Ivanovich Yuri wandering the universes to read. Read the book "Wandering through the universes" online in full - Yuri Ivanovich - MyBook

Demanding applause, calling the master to the stage, still reached the dressing room. But the master had already taken off his mask, unhooked his wig and, with irritation, threw it in the direction of the mannequins. The peeled-off mustaches "a la Chaplin" lay down in a separate box. He was no longer going to go out and bow before the public. Although the prince and his wife and almost the entire top of the local aristocracy were present at the performance today. True, they left immediately after the end of all the actions on the stage.

- And the rest will be trampled! Leonid exhaled aloud, carefully examining his face in a large three-leaf mirror. Tired of their happy faces!

The maestro was deceiving himself a little. He, as a great artist, the delight of the audience could not get bored by default. He could not live without a stage, without applause, without the intoxicated sparkle in the eyes of his admirers. They included main point his life. But, as they say, the artist does not live by reverence alone. I wanted something else, I wanted something new, my heart was torn somewhere to the unknown. And the memory constantly, with special nostalgia, shoveled through the adventures experienced in another world.

That's why the created arlyapas became boring, tired of its own the main role in every performance, the closest friends began to annoy, and indeed the whole underworld was already sitting in Leonid Naydenov's liver. And when he recalled the military exploits experienced together with Boris Pavlovich Ivlaev, he wanted to immediately give up everything, forget about everyone and rush in search of a friend.

Is it just the resentment against Borya that still did not allow the maestro to take a vacation for a couple of days and hit the road to the world of Three Shields to check. It seemed dishonest that Ivlaev, who had promised to pick up his friend, had not appeared for three long months. It’s good that he left a note after his last visit to the well: “Don’t rock the boat, wait for me anyway! There will surely be an ambush in the Pantheon cave, I will find you myself!” - specific words, specific orders. But so much time has passed, and the comrade has not appeared.

It's like he forgot his promise. Forgot?

“Or got into big trouble without me,” the maestro sighed again, smoothing his short hair. “And should we go looking for him?” If he recognizes me at a meeting, of course ... And if the cannibals are tired of sitting in ambush, waiting for their mortal enemies. That is, us with Borey.

He himself for Lately radically changed in appearance. The face, mutilated in childhood, became the face of a young, rather handsome man thanks to the First Shield. There were no traces of scars. Yes, and all the mimic muscles, specially once trimmed by wandering gypsies to create a funny grin, no longer caused laughter in every cross-counter. On the street, if they turned around at him, it was only because of his pretty face and too black hair, very rare in this world. And therefore Great master clown art has recently been forced to perform in a mask - exact copy his once mutilated face. Otherwise, no make-up helped, and the reaction of the public to jokes and reprises left much to be desired.

This hidden moment of current glory was also unbelievably unnerving. Leonid was once again convinced that most people are cruel and always ready to laugh at the weak, flawed and ugly. And it doesn't matter what world they live in, the main thing is to have permission from morality or the conditions of the genre.

And again friends...

It was worth thinking about them, and they are already right there. They broke into the dressing room without knocking, because only they had cards for the electronic lock. They burst in noisily, immediately creating crampedness and noise of the bazaar in the room with their presence:

You were amazing as always! Bravo!

“Even the prince clapped for you like a child and shouted in delight: “Vivat!”

Once these beauties were called Lizaveta and Lada. great names, good times, sincere relationship. But after both agents snitched on their lover and friend in the Walukh secret security service, he gave them a little Charlie Chaplin-style revenge. The maestro renamed the women, with the permission of the Baron Fae, Gorgon and Echidna. And both have since proudly worn their new names officially, believing that in another world such spectacular names mean "smart, magnificent, unsurpassed" or something like that.

This fact also affected the relationship. Dual influence. On the one hand, Leonid to his girlfriends because of these names cooled more and more. And what normal man can live happily, caressing Echidna and kissing the Gorgon? So Naydenov was already on the verge of collapse.

But on the other hand, as soon as his girlfriends caught his eye, he could not help but smile joyfully and could hardly restrain himself from laughing. How did the Gorgon bring Echidna! What could be funnier? Well, the women themselves firmly believed that the great Charlie only when looking at them comes in a good mood.

AND this moment was no exception.

- It's great to have you! purred Echidna, trying to kiss the artist on the cheek and neck.

And her friend Gorgon immediately began professionally massaging the man’s shoulders:

How lucky we are that you fell in love with us!

Leonid's sincere smile began to turn into a feigned one. Maybe these beauties really loved him sincerely, with all their hearts, but he never forgave them for betrayal. Now, if they had then told him everything at first and only then, after a collectively accepted opinion, had gone to the overseers of this planet, all relations would have been built differently. And so...

“Is it time for me to get out of here? - the maestro thought seriously. “I won’t be able to pretend for a long time near such cunning girls. They will figure it out ... And the political situation has sharply heated up. Look what's going on in every city! The conquerors of this world have no choice but to follow one of two options for the development of events: pour discontent local residents blood or get out of here, having previously covered the radioactive radiation of the local sun with the ozone layer. By the way, what has changed in this regard in recent days?

He asked this question to his girlfriends. After all, they were still non-staff employees of the local police forces, which served as valukhs, three-meter giants from another world. There, civilization is also enslaved by the Gauzes, and its representatives have been strict gendarmes for more than four hundred years. this world Nabatnaya Love.

But the valukhs themselves dreamed of freeing themselves from the yoke of space conquerors. And although they pretended to be dumb, heartless giants, they had long organized a structure of resistance within their communities. That is why, after Leonid was exposed as a foreigner, he was not arrested and thrown into the local penal servitude, called the Bottom. And they were allowed to work, achieve fame in the world of art and in every possible way cultivate their glory as a unique magician of the entertainment genre.

It was from the Valukhs that both friends received the most secret information. And then they shared some crumbs of this information with their beloved maestro.

- Oh! The situation has escalated! Echidna's face darkened. – At the same time, new Radiant Ones appeared in several cities, refusing to hand over the Gruans to the conquerors.

“And they immediately set off through the streets of the cities,” intercepted the thread of the Gorgon’s story, “telling the truth about the Day and convincing the people of the need to expel the Gauzes from the planet. And in two cities, clashes between people and boulders began. One residence of the Gauzes was destroyed. True, there are no victims, but several Gauzes were injured ...

And this will not be forgiven. Information was received from Baron Feif that the conquerors were preparing to bombard the recalcitrant city. The king had been warned of this, and he now rushed into the revolted provinces to appease the people.

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Yuri Ivanovich

A slave from our time. Book eleven. Wandering through the universes

© Ivanovich Yu., 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

Chapter first

Escape from a well-fed life

Demanding applause, calling the master to the stage, still reached the dressing room. But the master had already taken off his mask, unhooked his wig and, with irritation, threw it in the direction of the mannequins. The peeled-off mustaches "a la Chaplin" lay down in a separate box. He was no longer going to go out and bow before the public. Although the prince and his wife and almost the entire top of the local aristocracy were present at the performance today. True, they left immediately after the end of all the actions on the stage.

- And the rest will be trampled! Leonid exhaled aloud, carefully examining his face in a large three-leaf mirror. Tired of their happy faces!

The maestro was deceiving himself a little. He, as a great artist, the delight of the audience could not get bored by default. He could not live without a stage, without applause, without the intoxicated sparkle in the eyes of his admirers. They were the main purpose of his life. But, as they say, the artist does not live by reverence alone. I wanted something else, I wanted something new, my heart was torn somewhere to the unknown. And the memory constantly, with special nostalgia, shoveled through the adventures experienced in another world.

That's why the created arlapas became boring, tired of its main role in every performance, the closest friends began to annoy, and indeed the whole underworld was already sitting in Leonid Naydenov's liver. And when he recalled the military exploits experienced together with Boris Pavlovich Ivlaev, he wanted to immediately give up everything, forget about everyone and rush in search of a friend.

Is it just the resentment against Borya that still did not allow the maestro to take a vacation for a couple of days and hit the road to the world of Three Shields to check. It seemed dishonest that Ivlaev, who had promised to pick up his friend, had not appeared for three long months. It’s good that he left a note after his last visit to the well: “Don’t rock the boat, wait for me anyway! There will surely be an ambush in the Pantheon cave, I will find you myself!” - specific words, specific orders. But so much time has passed, and the comrade has not appeared.

It's like he forgot his promise. Forgot?

“Or got into big trouble without me,” the maestro sighed again, smoothing his short hair. “And should we go looking for him?” If he recognizes me at a meeting, of course ... And if the cannibals are tired of sitting in ambush, waiting for their mortal enemies. That is, us with Borey.

He himself has changed drastically in recent years. The face, mutilated in childhood, became the face of a young, rather handsome man thanks to the First Shield. There were no traces of scars. Yes, and all the mimic muscles, specially once trimmed by wandering gypsies to create a funny grin, no longer caused laughter in every cross-counter. On the street, if they turned around at him, it was only because of his pretty face and too black hair, very rare in this world. And therefore, the great master of clown art has recently been forced to perform in a mask - an exact copy of his once mutilated face. Otherwise, no make-up helped, and the reaction of the public to jokes and reprises left much to be desired.

This hidden moment of current glory was also unbelievably unnerving. Leonid was once again convinced that most people are cruel and always ready to laugh at the weak, flawed and ugly. And it doesn't matter what world they live in, the main thing is to have permission from morality or the conditions of the genre.

And again friends...

It was worth thinking about them, and they are already right there. They broke into the dressing room without knocking, because only they had cards for the electronic lock. They burst in noisily, immediately creating crampedness and noise of the bazaar in the room with their presence:

You were amazing as always! Bravo!

“Even the prince clapped for you like a child and shouted in delight: “Vivat!”

Once these beauties were called Lizaveta and Lada. Great names, good times, sincere relationships. But after both agents snitched on their lover and friend in the Walukh secret security service, he gave them a little Charlie Chaplin-style revenge. The maestro renamed the women, with the permission of the Baron Fae, Gorgon and Echidna. And both have since proudly worn their new names officially, believing that in another world such spectacular names mean "smart, magnificent, unsurpassed" or something like that.

This fact also affected the relationship. Dual influence. On the one hand, Leonid to his girlfriends because of these names cooled more and more. And what normal man can live happily, caressing Echidna and kissing the Gorgon? So Naydenov was already on the verge of collapse.

Yuri Ivanovich

Wandering through the universes

Chapter first

Escape from a well-fed life

Demanding applause, calling the master to the stage, still reached the dressing room. But the master had already taken off his mask, unhooked his wig and, with irritation, threw it in the direction of the mannequins. The peeled-off mustaches "a la Chaplin" lay down in a separate box. He was no longer going to go out and bow before the public. Although the prince and his wife and almost the entire top of the local aristocracy were present at the performance today. True, they left immediately after the end of all the actions on the stage.

And the rest will be trampled! Leonid exhaled aloud, carefully examining his face in a large three-leaf mirror. - Tired of their happy faces!

The maestro was deceiving himself a little. He, as a great artist, the delight of the audience could not get bored by default. He could not live without a stage, without applause, without the intoxicated sparkle in the eyes of his admirers. They were the main purpose of his life. But, as they say, the artist does not live by reverence alone. I wanted something else, I wanted something new, my heart was torn somewhere to the unknown. And the memory constantly, with special nostalgia, shoveled through the adventures experienced in another world.

That's why the created arlapas became boring, tired of its main role in every performance, the closest friends began to annoy, and indeed the whole underworld was already sitting in Leonid Naydenov's liver. And when he recalled the military exploits experienced together with Boris Pavlovich Ivlaev, he wanted to immediately give up everything, forget about everyone and rush in search of a friend.

Is it just the resentment against Borya that still did not allow the maestro to take a vacation for a couple of days and hit the road to the world of Three Shields to check. It seemed dishonest that Ivlaev, who had promised to pick up his friend, had not appeared for three long months. It’s good that he left a note after his last visit to the well: “Don’t rock the boat, wait for me anyway! There will surely be an ambush in the Pantheon cave, I will find you myself!” - specific words, specific order. But so much time has passed, and the comrade has not appeared.

It's like he forgot his promise. Forgot?

Or got into big trouble without me, - the maestro sighed again, smoothing his short hair. "And should we go looking for him?" If he recognizes me at a meeting, of course ... And if the cannibals are tired of sitting in ambush, waiting for their mortal enemies. That is, us with Borey.

He himself has changed drastically in recent years. The face, mutilated in childhood, became the face of a young, rather handsome man thanks to the First Shield. There were no traces of scars. Yes, and all the mimic muscles, specially once trimmed by wandering gypsies to create a funny grin, no longer caused laughter in every cross-counter. On the street, if they turned around at him, it was only because of his pretty face and too black hair, very rare in this world. And therefore, the great master of clown art has recently been forced to perform in a mask - an exact copy of his once mutilated face. Otherwise, no make-up helped, and the reaction of the public to jokes and reprises left much to be desired.

This hidden moment of current glory was also unbelievably unnerving. Leonid was once again convinced that most people are cruel and always ready to laugh at the weak, flawed and ugly. And it doesn't matter what world they live in, the main thing is to have permission from morality or the conditions of the genre.

And again friends...

It was worth thinking about them, and they are already right there. They broke into the dressing room without knocking, because only they had cards for the electronic lock. They burst in noisily, immediately creating crampedness and noise of the bazaar in the room with their presence:

You were amazing as always! Bravo!

Even the prince clapped for you like a child and shouted in delight: “Vivat!”

Once these beauties were called Lizaveta and Lada. Great names, good times, sincere relationships. But after both agents snitched on their lover and friend in the Walukh secret security service, he gave them a little Charlie Chaplin-style revenge. The maestro renamed the women, with the permission of the Baron Fae, Gorgon and Echidna. And both have since proudly worn their new names officially, believing that in another world such spectacular names mean "smart, magnificent, unsurpassed" or something like that.

This fact also affected the relationship. Dual influence. On the one hand, Leonid to his girlfriends because of these names cooled more and more. And what normal man can live happily, caressing Echidna and kissing the Gorgon? So Naydenov was already on the verge of collapse.

But on the other hand, as soon as his girlfriends caught his eye, he could not help but smile joyfully and could hardly restrain himself from laughing. How did the Gorgon bring Echidna! What could be funnier? Well, the women themselves firmly believed that the great Charlie only when looking at them comes in a good mood.

And this moment is no exception.

How great to have you! - Echidna purred, trying to kiss the artist on the cheek and neck.

And her friend Gorgon immediately began professionally massaging the man’s shoulders:

How lucky we are that you fell in love with us!

Leonid's sincere smile began to turn into a feigned one. Maybe these beauties really loved him sincerely, with all their hearts, but he never forgave them for betrayal. Now, if they had then told him everything at first and only then, after a collectively accepted opinion, had gone to the overseers of this planet, all relations would have been built differently. And so...

“Is it time for me to get out of here? - the maestro thought in all seriousness. “I can’t pretend to be near such cunning girls for a long time. They will figure it out ... And the political situation has sharply heated up. Look what's going on in every city! The conquerors of this world have no choice but to follow one of two options for the development of events: to fill the discontent of the local residents with blood or get out of here, having previously covered the radioactive radiation of the local sun with an ozone layer. By the way, what has changed in this regard in recent days?

He asked this question to his girlfriends. After all, they were still non-staff employees of the local police forces, which served as valukhs, three-meter giants from another world. There, civilization is also enslaved by the Gauzes, and for more than four hundred years its representatives have been strict gendarmes of this world of Nabatnaya Love.

But the valukhs themselves dreamed of freeing themselves from the yoke of space conquerors. And although they pretended to be dumb, heartless giants, they had long organized a structure of resistance within their communities. That is why, after Leonid was exposed as a foreigner, he was not arrested and thrown into the local penal servitude, called the Bottom. And they were allowed to work, achieve fame in the world of art and in every possible way cultivate their glory as a unique magician of the entertainment genre.

It was from the Valukhs that both friends received the most secret information. And then they shared some crumbs of this information with their beloved maestro.

Oh! The situation has escalated! Echidna's face darkened. - Simultaneously, in several cities, the next Lightbringers appeared, refusing to hand over the Gruans to the conquerors.

And they immediately went through the streets of the cities, - intercepted the thread of the Gorgon's story, - telling the truth about the Day and convincing the people of the need to expel the Gauzes from the planet. And in two cities, clashes between people and boulders began. One residence of the Gauzes was destroyed. True, there are no victims, but several Gauzes were injured ...

And this will not be forgiven. Information was received from Baron Feif that the conquerors were preparing to bombard the recalcitrant city. The king had been warned of this, and he now rushed into the revolted provinces to appease the people.

Only now the punishment from the gauzes will follow from hour to hour ...

It's good that everything is calm in this city ...

“Well, everything has been decided! - Leonid made the final decision to leave. - It is simply impossible to stay here any longer, I do not intend to participate in the local liberation revolution. I have enough problems and things to do. Yes, and Boris probably needs my help and his girlfriends ... I'm leaving! Immediately! Moreover, everything is ready for me and I am near the portal.”

As soon as the girlfriends came, he perked up, as if there had not been two exhausting performances. And now it was only necessary to competently play the last role in this world: the role of a person who wants to party and relax. Thus, getting rid of the annoying and constant supervision of the Gorgon and Echidna.

What he did:

Girls! And let's throw a feast until the morning in the best restaurant?

Aren't you tired? - worried one.

And the second reminded me:

Haven't had much sleep for a couple of days now.

Nonsense! Tomorrow they will have a morning rehearsal without me, and I will sleep until noon. So let's go: you - drive to the restaurant and order everything you need for us, and you yourself - take care of today's revenue. I will now indicate to the artists what they should work on tomorrow morning, and I will appoint those responsible for the rehearsal. I think we can do it in an hour. And after that, we meet at the table right away.

Wandering through the universes Yuri Ivanovich

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Title: Wandering the Universe

About the book "Wandering through the universes" Yuri Ivanovich

New adventures of the legendary "slave from our time" Boris Ivlaev and his friend Leonid Naydenov! Not bad settled Leonid in the world of Nabatnaya Love. Still would! Great artist. Local women are crazy about him. Even if the two main mistresses, Echidna and Gorgon, do not take their eyes off him, Leonid always manages to show signs of attention to some sexy beauty. The problem is, he's tired of it all. Increasingly, Leonid is worried about his friend Boris Ivlaev, who remained in the world of Three Shields. How is he there? Why didn't he come back for his friend Naydenov, as he promised? It turned out that Leonid was not worried in vain. But there was no need to rush headlong in search of Boris ...

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