How to fall in love and love the signs of the zodiac. How do Scorpios fall in love?

the main problem humanity is that all people for some reason were born under some constellations. That is, we could live, work and - especially - love in a completely normal way. If not for these stars.

Aries falls in love calmly. This is the rare case when Aries puts aside his fiery temperament and sits quietly on the river bank with a blade of grass in his teeth until the corpses of all rivals swim by. After that, Aries lazily approaches the object of his passion and casually says: "Let's go to the bushes, we'll sign."

Taurus falls in love passionately. The object of love must belong to Taurus completely - with all the giblets and credit cards. Because otherwise... oh no, you don't want to know. The passion of Taurus lives according to the precepts of the Little Robber: "I will order you to be whipped with whips, and you will love me like a pretty one." Love, I said! So Taurus is always reciprocated (otherwise scary, very scary). And if they suddenly leave the Taurus, then - on tiptoe, under the cover of night and in what they were.

Gemini fall in love sincerely. And forever. “Forever” lasts about six months, and there can be, for example, two objects of sincere love. But they are both truly and sincerely loved. It is absolutely normal for a Gemini to cry in the morning because of one screwed up eternal love, and in the evening cut veins because of eternal love number two. Moreover, grief in both cases is completely genuine. And who does not understand this, that Aquarius.

Cancer falls in love gently. It crawls in a circle, not approaching, and carefully clicks its claws: “What if it’s not her?”, “What if it’s the same thing with her, and then I realize that it’s not her?” The object of love, these gastropod movements tire a little more than completely, so the likelihood of a romance depends on the patience of the chosen one (s) of Cancer. But those who are especially patient will be rewarded - Cancer in love is able to put the whole world at the feet of his beloved. However, the process of shifting the worlds under the feet of the beloved goes according to the usual pattern: “What if this world is boring?”, “What if the beloved breathes chlorine, and she doesn’t need a second oxygen world at all?” and so for years, years.

Leo falls in love reluctantly. That is, it is clear that this is good for health, but the modern social contract offers equal rights to lovers. It is completely incomprehensible to Leo how one can have equal rights with these nonentities. On the other hand, if you say the magic phrase: “Come on, you will be on top” (not only in the context of sex), Leo automatically accepts you into the pack, which guarantees delicious cookies and other goodies. Because Leos tend to be really cool to the point of impossibility.

Virgo falls in love last time. The enamored Virgo from the threshold gives the object of passion for the undivided use of her hand, heart, friends, children from her first marriage and a great aunt from Syzran. To the timid question: “But aunt, aunt why?”, in love, but still reasonable, Virgo will answer that not such things suddenly came in handy in the household. If suddenly the object of passion evaporates, Virgo will suffer humbly and wait a couple of years for the object to change its mind. By the way, changing your mind and returning to Virgo is the right decision.

Libras fall in love out of love for art. Because romance is beautiful. A beautiful novel - generally zashib. Libras will groom beautifully, have beautiful sex, and walk beautifully into the night forever. And then nice to come back. In general, they will wear out to impossibility. But by no means from evil - just life is short, and you need to try everything. After all, everything is delicious.

Scorpio falls in love at lunchtime. Between the drama circle and the photo circle. In addition, Scorpio falls in love very technically: a quick choice of a victim, a point injection in the heart, and now the victim is already writhing in agony, begging: "Come on, take me." Scorpio happily takes, kisses the navel and runs away to yoga.

Sagittarius prefers not to fall in love at all. Because Everything Will Be Bad. Everything will be very bad, as always. If Sagittarius still manages to fall in love, he will listen sensitively - but is everything already bad? Or is it still ok? Or still no, oh my God ... But if suddenly Sagittarius manages to stop projecting the terrible experience of previous loves on each current chosen one, all the other signs will smoke sadly and enviously in the corner.

Capricorns fall in love rationally. None of these here - bydysch, lightning, as if from a tub it poured over and butterflies in the stomach. Capricorn knows that butterflies in the stomach are contrary to physiology, and before falling in love, you need to properly study the performance characteristics of the alleged sudden passion. It is a mistake to believe that Capricorns are herbivores. Oh no. They sit on a branch like a jaguar and can stare at their prey for years and then make an accurate jump - and now the victim is already lying with a torn throat (crossed out) without panties and whispers: "I love you too."

Aquarians fall in love the right way. All other signs see falling in love like this: "I love you, which means you owe me your time, attention, wallet and everything else that you have." Aquarius, on the other hand, believes that if I fall in love with someone, I should take care of him. They have a fantastic gift - even when the romance is in full swing, do not be offended if your loved one has not called for forty minutes. And he reacts to late arrivals something like this: “Tomorrow is also a blockage at work? Here, take this cheese sandwich with you.” And the sandwich is really cheese, not strychnine.

Pisces fall in love classically. According to clear rules romance novels- to passion, hormones, torn shirts, happiness, pain and bloody snot. Important point: the object of love should be as hard to reach as possible: live in another city, even better - in another country, and, ideally, fly on a research mission to Mars. The fish must suffer and overcome obstacles, otherwise there is no point in moving their gills. After romances with Pisces, a scorched desert remains, covered with a thick layer of colorless ash. And only bloody snot in bright balls fly somewhere in the orbit of Phobos.

How love zodiac signs behave

There are two ways to find out what is inside a taciturn man with a very mysterious face: by taking him to an x-ray or by rubbing our editorial magic ball. The second option is obviously preferable, because, in this case, the mysterious male soul is not obstructed by banal male bones. So, if you want to find out if he is in love with you or just fooling around, go here. We've got it all figured out.


Capricorn in love will not drag you to bed, he will be friends with you. Because Capricorn is a beast: a) smart like Wikipedia; b) shy, like a bunny on a tank range. He must first wait for you to relax and forget what gender he is. And then shake out all the secrets from you as a girlfriend. And only then will he either offer to take off his underpants, or run away with a cry of horror and shuddering with disgust. In general, if Capricorn is interested in the details of your divorce, he has serious plans.


Aquarians usually come up, ask what time it is, and then - a memory lapse. And in the morning you wake up in some strange apartment, and some strange Aquarius is sniffing nearby. Who then promises to call back and disappears. This obviously means that he is not in love and can be dealt with. Dealing with an Aquarius in love is a task with an asterisk. Aquarius in love with grim determination destroys your lives so that you can wear your favorite Aquarius mask with a clear conscience: “Everything is very complicated. Everything is complicated, just kapets.


A Pisces man in love will not hesitate to tell the whole world about his passion in all available social networks. Friends who do not have accounts in social networks, he will call. And to acquaintances who do not have a telephone, he will write a hundred letters, put them in a hundred bottles and lower them into the water supply. Then the Pisces man will perform some feat to perpetuate your name in history. And commit a heinous crime in defense of your honor. As a result, he will end up in Alcatraz, run away, swim across the ocean and appear at your doorstep with a bouquet and poems. In short, if a Pisces man fell in love with you, you don’t need our ball. Somehow you figure it out yourself.


With Aries, everything is also quite simple. If Aries fell in love, he comes up and says: "I'm in love, take off your underpants." Aries, of course, can play romance, but this is definitely not his favorite game. Aries believes that if you love a woman, then you need her by the hair - and into the cave. And there already love her, as it should, without all this blah blah blah. Therefore, with Aries, the strategy is very dangerous: “no, no, what are you, I’m not like that.” Aries will shrug and find one.


The enamored Taurus turns into the Comedy Club. Well in good sense. Therefore, it is very difficult to miscalculate here - if Taurus climbs out of his skin to make you laugh, you can start coming up with names for your great-grandchildren. But I must say, this Taurus strategy works perfectly - everyone loves to neigh. Therefore, in the case of Taurus, you need to be aware that if he starts to make the other laugh, she will also not be able to resist. And great-grandchildren will have to curse grandfather without leaving the pot.


A Gemini in love will talk much more than usual ... What do you mean - this is impossible? Love for that and love to create the impossible. A Gemini in love is able to talk twenty-four hours a day for a week in a row, without taking breaks for food, sleep and toilet. If you turn off the phone, he will talk to the wall, but still he will tell one more - yes, yes, the last - cool story, how he went to the polar butterfly with a horn. That is, yes - it is quite difficult to distinguish a Gemini in love from an unloved one. You will have to measure the intensity of white noise - if it is higher than the human ear can handle, then this is definitely love.


This mysterious infection in a chitinous shell hardly yields even to our magic ball. Damn him, Cancer, he'll figure out what's on his mind. Caring? He is always caring. Attentive? This is the second name of Cancer. Strict adult daddy? Well, he's been like that since birth. And those women around him? Did he have something with everyone? Whether he had nothing with everyone. Either it almost happened to everyone, but something got in the way. Nothing is clear about Cancer. You can definitely judge that Cancer is in love, for example, in the registry office, when he says “yes”. Here the probability is quite high. Although the devil, Cancer, will understand.


Well, this one is easy. A Leo in love will behave in such a way that your girlfriends will burst with envy. And the parents - from tenderness: oh, our girl was presented with a pony, beads and a Lamborghini Diablo. Leo's falling in love passes under the continuous calming rustle of banknotes. Tremble jackals, the king of beasts is spawning.


The Virgo in love is such an archetypal lover that she stands under a lamp with a pack of cigarettes all night, shivering in the icy wind, just once to see how your thin silhouette flickers behind a light curtain. At the same time, Virgo quite rationally calculates the coefficient of the inflatedness of her behavior - is the silhouette thin enough? is the curtain light? Is there a mess and old non-sexual boxes from under the refrigerator on the coveted balcony? If all the answers satisfy the Virgin, he will go to give up in plain text without all these ambiguous: “what are you doing tomorrow night?”.


Libras in love begin to actively sell themselves to you in the best traditions of marketing. He doesn't say "buy the product". He says: "This is the best product, he won this beautiful tennis cup, canoeed the tributaries of the Missouri and gave a fortune to charity, what a good product." At the same time, in the best, again, traditions of influencing the target audience, he will make sure that your glass is not empty. And when you soften, he will take you warm. You, in fact, do not even have time to think: “Is he in love?”. You are already washing off his T-shirt with the inscription: “Champion of all-2010”.


Scorpio in love looks on. Or rather, no. Sorry, now there will be a caps lock: Scorpio in love is LOOKING. And in his eyes there is drama, sorrow, regrets about the unfulfilled, a dream of love, a shadow of sadness, a touch of thoughtfulness, your reflection and the inevitability of a transition to a horizontal position. A Scorpio in love does not like to talk. The enamored Scorpio seeks to be on its territory as soon as possible in order to make a crushing impression on the victim. And Scorpio territory, as all kids know, is sex.


Sagittarius will not unwind the intrigue and will say from the threshold: “Marry me, pull the figs.” In the meantime, you are gasping for air, buying rings, ordering a restaurant, showing up to your parents, kissing your mother’s hand, papa will like you, and you will have many long explanations why you don’t want to marry such a wonderful guy. Well, if for some reason you don't want to. It doesn't matter though. Sagittarians in love do not understand the word "no", and refusal will only inflame it. Sagittarius in love can be tied up and sent to Paris to the Chamber of Weights and Measures with the signature: “Excitement”. And you can give up and go to Paris together. Because he still won't budge.

Text: Alexandra Smilyanskaya
Photo: Shutterstock

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Want to know how zodiac signs fall in love? Who openly declares his feelings, and who is modestly silent and waits to be noticed? Right now, all the secrets of their behavior will be revealed to you.


An Aries in love does not hide his feelings, and most often talks about them in the most open form. This person needs a relationship, not an anticipation of pleasure and distant plans with a bias towards dreams. Aries does not like to waste time and miss opportunities. Having become interested in a guy or a girl, he takes the first step towards rapprochement.

Aries is monogamous by nature, and, not surprisingly, the owner. He begins to be jealous immediately, even if the relationship has not yet begun. The uncertainty depresses him. Seeing hesitation on the part of a representative of the opposite sex, he can immediately put the question point-blank to clarify. Aries needs a strong union and reciprocity is needed. He will not allow anyone to keep himself as a fallback. Either all or nothing, and nothing else.

Video: ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.


A loving representative of this zodiac sign will take any available measures to get closer to a loved one. As a rule, he does this without a bias towards romance. A Taurus man can offer his beloved help around the house, material support, and even the possibility of joint earnings, so that in addition to his feelings, something else unites him with her. The Taurus woman will most likely make it clear that in her society her beloved will gain reliable rear and the support you need. He will try to interest him with his practicality and thriftiness. Taurus is not interested in open relationships. This person, rather, does not fall in love, but is looking for a like-minded society.

In any case, Taurus will not rush things. He takes the joint life and the birth of children very seriously, and passion cannot be a motivation for him. In no case should you put pressure on Taurus. As soon as he is convinced of the seriousness of the partner, he will inform about further plans. It is worth listening to Taurus, because he does not give empty promises and clearly follows the intended course.

Video: TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Taurus.


Not everyone can understand the true intentions of Gemini. These people tend to flirt with members of the opposite sex, so those who know them closely enough often do not take them seriously. There are also those who take a friendly disposition, or the search for a random interlocutor, as signs of attention, and expect from the Gemini those actions that were not included in their plans at all.

If there is still interest on the part of this person, he will not be silent for sure. Geminis in love usually offer in the most direct form to start a relationship without fear of rejection. If there is no reciprocal sympathy, the interest of the representative of this zodiac sign will fade away in a very short time. For all their addictive nature, Geminis do not like uncertainty, and only accept delays from their lover if there are good reasons for it. In other situations, coquetry or a request not to rush them can only be pushed away.

Video: GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Gemini.


Cancer in love may not give himself away for years, but this is not a matter of natural modesty. Having fallen in love with a man or woman, Cancer will collect as much information about him as possible, and immediately decide whether he needs this relationship. Feelings for Cancer are not a reason for rapprochement if he does not see prospects in alliance with a loved one. The perspective for Cancer is family. He does not need an open relationship, even if there is a great desire to be together.

Love at first sight for a representative of this zodiac sign is something wild. Cancer needs communication, the presence of common interests, the desire for constancy on the part of the beloved. In any case, Cancer is too afraid of rejection and criticism, so it is unlikely that he will act first. It is easier for a Cancer woman in this respect - she is drawn to decisive and courageous men, from whom the initiative comes. The Cancer man usually acts in a veiled way, and for this reason he wastes time and misses opportunities.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about Cancer.

a lion

A Leo in love can be seen from afar - he glows with happiness and with all his actions demonstrates a disposition towards the one he is interested in. Leo can publicly declare his love, write words of recognition with paint under the window of his beloved, or find some other no less extravagant way to express his feelings. At the same time, he is not afraid of rejection, because he is popular, and he will always find a fallback option that suits him perfectly.

Leo loves to give gifts and make life easier for a beloved man or woman in every possible way. Seeing the full strength of his feelings, the beloved can begin to use the kindness of the representative of the fire sign of the zodiac. It is worth noting that if this happens, it will end very quickly. Leo does not recognize one-sided games, and since he is attractive to the opposite sex, the arrangement of his personal life is not a problem for him.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo.


A Virgo in love is a rare phenomenon. The representative of this zodiac sign is not prone to outbursts of passion, so the reason for starting a relationship for him is mainly sympathy and the presence of common interests. Virgo is practical in everything, and in her personal life too. If Virgo falls in love with a person with whom she does not see prospects, then her interest fades away in the shortest possible time.

Virgo can feel very strong feelings, but behave in such a way that her beloved boyfriend or girlfriend will feel out of place. Virgo lives according to certain rules, loves order, certainty and stability in everything, therefore does not leave her beloved even a fraction of a chance to manifest individuality. At the same time, she will try as best she can, but not based on the interests of her beloved. Virgo gives such gifts, in which she herself sees the meaning, arranges such surprises that she herself would dream of, and is sincerely offended if her efforts are not appreciated.

Video: VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about the description of Virgo.


Libras in love behave indecisively. They can beat around the bush for a long period of time, but not because they are afraid of rejection. It is difficult for Libra to decide whether they need this relationship, or if they should wait for a meeting with a more suitable person. In addition, they are quite selfish. If a loved one needs help, Libra will not give up their business in order to solve his problems. If a relationship with him requires any sacrifice, Libra is more likely to give up the opportunity to be together, for the sake of carefree freedom or an easier option.

The scales are drawn to strong people, but at the same time they are fond of sophisticated personalities. This is the main contradiction, because of which it is difficult for them to decide whether to get closer. Usually the initiative of a loved one becomes the starting point for starting a relationship. Libra themselves are not prone to active actions.

Video: LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra.


Scorpio in love is a glow of passion, a charge of energy, and a concentration of power that can both uplift and destroy. This person is not silent about his feelings. Most likely, he will declare his sympathy without unnecessary hesitation, and immediately demand an answer to the question of whether his beloved is interested in an alliance with him.

Rejection for Scorpio is not a reason to give up. He will do everything to achieve a reciprocal arrangement, and if a beloved man or woman behaves tactlessly, Scorpio may hate. The anger of this person can lead to a variety of consequences, so you should act carefully.

If everything goes well and a successful couple develops, Scorpio will take care of his beloved and do everything to make this person the happiest. At the same time, Scorpio will only look in his direction - he is monogamous, and does not accept entertainment on the side.

Video: SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read a detailed description of Scorpio.


Sagittarius in love expresses his feelings vividly and does it in understandable form. He is passionate and wants to possess his beloved person, not always taking into account his opinion. The representative of this zodiac sign puts his desire above the feelings of his beloved. He can act to some extent even tactlessly, rush things, demand an answer to the question of whether his sympathy is mutual. If there is no answer, Sagittarius will be offended to the core, and, quite likely, will break firewood, after which he will again attempt to get closer.

If Sagittarius love is mutual, the romance will be unforgettable and passionate. Sagittarius is able to give the most vivid emotions and impressions, but in return requires the same. The sluggish development of events will cool him down and push him to search for new relationships with a more active person.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Read more about Sagittarius.


Capricorn, rather, does not fall in love, but is fond of those people who are interesting to him not only from a romantic point of view. They have both passion and the ability to experience strong feelings, but this is not always enough for a relationship. Capricorn should be primarily interested in a man or woman. He admires high level intelligence, a serious attitude of a loved one to family values ​​​​and practicality. Relationships for the sake of relationships, or an easy, non-committal romance, Capricorn needs the least.

If Capricorn is in love and wants to know about the attitude of a loved one towards himself, he will start a conversation on a neutral topic, smoothly flowing to the topic of relationships. Everything he needs to know, he will find out, and then he will act according to the circumstances. Most likely, he will be the initiator of the rapprochement.

Video: CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Capricorn.


Having fallen in love, Aquarius rejoices like a child, and this is noticeable to everyone who surrounds him. This person lives with emotions and needs bright events, so he will not hide his feelings under any circumstances. For example, if the object of his passion does not have feelings for him, or is married, Aquarius will turn a blind eye to this. He believes that love is above all, and new life you can start at any time.

Becoming the initiator of the beginning of a relationship for Aquarius is easy, but the first step may not be followed by further actions. Even if it is the representative who is more interested in an alliance with a loved one air sign of the zodiac, he will act as if he reciprocates. For this reason, the love unions of Aquarius very often break up before they start.

Video: AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more characteristics of Aquarius.


Pisces in love tend to fall into dreams, mentally endowing the beloved with non-existent virtues. This often leads to frustration with closer communication. They themselves usually do not initiate relationships, but do everything to attract attention. The behavior of Pisces is often so extravagant that their lover is not able to understand what exactly is expected of him.

If there is no reciprocity, Pisces will suffer in silence. If the couple develops, then they will literally dissolve in the interests of their loved one. Pisces will do anything to become him best friend, will treat him carefully and tactfully, being afraid to offend with a careless word or gesture.

Unfortunately, Pisces often cool down to the object of their passion as soon as the relationship becomes closer. They are prone to illusions, and reality and unjustified hopes often disappoint them.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Pisces.

Aries man. Lights up instantly, like gunpowder from a match, and immediately proceeds to action. As soon as he decides that he is in love, he will not be at all embarrassed, he will immediately inform the object of his passion about this. Refusal to accept he is simply not ready!

The girl who aroused his interest, Aries will have fun telling stories about his courage and invincibility, toughness and wealth. If he arouses your sympathy in return - agree without hesitation, because he does not offer twice.

Aries simply do not notice obstacles in love, but if they appear, they will try to take them head-on from a running start. The love of Aries is swift, even, perhaps, centripetal, because if it is unrequited, then he will not suffer, but will quickly be comforted elsewhere.

Aries woman. This self-confident lady is also likely to make the first move. These secular conventions - they only waste precious time, don't they? Although in fact, she simply does not know how to endure at all and wants to get everything immediately.

If she sees that there is no reciprocity, then she does not give up right away. She will try everything from miniskirts to visits to fortune tellers. At the same time, her assertiveness will be like a tsunami, and her energy will be enough for a small atomic reactor. She wasn't used to sitting back and sighing!

How to know if she likes you? Just ask her - not only will she not evade, but she will also be delighted with such a chance. And then - be prepared to fall headlong into the whirlpool of her feelings.

Taurus man. He will try to entertain the girl he is interested in, and even better - to make her laugh. At the same time, his jokes may be known to you for a long time, and the “beard” of his jokes will make Hottabych burst with envy. But - laugh, laugh at ease and coquettishly, of course, if you like Taurus.

These men know how to care in the best traditions. He will take you to the cinema and restaurants, give you flowers and sweets, invite you to exhibitions and various events. By the way, the more money he spends on you, the more weight you have in his eyes.

If you are sure that you are making a suitable couple with him, and the “candy-flower period” has dragged on for a long time, then try to take matters into your own hands and just start trying on wedding rings with him.

Taurus woman. This fashionista will resort to traditional female tricks: perfume and cosmetics. Before meeting with her beloved, she even thinks over jewelry - which earrings will most favorably shade the whiteness of her neck? Which necklace will draw your eye to the neckline?

She will also admire your wit and outlook. It is possible that she will express her admiration not with words, but simply by listening carefully to you with an enthusiastic look. In addition, she will feed you the most delicious dinners, her best homemade food.

If a man hesitates to propose, Chick is quite capable of provoking him or calling him to straight Talk. If you're not going to marry her, it's best not to waste her time.

Gemini man. He will obsessively pursue the object of his love, not being able to tear himself away from him for a minute. If he likes you, then be prepared to meet him absolutely everywhere: both in the office corridor and on the sites where you visit. You occupy all his thoughts, and he simply does not control himself: call every half an hour, write joking sms or e-mails.

However, do not flatter yourself, the Gemini man is inclined to invent his love and put it on a pedestal. It is very possible that he likes those traits in you that you do not possess at all.

As for marriage with a Gemini - this is generally separate story, a whole technology that will require a whole plan of thoughtful actions.

Gemini woman. She will chatter incessantly, giving you tons of information - useful and useless. With her broadest horizons, you will definitely have common hobbies, and you will experience amazing adventures with her. She will prove to you like twice two that you have a lot in common, and that this is not accidental.

Geminis absolutely love telephone conversations, but when they are in love, it is not possible to tear them off the phone at all. Get ready that she can call you back at any time of the day to ask what, and most importantly, with whom, you are doing.

She will introduce you to her friends and expect the same from you. It may be hard for you to be alone with her - after all, there are always only people around! But it seems to her that the main thing is to have fun, and everything else .. can wait.

Cancer man. family and family values are just under the auspices of this sign. Therefore, in front of the girl he likes, Cancer will want to demonstrate his best qualities - nepotism, practicality, experience, loyalty.

He also wants to make sure that the chosen one shares his views. And long conversations will begin in the kitchens, in which he will carefully but thoroughly try to find out your views on the family, children, housekeeping.

However, he is in no hurry to make a confession or offer. He can beat around the bush for years. How to check that he is in love? Ask him for some favor, not entirely trifling. By the speed with which he rushes to do it, you can judge his feelings for you.

Cancer Woman. You can guess how she feels if she starts...feeding you. And first-class home-cooked food. Cookies, cakes and even meatballs - it's all for a reason. Thrifty Raquinha will not spend time or money on men who are indifferent to her.

However, she does not dare to talk about her feelings. She will sigh, smile, cast languid or admiring glances at you, and sigh again. The Cancer Woman will surround her chosen one with all kinds of care, she will take an interest in whether the scarf warms you enough, if you are sick. She will also be sensitive to changes in your mood.

If she decides that you do not appreciate her attention, she will become cold and aloof. She still loves you, it's just a way to protect her. Therefore, if it seems to you that the Cancer woman does not like you, try to figure out what is really behind this.

Leo man. You don't have to guess here. With his brilliant courtship, Leo will make it clear that he cares about you. Other fans simply will not look against the background of such a gallant gentleman, and they themselves prefer to retreat.

He will try to appear before you as a chic man who does not have problems and does not count money. Expensive gifts and the best restaurants, beautiful gestures and noble deeds - all this he will theatrically throw at your feet.

By the way, at the same time, he can get into debt up to his ears. Your task is to stop him in time. Otherwise, after the wedding, you may find that you will have to repay the accumulated loans for many more years.

Leo Woman. As the queen allows her page to carry a train behind her and serve glasses of wine, so the Lioness will show you condescending signs of attention. You will notice that she looks at you in a special way, distinguishes you from the crowd and does not mind the initiative on your part.

In company, she will put you in a favorable light, telling stories about your strength and nobility. It can help you move up or raise your authority - after all, the higher your status, the more attractive you are in her eyes.

She will never ask, but she can hint. For example, that it is already too dark outside. You should immediately offer to conduct it. If she agrees, then you are the lucky one on whom the rays of her precious attention fell.

Virgo man. He is in no hurry to open his feelings not only to the chosen one, but even to himself. For quite a long time, he will secretly glance at you and decide whether you suit him from all sides or not. He will collect information, maybe even ask your mutual friends about it.

Not limited only to information, he will try to hold as many joint events with you as possible in order to see you in action. Are you really who you say you are? Are you really perfection itself?

As soon as he is convinced of this and makes an internal decision, he will not hide in front of you and will make a confession or immediately offer a hand and heart. Being turned away, he will still court you gallantly for several years, hoping that you will get to know him better and change your mind.

Virgo woman. You can never tell from it how it really relates to a person. Moderation, nobility, correctness - she will adhere to such behavior both with the object of her love and with her worst enemy. At the same time, she is well aware that she is in love with you, she simply cannot break through the wall of her own restraint.

It is useless to ask her directly, you can even run into a moralistic rebuke. Just take the first step - tell her a compliment or invite her to an inexpensive but cozy cafe.

If you are really in love and want a serious relationship, you can go for broke - give her an expensive gift. Let it be Golden ring or a bracelet. If she accepts it, be sure she is yours.

Libra man. He finds pleasure in the courtship itself and is in no hurry to move on to the next part. Being a secular gentleman, Libra can show you signs of attention just like that, out of love for art.

It is not easy to figure out who he favors. Most likely, he himself is not entirely sure about this. You will have to take decisive action and "push" the situation. However, be careful not to overdo it: too assertive ladies can push him away.

In addition, Libra is afraid to take on any obligations. Try not to demand anything from him in an orderly manner, but simply allow events to develop as if in a natural course. According to your scenario, of course.

Libra woman. The Libra constellation governs marriage, and if the Libra man is simply not averse to being dragged into the marriage network, then the Libra woman will constantly focus only on this. She considers every man she meets as a potential spouse, and then either rejects him or puts him on her list.

If, in her opinion, you cannot become a suitable husband for her, then she simply will not fall in love with you. Well, if the scales have tipped in your favor, then hold on.

Balancing between seduction and insecurity, the Libra woman will focus her mathematical mind on one task - how to get you. She will use all her diplomatic skill, all her tact and charm, so that you will be the first to confess to her, and she just agreed to your proposal.

Scorpio man. His love is so captivating that you won't have a single chance to escape. If he chose you, then you will immediately know about it. His gaze will beckon, promise, seduce - and you will be attracted like a magnet.

Scorpio man always good psychologist and knows a lot beautiful words. He will give you non-banal compliments, talk about fate and destiny.

He is a great owner, and from the very beginning will act as if you belong to him completely. In addition, he is used to winning and getting his way, and in the shortest possible time. Therefore, do not be surprised if you give him a kiss on the day you meet.

Scorpio woman. She is admired strong men and worthy opponents. With a frank hint or a defiant act, she can challenge you. If you are afraid to answer it, then you will lose all interest for her.

If you are too timid, she will stop respecting you. At the same time, if she doesn't like you, then her no really means no. So it's easy to find out about the feelings of a Scorpio woman - try kissing her, for starters, of course, on the cheek.

There is also a second way. Tell her, looking intently into her eyes: "You are mine!". If before that you were simply not indifferent to her, now you will definitely conquer her forever.

Sagittarius man. He will constantly spin around the object of his love, getting caught at every turn and smiling from ear to ear. In a fit of feelings, he is "carried" even against his will. He can chatter incessantly, striking you with his erudition and memory.

At the same time, he can suddenly blurt out something like: “I adore you!” Or “Marry me!” and stare at you with shining eyes. If you have reciprocal feelings for him, it is better to take a moment and agree as soon as possible - who knows how long Streltsov's love will last.

Rejection only provokes the resilient Sagittarius. Succumbing to excitement, he will try all means to achieve victory. Unless, of course, in the process you do not look at a pretty face - and then all over again!

How to fall in love different signs zodiac? This question is usually asked by someone who this moment experiencing wonderful feeling love. This magical period makes you commit rash acts and make rash decisions.

Unfortunately, not everyone wants to talk about their feelings to the object of adoration, preferring to remain in the shadows. Perhaps this is due to shyness or pride, a kind of upbringing or principles. Or maybe the lovers are just waiting for the right moment?

How to expose a person who has known the wonderful feeling of love? It's actually very simple. It is enough to turn to the stars. So let's find out how different zodiac signs fall in love?


Aries are ready for both love and sexual relations from the very beginning. early age. It is on this basis that they go through many domestic conflicts. Aries tend to fall in love at first sight.

When studying the question of how zodiac signs fall in love (Aries, in particular), it should be noted that no one can resist their passion. Quite often they are attracted to something forbidden. For this they are ready to give everything.

If the object of adoration does not reciprocate, the passion of Aries turns into an obsession, sometimes leading to terrible deeds. Fortunately, they quickly calm down and come to terms with reality.

Aries men love to show off their virtues. Women are a bit more reserved in this regard.

Aries are deeply devoted, but until the moment the relationship is colorful and vibrant. At the first sign of recurrence, they can drop everything and leave.

Quite often, Aries men perceive a woman as a sexual object. A more developed type wants to be a hero for his beloved and do real masculine deeds for her.


How do zodiac signs fall in love? Taurus has been dreaming of bright feelings since his youth. And when this happens, it is given to love completely. It can be stated with all certainty that best lover than a Taurus man cannot be found.

For them, feelings and desires are one and the same. Carried away by their love, they go to the very end, regardless of whether it is sweet or bitter. Neither discomfort, nor the opinion of others, nor inconvenience stops Taurus.

The sensitivity of Taurus knows no bounds. It manifests itself to a loved one in everything: smell, tone of voice, clothes, etc. Love of Taurus is very touching, tender. The feeling lasts a long time and is constantly directed towards something new and unknown.

As a rule, representatives of this sign want to fully own their beloved and belong to her to the end. If real life does not correspond to their ideal, go through burning jealousy, which in rare cases leads to suicide.

Taurus women crave worship and expect constant confessions of feelings from their beloved. Having made sure of them, they become affectionate and balanced. They are happy to pamper their men in various ways.


Loving a Gemini man is a pleasure. Unless you surrender to the feeling with all passion. The representative of this sign has a spiritual nature peculiar only to him, with which he will under no circumstances share with any person.

Do not dramatize and complicate the relationship. It is better to treat everything with ease and calmness. When analyzing the question of how zodiac signs fall in love, it should be noted that Gemini men do not tolerate annoying and monotonous. They are the ones whose imagination needs to be stirred up with enviable constancy.

Gemini is quite changeable, so there is no need to protest against their basic quality, otherwise the likelihood that they will soon slam the door is huge.

When communicating with representatives of this sign, one should be lively and interesting, because Gemini distinguishes an intellectually developed partner. They always give preference not to outfits, but to a sharpened mind.

A Gemini man in love brings with him a sense of fearlessness and security from the outside world. He is always ready to help his chosen one in everything.

It should be noted that quite often representatives of this sign start an affair on the side. As a rule, this ends in failure.

The Gemini woman is quite unpredictable in love. After all, feelings for her are just a game. But the older she becomes, the more interesting communication with her. With the greatest force, a woman manifests herself in love. After all, feelings for her are the area where you can realize your femininity and complex nature. The Gemini woman is sentimental and romantic, smart and charming. No sign can compete with her in ingenuity in love. It will never be boring with her. Representatives of this sign should always be reminded of their presence and be prepared for regular mood swings.


He is one of the most sensitive and vulnerable signs. When analyzing the question of how the signs of the zodiac fall in love (Cancer is of interest to us now), you should know that these people can live the most colorful and most boring life.

Cancers are true romantics. They dream about ideal relationship. More often than not, imagination prevails over real experience. They are ideal in sex, but they need emotional nourishment from a partner. Cancers are waiting for exceptional feelings that understand, support and amaze. In response to this, they will give themselves completely.

Sometimes these romantics turn into tyrants. Mostly after disappointment in love. In this situation, they prefer to remain alone and dream.

Cancer men are devoted husbands and fathers who live only for the family. Others are tormented by riddles, capricious and wander from woman to woman. This type is in constant search his ideal, like a mother.

Both women and men are able to completely subjugate their partner. They are perfect if they feel needed.

a lion

How do zodiac signs fall in love? The Leo woman dreams of men putting her on a pedestal. She thinks she deserves it. Representatives of this sign try to marry a man of high status. For the sake of this, they may not marry for a long time, wanting to find the one. Love for them is a trump card in the game with life.

Leo men can be the most generous, generous admirers and lovers. They are very passionate, but not tender enough. Representatives of this sign want to find a woman who is worthy of themselves and their great romantic life. Leos just don't see themselves as rejected. On the other hand, a good compliment can throw it at a woman's feet.

For Leo, love is a kind of celebration. Their appetites are quite large, their desires are persistent, their pain is piercing. They do not see the point in inconstancy and doubt, so it is better not to get in the way of their feelings.

If Leo is rejected, he will never forgive himself for his choice. His anger is just devastating.

Both men and women prefer to decide between position in society and love in the direction of love.


If we talk about how the signs of the zodiac fall in love (Virgo, in particular), then it is worth noting that they have no natural instinct to do anything. Therefore, if their heart is caught, they prefer to hide in order to think. Virgos do not tolerate waiting and uncertainty. Passion for Virgos is a disease of the soul that only the mind can cure. They always analyze their feelings, trying to minimize them with the help of doubt, debate, reason, ridicule, etc.

Virgos are cold. They do not talk about their feelings, preferring to prove that they love not in words, but in deeds. As a rule, the emphasis in love is on the purity of relationships, sincerity, moral honesty, affection, chastity.

The most serious difficulties are encountered in initial stage relations. Virgos are prone to stiffness and awkwardness when it comes to confessing their feelings. They often miss their opportunities and return home alone, tormented by fiery desires. After that, they plunge into relationships that they are absolutely not interested in.


If we talk in detail about how the zodiac signs fall in love, then representatives of this “star category” need love union to feel perfect. Libras do not fall in love at first sight and are not enslaved by feelings. Representatives of this sign know how to get along with people and feel comfortable in society. This quality distinguishes them from other signs.

Libras are quite sentimental. They don't like to be gentle. They prefer to take into account the opinions of others contrary to their own interests. It is thanks to this quality that they often get married without feeling feelings for the chosen one.

Scales are accommodating, they know how to find mutual language with any person. Ready for anything, just not to be left alone and without communication.

Libra women are charming and gentle. They can get along with any man. They are ideal helpers who find their happiness in the success of their beloved. If they do not feel loved, they can look for sensuality on the side. Therefore, representatives of this sign need to regularly prove their love.

Men often expect the first step from a woman. If this does not happen, they feel rejected and unwanted.

There are no people more charming, adaptable and generous than representatives of this sign.

Both men and women often hesitate between two partners, considering both equally significant.


How do zodiac signs fall in love? Scorpio is a sensual, vulnerable nature, prone to excesses, including in relationships. It is as if he was created for his chosen one. The representative of this sign strives for it with all his being. A Scorpio will never allow defeat. He knows the value of his charm. He listens only to his heart. If for some reason the chosen one rejects him, continues to love her with all her heart, even being legally married.

Scorpio man does not show his feelings in public. He is rude, cruel and inconsiderate. Only being alone, is able to show true feelings. Jealousy and suspicion are the main qualities of Scorpions.

Representatives of this sign are partly witches. With some unknown feeling, they recognize their future chosen one. And he has no choice but to obey the seductress. The Scorpio woman is very jealous and does not like it when her chosen one is subject to the same feelings.


What else can you tell about how different zodiac signs fall in love? Sagittarius, as a rule, is looking for a partner who is much higher in status than him. For this, he is able to give all his passion.

Sagittarius men prefer comfort and coziness. They appreciate the atmosphere of luxury and lightness. They fall in love with women who not only put them on a pedestal, but also do excellent housework. They may be unfaithful, considering it a masculine nature. Often fall into fits of ardent jealousy, if they are answered in the same way. Sagittarians do not forgive betrayal, especially if it has become public. They do not like scandals, so they often try to avoid them.

Sagittarius women love to be worshiped and exalted. They fall in love with men who are able to repeat every minute about the beauty of the chosen one and her charm.

Both men and women prefer a partner who stands out from the environment. This may be a person of a different race or a different social environment.


Capricorns are very afraid to start a relationship, as the fear of being abandoned and alone is quite large. As a rule, representatives of this sign fall in love with honest and reliable people. Quite often, Capricorn men prefer women older than themselves, preferably with money, not capricious and calm. Appreciate accuracy and decency in the chosen one. They do not tolerate scandals and quarrels.

Capricorn women are quite hard-hearted. They do not like to run a household, preferring to make a career and achieve independence and independence. They fall in love with those men who regularly remind of their beauty, originality and sexuality.

If we analyze how the signs of the zodiac fall in love, then we can say about Capricorns that they suffer the least from unsuccessful relationships.


Emotionally, Aquarians are the most secretive. As a rule, the sensitivity of the representatives of this sign merges with the imagination. They love to dream about the unusual, especially at a young age. They prefer to surround themselves with a mystical halo, in which they imagine unrealizable dreams and hopes.

The trap for Aquarius is the thirst for prestige. The idea that life can easily hurt him, especially in love, is an illusion.

Often Aquarians avoid Serious relationships. Therefore, it is better not to discuss with them. future family and marriage. This can frighten off Aquarians, especially men. Relationships should be easy and relaxed. The main thing for the representatives of this sign is the time to get used to their chosen one and decide on feelings.

If we talk about how different zodiac signs fall in love, then it should be noted that Aquarius has the highest divorce rate. They prefer to give themselves to the company and friends than to the woman they love.

Representatives of this sign, as a rule, are intractable. They do not talk about their feelings and never listen to the opinions of others. Like men, they prefer freedom. They are feminine and sensitive. If men disappoint them, then their ardor decreases and may disappear altogether. But if a man decides to renew a relationship, then they will definitely meet him halfway.


How do zodiac signs fall in love? Pisces-men prefer to give their love to everyone without exception.

Women are very romantic and at the same time mystical nature. They are loyal enough, but not very submissive. They prefer to belong to one man and forever. There are those who do not reveal their feelings to anyone, preferring to remain in the shadows. There is no more complex heart than Pisces. It is mysterious, wide and incomprehensible. It is inhabited by constant impulses.

Pisces fall in love, as a rule, unexpectedly, and feelings grow gradually. They themselves are not sure where they started and where they ended. Pisces are able to maintain a platonic relationship for a long time and experience their passion all alone. They are not conquerors. They prefer to have their hearts wooed. They love when it is clearly visible that the chosen one is really in love. Pisces never fight an opponent. They prefer to give up, leave and look for other relationships. Pisces would rather make a heavy sacrifice than make a scene of jealousy.

The main difficulty of this sign is not knowing how to start a relationship and how to break it off. Are they always in doubt - to leave, leave or return? .. Pisces prefer to help in love. They often start relationships out of pity, but not to the detriment of themselves and their feelings. If they receive understanding, support from a partner, then a more accommodating, devoted and forgiving person cannot be found.

Good luck in love to all zodiac signs!
