any sexual experiments. I am ready to spend the night away with a woman, but with a caveat - we will not have feelings for each other. I can only truly fall in love with a representative of my own sex ... ”Martin said frankly in an interview with the Mexican magazine Fama.

The public immediately remembered Ricky Martin's long-standing relationship with Mexican actress and TV presenter Rebecca de Alba. The couple parted with scandals, then reconciled and reunited for ... 14 years. Rumors about Martin's affair with Christina Aguilera also circulated on the Web during the recording and promotional campaign of their joint single Nobody Wants To Be Lonely.

Well, it seems that numerous admirers of the sexy handsome man can dream about him again - it is possible that despite his own doubts, Ricky Martin will soon fall in love with a woman and even start a family!

Ricky Martin

Singer Date of birth December 24 (Capricorn) 1971 (47) Place of birth San Juan Instagram @ricky_martin

Ricky Martin is a Puerto Rican singer and actor who has become widely known as a performer of Latin American compositions. His popularity is high all over the world, but his work is especially loved in America. In total for your creative career the singer released 10 solo albums, each has compositions that have become real hits. Ricky attracts increased interest in his person not only with excellent vocal abilities: he created his own charitable foundation, opposes slavery and discrimination, and also admits that he belongs to homosexuals.

Biography of Ricky Martin

The real name of the singer is Enrique Martin Morales. He was born in Puerto Rican San Jawn on December 24, 1971. His father was a psychologist, and his mother worked as an accountant. When Enrique was 2 years old, his parents separated. Both mom and dad Ricky soon met other lovers, so now he has 4 brothers and 1 sister.

Little Enrique was raised by her mother, and in strict Catholic traditions. The boy studied with the local priest and also attended church school on Sundays. Despite the fact that Catholics are very strict in their upbringing, little Ricky was allowed to show his talents from childhood. Having barely learned to walk, he danced at the mirror, hummed something, holding a comb instead of a microphone.

When the boy turned 9, his father brought him to a casting, where actors were selected to participate in an advertising shoot. Then he starred in commercials for lemonade, toothpaste and hamburgers for several years.

Enrique was musically gifted, so he repeatedly tried to break into the Menudo group, which required a member to replace the departed Ricky Melendz. Due to his small stature, he was twice denied audition. However, the persistence of the young singer prevailed - on the third audition, he cast aside fear, surrendered to music and demonstrated all his talent, so he soon became a member of this group.

Ricky performed with the band from 1984 until 1989. In total, this group with the participation of Ricky Martin recorded songs for 11 albums. And at the age of 17, the young man decided to leave the band to start a solo career. Such a decision was given to the singer very hard, his soul “became attached” to the team too much. But Ricky was always oppressed by the terms of the contract, which did not allow his talent to be fully revealed. Through participation in the group, he learned a lot about the world of show business and learned a lot. Therefore, having terminated the contract with the group, Ricky resumed his studies at the school, where he "hit" 18.

Upon reaching adulthood, he was able to open a bank account and went to live in New York, looking forward to many opportunities for himself.

In New York, Ricky wanted to go to art school, but fate decreed otherwise. He was invited to the musical "Mommy Loves Rock". On stage, the singer was noticed by a Mexican television producer who chose him for a role in the soap opera Reach for the Star. In 1990, Ricky began to sing solo, signing a contract with Sony Discos. After that, he immediately revealed his debut album to the world, calling it "Ricky Martin".

When signing the contract, he did not carefully read all the conditions, so he received only 1 cent from the sale of one album. The artist's first album was released in 500,000 copies, so he earned only $ 5,000 from it. But this did not at all embarrass or sadden the singer, but forced him to work with renewed vigor. His first single "Fuego Contra Fuego" was recognized as gold and was greeted with loud applause everywhere.

The singer's second album was released in 1993. Although the songs from it were warmly received by the audience, the album was not particularly popular. Simultaneously with the release of the record, Ricky starred in two seasons of the series "Getting By" and one "soap opera", which was later recognized as the longest of all known television series. In the same period, the performer knew an intimate relationship with a man, but at first he hid his unconventional orientation.

In 1995 he presented to the world new album, which radically turned the view of the English-speaking world about Latin American music. Of the 3,000,000 copies of albums, almost half were bought by listeners from Europe. Many people liked the song "Maria" very much. Then came the recognition of Ricky as an actor - he played in the Broadway play "Les Misérables" leading role. 11 weeks after the performance, Ricky released the fourth album, released in 8,000,000 copies.

In 1999, he sang in English for the first time, releasing another disc. It featured the composition "Livin" La Vida Loca, which later became calling card performer. By the end of 2000, another Ricky album was released in English. In 2001 he released a songbook in Spanish. A little later - a collection of remixes greatest hits in English.

The next album was presented to the audience in 2003. The singer noted that thanks to this album, he wanted to remind himself of his former, emotional self. A couple of years later, the singer revealed to the world the next album “Life”, but this disc of his was received coldly and he stopped recording compositions for a while.

In 2006, the Ricky Martin Diaries show appeared on the screens, where footage from the backstage life of the singer was presented. And after 6 years, the performer again released a new album, carefully selecting songs from the songs that he had accumulated during his downtime.

Eva Longoria's dress shortened her legs and expanded her already rather big hips.

You recognize him from a thousand: how to identify a gay man

Insanely popular a few years ago, Ricky Martin (whose biography has always aroused the interest of his devoted fans) triumphantly broke into the world musical space in 1999. Prior to that, he already had one recorded album on Spanish, but the hit "Livin La Vida Loca" brought him worldwide fame, which at least once in his life was heard by, probably, every person on the planet.

Ricky Martin, whose albums were sold worldwide in millions of copies, became incredibly popular in a very short time.

A sultry Latin American handsome man who danced beautifully to rhythmic music and performed his hits beautiful voice, could not leave indifferent almost any woman. Singer Ricky Martin quickly rose to the top of the world's most prestigious charts and confidently won crowds of loyal fans. There was a period when posters and posters with his images were sold out instantly.

Like many other public figures, having become popular, the singer attracted the attention of the yellow press, and Ricky Martin's personal life became one of the most discussed issues. When the singer himself made an open statement regarding his sexual orientation, many fans who had gone crazy over him for many years were, to put it mildly, a little discouraged.

Brief biographical information

Ricky Martin, whose biography will be briefly reviewed by us, was born in a family where no one had anything to do with show business. His mother, Nereida Morales, was an accountant, and his father, Enrique Negroni, worked as a psychologist. The future singer was born in December 1971. Those who are concerned about the question of how old Ricky Martin is can easily calculate that at the moment the singer will soon turn 45.

The full name of the artist is Enrique Martin Morales, and his birthplace is the small town of San Juan in Puerto Rico. The boy's parents divorced early when he was 2 years old, and the guy spent most of his childhood with his father and paternal grandmother.

The manifestation of talent in early childhood

Future singer Ricky Martin was brought up in a Catholic spirit. He went to church and performed duties there little helper priest during Mass. For the first time the boy sang at the age of 6, and this talent of his found its application in the children's church choir.

The singer himself recalls that from the very early childhood he dreamed of the attention of a large audience and always wanted to perform in front of large audiences. His father saw his son's talent (besides, the boy had a rather handsome appearance) and decided to help the child become popular.

The beginning of a career in show business: shooting in advertising

When Ricky was 9 years old, dad began to take him to various castings, looking for actors to shoot in children's commercials. Thus, the doors of Puerto Rican television opened up for the boy. In a very short time, he starred in commercials for fast food chains, soda drinks, and also in toothpaste commercials. In just 1.5 years, the boy managed to star in 11 commercials.

History with Menudo

Young Ricky Martin (whose biography changes after he becomes a member of a popular teenage group), despite some television popularity acquired after filming an advertisement, still continues to dream of a singer's career. He decides to audition for a popular Latin American teenage band called Menudo.

The guy was good-looking, danced well, sang cleanly, but he had one problem - small stature. Because of this, he was denied 2 times. But Ricky Martin, whose albums in just a couple of years will begin to sell ten million copies worldwide, was not going to give up. He came to the auditions three times, and in the end his perseverance won out - the producers took him into the group. There he sang for almost 6 years.

A dream that did not bring joy to a child

The producers of Menudo naturally demanded complete obedience from the band members and kept them in very strict discipline. You had to either do as you were told, or just not sing as part of this group.

Over time, Ricky realized that he no longer gets as much pleasure from work as before. In addition, he felt like a child who is being taken away from his childhood. Such thoughts led to the fact that Martin decides to leave Menudo and go on a solo voyage.

Independent steps in a solo career, acting experience

Ricky Martin, whose biography, upon reaching the age of 17, begins to develop in America, made a strong-willed decision to move on his own. Once in the United States, he enrolled at the Tisch School of the Arts. A handsome Hispanic man with a sweet voice is noticed almost immediately.

He receives several offers at the same time: to star in the melodramatic series Reach for the Star, and then to take part in the filming of the already full-length version of Even Closer to the Star. Further, he is filmed in several more enough successful films and in parallel plays in the theatrical play "Les Misérables".

Resounding success

After moving to the USA, Enrique signed a contract with a branch of the legendary company Sony Music Entertainment. In 1999, Martin translates into English language his Spanish album Ricky Martin, and incredible popularity comes to him.

He sings a duet with Madonna, Meya, and also with Sertab Erener. His hit "Livin La Vida Loca" holds top positions in the most popular charts in America, Australia and the UK. This album was purchased in the amount of 22 million copies and went platinum as many as 7 times.

The second English-language album, called Sound Loaded, saw the world in 2000. In 2005, another English-language record called Life was released. Also, all this time, Ricky Martin did not stop releasing albums in Spanish, which were incredibly popular in Latin American countries.

A strange romance, lasting 14 years

It is quite natural that such a popular singer became the object of the fanatical interest of his fans. People were interested in absolutely everything: how old is Ricky Martin, who are his parents, is he in love, and is he dating anyone at all. Information appeared in the press that the singer is really in love, and his chosen one is the Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Alba. These relationships looked very strange, the couple either converged or diverged, then the young people were going to get married and parted again, in general, nothing was really clear in these relationships.

Ricky Martin children

In August 2008, unexpected news spread around all the world's media - Ricky Martin became a father. It became known that he had twin boys. popular singer named them Matteo and Valentino.

To avoid further gossip, Enrique told the press that she had given birth to children and that he was raising them on his own.

Loud confession about homosexuality

Back in 2005, Martin officially announced that his relationship with de Alba was finally over. At the same time, throughout his long career, the singer has repeatedly spoken out in support of homosexuals, which periodically gave rise to various rumors about his sexual orientation.

For a long time, Martin avoided answering directly posed questions whether he himself was homosexual, and answered that this did not concern anyone. Then, in an interview, he stated that he was bisexual.

But after the birth of his sons, in 2010, the singer nevertheless made a statement on his official website and openly declared that he was gay. Since then, Ricky has not been shy about his orientation and has been honest about who he really is, even at public events and on such world-famous programs as The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Larry King Show. Martin is known to have been in a relationship with Syrian artist Jawn Youzef since 2016.
