Geography of agriculture. Industrial crops and animal husbandry

Crop production in the structure of agriculture prevails mainly in developing countries.

Cereal crops (wheat, rice, corn) occupy about half of all cultivated land in the world. China, the USA, India, France, the Russian Federation provide more than 50% of the grain harvest. 10-15% of grain goes to the world market: USA, Canada, Australia, France, Argentina. The main buyers-consumers of cereals: developing countries.

    Wheat- the main "bread" for half of the world's population. There are two belts of wheat: northern (China, Kazakhstan, USA, France, Russia, Canada) - the main belt - and southern (Argentina, India, Australia). In total, wheat is cultivated in about 70 countries.

    Rice- the main "bread" for the second half of the world's population. It is grown in 100 countries, although 90% of the collection falls on Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh). Rice gravitates to the conditions of the monsoon climate, it needs good moisture, rice cultivation is a very labor-intensive industry.

    Corn- in the same place as wheat. Leaders: USA, China, Brazil.

Other food crops :

    oilseeds- 66% of all fats in the world. Main regions: Asia, Africa, Latin America. The main producing countries: USA (50% of the world's oilseeds), India (peanuts), France (rapeseed), Italy (olives), Brazil (soybeans).

    tubers(potatoes, vegetables) - Russia, China, India, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany - the first in production.

    Saccharones- sugar cane (India, Brazil, China), sugar beet (USA, France, Germany, Turkey).

    Tonic- tea, coffee, cocoa - tropical and subtropical crops. Tea - India, China, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Indonesia. Coffee - Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, Cote d'Ivoire. Cocoa - Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil.

Export - mainly developing countries, import - developed.

non-food crops :

    fibrous- cotton, linen, jute. Cotton - harvested about 35 million tons / year: 1. Asia; 2. Sev. America; 3. Africa. Linen: RF, France, Belarus. Jute: Bangladesh, India. Cotton: USA, China, India, Pakistan.

    rubber plants- Southeast Asia (85% of the world's rubber plants): 1. Malaysia; 2. Indonesia; 3. Thailand.

    Tobacco- Cuba, Brazil, USA.

Geography of world animal husbandry, "Green Revolution".

    "Green Revolution"

    it is the transformation of agriculture on the basis of modern achievements of science and agricultural technology;

    1) the introduction of early ripening varieties of grain crops and, as a result, the ability to have 2-3 crops per year;

    2) expansion of the irrigation system (irrigation, cultivation) and, as a result, an increase in productivity, an increase in the level of agriculture, which is especially important for developing countries;

    3) wide application modern technology, fertilizers, chemicals, automation of the agricultural sector;

    The disadvantages of the "Green Revolution" include a focal nature (it yielded fruits only in a few countries, such as Mexico, India, Pakistan, the Philippines), as well as the fact that it affected mainly large farms, often owned by foreigners.

    World livestock

    mostly in developed countries, and the temperate climate zone, oddly enough! The total number of livestock in the world is 3.3 billion heads;

    Cattle(cattle) - 1.3 billion heads, gives 33% of the world's meat, all the world's milk; There are two main areas of cattle breeding: 1) dairy and meat and dairy (in the zone of forests and forest-steppes) (India, Brazil, China, USA); 2) the meat direction of cattle breeding (gravitates to arid regions of the Earth) (Sudan, Ethiopia, Mexico);

    Pig breeding- 0.9 billion heads, gives 40% of the meat of the world, gravitates towards humans (1. Waste, 2. Consumer); developed in China, USA, Brazil, Germany, Spain, Russia, etc.

    Sheep breeding- 1.1 billion heads, 2 main directions: 1) meat and wool (good moisture, mild climate); 2) fine fleece, astrakhan (arid regions of the Earth); there are especially many sheep in China, Australia, India, Iran, New Zealand, etc.

    there are also a number of smaller livestock sub-sectors such as horse breeding, camel breeding, breeding poultry, beekeeping.....

    main exporters of livestock products: developed countries ( New Zealand, Denmark, Australia, the Netherlands), some developing countries (China, Brazil, India, Argentina); consumers - the majority of developing countries.

Russia is a huge state, the borders of which extend over more than seventeen million square kilometers. The world's first country in terms of territory has the richest natural resources, fertile soils and forests, rivers and lakes, pastures and meadows. Russia has tremendous potential for agricultural activity. This is a priority direction, which today they began to pay close attention. That is why today we want to talk about agriculture. Branches of agriculture, priority directions of their development - all this is valuable information for those who want to link their future with natural production.

Main directions

To date, there are a huge number of directions in which you can move and develop, producing a particular product and selling it to the appropriate consumers. At the same time, it is in Russia, with its vast areas and resources, that agriculture is the least developed area. The branches of agriculture are constantly developing, new ones appear, which means that every businessman has the opportunity to choose the niche that he likes the most.

So, from time immemorial, two macro-industrial complexes have been distinguished in this huge sector. These are crop and animal husbandry. In turn, each of them will be divided into dozens of industries. Distinctive feature agricultural activity is highly dependent on external factors, in particular on agro-climatic conditions. It is they who determine not only the geography, but also the specialization of industries. If you decide to lead own business, then think about the prospects that agriculture opens up for you. There are various branches of agriculture, from traditional to exotic in the form of pineapple plantations and shrimp farms. But they are all united by one factor. The produced product will always be in demand.

Plant growing as a branch of agriculture

Many thousands of years ago, man learned to cultivate the land and plant the seeds he found in order to get a large harvest of the same crop. Since then, agriculture has not lost its relevance. Many kilometers of hectares of land sown with various plants - this is how many of us imagine agriculture. The branches of agriculture can be very diverse, they are distinguished by the amount of necessary investments and profitability. But all cultivated crops are important and necessary.

What areas are developed

Basically, land for arable land was given in the forest-steppe and steppe zones of the country. Agriculture has a pronounced zonation. This is understandable: growing beets or potatoes in the tundra is very problematic. But this is not the only reason. The problems of the development of agricultural sectors lie in the fact that without the immediate vicinity of the end consumer, only large farms can exist that have the opportunity to export their products to cities. Therefore, a suburban type of agriculture has developed near large population centers. And in northern regions farming in closed ground is being developed.

The European part of Russia is the most favorable region. Here the agricultural areas are located in a continuous strip. IN Western Siberia they are only in the southern regions, in the Altai valleys. The central region is ideal for growing beets and potatoes, flax and legumes. Wheat is grown in the Central and Volga-Vyatka region, in the Volga region and in the Urals, in the Caucasus. In more northern regions, rye and barley are sown.

Features of domestic crop production

It is in Russia that more than 1% of all arable land in the world is located. Huge territories, different climatic zones- all this allows the country to be an exporter of a variety of crops. Plant growing as a branch of agriculture specializes in the cultivation of useful, cultivated plants. The basis of it is grain farming. Grain is a product that is most in demand on the world market. More than half of the total sown area in Russia is occupied by grain crops. And of course, the leader among them is wheat.

Agriculture in Russia is, first of all, golden fields on which future grain is eared. Hard and soft varieties are grown. The first go to production bakery products, and the second - for pasta. In Russia, winter and spring varieties are grown, the total productivity is 47 million tons.

In addition to wheat, agriculture in Russia is the world's largest exporter of other grains and legumes, sugar beets and sunflowers, potatoes and flax.

Grassland is an important branch of crop production

Not everyone will remember the importance of growing meadow grasses for hay. But it is it that is the basis of feed for livestock. Today, the area of ​​grazing land is shrinking, and even private livestock farms buy hay for their animals at once for the whole season. And what about large farms where animals do not leave the stall.

Grassland as a branch of agriculture today is still completely undeveloped. Entrepreneurs prefer to simply buy or lease land and mow the grass that has grown on it in time. However, if you use the achievements of modern agrotechnical science, you can get rich forbs, which means you can mow more hay from a smaller piece of land. But that's not all. Purposeful sowing of the land with the right herbs, as well as the use of modern dressings, make it possible to mow young and juicy grass many times in a row from the same area. There is a saving of usable space and an obvious benefit.

Industrial crops

Not all plants are edible, but this does not make them any less useful. Today, cotton cultivation is becoming more and more popular in Russia. The branch of agriculture is quite new for our latitudes, but it has great prospects. Still, because the need for natural fabrics is only increasing.

The climate of the Stavropol Territory is best suited for growing this crop. In fact, this is not a new direction of crop production at all. In the 1930s, more than 120,000 hectares of cotton were cultivated here. At the same time, the harvest was more than 60 thousand tons of raw cotton. Today, this practice is being revived in the region, although it has not yet reached such a scale.

The second big section is animal husbandry

Most entrepreneurs decide to do just farming, considering this direction more profitable. Indeed, meat, milk, eggs and valuable furs are sold very quickly, at a decent price. But do not forget that animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that will require you to have special knowledge, extensive experience and the help of professional livestock specialists. Any mistake is worth big money. Poor quality feed will lead to poor growth of young animals, a delay in vaccination can cause death of animals.

Features of animal husbandry in Russia

All countries are, to one degree or another, exporters of meat and other food products. This is not surprising, since livestock is the branch of agriculture that is most in demand. Quality food will never be left without its end consumer. At the same time, in the vast expanses of Russia, animal husbandry is completely dependent on crop production, since it is this industry that is the natural producer of feed. Therefore, each region specializes in the cultivation of a particular type of animal.

Reindeer husbandry is developed in the North. In the central strip of Russia, the breeding of cattle, both dairy and dairy-meat, is widely represented. In the more southern regions, mainly small livestock are bred for meat. This is due to the presence of more roughage. Goats and sheep are bred in the mountainous regions.


Continuing to consider what branches of agriculture are, we never cease to be surprised at how many options livestock farming offers businessmen. Pig breeding is widely developed throughout the country. This is one of the most productive branches of the livestock complex. This is due to the fact that pigs grow quickly, are unpretentious, and their meat is familiar and even preferred in Russia.

In the Kuban and in the Don region, horse breeding is a traditional industry. And we are talking It's about breeding. Today, this industry is in decline, although it is very promising. In suburban areas, as well as in the cities themselves, poultry farming is almost universally developed. There are several directions here:

  • Breeding birds for feathers (down).
  • For meat.
  • For an egg.

Depending on the choice of the entrepreneur, they are engaged in the cultivation of chickens, geese and ducks. Today, however, new branches of agriculture have emerged. Some farms have been converted into ostrich or peacock farms. These are completely new directions, so livestock breeders have to learn all the subtleties of the content literally from scratch.

In the forest regions, which are more than enough in Russia, fur farming is developed. For these purposes, the huntsmen breed mink and arctic fox, sable. Under natural conditions, squirrels, martens and beavers are caught.

Beekeeping: features and prospects

Beekeeping products are in great demand, if you have even a few hives, they will bring a stable income. However, don't get too carried away. Beekeeping is a branch of agriculture that requires considerable experience and knowledge. In addition, in order to get a really valuable product, it is necessary to live in an ecologically clean area, preferably in the mountains, where there are luxurious meadows nearby. Professional beekeepers set aside an area of ​​​​120 square meters for apiary.

In fact, the state of this industry in our country is far from ideal. Despite the huge areas, Russia produces much less honey than, for example, Mexico. Although luxurious meadows with honey plants, we have fruit trees in abundance. That is, there is a basis for the development of beekeeping in our country, we just need to realize the potential of our natural resources. And this can be done only as a result of investment in this industry, as well as the creation of special training centers. After all, only strict adherence to technology allows the beekeeping industry year after year not only to maintain, but also to increase the number of families, and hence the volume of products received.

Expert assessments

To date, the demand for quality honey on the market is about a million tons per year, and existing farms provide only 200 tons. That is, the shortage of fresh honey is observed in almost all regions. It is covered by imports, so there is room for growth.

An acute shortage of honey leads to the fact that traders sell fakes, which hinders the correct formation of prices for finished products. Of course, this hits the pocket of beginner beekeepers. Few people know that beekeeping in our country is extremely profitable business. Only 15-20 families are enough to be profitable at the end of the season. However, we do not have state support for beekeeping, as, for example, in Europe. Therefore, a novice businessman is left alone with the problems that arise. They are completely solvable, but it takes time and money.

Fishing in Russia

No, we are not going to talk about amateurs who are ready to sit with fishing rods along the banks of rivers and reservoirs all weekend. We are interested in fishing as a branch of agriculture. It is customary to think that fishing is carried out somewhere on the shores of China, India and Japan, where delicious marine life is found, and their production brings fabulous money. But in Russia, fish production is carried out regularly. For this, specialized minesweepers go to sea. They return to ports with rich booty, which is distributed fresh or frozen, or used to prepare canned food.

Among the commercial fish that are caught in Russia, there are red (salmon, white salmon) and white (pike, pike perch, catfish and carp, crucian carp). The most important commercial fish belong to the herring and cod family. Fish from the carp, salmon and sturgeon families are of great commercial importance.

Fish farming

In fact, this branch of agriculture is not very developed in Russia. This is primarily due to climatic features. But today paid ponds have become increasingly popular. These are artificial reservoirs that are regularly stocked with certain types of underwater inhabitants. For a fee, you can spend several hours or even days on such a reservoir and fish out the coveted trophy.

Fish farming includes activities such as breeding at all stages of the life cycle, raising and maintaining broodstock. Equally important are such activities as acclimatization and selection.

Why is the potential not realized today?

Indeed, you involuntarily ask yourself this question. All branches of agriculture in the world are more developed than in Russia, despite the richest resources and vast areas. Why is this happening? According to experts, the field of agricultural business today has four main problems:

  • Climatic features. Our country is the only one in the world that includes eight natural and climatic zones. Only 30% of the territory of Russia has a favorable and relatively predictable climate, which makes it possible to engage in agriculture without risk.
  • Financing. If in European countries If the state sponsors a start-up business and takes on some of the risks associated with its development, then our lending to the peasant economy is going extremely poorly.
  • Lack of agricultural machinery fleet. Most small farms are forced to partially or completely use manual labor, as they cannot afford to purchase equipment.
  • managerial factors. Often, a person who does not have an agricultural or veterinary education stands at the head of a peasant economy. As a result, the efficiency of activities, and consequently, the profitability is much lower.

As you can see, there are many problems. However, the domestic manufacturer is used to overcoming difficulties. Even if in such conditions people achieve good results, which means that this niche in the market is free and you can safely try to realize yourself in it.

Instead of a conclusion

Agriculture as a branch of the economy is large complex aimed at providing the population with food and clothing. The most important industry, it is a reflection of the development of the state as a whole. After all, meeting the basic needs of the population is a priority for any country. Russia has an amazing potential to provide food not only to its citizens, but also to export them. Today, however, many branches of agriculture are experiencing problems. It should be noted that the government today drew attention to this trend and is making an effort to correct the situation, so Russia can expect big changes. In fact, the future development of the country depends on the level of training of personnel, as well as on subsidizing agriculture.

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Geography of world transport. Types of transport: sea, rail, road, air transport, pipelines.

general characteristics world agriculture.

Agriculture is the second leading branch of material production. This is not only the oldest, but also the most common occupation of people: there is not a single country in the world whose inhabitants would not be engaged in agriculture and related industries - forestry, hunting, fishing. Worldwide, they employ more than 1.1 billion people.

The ubiquity of agriculture is combined with its very great diversity. Scientists distinguish about 50 of its types. But all these types can be combined into large groups: intense And extensive, commodity And consumer agriculture. In this regard, very large differences remain between developed and developing countries.

intensive agriculture- agricultural production characterized by low crop rotation and high level use of resources such as capital and labor or intensive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in relation to area

Extensive farming- this is an increase in the number of products without qualitative growth (increase in yield). Most often, due to the expansion of cultivated areas.

Commodity agriculture - is characterized by high productivity, intensity of development, high level of specialization; Consumer agriculture is characterized by low productivity, extensive development, lack of specialization.

"Green Revolution". This concept became widespread in the 60s, when, following the economically developed countries, the "green revolution" began in developing countries. "Green revolution"is the transformation of agriculture based on modern agricultural technology, which is one of the forms of manifestation of NTR. The "Green Revolution" includes three main components: 1) the cultivation of new varieties of crops, primarily cereals, 2) the expansion of irrigated land, 3) the wider use of modern technology and fertilizers.

The main features of the location of crop production, animal husbandry and fishing.

crop production is the most important branch of agriculture in the world. It is developed almost everywhere, with the exception of the tundra, arctic deserts and highlands. Due to the large variety of agricultural crops, the composition of crop production is quite complex. In crop production, the following stand out: grain farming; production of industrial crops; vegetable growing; gardening; fodder production, etc. Grain crops include wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, oats, etc. Leading among them are wheat, corn and rice. Which account for 4/5 of the gross harvest of all grain. Main manufacturers three main grain crops are: wheat - China, USA, Russia, France, Canada, Ukraine; rice - China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh; corn - USA, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina. Among the main exporters are the USA, Canada, Australia (wheat), Thailand, USA (rice), Argentina, USA (corn). Grain is mainly imported by Japan and Russia. Among other food crops stand out: oilseeds, tubers, sugar, tonic, vegetables and fruits. Oilseeds - soybeans, sunflowers, peanuts, rapeseed, sesame, castor beans, as well as olive tree, oil and coconut palm. The main producers of oilseeds are the USA (soybeans), Russia (sunflower), China (rapeseed), Brazil (peanuts). Tuber crops - potatoes. The largest collection of potatoes in Europe, India, China and the USA. Saccharones - sugar cane, sugar beet. The main producers of sugar cane are Brazil, India, Cuba; sugar beet - Ukraine, France, Russia, Poland. Vegetable crops. Distributed in all countries of the world. Tonic cultures - tea, coffee, cocoa. The main exporter of tea is India, coffee - Brazil, cocoa - Côte d'Ivoire. Fibrous crops (cotton, flax, sisal, jute), natural rubber, and tobacco stand out among the non-food crops. The main exporters of cotton are the USA, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, China, India, and Egypt. The largest tobacco producer is China, India, Brazil, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cuba, and Japan produce it in much smaller volumes.

animal husbandry As a branch of agriculture, it is distributed almost everywhere. The location of its branches depends, first of all, on the forage base. In animal husbandry, there are three leading branches: cattle breeding, pig breeding, and sheep breeding.

Cattle breeding– breeding of cattle (cattle), the largest number of cattle has Overseas Asia and Latin America. In cattle breeding, there are three main areas: dairy (typical for densely populated areas of Europe, North America); meat and dairy (common in the forest and forest-steppe zone); meat (dry regions of the temperate and subtropical zones). The largest livestock of cattle is possessed by: India, Argentina, Brazil, USA, China, Russia. Pig breeding is widespread almost everywhere, regardless of natural conditions. It gravitates towards densely populated areas, big cities. The leader in the number of pigs is China (almost half of the world's livestock), followed by the United States, Russia, Germany, Brazil. Sheep breeding predominates in countries and regions with extensive pastures. The largest number of sheep in Australia, China, New Zealand, Russia, India, Turkey, Kazakhstan. Leadership in the production of livestock products belongs to economically developed countries and is distributed as follows: meat production - the USA, China, Russia; oil production - Russia, Germany, France; milk production - USA, India, Russia.

The main exporters of livestock products: Poultry meat - France, USA, the Netherlands; Lamb - New Zealand, Australia, UK; Pork - the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Canada; Beef - Australia, Germany, France; Oil - the Netherlands, Finland, Germany; Wool - Australia, New Zealand, Argentina.

Fishing - one of the oldest crafts of mankind. The significance of fishing today is determined primarily by the fact that fish and fish products are the most important element of a balanced diet, a source of valuable proteins. During the second half of the XX century. the catch of fish and seafood (they account for a little more than 1/10 of the total catch) gradually increased, reaching a level of 100 million tons by the beginning of the 90s. But then this figure stabilized, which is due to many reasons, but primarily the threat depletion of fish resources. Between the oceans, the fish catch and seafood production are distributed as follows: the Pacific Ocean accounts for 64%, the Atlantic - 27% and the Indian - 9%.

The main fishing areas of the world are located within the continental shelf of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

In the Pacific Ocean, these are its northwestern and northeastern marginal parts, to which the territories of Russia, Japan, China, Korea, the USA, Canada, as well as coastal areas South America. IN Atlantic Ocean it is also the northwestern part, located off the coast of the United States and Canada, and the northeastern part, located off the coast Western Europe. It is within these zones that the main fishing countries of the world are located.

Agriculture is an important branch of the world economy. The emergence of this sphere of economic activity of people 10,000 years ago stood up as a kind of revolutionary process. Man moved from gathering and hunting to the purposeful cultivation of plants and livestock. This led to the creation of cultivated plants and the domestication (domestication) of animals.

World agriculture employs 1100,000,000 people of the economically active population (47% of its total). At the same time, in economically developed countries, the share of agricultural workers is 2-4% (Great Britain, Germany and the USA), and in underdeveloped countries it is quite high - 60-75% (China, Cambodia, Vietnam and most developing countries).

Agricultural production is divided into two branches: agriculture and animal husbandry. In agriculture, fruit and field crops are grown. All field crops are subdivided into cereals, legumes, gourds, fodder, technical. According to the methods of production, agriculture, including farming, vegetable growing, horticulture, melon growing, berry growing, viticulture, meadow growing, floriculture, forestry. This industry provides the population with food, animal husbandry - with feed, many industries (food, feed, textile, pharmaceutical, perfume, etc.) - with raw materials. Animal husbandry includes the following group of industries: cattle breeding (dairy, dairy and meat, meat and dairy, meat), pig breeding, sheep breeding, goat breeding, horse breeding, camel breeding, poultry farming, fish farming, beekeeping, rabbit breeding, fur farming, reindeer breeding, dog breeding, sericulture, and olive breeding.

In agriculture, 99% of production is produced by agriculture and animal husbandry. Other sectors - aquaculture (farming of fish, shellfish, etc.), the use of insects (sericulture and beekeeping) - play a minor role.

The ratio of crop production and animal husbandry depends on several factors: the level of industrialization of the country (in North America and Europe, the leading role belongs to highly mechanized animal husbandry), natural conditions (grazing animal husbandry dominates in arid steppe and semi-desert regions), ethnic and religious characteristics of a particular country (for example, Islam forbids eating pork, Hinduism forbids killing cows). In general, in economically developed countries, preference is given to animal husbandry, which is carried out on an advanced basis using the achievements of science, and in developing countries, especially in the equatorial, subequatorial zones and the monsoon climate zone, crop production.

41.2. Features of the placement of crop production (agriculture) industries

Agriculture gives the world 1.5 thousand species of cultivated plants. Among them are cereals (wheat, rice, corn, rye, etc.), technical (oily, sugary, fibrous), root crops (potatoes, cassava, etc.), vegetables, melons and horticultural crops, as well as tonic (tea , coffee, cocoa, circles, etc.). The most important branch of agriculture is grain farming. Under grain crops 720 million hectares are occupied, or about half of all cultivated areas. The areas of their distribution coincide with the areas of human settlement. In many countries, grains occupy the main place in the sown area: in Great Britain, France, Italy (up to 60%), in Ukraine, Poland, Japan, Germany (60-70%), in Vietnam, Mongolia (up to 80%).

The largest cultivated areas are occupied by three main crops: wheat (230 million ha), rice (140 million ha) and corn (180 million ha). The most widespread and important food crop is wheat, which is grown in 70 countries. It is zoned from the southern regions of Australia and South America to the Arctic Circle, from plains and lowlands to highlands (3500-4000 m). The main wheat belt stretches for many thousands of kilometers across Europe, Asia and North America. In 2002 More than 500 million tons of wheat were produced (2002 - World production - more than 500 million tons). The main producers of wheat: China, USA, India, Canada. Rice is cultivated primarily in the countries of South, East and Southeast Asia. These regions account for up to 90% of the world's rice harvest. Rice crops are also Central Asia, southern regions of Europe, in the south of North America and in certain regions of South America. Despite the much smaller sown areas, rice is almost as good as wheat in terms of gross harvest. This is due to the fact that in some areas two or three rice crops are harvested a year. The largest rice producers are China, Vietnam, Korea, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, etc. Corn is a fodder crop in most countries. But in some countries it is used as food grain. Nearly half of the world's corn commodities are in the US. Major producers of corn are the USA, China, Brazil, France, Mexico, Ukraine.

In the early 90s of the XX century. 1,900 million tons of grain were produced in the world, which is 350 kg per capita. About 200 million tons of grain crops enter the world market (90-100 million tons of wheat and 60-70 million tons of corn). Wheat and corn are exported to the USA, Canada, France, Australia, Argentina. The main exporters of rice are Thailand, India and the USA (world trade in rice is 10 million tons). Large importers of grain (more than 50% of world imports) are developing ones. But the largest grain importers are Japan (up to 30 million tons per year) and Russia (27-35 million tons).

Leguminous plants (soybeans, beans, peas, lentils) have a variety of uses as food, fodder and industrial crops. They have long played an important role in the nutrition of the population of Asian countries (India, Indonesia, Pakistan, etc.).

Industrial crops include fibrous (cotton, flax, jute, sisal), sugar (sugar cane, sugar beet, sugar palm), oilseeds (sunflower, peanuts, olives, rapeseed, hemp, soybeans), starch plants (potatoes, cassava, yams, rice, corn, sweet potato), rubber plants (hevea), as well as tonic (tea, coffee, chocolate tree), medicinal plants, etc.

Fibrous crops are the raw material for the textile industry. The most important fibrous crop is cotton. Its crops occupy up to 35 million hectares and are concentrated in the northern hemisphere between 20 ° N. sh. and 40 ° s. sh. World cotton production is constant and reaches 18 million tons. The largest cotton producers are China (4,500,000. tons), the USA (3,400,000. tons), India and Pakistan (1,500,000. tons each), Uzbekistan (1,500,000. tons), Thailand (1 million . T). Many cotton plants are also produced by Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Egypt, Sudan, Cameroon, Mexico, Australia and others. Cotton exporters are the USA, Uzbekistan, China, Pakistan, India, African countries. Importers - the countries of East and Northeast Asia and Europe.

Fiber flax is grown only in Europe: in Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, etc. Such hard fibrous crops as jute, sisal, abaca, kenaf are used to produce coarse fabrics: burlap, canvas, tarpaulin. Jute is for sale in China, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Brazil, Iran. The main producers and exporters of abaca are the Philippines, sisal - Brazil, Mexico, Thailand, kenaf - Thailand.

Sugar production in the world is more than 110 million tons. More than half of it is produced from sugar cane, which is grown in the United States, India, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Cuba, the Philippines, South Africa, Peru, and China. The main exporters of raw cane sugar are Cuba, Brazil, Mexico, Jamaica, Philippines, Australia. The main importers are European countries, Japan, Canada.

Sugar beet is grown mainly in Europe and North America. The main producers of sugar from sugar beets are Ukraine, France, Germany, Russia, Poland, Turkey, Italy, Great Britain, etc.

The total production of oilseeds in the early 90s of the XX century. reached more than 200 million tons. Including soybeans accounted for more than 100 million tons, cotton - 35 million tons, rapeseed - 25 million tons, peanuts - 20 million tons, copra (dried pulp of coconut) - 5 million tons. Up to 60% of the collection of soybeans and 80% of the production of soybean oil falls on the United States. This oil is also produced in China, Korea, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Indonesia. Peanuts are common in India, Nigeria, West African countries, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, USA, China. Rapeseed is grown in Poland, Hungary, countries Northern Europe, USA, Canada, China. Sunflower is grown in Ukraine, Russia, countries Southern Europe, USA, Argentina, China. Oil flax crops are concentrated mainly in the temperate zone. The main distribution area of ​​the olive tree is the Mediterranean, oil palm - West Africa, Malaysia; copra is produced in South and Southeast Asia, in Oceania.

Among starch plants notable culture- potato. The area under it is 18 million hectares. The gross harvest reaches 280 million tons. The main producers are Poland, Russia, China, Ukraine, Germany, the USA, India, Belarus, the Netherlands, France, Canada, Italy, Romania, etc.

The main areas for growing rubber plants are Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Liberia, and Vietnam.

World production of coffee is 6 million tons, tea and cocoa - 2,500,000 tons each. The largest tea producers are India, Sri Lanka, China, and Japan. Indonesia. Tea growing is also developing in Kenya, Uganda, Mozambique, Tanzania, Argentina, Georgia and others. Coffee producers are Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Cameroon, Angola. The main producers of cocoa beans , fruits of the chocolate tree - Ghana, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Brazil, Ecuador.

41.3. Features of the location of livestock industries

Animal husbandry consists of the following sectors: cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming, camel breeding, horse breeding, reindeer breeding, etc. Cattle breeding is common: ) b) in arid regions of the temperate and subtropical zones (extensive animal husbandry - distant pasture). The world livestock is up to 1300000000. Heads. The largest producers of milk are European countries, but they also produce it in Africa, Asia, and other continents. Dairy products are exported from Europe and New Zealand. The meat direction of cattle breeding dominates in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. The main exporters of cattle meat - beef - are Australia, Germany, France, Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand. Importers - UK, USA, Japan.

Pig breeding is developed in densely populated areas of the world, as well as in areas where grain and potatoes are produced. The world pig population in the early 1990s was 850 million heads. More than half of the pig population is in Asia, where China ranks first - more than a third of the world population. Another third of the livestock is grown in European countries (Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, Russia, Ukraine, Poland) and up to J0% - in the USA. Pork exporters - Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, China. Importers - Great Britain, Russia, other European countries.

Sheep breeding is widespread almost everywhere, the world livestock is up to 1200000000 heads. The main products are meat and wool. The largest producers of wool and lamb are Australia (about 1/7 of the world herd), New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, and India. Sheep breeding is also developed in Great Britain, Spain, Turkey, China, the USA and others. The main wool exporting countries are Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Uruguay. Wool importers - Japan, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, the USA.

The largest producers of poultry and poultry products - meat and eggs are the USA, China, Italy, France, Great Britain, Russia, Ukraine, Spain, Japan, Canada. The main exporters of broilers are the USA, the Netherlands. Belgium, France, and eggs - the USA, Belgium, the Netherlands.
