Reading syllables in English. Simple Rules for Reading in English

Transcription and reading rules in English language are two closely related concepts. Reading rules explain how letters and letter combinations are pronounced in different cases, and with the help of transcription, we record and read speech sounds.

Reading rules can confuse a beginner. There are many, they are confusing, and there are more exceptions than the rules themselves. In fact, these rules are so terrible only if you deeply understand them and try to learn by heart along with exceptions. In fact, everything is much simpler: reading rules do not need to be memorized.

Studying English, you will always be something, and soon you will learn to correlate letter designations and sounds without hesitation, automatically. Don't worry about exceptions either. Usually, the pronunciation, spelling, and meaning of a word are remembered as one whole - you just know that such and such a word is pronounced that way.

Feature of English phonetics: we write "Manchester" - we read "Liverpool"

The phonetics of the English language has a noticeable feature: words are often read differently than they are written, that is, it is not always possible to guess how it is pronounced from the spelling of a word. As linguists joke: “We write Manchester, but we read Liverpool.”

In the history of many languages, the following pattern can be traced: the phonetic structure becomes more complicated, while the letters and spelling remain the same or change with great delay. English is no exception. At the dawn of its development, words were read and pronounced more or less similarly, but over time this discrepancy became more and more, the situation was aggravated by the variety of dialects, and now we are already in words though, thought And through read a combination of letters - ough completely different, although the words themselves differ by one letter.

No one is in a hurry to reform English spelling, there are many reasons for this. For example, the English language no longer has a single “control center”. Reforms initiated in London may be coolly received in Sydney and rejected in Washington. And in general, spelling reform is always a painful process, meeting resistance among a significant part of native speakers. Much easier to leave as is.

What is transcription and why is it needed?

Transcription in English is the recording of speech sounds using special characters. She should not be feared or avoided, because she is very good helper in learning a language that will be great to save time and help avoid mistakes. One glance at the transcription of an English word is enough for you to understand how it is read correctly.

When you memorize or write out a new word that comes across in the text, you must definitely look at its transcription and / or listen to the pronunciation (for example, in), otherwise you may remember it incorrectly, and then you will not be understood.

Is it possible to write English words in Russian letters?

Sometimes on websites or even in books you can see “ English transcription in Russian” or “pronunciation of English words in Russian letters” - that is, the recording of English words in Russian letters. Like, why learn tricky badges if Can convey sounds in Russian letters? Then what it is forbidden. The phonetics of the Russian language differs from English phonetics so much that the sound can only be conveyed very, very approximately. some sounds English speech we just don't, and vice versa.

Transcription and pronunciation of all sounds of the English language separately (video)

With the help of this interesting video table, you can listen to the sound of all sounds separately and see how they are recorded using transcription. Click on play and wait for the video to fully load, then click on the desired sound.

Please note that in transcription, in addition to the symbols themselves, denoting sounds, the following are used:

  • Square brackets– traditionally transcription is always written in [square brackets]. For example: [z].
  • Vowel length icon- in English, vowels can be long and short, longitude is indicated by a colon after the vowel. For example: .
  • accent icon- if a word is transcribed, in which there is more than one syllable, stress must be indicated with an apostrophe (a comma at the top). It is placed before the stressed syllable. For example: – decision.

In total, 44 sounds are distinguished in English, which, like in Russian, are divided into consonants and vowels. Among them there are both sounds similar to Russian, for example: [b] - [b], [n] - [n], and sounds that have no analogues in Russian: [ ð ], [θ ].

In English phonetics, there are no such concepts as softness / hardness of consonants, but there is a longitude of vowels (not characteristic of the Russian language) - vowels can be short [a] and long. It should also be noted that vowel sounds in English can be:

  • single (monophthongs): [ i: ], [ e ],
  • consisting of two sounds (diphthogni): [ ai ], [ ɔi ],
  • consisting of three sounds (triphthongs): [ aiə ].

Diphthongs and triphthongs are read and perceived as whole sounds.

Table of English sounds with examples and cards

Having studied how English sounds are pronounced separately, be sure to listen to how they are read whole words. It is often easier for students to understand and hear pronunciation English sounds when they sound as part of a word, and not separately.

In the tables below, all sounds are given with example words. With the help of electronic cards, you can listen to the pronunciation.

Consonants in English
[ f] fox [ d] date [ v] vase [ k] cat
[ θ ]think [ g] go [ ð ] father [ ] change
[ s] say [ ] age [ z]zoo [ m] mom
[ ʃ ] ship [ n] nose [ ʒ ]pleasure [ ŋ ]sing
[ h]hound [ l]lazy [ p]pen [ r] red
[ b]bro [ j] yes [ t]today [ w]wine
Vowel sounds in English
[ i:] he, she [ ei] name [ i] his, it [ ai]line
[ e]ten [ au]town [ æ ]hat [ ɔi] toy
[ a:] car [ ou] go home [ ɔ ]not [ ]here
[ ʌ ]nut [ ɛə ] dare [ u] good [ ]poor
[ u:] food [ juə]Europe [ ju:] tune [ aiə] fire
[ ɜ: ] turn [ auə]our [ ə ] paper [ ɔ: ] all

How to learn to pronounce English sounds?

There are two approaches:

  1. Theoretical- Textbooks usually have detailed description how to press the tongue against the palate to form a certain sound. With an illustration showing a cross section of a human head. The method is scientifically correct, but it is difficult to use it on your own: not everyone will understand what it means to “slide upper teeth on the lower lip” and will be able to perform this action.
  2. Practical- listen, watch and repeat. I think it's much easier that way. You simply repeat after the speaker, trying to imitate the sound as closely as possible. Pay attention to articulation, try to repeat all the movements of the lips and tongue. Ideally, of course, someone should control, but you can just record yourself on a webcam and watch from the side.

If you want to repeat after the speaker, imitating his speech, I recommend using the materials on Puzzle English, namely the Video Puzzle exercises, which are aimed at developing listening comprehension. In video puzzles, you can slow down speech and, as in Lingvaleo, watch the translation of words by clicking on them directly in the subtitles.

In video puzzles, you first need to watch the video, and then collect sentences from words.

Detailed overview of this service:

In addition, for practical exercises, various kind people There are many videos available on YouTube. For example, in these two videos, the sounds of English speech in American and British versions are analyzed in detail:

British pronunciation

American pronunciation

You should not, having started studying English, strive to achieve a “perfect” pronunciation. Firstly, there are a lot of varieties of pronunciation (the above are, as it were, “generalized” British and American variants), and secondly, even native speakers who speak professionally (for example, actors) often take lessons from special trainers in order to master the features of or another version of pronunciation - practicing speech is not an easy task.

Just try to speak in such a way that 1) it is clear, 2) it does not hurt your hearing too much.

Reading rules in English: table and cards

Reading rules in English are, rather, not even rules, but generalized recommendations that are not particularly accurate. Not only that, say, the letter “o” in different combinations and types of syllables can be read nine different ways, and there are exceptions. For example, in the words food, too, it is read as, and in the words good, look - as [u]. There is no pattern here, you just need to remember it.

If you look in different books, it turns out that the rules of reading, and indeed phonetics, by different authors can be told in different ways with varying degrees of immersion in details. I think that it makes no sense to delve into the wilds of phonetic science (you can dive there indefinitely), but the easiest way is to take as a basis the most simplified version of the reading rules, that is English reading rules for children.

For this article, I took as a basis the rules given in the textbook “English. 1 - 4 classes in diagrams and tables "N. Vakulenko. Believe me, this is more than enough for both children and adults!

What is open and closed syllable?

In English, an open syllable and a closed one are distinguished, it also matters whether it ends with the letter “r” and whether it is stressed.

A syllable is called open if:

  • a syllable ends in a vowel and is the last in a word,
  • a vowel is followed by another vowel
  • a vowel is followed by a consonant followed by one or more vowels.

The syllable is closed if:

  • it is the last in the word, while ending in a consonant,
  • after a vowel there are two or more consonants.

In these cards and the table below you can see how different letters are pronounced in different combinations and types of syllable.

Reading Rules
Reading the letter "A"
A - in an open syllable name, face, cake
A [æ] - in a closed syllable hat, cat, man
A - in a closed syllable on r far, car, park
A [εə] - at the end of the word vowel + re dare, care, stare
A [ɔ:] - combinations all, au all, wall, fall, autumn
Reading the letter "O"
O [əu] - in an open syllable no, go, home
O [ɒ] - in a closed stressed syllable not, box, hot
O [ɜ:] - in some words with “wor” world, word
O [ɔ:] - in a closed syllable on r form, fork, horse, door, floor
O - in combination "oo" too, food
O [u] - in combination “oo” book, look, good
O - in combination "ow" town, down
O [ɔɪ] - in combination “oy” toy boy enjoy
O [ʊə] - in combination “oo” poor
Reading the letter "U"
U, - in an open syllable pupil, blue, student
U [ʌ] - in a closed syllable nut, bus, cup
U [u] - in a closed syllable put, full
U [ɜ:] - in combination “ur” turn, hurt, burn
Reading the letter "E"
E - in an open syllable, a combination of "ee", "ea" he, she, see, street, meat, sea
E [e] - in a closed syllable, combination “ea” hen, ten, bed, head, bread
E [ɜ:] - in combinations “er”, “ear” her, heard
E [ɪə] - in combinations “ear” hear, near
Reading the letter "I"
i - in an open syllable five, line, night, light
i [ɪ] - in a closed syllable his, it, pig
i [ɜ:] – combined with “ir” first, girl, bird
i – combined with “ire” fire, tired
Reading the letter "Y"
Y - at the end of a word try, my, cry
Y [ɪ] - at the end of a word family, happy, lucky
Y [j] - at the beginning or middle of a word yes, year, yellow
Reading the letter "C"
C [s] - before i, e, y pencil, bicycle
C [k] - except for combinations ch, tch and not before i, e, y cat, come
C - in combinations ch, tch chair, change, match, catch
Reading the letter "S"
S [s] - except: at the end of words after ch. and voiced accord. say, books, six
S [z] - at the end of words after ch. and voiced accord. days, beds
S [ʃ] - combined with sh shop, ship
Reading the letter "T"
T [t] - except for combinations of th ten, teacher, today
T [ð] - in combination th then, mother, there
T [θ] - in combination th thin, sixth, thick
Reading the letter "P"
P [p] - except for the combination ph pen, penalty, powder
P [f] - in combination ph photo
Reading the letter "G"
G [g] - except for combinations ng, not before e, i, y go, big, dog
G - before e, i, y age, engineer
G [ŋ] - in combination ng at the end of the word sing, bring, king
G [ŋg] - combined ng in the middle of a word strongest

The most important reading rules

The table above looks very busy, intimidating even. Among them are some of the most important rules, which have almost no exceptions.

Basic rules for reading consonants

  • The combination ph reads like [f]: photo, Morpheus.
  • The combination th reads like [ð] or [θ]: think there. These sounds are not in Russian, their pronunciation requires some training. Do not confuse them with the sounds [s], [z].
  • The combination ng at the end of the word reads like [ŋ] - this is a nasal (that is, pronounced as if in the nose) version of the sound [n]. A common mistake is to read it as . There is no “g” in this sound. Examples: strong, King Kong, wrong.
  • The sh combination reads like [ʃ]: ship, show, shop.
  • The letter “c” before i, e, y reads like [s]: celebrity, cent, pencil.
  • The letter “g” before i, e, y reads: age, magic, gym.
  • The combination ch reads like: match, catch.

Basic rules for reading vowels

  • In an open stressed syllable, vowels are usually read as in: no, go, name, face, pupil, he, five. It can be monophthongs and diphthongs.
  • In a closed syllable, vowels are read as short monophthongs: nut, got, ten.

How to remember the rules of reading?

Most people who are fluent in English as a foreign language will not be able to immediately name even a few basic reading rules. Rules readings do not need to be memorized, they need to be able to use. But how can you use what you do not know? How else can you! Through frequent practice, knowledge turns into skills and actions begin to be performed automatically, unconsciously.

In order for the reading rules to quickly reach the automatic stage, I recommend:

  • To study the rules themselves - read, comprehend, speak out loud the examples.
  • Practice reading aloud - will help develop pronunciation skills, at the same time, the rules of reading will be fixed. Take text with audio, video with subtitles, so that you have something to compare.
  • Do small written tasks – writing practice is good for developing vocabulary, consolidating knowledge of grammar and, of course, for improving spelling.

We have already talked with you about how to learn English using the Pimsleur method, but there we considered learning English in the aspect colloquial speech. And in this article we will consider the question of how to learn to read in English using the Pimsleur method? It is difficult to say what is the priority. However, speaking is the foundation of meaningful reading aloud. So let's learn to read English! Learning to read in English by the method of Dr. Pimsler Therefore, it is in the course with the first level of mastering English by the method of Dr. Pimsler that 21 reading exercises are included. You can work on these exercises while studying 30 audio lessons of the main course in parallel. This will be your next step in language learning.

In preparing these exercises, Pimsleur's main goal was to help you make connections between the letters of the alphabet and the sounds of spoken language. To get started with free online exercises, you just need to have an understanding of the letters and American sounds.

In the course of online learning, consistently studying the material of each free lesson, you will gradually move from the already known repetition to the comprehension of new knowledge. Step by step you will learn letter-sound combinations, gradually learning to read more and more complex examples and combinations.

Do not forget that the lessons contain the basic patterns and rules of spelling and pronunciation adopted in American English. Of course, there are various exceptions to these rules. However, as you get deeper into the language and build up vocabulary, you will quickly learn to recognize these exceptions. How to learn to read in English? And in order for you to meet on your way, as few difficulties as possible, the material online lessons reflects more common constructions and examples. Soon you will be able to easily recognize and perceive English words without having to spell them out.

Although, of course, learning to read in any foreign language will require you to work, patience, strength, and great desire. All exercises are recorded at the end of the English for Russian Speakers course after online oral lessons. You can study them completely free of charge and without interfering with the course.

You also decide which option to work with reading exercises: you can alternate them with mastering 30 audio lectures of colloquial speech, or you can postpone reading until you have mastered the main cycle, or you can not study the main cycle at all.

However, keep in mind that the reading exercises will contain words from both the main course and new information. Therefore, it may be easier for you to learn reading lessons after studying the main course.

English reading exercises

The choice of the pace of work on Pimsleur reading lessons is up to you. Repeat the reading exercises as many times as you see fit in order to move on to the next lesson. You will receive other instructions for working with the course from the speaker, starting to study the audio recordings. Pimsleur Course "English for Russian Speakers" Listen carefully to how the American announcer pronounces the word. Then repeat the word or phrase several times after the pro, as close to the original as possible. Keep in mind that speech constructions should be repeated aloud in order for the result to be most effective.

Of course, nothing comes easy. But to date nothing is better language system Dr. Pimsleur is not suggested. Put in minimal effort and you will be pleasantly surprised when you quickly learn to read English and understand the speech of Americans.

On this site you will find all 21 reading exercises from Dr. Pimsler, which you can listen to online or download for free. Learn to read in English with us!

Below you can go directly to the exercises.
Lesson No. 1 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 2 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 3 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 4 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 5 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 6 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 7 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 8 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 9 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 10 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 11 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 12 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 13 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 14 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 15 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method
Lesson No. 16 Learning to read in English, the Pimsleur method

Learning all languages ​​begins with reading. The first steps are always difficult to take, and they are the most responsible. Everyone wants to learn how to connect letters into words and words into sentences as quickly as possible. But how can this process be accelerated? Make it more interesting?

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Learning English, like other languages, starts with the alphabet and sounds, and only then you will try to learn words and make sentences out of them. Gradually the first foreign words will begin to be pronounced almost like native ones, and the sentences will sound holistic. But most people have no idea where to start, how to properly build training, and how to finish. Eat 2 main methods: step-by-step or slow and fast, which is built on memorizing words.

Learn letters

IN English alphabet there are not very many of them - 26, so it will not be difficult for you to learn them. Remember, now try to name all the letters in the words as in the alphabet. Most people ignore this point, thinking it's more important to learn the sounds. And this is not correct! In practice, very often you have to spell words, for example, last name, first name, site name.

Learning sounds

The entire alphabet is divided into consonants and vowels. It is better to start learning with consonants, there are 20 of them in the alphabet, and 24 sounds. The pronunciation of each individual letter depends on the location. If you are Russian, some consonants next to a soft vowel are softened, then in English it does not matter. And the stunning of voiced letters at the end of words has great importance because it can change the whole meaning. For example, debt - debt and dead - dead. English is so arranged that 6 vowels have 20 sounds, and how they are pronounced depends on their location in the word, on stress and on the “company” of consonants.

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When you have learned consonants and vowels, you can start reading simple words. There are many specially created phonetic exercises that are aimed at practicing all kinds of sounds.

Learning letter combinations

This stage is the most difficult, but do not be afraid. It will be difficult only for a couple of first lessons. No need to learn everything at once, start with four vowel combinations. When you remember them, move on to the next. But always start with what you have already learned, so it is better to remember. Practice each letter combination in words. You can even write down the most difficult ones.


Have you learned consonants and vowels? Do you know letter combinations? Now you can put it all together! Exercises and learning to read must be carefully selected and thought through. The basic principle is from simple to complex.

intonation and stress

Each sentence has its own meaning. In English phonetics, there are rising and falling tone. The first helps to express the incompleteness of the phrase, and the second indicates the completeness of the statement. The voice must be raised either on the enumerated words or at the end of the phrase. Emphasize only on significant parts of speech, both in meaning and in grammar. The rhythm of pronunciation of all stressed words should be the main one. When you start reading sentences, try to tie them together.

Learn to read English online

This method is quite effective and interesting. Exciting ways of presentation, bright pictures attract attention and turn everything into a game. If you try once, you will wait next lesson with great desire. Online learning to read is based on memorizing words by letter combinations or pictures, while all sounds are accompanied by voice. Especially these lessons are very interesting for children. So you can kill two birds with one stone. Top up lexicon learn to pronounce and read.

How to read at the beginning?

Try, as often as possible, to devote every free minute to reading either words or simple texts. First, study everything you read in detail, find features and patterns, translate all the words.
Learning to read English quickly is not that difficult. In a month you will be able to master the basics. The main thing is desire and patience!

Video lessons

Annotation to the book:

The book will help to bring into the system and consolidate the rules for reading vowels, consonants and letter combinations. The manual can serve as a supplement to any textbook for primary school and be used both in the classroom and for independent work Houses.

The book gives rules for reading vowels, consonants and letter combinations. You can work through the rules sequentially, or you can use this book as a reference tool as difficulties arise in the study of a particular rule.

A small child has a well-developed long-term memory. Everything he taught is remembered for a long time. Therefore, you should use the advantages of children's memory to remember the rules of reading. In order for the child to quickly cope with unusual rules, words are offered, most of which correspond to the age of the students, as well as entertaining tongue twisters and funny poems, some of which are recommended to be learned by heart.

Color signaling is used to reinforce reading rules.

Free download of the book "English: Learning to read correctly: for younger students" in PDF format:

Download for free the book "English: Learning to read correctly: for younger students" in DJVU format:

Others you can find in the section of the same name in our club of parents.

All books are stored on our "Yandex.Disk" and the presence of a fee for downloading them, as well as viruses and other nasty things, is completely excluded.

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Many people who are just starting to learn this in-demand language often have difficulty learning how to read English. Such problems are associated with difficult rules: the multivariance of the pronunciation of some letters, the need to memorize the language norms associated with this, and the presence of a considerable number of exceptions. But you also have to combine them into words, and pronounce them quickly enough so that the meaning of the text does not escape. Sometimes people who take on such an undertaking feel almost despair, believing that they missed the right moment for training in childhood. This is only a delusion - if you listen to some advice, they will cope with the task.

Learn to read English from scratch: starting from the basics

Those who have zero knowledge of this language will have to start their acquaintance with it from the alphabet. It is required to correlate the graphic style of each letter with its name. You can see the entire English alphabet, listen to the pronunciation of the names of the letters at this link. Understanding how to learn how to read English correctly will not come without understanding the features of reading transcription. Knowing it, a person will be able to read any word or expression found independently in the dictionary. Sound transcription table.

How to Learn to Read English Properly: Vowel Difficulties

The main difficulty in finding the correct pronunciation arises in connection with vowels. Consonants are usually pronounced approximately the same in all words, except when they occur in letter combinations, but even those transcriptions are easy to remember. With vowels, it is much more difficult, since the ways of pronouncing them vary greatly from the neighborhood with other letters, the open-closedness of syllables. The key variants, with the corresponding transcription image, are given on this website.

How to learn to read in English: regular vocabulary replenishment

Difficulties with how to learn to read English well will invariably lie in wait for those who prefer to make do with the available small stock of standard words and expressions, without striving to replenish them. The latter is a prerequisite for improving knowledge of a foreign language, increasing reading speed and understanding what is hidden behind a particular set of characters. Replenishment of the lexicon occurs in the process of watching foreign films, listening to foreign musical compositions, communication with English-speaking foreigners. Simulators from Lingualeo will also help in the assimilation of new words.

How to quickly learn to read in English: improving grammar

Without mastering the grammar rules, it is difficult to achieve a full reading comprehension. Grammatical constructions form the basis, the skeleton of any text, on which semantics is already strung. Such a circumstance certainly affects the speed of reading. Written speech, unlike oral speech, is not complete without complex grammatical structures. You need to know when and which one is appropriate. It is necessary to consolidate what has been mastered in practice - by regularly reading texts.

How to quickly learn to read in English: a special electronic service

Those who want to learn to read in English on their own usually face one common problem: reading books is associated with constant looking into dictionaries, which turns the process into torment instead of pleasure. To avoid this, it is worth switching to electronic English-language books, the text of which must first be run through this service. After an express analysis of the content, it will help you understand which verbal constructions are most common, give you translations of incomprehensible words/phrases.

How to learn to read and understand English: the ability to analyze

One of the keys to improving reading skills is understanding what is being said in the text. We must learn to feel the logic of the language, the peculiarities of the construction of its phrases, semantic nuances. If an understanding of the meaning is achieved, it is not necessary to translate the sentences for yourself. It is worth picking up in the books you read characteristic of foreign language phrases, strive to remember them and use them in oral speech on occasion. Helps memorize them
