Ready-made business plan for the employment service. Premises and equipment

IN Russian Federation a number of programs aimed at the development of small business are being implemented. One of them allows citizens registered as unemployed to receive financial support from the budget. To do this, you must undergo training and write a business plan that meets regulatory requirements.

Let's analyze who and under what circumstances in 2019 relies on subsidies to open their own business. How to prepare a business plan so that it does not cause complaints from the commission. What should be done so that the state allocates finances to help.

The legislative framework

Thinking about the project, a person must have a clear understanding of the normative rules for accepting it for execution. The requirements for the project are described in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 15.04.14.

With this document, the authorities approved the program "Economic Development and Innovative Economy". Its main goals are:

  • development of the competitiveness of the Russian economy;
  • implementation high technology and bringing the innovative component into the leading growth factors;
  • involvement of citizens in joint work with the state to increase entrepreneurial freedoms by:
    • raising the social status of small business;
    • creating conditions for the creative realization of the active population;
  • achieving balance in the development of regions;
  • support for business initiatives and start-ups at the stage of formation.

The federal authorities have taken it upon themselves to create an enabling environment. This includes the simplification of registration mechanisms, communication with tax and regulatory authorities, as well as the introduction of new interaction technologies. That is federal center ensures the work of the general state system in the field of small business.

Attention: the specific rights and opportunities of the applicant for a subsidy for starting a business from the Employment Center are determined by the regional authorities. Download for viewing and printing:

All powers to stimulate enterprising citizens were transferred to the localities. For an applicant for budgetary support, this means that the subjects of the federation independently determine:

  • areas of entrepreneurial activity in need of budget support;
  • rules for the distribution of public funds;
  • lists of documents required to receive money.
Important: the priority subjects of the federation have recognized projects of a social orientation. These are financed through the Employment Centers.

What is a business plan

A business plan is a structured project of a future enterprise or organization (individual entrepreneur). Its text reflects the following main points:

  • in what area activity is planned;
  • final product;
  • detailed calculation of investments:
    • start-up capital;
    • the sequence of spending in the first stages;
  • intermediate results;
  • other.

Ideas for a business project

Social is an activity aimed at social useful work for specific segments of the population. To put it simply, the idea of ​​providing services should be invested in the project:

  • socially disadvantaged groups, including:
    • elderly citizens;
  • children and their parents;
  • people with disabilities (non-disabled);
  • citizens who returned from places of deprivation of liberty;
  • other socially protected persons.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the needs of a particular region. For example, in megacities, the authorities have problems with asocial groups of the population. An organization dealing with former drug addicts, hooligans and other similar contingents will be in high demand. And in Tatarstan there are traditionally many families with many children. In this region, a project to provide services to this social group is promising.

Examples of socially oriented projects are as follows:

  • private kindergartens, including those for children with developmental disabilities;
  • sections and circles that develop the talents of the younger generation;
  • studio schools;
  • courses for pensioners;
  • interest clubs for privileged groups;
  • production of medical and orthopedic products;
  • social support organizations.
For information: social enterprises receive serious tax discounts. And the budget finances their rent, the purchase of equipment and more.

A business project consists of several parts. Each is a separate block of information:

  1. General information. The section describes the level of activity (LLC or sole proprietorship). The address, personal data, registration details and more;
  2. Project idea. In this part, it is necessary to briefly describe the essence of the social service that is planned to be provided. What is new in this business. What are its competitive advantages;
  3. Analysis external environment. Here is the argumentation of the necessity and usefulness of the project for a particular region. When formulating the text, it is necessary to rely on statistical data (you can take it on the official website of the government);
  4. Financing. This part is a register of amounts that are planned to be invested in development. It includes a state subsidy, own sources and borrowed money, indicating the amounts;
  5. The expenditure part should contain a specific list of investments with justification for the need for spending. The register is compiled taking into account the specific activity that is planned to be engaged in;
  6. Implementation process. The section describes what services will be provided and to whom. What are the ways to implement the main idea;
  7. Perspective goals. Here it is necessary to reflect what benefit the region will receive from investing public money. For example, during the first year of operation, fifty children will complete an initial drawing course.
Hint: each part of the business plan should be extremely specific with the numbers and name of the equipment that is planned to be purchased.

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Additional Information

One of the goals of the state program to support small businesses is to help create jobs. Priority in the competition in the employment service are the following business ideas:

  • aimed at the development of the region;
  • solving an urgent problem municipality in whose territory it is planned to conduct activities;
  • creating new jobs for local citizens.

For example, one applicant decided to organize a singing circle for local pensioners using state funds, and another proposes to spend the same money on organizing a center social service lonely disabled people. Moreover, the second applicant in the business plan indicated that twenty people would work in his organization in the first stages. It is clear that his idea will be considered more promising, and investments more rational.

Hint: you should start preparing documentation by studying the situation in the region of residence (city or district). As a rule, start-ups with the participation of money from the employment service are aimed at solving a specific problem of the population of the corresponding territory (locality).


Preparing documentation for the project is half the battle. To receive funds, the idea will have to be defended before the commission. In fact, the applicant needs to interest civil servants in the implementation of the startup. And do it easier way demonstration of visual material. You should create a small presentation in one of the publicly available programs.

Formed visual material according to these rules:

  1. Exactly in accordance with the text of the business plan;
  2. Each page should reflect one thought. Thesis content of one part of the project;
  3. Text and tables with numbers should be accompanied by pictures. It is advisable to use original photographs or videos from the life of the region;
  4. The presentation should contain the prospects for the implementation of the project: what will the society - in general, and a specific group of the population - in particular, get.
Advice: the applicant's speech lasts no more than 15 minutes. For clarity, a presentation consisting of 8-10 pages is enough. Overloading slides with information is not recommended.

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Everyone has long known that the state has long been helping the development of small businesses, including individual entrepreneurs. And now the state is actively helping start-up businessmen, namely, it allocates an amount of 59 thousand rubles for the development of your business.

Why is the state allocating such big money, you ask? It's simple, if your case wins this subsidy, then you will no longer be able to return the status of unemployed within a year, receive bonuses, benefits, possibly for a large amount. Therefore, the state is not at a loss. But how is it profitable to use your subsidy? See below finished sample a business plan for an employment center that will help you get 176 thousand rubles.

1. You should register with an employment center in your city. It's simple, the main thing is to have your passport, pension certificate, work book and your unique TIN number with you. They will help you fill out the registration form.

2. Next, the most important thing, you have to submit a business plan for your project for consideration by the commission. And this is the most important thing, since you do not have a business plan yet. Not any business plan, the commission will approve and accept, remember this. And all because many people who come to the Employment Center have no idea how to properly present their idea.

3. After you receive a positive response from the commission, and our sample filling will help in this, you will need to obtain a license for individual entrepreneurship. Also, there are special firms that will help you get this license for a small amount, within two thousand rubles. This notice is not more than a week.

4. After obtaining a license, open an IP current account, it does not matter which bank it will be, and come to the employment center with the account number. And within a week, your account will receive an amount of 176 thousand, which you can cash out and use to develop your business. With this money, you will not have to give anything to the tax office - this is a subsidy! No one will control your expenses, because they come to the account marked “for the needs of individual entrepreneurs”. But, if you failed to successfully start your business, remember that during the year, from the date of registration of the IP, you will not be able to get the status of unemployed.

How to get 176 thousand rubles for business development?

You are probably thinking where did the sum of 176 thousand come from, if the conversation began with 59 thousand? It's simple, our business plan is designed for the employment of two more people, for which you receive an additional 59 thousand rubles. Why, then, do the unemployed not go to receive such an amount? Many people do not understand all the nuances of business, do not know how or do not like working with documents, and simply do not know where to start their project. And when they do not know what the ideal business plan should be, then their idea will not pass the test of the commission at the employment center. And an order in a company dealing with business plans will cost them 30-55 thousand rubles. And our business plan is drawn up correctly and will pass the test without any problems, and will help you get 176 thousand rubles.

In most cases, a correct understanding of the strengths of competitors will help you become more successful and get around problems with the sale of goods or services. That will help you avoid problems at the stage of promotion of your business project.

When you finish filling out all the forms, you should be patient, because the procedure for reviewing a business project can last from 5 to 20 days, and perhaps the commission may invite you for an interview, in which case you should take a printed version of the business project with you, and electronic copy.

When the commission approves your application, you will have to defend your idea before the commission, and answer all the questions of interest to them and submit a short action plan for your business. Prepare carefully for this meeting. And when you satisfy the commission and it has no questions left, you will be able to receive your funds, register your enterprise and start your own business.

The best form of organization of this business will be a Limited Liability Company. To create it, you need:

  • decide whether it is worth doing the registration yourself or it is better to use the services of one of the law firms. You can save up to 10,000 rubles on third-party services;
  • prepare the Articles of Association of the LLC;
  • make a photocopy of your passport and documents confirming the ownership of your housing (if you register an LLC at the place of residence);
  • certify copies of documents with a notary - about 1500 rubles. ;
  • pay the state duty - 4,000 rubles;
  • open a bank account - up to 2,000 thousand rubles;
  • submit an application to the tax office in the form P11001;
  • contribute the authorized capital of the LLC (its minimum size for activities related to the provision of employment services from 01/01/2016 is 1,000,000 rubles).

According to the amendments to the Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation", which came into force in early 2016, private agencies and employment centers must obtain state accreditation from the Federal Labor and Employment Service.

The package of documents that must be submitted to obtain accreditation must contain:

  • statement;
  • a copy of constituent documents certified by a notary;
  • documentary evidence that your LLC has authorized capital from 1 million rubles;
  • papers confirming the absence of debts to the budget;
  • a notarized photocopy of the manager's passport;
  • photocopies of documents confirming the existence higher education at the head;
  • photocopy work book;
  • a certificate from the Internal Affairs Directorate stating that the manager has no criminal record for committing economic crimes and crimes against a person.

Thus, the total cost of opening an LLC will amount to more than 1 million rubles.

Calculation examples are contained in our sample employment center business plan.

Premises and equipment

A business area of ​​​​20-30 m2 is perfect for a business. Monthly rental costs will be about 50,000 rubles.

For arrangement you will need:

  • office furniture (tables, chairs, etc.);
  • computers (from 2 to 5 pieces, according to the number of consulting managers);
  • scanner;
  • Printer;
  • router;
  • upholstered furniture (for the reception area, where clients will be waiting for an interview);
  • document safe.

The total cost of equipment will be approximately 500,000 rubles.

For more details, please refer to our sample business plan.


The business plan for the employment center must provide for the costs of paying wages employees. To organize an employment center, you will need to hire:

  • managers-consultants (their immediate task will be to search for vacancies for job seekers and search for workers commissioned by enterprises and firms);
  • secretary (documentation, making appointments with clients, etc.);
  • specialist psychologist (testing and interviewing candidates for a vacant position);
  • accountant.

The total number of employees of the employment center is from 7 to 10 people.

An example of how to calculate monthly employee salary costs is in the sample business plan.


A private employment center has the opportunity to make a profit different ways. The list of clients of the center may include:

1. Individuals

There are two options here: you can work at a fixed rate or for several months take a certain percentage (usually 10-25%) of the salary of an employee whom you provided with a vacancy.

2. Enterprises and organizations

In this case, the services of the employment center are paid by the employer who needs your help in finding personnel for his business.

Over time, you can expand the list of services. For example, on the basis of an employment center, you can organize advanced training courses, or carry out a psychological examination of personnel by order of employers. The so-called Executive Search (exclusive search) is considered very profitable - a service for the selection of top managers for large manufacturing companies or specialists in exotic professions. The latter include stunt performers, smell experts, sign language interpreters, snake catchers, postigers (manufacturers of wigs, artificial beards, mustaches, eyelashes), oenologists (experts in the field of winemaking), etc.

The cost of services of a private employment center for individuals varies from 2 to 10 thousand rubles. The search for employees for enterprises and organizations is much more expensive - from ten to one hundred and twenty thousand rubles.

Taking into account the initial investment of one and a half million rubles, the planned payback period for the project to organize an employment center is about 12 months.

Examples of calculations are in our sample business plan.

Possible risks

Business planning of the employment center should also take into account possible negative aspects. They may include the following:

1. A dishonest employer may simply not pay you or not pay extra for the services rendered. For example, by dismissing the employee you found before the end of probationary period and inviting him to work later, excluding your employment center from participation in this procedure. To some extent, the introduction of an advance payment of 20-50 percent of the final order value will help protect your business from such a turn.

2. Applicants for a vacant position may mislead you by providing false information regarding work experience, education level or professional skills. An employer can also be disingenuous by providing incorrect information on wages or working conditions in order to attract new employees. There is only one way out - carefully check all the information received.

To avoid such unpleasant blows to the reputation of your employment center, you need to create a database of unscrupulous employers and candidates, where you should include all clients who tried to deceive you and no longer cooperate with them.

The necessary costs for the project implementation amount to 1.5 million rubles. Estimated payback period is 12 months.

You can get acquainted with the detailed business plan with calculations and download it below.

It is quite difficult for people who do not have start-up capital to do business. But instead of rushing to borrow from friends or get a loan, you should write a business plan for an employment center, having developed a sample in advance, protect it and get the amount due to the entrepreneur from the state.

Amount of financial support

Employment centers are obliged to provide state support to those who decide:

  • start a small business
  • to provide services;
  • establish catering facilities;
  • open shop.

Such support from government agencies is not charity - it is one of the measures to combat unemployment, and most people can benefit from this program.

Many do not know how to write an effective business plan for an employment center, and order it, spending amounts that could be used to develop their business. The act is erroneous, because creating this document is available to every person who really thought out every step well, reinforcing theoretical reasoning real facts obtained as a result of market research.

In 2015, the amount of the subsidy due to entrepreneurs was 58,800 rubles. Plus, a novice entrepreneur can count on reimbursement of registration costs in the amount of 4,900 rubles. and 59,000 rubles. for the creation of each individual workplace; in practice, the state covers mainly the costs of two people.

Who can apply for funding

Unfortunately, not all applicants are registered for receiving benefits. The following cannot protect a business plan for an employment center:

  • students;
  • minors;
  • disabled people belonging to the non-working group;
  • pensioners;
  • young mothers on maternity leave;
  • employed;
  • existing entrepreneurs.

If the entrepreneur closed the IP and 6 months have not passed since then, he is also automatically excluded from the lists of applicants. It is not allowed to draw up a business plan for an employment center for former prisoners, as well as individuals convicted of providing false information. Interestingly, citizens who have not worked for 5-6 years before can not claim the status of unemployed with the prospect of defending their own business plan and receiving benefits. It is believed that if before that they provided for themselves, they are able to do this in the future.

Document preparation

There is no single template by which such a one can be compiled. However, it should consist of many points, the main of which are:

  1. A short description of your own experience, skills, education.
  2. The reasons why this type of activity will bring success to the entrepreneur.
  3. Description of the idea itself and the possibility of making profits after its implementation.
  4. Competition in the market, its careful analysis and ways to overcome it.
  5. Expected earnings for various terms. It is desirable to reinforce the information visually by compiling tables, and on their basis - graphs.
  6. Description of the process of production, sales, provision of services or operation of the store.
  7. The location of the business facility and why it was chosen - to explain the benefit, backing it up with calculations or reasoned facts.
  8. Economic calculations for the month, half year, year. It is also desirable not only to support them with facts, but also to visualize them.
  9. Possible risks and developed ways to eliminate them.

A sample business plan for an employment center completes a summary, which is very simple to draw up based on all of the above. If the future entrepreneur developed the document on his own, it will not be difficult to write the final chapter. In fact, a summary is a brief summary of all of the above.

Even if you use ready business plan for the employment service, it is better only as an example. It is impossible to study a document in the same way as a person who wrote it himself would. Moreover, in the process of creating a business plan, you will have to take into account all the risks and factors of the planned business in real circumstances.

In order for the representatives of the commission to be as imbued with the idea as possible and go towards the future entrepreneur, it is worth:

  • try to write as clearly as possible, without using specific professional terms, use not too ornate sentences;
  • use 3-4 tables and diagrams - these visualization methods look especially impressive, they emphasize the responsibility of the applicant;
  • be sure to indicate the desire to hire workers, write down how many people are needed and for what positions;
  • describe each item in as much detail as possible.

After the business plan is ready, it must be shown to the inspector from the center that supervises applicants for subsidies. Based on experience, an official can find shortcomings, suggest ways to fix it, add a few new sub-items.

Having enlisted his support, you can safely go to defend your business plan, and after it - proceed to implement your plan.

Hello, friends! Today we will analyze in detail how to draw up a business plan for obtaining subsidies for business development in the employment center. Below will be step-by-step instruction for each section of the business plan.

At the end of this article, you can download ready-made examples and sample business plans, and based on their and our recommendations, draw up a correct business plan and receive the desired subsidy from the employment center.

1. What you need to get a subsidy: conditions and restrictions

Before proceeding directly to the business plan, I would like to say a few words about restrictions subsidizing from the employment center:

  1. In order to receive a subsidy, a person who for this purpose submits an application to the CZN, must not be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. That is, you need to after you receive a subsidy.
  2. Most programs that provide grants imply that the applicant for the grant will also invested a certain amount of money in the development of your business. The minimum is usually 60% of the subsidies, but each program has its own specific percentage.
  3. The Employment Center does not provide subsidies to entrepreneurs whose activities will be related to tobacco or alcohol products.

So, if all of the above conditions are met by you, you will need to develop a competent business plan, which is more likely to be approved by the commission of the employment center.

To do this, in a business plan, it is necessary to describe in detail the organization of production (provision of services), calculate profitability and all necessary costs, justify pricing, social significance, legal form (IP or LLC), select a taxation system.

The business plan should make a good impression and interest the head of the ESC department, so I recommend giving 1-2 pages to a description of your experience, skills, and education. Indicate specific facts and figures, and do not overpraise yourself, as this is likely to negatively affect the decision of the commission.

2. Business plan for obtaining business development grants: criteria and principles

Social orientation. In the business plan, you need to describe the social significance of your project, that is, how useful and important it will be for society. For example, a manufacturing or service project is much more likely to receive subsidies than an intermediary project.

New workplaces. I strongly recommend that you indicate in your business plan your intention to create new jobs (even if you don’t plan to!), as then your chances of receiving a subsidy increase MULTIPLE compared to other projects in which an entrepreneur creates workplace only for myself. This is due to the fact that the employment center must report on the effectiveness of the subsidies issued by the highest authority. Thus, to significantly increase the likelihood of your business plan being approved, indicate that you plan to create 2-4 jobs.

Profitability and payback. Since you are planning to commercial activity, then its purpose, in addition to social significance, is also making a profit. Here it is necessary to take into account that when planning cash flows from your business, they must be discounted (i.e., reduced by the amount of average inflation / bank interest)

Intended use of subsidies. This is one of the important criteria to which the employment center pays special attention. You must describe in detail all directions of expenses so that the commission, which will make a verdict on your business plan, is clearly aware of the purposes for which the allocated money will be spent. It is best not to state that government subsidies will be spent on advertising, rent, etc. I advise you to indicate the following areas of state subsidy spending:

  • purchase of tangible assets: machines and other equipment required for entrepreneurial activity; necessary raw materials for production; furniture, tools...
  • payment of intangible assets: patents, programs, technologies…

own investments. The more you plan to invest your own funds in your project compared to government subsidies, the greater the chance of success. I recommend that the ratio of own investments to subsidies be at least 1 to 2.

For example, if you want to receive a state subsidy in the amount of 58 thousand rubles, and your own funds are 120 thousand rubles, then such a business plan has every chance of success.

3. Structure of a business plan for obtaining subsidies

There is no single template for the correct preparation of a business plan focused on obtaining subsidies.
  1. Title page. Name of the project and organization
  2. Summary
  3. Purpose of your project
  4. Information about the project (participants, funding methods)
  5. Market analysis (its current state, competition, pricing)
  6. Production plan
  7. Marketing plan
  8. Financial plan
  9. Risk Analysis
  10. Applications.

You can supplement or change the above sections and adjust them to your project, since the content of the business plan largely depends on the chosen field of activity.

4. Instructions for drawing up a business plan

Now let's move on to writing a resume. Basic and important points on the relevant sections of the business plan, I will briefly describe below.

You should not draw up an overly complicated and confusing business plan - neither the commission of the employment center, nor you need it.

The main thing is simply to prove from the point of view of financial indicators that the project will be profitable and, in addition, socially significant. Examples detailed description each section and calculations, you can download at the end of the article. So, let's continue!

4.1. Title page, summary and project goal

The business plan should start with title page, where you need to indicate the name of the project, the full name of the applicant for the subsidy. A couple of lines should be given to financial indicators: costs, planned payback and profitability.

The following is a brief description of the essence, purpose and benefits of the project. In these sections, pay attention to what differences your project will have from competitors, what goods and / or services it will produce, what its social significance will be, that is, what benefits and benefits it will bring to society.

Note that the summary is written last, as it is the "outcome" of your entire project and is written on the basis of all sections. However, the purpose of the project should be determined immediately.

4.2. Market analysis

The next step is to analyze the state of affairs in your industry, that is, market analysis. In this section, we determine the trend of the industry (we can give reasonable forecasts), its impact on our project, the size of the market, the nature of supply and demand. The volume should be guided by 2-4 pages.

Also here it is necessary to indicate analogues of products / services, future competitors, describe their strengths and weak sides, divide and analyze the market by segments.

4.3. Production plan

The basis of the production plan is a description of production and work processes, as well as a program for the sale of products. This section should indicate:

  • how will it be organized manufacturing process how and where equipment and machinery, consumables, raw materials will be purchased - specific suppliers, prices and conditions;
  • how many jobs are planned to be created, what will be the costs of paying wages to employees;
  • cost justification production assets, depreciation, cost of products / services, compliance with technical and environmental safety.

4.4. Marketing plan

This section will focus on analyzing and segmenting the market, justifying the sale of products and positioning your business, that is, you must answer the questions: what is your the target audience, in what volume your products will be sold, how you will differ from competitors.

Also in this section it is necessary to describe how the product / service will be sold, what will be its price, advertising campaign and competitive strategies.

4.5. Financial plan

The essence of the financial plan is to display the incoming and outgoing cash flows of the business, that is, income and expenses.

When calculating incoming cash flows should be discounted because the value of money decreases over time due to inflation.

4.6. Risk Analysis

The final section of the business plan is an analysis of the risks your business may face. It should generally be aimed at describing non-systematic risks (managed risks):

  • Market (price fluctuations, market share decline, competition),
  • Financial (decrease in income, increase in costs),
  • Production (reduction of the planned volume of production).

As promised, below you can download examples of successful business plans that received subsidies from the employment center. Choose the one that best suits your area of ​​business and customize it for you (taking into account the criteria discussed in this article), and you are guaranteed to receive a government subsidy to start your business.

I wish you success! If you have any questions, ask in the comments, I will be happy to answer.
